Chapter Five

Story by LycanLore66 on SoFurry

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#6 of Sanctuary

Chapter Five of Fifteen

Ava stirred the next morning around 8am. She was cuddled between both of her sleeping wolves, safely tucked away from the world. They breathed softly together, almost in unison. Ava opened her eyes staring up at her ceiling. The morning after was always usually awkward for her. Hurrying to leave some stranger's house was the norm, used to the walk of shame back to her dorm but not this morning. She felt wonderful between her boys. For the first time in a very long time she felt normal.

She looked over to Jayden then back to Kayden. They looked so peaceful and happy it made her heart swell. Ava stretched out her limbs feeling a slight ping of soreness in her legs. It had been a very long time since she was picked up and fucked like that, and never had she slept with two males at the same time. Her most primal ache gone replaced with happiness.

Turning back towards Jayden she pushed on his chest and kissed his lips. He awoke instantly and grunted in surprise. Ava gave him a smile then turned to Kayden to wake him. She kissed Kayden and watched his eyes open.

"Good morning wolves."

Jayden ran his hand down her arm letting out a loud yawn. Kayden pushed himself up to sit beside her rubbing his messy hair. Ava could get used to waking up to them like this. Ava crawled over Kayden's body to get out of bed.

"Time to wake up."

Grabbing her towel, she could hear them both growling in approval at her naked body. Looking back over at them, they both had their lazy eyes locked on her, silent. She smiled and turned to them.

"I'm going to shower, I am a mess from last night."

"Are you hungry?"

Jayden asked, his voice full of sleep. Ava nodded and slung her towel over her shoulder. She watched them climb out of bed and stretch out their bodies. For the first time Ava saw them both as handsome male Lycans. Stark naked still, even at rest they were impressively large. She always knew they were packed with muscle and built like trucks, but seeing them fully exposed like this made her see them differently.

"I'll make us some breakfast."

Jayden said pulling his red shorts on, hiding away his package. Ava's eyes trailed to Kayden catching a glimpse of him before he put his own shorts on.

"That would be nice. Thanks Jay, you're so sweet."

"Only for you."

He replied with a smile. He came over and kissed her lips pulling her into his arms.


"That's perfect."

Jayden kissed her once more then left the room. Ava looked over at Kayden who gave her an evil smile. It sent chills racing up her spine.

"Good morning Alpha. How are you feeling?"

She felt herself blush and adjust the towel over her shoulder.

"Good, finally sated."

He came over to her and wrapped her up in his arms, his lips pressing against hers. Ava smiled against his lips allowing his tongue to stroke her own. He pulled away after a few moments gazing at her.

"You are beautiful Alpha. Far beyond what I thought."

"Kay stop."

Ava said with a laugh.

"You already slept with me. No need for the smooth talking."

"I am not smooth talking you. I am being honest and maybe flirting a little."

He gave her a kind smile and took her hand in his. Ava squeezed his hand looking up at his eyes.

"Did you have fun boy?"

A soft growl left him and he leaned in to kiss her again.

"Yes Alpha. Burying myself between your thighs is something I will never forget. You are so tight, so warm, so strong."

His growl grew deeper as he smoothed her hand down his bare chest.

"Took all I had not to explode as I slid into you for the first time."

Ava shuttered dragging her nails down his skin.

"You've wanted me for a while huh?"


He hissed.

"My own hand cannot compare to how you feel wrapped around me."

Ava's knees felt weak listening to him speak. A familiar warmth spreading through her body. She gazed up at him watching his eyes dance down her body.

"We will be doing this again Kay, I have no doubt."

His wicked smile appeared and he nodded.

"Yes Alpha. Anytime you want us just say the word."

She pulled him down and kissed his lips.

"Go help your brother. I will join you two soon."

Kayden nodded and left her room. Ava sighed heavily with a smile on her face. She felt amazing.


Ava showered then headed to her room to get dressed. As she went through the living room she saw Jayden and Kayden in her kitchen making breakfast together. They nudged and playfully growled at each other. Ava smiled shaking her head. They were always funny together.

Going into her room she got some clothes together to wear. Simple t-shirt, sweat pants, and her favorite hoodie. Turning towards her mirror she tied her hair back up off her neck. Then she noticed quite a few bite marks across the tops of her breasts. Leaning closer to the mirror she smiled and ran her fingers over the marks. Turning slightly she found more across her back and shoulders. Skillfully placed beneath the crest of her shirt, her smile grew. Ava usually hated when anyone she slept with left marks on her skin. A reminder of a crappy one night stand, but these marks made her feel amazing.

"Those boys..."

She mumbled looking at her back. Across both shoulders and a few just below the nape of her neck. At least they didn't mark her neck up, an obvious sign to others. Dressing quickly she went out to join her boys.

"Almost done."

Jayden said as she entered the living room. Kayden set the table then looked over at her.

"Are we talking a job soon?"

Ava smiled and came over to sit at the table.

"Yes, I know you two don't like sitting still for long, and I do like watching you two kill things."

"We are good at it."

Jayden said with a laugh. Kayden brought over a full plate of pancakes and set it before her.

"For you Alpha."

"Thank you hound. I always appreciate you two letting me eat first."

"You are our Alpha."

Kayden said with a smile.

"We will do anything and everything for you."

Ava took the fork he held out to her then watched him return to Jayden. She was happy nothing seemed to have changed between them. It felt like any other day of them over her dorm. Definitely made her feel better about agreeing to sleep with them. So worried that after they laid together like that everything would change. She loved their relationship.

"Do you two have anything to do today?"

They came both came over with their own plates and sat with her at the table. Jayden was first to answer her question.

"We have to call our mother. Other than that we have nothing to do."

"You two are so very exciting aren't you?"

Ava said sarcastically. Jayden chuckled shaking his head.

"We prefer it that way. Nice easy life, slow paced, and we get to kill things for money."

"Do what you love I guess."

Ava replied laughing. Kayden smiled staring down at his plate.

"That is a dangerous statement now, Alpha."

"Oh stop."

Ava tossed her napkin at him with a smile.

"Horn dog. Alright well, you two after breakfast can go call your mother, I'm going to check on jobs they got posted. See what kind of trouble we can get in to. Sound good?"

"Yes Alpha."

They said together. Ava gazed between the two of them.

"I love you boys. You know that right?"

She watched them both grow large smiles, their beautiful blue eyes sparkling with happiness.

"Yes Alpha. We know, we can tell."

Kayden said. Jayden nodded and reached out to touch her hand.

"We love you too."

"Good, finish eating and we can go."

"Yes Alpha."


Ava went to the Hub inside Sanctuary around 10am. The Hub was just a small counter in the corner of the common room. Manned by Jessie Sawyer an older Black Paw member who didn't go out on jobs anymore. She had retired but still wanted to stay within the group. She handed out jobs and handled payments.

"Morning Fox."

Jessie said as Ava approached. She had long black hair that always was tied back in a ponytail. Framing her round face and making her brown eyes look larger. Thin and small she looked like she couldn't hurt a fly, but held one of the top records for kills in the whole Sanctuary. Ava liked her she just talked way too much for her liking.

"Morning, I've come to see what jobs you have for groups."

Jessie turned to her computer screen saying.

"I forgot you partnered up with those two animals."

"They are my friends."

Ava said in a sigh. Tired of explaining this. Jessie nodded but didn't look away from her screen.

"Well there are three group jobs and four groups here now."

"One of us is just going to have wait."

Ava said leaning in on the counter. Jessie just looked over at her.

"You are the newest group, some may think that is unfair."

"Well they should have come here first then."

Ava replied with a shrug. Jessie was quiet for a few moments then nodded.

"Good point. Well, I have two assassinations and one intel gathering."

Jessie turned her screen around showing her the info.

"The hounds hate intel jobs."

Ava said shaking her head. Jessie leaned on the counter and stared at her.

"Because they can't kill anyone."


Ava ignored her tone scanning the computer screen with her eyes.

"We'll take the closer one, in Bari. I'm tired of dealing with jetlag."

"Alright, I'll have all the info we have sent over to your dorm."

"That'll be great thanks."

Jessie turned her screen back then said.

"How do you control those two?"


Was all Ava said. She turned and left the Hub to the common room shop. A computerized machine sold ammo, smaller weapons, medicine, as well as other supplies. Ava gazed at the screen picking out what ammo she knew they needed.

"Fox, nice to see you are still alive."

She turned finding Ricky strolling over to her. Ava studied him asking.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"The rabid animals you decided to be friends with."

He answered plainly. Ava was used to Ricky's hatred towards her boys but this morning for some reason his response made her angry. She glared at him and he held up his hands innocently.

"Whoa, a death stare."

"They are my friends and I trust them."

"Foolish but whatever."

Ricky shoved his hands into his pockets gazing at her.

"You three going on a job again?"

"Yes, over in Bari. They don't like being pent up for very long, and I swear if another snide comment comes out of your mouth..."

Ava growled glaring at him. Ricky shrugged his shoulders slowly.

"You have odd friends Fox. Just be careful. Me and Tara are leaving soon as well."

She kept her harsh eyes on him as she said.

"Be safe."


Ava returned to her dorm around noon, her bag full of ammo now. As she went to unlock her door it swung open. Jumping slightly in surprise she looked up and found Jayden smiling at her.

"Hey, we just got back. I made lunch."

Ava sighed but smiled at him.

"You two need to stop picking my lock. I'll just give you a key."

Jayden chuckled and pulled the door open letting her inside.

"It's more fun this way."

Ava set her bag down on the table and looked around for Kayden.

"He's showering in our dorm."

Jayden answered coming over to her side to go through the ammo. He looked over at her and smiled.

"Odd seeing only one of us isn't it?"

"A lot, yes. You two are joined at the hip most of the time. It's nice you are here with me though. I get lonely without you two. How is your mom?"

"Good. Misses us and you."

Jayden turned and met her eyes.

"Spent at least ten minutes telling us to make sure you are safe. Like we already don't."

Ava laughed and nudged his arm.

"Glad she still likes me. I got us a job but I wanted to wait for Kay to go over details."

Jayden nodded and sat down in one of her kitchen chairs.

"We trust in your judgement. You won't steer us wrong or pick something we hate."

"No intel. I know."

She reached out and gently touched his face.

"How you feeling today boy?"

He smiled against her palm, his eyes moving up to meet hers.

"Wonderful. Last night will forever remain one of my best memories."

"I'm sure that wasn't the first time you had ever shared a girl with your brother."

Ava rubbed his cheek with her thumb gazing at him. Jayden shrugged and said.

"First time I actually cared about the person. It's different with you. You are not just some random fuck to get my rocks off."

She was surprised by his words. His usual reserve seemed to be slipping. Jayden stood up out of her reach and closed the space between them.

"I actually cared if you finished too, in fact it was my main goal."

"Well safe to say you achieved that goal."

Ava slid her hand up under his shirt dragging her nails across skin. Jayden let out a soft sigh and his hand moved to her waist.

"You are not sore or anything right?"

"I was a bit but it has been a while since I was..."

Ava paused to dig her nails into his skin.

"Used like that."

She felt a chill race through his body as a soft growl left him. He leaned down and kissed her lips.

"You are strong. Stronger than most we have laid with. Handled our attack quiet well."

She giggled and pushed his chest playfully.

"Sly dog you. You said you made lunch?"

"I did."

He pulled a chair out for her then went over to the counter.

"Just sandwiches."

"You are so sweet Jay."

Ava patted his hip as he set her plate down in front of her.

"You will make someone a very happy life-mate one day."

He settled beside her his eyes shy.

"I probably won't ever have my own life-mate. I'm too aggressive for that and I could never trust someone that deeply."

"Don't talk like that."

Ava reached out and touched his arm.

"You deal with me very well. I'm sure one day a girl will catch your eye and you'll fall head over heels in love with her."

"I...I don't...don't know if I would ever be able to leave my brother's side."

His hands fidgeted in his lap as he stuttered his words out.

"We've been together, side by side, for one hundred and seventy years...I have never spent more than a few hours away from him. If I were to ever get a life-mate I am sure they would not be alright with having both of us around all the time. And on top of that what if he finds someone. We can't live together and have mates at the same time."

"You'd pick Kay over your life-mate?"

Ava asked, watching him struggle with his words. Jayden raised his head and met her eyes. He looked a bit off, sad almost.

"Yes. He means everything to me, as much as I hate to admit it...he is my older brother. If it meant that I would have to leave his side I would never take anyone as my mate."

"You two are so different than any other siblings I have ever met."

Ava spoke softly, her hand running up and down his arm. Trying to sooth him.

"In a good way. I'm sure it makes your mother proud."

He nodded and Ava patted his arm.

"Eat boy, Kayden will return soon and we can go over our new job."

Jayden nodded and leaned over to kiss her cheek.

"I still like when you call us that. We love being your boys."

Ava smiled and held her hand on her cheek.

"Are you two really one seventy now? Getting up there."

"Yes, we are still young compared to some of our kind."

"I won't start calling you grandpa until well into the hundreds."

"We'd rather be your boys."

"Well, I love my big boys."

Jayden damn near blushed and looked back at his plate, a huge smile on his handsome face.

"We love you too, in our own sick twisted way."

"I prefer it that way."


Kayden returned soon after Ava and Jayden finished their lunch. Ava stood up from the table to greet him.


He came over to her and put his arms around her.

"Hello Alpha. Did you miss me?"

She nodded and hugged him.

"Of course boy. I got us a job, we've been waiting for you so we can discuss details."

Kayden kissed her cheek then settled next to his brother. Jayden nudged him and let out a few grunts. Kayden smiled at him then nodded.

"Before we start Alpha, we were wondering if we could stay with you again tonight."

Ava agreed and looked between the two of them.

"This language you two have between each other is interesting. Do you want to stay in my bed again?"

Jayden looked at Kayden who grunted and smiled.

"We would like not to have to go back to that cot. It is too far from you."

She agreed again and leaned back in her chair watching them.

"Of course not. It's too small for you two, I feel bad for having you two sleep there for so long."

"We told you that we don't mind."

Jayden said smiling at her.

"We have slept in worse places than an old cot."

"Well now the both of you can sleep beside me."

She said with a smile. Kayden nodded and let out a soft growl.

"That sounds perfect. But on to our job. We have business to discuss."

Ava pushed a file over to them and took one for herself.

"It's in Bari. There is a man named Lewis Law who is a part of a trafficking ring. He's on vacation there and we are going to take him out."

They both scanned the file flipping through pages. Kayden looked up at her and asked.

"Do you have a plan yet Alpha?"

She smiled and flipped a few pages in her file.

"Sort of. It's different than most."


He questioned. Ava nodded and sat back with a sigh.

"Getting close to Lewis is going to be difficult. He's an older human, more experienced than most."

"I will drag him out kicking and screaming."

Kayden growled. She smiled and reached out to hold his hand.

"I have an easier idea. He's fond of younger women. I can draw him out, get him alone."

"Draw him out?"

Jayden looked over at her, a puzzled expression on his face. Ava pushed another file over to them and said.

"He is fond of shorter girls, and has a thing for hazel eyes. I am what he wants. I can go make myself visible and draw him away from his guards to you two."

The twins looked at each other than stared at her.

"Wait like sleep with him?"

"Ew. No."

Ava laughed shaking her head.

"I would pretend to be interested in him and get him alone."

They looked at each other again then Jayden said.

"I hate getting messy..."

"Actually Jayden I had a different idea for you."

Ava gazed over at him, smiling.

"There are three bonus targets that are optional while we are there. They need to be taken out as publicly as possible. You and that big ass rifle you work so hard on are perfect for this. While I have Lewis distracted you can find them and kill them. Kayden can handle Lewis, he likes getting messy anyways. A total of 4 hits and if we do get the bonus our pay goes up by 5k."

Kayden looked at his brother who let out a few grunts then a soft growl. Kayden nodded and looked back to Ava.

"We follow your lead Alpha. Tell us what you want us to do."

"He's having a party day after tomorrow. I'm going to get into that party and use my amazing eye batting skills to swoon Lewis out to the courtyard."

Ava pointed down on the map within her file.

"Kay, you will wait in the courtyard for me and Lewis. Once we are far enough away from the house I'll give you a signal and you do what you do best."

"Eat them."

Kayden growled. Ava sighed heavily but smiled at him.

"I enjoy watching you disembowel more but do whatever you want. I'll leave that part up to you, boy."

He nodded and Ava turned to Jayden.

"Jay, you are going to find yourself a nice high and away spot. The three men will be at this party as well. Once I get Lewis outside and you get the signal I sent out, take them out. Once all targets are dead we will meet at our predetermined location and get back to our safe house. Questions?"

They shook their heads together studying the map. Ava nodded then said.

"Comments? Concerns?"

"None Alpha."

Kayden said smiling at her. Jayden agreed, smiling as well, he said.

"We trust you. You know our abilities and how to best use them. You know I hate getting messy like Kay."

"And you know I hate waiting like Jay."

Ava gave them more files and stood up from the table.

"I know you boys. I have for a long time. Study up now. I want you both to know the entire layout by dinner. We are going out."

They looked up at her and she smiled.

"Your treat?"

Jayden laughed leaning back in his seat as Kayden spoke with a smile in his voice.

"As always Alpha. Providing for you is one of our favorite things to do. Anywhere you wish we will go."

"Thank you hounds."

Ava came over and kissed Jayden's cheek.

"You two are amazing and I love you both."

She turned and kissed Kayden's cheek.

"Now read up. I'm going to do some laundry. We've leave around 4."

"Yes Alpha."

The said in unison turning back to the table. Ava was all smiles as she went off. She loved working with her boys full time.


4pm rolled around and Ava was just returning from finishing her laundry. She kicked her door closed behind her looking over at her table. The twins still sat there reading together, silent. She went into her room to set her hamper down. Hearing Jayden call to her, she came back out.

"Are we leaving soon?"

He asked looking over at her. Ava nodded, leaning out her room.

"Soonish. I want to put these clothes away and you two have to go back to your dorm for clothes. Why?"

Kayden's eyes raised to hers and she watched his mouth curl into a wicked smile. Jayden as well let out a low growl staring. Her hair instantly stood on end and her mouth went dry. That familiar ache starting to churn her insides. They wanted her again.

"Did you two study the files?"

"Yes Alpha."

"Know the whole layout of the house, plus the grounds?"

"Yes Alpha."

Ava gave them a sly smile then said.

"Are you going to be good boys tonight at dinner?"

They both stood from the table nodding.

"Always Alpha. We haven't attacked anyone without your word in a very long time now."

"True. Especially you Kay, I know it's you who starts it."

Ava came out into the living room and held her hands out to them.

"Come here wolves."

They of course came right over and each of them took her hand. She smiled and gazed up at them.

"I think we should have some fun tonight. It is my choice when we do this, right?"


They both said. Ava nodded and squeezed their hands.

"Will you take care of your Alpha tonight?"

They leaned down and kissed her cheeks at the exact same time. She blushed furiously and couldn't help but let out a giggle. They smiled down at her then said together.

"It will be our pleasure."


Ava and her twins went to the Dot for dinner. They got inside and Ava found Brenton leaning against his desk.

"Fox and the hounds."

He said looking up from his phone.

"More jetlag?"

"No, actual dinner tonight."

Ava replied with a smile. Brenton nodded and lead them down stairs.

"Usual table?"

"Yeah, you know how they like to people watch."

"Of course."

Ava sat at her usual table in the corner with her boys. They scanned the room as always taking in their surroundings. Ava opened her menu and said.

"Relax boys. We are among kin here. No one is going to just surprise us with an attack."

"We must keep you safe Alpha."

Kayden said looking over at her.

"From any and all threats. Even our own kind."

Ava sighed and peered over her menu at him. He met her eyes and said.

"Once we are out of Sanctuary we are always on high alert. Even Jay, he just hides it better."

"How about we enjoy ourselves and actually act like we are on a date."

Ava said putting her menu down. She looked between them then said slyly.

"You two going to show me a good time?"

Jayden nodded with a smile on his face, he looked happy.

"Yes, always. It's a date."

"Good, pick what you want and nothing expensive."

She smiled at them.

"That's my job."

Kayden chuckled finally relaxing. His shoulders not so tense.

"Of course Alpha. We make enough money now to support your expensive tastes."

"One reason I let you two team up with me."

Ava retorted. Jayden laughed with his brother then said.

"One reason we asked you."

They laughed, talked, and ate together well into the evening. Ava was enjoying herself. First time in a long time she had been on anything close to a date. Easier to just take what she wanted from men than to go through the old "song and dance" of dating. This was a welcome change.

The hour drew later and Ava was being to get weary. The twins must have sensed it or something. As soon as she took a breath to ask them Jayden spoke up.

"We should get going."

"I am growing tired of being around people."

Kayden added. Ava smiled at them, they were the best.

"Mr. Antisocial over here."

"You are too."

Jayden said with a playful laugh. Ava giggled and waved to Brenton.

"Not the point boy. I'm the Alpha. I am allowed to be."

Brenton came over and smiled at them.

"All done?"

"Yes, me and the hounds are getting tired. Plus it's about to get loud in here with the night owls stalking in."

Ava answered. Brenton nodded and pulled out his phone for them to pay.

"Alright, don't be strangers now. I go too long without seeing you three."

Kayden dug in his back pocket for his wallet as Ava said.

"We live under a bar Brenton."

"Mine's better."

He said with a shrug as Kayden handed over his card to pay. Ava crossed her arms then said.

"What's under your bar?"


Brenton waved his hand magically with a smile. Ava rolled her eyes as she smiled.

"Whatever. What you think hound? 30% tip?"

Kayden nodded. Brenton typed on his phone nodding his head in return.


Ava gazed over at Jayden as Brenton wrote them up. He busied himself packing up their extra food. He and his twin always fell silent when other people came around them. It was like a light switch was flipped. Between them laughing and joking with her, all smiles. To cold and harsh. Kayden's voice always sounded agitated and Jayden never spoke aloud to anyone. Only guttural vocal sounds. Asserting his dominance with just his perfect blue eyes. With them being so different with her, Ava found is almost odd to see them like this. Often forgetting they are feral and aggressive with anyone else. Reminded her why everyone always warned her about them.

"There you go."

Brenton sat the receipt down then said before leaving.

"Thanks again."

Ava stood up and grabbed her hoodie from behind her chair.

"Ready wolves?"

They stood nodding their heads. Ava lead them out of the Dot and back down the alley towards their truck. She heard them speaking between each other behind her in their stupid language. Ava threw a growl over her shoulder which just made Jayden laugh.

"It's not bad. We liked the food and had a great time with you."

"We go out all the time."

Ava grumbled walking up to the big truck. Kayden moved past her to open the back door for her with a smile on his face.

"Yes Alpha but this was a date. Our first technically in our own strange twisted way."

Jayden held out his hand to help her into the truck, smiling.

"And we had a great time. Alpha."

Ava blushed but slipped her hand into his.

"Thank you boys."

They piled into the truck and roared home. Ava's blood singing in her veins, this was nice.
