My Slave Family- Chapter 12

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#13 of My Slave Family (Completed)

Chapter Twelve

"Enter the White Fox"


Furry Sith Lord

Sometimes I wonder who is worse, Father or Uncle Jon because lately both have been giving me a hard time. I have been trying my hardest but every time I think I've succeeded in doing a good job both start yelling at me that I've done the opposite. Even Lyon started to grumble about how he was treated too.

A month had passed and so far Father's antlers were starting to grow back. He still looked like a fawn but he was close to being back to his usual appearance. We tried getting him to join us in playing a few more games because of the fun we had when the three of us played the maid. He was now refusing and kept stating that he did not have time then scolded us for acting like cubs.

Technically we were still cubs, but in a couple of months I'd be a year old and in feline years I'd be starting puberty. Lyon would have to wait longer but lately he had stopped crying as much as he used to. He and Dad had been playing a lot more sports and I think that has been toughening him up. Father has been trying to make me stronger by using my mind although the brain thing is not my favorite. I'd been lifting weights to help me stay focused while studying. I find it also helps me relax and blow off steam because lately I've been punished for mouthing off to Father.

I feel like he has been doing it on purpose like he keeps trying to push me to see how far I can go until I snap.

"Tyger! that's it. You're grounded!" Father yelled at me one day.

"What's that?" I asked him confused by what being grounded was. Normally I'd be lowering my pants so he could give me a spank but he remarked that I'm getting too old to keep getting spanks. He explained what it was and I vaguely mentioned it sounded like what happens to the big cubs on TV when they get in trouble.

He explained it to me and other than reading and doing my homework I would have to stay in my room. The worst part was that I couldn't lift! Dad had bought a small set of weights for Lyon and myself and as I mentioned he helped me unwind. Father had been studying me very closely so he could effectively punish me.

He was not the only one on edge because Dad was constantly yelling at the news on TV. More and more stories about a white fox robbing stores and other criminals was constantly being broadcasted. Even the stork maid was having trouble because she could normally put him in his place but once he started shouting about the white fox he would stand his ground and argue back. The servants were becoming more and more afraid of him!

Father was also getting increasingly annoyed with him because he kept talking about the fox and Father was sick of hearing it. I couldn't help but notice they were not speaking to each other unless they absolutely had to. Dad was walking around with a constant scowl and his mood was slowly affecting everyone.

Mr. Jon also started scolding us for incorrect answers now that we were trying to advance in our learning. We had learned the alphabet and numbers and moved on to learning how to read. He also began to teach us history and science to make us more aware of how the world works. History is by far my favorite subject because it's interesting to see how we evolved but I hate the limitations that we can only go back to a certain point because the records we have don't record everything.

Once the records end, then we are forced to trust in science to tell us how things were, as best as science can figure. How the first species started as small cells that evolved into the animals we are today. How today he are what we are because we ride on the backs of those now extinct. Other than that, life is good.

"Goodnight son," Leggo said as he kissed Lyon's head after tucking him into bed.

"No story tonight?" Lyon asked, then yawned showing how large his fangs had become. Being a predator himself it brought pride to Leggo to see his son growing.

"What? A story! From what I hear you'll be reading soon. Shouldn't you be reading to me?" Leggo asked with a grin across his maw.

"But I only know a couple of little words and the sports books all use big words."

"Well... you're in luck. I haven't read the sports page yet... so let's look at it together." Leggo said and he took the folded newspaper section out of his pocket and tried to fit his big body next to Lyon on the bed with the cub laying on his chest. They read over the latest news in the sports world with the rumors of who might be transferring teams, the results of the latest games played, who was retiring, and who was injured and how their recovery was going. Lyon listened with interest but he was more content to hear his dad's heart beating. The rhythmic sound gave him a sense of comfort and peace

On the back of the last page there was a picture of the whit fox and some story that Lyon couldn't read.

"Hey look, it's the White Fox!!!" Lyon exclaimed and Leggo's mood darkened.

"Oh, yeah..." he replied weakly.

"Father says he was your hero just like Tyger and me like the Power Fur Rangers."

"Well, I guess... I dunno but he was someone to look up to." Leggo said, scratching his head with his free hand.

"You sound sad." Lyon remarked.

"It's nothing."

"Come on dad, we're buds, you can tell me anything." Lyon pressed and Leggo looked conflicted as he struggled trying to decide what to do.

"Lyon, can you keep a secret?" he finally asked.


"I'm serious! If I tell you something you need to keep it between you and me. No one else, not Tyger or your father. I mean no one." Leggo pressed.

"I promise dad." Lyon said firmly and then Leggo let out a big sigh.

"OK but just remember that if you break your promise then you'll break my heart because this is very important to me." Leggo said and Lyon nodded. Leggo let out a deep breath before continuing.

"Son, I'm the white fox," he said and Lyon looked thunderstruck then started laughing. Leggo hushed him and tried to make him stop.

"I'm serious, I am... or was the White Fox. It happened a long time ago when I was younger. When your father and I graduated school he wanted to go to college and he wanted me with him. I went but dropped out quickly because of what happened to me.

There are clubs on campus called fraternities and I wanted to join a sports one. They have an initiation where they do embarrassing stuff because they think it's fun to pick on the new guys and see who really wants to join. For my initiation they thought it would be funny if they held me down and stripped me down to my fur then shaved off all my fur." Leggo picked up his shirt and showed his white fur belly to Lyon then pulled his shirt back and continued.

"After they were done everyone said I looked like a white fox and they started making fun of me. I felt so humiliated that I dropped out of college. It takes 3 months for me to grow my fur back so the other species actually thought I was a white fox. Because species hate rare white furs I was picked on a lot. I tried not to let it get me down but I understand what you guys go through because of your fur color.

One night as fall was close to ending, I was up late. Your father and I were in heat and had just... um... finished having a date. I was on my way home when I stopped to get some milk. I wore a black pair of shorts and a black hoodie to offset my color. A robber came inside and was threatening to kill the store owner if he didn't open the register.

The store keeper was an old rabbit and he and I were the only ones in the store. Guess the robber didn't see me when he entered. The robber was a horse and he had a knife, a big one, and pointed it at the poor rabbit. I dunno what I was thinking but I threw off my hoodie and standing there in just my shorts I ran and jumped then kicked the horse and knocked the knife from his hoof. He took a look at the half naked white fox and ran away screaming.

The story of a white fox beating up bad guys soon spread. Before the last of my fur grew back I had gone out on secret patrols and stopped a couple more crimes. Once I was back to my old self I gave up the crime fighter lifestyle. I tried to join the police academy but I could never pass the test to get in.

So the White Fox was someone to be proud of, someone to help the weak but whoever this new white fox is, he's a thief and tarnished the name I had built up." Leggo let out a huge sigh as if a weight had been lifted. Lyon stared at him half in awe and half in confusion.

"And nobody knows that it was you?" Lyon asked.

"Just you and your father are the only two that know."

"Is that why you guys aren't talking?"

"Well he's mad because he thinks I'm gonna do something stupid like shave off my fur and try and capture the fake white fox." Leggo replied.

"But if the White Fox is bad then you gotta do something, right?" Lyon asked.

"I want to but I have a family to look after now. That's why your father is mad at me because he thinks I'm gonna run off and do something dumb and get hurt. He just doesn't get that I'm not the dumb puppy he thinks I am." Leggo said sadly.

"I don't think your dumb either dad." Lyon said and gave a big hug to Leggo.

Lou finished tucking in Tyger and he grimaced as Leggo was walking his direction in the hallway. He moved to the side as he tried to sneak past but he nearly cried out as the wolf firmly grabbed his wrist and pulled him close.

"I'm ready to communicate now." Leggo said softly as Lou tugged to get his arm free. With a sigh he nodded and walked firmly into their bedroom although his stomach was shaking with each step he took.

Lou walked over towards their bed and he folded his arms across his chest as he stood half facing the wolf. Leggo walked up and used his strength to force the deer to sit next to him on the bed. Lou was clearly agitated by the rough treatment but he never resisted. Even though he was angry he could not resist the wolf's gentle touch on his pelt. He suddenly realized how much he had missed being touched like that.

"Well?" Lou said as harshly as he could because his nerve was suddenly wavering.

"I know you think I'm a dumb puppy,"

"Oh stop." Lou retorted.

"But I need you to know that my family means everything to me. It means more than the White Fox."

"Does it?" Lou questioned skeptically.

"You know it does! I... know I've been upset but that's only because I used to be the White Fox and species used to look up to me. It's killing me that someone is ruining the reputation that used to bring hope to species."

"I understand bae," Lou said and wrapped his arms around Leggo's neck. "But you are a dad now and all that hope and White Fox stuff needs to be put away. Your kids need you, not another superhero. They have the Power Fur Rangers to look up to but only one dad. I don't want you running off to do something stupid because you think you have to. Let the police handle it."

"I think I may have to do it to protect my kids. Both our boys are white furs and they are hated because of it. Once the White Fox stood as a symbol that white furs are not evil. If this new White Fox is committing evil then they will unfortunately be blamed too."

"They'll be blamed no matter what, that damn book is the problem! If species would put away such childish nonsense written by stone age ignorant that have no idea what they were talking about. The world could move on and truly become enlightened! We can do away with racism and slavery and look to a brighter future. Sadly, rather than educating themselves those fools prefer to remain ignorant and are waiting to go extinct like the primitive species before them." Lou lectured.

"Like you say, I'm just a dumb puppy. They have their father to guide them and he's better than their dad any day of the week." Leggo countered.

"Do you know why I call you a dumb puppy?" Lou asked and Leggo shook his head. "You know that movie that you love? The grandpa reads a book to his grandson and it turns into an adventure?" Lou asked and Leggo thought for a moment then his tail started to wag rapidly and Lou cringed as he was getting struck by it.

"The Royal Bride!" I love that movie." Leggo smiled.

"In that movie, the stuck up, spoiled, rich girl has a slave."

"Slave boy, she calls him." Leggo interrupted.

"Yeah, so whenever she demands something he always says to her: As You Wish. The grandpa tells the kid that after a while she realized he was saying, I love you, when he said As You Wish. Well the truth is that every time I call you a dumb puppy what I actually mean is that I Love You." Lou said and he took Leggo's chin in his hoof.

"I... uh"

"You dumb puppy." Lou spoke softly and leaned in to kiss the wolf and felt his tears touch his own cheeks.

"Come on man, you're taking too long." a short rotund racoon said with a black mask covering his eyes. Another racoon that was a little taller than him and a lot leaner was busy trying to use picks to open a lock. Both wore black clothes and the lean one had a long rope coiled across his chest.

"Look, just give me a sec." The lean one replied and the rotund one took a gun out of a picket and loaded a bullet in the chamber by pulling on the slide.

"Come on, come on."

"Relax! You're gonna make things worse if you don't calm down." The lean one said and he instantly heard a soft click and opened the door. "See? Told ya." They both cautiously entered and looked around at the rows of shelves that were filled with liquor bottles.

"This place looks like a dump Ernie, what are we here for? We gonna steal some bears?"

"This is where the big money is! See a lot of small-timers go after jewelry stores or gas stations but the real money is in liquor stores." Ernie said as he searched around looking for the manager's office.

"Don't they drop it all off at the bank at the end of the night?" Sam asked skeptically.

"Yes and no. They need to keep a large sum on hand to pay delivery drivers for the product they deliver. Especially if they are a mom and pop outfit because they need to keep costs under wrap. So I figure if we steal what they got then with the back records in their files I can hack their bank accounts and bleed them dry." Ernie gloated. Sam grabbed a bottle of Jack Bassett whiskey, opened it and began to chug it down.

"Ah breakfast of champions." Sam replied and burped loudly after he finished half the bottle and then heard a slight chuckle from Ernie.

"Fat slob," Ernie laughed. "By the way, why'd you bring the gun? We shouldn't need it Sam. I made sure to check this place out before we robbed it."

"In case the fox shows up. He's been interfering and then takes the loot for himself." Sam replied.

"I told you he goes after the small-timers. Even if he saw us, he's think we were dumb for going after a couple of bucks and free beers." Ernie said. Neither heard a soft thud as an unseen figure dropped down from the ceiling, the soft pads on his feet cushioning the sound of the impact.

Sam was busy filling a bag with different liquor bottles while he slowly finished off the whiskey he opened. The unseen figure grabbed Sam and used one paw to muffle his screams and he pulled the rotund raccoon behind a shelf and knocked him out. He then used several zip ties to bind his captive and make sure he couldn't escape.

"Hey Sam, your awful quiet... you didn't pass out did you? If you did, I'm leaving your ass behind." Ernie said as he began to search around and the unseen figure crept up behind him.

Ernie was suddenly grabbed and he was forcefully turned around and he saw the White Fox looking at him wearing a black eye mask like he was. The look of fear spread on the racoon's face as the White Fox glared at him.

"Who... the fox?" he stammered.

"I am the White Fox."

"Who are you?" Ernie asked as he trembled in the iron grip the White Fox had him in.

"I am me." he replied snidely.

"Who's me?"

"Me is a thief!" He replied and punched the helpless raccoon repeatedly until he was unconsciousness like his partner was then he was left zip tied. Both were left as the White Fox began to search their belongings to see what he wanted to steal from the thieves.

He left the booze but gathered the money and other account information into his own bag. He turned to face and gazed at a security camera and saluted it by using his index finger to point towards his eyes then gestured and pointed the same finger at the camera. He thought about smiling but did not feel like it and jumped to climb out a hatch in the ceiling he used to sneak inside.

The next morning, we gathered for breakfast and dad seemed a lot happier than he had been. Even father was smiling and gave him a pat on the butt as he walked past. I then noticed Lyon was staring at dad and his expression was that he was bashful. His eyes were filled with wonder and if he could purr I'd swear he would be.

"What?" I whispered to him but he just shook his head.

"Tyger!" I jumped and sat upright in my chair as father shouted at me.

"If you're gonna continue to be rude you can go eat in the kitchen with the servants!" I groaned within myself because even when he's in a good mood he still gets on my case for no reason at all. I finished my meal in silence and when I picked up my plate to bring it into the kitchen, he sat waiting for my return. Everyone else had left leaving just the two of us and there was no way to leave without having to walk past him. He was patiently waiting to either scold me or punish me.

I took a deep breath and started walking trying to casually walk by as the newspaper in his hooves was covering his face. When I was about to walk past him he suddenly extended his arm blocking me from walking by. I again groaned within myself and stopped as he used his free hoof to lower his paper and he observed me looking over the top of his reading glasses. I tried to remain calm as I waited for his response.

"Do you have something to say?" he asked me firmly.

"No, sir." I replied confused by what he was asking me. He shifted in his seat and it made a creaking noise as he folded his hooves across his chest.

"No?" he asked, surprised and he continued to look at me sternly.

"I don't get it, everyone was happy this morning and I saw Lyon look as if he was watching a Power Fur Rangers episode and I asked him quietly why he was so happy. I was quiet trying to not disturb everyone then you started yelling at me for no reason. Everyone was so happy and I was just wondering why, wondering if I missed something and suddenly I'm the bad guy. Well then sorry, I had no idea I was not allowed to be happy, I'll make sure to never make that mistake again." I said and he stared at me unflinchingly.

"Go to your room." he replied firmly.

"I will obey, but if I do, then it will make me late for class. Is that OK?" I asked calmly.

"You're right. After class, remain in your room until I get home. No TV, no toys. Understand?"

"Yes.... Father." I had to force the words out and just wished he would punish me now so I could avoid him telling me I was grounded later. Right now, I have no interest in being around him. We both heard Uncle Jon enter and he was talking with dad then dad began to shout. Father jumped up and went to join them and I silently walked behind at a little distance.

"What is all the shouting about?" Father asked.

"Hello, we were discussing the latest attack by the White Fox." Uncle Jon replied and dad stood there breathing loudly with his heckles standing on end. Dad turned away and I saw him look down at me then he tried to smile and walked over.

"How's the lifting going? I wish Lyon had your zeal." he said to me and I blushed. "Here, show me how strong you are." He held out his arm and I was to jump and grab it and it was somehow supposed to measure how strong I was. I obeyed and he was still able to keep his arm up and I dangled from it but he quickly put me down.

"You're getting too strong. Hey, after work you and I will have a little one on one." Dad replied and I looked down before responding.

"I'm not allowed out of my room today."

"Oh?" he said and looked at father.

"Tyger! Do as your dad tells you!" Father said but his voice lost the authority it usually held.

"This is why I hate you both! Because I can never do anything right." I stomped off towards the class and I briefly looked back and saw Uncle Jon grabbed father by one of his still growing antlers and pulled him against his shoulder and said something to him but I couldn't hear what was said

I entered class and Lyon tried to talk to me but I ignored him. I didn't feel like talking anymore and wanted to be left alone as long as possible. Once Uncle Jon became our teacher, Mr. Jon, I would have to talk and respond or get punished again, but for the moment I needed to be at peace. A few moments later Mr. Jon entered and began to set up to begin teaching the class.

Leggo walked up and slapped Lou across his face and the stunned deer just looked at him as if he was caught looking at an approaching vehicle with the headlights on and the horn blaring.

"You're an asshole." he told the frightened deer and stomped off. Lou stood there trying to regain his composure.

Leggo went into his bedroom and took a black pair of shorts out of the bureau then went to a nearby bathroom that he kept his grooming supplies in. He stripped off all his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror.

"I've got to end this." he told himself and picked up an electric fur cutter and started to shave off his fur. Leggo wouldn't be around for a while because the real White Fox needed to stop the imposter at all costs. He was no longer going to let anyone stand in his way...

To Be Continued...