Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 17
#18 of Of Wolves and Foxes
"You're lucky they brought you in when they did, Emperor Charles," said Master Fortono, the chief medical official aboard the Excedra. "Any more abuse and I would have had to operate."
The master turned to a diagnostics screen by the medical station and ordered a full-system scan. The eighteen year old wolf sat up on the medical bench, amazed at how much better he felt. In fact, he felt better than he could ever remember feeling in a very long time. His ribs were as good as new, the inflammation around his eye entirely gone. Reaching up he felt his face, inevitably pawing the metallic translator stuck to the side of his head.
"Hold on, son," said the aging fox, turning back to wrap a soft flexible cuff around the forearm Charles held raised to his head. "We're not done yet."
"What else could you possibly need," asked Charles, sniffing tentatively at the rubber-like cuff. It hummed with energy, pulsing slightly.
Fortono gently guided the wolf back down onto his back and pressed a paw to the bench's edge. An arching frame appeared over his lower abdomen and Charles was suddenly immobilized. His eyes shot wide, overcome by a sudden sensation of claustrophobia.
"Please stay calm, young sir. It's only a scan, but I need you to regulate your breathing." The wolf tried, closing his eyes. "Good...much better. This is a sophisticated technique that we've only had onboard for oh...I'd say about two years now. It combines everything you could possibly want to know about a person into one-serology, oncology, parasitology, et cetera-and neutralizes harmful pathogens and tumors. Virtually eliminates the need for someone like me," the fox said, grinning.
Charles was beginning to feel warmth traveling through his bloodstream, becoming more and more uncomfortable, feeling helpless at the paws of a strange fox. What if this was a trick? What if they were not trying to help him at all but torture him, maybe enslave him in retribution for the actions of his people? He felt panic rising in him and his breathing picked up again, his irrational primitive brain quickly taking control of his senses. He had to get out of this thing before it killed him!
"Wait...this is interesting," said Fortono, watching the monitor and scratching his muzzle with his claws. "According to this you lack any germline cells." Turning back to his patient the master folded his arms. "Sir," he asked carefully. "Did you know you were infertile?"
His head was the only part that Charles could move. He turned it to the master, his face showing angered indignation at the blatant accusation the fox made. But the small creature didn't shy away from him. The wolf remembered this wasn't a slave and looked away, suddenly very embarrassed.
"Yes," he said quietly.
Nodding, the fox tapped his screen. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Charles. I'm sorry...Emperor Charles. If I may ask, do you have a history of incest in your family?"
"No, you may not," the wolf growled.
"Hmm. Okay. Well, your male Y chromosome is missing two...no, three necessary alleles for spermatogenesis. It would be impossible for you to procreate without splicing them from complete chromosomes. Have you considered gene therapy?"
Charles growled, angered and outraged that the fox would be asking him such a personal question like this. It was none of his concern! What would he know about the pressures of preserving his bloodline?
Master Fortono sighed. Apparently this sort of questioning was just as sensitive to wolves as it was for most foxes. "Do you want it corrected, Emperor? We can be very precise about these kinds of things. Patch the holes in your genes, as it were."
Charles' ears perked, his rash attitude suddenly quieted. "You can do that," he asked carefully.
"Of course," said the fox simply. "The therapy would take several days, but nothing serious. Introduce a hybridized transposon into your body, carried by a synthetic retrovirus. It would take some time to engineer the proper agents specify to your cell biology, but I think I can prepare your first session by this evening."
The emperor's bench toned and the arch disappeared, allowing the wolf to sit up again. He breathed deeply, panting a little as he shook off the discomfort.
"Is that safe?"
The fox nodded agreeably. "Absolutely." Looking to the diagnostics display again his tall ears flicked happily. "Good. At least I can give you a clean bill of health. You can go now. I'll prepare your therapy for you," he added with a deliberate wink.
Stepping from the infirmary, feeling somewhat shaken, Charles was met by Commander Banks, who bowed respectfully.
"Your Highness, the ship's commander has requested a meeting with you to discuss the terms of your stay here."
Emperor Charles slipped his shirt over his head and tucked it into his trousers. The foxes had given him a new wardrobe of loose but well-fitted clothing that was simple but comfortable. It was a far cry from the imperial robes and military-styled uniforms he had become used to, but he found he really didn't care. It was clean and comfortable, and that was all that mattered for the time being. Standing beside Commander Banks he was taller by at least an inch, and comparably built. The young wolf had found it strange that nature, with all of its gifts, had chosen to cheat him of the one thing that mattered most to an emperor-his posterity. His ancestors had taken great pains to produce the most virile of Lupines through careful breeding and selection. It seemed that unnatural selection had finally caught up with them. Maybe that wouldn't matter for much longer.
Nodding to Scott he permitted him to lead him through the Excedra. "Commander? What is your impression of these Vulpines," he asked. "I've heard you've been living with them for a while now, haven't you?"
The emperor's tone was tinted with accusation and Scott grimaced. "Yes, sire, that's true, though it hasn't been especially welcoming. They're fiercely proud creatures. I suppose you could say they're very much like us, Your Highness. Minister Lokagos has informed me that their Bureau-that's similar to your council-is prepared to launch a military campaign against your empire, and soon. They are determined to save their kin."
"This minister must trust you to tell you such things, even agree to risk resources to save the leader of his enemies. The question is should I trust him?"
"If I may be blunt, Your Highness...I don't see much choice."
Charles frowned gravely, his eyes falling by a measure. "I believed the same of Admiral Royce at one time, as I did my own councilwolves. See where that got me?"
Scott regarded his emperor with a keenly severe expression. "With all due respect, sire, you're young. Inexperienced. I've been dealing with leaders and subordinates for most of my life, and I've known Lokago's type before. I may not be one of your advisors, emperor, but I think I can judge his character well enough. He's not unreasonable."
The hint of a snarl pulled at Charles' lips. "Is it also your habit to question your emperor's character so openly?"
Scott bowed his head submissively. "Forgive me, Your Highness. I didn't mean to be insulting."
The wolves found Lokagos waiting for them in the ship's officer's lounge. Bidding them to sit the fox opened with the necessary introductions, but both Lokagos and Scott were surprised when the young emperor waved the formalities dismissively.
"Minister, I hope you won't think me rude but I'm in no mood for tact and diplomacy. I've been beaten and humiliated by members of my own government. Those that vowed with their honor and integrity to uphold my law. And now I come before you as little more than a refugee without an empire. I want nothing more than to reclaim what is rightfully mine, and punish those that committed infidelity, not only to myself but to my subjects as well."
The minister leaned back in his chair, surprised by this teenager's forwardness. Commander Banks had told him he was young, but he was surprisingly impressive in his stature. Lokagos was most surprised, however, by his candidness, which seemed more mature than his age...and uncharacteristic of politicians. This was honestly not what he had expected.
"Emperor Charles, I understand fully your dedication to the tradition of your empire and your office-"
"But you want what is best for your people, don't you," interjected Charles, and the fox agreed. "As do I, minister. I may be young, but no less receptive to the needs of my own. I'm not going to lie to you. The very idea of submitting to a fox's will sickens me." Lokagos gritted his teeth heatedly, but Charles continued without giving him the benefit of a response. "But...the thought of destroying my empire in trying to keep you out sickens me even more. I am gracious for what you've done for me, and hard as it is for me to admit it I am in your debt. I will free the slaves if you help me regain control of my empire. As a guarantee you can keep me here under your guard as collateral."
Once again, the young wolf proved to the minister that his misgivings had been wrong. "That is certainly a generous proposal, emperor. But I already made it clear to Admiral Royce that there will be no sale of our technology out of fear that you'll turn it against us one day."
Charles frowned, but nodded. "You are wise not to trust us that far, I suppose. I'm confident you won't be required to give us anything of the sort. Admiral Hartford is currently contacting loyal commanders in my military...this is an internal problem I am prepared to handle internally," he said, turning to fix his eyes on Scott briefly, who nodded, the officer understanding full well what his emperor meant. "There are wrongs that need to be righted. Mine, mostly."
"Then what do you want of me," asked Lokagos, eager to reach his objectives as soon as possible.
"You've been monitoring our communications haven't you?"
"Of course we have."
The youth nodded. "Good. I hope you foxes know something about broadcasting."
Walking in the corridor following their meeting Scott couldn't keep from grinning a little to himself, something that Charles caught.
"What is so amusing, Admiral Banks," he asked.
"Not amusing, sire," Scott said, wiping the smirk from his face. "I'm somewhat surprised, is all. And it's Group Commander Banks, Your Highness."
"You've already accused me of being inexperienced today. Don't add blundering to the list. I need people I can count on, admiral. Now more than ever. I'm determined not to put the affairs of my empire in the paws of power-grabbing advisors and politicians any longer." His Gods-damned chancellor came to mind. "It's a mistake I learned from my father. He was almost as great a fool as I was. I wish I'd had the ability to see that...or someone that was willing to show it to me. Too bad it took a coup d'état to put things in perspective."
"I'm very honored, sire. Thank you," said Scott graciously, though in truth he was not especially thrilled to receive it. "I just hope I'm worthy of your trust, especially after what I've done to shame the empire."
"I won't deny that your past indiscretions are troubling. But I believe they were noble. I can excuse such things...I'm the emperor for Gods' sakes. You've certainly done one hell of a service to me."
"I only did what was right. But thank you, sire."
The young wolf laughed sincerely for the first time in ages. "Stop being so damned modest. And don't thank me. Just win back my empire."
The late morning sun shined bright and warm over the Blanchet family property, and over one young fox in particular. Nudge liked to be outside during good weather like this, even during less than favorable days, where the fresh air on the soft breeze could ruffle his fur lightly. The young fox didn't especially like being inside at times like this, when the children were away at school, and the weather was so nice. The master would always be busy in his office with his work as Meg and Julia took care of household chores; things like folding laundry, cleaning this or that, or changing George's dirty diapers. There were always more paws than there was work to do, leaving Nudge unoccupied for most of the day, and being unoccupied made the young fox nervous. He preferred to be busy with one thing or another, because a busy fox was a good fox.
So he preferred to stay outside in the back yard and flower gardens, where he was free to be with himself and everyone seemed perfectly fine with leaving him by himself. He originally took to gardening when Meg asked him to help plant her annuals in their beds during the early spring, and quickly found that he liked it greatly. It appealed to his timid side and he was very good at it, probably because he could dedicate so much of his attention to it.
Every so often Julia would take little George on a walk outside to get fresh air, saying it was good for the cub's little lungs. Meg never disagreed with the nanny's experience. On these outings Julia would always watch Nudge as he pruned the rose bushes or pulled weeds from the flower beds, teasing and praising him at the same time as she bounced George on her shoulder.
Nudge was bent over a raised herb garden when the nanny came by this particular day, George gnawing away at a plastic teething ring.
"My, my. Summa' time sure does come early 'round here, don't it?"
Standing, he brushed the dirt from his paws. "Not like at the Archer farm," he said softly, scratching the cub's ears lightly. "I like it much better." Even the winters were mild here.
Julia nodded wholeheartedly. George pulled the ring from his mouth and yipped happily at the scratching, making Nudge smile. The tiny wolf held up the plastic chew toy to the fox with his little paws as if to say "Look what I got!" Reaching down, Nudge plucked a leaf from a stock of mint and rubbed it along the moist plastic. The infant, curious at what Nudge had gone to his toy, sniffed and licked at it. His little ears perked up and his eyes brightened as he stuffed as much of the loop into his muzzle as possible and suckled at it, his tail waging energetically.
"I think he likes it," laughed the young fox.
Meg waved to the pair from the back porch. "Lunch time, you two," she called, walking toward them.
Little George held out his paws for his mother and bounced in Julia's arms, practically leaping into Meg's when she came close. Shielding her eyes from the sun with a paw the mother made a quick glance at the yard and nodded her approval.
"Wow. Things are so much brighter and healthier than last summer. We used to have a few people come out once a week and take care of things but they were never this thorough. You really do a beautiful job out here, Nudge."
Dipping his muzzle shyly the fox smiled modestly. "Thank you, ma'am."
In the house Meg put a steaming bowl of spiced barley soup on the table as Julia fitted George into his highchair, the cub fighting her fussily. Nudge put placings around the table for four.
"Lewis!" shouted Meg. "Lunch!"
"In a minute," was her husband's reply from down the hall.
Meg returned to the kitchen to fetch a basket of rolls. When she returned, finding her husband still absent, she snorted. "Nudge, will you go get him for me?"
"Yes, ma'am," nodded the fox.
"And don't take no for an answer!"
Lewis Blanchet slammed the door shut on a filing cabinet drawer with a snarl of frustration and opened another, reaching in to flip through file upon file of paper documents.
"This is what I get for not organizing anything..."
The wolf preferred to keep traditional paper copies of everything as a method of back-up record keeping. He did so mostly out of a constant fear that his home network would crash on him, taking with it hundreds-thousands-of business reports, tax returns, and earnings statements he kept on his clients. Call it old-fashioned, but there was something wrong about relying on a computer to safeguard his home business. Unlike his computer, however, he couldn't search his database for what he wanted. Instead, he was doomed to leaf through filing cabinets, steadily getting more and more upset as he went. Maybe this time he should go through everything and organize it into a logical-
"Aha! There you are."
Pulling an envelope from the cabinet he took out the pages and slapped them down onto his desk, all thoughts of organizing his files conveniently forgotten. Flipping through the pages he found what he wanted: The certified pedigree of a fox slave.
A soft knock at the door made him look up to see Nudge standing there, somewhat expectantly.
"Sir? Lunch is ready now."
"Yeah, Nudge...I know," he sighed. "I'm coming."
The wolf didn't stand from his seat immediately and the fox hesitated, ringing his paws anxiously. "Um...sir? Missus said I shouldn't take no for an answer."
Looking up sharply, Lewis cocked an eyebrow. That statement seemed a little forward for someone he could barely get a full sentence out of days before. A friendly smile creased his muzzle as he stepped over to the fox and put a paw on his shoulder. Nudge looked up to his master a little less timidly, a little grin even finding his muzzle.
"Well, we can't keep my wife waiting, can we? Otherwise we'll both be in trouble."
Lunch was a pleasant affair, filled mostly with Lewis talking with Meg about his business and patrons. Nudge ate silently, paying only remote attention to the conversation, watching instead as George got his lunch everywhere except his stomach and Julia making a fuss over it.
"This invasion hype is devastating the markets," Lewis said between bites of a roll. "They opened them for a grand total of two hours before shutting them down again to prevent a crash. It has my clients panicking."
Meg looked concerned. "What are you telling them?"
"What can I tell them? Buckle down. Things are going to be tight, but it will blow over. Things are tight for us, too. I hate to say it but we might have to dip a little bit into our savings."
Meg frowned, clearly upset.
The door chime sounded just then, making everyone look up. George squealed excitedly as he dipped his paws into his creamed corn and smeared the yellow slop all over his nose.
"I'll get it," said Lewis as he stood.
Opening the front door he was surprised to see a soldier standing on his porch. He was young and dressed semi-formally.
"Lewis Blanchet?"
"Yes? Can I help you with something?"
The visitor nodded, stone faced, and held up a data tablet. "You own two slaves, correct? One male, fifteen years of age. And a female, forty seven."
Suddenly concerned Lewis stepped forward, blocking the doorway with his frame. "That's right. What is this about?"
"I'm here representing the New Haven government, Mr. Blanchet. We're conducting a regional consolidation of the slave population for the safety of the public. You're slaves will have to come with us."
"You can't just take them," Lewis growled, his attention falling on the soldier's sidearm for a moment, then to a second soldier that climbed out of the back of a large military vehicle that had been parked outside his house. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
The soldier's shoulders slumped as he sighed heavily, an irritated grimace appearing on his muzzle. "Look, Mr. Blanchet. I have a seizure warrant here prepared if you want to read it. Right now you'll receive ten thousand credits each for them."
"They're not for sale," he growled angrily, but stopped when a light paw rested on his shoulder blade and Meg stepped beside him, worried.
The soldier nodded to her before his glare returned to the alpha of the house. "Sir, I'm telling you it's not optional. If I have to come back later it will be with a search and seizure team and you will not be compensated."
"Give me the warrant." Lewis snatched the data pad from the soldier's paw when it was offered. "Wait here," he snarled and closed the door before his most-unwelcome guest could object.
Pacing around his entryway he read the document through. "Gods damn it," he said. "We have to let them take them."
"They can't just take our property like this, can they," asked Meg, shocked.
"Of course they can! It's binding," he growled, waving the warrant in the air. "We don't have a choice."
A fist pounded loudly against the door and Lewis flung it open with a snarl. "What!"
"Now, Mr. Blanchet," said the soldier demandingly, his partner now standing threateningly by his side. "We haven't got all day."
"Give us a minute," he hissed. Turning, he whispered stressfully into his wife's ear. "Get Julia, would you. I'm gonna try and explain it to Nudge."
"Okay," she said quietly, her voice full of apprehension.
Moving to the living room, the wolf called for Nudge to come, which he did so obediently, but cautiously. The sound of shouting and arguing had alarmed his delicate nature.
"Listen Nudge. I don't really know how to put this..." Lewis knelt on the carpet to put himself more to the fox's eyelevel. Sighing, he hung his head. "You have to leave."
The young creature drew in a sharp breath and Lewis heard him whimper. "Wha...what did I do," he pleaded, starting to sob. "I was good...I was good."
"Of course you were," Lewis said quickly. "You didn't do anything wrong, Nudge."
A look of painful confusion filled the poor creature's face. He was starting to tremble a little, his body starting to curl protectively. "I don't want to go...I like it here."
"I know you do," the wolf said, moisture beginning to form at the corners of his eyes. "I don't want you to go, but..." How could he explain it? "My master says you have to, and I have to obey my master."
The fox seemed to understand the explanation in a cursory way, maybe even believe the excuse. But it didn't help make him feel any less afraid, any less devastated at being torn from a home he'd come to like. Lewis hadn't expected the excuse to help much, either. A thought suddenly occurred to him, and he put his paws on the sobbing creature's shoulders.
"Can you wait here a second, Nudge?"
The fox nodded, brushing his face with the back of his paws. Lewis stood up and jogged to his office, grabbing the papers he'd left on his desk earlier. Returning to the living room he pressed them into the fox's paws. Nudge looked down at the documents, confused and scared.
Lewis knew he couldn't read the pedigree, but it wasn't the words he thought were important.
"I want you to have these, Nudge," he said, turning to a specific page in the bundle of papers bound together in a small packet. There was a photograph in the upper corner of an adult fox. "This is your father," the wolf said. "I know you probably never got to meet him. I just wanted you to know what he looked like. Your mother's picture is on the next page," he said, turning the paper over.
Nudge traced a paw delicately over the picture as he studied her face. She looked happy in the photo. She was strangely familiar, though he was sure he'd never seen her before.
"My mother," he whispered in a hushed voice. It was almost disbelieving, as though the idea he had a mother was alien to him.
"Mr. Blanchet," yelled the soldier from the doorway. Nudge jumped, startled. "Time's up. Either you come out or we come in."
"Alright," he yelled back, but hissed "son of a bitch" under his breath. Taking the packet from the fox's paws he ripped out the page with his parents' profiles and pictures on them, figuring the illiterate fox had no need for the others. Folding them carefully he stuffed them into Nudge's pocket. "Don't let anyone see these, do you hear me? Nobody. Not even other foxes."
The fox nodded, terror in his eyes. Lewis brought him into a close hug and rubbed a paw soothingly against his back. Nudge was crying now, and he hugged his master back, afraid to let go.
"I'm so sorry, Nudge," Lewis whispered. "I'm so sorry."
Walking the trembling, shaking fox slowly to the door, Lewis could see that Julia was already being loaded into the vehicle. She was used to being moved around from place to place. The second soldier was there, a cold expression on his face as he grabbed Nudge by his arm and pulled him away from Lewis. In a sudden burst of panic the little creature yipped and wrenched free from the soldier's grasp. Wrapping his arms around Lewis' arm the terrified fox held on for dear life.
"Nudge!" Lewis howled, more from surprise.
"I don't wanna go! Don't make me go!"
In a quick motion the soldier unclasped a control collar from his belt and latched it around Nudge's neck, hitting the shock button. Nudge let go instantly, barking in fright and pain as the soldier pulled him away with a cruel indifference. Grabbing wildly at the collar, the fox tried unsuccessfully to escape. The haunting sight proved too much for Lewis.
"Hey!" he barked furiously, charging after the soldier. "Take that damn thing off him! Can't you see it terrifies him?"
The soldier didn't stop, so Lewis grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, only to receive a hard fist to the jaw from the soldier's free paw. The powerful blow knocked him to the ground, his world suddenly in a confusing daze.
"Lewis!" Meg dropped to her husband's side as he shook his head and lifted a paw to his muzzle.
"Damn bleeding hearts," snarled the soldier before turning toward the truck.
Nudge was dragged to the back of the craft and thrown into a small cage-like pen, its mesh door bolted shut. As the back of the vehicle was closed and the light of the sun disappeared entirely, the young fox crawled into the far corner, as close to the wall as he could fit his slender body. Curling into a ball he sobbed uncontrollably, frightened for his life. Julia was in another pen just a few feet away. She called out his name, trying to calm the poor creature. But if he could hear her he certainly didn't acknowledge it. Shutting his eyes tightly he wished that he could disappear. Somewhere in his exhaustion and fear he blacked out and lost consciousness.
Hours later Meg was busy cooking dinner for her family when Susie sauntered over to her side and tugged at her sleeve, holding up a sheet of white paper for her mother to see.
"Mama," complained Susie. "I can't find Nana Julia anywhere. She was gonna help me with my art project after school."
Little George, sitting nearby in his highchair, dug his nose into a bowl of infant oat paste and, finding the taste not to his liking, threw it to the floor with a little yip. The paste splattered all over the kitchen floor. Growling, Meg took a damp rag from the sink and bent to wipe up the mess.
"She's not here, sweaty," she said tiredly. "Julia's going to be away for a while."
"Oh...why did she leave?"
"She didn't want to, Sue, but she had to." The mother filled a new bowl with oat paste, this time sweetened with a spoonful of suger, and passed it to her daughter. "Can you make sure your brother eats this time?"
Susie put on a sour look. "Awww mom, I don't wanna!"
"I didn't ask you if you wanted to!" she snapped, prompting her child to take a step back, surprised. Sighing regretfully Meg apologized and returned her attention to stirring pasta sauce over the stove, trying to keep it from burning. "I just need your help in here, Sue."
"Why don't you tell Nudge to do it," the cub said quietly, reluctantly spooning a glob of the paste into George's mouth. The infant gurgled and squirmed, still not thrilled with the stuff.
"Nudge isn't here either," she said, hanging her head. "They took him away too."
"Who did," asked Susie.
"Mom," came a cry from the other room, this one of Rachael, her oldest child. "Ryan broke the televiewer!"
"I did not!"
Meg groaned, exhausted already with the children home from school not more than one hour. With Nudge and Julia gone, and an already fussy infant in a particularly bad mood, dinner was coming much slower than usual. How had she managed to keep up with it before the two foxes came into her home?
"What's wrong with it, Rachael?"
The yips and barks that filtered in from the living room told the housewife that her two oldest cubs' argument had grown into a fight.
"Ryan threw the remote and now it won't change the channel," barked Rachael.
"It is changing the channel, stupid," yelled her son. "The same stupid thing is on every channel!"
Having had enough, Meg told Susie to keep stirring the sauce and charged into the living room. Taking the remote control from her daughter she scolded the cubs.
"If you can't watch the telenet together like civil wolves then nobody will."
She turned to the wide screen and pointed the control at it, but paused. The volume was low, too low to make out any words, but she certainly recognized the young wolf on the screen, just as any wolf in the empire should. Turning up the volume, she flipped through the channels herself, finding it was indeed on every station.
"Lewis," she called over her shoulder toward her husband's office. "Get out here!"
"I'm not going to fix a broken televiewer, Meg," he shouted back crossly. Since the soldiers had taken their foxes, her husband hadn't come out of his office, even to greet the children.
"Lewis, I think you should come and see this. It must be important."
"Because it's the emperor."
Admiral Royce snarled angrily into a telecom receiver from his desk, foam and spittle forming at the corners of his mouth. Doctor Varrel, an experimental physicist with the University of Partscall, equally angry, snarled back with bared fangs.
"It's not my fault the shields failed, Royce," she hissed, a snap to her jaws. "The grid over R-7 was designed to withstand weapons blasts from the outside, not teleportation from the inside."
A dangerous glare shone in Royce's fiery eyes. "Then what the hell have I been paying you for the past two years?"
"To develop defensive shields, not to ensure your security staff is competent."
"Watch what you say to me, bitch! I'm the one that gave you the technology from the damn fox ship that made your department rich, remember? I'll take it away."
"Threaten me all you want! You need me."
Samuel Royce wished he could strangle the physicist then and there, and would have if possible.
"I'm tired of arguing about it, Varrel. I want you to make the shield fully operational by Friday. I don't have to remind you the revolution depends on it."
Dr. Varrel snorted. "Maybe with a ten million more credits and a larger development team I could complete it by them."
"Just do it," Royce snarled and cut the transmission.
No sooner had he done this than a loud pounding made his heavy office door shake.
"What is it!" he shouted.
His senior adjutant entered, a captain, and flew to the telenet screen, flipping it on without asking for permission.
"Captain Wilkins," he snarled, "I'm becoming damn tired of being interrupted all the time."
"Sorry, sir, but you should see this. The emperor is broadcasting on all stations."
Circling his desk, not caring what he had to knock out of his way, he stared wide-eyed at the screen. Charles Navarre was there, alive and well, and the admiral's breath stopped in horror.
"Turn up the volume, damn it," he barked, and the young emperor's words came through loud and clear.
"...from where I was being held prisoner by rogue elements of the government headed by Admiral Samuel Royce. By the providence of the Gods I was rescued by good and loyal wolves from the detention center, where these traitors intended to assassinate me and frame my murder on the Vulpines that wait at our border." The youth's voice was strong and unwavering, accented by a spiteful and defiant snarl that Admiral Royce knew to be directed at him. "I never approved of the establishment of a martial authority over the Lupine Empire. Admiral Royce and his supporters in the High Council sought to revoke my title without the permission of the courts and acted without my authority in seizing public assets under the guise of an illegal martial authority. In a deliberately planned effort they seeding the military with treacherous leaders, attempted to kill me, and terrorized the populace into fearing an invasion. Good wolves, I tell you here and now the Vulpines are not your enemy, but those that would plunge your empire into ruin are even now violating your rights and perverting the dignity of their offices."
"Where is this coming from!" yelled Royce.
The captain shook his head. "I don't know, sir."
"How long has this been playing?"
"Sir, I...I don't-"
"Do you know anything!" screamed the admiral into his adjutant's face as he stormed from his office and into his command center, howling at the top of his lungs to the staff that crowded around the several telenet screens. "Why the hell are you standing around? Somebody get with signal command! Find where that transmission is coming from and block it!"
Lewis hugged his wife close to himself, transfixed by their emperor's frightening words.
"My fellow wolves, as I address you now your loyal armed forces are working to isolate and eliminate this breach of internal security and restore civilian government. All military commanders that have pledged allegiance to the illegal government are hereby ordered to stand down or face swift justice. With deep regret I must warn the public not to trust any member of the government that attempts to confiscate your property for any reason. Legitimate imperial and military officials have been ordered not to demand anything from anyone."
Meg gasped and turned to her husband in distress. "Oh Gods, Lewis. What about Julia and Nudge?"
Lewis couldn't respond as his heart sunk to his stomach.
"Again, I humbly ask for your understanding and patience. It is with the greatest of personal pains that I must beg of your pardon for failing you all. I will do everything within my power to ensure the Lupine Empire is once again restored to normalcy. May the Gods bless us and deliver us all."
The scene flashed to a live feed of a very surprised newscaster. "Okay, um...we're back with you now. As you just saw Emperor Charles interrupted your regularly scheduled programming to broadcast this very...ah...very shocking declaration. As of now we believe that this was a live transmission, and several of our journalists embedded with Navy and Army units have called into the channel to confirm what you've just heard was indeed authentic. We'll be broadcasting on this subject continuously, with updates reported when they happen..."
Lewis would not have believed the message if he hadn't just heard it for himself. He didn't want to believe that he'd unwittingly delivered the foxes into what might be cruel paws. If only he'd argued the issue, or refused to let them into his house!
"Oh gods," he whispered, more to himself than any other, realizing with self-loathing that he'd failed to defend Nudge and Julia, members of his family, foxes though they were.
As the late evening hours brought operations aboard the Excedra to a crawl and the night shifts were just beginning, there was a sense of nervous energy amongst its leadership and distinguished guests. The emperor's address had been transmitted in time to make the peak viewing hours of most the Lupine Empire, starting a flurry of energy across the military and civilian channels they actively monitored. Scott had to admit that Admiral Hartford had managed the coordination of loyal forces across the empire beautifully. At last count Scott had heard that seventeen naval fleets, thirteen army divisions, and seventeen marine battalions had been confirmed ready and awaiting the emperor's direction.
Walking calmly down the silent corridors of the Vulpine ship, Scott's primary concern had shifted to the three hours of rest he'd been granted before his emperor wanted him to report to his flagship fleet, the First Royal Fleet. But he had one more stop to make. Entering the civilian quarters his keen ears caught sound of familiar voices. Approaching an open doorway quietly he smiled slyly to himself when he caught scent of the creature that stood just inside the entry, a paw resting casually against the doorframe.
"I'm just not sure I have the option of staying as long as I want, Sarah. That's all I'm saying," said John, his back to the hallway and the grey-furred predator lurking without. "I have no idea if I can just do what I want to around here."
Scott, his tail flicking excitedly behind him, quickly dipped his paws under the fox's arms, bringing them up again to wrap around his neck in a firm, but careful headlock. John yipped at the top of his lungs, making his sister jump up in surprise. The wolf leaned down to whisper into the fox's ear.
"You're mine now, foxy," his deep voice rumbled in a guttural tone and John's body went rigid in stunned silence.
Laughing, Scott released the fox, who spun around, a look of shock plastered on his face.
"Scott!" he growled angrily at the grinning wolf. But the fox's snarl quickly dissolved into a smile of his own. "Good Gods Scott, you almost gave me a heart attack," he said as he embraced his oversized friend warmly. "It's good to see you. Sarah told me all about your adventures."
Looking up Scott saw the vixen standing nearby, her arms folded across her chest in a disapproving stance. "Has she now?" He winked at her roguishly.
John released the wolf from his grip. "I was just telling Sarah how much I wanted to stay on the ship. An engineer onboard said I can take a training program to become a certified engineer. Part of the crew."
"That's wonderful, John. It's what you've always wanted, and I think you deserve it," Scott said sincerely. "If you're worried about getting permission, though, maybe I can talk to the minister about it."
John's face beamed, his tail wagging excitedly. "That would be amazing!"
Scott looked back to Sarah. "Um...John? Would you mind giving us some privacy? There are some things me and Sarah need to discuss."
The fox looked back at his sister for a brief moment, snickering knowingly. "Oh, I see," he said. "I suppose I could." Walking past the wolf he grinned slyly. Pausing at the door he turned. "Don't do anything that would make mom blush, now."
Sarah snarled. "Would you go away," she barked and hit the lock on her door controls.
Scott chuckled, despite the embarrassment he felt at John's implication. But it didn't last long as the vixen moved swiftly to wrap her arms around his neck and hug him tightly. Scott knelt down, making the arrangement more comfortable for the both of them. She nuzzled his neck and cheek fondly and he brushed her ears and headfur softly.
"I have to leave in a few hours," he said quietly. "To the fleet."
He felt her nod slowly against his face, realizing that she must have expected he would be sent away at some point. She let go of him reluctantly, her gaze never leaving his. Her deep blue eyes were troubled but brave, and Scott knew then and there that she truly did love him.
The thought made him smile warmly.
"The emperor is going to set the slaves free," he said. "But that can't happen until he's back in control, and that's something we're going to have to fight for."
She sighed and nodded. "Just like everything else in life," she said regretfully. "I guess I should be glad for it. When do you have to go?"
The wolf looked down at his watch. "Three and a half hours. I was hoping to get a little sleep."
Sarah gripped his big paw with both of hers. "Will you spend it with me then," she asked shyly.
He nodded slowly, silently, and submitted to her guidance, allowing her to lead him to her small bedroom and set him down on her bed. As she changed into a night shirt, her back turned to him out of modesty, he removed his jacket and trousers down to his undergarments, folding and setting his uniform carefully aside so as not to wrinkle it. When the vixen turned she blushed a little at seeing him sitting there like that. In truth, the wolf was the only creature she'd ever give herself freely to. She didn't care what he was. She knew who he was, and that was what mattered to her. Scott was a kind and virtuous creature. She loved him so fully, so completely.
It was that love, more than anything, that kept her desires in check. Sarah knew that he still lamented for his wife and probably would until death brought them back together again. The affections he showed toward her may have been genuine and pure, but it was only so deep. She couldn't even be sure what exactly he felt for her. Was it love? Could it ever be love? Maybe not, but she was willing to accept that if it meant being close to him, even for a short time.
Scott looked slightly nervous. It was odd that the wolf, so confident and strong, could be humbled before a vixen like her. There eyes met and between them passed a kind of silent agreement.
Scott laid back, pulling up the sheets, and Sarah laid down beside him, pressing her back against his chest. He was so warm against her and she melted, ready to submit in ways that she would never ask of him...ways that she was sure he would never press upon her either. His broad arm draped over her slim body and with it came the covers. He nested his muzzle above her ears, his breath coming in a long sigh as he relaxed, his eyes slowly closing.
"I've been doing some thinking," he said quietly, his voice hushed, as though ready to divulge a soulful secret.
She shivered. "About what?"
He reached up to brush her cheek lightly. "I don't think I've ever actually thanked you for saving my life. Not just here, but years ago. I was so willing to die...but it was you and John that stood by me the entire time."
Silently, tears rolled down her face. "I've never given anything to you that you hadn't already given me," she whispered.
His stroking slowed and his breathing became shallow and regular as he fell asleep with her in his arms. She told the room's climate controls to turn out the lights, which they did obediently. Bathed now in darkness she grasped the paw that had been brushing her face and nuzzled it with her nosepad. Gradually her mind wavered and slipped into a sinking twilight.
But before she could slip into sleep her long ears swiveled up, seemingly of their own mind. A faint, barely intelligible scraping sound caught her attention against a backdrop of tranquility and her eyes slid open. In her quarters were numerous tiny lights, indicators or readouts of this and that, and by their faint light she managed to catch the slightest motion of a ghostly shadow. She tensed suddenly, every ounce of her natural-born intuition coming to life.
Someone was in her room!
The intruder must have sensed her alertness because it froze, as did the vixen.
"I hope you're proud of yourself, Sarah," it said scathingly. "It takes a special vixen to hoar herself to a wolf!"
Sarah sat bolt upright. "Sozo?"
Scott started to stir beside her.
The silver fox was veiled entirely in black, but his snarled breathing told her he was close by.
"Lights on," he said sharply, bathing them all in a soft white light.
Sarah blinked, then gasped, staring down the length of a pistol. The silver fox's face twisted into a disgustful scowl as Scott sat up beside her, rubbing his eyes groggily. When the wolf looked up, catching sight of the intruder, he tensed, growling angrily and ripping the bed sheets off of himself.
Sozo sneered evilly. "Hello wolf," he said, firing the pistol once.
An orb of crackling blue energy connected squarely with the wolf's upper chest, throwing him against the wall with a heavy thud. His head hung limply to his chest and his body slumped over.
"Scott!" Sarah jumped to the wolf's side, lifting his head. It was heavy, his muscles completely flaccid. She smelled burned fur. "Oh Gods. No!"
"You know, Sarah," taunted Sozo, his malicious sneer suddenly turning cold. "I wish I had the willpower to kill you, too. I really do." Lifting the pistol to her head he sobbed suddenly and his paw started to tremble. "But you remind me so much of Mariah."
Sarah cringed, whimpering sorrowfully. Tears beading down her face she closed her eyes tightly, shaking as she started to cry miserably. Bowing her head she rested her forehead against the still wolf's.
"Scott," she moaned. "I love you."
Sozo snorted hatefully. The weapon pulsed again and the vixen collapsed on top of the wolf.