Authority: A Lesson Learned Twice

Story by Faller on SoFurry

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#2 of Authority

Hey. The next part has arrived. Although there is less speech in this chapter, I think it is particularly intense. I will reveal a little more about Trish and her relationship with Johnny. I hope you enjoy it.

"Who was that?" Trish said as Johnny hung up. She could only see the side of his face as a devilish smirk washed over it. The look made Trish shiver, her neck hairs were on end, she was positively wracked with nervousness.

"Just some buddies of mine. They will be here soon. But in the mean time, you are going to be a choking slut." He turned to reveal himself just as hard as before his black head shined with the pre oozing from its tip, veins showed through his shaft, and his balls swung gracefully under him. Since inhaling her son's musk, the fox's pussy could not stop throbbing, and she felt more disgusted with herself by the second. The black stallion approached the kneeling fox, her ears were laid back, silently pleading for mercy.

"Now bitch, open up." Trish whimpered under her breath. Johnny felt her fear and helplessness, exactly how he wanted her. As her pleadings went unheard, she closed her eyes, tears now constantly falling from her eyes. She slowly opened her mouth, some of her salty tears dripping onto her tongue. Johnny licked his lips, his first real pleasuring was to begin, and he was aching to show his mother who was in charge.

He ran his hand up his length as the hole slowly opened before him. She had opened as wide as she could, and Johnny guided his cock to the wet orifice. He spared no time and plunged in, immediately gagging his mother's warm muzzle. His black meat pulsed in her grasp, Trish's body inadvertently doing the best to pleasure her dominator. She was audibly choking, wet sputtering sounds often rang from her throat, attempting to expel the invading cock.

"What's wrong mom? When I was a kid, I heard you gag on dad's cock all the time. You are out of practice slut." Tears streamed down her face, she was simply overwhelmed. The memories of her step-brother raping her, his musk so similar to her son's, made her body flail and pulse in excitement. But in her mind, she just kneeled, trying to believe it was all a dream. Johnny would not allow this. He pounded her into reality, his thick cock forced her out of denial. Her mind had to spend all its power to find time to breath in the few chances she was given. On top of that, she knew that any breath she took would be more of his torturous musk. Johnny was determined to make her blackout.

His goals were soon realized. Trish's eye's began to roll back, her muscles were going limp, her hearing was muffled, yet her body continued to beg for more. She feinted, only still kneeling for the fact she was speared on Johnny's dick. The stallion backed away, extracting his length from the limp body. She fell forward and Johnny could hear her lightly breathing now. As he stepped away he heard a knock in the door.

"Come on in guys." Four seniors walked into the door, the last one locking the door behind him. Brad, an arctic wolf and Johnny's main bro, laughed as he saw was on the floor.

"What did she do to incite this wrath?" he said quite eloquently.

"She was being a bitch. I wasn't going to take shit from my own mother."

Then Rob, a gray and black husky, said disappointed, "Aw man. You didn't ruin her already did you Johnny?"

"Nope. More like breaking her in."

"Good. Not much for sloppy seconds myself." Rob laughed.

"Dude, I have wanted to bust this bitch since the beginning of the year." said Brock, a tall, dark-brown bull who was about the same size as Johnny.

"Hold up a minute. I don't know about you, but I'm going to be the one in her pussy." snapped Jack, a tiger with a scar on the left side of his face. The taller bull walked up to the tiger and poked at his chest and laughed, "Oh hell no. That cunt is mine to fill."

The tiger hit off the finger and growled, "You always get the pussy you son of a bitch."

"And what are you gonna do about it Jack." He said smiling. Jack was ready to pounce before Johnny interrupted.

"Neither of you get it. I planted my flag there long before either of you two did."

The bull turned confused, "I thought you didn't bust her yet?" Jack smacked his hand to his forehead, "It's a figure of speech you dolt. Besides, it doesn't matter if I'm not getting it." Jack said shrugging.

Brock's head dropped disappointed, "Damn. I really wanted that pussy."

Brad patted him on the shoulder, "You can get it next time." He smiled. "So what is first on the list of humiliations." Brad said to Johnny eager to get started.

"I was thinking about a firing squad first."

Brad began to take off his shirt, "A fine place to start." The rest of them soon followed and began to strip down to nothing. Once everybody finished, Johnny walked over to Trish and pulled her off the ground. She gave her a good smack and her eyes flipped open and her face crumpled in pain. "On your knees." She got up on her knee's her mind looking around to see more furs in it, she gasped to see some of her students in the nude, their cocks dangling in front of them. She went white. Not only was she going to be raped by her son, but by his friends too. The rest of the group approached. The made a semi-circle in front of her and she whimpered in fear. The boys pulled at their cocks, straightening them out before attending to Trish.

She had never seen so much meat in one place. She began to cry and she looked over the four new cocks. Jack, the Tiger, had a nine inch cock that was thinner than Johnny's and the tip wasn't flarred. His pink skin held tightly to his meat and his balls dangled an inch or two below him. Rob, the husky, had a cock only slightly longer than Jack's, however it was wider across and his balls didn't swing from side to side much. Brock, the bull, had a rod nearly twice as thick as Rob's and toted a good eleven inches. Unlike Rob, his balls swung freely from his groin. Last of the new furs in the line was Brad, the arctic wolf, who had a twelve inch dick that was a little less thick than Johnny's and the tip not nearly as flared, and his balls clung close to his crotch. But it was hard to ignore his balls, as they were about as large as Johnny's. The boys had by now hardened and each stroked up their lengths.

Trish's sobs were now joined by the grunts and growls of the males pleasuring themselves. Trish could do nothing but stare at all the impressive lengths around her. How could have it come to this? When did Johnny become so spiteful as to do this to her? Trish knew he was traumatized by his father leaving them when he was only a young teenager. She loved her son. She reminded him so much of his father. How he is so strong and assertive. She was surprised to find herself blushing under her fur. "What am I thinking? He is my son. I can't love him in the same way. But...." she was thinking. Desperate to deny that she physically loved her son. She would never accept that. It was wrong.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Jack yelling out, "I can't hold out much longer. Are we going to do it at the same time?"

Johnny grunted, "Yeah. We are going to completely flood her." They went for ten more seconds before Johnny shouted out, "On three now. One. Two. Three!" At that three all five males orgasmed. Trish shut her eyes before the ropes of cum hit her face. The spooge went everywhere. It splashed onto her tits, and her stomach. It splattered on her forehead and on her lips. The musky smell of the seed engulfed her. Her senses were overwhelmed and the smell forever burned into her memory. Her face was covered in white that dribbled down onto the floor and her breasts.

The gang around her were all panting, recovering from the release. After Johnny had caught his breath. He kneeled down next to the sobbing fox, her watery tears dripping faster than the sticky cum. He reached down a hand and wiped the cum into it. He took most of it from around her eyes. She slowly squinted her tear-filled eyes open.

"Now open your mouth." He said very seriously. Her face crumpled and more tears flowed from her eyes, she managed to whimper out, "Please, don't do this to your own mother." She squinted out of blood-shot eyes and peered helplessly up at the stallion. He frowned and repeated, "Open your mouth." He said just as serious as before. Trish continued to sob. She composed herself enough, and her mouth slowly opened up, strings of cum between her lips. "Tongue too." Johnny said. It slowly came out and the back of her tongue brushed against the cum on her chin. He took his hand and pulled it down the length of her tongue. She cringed at the invading taste, and her body shivered.

"Swallow." The horse said. She closed her mouth and attempted to do as she was told. She struggled to ingest the strong seed and just barely managed to gulp it down. She groaned and sobbed as the spooge sunk into her belly. The horse took his hands now, and rubbed the cum into her face, soaking into her fur. He worked his way down and massaged all of the cum deep into her hair, marking her with the group scent.

He rose and pointed down to the floor, "Brad, make her clean up this mess. He smiled and walked over to Trish. He placed one paw behind her head and the other one around her paws. He pushed her face to the floor stopping an inch above it. "You heard him. Clean up the cum you spilled like a good little whore." She opened her eyes to the floor. Scattered drops of spooge dotted the floor, she sat there for a few seconds. Her tears dropped onto the floor, mixing with the cum. Brad pulled at her hair and growled, "I said lick."

She closed her eyes and licked the floor. She was there for five minutes just sobbing and licking up the cum off the only semi-clean floor. Johnny was busy maneuvering all of the desks in the class room around the walls facing forward. After had positioned all the desks he called to Brad, "Bring the bitch over here." He nodded and tugged at Trish, "Get up and move." She rose weakly, barely caring to walk. She was brought to the center of the room and dropped. Johnny walked over to the closet in the room and fumbled through it for a few seconds before extracting a video camera. He tossed it to Rob. "You take the video. Make sure to get some good shots."

He grumbled, not daring cross him and turned on the camcorder. While he fiddled with the camera, the pros got into position. They had done this to many an unfortunate ex-girlfriend of each of them, punishing them for acting up. Their terms for "acting up" were fairly strict. If you disobeyed the male, he brought all five guys to rape their girlfriend. Although some left each fur soon after the teaching, some girls actually chose to stay with their dominant mate. Take Brad for example, he had been going out with the same girl for two years. The rapes grew on her, she enjoyed the bereavement and the punishment, and she loved being penetrated everywhere. She wasn't a whore, she was actually a good girl that just happens to love rough sex. Each male was well acquainted with her and her body. They knew what she loved and what scared her, because over the years, they had raped her twice a week every week.

In a classic position for the gang, Jack and Brad laid on the floor their bodies meeting at each crotch, their dicks close, pointing straight up. Jack put his legs on top of Brads and their lengths were equal height. They held their hands up and balanced Trish as Johnny lowered her ass onto the dual dicks. Then Johnny kneeled down over Jack and positioned his cock at her pussy. Then Brock positioned himself kneeling above Trish and aimed his cock at her mouth. Trish looked around nervously as she was lowered onto the lengths, unprepared for the pain she was about to go through. She starting crying loudly and sobbing.

Johnny yelled over the wales, "Are we good to go?" Rob responded equally as loudly, "Yep. Bring on the heat." Trish suddenly froze as Brock's bull cock pointed right at her face. Electricity shot through her back when a pain in her ass shot up her spine. Jack and Brad had shoved their entire cocks into her bowels. She shuddered in pain, her ring being stretched beyond its limits by two big cocks. She yelled, tears bursting from her face in pain. Brock took that as his cue to go and shoved his entire length into the screaming vulpine's mouth.

Her muffled yells were barely audible through the thick member taken into her muzzle. Johnny then turned to his part and, unlike the others, slowly buried his cock in her hot folds. He pushed on with constant pressure, assured that he would fit his entire horse-hood into her. He hit her cervix, which expelled a muffled yelp over Trish's constant sobbing. He pressed in more, bursting through the barrier. Monumental pain and embarrassment flowed over her, only made worse when Rob spoke. "Take it out and let me give them an idea of what you are shoving into the bitch."

He grinned and pulled out quickly, his flared head tugging at Trish's insides. The cock came out glistening with Trish's fluid. Her body urged to be fucked out of instinct, and her mind had gave up after this, although she would still blush and cry, the only sounds she made were grunts shrugging off the pain and humiliation. Johnny revealed the pole to the camera. Rob nodded and Johnny pushed back into her, she only grunting in response. Then everybody started into motion. They were like a fine oiled machine.

Brock kept up her head and shoved his cock deep into her throat, varying its speed and intensity. As he pulled it out, the combination of pre and thick saliva oozed out of Trish's mouth. She just closed her eyes and cried, concentrating on finding the time to breath. Mean while, Jack and Brad were ravishing her ass and pleasuring themselves. As one fur would thrust up into Trish's bowels and the other would retract. They shoved into her like two pistons, extracting pleasure, not only from the tight environment around them, but the friction between their cocks, rubbing into each other.

Johnny was causing the same amount of pain to Trish as the two below her who pounded her ass. Everybody below Trish's waist could feel each others cocks thrusting plunging in and out of their respective holes, and her walls stretched to accommodate the enormous lengths. He was only one horse, but his cock was so enormous and long, that it equally made up for the two below Trish. He rubbed her folds raw, piercing her cervix time and time again. Apart from the piercing, his thick fared head constantly scraped the her insides, skin rippling under the pressure of the edge sliding through her silky lips.

Blood pumped through his member which throbbed with every heart beat. He held her legs up and pressed them together, further squeezing her pussy around the hot member. Had the voices inside of Trish not filtered through her accepting thoughts, she would have surly screamed in pain and pleasure, shedding tears of joy and anguish. She did not care anymore, she could not care for the good of her own health. She was pounded into, three forces fucking her in tandem, her body was balanced by the unrelenting pace. She had found inner piece in the rape, the realization of futile struggling fading from her mind. Deep in her soul she was in heaven. She was freed from what she thought was taboo, realizing that the gangbang worked her body in a way that no single cock could do. But she was to stubborn to ever admit she loved it, for fear that control of every other aspect of her life would be consumed by her son dominating her.

Though her mind had calmed, her body was inadvertently advancing the rape. Her ass undulated with every thrust of her son, her anal walls crushing the cocks within her, and her tongue forever massaging under the bull cock and licking out at the balls that swung and smacked against her chin. The sounds throughout the room intensified, each person barreling towards climax. The smacks of balls on Trish's chin sped up, the saliva dripping from the mouth making the wet sound even louder, the equally hard but muffled smacks of Johnny's balls under her pussy, the squishing noises emanating from Trish's pre-soaked throat and her pre flooded bowels.

Unbeknownst to Trish, she had already crashed through several intense orgasms, her body tensing harder with every repeated thrust. However, ther furs around her were fully aware of their impending orgasms. The first the cum was the tiger, Jack. He growled and roared while his cock pumped hot seed into Trish's battered ass. As he wound down, he kept his cock fully in her until his partner in crime came as well. Cum oozed out of the hole and over the two cocks as Brad's continued thrusts swished the creamy liquid through Trish.

Next was Brock who finished off in her mouth with short pumps and propelled shots of salty cum to Trish's stomach, filling it to the brim. He waited in the throat, giving Trish just enough room to breath. Then Brad erupted, shooting thick shots into the already filled ass. As a result, the spooge sprayed furiously around he and his partner's crotches. But since each cock stayed within her, the cum that drained onto their groins equally covered the gray ass surrounding the raw pucker. However, Johnny's stamina was fantastic. He continued for thirty seconds after Brad had cum. Eventually, orgasm flowed through his body, his crotch pressed tightly against Trish's ass, balls pulling to his body. The volume was awe-inspiring. Even the decidedly silent receiver of the cum gasped, the final act of incest hot in her loins.

She shed a tear for herself, knowing in her heart that she would never be the same strong person she was. She was broken, and for good reason. However, Johnny pumped still more cum into her. He twitched inside of his mother. Cum began to stream from the slit and Johnny pulled out, still ejaculating. He pumped his cock with his fist, three shots flying through the air and splattering on Trish's stomach. The entire group was panting, exhausted from the work. They all slowly began to withdraw from the fox's warm confines.

Brock slid out first, his half-flaccid cock covered with residue cum strands that continued to connect his cock with the muzzle. He then dismounted the vulpine along with Johnny. They both grabbed Trish and pulled her off of the dual cocks. She rose from the soft members that stretched as the still tight ass rose. When she was completely off, the cocks flopped over their respective stomachs and the two males got up. Rob turned off the camera and took out the SD-card, placing them both inside Trish's desk. He walked over to the closet and started to push things out of the way.

Brock released Trish and her feet hit the ground. Johnny held his hands and pushed her towards the closet. She submitted and walked, tears dropping onto the white speckled linoleum tile. Johnny pushed her into the spacious closet and she dropped to the floor. "Your humiliation has just begun. Tomorrow, you will truly pay for you disobedience." Johnny said forcefully and started closing the door. Trish just laid, tears dripping down her muzzle down to the tile her head rested on. Cum continued to leak from every orifice, pooling on the ground. The closet door locked and the classroom door slammed shut. Trish stared at the contents of a spilled box. Her gaze was set on one of the pictures that fell from the kicked container. A picture of Johnny smiling and holding a mother's day card. She wept throughout the night.

Well there it is. It spent a lot of time on this in a very busy week. Please show me if you liked it in some comments. I really want to hear from more people than some of my more regular commentators. If you have any ideas for some stories I could write or that you think I might be good at doing, give me a shout and I will seriously consider it. There will be one more part to finish up this story. Maybe even a follow up after it. Who knows. After these stories are finished I will likely return to Damn it. Hope to see your comments. Thank you.