My Slave Family- Chapter 15

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#15 of My Slave Family (Completed)

Chapter Fifteen



Furry Sith Lord

"Hello Jon, how can I help you?" Lou replied calmly picking up the telephone.

"Lou, I'm glad it's you! I have something important to share with you and I hope you'll hear me out."

"What's wrong?" Lou asked, wondering what the yellow dog was upset about. It must be something serious if he was not asking for Leggo.

"Well I was afraid to say anything because of how you guys would take it but when I saw that the White Fox was arrested,"

"Wait! What do you mean arrested?!" Lou interrupted and his usual cool manner could not hide the panic in his voice.

"It's been all over the news, The C.I.Z.A. set up a decoy fox to lure the real one out of hiding and they captured him." Jon replied and was confused because he figured Lou must watch the news very carefully being the owner of a large multibillion dollar company.

"Son of a bitch," Lou shouted and hearing profanity from him made him wonder what was going on. Lou seemed like the type that was too prim and proper to debase himself in using such profanity.

"You alright?"

"I'm... just afraid of how Leggo will take the news. The White Fox is a hero of his, or was. So how do you know the Central Intelligence Zoo Agency was involved in the capture?" Lou asked as he began to wonder if he could rescue his husband from them.

"Their lead agent who is a doberman was part of an interview and he revealed the White Fox was captured because of the terrorist activity he was involved with."

"Terrorist activity? When did robbery become a terrorist activity?" Lou struggled to prevent grinding his teeth. He knew Leggo was the real White Fox and was not involved in any of the crimes the imposter was accused of committing. If the imposter was a C.I.Z.A. agent trying to lure out a terrorist then could there be a 3rd White Fox?

"The doberman said a White Fox tried to sabotage a nuclear power plant. If he can be trusted."

"How did you know the doberman is an agent?" Lou asked.

"He told me himself."


"This is what I'm trying to tell you, I'm not the guy you think I am. A week or two before I met your children the doberman approached me and told me you and Leggo had rare white cubs. He then blackmailed me to force me to teach your sons and try and help him kill them." Jon said, trying to not make his voice quiver.

"That at least explains the brownies."

"He was trying to get me to take the kids to a Con and instead I was to deliver them to him.

"Wow, what a piece of shit you are! Do you know how hard they've been working to pass your test because they wanted to meet the Power Fur Rangers? This is gonna break their hearts! Not to mention when I'm gonna do to you when I get my hooves on you for trying to kill my sons." Lou said indignantly.

"That's why I'm coming clean because they blackmailed me but now that I know them I've... fallen in love and being their uncle has been the greatest joy in my life. I can't go on like this and I wanted you to know about the C.I.Z.A. trying to kill them. I just want you to protect them before I die." Jon replied.

"Now you're dying?" Lou asked skeptically.

"I saved the brownies and I'm going to eat them so the C.I,Z.A. can no longer manipulate me into harming the cubs."

"Suicide?! My question is: what makes you think I'll allow you to die? You're my bitch now, so you obey me!" Lou said with a finality to his voice.

"What good will saving me do? I'm not worth saving."

"I don't care about you, I merely want to use you to get access to the C.I.Z.A. Once I free the White Fox I'll have no other use for you." Lou stated and Jon couldn't hear any emotion in his voice and that sent a chill down Jon's spine.

"Do what you want with me but I beg you and if you want me to get on my paws and knees, I will. I just ask that you keep my memory to the cubs as being their uncle. That has been the most important thing in my life and I don't want to tarnish that to the cubs."

"If you help me liberate the White Fox I'll make sure they have fond memories of their uncle, understand?"

"Wait, you keep mentioning the White Fox! Is your company the one funding the White Citadel?!" Jon exclaimed as he remembered the doberman talked about a company that funded their terrorist activities.

"The White Citadel? What is that?" Lou asked. He wondered what Jon was talking about when he mentioned a company supporting them.

"It was on the news, some former C.I.Z.A. has been gathering rare white furs together to form an army to take over the world."

"An army? Seriously??" Lou asked.

"If the doberman wasn't lying. But that's why I called because I think the doberman is using the White Fox as a way to get the public to become upset at rare whiyte furs which means your sons could be in trouble."

"Can you find a way to get me inside to talk to the Whitge Fox?" Lou asked.


Leggo reclined on his bed in the cell wearing the grey uniform he had been given. The shorts he had were taken away and promised to be washed and kept safe for when he gets released. He doubted he'd ever see them again or that he'd ever be released. Only the thought of seeing his sons one last time gave him the courage to keep fighting.

He had been observing the surroundings to try and find any weak spots to help him escape. From what he gathered the door of the cell was magnetically clocked and he found the cameras observing him as he remained in the cramped cell. It was spacious enough but overall it was half the size of his bedroom back home. The idea that they are monitoring him as he showered, ate, and slept filled him with unease. It would make trying to escape more difficult.

If the guards here were like the security he'd worked with before then they'd constantly glance at the monitors to see what the inmates were up to. As long as he didn't act suspiciously then they would relatively ignore him.

He thought about waiting for the dog or the Fake Fox to pay him a visit and he would grab and hold him hostage and demand the door be opened. The trouble was he doubted if they cared about his threats and may just ignore him and count it as no great loss if he killed his hostage. Trouble was that the White Fox was no killer and he probably couldn't actually bring himself to do it no matter how much he wanted to.

The dog and Fake Fox had stopped visiting him so he took it as a bad sign that they were close to nabbing his sons. He could not understand why they wanted to kill them but he could find no weak point to the cell. The best he could hope for was a power outage because that may allow him to escape because the power that kept the door locked could only be cut off at that time.

He wanted to punish himself because he had blindly trusted Jon when he was working with these creeps to kill his sons. All the clues were there but he had ignored them because he thought Jon was his friend. He would add him to the list of species from here he was going to get revenge on. His paws were tied for the moment but once they were let loose he was going to get revenge and they'd never see it coming. Well that's what he kept telling himself but everytime he thought about it it was becoming more and more difficult to believe.

The Fake Fox suddenly entered holding a folded pile of clothes and a smile plastered on his face.

"Hey buddy," he said and Leggo turned to face the wall with his back pointing at the Fake Fox. "I brought you a present and who doesn't like presents, right?" Leggo continues to ignore him. "So I remember you telling me you liked to free ball it and I did mention it to the doberman but he thought briefs would be a good reminder of your imprisonment here. Most species hate briefs because they are very restrictive, so to speak. Anyway since we're gonna be partners I pulled a few strings and got you some boxers. See they are almost the same as free balling it!" The Fake fox said and he held the plain whitye boxers up to show him.

Leggo continued to ignore him even when the Fake Fox stepped over to him and held the underwear in front of his face.

"I'm really looking forward to working with you and I already think of you as an older brother. Wait till our fur grows back and we'll look even more like twins." The Fake Fox stepped away and placed the item back on the pile of clothes. Eggo contemplated grabbing him and demanding to be released. He knew it wouldn't work but would this fool get it into his head that his 'friends' cared nothing about him? Or would he double down and make up a lame excuse?

"Once this nasty business is out of the way, maybe you'll make me the new uncle of your new sons. How will that be? I mean if you want you can make your old friend Jon their uncle because who's to say they can't have both of us.

The boss has a great idea for our first assignment together. While we look like twin foxes we sneak into the White Citadel and gather the info we need to bring them down." The Fake Fox continued but Leggo was not hearing anything that attracted his attention. He kept his back to the Fake Fox as he curled up. He stood there silently watching Leggo and finally exited the room. Leggo let out a huge sigh of relief because that guy was seriously pissing him off.

"Uncle? Call you uncle? Sure, after I cut your head off and hang it on my wall." Leggo thought to himself.

I sat in my room waiting and finally after finishing his phone call he knocked on my door and entered. I sat on my bed looking at my paws and he casually walked over and sat next to me. We had arranged this meeting to talk things through and hopefully start over.

"Son, I have some bad news and I hope you don't take it out on me." he said softly and I looked at him wondering what he had to say. His eyes were still a little red and when he used his hoof to grip my paw I had a feeling that something was terribly wrong. His scent shifted between sadness and confusion to anger and embarrassment.

"Father, what's wrong?" I asked weakly wanting to know but still I was afraid to ask.

"Your uncle confessed something disturbing to me over the phone just now. His job called and he has to go back to work early to get everything ready for the new students he's gonna be teaching. This means he won't be teaching you guys anymore and unfortunately can't take you to the Con! He sent me copies of the final test you two were supposed to take so I can administer it."

"So no more seeing Uncle Jon and no going to the Con?" I asked and felt myself getting ready to cry. I was more upset about not seeing Uncle Jon anymore because I suspected that I would not be allowed to go to the Con.

"I tried to buy tickets for the Con he was talking about but they're sold out. I really tried, but I'm doing some searching to see if I can find another Con to take you guys to. However you both still have to pass that final test! I promise that if you both get 100s I'll get you to a Con to meet your heroes and the Con will be immune to punishments." Father told me and I felt better because at least we can go and I wouldn't be tricked out of it.

"The test is supposed to be tomorrow, will there be enough time to take it before you leave for work?" I asked.

"Tomorrow? Already? I may have to get the maid to do it. It's a simple test with just 4 questions and I'm sure both of you have studied enough to get all the answers correct. I'll go speak to her before she leaves... Are we cool?" he asked and I nodded my head.

"But what I said before," I tried but he suddenly interrupted me.

"Do you mean to hurt my feelings?" he asked.

"No, of course not!"

"Then it was a simple misunderstanding and something we should put behind us. I just want to caution you that you must pick your words carefully because even if you don't mean it, what you say can hurt others feelings. A wise fur will carefully consider what he says before saying it. Just something I want you to think about because after all you don't want species to call you a dumb kitty." Father replied and I again nodded my head and he then reached over and squeezed my leg then rose and left my room.

We both sat in our classroom as the maid entered holding a couple pieces of paper. We started to rise but she motioned for us to remain sitting and we complied.

"Look at this, I haven't been in school since I was a little hatchling. That uncle of yours set up quite a display, didn't he?" She said and spoke mostly to herself as she looked around. She finally gave a blank sheet of paper to each of us as we sat ready with our pencils to take the test.

"I'm gonna read each question to you and you write down the answers for each, putting a number and a dash first so we know which answer goes to which question." She told us and from the previous tests we took so we knew about this. "If you need any questions repeated just as and I'll reread them. Ready?! Question one, write the alphabet from A to Z in order." She read and we both began to write out the alphabet. This was an easy question so I knew we were off to a good start. I figured Lyon was doing well because we both studied the letters in depth. I wanted to look over at him but Mr. Jon had taught us that; that is considered cheating.

"Question two, write out the following sentence. I see the cat in a tree." She read and I felt a little uneasy. Mr. Jon had been teaching us to read small words but my mind became blank as I tried to remember how to write those words. The last word was the tricky one because I couldn't remember how to spell tree. Mr. Jon had told us to try sounding it out if we can't remember but when I wrote 'T R E' it did not look right. He had taught us small words that usually had 3 letters but I think that that word was one of the ones that had more than 3 letters in it.

"Here is a helpful hint to help you to remember this word. Remember that the phrase `see the tree' both has double Es in them." I remembered Mr. Jon taught us and I added a second e to tre and it looked right but I was worried I had messed up.

"Number three, write the numbers 1 to 10 in the correct order." Another easy question and it took me only a second to write them down.

"Last question, write your name down." She read and I wanted to groan because Mr. Jon taught us our names but they looked hard when he went over them. I remember dad had said if I tell someone my name then tell them the 'i' is replaced with 'y' but I was having trouble remembering how to spell the actual word tiger. To make matters worse as I sat here struggling I saw Lyon raise his paw and hold out his test for the maid to take. I couldn't believe he was already finished.

She walked over and took his test and read it. I sat in my seat sweating as I tried to remember how to spell my name.

"Tiger, tiger, tiger, tiger..." I kept saying to myself but she suddenly spoke and I lost my train of thought.

"Number 4, where is your last name?" She asked Lyon and we both flinched. Mr. Jon had not gone over last names so how were we to know that?

"We never went over last names." Lyon replied.

"Nonsense, every cub should know their last names. You're both felines so: kingdom, phylum, class, order, suborder, animal families, and genus. Lyon you are a feline so Panthera leo of levcism, if I remember from school correctly. Then we simplify it to Panthera-L! So your last name is Panthera-L."

"I dunno how to spell that." Lyon whined expecting to fail as I thought I was.

"Nonsense, write it with me, P A N T H E R A dash L." She said and Lyon wrote it down but his face was as uneasy as I was feeling. Wasn't it cheating for her to give us the answers? But then we had never gone over this in class so how could we be expected to know this?

"Tyger, you are Panthera tigris of Bengal, so your name is Panthera-T. Do you need me to spell pantherea to?" She asked and I shook my head and wrote out the letters she told Lyon. I just added a dash T instead of an L.

I then tried sounding out how to spell tiger. The first part sounded like T and an I but because of what dad said I replaced the I with a Y. the second part was a grrr like when growling. That was how Mr. Jon had said. I then tried sounding it out a bit slower G and Er then it came to me Ger so I added that to the Ty and got Tyger. I raised my paw and gave her my test. She took it reading it over and smiled.

"I see you both got 100s on this one. This was too easy. Your teacher needs to make the next one harder." I wanted to swear but resisted the urge. This one was tricky enough and she wanted to make this harder?!!

Jon sat at a table in a scrip club slowly nursing a gin and tonic. He was not really surprised an old friend of his asked to meet here but his mind was too cluttered to even bother enjoying the view of the females dancing in their fur for the males. The conversation with Lou was too unsettling and gave him no time to focus on the things around him.

A large muscle bound tiger approached him unnoticed and grabbed a chair then spun it around before he sat on it the opposite direction with the back end facing his front. He sat straddling the chair and downed the last of the drink in his shot glass as he turned to look at the miserable Yellow Labrador retriever next to him.

"Hey buddy, long time no see," the tiger said, his voice sounding like he was growling as the last of the whiskey burned as it went down.

"William? Is that you?" Jon asked surprised as he saw the muscles on him. The last time they were in school together, Will had never been as muscle bound as he was now. He was naturally strong but since they last saw each other he had been working out on a whole new level. Jon barely recognized him and the only other difference was his orange fur had taken a lighter color marking his age.

"You bet buddy, it's been a long time. I couldn't believe you looked me up, it's been what? 20 years now?"

"Something like that. Muscles huh? That's new, yes new is definitely the word for it." Jon said and he started shouting in order to be heard over the song playing.

"Part of my job! Since I'm a professional bodyguard you need to look the part in order to keep the client safe. But when it comes to sleeping with the ladies I'm as snugly as a pussycat." Will laughed.

"I can barely hear you, mind if we go outside?"

"What and miss the show?! Alright if it makes you feel better." he said and they rose and exited the building but not before Will grabbed Jon's drink and finished it in one gulp. He said something but it was too noisy to hear what it was.

They used a side entrance to leave and outside they could hear the thumping beat of the song playing. At least Jon could hear better than in there.

"So what's all this about?" Will asked.

"Remember your old rival in school? Leggo?"

"That son of a bitch? Gawd I haven't seen him in years. Well come to think of it, I haven't seen anyone in years. Leggo was his name right? How's he been?" Will asked.

"Cubnapped," Jon replied and Will did a double take to make sure he heard correctly.

"Say what?"

"He and his husband,"

"Husband?!" Will interrupted and Jon was getting annoyed. He hated how impulsive the tiger could get.

"Yeah he got his paw tied and they adopted two cubs as their own children."

"Get outta here, he got himself a family? Never would have suspected that from him." Will replied.

"The trouble is that both cubs had rare white fur and agents with the C.I.Z.A. cubnapped him to get him outta the way so they could capture and kill the cubs. His husband Lou,"

"Wasn't there a deer in our class named Lou? Some rich bum that walked around all stuck up?" Will interrupted again and Jon took a deep breath to try and keep his composure.

"Yeah, well they hooked up and eventually got their paw and hoof tied." Jon reiterated.


"So they bought a couple of cub slaves then freed them and went through the steps to make them their own natural children." Jon tried but was again interrupted by Will.

"Hot damn."

"Anyway, both cubs have rare white fur and the Central Intelligent Zoo Agency or C.I.Z.A cubnapped Leggo in order to keep him out of the way so they could get their paws on the cubs."

"Sounds like a lot of drama." Will replied.

"That's why I called you. Mr. Lou Cervus- D, who is Leggo's husband, wishes to hire you to help liberate Leggo. Lou is the CEO of the Antler's Conglomerate firm. If you are successful there may be more lucrative jobs sent your way by his business."

"Forget it, I don't do lucrative jobs, only jobs that pay a lot." Will said and Jon rubbed his head in frustration.

"Lucrative means a lot! To put it simplistically. Lou is going to pay you a huge sum of money to save his husband and if you are successful he will offer you more jobs that pay lots of money."

"Then you should have said that in the first place." Will retorted and Jon felt a headache coming on. He had forgotten how dense Will could be.

To Be Continued...