My Slave Family- Chapter 18

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#18 of My Slave Family (Completed)

Chapter Eighteen

"On The Outside"


Furry Sith Lord

I hadn't seen much of my father over the last few days and without class to attend to the anxious feelings I was getting was slowly being passed on to Lyon too. It was not that I didn't want to play with him because the two of us got along great. We were best friends as well as brothers but with dad missing and now father being absent a lot I was starting to get afraid that they no longer wanted us.

I kept thinking back to how upset I made my father that I was beginning to wonder if he was trying to get rid of us and that dad was out looking for new cubs to buy and make their sons. Their blood was inside Lyon and myself and I wondered what would happen if they no longer wanted us. Would they take their blood back somehow?

I was walking by his office when I heard him and knocked on the door hoping to get a moment of his time. Lyon was out playing sports with some kids he met and although he always invited me along, sports really aren't my thing. Other than lifting weights and stuff I preferred doing strategy games like RPGs where you needed to be quick and use your wits. Sports seemed more like who got lucky and had the best players.

I watched Lyon play a couple of times and he was really good at sports. His lion muscles were developing and although I was sure I was stronger I was sure he could easily beat me if it came to sports. However when I used my mind I could easily outstrip him. I guess I'm more of a muscle bound geek while my brother is a muscle bound jock.

I still love lifting weights and while it made me stronger it still gave me time to think things through and relieve stress. Since we were left to ourselves, my brother and I had been lifting together. Although technically we were still cubs, It was clear we were not gonna be bullied when we actually went to a real school.

"Enter!" I heard my father shout and I cautiously entered with my ears lowered. I was afraid of disturbing him but I figured now was my best shot to get a chance to talk.

"Tyger," he replied as he saw me and he finished up his call then turned his attention back on me.

"Father, sorry to disturb you," I started but he waved me off but his eyes were neutral and it left me wondering what he was thinking. I also knew I had to pick my words clearly because he would try and use them to his advantage. I usually take a calm ordered approach but I wondered if I changed tactics would it give me the advantage because he would not know what to expect.

"Lyon and I haven't seen you or dad in days and we're both afraid you don't love us anymore and you're looking to buy new slaves to replace us." I said rapidly in the space of a single breath. His eyes widened and his mouth hung open as if unsure of what to say. I tried to suppress a smile because it looked as if my plan worked.

"Come," He replied and I walked over to him wondering what he wanted. Then he grabbed me and lifted me by placing his hooves under my armpits and then placed me on his lap. Now he threw me off because this was something he had never done before. He was good at adapting and he was trying to turn my own trick against me. He then wrapped his arms around me and held me close and I struggled to not try and bolt from his grasp.

Thinking quickly to turn things back towards my favor, I leaned my lead against his chest and snorted once very loudly. It was as close to purring as I could do because unlike the smaller felines, those of us big cats can't purr. I substally took a sniff and smelled confusion then frustration from him. So my plan was working! I just wondered if deer could smell things the same way us cats can.

"I have some news and I've been afraid to talk to you about it," He stammered, trying to both find the right words to say and keep his composure. His words were empty and hollow to me because I no longer cared about what I originally planned to talk about. Instead this had turned into a battle of wills and I was determined to win for once. I knew that by winning I'd get his approval and even if it meant knocking him down a peg, I was determined to prove I was just as good as he was. But once he continued I quickly changed my mind.

"I'm gonna tell you a secret and you need to keep this between you and me only. No telling Lyon or anyone else. Can I trust you?" He asked and it was like being slapped across the face. I quickly ended my battle of wills and wondered what he was going on about.

"I swear by the blood in my veins that I will not dishonor you, father." I said an oath and this oath was deadly serious, so serious that even my father flinched when he heard me say it but he knew he could trust me implicitly.

This oath called upon my family heritage which is in my blood and just as his blood and my dad's was inside me it was calling upon them as well and to break my oath not only dishonored me but my whole family and that was a line no one wanted to cross.

"This is a secret that only your dad and I know about. Years ago when I went to college I tried to get your dad to go in order to try and get him to one day work besides me. Your dad had a hard time fitting in and he was not comfortable with business classes. I'll admit not everyone is as smart as you and I are," He said and I heard the little dig that he was making as he was subtly trying to gain the upper hand between us again.

"I understand father, It's like I know Lyon is really good at sports but that's the only thing he can beat me in because I'm much stronger in everything else. Especially in a battle of wits. No offense." I replied adding my own dig in by meeting him on a somewhat level playing field. I loved my brother more than my own prick however just as father and dad were like polar opposites, the same was true for Lyon and myself. Lyon was almost the same as my dad in many respects while my father and I were almost the same.

Lyon had become my dad's favorite son because of how similar they are and I had... well I was merely tolerated by my father because of how similar I was to him. Even though they tried not to play favorites it was clear who liked who better.

"Some students thought it would be funny to shave off your dad's fur but when they did it made your dad look like a white fox. Long story short, your dad actually became the legendary White Fox! At least until his fur grew back. That's why your dad has been so upset about seeing the White Fox on television. The Fake Fox, as he calls him, has been ruining his rep.

So your dad shaved off his fur again and went out to capture the fake but it turns out it was a trap to capture him. Right now some bad species have taken your dad prisoner and are holding him hostage. I'm setting up a special team to rescue him so that is why I have not been around for you guys much." He said and I felt faint as my head was spinning learning that my dad was the White Fox all along.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked.

"Keep your brother safe and try to run things as I rescue your dad." He replied then added another little dig in. "Remember to keep your oath and not bring dishonor to my name.

"You can trust me to run things because there is no one smarter than I am." I retorted and I saw him smile. It had just occurred to me that my father was very smug about himself and his accomplishments. I had always been submissive even though I was once his slave but now I'd try a different tactic to keep my advantage. I'd act as smug as he was to see the reaction I could achieve.

He took me off his lap and set me to standing on the floor then patted my head.

"I know what you've been doing and you keep changing tactics to set me off guard. Very clever indeed and you would have gotten away with it had I not known you for so long. You are like me in so many ways that I know you will one day surpass me as the CEO of the Antler Conglomerate. But not today! I am very proud of you, but don't let that go to your head." He concluded then I left and he went back to sorting out the rescue and his other business. I smiled to myself as I left because it was not a total victory but it was 'a' victory.

"You're not serious, are you?" The doberman asked the Fake Fox as he stood in front of the doberman's desk. He had been explaining the offer Leggo had made to see what his boss's reaction would be. So far things were not going well as he saw the look the doberman was giving him.

"Why not? It is a win-win situation either way." The Fake Fox replied.

"I thought this had been made clear to you already, once we had the leader of the White Citadel working for us then he turned rogue because he felt too much compassion for species with rare white fur. It wouldn't surprise me if those two cubs didn't do the same thing."

"Maybe, but we'd have an easier time wiping them out if they were close to us rather than their parents hiding them in that mansion." The Fake Fox continued.

"You never worked with Agent Bear?" He asked. "He was crafty and ruthless and knew how to manipulate us from the inside out. When he left he took many secrets with him and we can't risk having those secrets used against us."

"There is no guarantee they will betray us."

"We can't take that chance and it has become an executive order from the higher ups that no rare white furs are allowed to join." The doberman continued.

"I've been around Leggo enough to know he can't be trusted either. He's not gonna fall for so,me brainwashing and after his sons die he'll be hell bent on revenge." The Fake Fox said.

"No doubt, but if he thinks the White Citadel attacked and killed them before he had a chance to say goodbye he'll join us in destroying them. If he dies bringing the White Citadel down then all the better for us." the doberman replied.

"Sir, in my expert opinion, having spent multiple hours with him, I suggest you reconsider his offer. It's too dangerous to think he can be tricked into helping us. I watch him plotting and planning an escape. He is very shrewd though he pretends not to be and as I watch him pretending to ignore me, I see him calculating various ways to break out."

"Duly noted." The doberman remarked but even the Fake Fox could tell he was being ignored. This dog was a fool and any newbie fresh from the academy could see how dangerous the other wolf could be.

The doberman had experience but he was so involved with his plots that he was missing the big picture. The Fake Fox wanted to make Leggo heel to him and lick his paws like a good slave. To do this required a bit of finesse, like how his deer husband had tamed him, and the best way he saw to do this was to offer him something he wanted and he would want. Right now his cubs were his only weakness and if the doberman was smart he'd use them to get what he wanted out of Leggo. .

Will leaned against his car in a cheap motel parking lot and he finished smoking a cigarette. He was tired of waiting for the doberman to arrive and it was strange he was not here yet despite the fact it was him that suggested being here. He thought they would meet in the parking garage they originally trailed his car to however it made sense that he was not fully trusted yet. If he were the dog then he would not trust him either but then he knew about the deer's scheme while the other guy had no clue, or he seemed to have no clue.

The doberman's car finally arrived and he got out of it and a female skunk exited the opposite side. As she approached he caught a whiff of her perfume and he caught himself humming to himself. He realized the delay because the ride over must have been very pleasant indeed.

"Sorry we're late, you would not believe what I had to go through to get you listed as a consultant agent for us." The doberman whined but the skunk was too pretty to let the annoying dog get his attention. She observed him watching her and she seductively stroked her tail to keep him captivated knowing of his thoughts and intentions. To be honest his boner was a dead give away and only the doberman seemed to have not noticed it. It wasn't often he pitched a tent in his pants but she was so good looking he could not control himself.

"Greetings, I am the assistant to," she stopped as she caught him looking at her tits and snapped her fingers up next to her face and he raised his gaze and focused on her again. Meanwhile the doberman was enjoying watching their interaction as it was unfolding just as he planned.

"Nice to meet you," Will paused as he suddenly realized he didn't know her name.

"Gele, I have enlisted you as a consultant on this case which means you have limited access to our facilities. I will provide you with an ID card that will give you access to certain areas. Due to the nature of our 'business' top secret areas will be off limits and expect to be escorted everywhere you go." She handed him an ID card that had his picture and a large red box as a border to the card identifying what he was.

"OK got it, now what?" He asked. He secretly hoped that a secret shag of the skunk was part of the welcome initiation. Not that he would complain because sometimes you had to do what you had to do. At least this initiation would be fun...

"Be back here tomorrow for a briefing on the current state of the case and to receive updates and classified information." The doberman said then he turned and examined the outfit Will was wearing. He was in a t-shirt and jeans, just as the deer instructed, but the only thing he had was a multicolored tropical shirt he had from a vacation years ago. Most of the time he wore dress casual mostly because it was expected to at least look like a professional if he was going to be hired.

The only other bit of clothing was a suit he had for funerals but he rarely wore that. He hated it because he always felt so constricted in it and even though it fit him perfectly it just felt tight on him. He wondered how the deer could wear a suit everyday all the time.

"And I expect you to dress better, I've gone through a lot of trouble bringing you in so the least you can do is look professional." The doberman instructed.

"How profession are we talking about here?" Will asked.

"Think suit and tie." The doberman replied.

"Yeah a man in a suit is soo...... sexy." Gele responded and the seductive look in her eyes made him want to ravish her here and now and the doberman be damned. He could watch and paw off for all he cared, as long as he got the girl.

The doberman and Gele returned to the car and got inside as Will stood there adjusting his stance to hide his erection.

"Wait, the meeting is here?! In a crummy motel?" Will protested.

"Things are not always as they seem, You'll find out tomorrow." The doberman said and he drove off. Will stood there dumbfounded and he growled softly as he realized he was the one that was going to be pawing off later.

When the car was gone he took out a special phone the deer had given him and began to text him of the meeting. He was sure that Will's real phone was being bugged the way they bugged Jon's so the deer had bought a couple of phones they wouldn't know about and couldn't trace.

Today 1547

Hey, just finished up.

Howd it go?

The gave me a card and told me 2 be here 2moro

Gr8 kit bout it

Np. btw they want me in suits. I got nun

Would u have sum old 1s that might fit me?

No but I'm sending you sum info fyi

I'll add an advance fee

Just hit a store & buy sum.

Thanx I owe ya


Lou hung up his phone and put it in a desk drawer then used his own phone to call his maid. He had called her many times to give instructions or ask for favors and although he knew he was being watched and he did not want to ruin the plans he had set in motion.

He had devised a simple task of having his maid appear to be betraying him by feeding Will information about him. It was something the investigators normally did but if his maid appeared to be greedy then that may open up other possibilities.

So far he asked her to drop off business documents to Will and they were coded to appear as if she was sending detailed reports about him to the tiger so that he could use it as leverage. However he had devised a clever code to hide the real information being passed on so if the C.I.Z.A intercepted them unless they knew what the code was, they would never find out what was being transmitted other than fake intel that points to Lou doing stupid things like forgetting to make the cubs clean themselves before sending them to bed.

"Hello Mrs. Ciconiidae-S, It's me Lou Cervus-D. I have some mail to send out later tonight after the forms finish clearing. I was wondering if you would drop them off on your way home this evening."

"Really, it can't wait until tomorrow? Some of us don't get paid to do this shit you ask. You'd think I was your slave. I ain't no elephant that likes to be paid in peanuts. Why not get that damn... hold on... OK that damn wolf of yours to do it?" She grumbled and Lou's heart caught in his throat as he realized she paused to turn the page of the script he gave her. He hoped they would ignore her gaffe and chalk it up to something else distracting her.

"It's urgent I get that sent out and the sooner it's in the mail, the better I'd feel." He replied, trying to keep his voice calm. "How are my boys doing?" He asked, changing the subject. The script he wrote was completed now so anything they shared would not matter too much.

"Oh Lyon and his friends are at the park playing. On your way home can you pick him up? It seems I'll be busy with 'other' tasks." She replied.


I sat reclining on the sofa as I played one of my favorite games Howl of Duty in which you are a soldier in the army of soldier wolves. The temperature was so humid today that I stripped to my underwear because I was sweating my fur off. My briefs were red colored but I was still overheating and wished I could just strip them off but both the maid and my father would yell if I did.

Lyon came in and walked past me without saying a word and I looked at him wondering why he was so quiet. He wiped sweat from his face and he was only wearing a pair of black shorts with a white line down the sides.

"Hey bro, how'd the game go?" I asked him but he angrily scowled as he turned to look at me. "That bad, huh." I guessed why he was so upset which was odd because he loved sports that I'd never seen him this upset before. No one ever bothered him about his white fur so I wondered if a new kid had showed up and gave him a hard time.

"Like you care," He said angrily at me. Now this really confused me because why did he seem to have a case of the grumps with me now? What did I do?

"Hey," I said, dropping my controller and jumping up and going over and grabbing his arm. "Why are you mad at me? What'd I do?"

"Oh come on, look at you hiding out in here leaving me alone," Lyon said angrily.


"You don't love me anymore, you never want to play or nuthin" Lyon yelled and he rubbed his eyes with his paws. I stood there dumb founded because Lyon had never acted like this to me before. Something seemed off but I couldn't tell what it was then I noticed that as he was rubbing his eyes there were no tears. So I reasoned someone had put him up to this and there was only one animal that could be clever enough to orchestrate this!

"FATHER!!!!!!" I shouted and he walked in, wiping his face with a handkerchief.

"Why is it so hot in here?" He complained.

"The AC is broken for some reason. The real thing is, did you put Lyon up to this?" I asked and Lyon started giggling. I crossed my arms across my chest realizing I was the butt end of the joke.

"Very good my boy, didn't think you'd catch on. Lyon you did a great job, I couldn't have done it better myself." Father praised.

"You're lucky I love you." I replied as I grabbed Lyon and pulled him in front of me with his back pressed against my chest and I wrapped my arms around him giving him a hug. We then watched father start removing his suit as sweat dripped down his face.

"I gotta call a repairman, I can't take this." He gripped as he stripped down to his boxers. Lyon and I giggled as they had little grey wolves on them. We both knew he was missing dad as much as we were, maybe more. It had been weeks since we saw him and even though father and I were the only ones to know what really happened to him, I wished I could tell Lyon so he wouldn't just be afraid that something happened to him.

To Be Continued...