Chapter Eleven

Story by LycanLore66 on SoFurry

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#12 of Sanctuary

Chapter Eleven of Fifteen

Four days later Ava returned with her hounds to Sanctuary. Tired, beaten, and battered they made it. The twins went to the infirmary to get their wounds checked out while Ava decided to have a drink at the bar. She was perfectly healthy. Not a scratch on her.

Finally home she started to feel better.

"Beer please."

Bartender opened a bottle and handed it to her. She took a big swig then gave a heavy sigh.

"Rough job?"

She turned and found Ricky gazing at her. She sighed again and turned back to the bar.

"Yes. I am not in the mood to hear your crap right now Ricky. Please."

"I heard what happened."

Ricky sat beside her and met her eyes.

"They saved you."

"Of course they did."

Ava said sharply.

"They are my friends. I don't have a single scratch on me. They are covered in cuts and bruises."


Ricky held up a hand silencing her.

"I am here to say I am sorry. I'm not here to argue with you or anything. I am just going to say; I am glad you are okay, good to have you home, and tell them I said thank you."

Ava studied him taking another drink from her bottle.

"What's the catch?"

"No catch. Like you said, you don't have a single mark."

Ricky looked serious as he stared at her.

"I saw the pictures of the safe house. That explosion could have killed you but here you are. Drinking."

"I need this. Don't judge me."

"I'm not. Just...glad you are here."

He gave her a small smile then asked.

"Heard we have a mole?"

"Apparently. I'm too tired to care right now. I know I am safe here. Once I gather my thoughts we will help find them."

"Alright, I'll leave you be. Go rest Fox. You look like crap."


Ava murmured. She watched him leave and soon after she did as well. Ready to stay in her dorm all day.


*Twin's POV

After being patched up the twins headed straight for Ava's dorm. Jayden hurried to catch his brother and stopped him.


"I'm nervous to see her."

Kayden sighed and nudged him along.

"I warned you."

"I should have listened."

Jayden said shaking his head.

"Things are going to be weird now. I ruined it."

"Let's get changed and head back to her."

Kayden said glancing back at him.

"Let her know we are fine and will heal quickly."

"Good idea."


*Ava's POV

Ava finally was able to relax. She changed into her comfy clothes and flopped into her couch to watch TV. Anything to make her feel normal again. No sooner did she find a show to watch her door opened. Gazing over at it she smiled seeing her boys.

"Hey wolves. What's the prognosis?"

They came over and sat at each her sides as always. Already dressed in their shorts and t-shirts they must have just come from their dorm.

"We are fine. Nothing major just a few new scars to add to our collection."

Kayden answered moving beside her. He pulled her into his side and kissed her temple. Jayden pulled her legs into his lap and gently rubbed her knee in his palm. She smiled letting them take care of her.

"Glad you two are okay. I don't have a mark on me."

"The only marks we want laid on your skin are from us."

Kayden growled wrapping his arm around her body. Blushing she looked over at Jayden who gave her a kind smile.

"We like marking your skin."

"As do I boy."

Ava patted Kayden's arm then sat up between them.

"So, I think it's time we have a little chat."

Jayden tensed up and looked sharply away from her. Obvious he wasn't ready for this.

"Relax boy."

She patted his shoulder then turned to look at Kayden.

"Both of you. I need to talk to you about this because I am struggling to understand it."

"What is there to understand?"

Kayden asked. Ava looked back towards him then said.

"The fact that the both of you have told me manytimes how you would never find a mate, you were to wild for love, unable to feel it because you are too aggressive. When we started sleeping together you two went on and on about how it's not what you are looking for."

Jayden accidently ripped his shirt in his hands making Ava jump.

"Jesus Jay. Relax."

"I'm sorry."

He said shaking his head.

"This is so new to me...I've never been in love with someone before. I had to ask Kay if this is what it felt like. I had no idea."

Ava smiled and patted his knee.

"It's alright Jay. We are just talking it out right now. Relax."

He inhaled sharply then sighed the breath out. Nodding he met her eyes and asked.

"What will help you understand?"

Ava moved to the end table in front of them and looked between them both.

"I've known something is up with you two for a while now. I will be honest I had no idea that it would be you two falling in love with me. What makes you think you love me?"

"We don't think. We know."

Jayden replied.

"I've been more willing to talk about it than Kay."

Kayden let out a soft growl and glared at his brother.

"Because I know where I stand."

"And where do you stand boy?"

Ava asked looking over at him. Kayden met her eyes and she watched his face soften.

"At your side. Where I belong but I know my place. Could you imagine if we were to enter a relationship? The things people would say about you. I couldn't take hearing people around this place bash your name. I would just go back to randomly attacking people."

"And being with two males at the same time is...different."

Jayden added.

"And on top of that we are feral. You couldn't take us anywhere, couldn't show us off to your friends. What kind of relationship would that even be...?"

Ava nodded, eyes back to Kayden.

"Boy? You feel the same?"

"I just..."

Kayden sighed and took her hand in his.

"I know it's an unusual relationship and many will call us strange but...I-I still want you to know that I am falling in love with you."

Ava smiled and stood up off the table.

"Come with me boys. Right now."

They looked to each other then stood nodding.


Ava lead them into her room and shut the door behind them. They both looked confused but Ava had plans for them. She turned to them and said.

"It has been a very difficult few days I know you two have had a difficult time with your own emotions even longer. Let's lay down together and finish our conversation."

They nodded and Ava lead them into bed with her. Lying between them like she always did, this was where she felt safest. Between her boys.

"Alright so you go first Jayden. Tell me what you want."


He said softly. Ava laughed and touched his chest.

"I know that wolf. I meant do you want this? Something you riled against for a long time?"

"Yes, I am unsure about becoming mates though."

Jayden shook his head and growled.

"I still don't like the idea of being tied down like that. I just know for sure that I am in love with you, and hope...maybe one could love me back in this way."

"What about you Kayden?"

Ava asked turning to him. She met his eyes and watched him smile.

"I am not a family man nor someone who can find and hold down a mate but if I could get the chance to be your would make me the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. And I've killed Kings."

Ava giggled and hugged into his body. Jayden curled up behind her and slid his hand around her middle.

"What about you Alpha?"

She smiled and pressed into their bodies.

"What about me?"

"Could ever you love us that way?"

Kayden asked barely above a whisper. She lifted her head and looked between them. They both held their breath watching her, their eyes a mix between sadness and terror. Ava smiled at them then laid her head down back against Kayden's chest.

"I already do boys. I was unsure at first but I have never been more sure now. I am in love with you...the both of you."

Jayden's eyes welled with tears as Kayden hugged her tight to his body. Ava laughed and moved from his embrace.

"I don't care what other people think about me. I don't care how odd our relationship looks to other people. And I really don't care who tries to smear my name. If you two want this all you have to do is ask. But I want you both to ask for yourselves. Not each other."

"Can I belong to you Alpha?"

Jayden begged staring at her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kind smile.

"Yes wolf. I will gladly take ownership of you. You are all mine and I am all yours....well besides your brother obviously."

He smiled back and kissed her lips softly.

"Thank you Alpha."

"You are welcome wolf."

Ava turned to Kayden who smiled as their eyes met. She felt her cheeks turn red as she gazed up at him.

"What about you boy?"

"I want to be yours Alpha...and yours alone. Will you take me?"

She touched his strong face kindly and sighed happily.

"Yes boy. I'd love for you to be mine."

Kayden kissed her hand then said.

"Thank you Alpha."

Ava sat up away from them at the end of the bed and asked.

"So what do you want to change?"

"Nothing. We will remain your boys, or hounds, or whatever else you want to call us."

Jayden said shaking his head.

"We will follow your orders as always."

"Only difference now is I can sick you two on men who try and hit on me."

Ava gave them a sly smile.

"How dare they try to take what is yours."

Kayden let out a lustful growl as Jayden spoke.

"Give the order Alpha and even I will rip throats out for you."

"We will do anything for you Alpha. Just say the word."

Kayden added. Ava nodded and pulled her shirt over her head.


They both nodded staring at her now.


"How about making your female scream out your names?"

Ava growled tossing her sweatpants over Jayden's head. Kayden let out a low growl and said.

"That sounds perfect to me."

"Together Alpha?"

Jayden asked tossing her pants away. Ava nodded gazing between the two of them.

"Together. It has been rough for us lately, and we haven't fucked around in a long time. I need my boys...together."

They both growled deeply and knelt up in bed moving towards her.

"Can we care for you Alpha?"

"Yes boys...please."


Ava didn't wake until 11am the next day. She had spent hours the night before with her boys. Falling more and more in love with them with each passing second. She knew she loved them from the bottom of her heart before, but this was different. This was stronger, more defined, and wonderful feeling. She felt whole and alive now.

Waking up between her boys made her smile before her eyes were even open. Turning into Jayden's curled body she kissed him fiercely. Jayden grunted in surprise but didn't pull away. Ava growled against him forcing him to kiss her. He slipped his arm around her and returned her kiss, a soft moan leaving him.

"Well hello Alpha."

She bit his lip then pulled away to smile at him.

"Hello boy. My boy."

He got this huge smile on his face as he struggled to wake up.

"Yours...yes. Feeling better?"

"So much better."

Ava said nodding.

"I knew I felt something special for you two. God I am so in love with you."

Jayden let out another moan and moved to kiss her again. Ava was on cloud nine, she felt unstoppable. She made out with Jayden until he was fully awake. Ava tried to pull away but Jayden's hands held her still.

"Where are you going?"

"To wake up my other boy."

Ava whispered. She kissed him once more and smiled.

"You have breakfast...well I guess lunch to make."

Jayden sighed but smiled and nodded.

"Of course Alpha."

"Love you boy. We will have some fun by ourselves later on."

Ava crooned watching him get up. He chuckled and shoved his shorts on.


"Trust me, I promise."

Jayden gave her a smile then left to start food. Ava moved back next to Kayden and touched his side. She moved to attack him with a kiss but he must have been awake. He caught her midway and was atop her body in seconds. He growled deeply gazing down at her. Ava smiled wickedly up at him.

"Up already?"

"Waiting patiently for my turn."

He growled. Ava laughed and ran her hand down his chest.

"We are going to have an interesting life together boy. I hope you are ready."

"Yes, ready and willing as always, Alpha."

She pulled him down and kissed him deeply.

"Good boy. We have twenty minutes before food is done. Want to make out until then?"

"Can I go to second base?"

He growled. Ava laughed again as she nodded.

"Of course. I am yours."



1pm came and Ava was feeling so much better. Being home had finally set in and her boys were truly hers now. How could she have tried with anyone else. They had been there for her for years and helped her more than a handful of bad times. Nothing felt different between them, it was just like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. Able to do as she pleased with them now whenever she pleased felt amazing. Knowing they wouldn't go out searching for anyone else made her heart swell with pride. The two strongest Lycans she had ever met or known were hers. For good.

The twins left soon after 1pm. Jayden wanted to call their mother and tell her all the exciting news. Ava of course agreed that they could tell her and he never looked so happy.

Amidst all the happiness, the mole in Black Paw was still a danger and Ava wanted to find them and kill them. She held such anger towards whoever it was. How dare they try to hurt her boys like that. They were known for violence but it would be Ava who would unleash all hell upon the person who sold them out.

While the twins went to their dorm Ava went to meet with Ricky in the common room. She found him instantly, waiting at the Hub for Jessie. Coming over to him she waved.


"Afternoon Fox."

Ricky said with a smile.

"Good to see you back in action. Looking much better than yesterday."


Ava growled joining him. She was here for info not small talk.

"Did you hear anything?"

Ricky's smile faded and he looked away from her. Ava let out another growl and asked.

"It is Thomas isn't it?"

Ricky let out a sigh but nodded slowly. His eyes sad.

"I've known him forever. I brought him here when the cops got too close in Russia to help him. He was my friend...I trusted him."

Ava decided not to turn the tables on him. He looked sad enough already.

"I'm sorry Ricky."

"Thank you."

He met her eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

"Open mouth insert foot huh? Not going to mock me?"

"No, I'm not."

Ava touched his shoulder.

"Because I care about you. I am truly sorry."

"They are searching for him now."

Ricky went on to say looking back over the counter of the Hub.

"Last known location was the United States. Black Paw over there are looking into it."

Ava let out a low growl then said.

"I want to find him. Send my boys to rip his bastard throat out."

"I'm sure you have earned some leave time."

Ricky pointed out.

"Could go make a visit there."

Ava looked at Ricky, remembering the twins mother lived in the States.

"You are a smart man. I'll see you later, I gotta go."

"Be safe."


Ava knocked at the twins door as she arrived to their dorm. Kayden opened it a confused look on his face.


"Let me in."

Ava said staring at him. He pulled the door open and she could hear Jayden talking to his mother on the couch. He looked up as she entered and smiled.

"Alpha? Just in time, mom was just asking about you."


His laptop screamed. Ava sighed but let out a smile. She came over and sat beside Jayden staring at the older woman on the screen. Same sparkling blue eyes the twins had.

"Hello mama."

"Ava! Darling! How I have missed you!"

Apollo smiled on the screen seeing her.

"Heard my kids kept you safe from an explosion?"

"Yes, both of them."

Ava noted. Kayden settled at her other side and she glanced at him.

"Kay lead with his face though."

"He's always running into something face first."

Apollo waved a hand making Kayden growl.

"I do not."


Apollo silenced her son then smiled at Ava.

"They also told me that they have fallen in love with you missy."

Ava nodded and let out a big smile.

"And I for them. Strange right? Who knew I could have room in my heart for both of your big boys."

Apollo laughed making Jayden turn away, shy.

"To be honest I knew you three would wind up together. The way you care for each other is beyond what normal Lycans do. I'm more surprised it took sixty years."

"Hell of dating experience."

Ava joked laughing.

"I'm just glad we figured it out. I couldn't see my life without the both of them in it."

"At least I already like you."

Apollo gave Ava a look then said.

"I know you won't hurt my babies and I don't have to ask you all the annoying questions."

"You can trust me mama. I would never hurt them."

Kayden growled softly beside her and leaned over to kiss her cheek. Ava blushed and nudged him away.

"Stop Kay. Anyways, I came for other reasons besides saying hello. Black Paw's mole is somewhere in the States."

Apollo's face turned harsh and she let out a deep growl.

"The person who hurt my babies is here?"

"Yes, Thomas Cain. He defected."

Ava answered with a nod.

"I was thinking we could turn this into a family ordeal and hunt him down together."

Apollo got an evil smile on her face as the twins growled beside Ava.

"I like that idea Ava. You are a perfect fit for my babies. Come on out here I'll feed and house you while we hunt this fucker down together. As a family."

"We will. I'll have the boys call you once we are leaving."

Apollo nodded then said.

"Good. May I have a word in private with Ava?"

Jayden looked to Ava who smiled and touched his arm.

"It's alright boy. Not like she is going to make me break up with you. No fear."

"I would never. Go on you two. Ten minutes is all I ask."

Kayden rumbled with a growl but stood with his brother and left the room. Ava watched their door close then she turned back to Apollo.

"Time for the real questions mama?"

Ava teased. Apollo laughed shaking her head.

"No dear. I just wanted to say thank you. I know I raised my kids differently than most but to have them find someone who they can love is breath taking. I never thought they would ever have anything close to a "normal" life but with you I know they will be happy and safe."

"No need to thank me mama."

Ava said with a smile.

"I've loved them for a long time now. They are my boys."

"I am glad of all the Lycans in the world they became your boys."

Apollo said, her face sincere.

"They were so lonely and so lost for so long. They you just happen to go into the store they are robbing and bam. This beautiful relationship is born. I am so very proud of them and you Ava."


"Seeing past their violent history is not something many can do."

Apollo let out a soft sigh.

"They've killed many and sometimes worse. You know their history and still you can love them. I am so proud of you. Your parents did a wonderful job raising you."

"You raised me a bit too mama."

Ava admitted smiling at her.

"I'm sure some of your wild ways have rubbed off on me. You can trust me with them."

"I know I can. Also, I feel I should warn you."

Apollo took in a breath then said.

"Twins run in my if you three know...decide to breed...I'd be careful. Quads can be a handful."

Ava laughed shaking her head.

"That's not an option for us right now or even in the future. We want to do what we do best. Kill people."

Apollo laughed.

"You sound just like them sometimes. Scary. Is there anything you'd like to ask me hon?"

Ava nodded and leaned into the screen.

"They never speak about their father. I was wondering if maybe you could clue me in a bit."

Apollo studied her eyes through the screen then gave an exasperated sigh.

"He didn't want anything to do with the twins. Soon as I told him I was pregnant he left and never looked back. I told them enough to make them hate the man as I do. Any Lycan who leaves his family is the lowest form a life to me. And now my kids think that too."

"No contact? Ever?"


Ava nodded and looked down.

"Was he your mate?"

"No, not yet at least. I loved him and I thought he loved me. That was before I learned about his two other families in other countries."


Ava remarked shaking her head. Apollo sighed but nodded.

"I was foolish but I don't regret it. I got my two beautiful babies and a lifetime to spend with them...and now you. I am happy."

"Good to hear. Thanks mama. For everything."

Apollo gave her a warm smile.

"Of course hon. Could you grab them for me? I want Jay to finish telling me how much he loves you."

Ava blushed slightly and looked over at their door.

"He does huh?"

"I've never seen him this happy before. Kay is always a hard ass but Jay is different. Softer. He is madly in love with you Ava. First thing he told me when he called."

Ava smiled and looked back at the screen.

"Kay isn't as hard as he used to be. Think I've forced him to have a soft spot now."

"Good, he needed it."

"I'll go grab them. Love you mama."

"Love you too baby girl. Can't wait to see you three."


Ava waited in the twins dorm as they finished with their mother. Just as they were about to get off she heard Apollo say.

"You watch over her. You hear me? Don't let her get hurt."

"We won't mama."

Jayden said in a sigh.

"We haven't yet."

"I like to remind you. I'll see you three soon. Be safe."

"We will."

They said their goodbyes and Ava wandered back over. Kayden stood and said.

"We can leave tomorrow night. It will be nice to be out in the wilds again."


Ava nodded and looked down at Jayden. He smiled and stood with her.

"Yes Alpha?"

"Your mother says you are madly in love with me. That true boy?"

Jayden nodded his smile growing.

"Yes Alpha."


Ava pulled him down into a kiss and smiled.

"Because I feel the same way about you."

"That makes my heart sing."

Jayden said touching his own chest.

"I never thought I could ever feel this way about another person. It's blowing my mind how much I care for you."

Ava kissed his cheek then went to Kayden. He growled as she approached and smiled at her.

"Yes Alpha?"

"Love me madly too boy?"

She asked. He nodded and pulled her into a kiss.

"Truly, madly, deeply. I am sure of it."

"Do you two have anything to do today?"

Ava asked pulling Kayden into her side. Jayden shook his head then looked to her quickly.

"Actually yes. We were promised a third date when we got home."

"Boys...we are together now."

"Doesn't mean we can't still chase you."

Kayden growled in her ear. Her cheeks flushed as she looked up at him.

"I am hard to catch."

"But so worth the chase."

Jayden growled. Ava laughed then said.

"Alright boys, I said we could have a date and we still can. Tonight?"

"Yes tonight."

"Should I break out my dress again?"

Ava asked slyly. Kayden chuckled shaking his head.

"We have a better idea for tonight. Plain clothes is fine."

"It's a date."

Ava said. Jayden looked overjoyed as he came over to her.

"I liked you calling out outings dates. Did we live up to your expectations?"

"Over the top."

She replied nodding.

"Best dates I have been on in a long time. I get a little sick thinking I gave Thomas any of my time. You two deserved it more than he did."

"Well now we have you and no one will take you from us."

Kayden kissed her temple and let out a soft growl.

"Now you are ours and we do not share."

"Besides between yourselves."

Ava joked. Jayden laughed and moved to kiss her cheek.

"That's different. But, did you have anything you needed to do today Alpha?"

"I just have to schedule our flight to the States but other than that no. Why?"

Ava asked looking up at him. He smiled wickedly then said.

"You told me I should ask for something from you. See if you can live up to my imagination."

Ava gave him a sly look then turned to Kayden.

"Did he discuss this with you?"

Kayden nodded staring down at her. His eyes full of lust.

"Yes he did. Would you be willing to get on your knees for us Alpha?"

Ava shivered and moved away from them, towards their room.

"I am yours boys. You can ask anything of me. Even getting on my knees."

"Seems like such a subordinate position for you Alpha."

Jayden mused gazing at her. Ava shook her head and pushed their door open.

"I don't think so. I'll have you both weak in the knees. You think you can stand the whole time? You two are sadly mistaken. I'll have you begging to take me sooner than later."

Kayden snarled loudly staring over at her.

"Fuck I love you Alpha."

"You are too good to us."

Jayden added in a growl. She winked at them then said.

"Just enough. Join me boys. I love cuddling in your bed. Let's spend the rest of our day together wrapped up in each other's bodies. There are some things I'd like to try anyways."

"I am open to any and all of them."

Kayden came over to her and captured her in a strong kiss.

"Long as you remember my one rule."

"No butt stuff."

Ava laughed gazing at him.

"Mark my neck and we have an understanding."

"Can we?"

Ava held out a hand to Jayden who instantly came over to her. They stood side by side staring down at her. She smiled up at them then said.

"I love you boys, yes you can. But don't go crazy with them! I must keep some of my pride."

"Yes Alpha."

"We love you too Alpha. Forever."



Ava hadn't even realized she had fallen asleep. Waking up with a start in their nest she found Jayden lying beside her watching TV. Rubbing her eyes she heard him laugh softly.

"Awake now Alpha?"

She let out a yawn then sat up in their nest.

"I guess so. Where is Kay? What time is it?"

Jayden sat up and grabbed her one of their shirts to wear.

"Kay is showering and it's 5."

Ava let out a sigh and took the t-shirt from him.

"Jesus...guess I needed a nap."

"After what we did...I am not surprised."

Jayden growled looking over at her. Ava smiled and touched his bare back.

"Did I live up to your imagination boy?"

He gave her a wicked smile moving to kiss her cheek.

"Yes Alpha. Mind blowing one could say..."

"Ever been with someone who doesn't have a gag reflex?"


Jayden said with a laugh.

"I didn't think it was possible. We are...larger males...but you didn't seem bothered at all."

Ava laid back down and yawned again.

"Not at all."

"I love the sounds you make when we lay together."

Jayden turned into her body, curling his arms around her.

"You are so sexy Alpha. I am so happy you have taken me. I don't think I could ever even _look_at another female again."

"You're sweet."

Ava kissed him and smiled. He must have showered first, before Kayden. He smelled strong of the cheap soap the Sanctuary provided. It mad her so relaxed. Falling for him even more.

"Only have eyes for me?"

"Eyes, mind, body. All for you."

He sighed pressing into her body. Ava petted his hair then hugged him.

"Love you boy."

"I love you too Alpha, and I will forever."

"That's a long time."

He raised his head to meet her eyes and smiled.

"I look forward to it. First time I've ever really had anything to look forwards to. I live day by day but now I have a future I wantto plan for and it blows my mind."

"That you want to?"

Jayden's eyes looked so serious as he spoke.

"That I have a future to plan for. I don't want this taken the wrong way, I love my brother. I always thought it would just be me and him forever. Not that I'm upset by that, because I'd gladly spend the rest of my life fighting with him at my side. Now that I have you...we have you...I get to plan my life with my you."

Ava smiled pulling him into a soft kiss then ran her hand down his chest. Jayden let out a soft moan returning her kiss.

"Ah you are awake Alpha."

Ava pulled away from Jayden to find his twin coming into the room. His towel wrapped around his waist hung loosely, body still damp from the shower. She smiled over at him and said.

"Apparently I needed a nap."

"We are good at putting you to sleep."

Kayden growled. Ava laughed and turned back to Jayden.

"Yes you both are. Who needs sleeping pills when I have you two? I'm going to shower now, I need it."

"If you are ready, afterwards we can go on our date."

Jayden said smiling at her. Ava climbed out of bed and stretched beside Kayden.

"I have one thing to do before we leave. Where are we going anyways?"

Kayden leaned down and growled in her ear.

"It's a surprise just be sure to wear comfortable clothes."

"And plan to stay the night out."

Jayden added from her bed. Ava looked up at Kayden with a curious expression.

"Do I get any clue?"

Kayden growled and took her hand in his. He pulled her closer and ran her palm down his chest to just above the towel around his waist.

"When we return you will need another shower, all three of us will be a mess."

Ava bit her lip slipping her fingers into the towel.

"Oh? You know I do love making messes with you two."

"We know Alpha."

Jayden growled. He stood behind her now his hands moving to hold her hips. Ava pulled Kayden's towel down off his body and ran her hand down his thickness.

"Nothing makes me happier. Woof boys, you both are so did I get so lucky?"

"You're willing to look past the fact that we sometimes eat people."

Jayden joked kissing her neck. Kayden let out a soft growl moving to kiss her lips. Ava smiled.

"That just means you two won't need food for a while. I will say I am sure eating me is much more fun."

"Fuck Alpha..."

Kayden groaned pulling her into his naked body.

"I love you so much. You are just as wild as we are."

"I love you too boy."

Ava felt Jayden growl behind her making her smile again.

"You too boy. I love you both and your wild ways. Watching you two work is fun."

She pulled Kayden down and kissed him.

"Watching you kill is exciting."

They both groaned with lustful voices. Ava's cheeks turned fire red as she pushed Kayden away gently.

"But enough, we are not going to make it to our date if we just lay here fucking all night. I'm going to shower. Get ready. I'll meet you here after I'm done."

Kayden sighed heavily staring down at her.

"Can we play later?"


Ava patted his chest then turned to Jayden.

"I've told you both this before. We have to see how the date goes. I have to have some pride"

Kayden's hand slid up her back to the nape of her neck. A strong chill raced up her body as he gripped her tight.

"Once people see the marks you bare from us, pride won't matter."

Ava looked to him and watched a sinful smile spread across his face.


His hand gripped tighter as he growled at her.

"You said we could so we did."

Jayden growled as well, still so close to her. He huffed then spoke.

"So we both gave you one."

Ava wriggled free of Kayden's hand then went to their small mirror. On either side of her neck laid two very pronounced bruises. Almost shaped like bite marks. Her cheeks turned fire red as she touched the warm marks. Her stomach fluttered with butterflies as she touched them. She had never let anyone mark her skin like this before, and when anyone did she beat the crap out of them. Ava never argued when the twins left marks below her shirt but this was out in the open. For everyone to see.

"What do you think Alpha?"

Jayden asked, his voice held a slight tone of nervousness. Ava watched Kayden yank his shorts on and come to stand behind her. He gently put his hand in the small of her back and leaned down to kiss the mark he had laid on her skin. His light kiss sent lightening throughout her body and she shivered hard. Kayden smiled as he pressed his forehead against the side of her head.

"You are the first person I have ever marked like this. I laid this mark upon you while totally and completely under your spell. I get so lost with you Alpha, it's like the world just falls away and all I can see is you...and you are so beautiful."

Kayden was so sweet to her and made her heart thump hard. She couldn't help but smile and touch his cheek, pressing him closer to her.

"I love you boy..."

"I love you Alpha."

Ava watched Jayden come up behind her, opposite his twin as always. He leaned down as well and pressed his forehead against the other side of her head. Ava giggled and patted his cheek.

"I love you too Jay, and I love my marks. The both of them "

"We bare your mark as well."

Jayden spoke softly, close to her ear.


Kayden growled. Ava stepped away from them and turned to look between them. They both held smaller bruises just at the base of their left and right ears. Jayden looked away from her his hand flying to his neck. Shyly covering the mark.

"I bit you that hard?"

"We were all lost in the stars, Alpha."

Jayden said slowly bringing his eyes back to her.

"First time me or Kay have been that calm. For a few moments in time, everything was perfect. Nothing else mattered but you. No surprise you felt the same and left your mark on us. Almost cured me of being feral. I've never been that calm."

Ava eyed up Kayden's mark watching him gaze beyond her in the mirror. She had never left her mark on anyone before. Ever. She made it a point never to leave a trace of her time with anyone. The memory of doing that to them, long lost in her mind.

"I don't think I could ever cure you two. Furthermore, I wouldn't want to cure you. I met you like this, befriended you like this, fell in love with you like this. How could I try and change you two? You two are perfect. let me mark you?"

"We are yours Alpha."

Jayden smiled finally meeting her eyes. He looked proud but shy. His hand still remained on his neck.

"We will proudly bare your mark."

"Then why are you covering it, boy?"

Ava teased. She watched his cheeks turn red as he looked away. Finally, she had gotten him to actually blush. Laughing and just falling further in love with him she said.

"Move that hand."

Jayden's hand fell to his side and he looked to his twin for help. Kayden smiled at him and said.

"I think it looks good on you."


He replied smiling. He looked back down at the floor then said.

"This is still new to me..."

"Alright, let's get this show on the road."

Ava moved past them and went to find her own shirt.

"I'm leaving. I'll be back in a bit."

"Yes Alpha."

They said together. She looked back over at them when they didn't move and watched the both of them checking their own marks out in the mirror. She just smiled and let them be. Proud she had bit hard enough to mark them.
