Chapter Twelve

Story by LycanLore66 on SoFurry

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#13 of Sanctuary

Chapter Twelve of Fifteen

Ava hurried along the halls of Sanctuary towards med bay. Now that she had the twins under her paw she wanted to make sure they would stay happily together for a while. Without any interruptions.

Pushing the large door open she was greeted instantly by a nurse.

"Pain or injuries?"

"None. I'm interested in a prescription."

Ava replied closing the door behind her. The nurse nodded and asked.

"Name and race?"

"Ava Rush. Lycan."

"Have a seat. I'll come get you once someone is free."


Ava went down a short hallway and into a room with chairs. As she came into the room she noticed Ricky sitting in the corner. His head leaned back against the wall, he looked sick. Ava laughed and came over to him.

"Oh boy, you look like shit."

He snorted loudly and sat up with a jump.

"Shit Fox. You scared me."

"Sick as a dog aren't you?"

"It's just a cold."

He said with a wave of his hand. Ava settled a few seats away and teased him more.

"Where is Tara? She usually holds your hand when you're sick."

"Shut up."

Ricky growled looking over at her.

"Why are you here? Your attack dogs wouldn't let you get hurt. I'm surprised you can even still get sick."


Ava growled smiling over at him. He gave her the finger then said.

"Not at all. Why are you here?"

"Looking into prescriptions and-."

"Jesus Christ..."

Ricky cut in squinting his eyes at her.

"What is on your neck?!"

Ava's hand flew to her neck her cheeks turning red. She had already forgotten about her marks. Ricky's eyes went wide and his mouth parted slightly in awe.

"D-did...did the that to you?"


Ava thanked the moon when the nurse called her name. She grabbed her bag and quickly walked towards the nurse. Leaving Ricky just shocked in his seat.

"In here please."

Ava hurried into the small exam room and heard the door click behind her. A woman sat in the stool across the room looking into a laptop screen.

"Ava Rush. Oh I know you."

She turned and smiled.

"The Fox and her Hounds. Those were your teammates that got too close to that explosion?"

"Yes, thank you for taking so good care of them. I'm sure they were a growly handful without me here."

"I've learned to just give them supplies and let them fix themselves. I'm Dr. Morgan. Please have a seat."

Ava hopped up on the table as the doctor rolled over to her side.

"Last time you were here it was for a dislocated shoulder. Problems with that?"

"No, not at all. I'm here to see if I could get some info on..."

Ava paused to clear her throat nervously.

"On Lycan birth control."

"Well we have two forms. Once yearly shot or a monthly pill. The shot has less side effects and starts working instantly."

Dr. Morgan explained turning her laptop screen.

"Looks like you are all up to date with your vaccines so that's good. Were you looking for more long term or nightly?"

"Long term. I's getting serious and I don't want to mess anything up with puppies right now or within the close future."

"I get it. A lot of Lycans are taking birth control now."

She turned back to Ava and patted her knee reassuringly.

"And you don't need to be shy about it. No pressure and you are not our first female to come in asking about it. We can start today and it will work within the hour if you wanted the shot. The pills will take a few weeks."

"Yes, I'd like it today. Does it hurt?"

"A bit. It's injected within the abdomen area and it will be a bit sore for a few hours."

Ava nodded and said.

"Alright, let's do it."

"Okay. I'll set up and also give you a reminder card for your yearly shot. You have a week before or after to get the shot for it to continue to work."

"Sounds good. Thanks."

"You are welcome."


*Twin's POV

Kayden stood within his bedroom staring at the love mark on his neck. His hands pulled in and out of fists at his sides. Jayden appeared beside him and smiled in the mirror.

"You feel the same way I do. How dare such wild things like us bare a mark from some romp we had."

"But it''s from her..."

Kayden stuttered out turning to look at his twin. Jayden smiled at him.

"Yes and she bares our marks now. For all to see. Everyone will know we have had her in that way. Especially by the twomarks she has."

"I...I like it."

Kayden touched his neck, he could feel the warmth from the mark against his fingertips. A reminder of his night with his Alpha.

"I would have never let this happen before. I would have killed her..."

"Strange what love will do to a male."

Jayden said with a laugh. He patted his brother's shoulder. Kayden let out a soft growl and turned back to the mirror.

"If I hear anyone bad mouthing our Alpha I will rip their throat out through the back of their heads. Just because she loves us both doesn't mean she is anything but a beautiful, smart, amazing female Lycan."

"I agree. I don't think anyone dare cross her now."

Jayden let out a deep growl making his brother look at him.

"If her hounds do that to her...imagine what they will do to anyone who crosses her."

Kayden studied his eyes then nodded in agreement.

" are right."

"Seems that's been happening a lot lately."

Jayden teased walking off. Kayden growled and glared over at him.

"Don't start."

"Whatever. You ready?"

"Yes, I await our Alpha."

"I'm still not sure she will like this date over the others. It's...different."

"She'll like it."

Kayden let out a low growl and said.

"Prove she is just as wild as us. This will tell us if she is perfect for us."

"I am unsure."

"Trust me. She'll love it."


*Ava's POV

Ava knocked on the twin's door and rubbed her stomach for the fourth time. It was sore but tolerable. Jayden's face appeared and he smiled as always.

"Hello Alpha. Ready for our date?"

"Yes, our third."

Ava piped smiling at him. Kayden appeared muscling his twin out the door.

"We are trying for a fourth with this one."

"Does that mean you'll strive for a fifth?"

Jayden locked their door as Kayden advanced to her.

"And a sixth."

She smiled and patted his chest.

"I don't know if you can keep out doing yourself but either way I am happy to go on our tenth or eleventh date."

"Will you date us forever?"

Jayden asked coming up to her other side. Ava gazed at his mark then met his eyes.

"I told you boy. You are following my orders for the rest of your life. I can and will order you two to take me out. Now, where are we going?"

"The truck."

Kayden simply replied. Ava sighed but turned to leave.

"You annoy me sometimes."

"We know."

Ava lead her boys to their garage and they helped her into the truck as always. They spoke with each other in their language while Kayden started the truck and left. Ava gazed out the window watching the people stare at their loud ass truck. She smiled watching some young boys point and stare at the truck. Happy as can be.

Turning her gaze to Kayden she watched him speak with his brother. He looked good, happy now. His strong tough exterior even with her was waning. It was nice.

They continued to speak together for a good twenty minutes. Ava moved to the middle seat and cleared her throat.

"Yes I agree. Do go on sir."

Jayden laughed and turned in his seat to her.

"I knew you'd agree with me."

"I hate your language. What do you call it anyways?"

"The language?"

Kayden asked. Ava nodded. She moved her arm around the seat to rub Jayden's back. He instantly smiled as Kayden answered.

"We don't really have a name for it. We started it when we wanted to do things without our mother knowing and it's just progressed as we've gotten older."

"I'd say I'm fluent now."

Jayden said with a smile. Kayden nodded and laughed.

"Same. It's just plans we are talking about Alpha. We are still a few minutes away."

"Away from where?"

"A rave."

Ava looked to Jayden, her hand stopping between his shoulder blades.


"Bunch of weirdos who get together and do drugs and dance and whatnot."

Jayden shrugged his shoulders a few times getting her hand to continue to pet him.

"It's at a small warehouse near the river Tiber just west of Sanctuary."

"Why would you two want to go to a rave?"

"To see if you are wild."

Kayden answered in a growl. Jayden turned to her and met her eyes.

"We wanted to bring you into our world. Show you how fun being feral can be."

Ava was confused but slightly interested. She had never ran wild like them.

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to hit the rave."

Jayden growled then Kayden said.

"Then go run wild in the west of the river for the night."

Ava smiled and sat back in her seat.

"So, tonight we are being wild?"

"Tonight Rome has a feral Lycan problem."

Kayden replied glancing at her through the rearview mirror. Ava growled and crossed her arms.

"Aren't you two worried about getting caught?"

"Never Alpha."

"We fear nothing."

Jayden added.

"And we are going to teach you how to lose that fear and just flow."


Ava nodded and met Jayden's eyes.

"Can I follow you two tonight?"

Jayden looked to his twin who let out a low growl.

"Yes, but this isn't something that has a leader/follower trait. We will follow our most primal instincts."

"Just to be clear here...we are killing everyone inside this party for no reason besides to amuse ourselves and have a date?"

Jayden made a nervous sound and looked to Kayden for help. Kayden pulled down a back alley and shut the truck off. He spoke with his twin for a moment then turned to Ava.

"Can we Alpha?"

Ava studied his eyes then let out a wicked smile.

"Of course boy. This may just top our last date."

A chill raced up her spine and they saw it happen. Smiles starting to grow across their faces. Ava leaned forward in her seat and let out a growl.

"Tell me I get to see you both in your full forms. Large and in charge?"

"Yes Alpha. Once we run to the woods we can spend our night there chasing each other around and howling to the moon. Wild as the come."

"I have a game to play once we get there. That okay?"

Ava asked. Jayden nodded and looked to his brother.

"I'm fine with that."

"Sure Alpha."

Ava turned and looked out the window down the alley.

"We parking here?"

"Yes. The warehouse is a few blocks from here. Isolated and far from prying ears of other humans. We can take our time and enjoy it."

Kayden let out a strong growl and met her eyes.

"You think you've seen me covered in blood? Ha! Just wait."

"What about you Jay?"

"It has been a while since I have run free like this."

He let out a lethal growl then gave her a wicked smile.

"I will have fun Alpha. Are you ready?"

Ava nodded and sat up in the truck.

"Yes! Let's go."


Ava shifted into her own full powerful form. She was mostly black with a few white spots splattered throughout her fur. Stood around six feet tall still on the short side but strong.

Following the two massive white wolves across rooftops towards a lone warehouse. They both looked exactly the same in their pelts. Shining white fur and striking blue eyes. Ava leap to the warehouse roof. She could feel the music thumping beneath her feet. Growling softly she looked over at Jayden. He held two large chains in his hands speaking with his twin. Ava was curious and wandered over to them.

"What are they for?"

"Don't want anyone running off."

Kayden growled taking one of the chains.

"So we are chaining the doors closed. Stay here, we will be right back."

Ava nodded and watched them jump off different ends of the building. The air thumped with the dance music below her. It sounded like there was well over thirty people inside. She was a bit nervous now, she had never run wild before. Not against is just unsure and uneasy. Along with nerves she felt excitement, her boys wanted to show her what their lives were like. Meant they trusted her fully.

A few moments later Kayden returned to her side.

"All done?"

"Yes Jay should be back soon too they we can enter and start."

"Do you ever get nervous?"

Ava asked gazing at him. Kayden's muzzle pulled into a toothy smile shaking his head.

"No Alpha. I was trained for this."

"I am..."

Kayden chuckled and came to her side.

"Once you rip out your first throat all those emotions will just melt away. Trust us."

Jayden appeared and joined them.

"We are ready."

"Alright, are you ready Alpha?"

Ava nodded and gazed up into the night sky. A few clouds covered the half-moon but it was still bright. This would be fun.

"Yes. How do we get in?"

"There is a hole in the roof."

Jayden said pointing over behind her.

"We jump in and go wild."

Kayden let out a low growl and bared his teeth.

"Let's go. Watch each other and don't eat anyone. Drugs make people taste funny."

Jayden laughed but nodded.

"I know."

Ava followed her boys to the hole and watched them jump down inside. She took a deep breath then followed. Ready.


Ava landed in a pitch black room with her boys. They both waited at a door for her, Kayden's pointed ear against the door. Ava came over, the music getting louder.

"The music will help drown out the screams."

Jayden growled to his brother. Kayden nodded.

"Drugs will blind them from danger until it's too late."

Ava let out her own growl making them both look at her.

"They will bleed out faster. Heart rates up and drinking."

Jayden looked to his twin who smiled an evil smile then said.

"Look at you Alpha. I knew you were just as wild as us."

"I just hide it better."

Ava said smiling back at him. Kayden came to her and pressed his huge muzzle against her.

"We love you Alpha. Are you ready for our date?"

She nodded and pushed her nose against his.

"Yes boys. Great idea for a date. Let's go. Be safe. Be smart. Be swift."


They barked nodding. Ava growled pulled his paws into fists.

"Let's go."

Kayden turned fierce and growled deeply. Jayden threw his weight against the door breaking it open. The music was deafening now. Ava blocked it out and chased out after her boys. Ready.

They ran down a long colorful hallway and burst into the main area of the warehouse. The twins leap into the crowd instantly. Ripping into people as they landed. Ava felt her restraint leave her, her thoughts gone, her body ready. She felt amazing.

"Let's go..."

She joined her boys in the middle of the humans, the music was so loud you could barely hear any screams over it. The building erupted in panic, everyone running for the exits only to find them locked from the outside. No one would leave this place alive but Ava and her boys.


Ava sat high in the warehouse when they were finished. Her own muzzle and body covered in blood. Her heart sang in her chest. She felt fierce and unstoppable. This life was amazing. She was free. She was an Alpha.


Looking down below she watched Jayden kick a human head up into the rafters straight between two poles. She laughed and held her paws up.


Jayden laughed looking up at her. It was quiet now, Kayden had destroyed the sound system after everyone was dead. Ava wondered where he was then. She jumped down to the ground level and watched Jayden rip apart another person. Wanting another head to kick. He was a mess just like her, his white fur splashed with streaks of crimson. Ava felt her insides squirm watching. She wanted him suddenly, but still wondered where Kayden was.

Turning she peaked behind a large machine and found him finally. He was digging through some poor bastards chest cavity growling softly to himself. His muzzle was covered, his chest, paws, and entire torso. He looked dangerous. Ava came around catching his eye. He smiled evilly at her and let out a low growl.

"Alpha. A gift for you."

"A gift?"

He stood towering over her and held out a human heart to her. Ava smiled and looked up at him.

"Giving me a heart? Aren't you sweet boy."

Kayden reached out with his soaked paw and touched the already crimson fur on her neck.

"You look amazing Alpha. Covered in blood...I never thought I'd see you like this."


She questioned, tossing the heart between her paws. He stepped closer to her, his fierce eyes animalistic.

"Yes, it is...amazing to see you like this. I don't know if it because I love you or my more primal side seeing you for the first time. Fuck Alpha...I'm all yours, forever."

She could tell he wanted her then. Their idea of a date amazing, she had her own ideas for the rest of the night.

"Why don't we gather your brother, the football star, and head to those woods west of here."

Kayden nodded staring at her.

"Yes, chase each other."

He made a loud bark sound and Jayden came over a few seconds later a low growl coming from his blood covered muzzle.


"We are leaving. Ready to run?"

"Ready to chase."

Jayden growled looking over to Ava. She smiled wickedly and stood between them.

"Let's go wolves. Follow me."

"Yes Alpha."


Ava felt amazing running wild with her boys. Growing up within society all her life Ava had not really spent any time in a pack or out in the wilds like the twins had. Being out like this reminded her of the time she had spent with them and their mother in the States. She had fun then too and felt amazing. Black Paw had been such a big part of her life since her mother was killed, it was all she thought about.

Ava ran as swift as the wind towards the closest wooded area around them. Where all the villas laid. It wasn't the wilds but it was covered and safe from humans.

"We are here."

She sang coming to a stop just within the tree line. The twins came up behind her not even panting. From running so fast the blood that soaked their fur had blown back nearly wrapping around them. Ava growled up at her boys then said.

"Ready for my game?"

They both nodded, their shining blue eyes staring down at her. Fierce.

"Yes Alpha."

"Good. Pay attention."

Ava paced before them back and forth like a drill sergeant. Their eyes following her as she moved.

"This area is massive and I know the both of you have the endurance of horses so first thing first. No flat out running. We still have to run back to SUV tomorrow. Sprinting or jogging only. Second, I don't care if we howl to the moon but no roaring. Don't need unwanted attention while we play our game. Easy enough right?"

"Yes Alpha."

They said in unison. Jayden added a question.

"What are we playing?"

Ava gave him a wicked smile and stood before them.

"Chase and fuck."

Jayden's muzzle went to confusion as he looked at his twin. Kayden shrugged and met Ava's eyes.

"What is that?"

"Kind of like hide and seek. But when you two catch me."

Ava let out a low growl.

"I think that part is pretty obvious."

She watched their black lips pull back as they snarled viciously. Their red muzzles wrinkled as their ears pinned back against their heads. Ava rowled and moved closer to them.

"And I want you two in your full forms to take me. It will be much easier to chase me without swinging your third legs. I know in your full form you have that protective sheath you can use to hide yourselves. Thinking of your comfort here boys, because I want you to chase me for a while.

I have never laid with a male in my pelt before and I want you two to be my firsts. Relax your faces boys."

Ava patted her stomach and said.

"I was just put on birth control so you two are free to do as you please with me in any form. Didn't want our relationship to be burdened with puppies, wolves. We just got together. I plan on fucking around with you two for a very long time. So, tonight you don't have to ask me. Tonight I want you two to be yourselves and do whatever you want to me. I am not weak, have no fear hounds, you will not hurt me. Tonight you can just take what is rightfully yours."

Kayden was the first to move. Jayden took a few seconds to process what she had said fully. He always was just a few seconds behind his twin. Ava ducked down and Kayden flew over her head with a snarl. She had known him long enough to see his attacks before they happened. Predicable.

Ava ran then. She just took off into the trees ready to lead them along for the rest of the night.


Ava was a fast Lycan. She had outran many people and beasts in her time. Being smaller it was easier to duck and dodge bigger creatures. And the twins were massive compared to her. This would be something she'd remember for a long time. There just was no words she knew to fully explain how she felt or to call what emotions even flowed through her heart. Sixty years she wasted not seeing the loves of her life right in front of her eyes. It was breathtaking and she was ready to deal with her wild wolves.

Evading them easily at first by climbing trees or turning directions on a dime. But they thudded after her still, chasing her down like the rabid animals they were.

Kayden of course was the first to catch her. She leap over a rock and as they came down to a small creek. He kicked off the rock and was able to wrap his arms around her waist. Catching her.

They rolled down the embankment together into the shallow water. Ava landed on her stomach with Kayden's snarling muzzle inches from her own. Ava snarled back at him as he pinned her down beneath him. With one swift movement he buried his teeth into the scruff of her neck and mounted her backside. Shoving his way into her body. Ava snarled in ecstasy baring her teeth. He was amazingly erotic. Covered in blood and pounding into her body it was like being high. Lost to the woods around her with two savage animals she loved so much.

Kayden was too focused on screwing her to hold her down as tightly. Ava felt his grip loosen and she took that opening to wriggle out from beneath him. His growl was furious as she slipped away into the trees. Ava wanted him but it was so much more fun to lead him along. She sprinted away going back to the trees where they were just too big to fit like she could.

They darted beneath her together again watching her movements closely. Ava leap from tree to tree thinking of how to get away. But Jayden being the genius he was learned her pattern. He moved ahead a bit and leap straight up into the air just as Ava jumped to another tree. She felt him collide with her in midair, his arm wrapping around her thighs while his other hand grabbed a branch to save them. She grunted as they landed on the ground and he pinned her on her back.

Just as quickly as his brother he forced his way into her. Raw and aggressive. It was amazing to feel him be so animalistic. Unlike him in their usual throes of passion. He was an animal just like his brother after all. Ava bit and scratched at him as he laid into her roughly but he wasn't even phased. He was perfect.

He made the same mistaken eventually like his brother did and Ava got away again. Noticing Kayden had been resting while she took Jayden. They were smart even wild like this. Superb Lycans.

Back and forth they would catch her and she would always get away, sometimes she wondered if they let her escape. Running around for a while she finally let them both find their release within her well after 2am.

They rested near the creek together. Cleaning their fur downstream and drinking the water upstream. Ava could see why so many Lycans had puppies. Sex within their full forms was amazing. Almost better than normal. They changed into their true wolf forms to sleep for the night. As Ava finished rinsing her fur and stood to shake herself out, she watched her boys struggle in the shallow water.

"I guess the creek is a bit shallow for you two to get fully clean."

Jayden smiled trying to splash water on his big head.

"Yes, but we will manage."

Kayden rolled to his back in the water.

"We've worked with less. What about you?"

Ava shook out her fur once more then came over to them.

"Not fully clean but I'll deal. Let's find somewhere to curl up and sleep for a while."

"We will watch over you while you sleep Alpha."

Jayden said coming to her side. Kayden flipped over and stood saying.


Ava smiled over at them.

"Good date tonight boys. Topped the last one for sure."

"Do we deserve a fourth?"

Kayden growled staring at her. Ava nodded and patted his chest.

"Yes boys. You both do. I had a lot of fun tonight. I could get used to this wild lifestyle you two lead. I hate people anyways."

They laughed and leaned down to rub their muzzles against hers.

"We love you Alpha."

"I love you two so much. Let's rest so we can get back and head out to your mom's. I am excited to see her again and get this asshole who sold us out."

They both snarled baring their teeth to her. Ava gave them a fierce growl then said.

"I want you two to eat him. All of him. Understood hounds?"

"Yes Alpha."

They snarled staring at her.

"All of him."
