Party After - Morning After

Story by FelixDraconis on SoFurry

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Greg weaved to the right, sprinting past the reaching arms of a straining cheetah as he skirted along the tangle of both teams' front lines. He'd faked them all out, racing up past the fifty yard marker with the ball gripped tight under his arm.

A dark roan in a red jersey fell back to the side, too slow to keep up with the tan and red streaks of the wolf. He was going to make it all the way to the end zone and the crowd was roaring in his ears!

Dark red and glistening, a new shape loomed huge in front of him, blocking his view of the bright green endzone turf. The sun dimmed, as if setting behind it. "It" being the huge captain of the Bayview Dragons.

Greg darted left and right, fear raising his hackles against his shoulder pads, but there was nowhere open. Scaly hands swept towards him, flying with impossible speed...

A loud crash echoed through his wing of the dorm. Steely blue eyes spring open, looking up at bright light streaming in the window. Hollow trophies rocked back and forth on the shelves around him, each testing whether they should fall onto his head. Stars swam out from his view, just as dark clouds of a painful hangover flowed in.

The wolf slowly propped himself up on one elbow, groaning, from where his heavy body lay on the floor. It had been one hell of a night.

Greg hated pledge night, not wanting anything to do with the stupid ritual, but he liked being popular. Getting terribly drunk and passing out first after doing crazy shit worked just fine. It was the morning after that was the problem, but first out often meant first up.

Today was no exception, the morning finding a lone hulking wolf prowling the hallways. One that was trying to fight the throbbing in its head and remember where the bathrooms were.

Light streamed out ahead as the wolf ambled toward the main lounge, where most of the halls converged. His nose quivered, picking up a strange scent drifting around, which was different than the alcohol and puke coming from most of the rooms.

Pledge night made him sick to his stomach.

He fought the complaining of his bladder down for another moment, the new scent tingling in his brain and waking him up a little from the throbbing fog. Trained by his parents to always turn off the lights, anyway, the wolf drifted automatically into the room.

Greg didn't see the best, being partly color blind, but the motion of something large and wavering oddly to the side was hard to miss.

Easily enough of a shock to recede his fatigue, the sight of one of the annoying kids that hung around was one thing. But trussed up, hanging from the ceiling, and a girl's skirt framing an ass with a wide open 'O' in the center. That was, well, it took a while for Greg to figure it all out.

He hadn't had the best of luck in the relationship department. Most guys weren't worth introducing to his neat and orderly inner life and the rest ran off after getting a taste of his pounding knot. Which was, incidentally, swollen and forming the base of a straining circle of flesh in the tight shorts he tossed on.

The fat, gaping circle of flesh looked like the perfect fit.

Drawing him out of the lust filled stupor he was entering, it jiggled, and the horse it belonged to seemed to squirm in its cradle of restraints.

"Ohhhh... fuck... is someone there?" a weak boyish voice murmured.

Grinning inwardly, Greg moved up to the side of this potential prize, paws on his sides as he watched the freshman struggle. "Yeah... Uh. What's up?" the wolf rumbled.

The horse, well, more like a pony, increased his tugging. "Let me down. Shit. My butt hurts so bad... Ow... Fuck... I gotta get a drink, man. So sore... Uhnnn. What happened..."

As the boy let loose his barrage of complaints, the wolf edged up to the hanging muzzle. A paw reached down, pulling up on the boy's chin so he could get a better look. Yeah, it was the same kid who'd been hanging around trying to get in with the other boys and look cool. "Looks like you got what you wanted. You're in, right? The name's Greg, by the way."

"What the... It wasn't supposed to be like this... Let me down, man!"

Steely blue eyes glittered down, matching the watery brown of the pony. Despite his tough talk, there was a waver to his voice and he looked ready to bawl like the sissy he was dressed up to be. The thrill of superiority ruffled up the wolf's back, causing his hackles to rise, as it fed his inner desire for control.

"Quiet down. You'll get what you want. Now shut up and open your mouth. You'll get your drink."

"Fuck, man, let me go!" The pony thrashed in his bindings, trying to tug his head away from the tight grip. But Greg had a lot of practice gripping sweat-slick footballs and the boy wasn't going anywhere. Finally, rage building and instinct sensing he needed to assert that control, a backhand slap railed across the pony's face.

"Aaaahhhgg... Please... I want to go home...." He was crying, now, so close to breaking before but the harsh sting and fear made him snap under the wolf's paw.

"More like it. Now open that mouth and it'll all be over soon." Greg tried to sound more reassuring, though his lust added a husky, sinister edge, while his other paw tugged down his shorts. Nearly a foot long snake of musky unwashed dick unrolled onto the boy's face, oozing pre and piss he could barely contain.

Sobbing, having lost the battle before it began, the boy's mouth opened. Tapered wet wolf flesh eased past those wide lips, the pony having a nice wide mouth to wrap his stalk of red, angry meat. Tears rolled down as the wolf watched, feeding boiling inner lusts, echoed in the churning of his long, dangling sac.

Wet eyes shot open, the pony's struggles starting again, as a burning stream of piss sprayed out that tapered tip and fought for space in the boy's throat. The vice like paw had a good hold on a tugging chin, though. Fingers wrapped around and pressed above the jaw just as he'd grip the ridges of the ball, making it difficult to close.

That throat gurgled, caught trying to swallow and breathe at the same time, gulping down both loads of piss and air at the same time. It was hardly fast enough, as more dribbled out his mouth, but the boy was held tight and the wolf's dick just ground in deeper so it was practically pissing straight into his hanging stomach.

Greg had been holding in a whole night's full of strong alcohol that swam in his straining bladder, and he groaned with the bliss of finally letting it go. It burned going down and again in that swinging gut, as the remaining alcohol slowly soaked into the boy's body. Hazy heat spread out further, those brown eyes starting to glaze over from the lack of oxygen and the cocktail streaming in his body.

Guzzling swallows fell into a more regular rhythm, as the struggles from the hanging male slowed down. Wolfdick slid deeper into a tight throat, eliciting a groan of satisfaction as the bulbs of his knot worked up to the sides of that broad mouth and those balls finally were able to nuzzle their musky tan fur on a warm chin. The pony was starting to associate the rank taste of the wolf with the strong drink soaking through him. Giving in came easier as he drank down the rest spurting from that dick with a confused alcoholic craving.

Bladder emptied, the fat red dick nuzzled free of the still gulping, sucking mouth. Piss stained the boy's chin, dripping on the floor, and the wolf could feel the head grow slack in his paw. Growling rumbles came from his chest, a prideful glow radiating within from the way the hanging male submitted so easily to his cock.

In his air of satisfaction, Greg kicked away an ugly chrome bowl that someone had left behind, no doubt full of something nasty. Paws unhooked legs and arms trapped by chafing bands, though the pony couldn't stand straight and leaned against the wolf. The poor boy was a mess. His belly sloshed, his ass stung with every step, and his whole body ached and would barely respond. Good enough for the wolf, as his immediate need was sated he could skip the bathrooms.

"Easier to get the stumbling boy back to his room for the other", he thought with a grin. A strong wolf paw clung to that soft butt, three fingers probing the gawking warm hole, guiding an ass that would soon be balls-deep in needy, wet wolf dick.