In the beggining

Story by Stormlion on SoFurry

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Well this is my first story, had no idea for a title or whether to do a series or not, that's why it's open ended and has a crud title, I really enjoyed writing it, and hope you enjoy reading it, comments welcome.

He just lay there on his bed slowly rubbing his shaft, not bothered enough to go faster but enjoying the feeling that helped him to think. Today was not a good day. The night before there was a kind of mutual agreement between him and his girlfriend to meet up at college and speak this morning; at least he thought that, Sandy had been avoiding him all day and a gaggle of friends stopped him from even pursuing. Thinking of what to do was hurting but necessary. There was a murmur from outside, he ignored it, and again this time louder, still he ignored it. It was probably just his stupid brothers doing their giggling girls act. The door hit his bed, "WHAT TH..." he started, quickly removing his hand from his trousers, his mum stuck her head around the door "Hey Sandy's on the phone she wants to talk, and don't finish the sentence please." The first thought to cross his mind was, oh god what now?, then came, finally, lastly, why now?, it was just after eight and she was always online at eight, for some reason she still had dial up, but she'd blocked him now so he couldn't tell. He picked the phone out his mothers hand and she quickly retreated out of the door and closed it. "Hey" he said feebly, not knowing what to expect. "Hey" she replied "what are you doing"


"Knowing you you're probably laying on your bed thinking about last night, and most likely with your paws down your pants"

Dam she knew him too well "your right about everything but the last part"

"I know you, that reply means a yes an all accounts" she chuckled

This wasn't going well "why did you phone then" was his disgruntled reply

"I missed your furry body"

"And I miss you, period"

"Then come around"

WHAT THE HELL passed through his head "wha..? err..."

A laugh from the plastic held in his paw "hello is this thing on"

he couldn't help but forget his situation and laugh back "okay when"

"Right now if you want"

"Hell yeah"

"Wanna sleep over"

"Oh I dunno"

"Its fine, I've been on the phone a good half hour with your mum"

That wasn't too odd, he hardly ever controlled his life, and it was nice that Sandy got on with his mum.

"Uh okay"

"Okay," said a considerably happier voice "see you soon".

She hung up. He looked at the phone and found himself the other side of his room. He went over to and sat down on his bed and decided to pack up some clean underpants and his toothbrush.

As he walked to his girlfriend's house he thought, he seemed to be doing to much of that recently, it was mainly about last night and just a bit less about tonight. Yesterday seemed to be a good day till then, Sandy came online at the usual time but instead of the usual phone-sex style chat she started with a nudge and a large WTF DO U THINK U R DOING WID JASMINE 2DAY U BSTRD replied to with ???


i never did y wld i i got u aint i?


Look il tlk 2 u 2morro bout it coz I ave no clue


She blocked him, he tried phoning but she didn't pick up. He just couldn't believe what had just happened he was hardly in school because he had to go to the dentists that day and he hadn't turn up till lunch much after third period maths, he knew she couldn't be mistaking him for anyone else he looked very distinctive first there were only around six lions in the school second he was tallest at about 6" 1", the oldest at 16, had tan fur which was slightly darker than the norm, a very large deep red, almost bloodlike, mane and a very strange white tuft of fur on the end of his tail instead of it being the colour of his mane. He might of thought it a joke but like Sandy knowing him, he knew her and she would never purposely hurt someone's feelings without just cause, which left two things a friend was round her house and was playing a trick or a rumour was going round school, well tonight he was going to find out what had happened, he hoped.

He arrived at Sandy's house just after half eight and with a deep breath and all the legendary lion bravery he could muster he knocked on the door. He waited a few seconds but as he had heard from friends nerves made it feel like an eternity. The door finally opened. It was Sandy's mother standing above him, she looked terrifying for such a nice woman but being a 6" 9" deep blue dragon it was hard not to be. "Hello Mrs..." he stopped he saw Sandy just behind her, smiling, Sandy's mother smiled and replied "Hello Adam, Sandy has been waiting for you"

"Hey Sands" Adam said " are you" his courage starting to fail

"Adam" she giggled, her face went suddenly serious "do you want to come up to my room to talk about today"

"O...okay" this really wasn't going well

"Follow me then" Sandy started up the stairs. Following Sandy up gave Adam a brilliant view of Sandy's backside; ooh how he'd love to get his paws on that.

When they got to her room she closed the door behind her leaving her boyfriend to sit on her bed, why was he so nervous, she thought, he was normally so talkative but he was just sitting there looking slightly upset.

God this is going sooo bad please get me through this, thought Adam in silent prayer. He looked up at his girlfriend of two years and 3 months, she knew her slightly less than hourglass figure of tan scales the same colour as his fur so well, where she liked to be touched on her short snout, how to touch her in the chest to get her aroused, where her nipples of her ample breasts where most sensitive and many more other things, but he just loved her to bits, all that stuff was to keep her with him, not that he thought he needed it, till now. He looked back down into his hands. This was not going well, his confidence was drained and head in chaos Adam was just waiting for it to go from worse to terrible. He felt the bed depress beside him, oh great here it comes.

"What's wrong" said the head in his lap

What? That was the last thing he expected "well..." that's just great Adam thought now I can't speak.

"Ok I'll start then if you're so nervous" stated Sandy "why weren't you on messenger last night?"

"What" now that was just abuse he was online and she if anybody should know it "I was, you even dumped me, remember?"

"No chance, I checked and re-check but you weren't there, hang on what do you mean dumped?"

"Like you don't know you accused me of snogging that whore Jasmine"

"What I'd never say that"

Somehow they had managed to get to their feet and were standing the opposite sides of the room.

"You did, just check your history"

The door opened and in walked Sandy's mother "Hey kids" do you want anything to drink"

"No thanks mum"

"Okay then" replied Sandy's mum. As she retreated out the room she shot a glance at Adam showing her thoughts of him raising his voice at her daughter, now he was really in trouble if he got out THIS part alive. Sandy walked over to her computer and started clicking away. Adam stood across the room just waiting to be acknowledged.

"THAT COW" Sandy screamed at her screen, she turned her eyes showing compassion, "Oh I am just so sorry" she whispered as she flung herself into Adams chest.

Well this was a certain change of events now all he needed was an explanation.

What a COW that girl was, she new she fancied her boyfriend, she never though shed try to break them up. Oooh she was in for at least a rant probably more. She could just not believe her nerve.

After the first minute of sobbing Adam realised this was a bit much. "Sands, Sands" he whispered "what's wrong"

"I...I'm s...s...sorry Adam it's all her f...f...f...fault..."Murmured Sandy before breaking down into a sobbing mess on her bed.

"Great" thought Adam "this wont end for at least 5 minutes, why are girls just so complicated even at the best of times" this was most definitely NOT the best of times.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY DAUGTER?" yelled Sandy's mother as she burst the door open, charging towards Adam spurting flames from her nose.

"N...n...n...n" stammered Adam this was bad day "n...nothing Mrs..."


""s like"


That was not a nice thought for Adam "Well Mrs... Well it's like t...this"


"NO YOU STOP MUM" yelled Sandy from her bed

"Oh darling, oh let me see what he did" said Sandy's mum as she ran to her daughter, Adam still left frozen and stuttering in fear.

"He didn't do anything mum" sniffed Sandy drying her eyes "It was something that happened today"

"Tell me" replied her mum in her persuasive voice

"Well just now Adam told me that I accused him of cheating" Sandy started, Adams ears perked up he wanted to know as well, "you know last night I had Georgie "round"

"What that one who stalks me" Adam interrupted, immediately the dragons looked over and shot daggers, Adam shut up.

"Well she went on my messenger and told Adam that I saw him cheating on me" Sandy started to sob again "I... think she was trying to b...b...break me and Adam up" Sandy collapsed in tears again.

Adam felt proud of himself; he had got the general gist with one of his theories, which was rare.

"What why?" Adams previous statement was forgotten

"She f...f...fancies A...A...Adam di...didn't you hear h...him say"

"Tell you what" Sandy's mum said, rubbing her child's back " I'll make some hot chocolate for you both then leave you to talk" stated Sandy's mother as she proceeded to the door, giving Adam the "it's in your hands now" look, Adam understood, he had been told by many that he understood Sandy best, he didn't think so but..., well he now had more on his hands tonight than he hoped for, well that wasn't exactly true but that was in a different sense, so he proceeded to move to the edge of the bed and put a hand on Sandy's back and slowly started to rub up and down, the sobbing slowed but it didn't stop, he moved lower and lower till he reached the bottom of her shirt and slipped his hand underneath and continued as before rubbing slowly up and down her back, this had a more positive effect the sobbing stopped and a low slight pleasure growl started in Sandy's throat as the short fur of Adams palm rubbed over the rough scales of her back, then with his spare hand he placed a finger on her snout and tickled receiving a smile, and a deepening of the pleasure growl, he stopped rubbing her snout and moved down to start a kiss...there was a knock on the door "Guys I got your drinks" the door began to open and Sandy's mums head poked around the door, she saw their current pose and said "ok then I'll leave them outside, just don't let them get cold I'd hate to have them wasted" she closed the door "Oh and Sands don't forget that I'm leaving soon"

"Ok mum"

"Bye Mrs ..." Adam started

"Adam how many times must I say that you can call me Sue"

"Ok then, bye Sue"

"He is such a good boy" thought Sue as she walked down the stairs to prepare to leave "I probably was a bit hard on him earlier" Sandy often told her of how over protective she was, but she was her only child, how could she not be over protective. She smiled at the thought of Adam as a son-in-law, he was dedicated and polite, she then thought of their activities tonight, they were at the level where they were probably experimenting, Sue shook the thought from her head, that was such a wrong thing to think about, "I'm going now" she shouted up the stairs, it was replied by a double "bye", such a nice pair they made thought Sue as she closed the door behind her.

Adam had now managed to remove Sandy's shirt and was rubbing her belly moving closer and closer to her bra clasp, then with practiced skill he flicked it open and removed both cups, he placed a finger at the bottom of each breast and slowly spiralled his way to Sandy's erect nipples, he started to tickle and the pleasure growl sandy was emitting was now so loud he would have stopped if there was anyone else in the house, he moved his finger off her right breast and replaced it with his tongue and started to lick, Sandy gasped and stopped growing as Adams rough tongue exited her even more, his other hand started to move down to her jeans as she began to moan. When Adams hand got to Sandy's jeans he started to undo them, when he finally did he slipped his hand under them and into her panties and started to rub her already saturated slit, at this point Sandy just couldn't take any more and started to move Adams head up her chest towards her head, seeing as he couldn't move his head up with his hand in Sandy's underwear he moved his soaked hand back to Sandy's breast only to have both moved to round her back as they engaged in a passionate kiss. Their tongues danced together and caressed each other. After a minute or so they broke apart, "Hot chocolate" said Sandy with a grin

"Yum yes please, I'm think I may enjoy a bit of afters as well" beaming as he looked at the sweaty dragon in front of him,

"As long as its afters, I need a drink" said Sandy as she got up from her bed, Adam grabbed at her jeans, moving them to her knees, almost tripping her "Now that was not very clever was it" chimed Sandy " I better remove these so you cant do that again" as she slowly slipped them off "and these panties" gesturing to the pink lacy ones she was wearing "their soaked", they were, "I better remove them so I don't catch a cold" she slowly pulled them down and as she bent down she flashed Adam a glimpse of her shiny wet slit.

The bulge in Adams lap was certainly growing, but he had to respect Sandy's decisions.

As they sat sipping warm chocolate, they spent more time having fun than they thought, they had discussions on random things from teachers to weather etc. but staying away from the events of the last 2 days, then they hit a controversial topic

" why not then" Adam was saying

"Well two reasons, one I'm not sure of the taste and there's the cat thing" replied Sandy

"Two bad reasons, one you don't taste bad and by my judgement neither do I" Adam grinned and Sandy gave him a strange glance back "and two there is no cat thing, that's just pure, not for anthromorphs"

"Well Sammy told me different"

"That's because she goes out with that mangy 21 year old dude, he looks like he hasn't showered since 12 so it's no wonder he tastes bad, it'll probably just be his pecker"

"Well what's your proof against the cat thing?"

"Look at my hands" said Adam as he put his hot chocolate down and shown her his palms


"Are they scratched or damaged in the slightest way shape or form?"


"There you go you're always saying about how much I have my hands on it, would they be like that if it was spiky"

"I know but..." Sandy's defences were crumbling

"I wish I had a bleeding sex life of a lion" Adam butted in saving her, he didn't want her to feel forced, it would comprise her ability that he hoped she had "their name is from native African for Honeybee because all they'd see them doing was having a quickie, just imagine having a whole pride of girls doing everything for you, all you have to do is sleep eat and shag, what a life" Adam closed his eyes and started daydreaming, a sudden thought came to him, he snapped his eyes open, "why is your mum always out or going to be when I come over?"

"Probably likes you so much she wants you to be mine for life, she often compares you to all those dodgy looking boys at school, she comments on how polite and trustworthy you are, I also think she thinks your adequate deterrent for robbers"

"I'd hope so I don't want to be putting this on for nothing" Adam laughed "no just joking, that's nice that I got your mums approval, and if anyone does give an unexpected call I'll be ready" he pounced onto Sandy forcing her naked body down onto her bed and started a passionate kiss, as he did this he moved his tail up hers till he found between her legs, he lifted the end up and started to tickle her slit with the tuft on the end of his tail, Sandy giggled and started to growl, but before Adam could go any further she pushed him off the bed, he hit the floor with a thump, "Ow that hurt, I thought you liked that"

"I think I got your mums approval as well" commented Sandy "tell you what show me it and give it a rub, if it looks ok then I'll give it a go"

"What" Adam was caught off guard "are you sure you want to?"

"Yea, well kinda as long as I see that you have no cat thing"

"Err ok then" Adam pulled of his trousers to reveal his boxers then removed his boxers to show his half sheathed length, "right then", Adam felt nervous, this was the fist time he had his girlfriend see his cock, she had always been on about the "cat thing" as she called it, "well" he thought "better get started" as he started to slowly rub up and down getting slightly longer with each rub till after about a minute he reached his full length of just over 9" he then started to speed up as he leant back and closed his eyes, forgetting about his captivated audience, he kept going till he recognised the clench of release in his balls as he came, "EEEK", Adam opened his eyes to see his girlfriend who had her face, hanging over the edge of her bed, an inch above his meat her face covered, he had obviously caught her off guard, in his seed, "Oh, dam I'm so sorry" he started

"Don't worry it was my fault" said Sandy as she raised her head and looked over at Adam who was cleaning his paw with his tongue, "yuck that's gross how can you do that"

"Sorry, I guess this is a cat thing" replied Adam, not stopping "but is does save on tissues" they both laughed a little "looks like you need a clean though, do you want a hand or are you ok"

"I'll just check" Sandy placed a finger on her snout and coated it in Adams seed, "well here goes nothing" she proceeded to place said finger in her mouth. At first she thought it had the salty taste of blood but then she noticed an indescribable tang in it that just made her want more, "I have to say you have good judgement Adam, not only are you correct about the good taste but I also cannot remove it all by myself".

Adam lifted himself onto Sandy's bed and proceeded to lick her face all over, savouring his own taste, but before he could swallow sandy grabbed his head and placed her tongue in his mouth and stated to lick the inside of his mouth, grabbing any of her new delight she could, she the withdrew, swallowed and grinned at Adam, "I think I may like this" Sandy said as she moved her head down to his lap and his sheathing penis, "Hmm. You may need a little encouragement" she placed a finger on his fuzzy ball sack and ran it up to the tip of his receding bone which immediately stopped. Adam let out a gasp "where did that come from" he groaned

"You're not the only one who can read erotic stories you know" she replied giving a sly smile, continuing with the stroking

"Well you certainly learn well" gasped Adam; this was better than he had ever done on his own

Sandy giggled "prepare yourself, I'm just getting started" moving a second hand in to fondle his balls

"Well I'm glad I" Adam let out a groan as she gripped his hardened wood, "...glad I told you where I got my ideas" he grunted, oh gods he so was.

Sandy started moved her hands away and placed long lick all the way from below his scrote up to the tip of his head, starting a purr in Adams throat, she did this a few more times and then proceeded to tease the head with the end of her narrow serpent like tongue, Adams purring had become so loud and deep she swore was just a recording he had hidden somewhere, she then put the end of her tongue into a point and placed it into the eye at the top of his head, Adam cried out in pain and ecstasy as Sandy's tongue expanded his eye slightly then withdrew as she started to suck properly, all the while rubbing her tongue all over his penis, Adam felt the clench for the second time that night and roared as he released himself into her mouth, she gladly gulped down the first load then a second but couldn't keep up as he released a third load and as she withdrew choking he released a small fourth onto her snout, "That was amazing" Adam gasped as he recovered from his first non-self induced orgasm "you're amazing" he smiled down at Sandy "I'd think so from the amount that you gave me" Sandy replied trying to reach the more difficult parts of her nose with her tongue "I must have been a very good girl to get such a big present" finishing the cleansing of her nose

"Guess you were right about the anything you can do, I can do better. In fact I can't even do it" laughed Adam as he strained to try licking his cock

"I love being right" Sandy giggled back as she cleaned his chest of a few strands

"God now I have nothing to do now I've convinced you into that"

"Yes you have, doing that"

"True, true but it's always fun to get you to do things, like my homework"

"I can do more than your homework now, and anyway I never did you do just as well as me anyway"

"Why do our conversations always change topic? I want more on oral techniques"

"Well judging by your reaction tonight I don't need much more on them"

Adam grinned, Sandy was right and he knew it, but he knew they'd be trying something new with Sandy's new game within a fortnight, and he knew he'd enjoy it.