My Slave Family- Chapter 4

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#4 of My Slave Family (Completed)

Chapter Four

"The Trouble With Lou"


Furry Sith Lord

"I thought you were going to make them work the garden." Leggo said when they were alone in their bedroom.

"Have you put... them to bed yet?" Lou asked as he began taking off his suit. He sat at the edge of the bed and he felt as if he had just blinked and Leggo had already stripped down to his boxer shorts. It shouldn't surprise him because taking off jeans and a shirt were definitely easier than an entire suit.

The slaves were brought inside and with the sun setting and it being time to eat. Lou called the servants to make two extra plates for the cubs. The servants eyed the two slaves but remained silent. Leggo seemed unaware as usual but Lou knew they would be off gossipping as soon as they had the chance. Two skimpily clad slave cubs eating with their owners was definitely a topic for the servants to discuss.

Leggo clumsily tried to teach the cubs how to use utensils to eat but Lou remained silent and just held himself in a proper fashion. He noticed the tiger cub was watching Leggo trying to keep him entertained while the lion cub observed him and was attempting to imitate him. When the tiger ate he behaved perfectly as Lou had.

The tiger cub intrigued him because like a good brother he distracted Leggo from teaching him the wrong way to eat while the lion cub observed him eating the right way. Tyger seemed to have a gentleness that Leggo has but an even greater inner strength. No matter how he tried to force himself otherwise he was falling in love with the cub as if he were his own fawn. Even the lion cub had a place in his heart but the strength and the love the tiger was showing had really attracted his attention. He hated that he was playing favorites.

"And that's how you eat as a grown up." Leggo said as he concluded his tutorial and Tyger looked at him with his eyes focused, keeping Leggo's attention locked on him.

"Wow, amazing." Tyger replied and he knew there was a sense of wonder at how silly a wolf could be. He was acting like a puppy and making the cubs appear as adults. He hated how he kept them at a distance but he knew he needed to teach them to be mentally strong and he could not do that if he kept hugging them and tickling them the way Leggo did.

He was definitely jealous at how they gravitated more to the wolf than him, but he needed to be an adult. They may hate him but what he gave them would far outlast what Leggo gives.

"Ahem," he said, clearing his throat and getting them to look at him. The slaves looked at him in wonder not knowing what to expect next while Leggo looked at him with soup dripping from his mouth down his fur. He suddenly thought to himself that maybe Leggo does it on purpose just to get attention.

"I am taking the day off from work tomorrow," Lou said and Leggo dropped his spoon into his soup causing it to splash everywhere. The slave cubs seemed unaffected but Leggo stared at him in wonder. "As I mentioned we will be sending you both to school. While slaves are normally sent to better serve their masters I feel it better if you had decent clothing instead of your slave outfits. Normally the regular students pick on the slave children as a sort of sport. With you both being white furs, I expect it may be a tad worse so if we can hide your collars then hopefully you'll have an easier time."

"Wait, you're buying them clothes?" Leggo asked and he looked at him suspiciously.

"Wait, you mean like real boys?" Lyon questioned in a confused manner. The looks he was getting you'd think he had parasites crawling out of him. The tiger seemed to be contemplating the information as if wondering if it were a trick.

"Hey, hey are you listening to me?" Leggo tapped Lou on his chest.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I was asking why the sudden concern over Lyon and Tyger."

"I paid good money for them and need to protect my investment as much as possible. Them getting bullied relentlessly is not in my best interest." Lou replied as he quickly tried to hide his true feelings about the cubs. He turned and saw Leggo watching him with his aqua colored eyes and using his wolf cunning to peer into his soul. He tried to dismiss the fear the wolf's stare was causing but everytime he did this it terrified Lou.

"You lying sack of deer meat. Admit it, you care about them." Leggo challenged.

"I do....not. Stop looking at me like that." Lou said and he rose and turned his back towards Leggo as he removed his shirt.

"You lie!"

"I am not!" Lou replied and Leggo jumped over the bed and unfastened the belt and let Lou's trousers fall to the floor. Lou looked down embarrassed but Leggo grabbed his face and made the deer look him in the eye.

"Tell me the truth, I promise I won't tell the cubs if you don't want me to." Leggo demanded softly and Lou felt his resolve slipping. Dammit he wanted to curse himself with the way his lover could manipulate him with little to no effort. He always thought he was a shrewd businessman and a great negotiator but when Leggo held him in his hands he felt like butter.

"I... find them... interesting." He had to force himself to speak but his resolve had almost vanished at the touich of the wolf's paws on his chin.

"How interesting?" Leggo demanded an answer and Lou now had no will power left to keep up the front he had portrayed. He finally gave up realizing the wolf was too strong to beat.

"You win, I'll talk," Lou said and the wolf smiled and began to use his fingers to caress his face. Lou realized he was now completely powerless in the wolf's clutches. "I'm falling in love with them, are you happy?"

"Eastatic." Leggo replied and he licked Lou's face. It was only then that he realized he was crying.

They led the slaves to the room they had prepared for them. Originally they set up the room thinking they were only buying one slave but now they needed to change things a bit. Leggo insisted on carrying in another spare mattress; they had to turn it into a futon until they bought a second bed tomorrow. Leggo managed to bully Lou into agreeing they could get a second bed since the slaves were going to share a room they at least should each have their own instead of forcing them to share a single one.

It seemed logical to Lou because a classmate may need to come over and help tutor them. The last thing he wanted was the little cretin to tell his friends and family the harrowing living conditions the rich wolf and deer kept their slaves in. He had the reputation of his company to think about after all.

The only thing that annoyed him was the amount of money he was spending on two slaves. The way they were being treated one might think they were free and now adopted. Leggo made them stop and get cub meals for them when he heard the stomach of the tiger growl hungrily. They looked at the colored boxes and had no idea what to do with them. Leggo was like a good father and explained them and even played with them and the toys inside.

Lou again felt the pangs of jealousy at watching Leggo behaving as a father should with his cubs. His strict nature and the distance he set up between them was a reminder of how he was treated by his own father. He hated his father but now he was following in the same footsteps his father had left. In a lot of ways his father had made him stronger but in the process he denied him what he wanted and needed most. His father's love!

His own childhood held a secret he kept hidden, even from Leggo, because he was afraid it was going to be used against him.

"This is your quarters for the time being. We had originally expected only one of you but since that changed we must all find a way to adapt." Lou said as he opened the door to the cubs room and boldly entered with the cubs shyly following and Leggo struggling with the extra mattress.

"Stop grinning like a puppy... I swear if you try to use this against me I'll..." Lou said but he felt paralyzed as Leggo stepped up to him and his beautiful eyes made Lou his willing slave.

"I think you forget who is the master here, my slave." Leggo replied softly and Lou felt tingles on his arms. Occasionally they engaged in a little light bondage kink where Leggo was the dom and Lou became the sub.

Lou bashfully lowered his gaze and noticed that Leggo was pitching a tent in his boxers. The sight was arousing him also but he looked away because his master did not allow him to feel such pleasure until he was ordered to.

"Good boy." Leggo whispered and Lou blushed again.

"So this is all we have right now but it should make a fine makeshift futon." Leggo said as he dropped the mattress on the floor and pushed it next to the bed using his foot. The slaves were busy looking in wonder at the room. It was basically plainly decorated and looked almost empty except for the bed and there was a table and chair off to the side. A bureau was pressed against the far wall and a hamper sat next to it. The only real thing the room lacked was a closet but to two little slaves that had spent the last few weeks locked in a cage, it was amazing.

"Lyon you take the bed I'll sleep on the floor." Tyger told his brother. Lyon folded his arms across his chest, as if to protest but then a thought seemed to strike him and he looked cautiously to his new masters as if waiting to see if he had permission to argue with his brother.

"I'll leave the sleeping arrangements to you two. Decide what you want and do it; it doesn't matter to me who sleeps where but if I hear you fighting in here... I'll make you both clean the toilets with your tongues." Lou said as he started to walk out but he noticed Leggo shrug and knew he was going to say something puppy-like.

"That's not a punishment, The toilets are so clean that I drink outta them," he smiled at the strange looks the cubs were giving him and he heard Lou step outta the room and swear loudly in the hall. "What?! They're like big water dishes and it's easier to drink outta there then walk the entire way to the kitchens." The two cubs looked at each other and the logic of what Leggo was saying was astounding because it made sense. The mansion was huge and you could almost die of dehydration walking from one end to the other just to get a drink. Tyger thought about it and it seemed to make more sense, and be cleaner, to drink from the sink faucet than the toilet. He was beginning to understand why felines hate canines.

"Um... master? Where can we wash?" Lyon asked and Tyger thought to himself that that was a great question. Leggo grabbed their paws and took them to the closet bathroom and how to use the tub and shower.

"That's a great idea of them washing before bed except we don't have anything clean for them to change into after. I don't want them putting on those dirty things again then climbing in my clean beds." Lou said, watching everything from the hall.

"I got an idea! I'll give them a couple of my clean tee shirts and they can wear them like PJs." Leggo said.

"We can get a maid to launder their loincloths for when we go shopping tomorrow." Lou said and he bent down and grabbed their loincloths to feel the gfritiness of them before releasing them and wiping his hoof clean.

"Hey you two are potty trained right?" Leggo asked and the look of embarrassment covered their faces and they looked down at their feet.

"I see, so how often do you two have...accidents?" Lou replied and he stood looking down at them.

"Well we don't drink much because we're not allowed out of the cages. Only a couple times a day are we released and then we can go potty." Lyon said.

"So the slaver kept you locked up and you had accidents because you were not let out to relieve yourselves?" Lou replied and he showed his teeth in anger. They shook their heads agreeing and Lou uncharacteristically grabbed them and gave them little hugs.

"You can use the bathrooms here whenever you want so you don't have to wet yourselves." Leggo replied.

"And should you have an accident, just tell us so we can get it cleaned up. We won't get mad or punish you... unless you try to hide it and we find out. Understand?" Lou said and they again shook their heads in the affirmative.

Leggo pulled down his boxers and let them fall to the floor then stepped out of them. He moved closer to Lou and grabbed his face and gently made him look at his erection.

"May I, sir?" Lou replied weakly and Leggo moved Lou's face up and down gesturing 'yes.' Leggo next knelt and pulled down Lou's boxers and saw his erection beginning to get hard.

Leggo gave the erection a sniff then gently kissed it making it grow bigger. Lou was lifted as Leggo grabbed his waist then carried him toward the bed and laid him on his back. He spread his legs and ribbed his face against the deer's inner thigh.

"What are you?" Leggo said forcefully and a look of panic spread on Lou's face. This was a game Leggo used to punish him and he would continue to be punished until he got the answer right. Basically Leggo asks 'What are you' and Lou must respond with the right answer. If Leggo responds 'incorrect' then he would painfully slap Lou's testicles and every incorrect answer earned another slap until he got the answer right.

Leggo would also have some assigned number of slaps and that was the punishment. The count down on the number of slaps would only happen when he spoke the correct answer. As an example if Leggo assigned 5 punishment slaps if he got the answer wrong then another slap would be given but not counted so depending on how long it took him to get the answer right, he may become very sore. Leggo always used this as a way to correct him but once the punishment was over and the lesson learned then he would give him a reward that made it all worth it, even if his penis hurt the next day.

"I am being punished for calling you simple." Lou said regrettably and he knew Leggo was going to punish him after he heard him growl.

"Incorrect." Leggo replied and a look of surprise briefly flashed across his face but it was replaced with pain as the wolf's paw slapped his testicles hard. He wanted to close his legs but the wolf's body between his legs prevented it and the wolf forced his legs open again. "What are you?"

"I..." he desperately tried to think of the correct answer but he had no idea why he was being punished. His mind raced as he tried to come up with an answer and if he took too long Leggo would accept it as an incorrect answer earning him another slap. Tears began to roll down his eyes because he knew he was powerless to get away but also powerless to figure out the answer. "I'm being punished for something I said." Lou said and Leggo did not respond but used the claw of his index finger to caress his balls. Lou felt something like lightning surge through him and this was Leggo's only clue that he was on the right track.

"Incorrect," the wolf then replied, earning him another painful slap. "What are you?"

"I'm being punished because... I took too long negotiating?"

"Incorrect," the wolf then replied, earning him another painful slap. "What are you?"

"I am being punished because.... of the cub slaves?" He felt the caressing touch telling him he was on the right track but then came the painful slap.

"What are you?" Leggo asked.

"I'm being punished because I said something mean to the slaves." Lou said and he blinked at the pause Leggo was taking.

"Correct.... 9 to go." Lego replied and Lou breathed a sigh of relief then realized he was going to receive 9 more slaps. He gritted his teeth and waited to be asked again what he was.

Lou and Leggo walked towards their bedroom in silence until Leggo suddenly asked him a question.

"Should we free them from being slaves tomorrow?"

"I... dunno. I'm not even sure about the laws involved or what we have to do. I need to do some research though it pains me to say so."

"What do you think of them?" Leggo asked.

"I find them tolerable but not sure they trust us. I don't want to free them too soon because they might run away and get into worse trouble."

"Oh that reminds me I forgot something! I'll be right back." Leggo said and Lou turned to look at him.

"What's so important?" Lou asked.

"A promise I made to myself years ago."

"What? Don't wake the cubs because we have a big day tomorrow. I think I may hire a tutor to teach them over the summer as I prepare them to help run my business." Lou said as Leggo inched away and Lou just waved him off and turned as he rushed away. Something about the way his expression changed meant was going to look in on the cubs. Maybe he heard them fighting and wanted to stop it. Leggo's hearing was definitely better than his own

The promise he mentioned was something they had never talked about before. It was not something that really bothered him because even he had secrets he did not want Leggo to know about. But why keep something involving the cubs a secret? What was he hiding that was so important that he needed to keep it from his lover?

Lou entered the bedroom and went to his desk to access his computer. He quickly checked his emails in case anything important came through that required his attention. Mostly spam and scams that piled up in his junk folder. One scam claimed someone accessed his Anthrozon account and spent $1275 on a new FangPhone 12. He quickly deleted it because he always made sure there was no credit card attached to his accounts. If a data breach happened they could not get access to his account. Of course Anthrozon never sent out such emails nor made any such phone calls to their customers.

The scammers wanted the links in the email to be clicked on and it would take the victim to a fake web page asking for account verification and banking details so the scammer could then get access to their accounts and steal money from it. If he wondered if a purchase had really been made he knew enough to close the email and log into my account on a different tab. His real Anthrozon account would list all purchases made and he could see if a real FangPhone 12 had been bought. He was wise enough to know it was a scam so he was not bothered in the slightest about it.

His next task was searching about slavery and how they could eventually made the slave cubs their own fur kids. He found a lot and did not realize how big an industry the slave trade was. There were graphic pictures of slaves having been beaten by their masters and even tips on how to do it without permanently hurting the slave so they could still function. The thought of hurting the cubs in the manner he was seeing made his stomach hurt. He made his own promise that he would never see them hurt in the manner that he was seeing.

He founds a couple of sites that were protesting the slave trade and after what he had just seen he was in favor of them. He thought about the pet project Leggo had mentioned about ending the slave trade at least for cubs. He still could not think of a way that he could change things that it would not merely be cub slavery in another form.

He also found porn sites where couples could engage in role play involving light bondage, like Leggo and him played with. To be honest he was not all that much into it but it seemed to please Leggo and he was willing to do anything to please him. Even if it meant pretending he was a slave himself and forced to serve his wolf master.

The good thing was that Leggo did not always force him to act on the kink. It was just something they played at every once and awhile when Leggo was in the mood. Lego had established a few ground rules to their game and Leggo was more concerned with his safety rather than actually hurting Lou.

He was beginning to wonder what was taking so long and why Leggo had not returned yet. It couldn't have been a fight because the way they clung to each other there was no way the cubs would hurt each other. Maybe he was watching them sleep to make sure they were not afraid to be with them? They had been locked in cages so the freedom they offered must be scary and confusing to cub slaves.

His thoughts ended abruptly as a soft knock was heard on his door and Leggo entered. Lou turned off the computer and walked over towards the bed.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Leggo asked shyly.

"Of course, my love, anything you want." Lou said.

"I thought you were going to make them work the garden..."

Lou let out a huge sigh of relief after the last slap was administered. He felt like it was never going to end but the look in Leggo's eyes had told him what he needed to know about why he was being punished. Leggo had fallen head over paws in love with the cubs and this was his way of telling him that if he did anything to hurt the cubs then what Leggo did to him would not be pleasant in the slightest.

"Leggo," he tried to say as the last of the pain was lessening. "I promise you that I'll never do anything to hurt those cubs. You have my word on it." Lou replied and his tender member received a nuzzle as if to make it feel better.

"I know." Leggo said tenderly as he took Lou's member into his mouth and he used to tongue to make it swell to its full potential. Lou felt himself become paralyzed again as his lover began to please him to begin their love making session. This brief interaction was just a small taste of how they would mount each other and each thrust told the tale of how their hearts were intertwined with each other.

Lou was enjoying how Leggo was trying to please him yet he wanted to toss the wolf on his own back so that he could give him the pleasure he deserved. He knew Lego was a better animal than he was and he deserved being pleased, not the selfish deer that he fought to please whenever he could...

To Be Continued...