Kion's Test

Story by EkhidnaWritez on SoFurry

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#4 of Commissions

This is a Micro-Macro story featuring characters from the Lion Guard. It focuses on Kion trying to complete his initiation test and survive when everything goes wrong. A Commission work for Star Sage!

Kion's Test

"No big deal, right? Just go in, get the panties, go out. Simple, quick, and easy. Then I'm part of the Guardian's Fraternity for good!" Kion exclaimed to himself, he wasn't even careful about the volume of his voice since he knew no one would hear him. "Yeah, no big deal. No big deal at all," he repeated in an effort to convince himself and calm his heart a little as he climbed the last stair leading to the Huntresses Sorority.

Looking over to make sure he was still in the clear, he ran the distance that separated him from the outside of their Sorority and their white fence. The space between the wooden pillars was tiny, nearly nothing, but thanks to his size he managed to slip in between the cracks, easily surpassing his first challenge. As he continued to run towards the house proper, he took notice that, just as his instructions stated, he'd arrived in the backyard of the Sorority.

He paid it no mind as he kept on running, thankful that instead of stairs he found a long ramp leading up to the backdoor of the house. Even at a distance, he could already hear hectic sounds coming from inside. Which only grew louder as he approached as fast as his legs could take him. It only took him a few moments that felt like hours for him to reach the door. It was then that he found a nasty surprise waiting for him. "Oh come on!"

Leaning against a wall, he focused on catching his breath whilst glaring at the offending piece of plastic blocking his entrance. "They said it wouldn't be an easy entry! They didn't say anything about micro-blockers!" Letting out a low groan, he sat down using the wall for support. "I should've listened to Bunga and come at night. But nope, had to prove I'm tough and go in get 'em in the morning."

After a few seconds of sulking, he smiled and light red flushed his cheeks. "W-Well, it's not all that bad. Maybe I'll get to see Fuli walking around," he said to himself and immediately realized how silly that was. But he couldn't help it. She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever met and a long-time friend, likewise the other two occupants of the house, but Fuli took a special place in his heart.

Shaking his head, he stood up. "Focus, Kion! You have a mission to complete. Now, there has to be a way to get inside the--"

"--elling you, Jasiri, you left it outside!" The familiar voice of Rani reached his ears followed by soft stomps.

The door opened quickly, the gust of wind it produced nearly sent him tumbling to the side but he saved himself by curling into a ball. When the wind died out a second or two later, he looked up to see the tan-furred form of Rani wearing a pair of shorts, a summer sleeveless shirt, and tennis shoes.

As he looked up to the giantess that was taller than the tallest building in his Micros-City, he couldn't help but be both awed and scared at the same time. There was a reason why micros and macros didn't interact much physically and had to live, for the most part, secluded in their own communities. Simply put, it was too dangerous for any micro to be near a macro that wasn't aware of them.

The same reason that made his devilish panties raid such a daunting challenge. He couldn't just pick one up and leave. No. He had to be careful even at the best of times, which only made it more empirical during broad daylight instead of trying his luck during the relative safety of the night.

Just as he started to imagine the pain it would be to drag his target away for who knows how many hours back to his Fraternity, another figure stepped through the door.

Kion blushed and his heart skipped a beat when he noticed it was Fuli. He couldn't quite see her face, but that didn't matter. He was seeing her and that was what mattered. The golden beauty adorned with spots closed the door behind her, cutting him from any easy access into the house again, and yet he felt no irritation grow in his heart as he stared up to Fuli's panties. She was wearing a small skirt, a tube top, and was barefoot.

Even more so than with Rani, seeing Fuli's foot sent a shiver up his spine.

"Jeez, I'm tall by micro lion standards, but her toe is a bit taller than I am," he said to himself, idly using a hand to measure his stature and Fuli's toe. A toe that was moving his way. "Shit!" He cursed and dove to the side, narrowly avoiding an unsuspecting Fuli squash.

"See? I told you she left it outside, Fuli," Rani said before pointing somewhere he couldn't see.

"Yup, can't argue with the facts, Jasiri," Fuli called in a louder voice, smirking as she did.

"I heard you, dammit! Now, could you please bring it in? I kinda need it and I'm starving already!" Jasiri, annoyed, replied from inside the house.

"You get the stuff while I get the grill running?" Rani asked.

"Deal," Fuli replied.

Kion watched them move away at a speed that seemed impossible for someone so big. Then again, micros could move faster; quite a handy trait whenever macros were present. "I could wait to see if Jasiri comes out or until Fuli returns... or I can be furtive to get inside!" Opting for the quickest option, he ran after Rani, always meters behind her as she, thankfully, walked slowly towards a large grill he was able to spot in the distance. He ran and ran and was able to reach Rani while she checked it.

As the giant lioness inspected the metal contraption, Kion used that chance to look around and figure out what to do next. Seeing a small table near the grill, he watched as Fuli picked up a large plate and then turned towards the house. Suddenly, Jasiri stuck out her upper half from an open window.

"Hey, Fuli, we'll need the buns and the seasoners, too!" The hyena called, smirking.

"Yeah, yeah! One thing at a time, Jasiri!" Fuli replied.

"Bingo! That's my easy ticket in!" Kion celebrated. But before he could do anything else, a sudden shadow wiped the smile from his face. He looked up only to find Rani's shoe descending upon him. Letting out a groan, he dashed out of the way just in time to avoid an untimely demise. The following shockwave made him fall flat on his ass, much to his misfortune.

Fuli's left foot was moving his way, quite quickly, too, as she turned around. Instead of getting up and jumping away, he straightened on the ground and rolled to the side, once more avoiding a certain demise.

"Ooops, sorry, Rani," Fuli apologized after lightly elbowing her friend and for nearly stepping on her foot. "This is a bit heavier than I expected. Hey, Jasiri, how many guests are you expecting to feed, eh?" She teased, which caused Rani to giggle.

"Har, har. As if I didn't know how much you two eat! Now get the darn meat inside. Gotta make sure everything is okay and ready!" Jasiri countered from her spot on the window before withdrawing.

"Heh, so this is how they act when they're just them? And here I thought they'd be all girly and stuff," Kion said to himself, grinning as he did and moving below the grill for his own protection. Looking around for a possible way to get onto the table before Fuli returned, he found that the legs of the grill were slightly scraped. To a macro they were virtually unseen or just minor cosmetic damage. For a micro like him, it was a ladder.

"One, two, GO!" He shouted as he prepared himself for a jump. He easily grabbed to one of the edges, too small even for him to use as nothing more than anchorages and for support as he began to move up the grill.


The sound came from above just as he was reaching the midpoint of the grill's legs. Looking up was a bad idea as the emerging heat of the grill struck him, almost making him lose his grip. It got even worse a moment later when Rani placed more coal on it and fuel to feed the already raging fire and used a metal stick to move it around.

"SHIT!" Kion cursed as he used all his strength to leap to the side, again nearly losing his grip but it was worth it as a boulder of coal twice his size fell a second after right where he'd been. It impacted the metal leg of the grill with enough force to hurt his ears and make his teeth rattle. Enduring yet another obstacle, he continued climbing his way up to his destination.

"It would be so much easier without the fire!" He complained, ears pressed flat against his head and his tail moved from side to side, granting him the crucial balance he needed to not fall to a rather embarrassing end. Little by little he pressed on, now spurred on not just by his need to reach whatever was on the table before Fuli returned but also to escape from the mounting heat coming from the grill proper.

"Mmmmhmmm, yah yah~ Ready for all, ready for a challenge hum hum hum~"

The relaxed humming of Rani did little to soften Kion's hurry as he took the lessons learned during Rafiki's classes to heart and climbed as fast as he could, undetected. Finally, he reached the top of the grill, and an easy jump after that, he was on the table next to it.

"Huh... strange," he muttered as he found himself staring at a variety of buns. Burgers, hotdogs, even a few croissants, but there were also bottles of mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, and other seasonings. "Looks like they're going to have a feast. Man, a single sausage they eat is enough to feed the whole of the micro side of College for a day!" He chuckled before crossing his arms. "Now... what the heck am I going to do? I can't just crave myself a hole in a bun. If I get stuck...," the prospect of what could happen made him shiver until a sudden idea entered his mind causing him to blush. "Well, if it's Fuli... no! Stop it, Kion! Remember what you're here for!"

Slapping his cheeks at the same time, he walked in between the forest of buns and bottles trying to find a good spot for him to hide.

"Hey, Fuli, the grill is about ready, care to tell Jasiri to hurry up?" Rani said, loudly.

"Unlike some other slowpokes I know, I'm ready!" Jasiri said as she placed a platter full of meat. Sausages, burger meat, steaks, chicken wings and legs, and even pork ribs.

"Oh, sorry, Jasiri. Thought you were Fuli," Rani apologized. "Pass me the sausages and the steaks, please? Oh and pass me the salt and the spring seasoner?"

"Sure thing, girl," Jasiri replied.

Kion barely had time to admire Jasiri and her tough, muscular body covered by a sports bra and a pair of loose pants that ended at her ankles, leaving her feet free. He was far more preoccupied with the giant hand passing over him. Diving to the side, he crawled below a burger bun with only his head sticking out partially. From his hiding spot, he watched Jasiri easily pass a monumental (to him) amount of salt, oils, and other stuff he didn't know what to call to Rani. Then, Jasiri rushed back inside the house, confusing him slightly.

His doubts went away when he saw Fuli emerge to the backyard once more and walk directly in his direction. "Ufff!" He groaned the moment Fuli picked the platter up and turned fast to the house. "Guardians Fraternity, here I come!" He exclaimed joyfully as each of Fuli's steps brought him closer to his victory.

Then, it all crumbled to the ground when she suddenly shifted to the right and walked away from the house. "No, no, no! The other way! Where are you going, Fuli!?" He hissed under his breath, not because he was afraid she could hear him, but rather because the knot forming in his stomach prevented him from screaming. He had no time to panic, however, as a large table perfectly able to fit around eight macros came into his field of view.

The table was adorned with a few cups, cans of soda, bottles of beer, some other plates, handkerchiefs, and more. It was a fully decorated table down to the red and white squared patterned tablecloth. "Shhhhit... they're having a freaking picnic? Ugggh, I'm never going to say this to Ono. he's always telling me 'check your surroundings!'. Guess he had a point--Whoa!" He stopped talking when he felt himself light for a moment, only for the next to have the wind blown out of his lungs when he was pressed hard against the metal surface of the platter and the weight of the buns smacked him down.

"G-Gonna feel that tomorrow," Kion breathed out, coughing lightly as he crawled out from under his hiding spot.

"Come on, Rani! I'm starving!" Demanded the tomboyish Jasiri after shutting the door in her passing. "Me want to eat!" She said doing a mocking version of her brother's voice.

Rani giggled and turned to her. "It'll be done when it is done, Jasiri. Cooking a piece of steak takes time, you know. Why don't you start with a hot dog? Sausages are nearly done," she pointed out.

"Don't mind if I do!" Jasiri said, smiling.

"I'll help myself to one, too. Practice today left me drained," Fuli said as she joined Jasiri in the quest to retrieve a couple of sausages from the grill.

"This is my chance! I'll find another way inside the house," Kion said as he rushed out of the platter and to the nearest edge of the table. He constantly glanced back and forth between the girls and the rest of his available space to run. He reached the end in a few moments and, to his dismay, jumping was out of the question and he found no easy way to get off the table. The giggling from the girl made him look at them only to discover that Jasiri and Fuli were returning to the table.

He was small, he was a micro, after all. But on a table and in an open space he was bound to be seen. "Forget the Guardians' rules, if Jasiri sees me I'm going to be in so much trouble!" Looking around for a viable hiding spot, he picked a burger bun and squeezed in between the two pieces of bread for safety. Just in time, too, as he felt the tremors of his two giant friends sitting. He sighed in relief when he suddenly felt exposed; his protective armor of gluten spread apart.

Kion felt his red mane turn white when he realized he had squeezed into a hot dog bun, not a burger one. And now, hanging in the air too high for him to survive the nasty fall, he looked up to find Jasiri, her eyes closed, dumping a hot sausage in the middle of the bun. There was no way for him to run and he knew it.

But experience was key in those kinds of situations and Kion did the only thing that came to his mind. He took a big breath and mushed himself against the side of the bun face-first as much as he could. A moment later, the sausage fell behind him and its warmth coursed through his back and from there to the rest of his body. Thankfully for him, the hot, near scalding hot feeling nearly died out when a cold, wet, gooey substance covered the surface of the sausage and slipped onto his back. The sweet smell of the gooey liquid reached his nose and sighed. "Never thought I'd be so grateful to ketchup before."

Pushing back now that he was safe, he tried to move and find a way to avoid being eaten by Jasiri. With his back completely covered in ketchup and slowly sliding alongside the surface of the sausage, Kion was at a loss of how he was going to get out of his current predicament without being noticed or worse. "If push comes to shove, I'll get their attention somehow and get this over with. But unless that happens, game on!"

He shouted before groaning as he tried to squeeze out of the end of the sausage. He was about to free himself when the slightly acid taste of mustard fell on top of him, followed by the smell of onions and mayonnaise. "T-Thank -graaah!- goodness Jasiri hates spicy food!"

He exclaimed as he tried not to cry thanks to the pieces of onion, some larger than he was, landed on the now soft surface that the condiments provided for him.

Whatever relaxation or peace of mind he had was instantly thrown out of the window when a sharp push slammed him against the sausage and he found himself staring into the gaping abyss that was Jasiris wide-open, drooling, salivating mouth. Her tongue moved out of her maw just to better welcome her meal.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Kion entered into a near state of panic as he got closer and closer to his friend's fang-filled mouth, ready to take a bite of her hot dog if not devour it entirely in a single go. "C'mon! C'mon!" He hissed at his right leg, somehow trapped between the meaty surface of the sausage and the bun; the condiments that had saved him previously now were creating a cork around his foot preventing him from escaping.

Just as he was passing the umbral of Jasiri's lips, he yanked his leg with all his might. There was an empty, wet sound and his foot was free, but the force behind it had been so high that he lost his balance and fell back, stumbling on the edges of the bun and falling from relative safety.

But Kion wasn't one to panic and give in to despair so easily. As he fell, he managed to grab onto a few hairs of Jasiri's forearm. He looked up just in time to see her bite onto half her hot dog and hear a moan of satisfaction a moment after.

"Ohhhhhh, it's soooo goood!" Jasiri exclaimed as she chewed with her mouth open.

"Could you please chew properly, Jasiri? I don't want to lose my appetite," Fuli said, deadpanning.

For Kion, however, it was something different. Small chunks of food rained all around him, some as big as he was but most were like small, mushy rocks. A few hit him but it wasn't enough to make him lose his grip. It wasn't until Jasiri took another massive bite, well before she had finished her first mouthful of hotdog, that disaster struck.


Kion felt the rumbling of his friend's pleased moan as he tried to descend, but he was too small and the distance he needed to cover was far too large. "Oh fuck!" He cursed, his pupils shrinking into pinpricks as he witnessed a large glob of mustard and ketchup fall from Jasiri's lips directly onto him. Unable to move and knowing that if he let go it would be game over for him, he did the only thing available to him.

He closed his eyes and took a giant breath. A second later, the glob of condiments hit him with enough force mixed with its slippery properties to make him lose his grip and he fell. Kion felt that he was falling for one maybe two seconds before he hit the table; the glob splattering upon impact.

"Gahh! Unngh! Fuuuck!" He cried out as he was launched across the table's surface, hitting and bouncing a couple of times before hitting one of the monumental seasoning dispensers. He tried to stand up but there was way too much gunk weighing him down. "D-Damn it. That was close, way too close. I am never eating another hotdog without mustard or ketchup again," he sighed before trying to remove as much of the offending tasty grime covering him. "Dammit... I won't be getting much done with this all over me," he muttered in an annoyed tone.

Kion removed his shirt and pants in an instant, leaving them concealed with the yellow and red mess. "I really liked those..." he lamented before looking up to see the situation. As expected, neither Fuli nor Jasiri had noticed him and the latter was already devouring a second hot dog. Now that his fur was wet and slippery, he used it to his advantage by crawling to Rani's empty plate, seeking refuge below the lettuce in order to plan his next move safely.

He was successful in crossing the table and managed to get up on Rani's plate undetected. Kion breathed out and slumped against the lettuce, sitting down. "Okay... okay, Kion, what are you going to do now? Maybe I should wait for Rani to sit down and climb on her? No, that wouldn't work. Oh! I got it, I just need to hide in the dirty plates and they'll get me why is it getting hot?"

"Heeere's the steaks!" Rani announced as she set a platter full of steaks and at the same time put a large, juicy one on her plate. "How about that, eh?"

"That smells really good, Rani! I'm more of a medium-rare enthusiast, but you make them full crisp so well I can't resist!" Fuli exclaimed as she reached for one and Jasiri took three of them all for herself.

Kion wasn't as excited even though the enticing smell of the perfectly cooked meat made his belly rumble. His lettuce hiding spot had shielded him from the impact of the steak and the heat it was giving off. "Dammit, I need to get out of here pronto!" He cried out but before he could move, he found himself aloft and carried away before being gently put on top of the steak. He knew this because the heat no longer came from the side but from below and because his cover had been blown.

Now he stared up at a drooling Rani that was looking for something. Seeing his chance to run, he took it. However, once he took the first step outside his lettuce floor, the heat of the steak nearly burned his paw; saved only by the lingering slime left behind by the mustard and ketchup. "Dammit! I need to get out of... heeeeeeereeee!"

He cried out when Rani turned her attention down. He scampered to hide as much as he could, avoiding detection once again. Though thankful for that, his luck said otherwise as a steady stream of brownish sauce poured all over the steak, the lettuce, and over him. The weight of the sauce weighed him down and he fell on all fours, unable to move as it kept raining on top of him.

The sauce wasn't like most seasonings as it didn't flow freely. It moved slowly and Kion had to endure it getting everywhere leaving a gooey sensation all over his body. Though not everything was bad, as the sauce served to camouflage him and massively cool off the steak. Enough for him to touch suffering only mild discomfort.

Covered in sauce and moving as quickly as he could without getting caught in the process, Kion advanced silently, closer and closer nearing the edge of the steak and the plate. Out of nowhere, a shadow loomed over him and the next thing he felt was a clod pair of metallic planks sliding at each side of his torso. Looking back, he found that, miraculously, Rani had narrowly avoided stabbing him with her fork. Instead, she had inadvertently trapped him as he was unable to move in any direction.

"Stupid forks!" He hissed, wanting to cry out in anger while trying to wriggle his way out from the confinement her found himself in, but it didn't even budge. He was stuck unless Rani removed the fork herself. Another shadow loomed over him and this time he turned to see the knife land behind the fork.

*Clank!* *Screee!* *Clank!* *Screee!*

Kion closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and pressed his ears down as the cry of ceramic and metal meeting ground his senses; their rumbling echoing through the meat and lettuce he was resting on. The torture then stopped, giving him a moment of relief before he was suddenly pushed against his green safe haven by the sudden increase in gravitational force. It came to an end thankfully soon, but it was no victory as he was now left hanging on a vertical position.

Looking down, he saw the ground, the valley of Rani's breasts, and the emerging lower lip of his friend. "SHIT! Shitshitshit! Oh, fuck!" He screamed, trying to free himself with renewed desperation only to fail again. He looked around for any source of salvation but instead found solid white pointy stalagmites five or more times his size. The mouthwatering scent of the steak was blown away by the fragrance of Rani's maw as her lips and fangs closed in around him. "Come on! Come on! Think, Kion, think!"

He yelled and cursed and spat as he tried to find a solution to his predicament, though it was all for naught as her slobbering saliva drenched him. Her fangs stopped before one could skewer him but her lips finished closing her maw, leaving him in near-absolute darkness.

For a moment, either driven by fear or contemplation, Kion held his breath giving him the chance to hear a rumbling echo coming from the depths of Rina's body. More precisely, down her throat. He only had time to gulp before he felt the meat being pushed down as her fangs snatched it away enough for him to move and free himself. The inside of Rani's soft lips soon collided with him as she moved the fork out of her mouth, trapping him inside.

"Sorry, Rani! But I don't plan on becoming anyone's meal!" He shouted in defiance. Thanks to the sauce and her saliva, he had plenty of lubrication to hang onto the fork's tooth he was grasping for dear life without slipping away, moving smoothly along her movements. He felt the lips of Rani move again, granting him much-needed light. He smirked when a big chunk of lettuce remained within grasp and took hold of it with his left hand.

He let go of the fork but just as quickly grabbed the soft flesh of Rani's lower lip, perhaps a bit too hard.

"Owww!" Rani complained, jerking suddenly. "I think I scraped my lip," she said with some annoyance. "I hate it when that happens!"

"Downsides of having fangs," Jasiri commented before taking a huge bite out of a stake. "Marry me, Raniiii! You make the best steaks I've ever eaten!" The three girls giggled.

"YES! I'm out!" Kion cried far above them (at least, from his perspective) in victory. Pinching too hard was unintentional, but he was damn glad it had worked the way it had. His sudden burst of acceleration came to an end and soon found himself suspended in the air for just a brief moment before his descent began. But this time, there was no fear in his heart.

Using the large chunk of lettuce as a parachute, he managed to slow his fall to a more or less comfortable speed. The downside was that he had no way of controlling his direction and the gentle breeze was starting to move him away from the table and his only means of entry into the house.

Groaning and hissing, he tried to somehow control his improvised parachute with little success. As he descended slowly and away from his target, he grew desperate and angry and pulled too hard. "...Fuck..." he cursed as his only means of salvation was suddenly gashed in the middle; not completely destroyed but now his momentum increased.

He was about to fall below the table's surface area when a sudden gust of wind launched him back on the table. More than enough to fly over the steaks, sausages, and burger buns. His piece of lettuce chose that moment to finally give out on him and split in half, ruining his parachute. "Oooomf!" That was all he exclaimed as he landed face-first on top of a burger bun after a short fall.

Kion pulled back a moment later, gasping for breath. Tiny traces of the bread stuck against his fur and face, the mix of seasonings and remnant sauce creating a sticky, icky covering all over his body. "I... I'm safe... oh gosh, I can't believe Rani almost ate me," he said, shell shocked, now that the rush of adrenaline and bravery were over.

Getting up, he noticed that a glooming shadow was over him once more. He looked up to find Fuli's hand descending on top of him. He ran to the nearest edge of the bun and jumped down, narrowly avoiding the grasp of the giantess. He landed on the plate back first to absorb the impact, but he still groaned after falling over what was a small stockpile of burger buns.

Rolling over, he began to crawl, somehow still unnoticed by the three giant girls that would do who knows what to him if they found him. The thought made him shiver and crawled away faster, finding safety amongst the buns. "I'd rather be eaten than face their right, thank you very much," he muttered as he finally could catch his breath. "I'm starting to think this test is waaaaay too difficult for a simple initiation test."

The young lion waited for what felt to be hours, his heart pounding so hard he could hear it rumbling in his ears; his mind blank and out of ideas of what he was going to achieve his goal.


A loud sound that made everything trembled sent him tumbling on his ass. "What the hell was that!?"

"Seriously, Jasiri? Beer at this hour?" Fuli asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing washes down meat quite the same way as beer does! And hey, you don't have to drink any if you don't want any!"

Rani gulped a mouthful of her steak, shuddering with pleasure. "I make steaks just right, don't I?" Reaching for a can of soda, she slammed it lightly against the table and tapped it against Jasiri's beer. "Proud Huntresses!"

"Proud Huntresses!" Jasiri and Fuli replied in unison.

Kion peered out of his hiding spot to watch the exchange with a smirk on his lips. Now's my chance! He thought the key to getting inside the house was just across the table: one of Jasiri's empty and discarded plates. He got a good two steps out before a loud smack made the entire table tumble, enough to make him lose his balance and grab onto a patty to avoid falling down again.

He was grabbing the patty's exterior so tightly, his claws unsheathed, all out of instinct that he couldn't let go of it in time as he was suddenly lifted into the air. The patty was swiftly turned around, far too fast to allow his tight grip to continue without consequence. The bread crumbled and splintered as he fell down once more. He didn't cry, for he spotted salvation in the form of an ample and juicy lettuce leaf.

Kion hit the lettuce bed with enough force to hear it crack and break slightly upon impact. Looking up, he watched as Fuli, licking her lips, dropped rings of onion on top of him. He evaded them easily, but before he could jump away to safety, a rush of condiments forced him to his knees, concealing him but ensnaring him at the same time. Then, the pressure of the patty he had clung onto before fell on him and he felt the tight, strong squeeze of Fuli's hand upon the now completed burger. Again, he felt himself moving and cursed. "Dammit!"


He heard Fuki's voice getting closer and closer, knowing she was opening her mouth wide to take a big bite.

"I just hope she doesn't find an extra crunchy treat!" He joked grimly, his heart beating strong, threatening to erupt from his chest and tear his eardrums. "If I get out of this somehow, I'm so punching Bunga in the face!"

A moment of eerie silence came. "Aaahhmmpphh!" Followed by a hungry, eager half-howl.

Kion knew he was inside of Fuli's mouth the moment he began to bounce uncontrollably. The ceiling that was his patty and the bed of meat and lettuce gave away and he found himself suddenly exposed to the unrelenting biting of the girl he loved. Even though he was covered in ketchup to the point he could hardly move, or perhaps it was thanks because of it, he managed to evade the teeth and fangs falling over and over at a slow but steady pace.

A low rumbling filled her mouth, a moan of pleasure. Kion pushed himself out of the way using his legs. But that was only a brief reprieve as he landed on her tongue. It was coarse, coated with increasingly mashed gunk, saliva, and the mixing of all that made a burger a burger inside her mouth. There was little Kion could do except try to ride on her tongue as it moved wildly up and down.

But for all intents and purposes, he was tossed around, licked, and moved at the blind movements of her appendage. The only good thing that came out of it was that as he moved, despite getting hit and coated with pieces of chewed food (and fighting to not become part of that mixture), her twisting tongue also cleaned him. While all he could do was groan in protest. At one particular moment, she showed how dexterous she was with her tongue as she wrapped it around him, cleaning him almost fully before shoving him to the back of her throat.

"Nonononono!" He cried out in panic, each breathing moment taking in the aromatic scent of a burger and Fuli's maw. Kion approached the dark incline leading to the abyss of her throat. He tried to grab onto her uvula, but it was far too slippery to grab. He fell further and further, panic set in as he stared into the wet, tight, dark tunnel that would spell his inevitable doom. With a cry of desperation, he dug his claws at the back of her tongue, managing to stop his descent. "FULI!" He screamed, uncaring of the consequences anymore.

His eyes widened when a veritable avalanche of chewed, mushy food came crashing down on him. He closed his eyes and increased his grasp as much as he could. A terrible echo and rasping sound came from below, interrupting the flow of food and making Fuli cough. "YES!" Kion cried out, releasing his claws and letting the strong air expel him back to safety; his challenge be damned.

He landed at the tip of her tongue a moment before her lips parted, salvation awaiting him.

And in an instant, his hopes and joy faded faster than a piece of meat on a hungry hyena den. A can of soda entered his field of view, soon followed by a cascading flow of grape soda.

Kion tried to repeat his previous tactic, but it was too late. The purple river hit him and dragged him back as he stumbled. "Bwaaaah!" He stuck his head out on the surface, knowing there was nothing he could do except turn around and face his destiny. He reached the back of her mouth and the descent began.

He didn't scream this time, there was no fear in his heart. The last thought that crossed his mind was one that he felt was out of place, but it made him smile. Huh... this is oddly arousing, he thought solemnly while trying to cover his erection.

Then, he fell.

He had expected a freefall. What he got instead was a tight, near suffocating passageway that threatened to crush him as easily as the strong muscles of her throat moved him down her gullet. Even with low luminosity and giving thanks for his night vision, Kion soon reached the end of his dangerous journey when the ample space of Fuli's stomach made itself present.

Kion fell face-first against a soft surface, small and barely big enough for him to fit, he suddenly got himself wishing for the first time to be smaller just so he could put more space between himself and the bubbling, smelly lake that was quickly consuming the newly added burger, a piece of steak, and several pieces of hot dogs.

The young lion tried to climb back from where he'd come from, but more and more food followed by grape soda kept pouring in as the small hole contracted on itself every so often. Left with no other options other than survival, Kion latched onto the stomach walls as if his life depended on it.

Because it did.

"You know," he whispered to himself. "I've always wanted to be closer to Fuli, but this is plain ridiculous. I guess I can get to know her inside-out! No one will know her as deeply as I do! Man, I'm glad she's as beautiful inside as she is outside!" He laughed at his terrible jokes, unable to do anything else in the meantime.

After what felt like an hour of watching a constant stream of food and liquids rain down on her stomach and him watching the lake grow larger and closer to him; close enough that he had to climb up further up just to avoid its sizzling acid, it finally ended. She moved back and forth and only low, incomprehensible rumblings reached his ears, figments of her voice and bodily noises.

Kion waited and waited, uncaring that his arms were feeling numb or that the effort to keep a firm grasp quickly gave him a workout like no other in his life. Hours flew by and he felt dizzy. There was enough oxygen in her stomach for him to survive for quite some time, but the noxious gasses of her stomach were mounting and soon he'd either lose his grip or get knocked out. Alas, even in his already near-hopeless situation, the danger was not ended. She moved too quickly at times or too abruptly. More than once he'd lost his grip in one arm and several patches had formed all over his body, lost fur burnt away by the corrosive stomach acid of his beloved giantess.

But Kion never wavered, never gave up until, with a final rumbling, everything went still. He waited for several minutes before he dared to move once more. Slowly, he climbed up to where the now nearly impassable hole was. Reaching it, he began to pry it open until he managed to slip inside it.

"Grrr! C-Come on! If I was able to fit on the way down then I'll for sure go up!" He grunted as he crawled at a snail's pace. The muscles around him were pressing tight against him but he managed to move forward, noticing his way was almost completely horizontal. He dragged his tired body through the tunnel, barely able to breathe and his muscles sore, but that didn't matter to him at the moment. A chance of survival awaited him, of escape, and he was going to take it.

His underwear slipped away at the point where a fresh influx of oxygen hit his face. Smiling, he advanced, but with each step he took, the walls around him constrained him harder.

Almost unable to move once more, a gurgling noise came from below followed shortly by an explosion of air and noise that left him hearing white noise as he was forcefully pushed away. Unbeknownst to him, his attempts at freedom resulted in Fuli burping loudly, freeing him after several hours of imprisonment.

"GAAAAAHHHHH!" Kion yelled as he flew up her throat, past her tongue, away from her fangs, and finally out of her mouth. His short trip through the air came to a definite end when he landed, rather harshly, on her fur. He rolled for a few moments until he collided against a soft mound. Getting to his paws, Kion discovered that what halted him was one of Fuli's small (size-wise) breasts.

"..." Kion sighed, looking back to see Fuli's sleeping face. Peaceful and lightly snoring, he wasn't able to prevent a cute blush from appearing on his face. Despite everything that had happened, his feelings for the girl remained and perhaps were now stronger.

The young lion smiled. "Sleep well, Fuli."

That was all he said before climbing down her side. He spent the next hour finding a pair of panties for him to drag away. Much as he wanted, he couldn't waste too much time on searching for a pair of Jasiri's or Rani's, so he settled for the pair lying on the ground in Fuli's room.

He left the house after a while with her panties in tow through the front door, thankfully devoid of anti-micro measurements. The road back to his Fraternity would be long and hard and it was going to take him nearly until morning to get it done. But by the end of it, he'd be an official Guardian.

"Though... for some reason, I think I got more out of this than that," he muttered to himself, blushing as he dragged his treasure behind him.

His stomach rumbled.

"Oh, quiet you."

The End.