A Learning Curve - Part Two

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#2 of A Learning Curve

Nick and Judy prepare to begin their assignment for the MBI, and continue to grow closer as they do so.

This story was written for Drewbermeister as part of their top tier Patreon reward for March 2019. It contains M/F sex and masturbation involving consenting adults, and takes place in the world of Zootopia. :3

A Learning Curve - Part Two

Another day of travel later, and as the light of the sun faded to the point where it was replaced once more by the glow of street-lamps, Judy's truck pulled into a small garage on the outskirts of Greenville.

"Evening, folks. What can I do for you?"

A portly badger in oil stained mechanic's coveralls strolled over to the truck and leaned up against the driver side door as Nick rolled the window down to greet her. When she saw the fox and rabbit, she did a slight double take which while subtle enough that most people not looking for such a reaction probably wouldn't have noticed, pretty much confirmed to the pair within that they were in the right place. Still though, Nick played along with the routine as planned out in their first briefings.

"Hey! We've been on the road for two days, and I just thought it would be prudent to get my oil and tyre pressures checked out before we go any further. A slice of blueberry pie too, if you've got it."

The badger smiled, nodded, and reached down to her tool-belt to unclip and raise to her muzzle an old, worn, paint stained walkie-talkie.

"We've got two customers here asking for oil, tyres and blueberry pie. What should I tell them?"

For a few seconds there was no response, and despite having read and listened to the briefing for this case a hundred times or more Judy and Nick still glanced at one another, ever so briefly wondering if perhaps they'd somehow ended up the wrong place or said the absolutely wrong thing. Then the walkie-talkie crackled to life within the badger's paw, and a coarse, slightly gravelly voice rang out through it.

"Tell them we hope they brought some whipped cream, and... welcome to Greenville, Officers Hopps and Wilde."

The fox and rabbit beamed, the badger chuckled and smiled at them more warmly and familiarly, and even as the supposed mechanic gestured for them to roll the truck into the garage itself she was already wandering away from them. She moved over to the side of the garage building's somewhat faded and exhaust stained stone interior, and as Nick drove the truck inside slowly and carefully the badger flipped a switch on the wall, followed by another. The first began to lower the shutters on the exterior door through which the truck had just driven, sealing them away inside and blocking out anyone's view of the truck, its occupants or anyone in the garage from the world beyond. The second switch meanwhile seemed to do nothing. At least, nothing until the badger tugged open an utterly imperceptible, now unlocked panel at the base of the switch-box, and revealed a now illuminated third switch which she flipped just moments later, turning the light glowing forth from it from red to green.

At the back of the garage, in front of Nick and Judy's weary but still curious eyes, a wooden door marked with two signs, one reading 'Restroom: Staff Only' and the other reading 'Out of Order' swung open. From within, not one, not two, but three suited figures stepped forward from what seemed in fact to be a rather lengthy, fluorescent light illuminated hallway beyond. A raccoon and a lemur flanked the far larger polar bear between them, and all three of them stepped forward towards Judy and Nick while off to the side the badger approached once more, in the midst of looping her own Mammalian Bureau of Investigations ID lanyard over her head. They took up position all alongside one another close to where the truck had pulled to a halt, and simply waited, legs parted and hands clasped behind their backs, as Nick and Judy slipped out of the car and moved towards them. Only then did the polar bear speak, her voice rough and somewhat haggard, but her eyes bright and her muzzle beaming as she addressed them face to face for the first time.

"Welcome to Greenville once again, Officers. And on behalf of myself, my colleagues and everyone in the MBI, thank you for agreeing to take part in this most important and sensitive case. I'm sure you're tired after your long trip, and I know you have a hotel room booked for tonight already, but before we let you get some rest and settle in here in our fine city, there's a couple of pieces of business we need to attend to. We have your temporary identities and some new background information we'd like for you to analyse and try to commit to memory. We have an updated profile on some of the people you're likely to interact with and where they fall on the hierarchy of the group we're hoping to take down with this operation. And... um, well, so as not to blind-side you with it later, we've had a few scheduling alterations come through the pipeline at the last minute. So, please be advised that while we really did plan on you having a couple of days to acclimatise and drill with us before starting your work, you may need to attend your first audition as early as... well... tomorrow morning."

Nick and Judy's eyes widened, and for all their earlier discussions of being extra professional in front of MBI officials they regarded one another with mutually uncontrolled, unrestrained surprise and embarrassment. By the time they looked back up at the polar bear there was no doubt she could see their suddenly and greatly heightened anxiety, but to her credit she made no attempt whatsoever to act as though their response was in any way unprofessional or otherwise unwarranted. Quite the contrary in fact.

"Please understand that if at any point this all gets too much for you, no-one will think anything less of you for requesting to be withdrawn from the assignment. This is a highly unorthodox situation already, and we only put forward this plan to your Chief of Police and to you two through him on the slightest chance that you would agree. All we ask is that if you do want to withdraw either now or at any other moment in the process, you try your very best to do so in a way that doesn't reveal your true identities to those involved. We can figure out other slower and less intimately direct ways to get involved in the suspects' business dealings so long as they don't realise they're under investigation. But, if they realise who you actually are, there's no way back. No way they couldn't know we're onto them. So, if you're going to have second thoughts, please try to keep that and the identities we've made up for you in mind. Okay?"

Once more the fox and rabbit regarded one another, sharing expressions and wordlessly conversing via eyes alone. Then yet again they turned their gaze back towards the polar bear, and as they stood simultaneously to attention and saluted the MBI agent, it was Judy who spoke up first.

"Officers Hopps and Wilde reporting for duty, Ma'am. We can do it. When the time comes, we'll be ready."

Nick nodded in agreement, and as he dropped his hand from its salutation, he slipped it into Judy's own with a gentle squeeze.

"Ditto. But, really... we won't let you down."

He let the sincerity of his words, of their shared affirmations linger in silence for a few moments, then chuckled and added.

"Now, about those secret identities. Could I put in a petition for the name Biff Longsteel, or, is that too much?"


It was 1AM by the time Judy and Nick got to their hotel, though thankfully the MBI, or rather an MBI agent posing as one of their cover identities had already phoned ahead to pre-pay for their room and excuse their immense lateness. Nevertheless as they got checked in under their new false names and trudged their way up to their hotel room, Nick could see Judy's mind working a mile a minute. Sure enough no sooner were they in the comfortable hotel room, much nicer quality than the motel even though that had been more than serviceable for its much more reasonable price, the fox watched as Judy began to root around in her rucksack and pull out the laptop with which the MBI had entrusted them. The laptop containing encrypted but to them accessible digital copies of all the information which had been shared with them back at the undercover field office within the garage.

The rabbit yawned loudly even as she typed in the lengthy and complex password which somehow she had already entirely committed to memory, and began to open up various files stored within to read over the details that the MBI had provided them yet again. Nick sighed and flopped face down onto the bed beside her, only then rolling onto his side and reaching out an arm to cuddle the rabbit from behind. She made no move to stop or discourage him, so he scooted a little closer and cuddled her a little more. Then some more. Then some more, until he was sitting behind Judy with his arms wrapped around her and his torso acting as a back-rest for the rabbit, legs curling around the outside of her own while he peered over her shoulder at the information through which Judy was slowly scrolling.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you, Carrots, it's pointless to cram the day before an exam. Especially if it's gonna mean you go into the exam exhausted."

He whispered gently after about ten minutes of seeing Judy's head start to bob in fatigue, only to spring back up again and almost headbutt him in the nose. Within his arms he felt Judy tremble as she yawned deeply once again, but a moment later she was whimpering and shaking her head.

"They did tell me that. But, they probably assumed I'd had the material for the exam for weeks beforehand, not that I'd just gotten it handed to me and read out for the first time a couple of hours before. Besides, I'm not even reading it for the audition tomorrow. We don't need to know any of this for that. I just... Nick!"

Judy frowned and turned to look in frustration at the fox as he reached out, grabbed the laptop, and pressed its lid shut right then and there even as Judy was reading it. He looked down at her without shame, and met her gaze firmly.

"Like you said, Judy, you're not even reading it for the audition tomorrow. So, why rush? We have potentially two months on this assignment. But, in order for any of that to matter, we need to get through this first audition tomorrow and actually make progress. Then, once we know we've got an in for the MBI, we can both start to research and memorise the more intricate details of the case. But until then, all we need to remember is our fake identities, and they have no idea that there's a criminal investigation of any sort going on. Do they?"

The rabbit pouted slightly, but shook her head.


Nick chuckled again, leaning forward slightly to kiss Judy between her ears.

"And even if Miss Annie Blossomfield is super nervous about her audition tomorrow, even if Mr Jack Brushwell is too, maybe getting some sleep would be the best thing they could do to help calm themselves down and prepare for going officially undercover for the first time."

Judy sighed, and leaned more firmly back against Nick's body, her own hands moving away from the laptop and taking hold of the fox's own arms to pull his hands away from the computer, drawing them both back around her midsection in a renewed cuddle. For almost a minute the two of them sat there in silence, and by the end of that minute Nick could feel his own eyelids growing heavy as though he could have simply flopped over onto his side, dragged Judy down with him and fallen asleep right then and there to the sensation of her warm body cuddled up within his arms. Thankfully though before he could surrender to his fatigue without the two of them having even shuffled under the covers, Judy pulled away from his embrace. Or rather, she did so for a few moments, actually turning herself around to face Nick before returning to his arms with her legs wrapping around his waist as his did so around hers, letting them press their foreheads together, Nick leaning much further forward of course, and regard one another as they snuggled.

"About the auditions tomorrow, Nick..."

Judy murmured, the slight catch in her voice almost reassuring to Nick as he too felt himself straining not to express just how anxious he really was about what they had to do the following day, several days sooner than had been planned and thus mentally prepared for.

"...I've just been thinking about it more and more, a-and... if they ask us to... um..."

Her voice trailed off as Nick cupped her face in one hand and gently lifted her gaze to meet his. They kissed softly, lips barely brushing before their heads came to rest together once more, and the fox whispered back to the woman he loved more and more with each passing day.

"You don't have to say it Judy. I understand how you feel, and I feel the same way. The idea of doing something, of having to perform for people when we've barely started to explore anything between ourselves privately, it's not easy. With the next few days I thought... well, I don't really know what I thought was going to happen before this morning at the motel, what we said to each other. But after that, I thought we'd at least have a chance to share something just between the two of us. But, like we said back at the MBI office, we can do it. Like you said; when the time comes, we'll be ready. I think you believed that, and I believe it too."

Judy whimpered softly, lifted her head once again and kissed Nick harder, a little deeper and more lengthily, more passionately than before. When their lips parted once again however, she shook her head as she breathlessly explained what was really worrying her to the fox.

"It's not that, Nick. I mean, I was worried about that too, and I thought that the next couple of days would give us that chance too. But, we at least have tonight. Just like we said at the motel. We have tonight. This room. This space and time together, alone. That really isn't what I meant though. What I meant was, something they said in the information briefing about how these auditions sometimes go. They barely brushed over it, but not because they were trying to hide it from us. At least, I don't think so. More because I think t-they thought we'd have already assumed it was the case. But, personally, I never thought about it before. I never considered that I... that we might have to... be with someone else."

Nick's eyes bulged, and he barely held back a yelp of confusion and frustration.

"Wait, what?"

Judy nodded, and gestured over her shoulder to the computer.

"Can I?"

She gave a half smile, unable to keep from teasing the fox even now.

"If I'm allowed to use the laptop right now, Mr Brushwell?"

Nick nodded, though he couldn't bring himself to do more than faintly smile back at Judy's teasing over his admittedly much more Geography teacher sounding fake name. He loosened his hold on the rabbit as she squirmed and shuffled around to sit on his lap facing away from him once again, and watched as Judy opened up and logged back into the laptop anew. A few moments later she was back to scanning through that same file, and it wasn't long before she'd highlighted a particular paragraph, looking nervously back over her shoulder at Nick as he read it, clearly having not taken in that information at all the first time it was explained to them by the folks at the MBI.

The fox read the information, then read it again. And again. And again. He definitely had no memory of hearing anyone discussing or even inferring that this was a possibility, and yet there it was in the background information document which had been clearly laid out to them back at the MBI building. Had he blocked it out? Had he just plain let his attention drift, or let fatigue briefly overcome him as they were mentioning it aloud? Had he been distracted, thinking of Judy and what he hoped they might share tonight right here in this hotel room? Whatever the reason he felt like cursing himself now for letting the information slip through his fingers, and resolved right then and there to never again tease the bunny for her diligent attentiveness in briefings.

"S-so, Nick?"

When Judy's voice spoke up again, now that he understood her question, he understood her reluctance to actually ask it. How could they possibly talk about such a possibility as the one now being laid out before them, when they themselves were still at such an early stage in the more physically intimate aspects of their own relationship? And yet, given the immediacy of the situation at hand, how could they not talk about it.

"If they ask. If t-tomorrow, at the audition, they want us to... to practice, to run through a part of the audition piece with someone else. Someone who isn't me and you. W-what do we say? What do we do?"

Nick thought about it. He really and truly thought about it, and then he thought about what to say as his answer. To tell Judy what the slick, smooth talker part of himself would have told her, or to tell her what she wanted to hear. Then again, what she wanted to hear was fairly obvious, given everything he had come to know about Judy since first meeting her. What she wanted, un-obfuscated and without doubt, was the truth. And thus the truth was precisely what he would give her.

"It would be hard, and... I'd only consider it if we promised each other that we'd be okay afterwards. That we'd work to make sure it didn't create any feelings of jealousy or frustration for whichever of us it was relevant to. But, with that being said? I... I'd stick with it, and do my best to see the assignment through. What do you think, Carrots?"

The rabbit smiled, a little scared, perhaps a little sad too, but overwhelmingly more grateful and glad to hear Nick's honest opinion. She nodded to him, and after taking a deep breath, she agreed.

"I would, too. For the sake of the case and all the people we might be keeping from getting caught up in bad situations in the future by bringing forward charges that the MBI can actually make stick. I'll do whatever it takes... so long as it won't hurt you to see me do it, Nick."

Smiling back at Judy with that same mixture of sincere gratitude and slight frustration at the fact they were even being faced with this choice, Nick nodded to the bunny in return. After that he closed his eyes for a few moments, and as they sat there together in silence with Judy's body still pressing gently back against Nick's torso while the soft hotel room bedding rested beneath them, Nick considered what practically their resolution to one another might mean. What they might actually have to do tomorrow to live up to this mutual promise they'd essentially just made, and how unfair it was that they were potentially going to be put into such a situation with strangers long before they had gotten to that same point themselves.

Although, even as he considered that last thought, it occurred to him that the night wasn't over yet, and that the very same morning it had been Judy who was so eager for them to share a bed again tonight, and perhaps even do more than discuss their intimate thoughts and self-pleasuring moments born of their passion for one another. His cheeks flushed crimson beneath his fur, and as he shuddered in nervous excitement so intense that Judy must surely have felt him do so, he swallowed thickly before addressing the beautiful bunny.

"There is... uh, I mean... don't feel pressured by this, Carrots, please. But, there is one thing that would make whatever we have to face tomorrow a little easier. At least, I think it would. For me, I mean."

Judy leaned forward and twisted her head and torso around in a way that allowed her to regard Nick vaguely face to face without actively turning around all the way and leaving his arms. She raised a curious eyebrow as she did indeed feel him squirming and saw the look on his face, and then her eyes widened, and a bashful but giddy whimper escaped her lips when even before Nick could find the words to express himself she felt his body starting to betray what he was attempting to express in an absolutely unmistakable way.

"It would be easier to do what needs to be done tomorrow, i-if... if I had something memorable to inspire my performance. Something to make sure that I'd be thinking about you the whole time. And... maybe to inspire some thoughts of a dumb fox in your head too, if you'd like."

A mere moment or so after Nick fell silent, he felt Judy pulling rather sharply away from him. For a split-second he despaired, and was fully prepared to fling himself headlong into a sincere apology for overstepping the boundaries and letting his libido get the better of him in what clearly wasn't a situation Judy had any interest in sexualising. Before the fox could start to lament and offer up his genuine sorrow at having potentially upset the rabbit though, he watched and realised that Judy wasn't pulling herself away from him in disgust or dismay. She was doing so eagerly, dragging herself to her feet and out of his arms so that she could turn, reach out her arms and take both of his hands into hers.


She murmured gently, playfully to the fox, tilting her head to one side and smiling as Nick followed the direction of the nod, eyes settling for a moment on the wall of their hotel room which adjoined the bathroom, utterly nonplussed for about a millisecond before reality dawned on him and he gave a desperate yelp of joy while springing to his own feet upon the bed.

"After travelling all day, I need another shower... just like the one I took this morning."

Judy continued as she began to lead Nick over the bed before together they hopped back down to ground level and proceeded towards the bathroom itself.

"And, I really hope that you need one too, Nick."

She murmured, passing the bathroom door briefly to lock their hotel room door from the inside, an act which itself drew a keening whine from the fox, before turning her gaze back to face him and letting her eyes dart downward to his rapidly tenting trousers. Judy blushed. She shivered. She looked up and met Nick's eyes as he stared at her in transfixed, awed elation and desire. Then finally she stepped through the bathroom door and pulled him in with her, extending one paw from its still darkened interior to switch the light on from outside. Then the door slammed shut, another layer of locks sealed the two of them away from the rest of the world, and for the first time in the slow, steadily advancing progress of their still fledgling relationship the fox and bunny felt their lover beginning to purposefully and passionately undress them.

Hearts pounded, ears twitched, breath escaped muzzles in hot, heavy pants and soft whimpers as trembling fingers fought to loosen buttons and belts and zips. There were moments during those few seconds spent undressing one another when both Nick and Judy thought that this was it. That there was no way they or their partner were possibly going to be able to resist the temptation of one another's bodies bared before them and that they were going to fuck right here, right now for the very first time. And, perhaps that would have been okay. Perhaps it would have been utterly incredible and the perfect, unexpected way for them to take that leap they had been so diligently and patiently waiting to take when the moment was right and they were both ready. But as Judy stood in just her panties and Nick in nothing more than his boxer shorts, both the mammals forced themselves to show restraint. They made it all too clear to their partner that they didn't want to hold back, and silently begged the one they loved to just give them an excuse, to beg to be fucked so that they could gleefully grant that request. Deep down though, they both knew they didn't want their first time to be here and now. That if it was, there was a fraction of a chance that they would spend the rest of their lives asking themselves whether or not they had gone into it solely because they knew it was good and right and what they wanted so very badly, or because they had felt pressured into it by the potential of this investigation.

"Oh, god Judy... y-you're beautiful..."

Nick growled softly as the rabbit took a few steps back from him and hooked her thumbs around the waistline of her underwear, watching the fox's crotch without shame as she drew the garment down her thighs and trembled as he squeezed his manhood through the fabric of his boxers.

"Show me, Nick. Please. Please show me. I... I want to see it."

The bunny moaned unabashedly in return as she stepped out of her underwear and half stumbled over to the bathtub-come-shower within the bathroom, thankfully a large enough bathtub and a broad enough shower-head that it wouldn't be an awkward case of the two of them dancing around one another just to share in the hot water. She scrambled up over the edge of the tub, flashing Nick the most glorious view of her own nether regions as she spread her legs wide to swing one up and over the bathtub's side, and never once broke line of sight with him and his underwear as she fumbled with the controls for the shower, turned it on and danced away again, squealing as a brief surge of cold water rushed forth before it began to warm up.

Standing in the tub as water of increasing warmth swirled around her fluffy toes, Judy quaked on the spot as Nick turned to face her, blushed, smiled at the look of pure elation and excitement upon the bunny's face, and tugged down his underwear. Judy's reaction was immediate, and so intense that it rather took the fox by surprise. He knew that Judy found him attractive, and it was hopefully pretty obvious to her that he thought she was utterly stunning too. But, when Nick exposed his cock and in fact his whole naked body to Judy for the first time, the squeal of pure delight she let loose and the way her hands immediately, truly shamelessly fell down between her legs to touch her pussy made the fox's face glow like an atomic reaction was taking place just below the surface of his skin.


Judy gasped as she found herself doing what even a handful of seconds ago she had been asking herself if she would be able to bring herself to do in front of the man she loved. Not just touch herself, but touch herself the way she liked to do so. Without hesitation. Without restraint. Deeply, passionately, utterly unabashedly. She whimpered in delight as Nick too scooted forward with a hand already wrapped around his cock, and clambered up to join her in the tub. Together they shuffled into the now warm water's flow face to face, and with footpaws touching, Judy leaning against the glass partition of the shower and Nick against the tiled wall opposite, they kept their eyes locked upon one another with a wild, unadulterated hunger as they began to masturbate both to the sight of and for their equally worked up, masturbating lover.

"Oh. Nick. You're... you're bigger than I imagined..."

The bunny gasped almost without thinking, her face burning hotter still as Nick's eyes widened and he actually grinned through his pleasure at the compliment, shifting one footpaw from beneath to atop one of her own and rubbing his toes affectionately against hers.

"Been imagining me, huh, Carrots? A-ahh... that's okay though. I admit, I've thought about you, about this, a lot. What you'd look like. What you'd sound like."

Trembling, blushing, rising up onto her tiptoes to arch her hips forward, spreading her thighs so she could part her outer lips with one hand half to show off to Nick, half to present a more open target for her thumb to attack her clit as two fingers plunged in and out at breakneck speed, Judy gasped and giggled and moaned in utter delight.

"Mmhh... hahhhhhyes... oh, ohhh god, and? Do I... ah, do I live up to your expectations?"

She was kidding of course, but Nick practically growled with the intensity of his response.

"God yes. Fuck, Judy. You have no idea how long I've wanted this. How many times I've jerked off just thinking about you touching yourself."

The bunny wailed and wriggled her own toes back against Nick in overwhelmed joy as she watched the shower water spraying off his cock as he pumped it faster and harder, each stroke culminating with him sliding his paw down the length of his cock with speed and force enough to effectively squeeze his rapidly swelling knot.

"Every week? Every day? T-tell me, Nick. Oh god. Please. Tell me."

Letting his hips buck, his now soaking wet tail thrashing from side to side between his legs and streaking the rest of the tub with water, Nick eagerly nodded, willing to say or do anything that made Judy react the way she was currently reacting, and do more of precisely what she was currently doing to herself.

"Every day, Carrots. And, I swear that isn't an exaggeration. I... I respect that we want to take things slow. I swear I do. I agree with it, I think it's right and good a-and smart to wait. But... every fucking day I can't help but imagine what it would be like to hear you cumming as you ride a dildo, o-or as I bury my face between your legs, or as I lay down on a bed with you, take you into my arms, and..."


Judy cut the fox off with a scream at the top of her lungs, shaking her head and staring at him wide eyed, feverishly pleading despite the fact that her fingers were still violently plunging in and out of herself.

"Nnnhhh... Nick, please... y-you can't. You can't say that, or... oh god. If you say it, I... I'll make it happen. I'll climb up you, and I'll bury your cock inside me right here, right now, no matter how much we know i-it'll be better if we take it day by day, till it's right."

The fox's eyes rolled in their sockets, and he groaned in longing as he fought back the supreme and genuine temptation to call Judy's bluff, and see if she really would fuck him if he talked about all the times he'd imagined it. Instead though, he growled in ecstasy and reassured his lover as best he could.

"Don't worry, I... I wouldn't change this for the world. Getting to stand here and watch you? Knowing that I'm gonna... ooh god, that I'm gonna see you cum, and you're gonna see what you do to me in return? Oh, Carrots. Judy. I... I'm not gonna last. I don't think I'm ever going to last too long, n-now that I have these images of you in my head."

Judy's eyes bulged, and a strangled croaking cry escaped her lips.

"You're... you're gonna cum, Nick?"

The fox whined, nodded, panted, and blushed as Judy let loose an even more desperate cry.

"Nnh... no, Nick. No, please. Don't nod. Say it. Ohh god, please y-you dumb, absolutely incredible fox... tell me that you're going to cum..."

Nick shuddered and curled his toes, feeling Judy doing the very same against his paws.

"If I do?"

He asked, praying, hoping he already knew the answer. Sure enough, Judy told him exactly what he was hoping to hear.

"Say it, Nick... and I'll cum. Tell me it's gonna happen. Tell me I can make it happen, and... I'll cum. I swear. I swear, nothing in the world could stop me."

The fox's eyes bulged, and he nodded deliriously with glee to the bunny before him, watching as her thighs quivered with such visible intensity that he could see the water particles being dislodged from upon their lush, soft fur, and her face took on the most beautifully overwhelmed and dazed, blissful expression. His free hand fell to his knot, and the rabbit's eyes grew even wider as he began to squeeze his knot and urgently massage the length of his shaft in unison.

"I... I'm gonna cum, Judy. And, oh god... Carrots, watching you cum is gonna be what makes me do it."

Judy's whole body convulsed, and she cried out in ragged, manic rapture.

"Oh, Nick!!"

It took all Nick's willpower not to drag the rabbit into his arms and hold her in that moment, and all Judy's willpower not to throw herself at Nick and start humping him, fucking him anyway.

"I love you, Judy."

Nick growled, and though Judy squeaked and whimpered and tried to return the same sentiment, all she heard escape her own lips was a single shrieking word.


The fox whimpered. He grinned. He fought with all his might to keep his eyes open and his mind focused, determined to drink in every sight, sound, sensation and scent filling the steamy, sex-scented bathroom as he saw Judy hanging on the brink of blissful oblivion; the same brink to which he was clinging as he felt their toes wriggle and rub against one another, revelling in even that limited but beautifully intimate contact as hot water splashed down all around them.

"Judy. Oh. Ohh fuck yesss... Judy! Ah. Ah. Please, cum with me. Oh god, please Judy. Please, please cum. Cum. Carrots, I... oh god. Oh god! Cum!"

A piercing wail echoed around the bathroom as Judy uncontrollably, unabashedly did precisely as Nick was begging. Her fingers dragged themselves free just in time for a surge of hot liquid to spray forth and drum down alongside the shower's water upon the porcelain interior of the tub, and she screamed again in pure ecstasy as the sight of Judy not only cumming but beginning to squirt before his very eyes drew an ear-splitting yelp from the fox as he tilted his own cock back just in time to hit the underside of his chin with the first, the second, and the third rapid fire shots of his cum. After that, the rest of their shared peak was lost to madness. To sweet, perfect, glorious madness as the pair gasped and whimpered and giggled and moaned and begged and screamed and grunted and howled and squeaked their way through their first orgasms together as a couple, and an intensity of pleasure and pure elation that surpassed not only their every solo masturbatory fantasy about a shared sex life, but a considerable proportion of far more intense and personal past sexual experiences with other partners.

"Nnnhnhhhannhhhh... Niiiiiiiiick!"

As incredibly potent and perfect as Nick believed his own orgasm watching Judy cum to be though, even he couldn't deny that the rabbit far surpassed him in terms of pure ecstasy. Even as he felt the motion of his hand on his cock starting to pick up that tension of his body starting to grow a little too sensitive, Judy was still crying out. Her fingers were working at herself once again, and as she let loose the almighty wail which accompanied her second consecutive orgasm, Nick released his cock just in time to catch her as she stood bolt upright for a moment, back arched and toes splayed, tossed her head back in a way that were it not for her ears would have led to her smashing her head into the shower's glass partition for sure, then promptly collapsed forward, trembling, gasping, quivering and still cumming into Nick's arms.

"Oh, Carrots..."

He dropped immediately to his knees, and held her. He didn't cradle her ass or slip a hand between her legs, or do anything to truly take this mutual masturbation session into the realms of something more than either of them had agreed to before the throes of pure euphoria blurred the lines of their desire. He just held her, cuddled her close to him as she buried her face in his neck while quaking, gasping and humping against her own hand. And when finally she was done, spent and coherent enough once again even in their now far more intense state of fatigue, he kissed her gently on the lips just once, whispered that he loved her, and then just let her lie her head down upon his shoulder once again, the two of them remaining there in a silent, unmoving haze of contentment and joy for almost thirty minutes.

By the time they rinsed off, parting from one another's arms and bashfully yet excitedly watching their lover's hands roam and wash themselves, they must have been in the shower together for at least three quarters of an hour. Still though they couldn't get enough contact between their naked bodies, and rather than picking two appropriately sized towels they selected the largest one in the room, easily large enough for a timber wolf to wrap themselves up in and thus more than big enough for a roll of both rabbit and fox entwined.

Perhaps then, given how freely they cavorted and kissed and blushed as they dried one another, it was no surprise that by the time they were actually ready to leave the bathroom, Nick was hard once again. No matter what they'd already shared though, Judy didn't move to touch him, and as they more quietly, bashfully exited the bathroom and padded over to the bed hand in hand, they gently moved the laptop and their bags aside from upon it, and crawled under the sheets next to one another, but still not overtly touching.

It was only when there were sheets covering their nakedness, and perhaps somewhat dampening their potentially resurgent desires simply by hiding the most clear evidence of their ongoing arousal, that Nick finally spoke.

"Should I... put on some underwear? I mean, if you want to snuggle, like last night."

Judy's face reddened, but she rolled over to face the fox as he did the same towards her.

"I want to snuggle. But... I don't want to put on clothes. Is that okay?"

A little too quickly, Nick growled his answer.

"God yes."

Judy giggled.

"If you're... if you're still hard, I don't mind if I... feel it, while we cuddle. Or, if you want to... a-again..."

Her cheeks burned crimson, and Nick whined in excitement as he almost reluctantly shook his head.

"I do. I mean, a part of me really, really does. But... Carrots, I... I'm exhausted. And, if we have our audition tomorrow, I... maybe I should, y'know... stay horny."

Judy's face grew hotter and redder still.

"You can still cuddle me, if you want. I don't mind feeling it. I... I'd like to feel it."

They shuffled closer. Closer. Arms encircled Judy, and before long hers wrapped around the fox as she buried her face in his chest. A muffled whimper escaped a few seconds later as a soft, breathy gasp of stimulation ruffled the rabbit's ears.

"Thank you for this, Nick. For... for showing me that I was ready for this. And, understanding t-that for some other stuff, it might take longer."

She whispered while still buried in his chest, gasping as he kissed the top of her head and immediately whispered back, clearly still able to hear every word.

"Thank you, Judy. I... I could do nothing but this with you for the rest of my life, and still be the luckiest person on the planet. Hell, I could just have this one experience, and nothing more than that for the rest of my life. Still true."

Nick swore he felt the rabbit's face get hotter against his chest, but it was his own face which burned when finally she drew back, and looked up at him, wincing slightly in the renewed light assailing her eyes until Nick reached out with one hand and turned it off by one of the bedside switches.

"It won't just be that once though, r-right?"

Judy whispered hopefully, playfully. She gasped, giggled, moaned softly as without a word or even a growl from Nick, his body gave her a clear, twitching answer as she felt something warm and wet dribble out over the fluff of her belly.

"Oh, Nick... I love you so much."

She whimpered in true, joyous elation.

"Goodnight, Carrots. I love you. I love you. I love you."

The fox whispered back amidst a string of tender kisses, able to think of no other words in that moment. Not just no other words to describe how he felt at the time, but nothing besides his love for the rabbit in his arms, period.

"I... Judy, I love you."

By Jeeves

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