Chapter Thirteen

Story by LycanLore66 on SoFurry

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#14 of Sanctuary

Chapter Thirteen of Fifteen

Ava returned to Sanctuary at 3pm with the twins. They all needed showers and changes of clothes so they said their goodbyes and went to their dorms to clean up. She would return to their dorm with her bags for their flight later on.

Ava stripped out of her muddy blood soaked clothes and showered. All while thinking of her boys. She adored them and wanted to give them everything they desired. She would have to tell her father eventually and that was the only part that worried her. Not that it would change her feelings towards them if her father disapproved of this. If there was anything she was sure of it was the love she held for her boys. Everything else was confusing or cruel but when she was with them, everything was perfect.

After she showered she spent some time admiring the marks on her neck then got dressed to leave. Hoping there was still some Black Paw flight to the States tonight she hurried to leave her dorm.


Ava waited in line at the Hub flipping through her phone. It had died the night before and she was sure her dad was flipping out.


Ava stepped forward and gave Jessie a smile.

"Hey, any flights going state side tonight?"

"I think there is a red eye going out."

Jessie studied her screen then nodded.

"Yeah, 8pm tonight the last one of the day. It goes to Philadelphia international. That good?"

"Perfect actually. We are heading to New Jersey. I need 3 tickets."

"Usual card?"

"Use Kayden's."

Ava said with a laugh.

"He's got too much money anyways."

Jessie nodded and turned back to her screen. She soon handed over the tickets and Ava smiled at her.

"Thanks. Ammo box refilled yet?"

"Yep. This morning."

Ava waved and went over to the vending machine. Her health supplies needed to refilled anyways.

"Afternoon Fox."

Ricky joined her at the machine crossing his arms behind his back. Ava sighed and looked at him.

"Hello, feeling better?"

"Very much so."

He surprisingly let out a growl then said.

"You neck seems to be healing."

"Oh don't start. I asked for it."

Ava waved a dismissive hand and turned back to the machine. Ricky stood beside her and spoke softly.

"If you are letting those animals sleep with you..."

"First off. What business is it of yours who I sleep with?"

Ava growled at him. Ricky ignored her and continued speaking.

"I will tell your father what kind of relationship you really have with those "hounds" you keep so close."

Ava glared at him hard, her hands pulling into fists. She suddenly wanted to rip his throat out where he stood. Shaking her head she just said.

"You do whatever you think is best. But my life is exactly that. My life."


Twin's POV

Kayden and Jayden showered and changed then met in their living room. Jayden looked to his brother and growled softly. Kayden nodded turning to look at him.

"I could chase her forever."

"I have...never...I can't even express it."

Jayden said shaking his head.

" could we have not told her we loved her sooner. We could have had that!"

Kayden chuckled and sat on their couch.

"I don't regret much but that's something I will hate myself over. We must chase her like that again before we die."


"Seeing her..."

Kayden paused to let out a sigh.

"We both understand the urge we have to kill things. Mom always said we were primal beasts. But seeing her covered in blood."

Kayden shuttered and Jayden laughed at him.

"Sparked your flame brother?"

"Yes, then chasing her...that game she made up. I could play that forever."

"I am glad she told us about the birth control. I was not ready for that talk. Also grateful she let us chase her in our full forms. Running while hard is difficult."

Kayden chuckled and nodded.

"True. She cares for us even then."

"Now that we have spoken of her I have something else I want to speak with you about."

Jayden said sitting beside him on the couch. Kayden nodded turning to him.


"Thomas. We must find him."

Jayden's brows furrowed as he growled.

"He tried to hurt our Alpha. We cannot let him live."

"I have no doubt we will find him."

Kayden agreed.

"With mom's help, I don't think anyone could hide from us."

"His death will be brutal."

Jayden growled again. Kayden nodded and patted his shoulder.

"I agree. Alpha wants us to eat him and we will. Because it is her who asks."

Jayden nodded and let out a sigh.

"I hate the after taste of males. Females taste better."

"True, I think it's because they actually take care of themselves."

Kayden joked. Jayden finally smiled as he nodded.



Ava's POV

Ava gathered her bag from her room then headed towards the twin's dorm. If Ricky was going to betray her like that she would deal with it when the time came. She had to remain focused. Thomas was her next target not Ricky.

Knocking at their door it opened quickly and she was met with Jayden. He welcomed her in with a smile as always then asked.

"All packed?"

"Yes boy. I am so excited to see Apollo again. It has been too long."

"Not nervous to meet our parent Alpha?"

Kayden growled from across the room. Ava set her bag down beside the door and smiled over at him.

"Nope. Not at all. How you two feeling? We have a long flight ahead of us."

"Still a bit tired but we can sleep on the plane."

Jayden answered with a shrug. Ava nodded and went to sit on their couch.

"We leave in a few hours let's sit and relax together."

"Yes Alpha."

They came over and let her lay across their bodies as she always did. Jayden even tossed a blanket over her and started rubbing her legs.

"Love you Alpha."

She smiled and cuddled into Kayden's side.

"I love you too boy. You two are wonderful."

Kayden laid his arm around her and said.

"If you sleep we will watch over you."

"As always."

"Good boys."

Ava muttered already falling.


It took almost 10 hours to fly to the United States and with a 6 hour jump backwards they arrived in Philadelphia International airport around 7pm yesterday. Another hour ride to the twin's mother's home.

Apollo lived in Browns Mills New Jersey. Out in the pinelands of south Jersey that spanned 1.1 million acres across the state. A vast forested area she called home. Apollo built her own den and raised the twins out there for most of their lives.

Ava and her hounds were dropped off on Savory Road in the middle of nowhere. As their taxi driver left Ava and the twins shifted into their pure wolf forms tying their bags to each other's back. Readying to run to their home den.

"Ping and Pong!"

Apollo raced out of the trees her wolfish tail wagging hard. The twins whimpered and whined as she ran to them. Their ears laid back. Apollo nuzzled and rubbed her body against theirs. Beating them both with her tail. She was a simple brown color with a very few grey hairs near her ears and nose.

"How I've missed you two."

"We missed you too mama."

Jayden said letting her lick his face. Apollo came over to Ava and nuzzled her too.

"Hello baby girl. I have missed you as well. Too long since I've seen you."

Ava smiled at her.

"Well I am here now. I have missed this place. Your den is amazing."

Apollo laughed and went back to the twins.

"Come on babies. It'll be good to have you home. Those damn beavers have been giving me shit without you two chasing them away."

"Mama, we haven't chased the beavers in years."

Jayden said with a roll of his eyes. Apollo laughed again turning towards the trees.

"Maybe you should. Come on you lot. I have dinner ready for all of you."


Twenty minute run and Ava started to remember her surroundings. Close to her den was a tourist attraction called Hidden Lake. That was where Ava had seen the boys eat someone for the first time. Some bold human male tried to get grabby with Ava and she sent the boys after him. That was the first time as well she had commanded an attack from them. The man was met with a messy end and Ava knew how far they would go to protect her. Apollo stopped at a large tree and the twins pushed a large rock out of the way of a small opening at the base.

"Thank you boys. It's been a long time since I've been in this end of the den. That rock rolled down two years ago. You three can have this end and I'll meet you after you're done unpacking in the kitchen."

Ava followed the twins down under the tree into the underground den Apollo had built. She worked hard on this den for years now. Carefully carving out 6 different rooms all with tunnels and fresh air inlets from the surface. Oil lanterns lit the underground home along with battery powered Christmas lights throughout the tunnels.

Ava followed the twins down a short tunnel to a their bedroom. She paused at the wooded door and looked up at them as they entered.

"I...I've never been in your room before."

Kayden stopped and turned to her.

"No one has."

"Besides mom."

Jayden said with a smile on his muzzle.

"You are allowed in Alpha. What is ours is yours."

Ava gave him a quick lick on the cheek then went into their room. It was darker than the hallway but Kayden lit a few lanterns and soon her eyes adjusted. Instantly she looked down at their huge nest that spanned the back of the room. Over a hundred animal pelts laid across the bottom then sixty blankets and more pillows than she could count. Smiling she went over and said.

"This is huge. Wow."

"We both built that one."

Jayden said helping her untie her bag. Ava shrugged it to the floor then said.

"I'm impressed."

A small wooden table and two chairs sat closer to the door with an old bookcase beside it. Filled to the brim and even held stacks of books on top it.

"I didn't know you two read like that."

Kayden looked over to the bookcase and said.

"Mom always told us books are portals to another world. When you read you are part of the story as well."

"Have you read all those?"

"Quite a few times. Come on Alpha. We can unpack and go eat. I am starving."

Jayden said nudging her side. Ava nodded and turned to him.

"At least your mom is okay with us staying in the same room. Could you imagine if we had to sleep separately? I don't think I could."

"She raised us."

Kayden said in a low growl.

"She knows we would have just come found you anyways."

"Horn dogs. But, Jay is right. Let's hurry up and eat. I am hungry too."

They stashed their bags near the table, changed into their human forms, then Ava followed them towards the kitchen. Apollo made the den confusing so the twins would learn early how not to get lost.

As they drew closer Ava could smell cooked deer wafting down the hallway. She smiled and sniffed the air.

"Real home cooked's been so long."

"You say that until she makes the breakfast pie."

Jayden joked. Ava entered the kitchen area and found Apollo human as well. Moving drinks to the table. She was an older female but still held her form from her wild ways. Taller than Ava, her hair was black and always pulled back into a pony tail. The twins got their eye color from her. Strikingly blue and changed they with emotions.

The kitchen area was the only room in the den that had a stone floor. Apollo broke and moved every rock that lined the floor by herself. She also made a fire pit and the table and chairs from scratch. A larger metal bucket sat atop a box acting as a sink. Ava gazed up through the smoke vent hole and could just see the stars in the sky.

Apollo smiled as they came in and said.

"I made twice toasted deer for you three. I know how much you like it."

"You are too kind."

Ava said with a smile.

"Thank you."

They sat and ate together catching up on what was happening in Rome. As they finished up Apollo asked about the mole. Ava still sat at the table as the twins cleared it. She looked over at Apollo and said.

"Thomas Cain. He came to Rome from Russia. He's only been in the Black Paw for a short time. Richard Slave brought him in."

"Does anyone have any idea where he is?"

"I have files to go over with all the info we have on him."

Ava said with a nod.

"Food was first on my mind."

Apollo smiled but agreed.

"True. Does he have any followers or anything?"

"Not that I am aware of. Solo worker."

"He will be no match for us."

Apollo remarked shaking her head.

"How dare he hurt my kids. All of them."

Ava smiled at her.

"We will get him. Together, as a family. We can go over all the information tomorrow and come up with a plan."

"Good idea. I'm sure you three are tired. Long trip here I am sure."

Apollo looked over to the twins who rinsed the dishes in the bucket.

"Ping and Pong. You two tired?"


Jayden turned to her sighing.

"Stop with the nicknames."

"Oh hush. You tired?"

"We slept on the plane but even still, it's been a long day."

Jayden answered as he and Kayden came back to the table. Apollo touched Jayden's arm as he went by.

"My poor babies. We'll all sleep in tomorrow. Start new and fresh."

"That sounds nice."

Ava said with a sigh.

"We've been dealing with so much recently, it feels nice to get away and stay with family."

"I'm glad you all are here. I've missed you so much."

Apollo reached out and held Kayden's hand.

"Promise you'll stay a bit. Even after we get Thomas."

Kayden looked over to Ava who smiled at him.

"Oh stop. You answer boy. Don't look to me."

He looked back to his mother and nodded.

"Yes, for a bit. I have missed being out here."

"Oh good."

Apollo stood and said.

"Well, I'm going to bed. If I'm not up when you are come find me."

Ava watched her go to Jayden and kiss his cheek.

"Love you Jay."

Jayden eyes dropped to the table as he mumbled.

"Love you too..."

Ava laughed as Apollo pinched his cheek.

"Nothing like a mother to make a 6'7 male Lycan to blush."

Apollo went to Kayden and kissed him as well.

"Love you Kay."

"Love you too mama."

He said looking up at her.

"I am glad to be home."

"Me too Ping. Me too."


Ava settled into the twin's nest late that night. She gave a heavy sigh relaxing into the softness beneath her.

"I am more tired than I thought."

"Me too."

Jayden landed beside her with a thud and smiled. Ava turned into him and asked.

"Still love me boy?"

He nodded and curled her into his body.

"Yes. That won't ever change."


She kissed his cheek then turned to look over at Kayden.

"You coming boy?"

"Yes. I am tired as well."

He blew out all but one lantern then landed heavily beside her. Ava felt his arm slid around her waist pulling her back against his chest. Jayden pulled her arm around him and cuddled up as close to her as he could get. Ava smiled and let her eyes close.

"I love you two. Good night."

"Night Alpha."


The next morning Ava awoke to the wonderful sound of birds singing away in the trees above her. It was a strange sound to her at first, used to her TV for background noise. Blinking her eyes open it was still so dark in their room. The lantern had gone in during the night. Sleep came effortless last night. Her dreams danced with memories of her time here before. It was so perfect here. Quiet, calm, and private. Ava had spent months here before, only when her itch to return to Black Paw did she leave.

Turning over into Jayden's body she kissed him awake like she had before. He was much more responsive this time. Moving to hold her instantly, his kiss soft and sweet. Ava ran her hand down his cheek and smiled.

"Morning boy."

He gave her a lazy smile opening his eyes. Ava danced her fingers over the mark on his neck and whispered.

"Your mother didn't say anything about this..."

"She knows what you mean to me."

Jayden leaned in and kissed her lips tenderly.

"If I could I would keep this mark forever."

"Have you ever let anyone mark you?"


He breathed out a sigh.

"Last female who tried we killed."

Ava shivered and gave him a sly smile.

"I see I did not get the same treatment."

Jayden shook his head slowly, gazing into her eyes.

"I could never hurt you Alpha. I love you too much."

"You would keep my mark forever?"

"That or you could just keep marking me forever."

Ava let out a soft giggle and hugged him tight.

"I like that idea. Feeling okay today?"

"Yes, I love being home. Don't get me wrong, I love being with you and in Rome and working with Black Paw but...this is home."

"It's odd thinking of you out here as puppies. How long did you stay?"

"Over a hundred years."

He replied.

"We didn't leave to adventure on our own until we were...I think one hundred and ten."

"You stayed with your mom?"

"Not always. We have small dens placed all around this area we stayed in for a while."

Ava nodded and laid back gazing at him. He suddenly smiled down at her.

"You are so sexy could I have not tried to catch you before."


She teased. Jayden nodded but just kept smiling at her.

"I was terrified. You are such an amazing female, how could you ever love someone like me."

"Easily it seems."

He leaned in and pressed his forehead against her shoulder.

"I didn't think I was capable of this but I love you Alpha. In every way."

Ava played with his hair as she held him close to her. He slipped in and out of sleep in her arms, occasionally kissing her lazily. Lying together for a while Ava only stirred when Kayden moved behind her. He rumbled with a half asleep growl then asked.

"Am I missing a cuddle session?"

Ava curled Jayden's hair in her fingers as she said.

"It's still going on. You can join boy."

Kayden curled his body to hers, pressing against her. He was much taller than and it meant he could hold her perfectly into his body. His lips pressed against her neck making her shiver. He must have kissed his mark. Growling again he smoothed his hand across her stomach, back and forth. Just under his brother's arm. Ava smiled twisting Jayden's hair. She was just in utter bliss. This was perfect.

They laid together for an unknown amount of time. Ava was just lost with them. Not awake but not asleep either. She toyed with Jayden's hair as Kayden's hand danced across her stomach.

They had such a rough time recently and being out here where no one could hurt them helped Ava relax back to her normal. Lying between her boys where she belonged.

The smell of food peaked into her senses. She shifted in the twin's nest and heard Kayden growl.

"She must be awake."

"She knows how to wake us."

Ava mumbled back. Jayden chuckled and said.

"All of us."

After a few more minutes Ava got up with the twins and headed to the kitchen. It was almost 10am now. She had slept later then she thought.

"There you three are. I guess you all were really tired."

Apollo spoke up as they entered the room. Ava smiled over at her and said.

"I've missed sleeping out here. I see why you stay. It's safe, it's private, and best of all no surprises."

Apollo laughed and handed her some homemade coffee.

"When I found this place I knew this would be where I would stay forever. I built this place from the underground up. I couldn't leave. Plus my babies grew up here."

Apollo went over to the twins and kissed them both.

"I promised them no matter what happened they could always run home. You two sleep well?"

"Yes, we have missed our bed."

Jayden said with a smile.

"Our bed in Rome isn't as soft. I hated having to start over."


Kayden asked. Apollo laughed at him then patted his stomach.

"Of course dear. I know my babies like to eat. I made eggs and some nice bird meat I've been hunting recently. Great for breakfast food. Come and sit."


After breakfast Ava gathered all the information she had on Thomas from the twins room. She took a moment to gaze down at a picture of Thomas. It made her stomach churn thinking she gave that face anything but a black eye. How could he have fooled her. Her wits something she was rather proud of.

Closing the file she went outside of the den to a bench Apollo had built. It was a beautiful day out. The sun shone brightly through the trees above. A soft breeze fluttered the grass through the small clearing. Ava found Apollo carrying homemade tea to the table where the twins sat and waited. As she approached they smiled over at her, as always.

"Hello boys. I got all the files we need."

"And I have the tea."

Apollo sang setting the wooded tray on the table. Ava nudged herself between the twins making them smile at her. Happy she wanted to sit with them. Jayden's bashful face buried into a file as Apollo spoke.

"So this is our target?"

"Yes, now we study."

Ava said looking to Kayden. She knew he hated this part. Better at just following her commands instantly.

"Focus boy."

He nodded and Ava passed out files for them to read.

"Of course Alpha."


They studied together out in the beautiful sunlight for a about an hour. Ava was first to speak up.

"Last known location was in New York."

"I have that as well."

Apollo agreed looking at another file.

"Good place to hide. There are a lot of people there."

"Seems he has a few body guards now."

Ava showed them a P.I taken picture of Thomas walking out of a bar followed by three bigger men.

"We will eat them as well."

Kayden growled deeply. Ava shook her head and looked over at him.

"No. Only Thomas. Slit their throats or whatever but Thomas is the only one who will suffer."

"If you eat him how will we prove his death?"

Apollo asked. She made a good point. Ava mused over her thoughts then looked to Jayden.

"Any ideas?"

"Record it."

He answered with a small shrug.

"We've delivered proof of death before. This is no different."

Ava nodded and looked to Apollo.

"Do you have any connections in New York?"

"A few. I will run out and make a few calls today and tomorrow. Still haven't figured out how to get phone service out here."

Apollo replied.

"It will take a few days to find him."

"We are in this for the long haul."

Ava said shaking her head.

"Get ready mama. You got your babies home for a while."

Apollo smiled and looked to her.

"You too baby girl. I always wanted a girl, don't get that twisted Ping Pong. I love you two. But, I wouldn't trade you for anyone else Ava."

"Aw. Thank you."

Apollo suddenly reached out and held Ava's hand. She met her eyes and said.

"When I found out your own mom had passed broke my heart. I am a mother and I know obviously you have your own father and I am sure he is very good to you from what you've told me about him, but I care for you like you were my own. Just like I would do anything for my twins I would do anything for you Ava. You can always run home to me if the world gets too hard."

Ava squeezed Apollo's hand as she gave her and warm smile.

"Thank you mama. That means a lot to me. I know my own mother would have loved you."

Apollo patted Ava's hand then turned to her twins.

"Alright, you two are in charge of looking into the body guards. I'll go get ready to call my contacts for New York. Ava you look into Thomas's background, see what we can use against him. As for right now I need to take Kayden down to the lake with me. We'll use your phone to call my buddy at Black Paw in New York."

Kayden nodded and stood.


"Jayden you start looking into the guards with Ava. We will be back within an hour."


Kayden stood then leaned down to kiss Ava's cheek.

"I will miss you Alpha."

Ava smiled up at him.

"You know I like seeing you smile when you come back to me. I'll be waiting for you to return."

"I will always return to you."

Kayden kissed her again making Apollo make an aw sound.

"You are so sweet to her Kay. Makes me proud seeing you so happy. I won't keep him long, I promise."

Ava nodded and smiled towards him.

"Be careful boy. Watch out for your mama."

Kayden returned her smile.

"As carefully as I do you Alpha."


Ava picked up their files with Jayden after his twin and mother left. They headed back down into the den together. Jayden carried their files into the kitchen area with Ava behind him. She watched him set the files down on the table then pick up some stray dishes. Like he did at her place. Ava smiled and asked.

"Happy to be home boy?"

"Yes, I have missed this place."

Jayden answered turning to her. She came over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Ever brought a girl back here before?"

"Never. You are the first and last."

He smiled, his eyes happy. He leaned down and kissed her lips kindly. Ava squeezed him tight and let out a soft growl.

"So that means your nest hasn't seen any action beside you jacking off?"

Jayden laughed shaking his head.

"Me and Kay don't do that in bed but, you are correct. It has never seen any action."

"So then we better give it a show it will never forget."

Ava growled at him again sliding her hands around to his stomach. His eyes turned lustful as he gazed down at her.


She quickly pushed her hands into his sweatpants sliding down his thick shaft.

"How about we go into your room and I get on my knees for you boy?"

A deep lustful growl left his lips as he moved to kiss her.

"Would you Alpha?"

"As long as you repay me boy. Yes."

She met his eyes and gave him a sinful smile.

"It has been a few days since we've fucked around. I miss it. Will you sooth this ache for your Alpha, wolf?"

Jayden nodded. His eyes boring down into hers.

"Yes Alpha. I would do anything for you."

Ava took his hand and smiled.

"Lead me boy. Don't let me get lost."

Jayden kissed her cheek then lead her back to their room easily. Ava still got a bit lost in the tunnels.

As they entered Jayden asked.

"Are you happy out here Alpha?"

Ava nodded watching him close the small wooden door behind him.

"Yes very. I always forget how nice it is out here. So quiet, so peaceful."

He lit a few lanterns then came over to her side.

"Love you Alpha."

"I love you too boy."

Ava shoved his pants down quickly then growled at him.

"You are mine to use as I please."

"Yes Alpha."

He pulled his shirt over his head gazing at her.

"I am yours."

Ava eyes trailed down his naked frame letting out a soft growl.

"You are so sexy Jay...built like a mac truck and so perfectly tall. Woof boy, you are striking."

"All the better to please you Alpha."

He growled back. Ava pushed him towards his nest saying.

"Well, I am always pleased when it comes to you. Stand before your Alpha boy. Let me work you up to begging for me."

Jayden let out a snarl and nodded his head slowly.

"Yes Alpha."

He did as he was asked and Ava kissed his bare stomach.

"You are such a good boy. You do your Alpha proud, that's why I must reward you."

"Thank you Alpha."

Ava knelt down before him staring up into his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled down at her and said.

"You are too kind to me."

"Just enough."

Ava took him into her mouth and a loud moan left his lips already. Smiling to herself, she ran her hands around his thighs holding him closer to her. So she could work her magic. Ava never really had a gag reflex. She used to show off as a child by touching the back of her throat in class. Always got a good reaction.

Grateful to this if for no other reason than to please her boys. They both were bigger males and got rowdy when she blew them. A weaker female would have thrown up everywhere.

Jayden's fingers played in her hair as he let out another moan.

"Christ Alpha...I already want you."

Ava pulled him out of her throat and smiled up at him.



He growled staring down at her.

"You'll just have to wait boy. I am having fun."

"Like I'd say stop."

Ava laughed then sucked him back down into her throat. His big thighs twitched as his head hit the back of her throat.

"Jesus fuck..."

She turned out all her tricks for him. Dragging her nails across his thighs she left marks behind which just made him groan. Not even ten minutes later she felt his fist close in her hair. He tilted her head back to meet her eyes. She held him still within her mouth but smiled up at him. Jayden laughed and ran his hand down her cheek.

"You are so sexy Alpha. Let me have you."

She pulled him out and started slowly stroking him in her fist.

"Ask properly boy."

"May I bury my face between your beautiful thighs Alpha?"

Ava stood up in front of him and growled.

"Going to repay me?"

"Oh of course Alpha. Besides,"

His smile turned wicked and he said.

"Nothing tastes as good as you do, and I am hungry."


Kayden and Apollo returned an hour later with more info from the Black Paw in New York. Thomas was in fact there and hiding in the Bronx. Ava and Apollo had the boys study the map while they worked out a plan to get close to him.

Ava loved planning with Apollo, they thought alike and both of them smart as a fox. Spending the better part of the day reading and searching maps and files. Ava enjoyed this time spent with the twins family. Felt like she belonged with them, like they had accepted her as one of their own.

After Apollo made them dinner Ava retired with her boys to their room for the night. All the studying and reading had her brain frazzled. She wanted to just spend time with her boys.

As soon as their door closed Ava yanked Kayden into her body, almost making him stumble.

"I've missed my boys."

Kayden smiled and cupped her face as he kissed her.

"Once we get Thomas our lives can go back to our own normal and we can go back to killing and cuddling like before."

Ava sighed against him, nodding.

"As long as I get to keep you two around I am fine with anything."

Kayden chuckled and kissed her again.

"We are yours Alpha. Always."

"I will be so happy when this is all over."

Ava lifted her head to look at him.

"I hate that this stupid man has derailed our life like this."

Jayden growled from across the room catching Ava's attention.

"We will find him. We will kill him and we will take our life back."

Kayden's hand moved her head back towards him and he gave her a sly smile.

"We will do anything for you."

She let out a sigh but smiled at them both.

"I know. I love you two so much...I can't wait until this is all over. I'm so impatient. We are getting close though. We have found him, now we just need a plan to get him. Day by day boys."

Kayden let out a growl as she left his arms. Ava smiled at him then said.

"Tomorrow we should wander around the forest a bit. I'd like to get clean too. Jayden made me all messy earlier."

Jayden looked away bashfully making Kayden chuckle.

"Mom still has the water-warmer she made out by the lake. I can take you there tomorrow and get clean. Jay is running with mom to make more calls and pick up the files New York is sending us."

"So I'm going to shower now since I won't have time in the morning. Besides."

Jayden cast Ava a sly look then said.

"We did make a mess earlier Alpha."

"Always fun with you boy."

She growled over at him. Kayden put out a few lanterns as Ava crawled into their nest. Grateful Apollo cared about having warm water to shower with. A cold bath was not at the top of Ava's list.

"Glad I don't have to plan everything here. Maybe we should keep your mom on our team for a while."

"We love her."

"But please no."

They said in steps. Ava laughed watching Kayden change for bed.

"Since you said please. Are you going to shower now Jay?"

"Yes, I'll be back soon.

Jayden left and Kayden finished putting out the lanterns. He suddenly growled and landed atop Ava's body in his nest. She smiled slyly at him running a hand up his chest to his throat.

"Yes boy?"

"It has been too long since I have slipped into your body Alpha. I ache for you..."

"Take me to where the warm water is tomorrow and I'll maybe let you slide into me then."

He groaned burying his head in her neck.

"I don't want to wait. Please, let me have you Alpha."

Ava smiled and moved to kiss the mark she had laid on his neck.

"Of course wolf. You know I like taking you when you are all strung out."

His whole body shivered as he moved to look down at her.

"It's been too long for me."

Ava laughed and moved from beneath him.

"Animal. I will take care of you boy. Let your Alpha ride you to your end."

Kayden landed beside her shoving his shorts off his body. Ava laughed again pulling her shirt off.

"Someone is ready for me. Ache that bad boy?"

She wiggled out of her sweatpants as he hissed like an angry gator.


Ava pushed him down into bed straddling his lower stomach.

"Good. I like when you are like this. Animal."

"Your animal."

He growled staring up at her. Smiling she reaching behind her to stroke his length.

"Damn right you are mine. To use as I please."

Kayden moaned and pulled her down into a rough kiss.

"Then use me Alpha..."

"Gladly boy."

Ava sank him deep into her body watching his head lay back as he groaned. His hands held her hips tightly as she settled onto his waist.

"Still that good?"

"It takes conscious effort not to lose myself when I slip into you."

His eyes were lustful as he sighed out his words. Ava smiled and pulled his face up into a kiss.

"Keeps you coming back for more."


Ava rode him hard knowing he was just so strung out and so needy it would not take long for him to find his release with her. She loved taking care of him this way. Almost as fun as cuddling him when he was sad. And controlling him made her feel like an Alpha, strong and fierce. Worthy of her nickname.

Riding him steadily for a good twenty minutes she teased his ending. Listening to him groan in pleasure was amazing. She knew he loved how she took care of him. It was not difficult.

She kissed his neck and ear whispering.

"Want to finish boy?"

"Yes Alpha."

He moaned kissing her throat.

"So badly."

"Ask me."

She growled digging her nails into his chest. Kayden bit the side of her neck and growled against her skin.

"Let me fill your tight little hole Alpha."

She shivered and kissed him deeply. His raunchy ways always enticing her, but since he put is so nicely, Ava gave him what he wanted. His entire body tensed up and his eyes shut tight as a loud snarl left him. Ava met her own end feeling him empty himself inside her. She bared down onto his body, getting them as close as possible.

"Fuck yes Kay..."

He groaned her name and pulled her into a kiss. Ava kissed him fiercely tangling her hands in his short hair.

"You always know how to please."

"It is my job Alpha."

"I love you make me feel like an Alpha."

His hands held her face as he kissed her deeply.

"You are my Alpha. I will always obey you. I am yours to use, as often as you wish."

Ava smiled against his kiss, just falling for him more and more.

"Stay with me forever boy?"

"Yes Alpha. Always."
