Of Wolves and Foxes, Epilogue
Well, here it is folks. \*brushes away a tear\* Of Wolves and Foxes has finally come to a close, love it or hate it. To all of you that have watched me, fav'ed, voted on, and commented: Thank you very much for any and all of...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 20
This is the final chapter of Of Wolves and Foxes. Tomorrow I will post the epilogue, so don't go disappearing on me just yet! CHAPTER 20 "Neon Frontier Command, this is the reconnaissance ship Vista. Do you copy?" "_Roger that Vista....
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 19
CHAPTER 19 Minister Lokagos stood as Emperor Charles Navarre entered his office and extended his paw to the wolf in a polite gesture. Although it was considered rude to offer one's paw to the emperor without being bidden, Emperor Charles shook it...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 18
Alright guys. Long chapter this time. I couldn't justify breaking it up. CHAPTER 18 Nudge had been transported to a cargo shipping base on New Ergo and loaded with at least three hundred other slaves onto a converted freighter...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 17
CHAPTER 17 "You're lucky they brought you in when they did, Emperor Charles," said Master Fortono, the chief medical official aboard the Excedra. "Any more abuse and I would have had to operate." The master turned to a diagnostics screen by the...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 16
Well, we are finally getting away from the development and returning to the plot! CHAPTER 16 Chris Hartford, the Radon Frontier Forward Command's newest Deputy Director of Automated Defense Systems, sat alone in his new office. It wasn't as...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 15
CHAPTER 15 "The initial psychoanalysis of the first group is not promising, Ionious," said Master Mialo, the Center's expert on mental rehabilitation. He and several other members of the Center's senior faculty were holding a regular meeting on...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 14
CHAPTER 14 Admiral Harford was at the breaking point; his patience gone, his indignation great, and his dignity offended. He had arrived at the Radon Frontier provincial administration complex to find the governor's office-his office-occupied by...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 13
CHAPTER 13 Emperor Charles, still unconscious, was unceremoniously dropped onto a wide mattress in a modestly decorated and furnished prison cell deep in the bowels of a high-profile prison block on Detention Station Romeo-Seven. "Corporal, wake him...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 12
Early submission today, folks. Starting school again this morining! CHAPTER 12 "The Bureau expects a response from the Lupine government tomorrow, Sozo. Tomorrow! And so far you have accomplished nothing with the wolf except a violent...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 11
CHAPTER 11 "What's his status, Master Therapo," Ionious asked the attending physician of Vulpa Hospital's Observation and Assessment Ward. He marched very purposefully toward the room he'd been told the wolf was in, the physician and Sarah in close...
Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 10
CHAPTER 10 "You don't understand," growled Counselwolf Gilder at the emperor's chancellor. "Why don't you try telling the emperor that this is a matter of extreme importance to the security of his empire?" Quinn Gilder had been at the emperor's...