Ch. 2. Educating Leo

Story by Meadowleaf on SoFurry

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#2 of Leo's chronicle

Leo has been admitted, but until he has been trained in the customs of the female dominated pride, he is not a true member. The lessons are simple but failure is punished.

At some point the electric bulb that was the cell's sole source of illumination had gone out. Leo wasn't sure how much time had passed. His legs burned and the iron manacles were painfully digging into his flesh. Shifting his weight had ceased to be of help a long time ago... Or a short time, he feared.

In the darkness, his sense of hearing had become acute. The stone walls echoed every scratch of his claws against the floor and every clink of the chains sounded like cymbals clashing. Every now and then, he could swear he heard noises from outside. Just how many others were being kept here? Just him? One or two? More? He would find out eventually, he supposed. He hated to admit, he felt slightly jealous of the potential other recruits, like they were competition for the attentions of the Queen, obstacles to be overcome.

After an eternity, the light turned back on, bright as the morning sun, or so it felt like. Although exhausted and woozy, Leo was sure he could now hear something. The muffled patting of paws against stone tile. Imara coming to release him as promised? Was it noon already?

A loud, scratchy sound of the bolt sliding. The door opened, but it wasn't the lioness who stepped in, but a male hyena. Leo stared at him in confusion. He was a head shorter than Leo, wore white baggy short pants and a vest covered in pockets. Around his neck was the pride's collar.

"Wha-- who are you?" Leo asked, not sure if he was having a waking dream.

"I am Asim, Mistress Imara's personal aide," the hyena said.

"Oh... I see," Leo said, not quite sure he saw. He had never heard of a hyena being part of a lion pride. But perhaps the unexpected was to be expected, as this wasn't an ordinary pride.

"I hear you're due for a training session at noon. Let's get you prepared. I'm going to release you now. I trust you won't try anything foolish, like trying to overpower me and escape."

"No," Leo said.

"Good, good," Asim said, nodding jovially. "I only say this because it happens. The first part that is, not the second."

Leo nodded and let Asim unlock his manacles. To be honest, the thought of running hadn't even occurred to him until he mentioned it. Not that it was his intention, even if his stay here so far had involved a little more time being locked in a dungeon than he had expected. His hands finally free, Leo rubbed his wrists, as was customary after being uncuffed.

Asim pointed towards the corner with the hole in the ground. "Now go do your business, I don't have all morning."

"Um, with this on?" Leo said, pointing at the metal tube over his sheath.

"Yes, it's got a hole in the end, doesn't it?"

"Then, could you leave the room?"

Asim laughed. An irritating, high pitched barking hyena laugh. "I forget how bashful newcomers can be!"

Ears flattened and burning with embarrassment, Leo retreated to the corner and squatted over the hole. It was awkward to urinate with the cage on and he seemed to get half of it on his own thighs and paws.

"Now, come here and lay down on the bed," Asim instructed.

"Why?" Leo asked suspiciously. "I don't need to take orders from you."

Asim hooked a thumb under his collars to show it off. "Look at this. I am your senior and here on behalf of Mistress Imara, so, yes, you do. If I report this insubordination, your training won't be off to a good start, you think?"

That was a good point. Hastily, Leo went over to lay on the not-so-soft mattress.

"Now, take a comfortable position with your hands above your head and I'll adjust the restraints for you."

Leo did so but asked, "Why?"

"To make things faster in the future. Ah, there, now slip your hand through here..."

Soon, Asim had him secured by the wrists and ankles. The position resembled the one he had been in yesterday, but his bonds were looser. If he relaxed, he could even forget they were there.

The hyena picked out a small key from the ring he wore about his waist and grabbed hold of Leo's cock cage.

Surprised and not just a little concerned, Leo asked, "What are you doing?"

"Getting you cleaned up. You can't see your Mistress stinking like you just pissed yourself, can you? Were you a prince or a vagabond?"

Asim pulled the cage off and went to rinse it under the faucet. He returned with a moistened towel and began wiping clean Leo's nethers. At the freezing cold touch, Leo felt like his balls had just disappeared inside his body. As he wiped him down, he felt the stirrings of an erection, but it was just the very tip of his penis peeking out. Surrendering himself like this to another male, and a hyena at that, felt titillating in a strange, taboo way. Yet somehow his ministrations weren't as erotic as the lion's had been. Perhaps it was because Imara wasn't here to oversee? Or probably just the fact that he was using a cold towel rather than his tongue.

Still, there was something rather calming and enjoyable about the way he groomed him.

"Um," Leo said. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Ask away," Asim replied, now rubbing Leo's thighs clean.

"Imara told me I could earn a black collar if I don't serve properly. What does that mean?"

"Ah. Well, you already know that what you've got is a trainee's collar, right? You're only a provisional member."

Leo nodded. He hadn't known that.

"Once you graduate, you'll get a collar like mine. You'll be a true member and with it comes certain freedoms. Not all, mind you, you're still a male. Queen Madini believes it is in the nature of males to always seek domination so they must be constantly reminded of their place. If you remain belligerent, you will not become a true member. The black collar is the collar of a prisoner."

Leo pondered this for a moment. Recalling his old pride-brothers, he certainly could see where the Queen was coming from. "If... that happens, can you still redeem yourself?"

"In principle, but highly unlikely in practice."

"So what happens then? Are they just kept imprisoned forever?"

"After they have served a punishment proportional to their crime, they are exiled, never to be allowed back."

"What sort of punishment?" Leo asked. He was starting to get worried.

Asim shrugged. "Imprisonment. Torture. The usual. But no worse than that. Our Queen Madini is a wise and progressive monarch, she does not sentence anyone to death, nor are the tortures permanently disfiguring."

That was a relief, at least. His father would call the Queen weak and spineless but Leo didn't agree. It seemed to him that someone truly secure in their strength did not need to chop off heads or tails when challenged.

As Leo mulled this over, Asim finished swabbing him down. "There. This is our morning wash-up ritual. Next time I'll only need to bind your hands. I just thought to set up the full set while I was at it."

"Why do you need to tie me at all?" Leo asked.

"That's the Queen's law. Males are not to be allowed even the chance to pleasure themselves without permission."

"Oh... But then, why do you have the key to the locks?"

"Well," Asim grinned. "I've got special dispensation on account of not having balls."

The room just got chillier. Leo's eyes widened in terror and his testicles sought refuge back in his abdomen. "I--Imara does that?"

Asim cackled. "No, she doesn't." He winked, continuing, "Although I sometimes suspect only because then she couldn't perform her favorite tortures. But no, as I said, Queen Madini is wise. That barbaric practice is forbidden here. But it's a different story back where I'm from."

While Leo recovered from the fright, Asim replaced the chastity cage and released him from his bonds.

"There you go," he said as he undid the final shackle. "I suggest you get some sleep. You have a busy day ahead of you, I gather."

Leo tried to do just that. However, as exhausted as he felt, sleep did not come easy. He tossed and turned on the uncomfortably hard mattress, trepidation at what was soon to come keeping his mind busy.

* * *

Leo woke up to the sound of the door opening, not realizing he had even fallen a sleep. He saw that it was Imara and his first instinct was to bolt upright but he caught himself, remembering what had happened yesterday. So, he lay on his back, still as a plank, and stared up at the ceiling as Imara walked around his bed. Today, rather than the skirt, she wore black leather briefs that hugged and accentuated every curve of her hips and contrasted beautifully against her tan fur. Her top, little more than a brassiere, was also made of the same black leather. It pushed up her breasts, revealing ample cleavage, while leaving her midriff bare. The sight of her made Leo's cock yearn for freedom from its cage.

"Good," she purred, "I see at least something has stuck. Stand up."

Wordlessly, Leo followed her order and stood beside the bed.

"Now, your first lesson. Sometimes, I may want you restrained before I enter the room. Let's try it now. See those shackles on the back wall? Go and lock yourself up."

On the wall opposite the door, four manacles hung on short chains: a set for the wrists and ankles. Leo went over, his back to the wall and started with his left foot. The steel shackle clicked as he closed it, locking automatically. They were spaced rather far apart; Asim had only adjusted the set on the bed. Leo had to spread his legs wide to reach the other one. He felt like he was doing the splits, like something in his groin was about to tear, but he managed to get both his feet locked up. In such an awkward standing position, reaching the lefthand cuff was difficult, but he managed to snap it shut around his wrist. With only one hand free, he wondered just how he could finish the job, but somehow he managed to slip his hand through the final cuff. By holding it and pushing it against the wall he got it to lock as well. And there he was, stretched taut and spread eagled on the wall. He hoped Imara wouldn't leave him like this again, for this position was even more straining than the last.

Imara stroked her chin and let out a pleased, rumbling exhale. "Very good. In the future, I may order you to restrain yourself, either like this or on the bed. If I find you still loose when I enter, you will be punished."

Leo nodded and said, "Yes, Mistress."

She eyed him up and down and put her hand on his chest. Her fingers traced a slow curving path across his chest and belly, all the way down to between his legs. Leo gasped at this pleasant attention, relished the pleasurable sensation of her touch. She wrapped her hand around his scrotum and gently squeezed his testicles. He trembled at the intimate touch and the paradoxically liberating feeling of submission. He closed his eyes and let out a soft purr as he anticipated being set free from his chastity cage.

Instead, he felt the fingers of her other hand softly tap the underside of his scrotum. Tap, tap, tap, her fingers barely touching his testicles. She did not alter the strength or rhythm of her taps, but a dull ache was growing in his balls, spreading up to his abdomen. Leo groaned and writhed, tried to get away but his bonds afforded no freedom of movement and Imara's grip on him was inescapable. She smiled a toothy, predatory smile and purred loudly on every exhale, clearly enjoying his reactions.

Just as the sensation was becoming too much to bear, just as he was about to cry out, she stopped. Leo panted in relief. Imara stroked his cheek and said in a sweet tone, "You looked so vulnerable there that I just couldn't resist. That wasn't so bad was it?"

"N--No, Mistress," Leo said. He did not lie. It had hurt, yes, but after the fact... it felt good. He craved more of her touch, wanted to see the enjoyment on her face again.

"Good. But that's enough playtime, we still have work to do."

Imara released Leo's wrists, then ordered him to release his own ankles. The ankle cuffs turned out not to require a key to unlock.

"Now," Imara said, "You need to know one very important piece of etiquette. You must learn how to show proper deference to your superiors. Get down on your knees."

Leo lowered himself to the floor to a kneeling position.

"Good," Imara said as she looked on. "Keep your back straight and put your hands behind your back." She circled around to his side. "No, hands go above your buttocks. Curl your tail up slightly, yes, just so. Spread your legs a little bit. That's right."

Imara walked around him a couple more times to make sure Leo's posture was on point. He kept his eyes fixed on the floor the whole time.

"Perfect. From now on, unless already carrying out a task, whenever you face me or any of my pride-sisters, you will assume this position and, while in our presence, hold it until told otherwise. Is this understood?"

"Yes, Mistress," Leo said.

Imara put one foot forward towards Leo.

"Kiss it."

Leo leaned down, putting his hands on the floor, and gave the paw a quick peck with his tongue, then straightened back up to resume his kneeling.

Imara smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed. She crossed her legs and regarded Leo with a pleased, evaluating gaze.

"You're showing marked progress. I'm beginning to believe you might be serious about serving the pride. At the end of the day, perhaps a reward might be in order."

Leo's ears perked up at that and an eager smile spread on his muzzle. "Thank you, Mistress."

Imara's lips curled up ever so slightly. "At ease," she said, waving her hand. "That means you may stand up."

Leo did. Some lingering sense of modesty made him put his hands partially over his groin.

"Keep your hands at your sides or behind your back," Imara said. Her voice was stern but not unkind. "You have nothing to hide."

"Yes, Mistress," Leo said, quickly pulling his hands back. He felt a tingle of excitement. Being made to display himself like this was incredibly arousing. Were it not for the cruel cage trapping his cock, he'd have been at full mast now.

"Now, I recall you inquired about clothing yesterday. Once you've earned your collar, you will be given a limited wardrobe and permitted the privilege of covering yourself. In fact, a degree of modesty will be required of you when out in public."

"Thank you, Mistress," Leo said. He was still self-conscious about his nudity and was looking forward to wearing something again, even if it was nothing more than a loincloth.

"However, at any time, for any reason, you may be ordered to strip. You will do so without question. Is this understood?"

"Yes, Mistress." Leo then realized the true intent behind the so-called privilege. The only reason males were allowed any clothing at all was to retain the thrill of undressing, that small experience of submission, vulnerability and anticipation when made to expose what you normally kept hidden. And surely, the sight of a naked male would quickly get boring and ordinary, wouldn't it? In fact, did they not do the very same thing, for the same reasons, to females back in his old pride?

Imara stood up. "I have other duties to attend to now but I will return later today. Asim will be here shortly to serve your lunch."

She left the room. Leo waited until the door had closed, then got up and went to sit on the edge of the bed. The mention of lunch made his stomach growl. He hadn't had anything to eat since yesterday and, even then, only a snack of antelope jerky.

Not long after, Leo's ears perked up at the sound of the door being opened. It was Asim, carrying a wooden bowl and a cup.

"It's lunch time," he announced. He set the bowl and the cup down on the bed next to him. "Keep the cup. You can fill it yourself from the faucet."

"What is this?" Leo asked, picking up the bowl. It was full of... something. Little reddish pellets like animal feed.

"Kibble. Doesn't taste like much, but it's nutritious enough."

Leo was about to ask, but Asim raised his finger and interrupted him. "You don't want to know what it's made of. Trust me. Ignorance is bliss."

He popped one in his mouth. It was dry, crunchy, and bland but still somehow left an oily residue on the roof of his mouth and a lingering aftertaste like stale bread and day old meat. Quite possibly the foulest thing he had ever put in his mouth. Nevertheless, he was starving and right now even the bowl of kibble looked mighty appetizing.

Leo must have made a disgusted face, for Asim said, "Don't worry. Once you're a full pride member, you'll get to eat like a prince again."

He left him to his lunch. Leo realized he hadn't been given a spoon. He'd have to eat with his hands or stick his muzzle into the bowl like an animal. Since he knew where his hands had been, he chose the latter.

After finishing the bowl he laid on the bed, thinking. There wasn't much else to do. He wondered how long his training would take. When would he get to meet the Queen?

His chastity cage chafed, he still wasn't quite used to wearing it. He felt around it, only eliciting further frustration. Pent up and bored, he couldn't even masturbate to pass the time. But then again, that was the point, wasn't it? Kept perpetually horny, he'd be more eager to please. In every pride, females always outnumbered the males at least four to one, so there should be plenty of demand for his services.

An hour, perhaps two, passed before Imara returned. Hearing the grinding noise of the door's bolt sliding, Leo jumped off the bed and went to his knees, ready to receive his Mistress.

Imara smiled as she stepped in and saw him in the proper position.

"Perfect," she said. "You've done well today, so we shall take a little tour upstairs. Perhaps seeing what you have to look forward to will motivate you to keep it up."

"Yes, Mistress," Leo said happily.

"Now stand up and follow."

Leo walked behind Imara, out of the cell, through the mazelike corridors, and finally up the stairs into the fresh air and sunlight of the first floor. Up here, the castle looked how it ought to: tall windows, artfully painted plaster walls, polished stone floors, paintings and sculptures, even some from foreign lands. The soot darkened ceiling above the chandeliers revealed the castle had been wired for electricity only in the recent past.

Another male walked by and Leo couldn't help but to look at him as he passed. Around his neck was the true collar, marking him as a real member of the pride. He wore a loincloth, a considerably more modest one than the lion yesterday. It hung down almost to his knees and was printed with a chevron pattern in the pride colors. Leo had to admit he was rather good looking... Perhaps a hitherto suppressed appreciation of the male form had awakened in him. But above all, that could be him someday soon, finally with a place in a pride he truly felt comfortable in.

Just as he had passed, Imara called out, "Mosi!"

The male turned quickly turned around and went down on his knees. Leo looked at him, at Imara, then did the same.

"Let me see you. Remove your loincloth," Imara ordered. Leo caught her shoot a glance and a quick conspiratorial his way.

Mosi immediately untied the rope belt around his waist and laid the garment on the floor next to him. He kept his back straight, his legs slightly parted and his hands behind his back, letting Imara see everything. Leo's eyes were drawn downwards and he couldn't help but to notice that he wore the same kind of golden chastity cage over his sheath as he did.

Imara walked around him, looking him up and down. Mosi remained perfectly still.

She stopped next to Leo, putting a hand on the nape of his neck. A pleasant chill went down his spine at this possessive gesture. "This is Leo, your potential new pride-brother. Why don't you introduce yourself to him."

Mosi nodded and turned his head towards Leo. "I am Mosi, formerly of the pride of King Busara. I joined this pride seven years ago, when I was 19 years old."

"And do you like it here?" Imara asked.

"Very much, Mistress. I am more at home here than I ever was in my birth-pride."

She nodded approvingly. "And is there anything you don't like?"

Mosi looked uncomfortable. His eyes darted between the floor and Imara.

"Come now, surely there is. Speak freely. I give you my word you won't be punished for anything you're about to say."

Mosi licked his lips and hesitated for a second before he spoke. "Well... Mistress Nadira. She likes needle play and I'm afraid of needles."

Imara laughed sympathetically. "That is understandable. I shall discreetly remind her to be more thoughtful in her choice of playmates."

"Thank you, Mistress," Mosi said, looking relieved.

Imara nodded and waved her hand. "Dismissed."

Mosi quickly dressed himself, then continued on his way.

"You will find you're not so unusual," Imara said, waving Leo to stand up and follow. "There are males like you in every kingdom, uncomfortable in the role they were born to. Here they find a role that suits them better."

As they walked, they passed females too. Most of them were wearing rather ordinary clothes--ordinary, as in designed for comfort and convenience rather than male appreciation. A stark contrast with the concubines of the old palace, who wore flimsy, translucent things designed primarily to give the appearance of always being on the verge of falling off. Belatedly, Leo realized that Imara's attire was not standard even here. Most likely she dressed extra provocatively for his sake, to tease him while he was locked in chastity.

At the end of the hallway, a lioness appeared from behind a corner and waved. "Imara!" she called out. Leo had to re-evaluate his recent conclusion, for she too was dressed all in black leather. "Another hot day we're having. It is at least pleasantly cool in the dungeons, eh?"

"Mahiri," Imara responded with a nod.

They continued to chitchat. It was mostly smalltalk about the weather and how the wet season seemed to be late this year. Leo couldn't help but to notice Mahiri stealing quick glances and smiling at him every now and then. It made him feel self-conscious but also a little bit flattered.

Finally, she looked straight at him. "Oh, by the way, who is your companion? A visiting dignitary?" she said with a smirk.

Imara snapped her head towards Leo. Eyes widening in anger, she hissed, "On your knees!"

Only then did he realize his mistake. Hastily, he knelt down and assumed the position Imara had taught him.

"Oh, a new recruit, silly me!" Mahiri laughed. "Having difficulty breaking him in?"

"My apologies," Imara said, her ears flattened. "I've only just begun his training."

"I'm sure," Mahiri said in an exaggeratedly sweet tone. "If you need any help with that, just ask."

She strode away, leaving Imara standing there, staring at her back with murder in her eyes.

She turned around and growled, "Follow."

Leo jumped up to his feet and scuttled after her. It seemed like the tour just got cut short. She led him back downstairs, back to the dungeon, but they walked right past his cell. Instead, Imara opened a door near the end of the hallway and ordered Leo in.

It was not much bigger than Leo's cell. Here too, manacles hung from the walls but, instead of a bed, in the middle of the room stood a pillory frame. On the back wall hung a selection of whips and canes of varying sizes and types. Leo could guess what was coming and it made his legs weak.

Imara slammed the door shut and walked in front of him, uncomfortably close, almost nose to nose. She stared into his eyes, the fur of her neck standing up, her pupils little pinpricks. She looked like a feral beast.

"You embarrassed me before my pride-sister! Mahiri of all people!" she roared. "I have been lenient with you, but this breach of basic manners, manners that I just explicitly taught you is unforgivable."

"I'm sorry, Mistress!" Leo pleaded, falling to his knees. Before, there had been a hint of playfulness in everything she said, like she was putting on a character. Now that was all gone, now she sounded dead serious.

"Yes, you will be." She pointed to the frame and snapped her fingers.

Leo's mouth was too dry to swallow the lump in his throat. He walked up to it and bent over, putting his hands and neck into the holes. Imara hinged the top half of the board down, trapping Leo in place.

He was facing the back wall and could see her browsing the selection. The suspense felt more terrible than the actual punishment ever could. At last, she decided on a long, thin rod. Leo felt slightly relieved; it did not look nearly as scary as the whips or the huge paddles. Imara gave the rod an experimental bend and a thwack against her palm.

"For this transgression, no less than ten strokes of the cane will suffice," she said, holding the rod for Leo to see. She circled behind him and ordered, "Raise your tail!"

Leo did so, ears flattened with fear and embarrassment.

She swiped the cane through the air, making Leo flinch. It actually made a whoosh sound.

"You will thank me for every stroke and tell me you deserved it."

"Y--Yes, Mistress," Leo said, fortifying himself as best as he could.

It came swiftly. A whoosh, followed by a loud snap. The pain erupted immediately after, almost bringing tears to his eyes. The sting was intense, far more so than he had imagined. A sharp wave of pain flashed through his body, nearly driving out all conscious thought. Imara wasn't playing around this time. This time, he was being actually punished.

"And what do you say?" Imara demanded.

"I--T--Thank you, Mistress," Leo managed through the haze of pain. "I deserve this."

Thwack. The second strike came immediately after and felt even harder than the first. Tears blurred his vision. "T--Thank you, Mistress. I deserve this."

Thwack. Leo let out a yowl and wobbled on his feet. He still managed to thank Imara, even as she grabbed him by the base of his tail and pulled him back on his feet.

After the fourth strike, he tried to struggle free. It was instinctive and involuntary. He almost forgot to thank Imara.

The blows kept coming, each more painful than the last. He squirmed and struggled but Imara kept pulling him back into position by his tail. Saying the words became difficult. His voice was hoarse from yowling and it was as though he was forgetting how to speak.

Then it was over. Leo panted, tears, drool and snot dripping down his muzzle. Wordlessly, Imara returned the cane to the wall then walked back to the door.

"I will come fetch you once I've decided what to do with you."

The door slammed and once again Leo was left alone in a cell.

Gradually the pain of the caning subsided but a hot tingling remained. Even though the punishment was over, Leo still trembled, anxious of what was to come. Was this the end? Had he failed already? A momentary lapse and that was it? Imara had stressed the importance of etiquette. If he couldn't follow even such basic rules then what hope did he have? A memory of his shamefully naive fantasizing came back to him.

Nausea churned in his stomach. That Imara might return with a black collar in hand wasn't just likely, it seemed inevitable. Then what? He wouldn't see the outside of a torture chamber until the Queen was satisfied he had been taught a sufficient lesson? Afterwards, he could perhaps return home, but once they'd see the mark of an exile, he'd be a joke. He could almost hear his brothers bellowing with laughter already. Out of sheer disappointment, his father would probably hide him away in a dungeon or banish him in turn.

Leo was beginning to feel certain it was the life of a rogue male for him. Reduced to haunting the peripheries of pride territories, poaching cattle and robbing travelers to survive.

An unknown length of time passed. It felt like a long time, as his legs and back had started to ache.

He startled at the sound of the door opening, thought he recognized Imara's pawsteps. Anticipating her judgement, he felt like throwing up. Leo looked up to see her crouching down to his level.

Imara put her hands on his cheeks, stroking them gently with her thumbs. She looked at him with a pitying expression. His face must have been a mess.

"Perhaps I was a little too harsh, a little too soon. I let personal feelings affect my judgement," she said, sounding almost apologetic. "I will give you another chance. I told you a reward might be in order at the end of the day. Do you feel you still deserve it?"


Imara smiled. "That is the correct answer, which deserves a reward."

* * *

Imara's apartment on the top floor was bigger even than Leo's old one had been. The front door opened to a living room furnished for comfort and receiving guests. A bookshelf dominated one wall and on the other side, sofas and comfy chairs were set facing each other, with a low table in between. One peculiar feature drew the eye: a large wooden X attached to the wall, set between the sofas like a centerpiece. This seemed to be a functional piece of furniture rather than a mere decoration, judging by the leather straps hanging from it. On closer inspection, even the table appeared to serve a double duty, as it was built much sturdier than needed for holding drinks and around its edges were eyelets for ropes and chains. Even now there was a padlock hanging at each four corner.

Imara must have noticed Leo's wondering stare, for she said, "Curious about my special furniture?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"As you should know by now, it is my job to train and discipline our males. I often like to take my work home."

There were two others doorways. One opened to a small kitchen suitable for preparing snacks and refreshments, while the other led to a short hallway. On the right was a bathroom with a bath could almost be called a pool. On the other side, a study. Through the door, Leo could see a shelf full of books and papers, a drafting table, and in the middle of the room... a metal pole stretching from floor to ceiling. At the end of the hallway was Imara's boudoir. Leo's heart raced as she led him forward.

To describe the room as spacious was to undersell it. The massive four poster bed in the middle looked positively lonely. Judging from the other furniture, this was where Imara did most of her working-from-home. Facing the bed on the opposite wall was another one of those X crosses. Next to it, a pegboard holding a collection of whips, crops, floggers, coils of rope, muzzles, hoods and other implements. Below was a dresser with shallow drawers, no doubt containing instruments for more exquisite tortures. There were bars on the underside of the bed; in fact it appeared to be a very low cage. There were other things too: chairs, benches, and even a pillory frame, all outfitted with restraints. This bedroom seemed better equipped than a standard prison dungeon. However, the light colored walls and the panoramic window on the east side gave the room a cozy, airy atmosphere. It made the equipment look far less threatening, like they meant for play rather than serious punishment.

Imara led Leo not to her bed, but to what at first glance appeared to be a regular massage table. A closer look revealed a couple extra features: the inevitable leather straps and an extra hole positioned to grant access to the genitals.

"Lie down," Imara instructed. She spoke gently but with authority. It was still a command, not a request.

Leo climbed onto the table, putting his face through the hole in the headrest. As expected, Imara began tying him down. She buckled up straps around his wrists and upper arms, ankles and thighs. A belt went around the small of his back and an attached cuff even kept his tail raised. She soon had him utterly immobilized, save for his head.

Stroking the back of his head, Imara whispered in his ear, "This bondage is not a punishment but a gift. Simply relax and enjoy, for there is nothing else you can do."

Leo considered his options. Strapped down tight, he did have another choice: he could panic and struggle and resist. He chose Imara's suggestion and let go instead. And it really was relaxing. He felt himself sinking into a kind of timeless-thoughtless state where the world just faded away and he became putty beneath her hands, hers for the molding. Imara went somewhere and returned, Leo didn't keep track of how long she was gone. He heard the pop of a cork opening, smelled the scent of honey.

"This will make you feel better," Imara said.

She poured something thick, oily, and cold on his buttocks. It warmed up quickly as she began massaging the ointment into his fur. The cuts on his skin stung but now it was a good, healing pain. Tingling warmth spread, eliciting a long content sigh from Leo. Imara kept massaging for longer than strictly necessary. Now and then she parted the fur to inspect the lacerations her cane had made. From the way she traced them with her finger, Leo rather suspected she derived not just a little satisfaction from seeing the results of her handiwork.

After she finished, Leo felt her hot breath in his ear and her hand on the back of his neck. He tensed, anticipating being set free from his chastity next. Instead he heard, "In the morning, you will be all healed up. Now rest."

He lifted up his head to see her walking to the bed, her hips swaying sensually. As she walked, she removed her top and let it fall to the floor. Once at the bed, she slowly pulled down her briefs, bending over with her tail raised to take them off from around her feet before rolling onto the bed. Leo felt blood rushing to his groin and his erection straining against the metal tube imprisoning it. Frustrated, he lowered his face back into the headrest's hole and tried to will his heart to beat slower. The playfully cruel Imara was back and she had found a way to inflict one more torture on him, without even touching him. He had never felt such primal lust as he was feeling now. He wanted to grasp her, feel her fur against his, her neck between his jaws, to squeeze her breasts, to rut her like a wild beast. Of all the ways she had tormented him, this felt the most unbearable.

Imara was now taking a comfortable position on the bed, her hand between her legs, looking at him. Leo closed his eyes, tried in vain to shut his ears as well, resolving to take no more glances at her beautiful, curvaceous form. He sure wouldn't get any sleep tonight otherwise.