
Story by Marcwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Assassin's Tale

An Journalist encounters an Assassin, and find more than he expected.

Hi Folks. I have been away from my keyboard and story telling for too long. Please accept this short story - typed in an evening, and hopefully I can create more in time.

Today a parchment arrived, folded and sealed addressed to me. I opened it and upon reading it's contents I sighed.. He was gone and so with his passing so was my promise to him.

Shakily I sat down and pushed my glasses further up my nose, and taking parchment, quill and ink I write his legacy.

It was during the Aramat wars that I met him. I was a young journalist following the war between the Luperions - wolf like protectors of the land where I lived, and the Charkans the felid race across the borders.....

Two battalions were in town and there was excitement afoot. There were sights to dictate, warriors to describe, and all the pomp and display of the King's top soldiers to note - which I did as fast as I could.

The Broken Fang troop was marching through first. Tall robust Luperion warriors - 3 abreast stomping down the street. Some 15 foot tall, pendants and trophies woven in to their mane braids, heavy leather armor with shining metal inserts glittered in the sun. Their battle cries filing the air - as well as their potent scent and musk - which was strong for even us scent blind humans. Hand paws tipped with sharp claws, and likewise foot paws clawed the earth as they passed. It was a spectacle of raw strength and muscle - one that the Charkan army was soon to find out.

As they passed I noticed there was a smaller figure - little taller than a human but clad in a nondescript robe - definitely Luperion but compared to the warriors there he was a twig. As he passed a group of children who looked frightened at the noise - he gave a smile and scooped a few rocks from the ground. He approached them and crouched down - gently tossing the rocks in his paws, and proceeded to juggle them. It was simple at first - the up and down movements captivated the children, and then more complex. Little darts and tricks - and then seemingly pulling a random rock out of his ear, then his muzzle, then from behind a child's head. Soon the children were laughing and calling for more - and he kept up the performance for nearly 15 minutes before he ended with a flourish, bowed, and then jogged to catch up with the rest of the troop.

A day later I saw him again. On the fields two troops of warriors were trying best each other with bouts of wrestling. Fangs and claws were not allowed but still there was large muscled bodies hitting the earth, the cheers of the victors, and of course the ever present scent of overheated Luperions filling the air. Both males and females were treated equally and there was little difference in strength and skills between them.

One warrior - a female had bested all of her competitors and was regaling the loosing troop for their lack of masculinity, prowess, virility, and any other insults she could hurl their way. That was when I saw him again.

He stepped forward and challenged her - defending the honour of his troop and his comrades. The female looked at him and laughed "Is THAT the best you have to offer. I can break him like a twig"

And yet he held his ground and dropped his robe revealing just a simple loin cloth.. no armour or leather to protect himself.

I was curious how this would fare apart from the obvious outcome of him being beaten and knocked out so I waited.

The banner was dropped and with a roar the female warrior lunged forward to grab him - but he jumped into the air. Gripping his fists together he brought them down on to the end of her muzzle. That caused her eyes to cross and she produces an almighty sneeze - upon which he grabbed her ear and swung himself up on to her shoulders with his legs around her neck. She tried to inhale but could not and then her eyes rolled and she dropped unconscious as the blood was stopped to her brain. It was over in less than a minute.

Her compatriots were stunned and before they could act he stood, retrieved his robe, and after accepting cheers from his own troop left the grounds. Just Who was he??

For the next few hours I tried to track him. Sometimes I caught a glance of him talking with superiors, other times disappearing between the larger bodies of his comrades. It was not till evening that I caught him in the tavern.

He was sitting in a corner - back against the walls, sipping on a cup of Mead. He had his hood up but I was sure he knew every sound, word, movement that was in the place - including mine. Steeling myself I went up and sat down on the only other chair there.

Eyes looked at me in their intense stare and I was dissected, classified, stripped bare. I had not felt a gaze like that before - nor would I in my many years to come. Looking at my book and quill he said - a quiet tenor - not the roaring baritone of the other warriors "Loose that if you want to ask me questions"

It was inflected that it was not a request and so I carefully slipped them back in to my pockets.

"You've been following me for a couple of days now.. What do you want?" he asked

"I'm not sure - I am a journalist and I have never seen a.. warrior of you like before"

"We are rare but we exist.. What is it to you?"

I thought.. "Curiosity, knowledge, I am not sure.." I replied. There were other reasons in that to my shame I found the tall male warriors sexually attractive however should I ever try to entertain one (both heretical and dangerous) one of them could break me in passion.

He reached up and pulled back his hood - and I got a good look at him.

He sipped his mead again "If you ask.. you cannot tell. If you tell I will know - and you do NOT want that.. Are you sure you want to know - curious man?"

I nodded and stammered "Yes.."

"I am Aramand, and I am an Assasain."

I was a little shocked - our King employing or having an assassin in his troops. What about the nobility of battle, to two army's meeting to fight...

"I see you do not approve " he continued "Tell me man - how many lives have You saved?"

"Saved.. I though an Assassin murdered. Not saved lives"

He took another sip.. "Ever played Chess?"

I nodded..

"You have your Pawns. Loyal pieces who protect the King. They are disposable but necessary. The same for the other side. Then you have the other pieces. Rooks, Knights, Bishops, Queen, and finally King."

I nodded at that.

"What happens when the King is taken?"

"Checkmate - the game is won."

"And the pieces lost.. discarded on the side - both sides."

"I don't understand?"

"War is like Chess.. Those lost pieces taken by the other side - they are men and women. Comrades, family members, sons and daughters - all laid waste because a battle was fought for too long, or fought at all."

He took another sip and held up a clawed finger "Now - let us say that there was a way to take the opponents King out of the game, or other significant pieces. The game is shortened, won, both sides have their pieces intact. What then?"

I gulped "But it is not Honourable"

"Damded Honour! " he spat "Look outside - look at those men and women who fight for our King.. Tell me little man Which one of those shall die. Who will live. Will they keep their limbs.. Their minds. Is there an honour in telling a grieving family that their loved one has gone - and that a handful of coin is worth their smile, their laughter, their love.. Cubs who will not know their parents.. Parents who have lost their child.. That is what I try and prevent."

"So you kill?"

"Not always - there are many ways to a solution - it depends on the situation. But - I do not take joy in taking a life. "

"What kind of solutions"

"Fear.. Uncertainty are the main weapons. Most rulers have an unassailable belief in their own might. Their warriors follow that belief, their people bask in it. Generals and Commanders lead the Warriors into battle.. However is a piece falls then that may be all it takes to bring peace.."

I nodded "Ok... "

"There are Four ways to do this... The First is the loss of Honour and Respect. I have certain drugs and potions that can induce a period of insanity. Let us say a Leader suddenly succumbs to madness - frothing and babbling about demons. Or cowering and crying from their own men. What would the result be?"

"They could not be trusted. They'd have to be replaced, the people would be unsettled."

"And that may take days, weeks.. Depending on how vital that person was.. Second - Peaceful Death - a leader goes to sleep - ready to command their troops the next morning - yet never awakes. Who will take their place, and plus the despondency and mourning of their people..."

"Convenient but.. tricky to arrange"

He smiled "That is what I do - I move quietly into the enemy territory. Mingle with their people, become one of them and then - I am quite adept at climbing and hiding.. Anyway - Public Execution is the Third"


"Leader, General whoever - in a public place suddenly brought down by a single shot or arrow. If I can manage a head shot the scattering of blood and brains will demoralize the most fervent follower - because the fear of if this can happen to their leader - then it can so easily happen to them. And finally - the Desecration.."

"The what?"

"After I have killed them - I desecrate the body - dismemberment, disembowelment, removal of genitals.. Whatever it will take to bring horror and fear to them. The goal is the same - to make then believe that a war is not worth fighting and that peace is the only sane action - after such an insane death."

I was quiet for a while - looking at this individual who had just destroyed any aspect of honour I had.. And yet his reasoning to save others from unnecessary death - not only his own people but the other side.

"You are thinking.. good. Others might be quick to condemn - believing that an action is not honourable."

I breathed "What's to stop me from telling others what you told me?"

He laughed - for all that he was it was a pleasant laugh "Aramand is not my name - but it is good as any. If I hear rumours of my existence then I know who to seek. Depending on how loudly you shout it will also define the manner of your passing."

"So why not kill me now?"

He sighed "Because - for all what you think of me - I do not like to kill. Playing with those children was not an act. I care.. deeply, passionately about my friends, my comrades, and my countries people. And so I will accept any dishonour that might be placed on my shoulders by my actions - so long as it will save a life.. any life. Plus - I think we have something in common"

"What would that be"

He glanced down at my groin "Never try and escape the ability of a Luperion sense of smell. I smelt your reactions to our warriors, to my kind. I also doubt that you have ever - enjoyed one of our kind"

I blushed and stammered "I don't think I could survive one of your warrior's.. passions"

He smiled "Tomorrow I must leave, to a future uncertain. If you would like to know one of us?"

He left the question unfinished - and I hesitantly reached over and took his offered hand.

It was a hurried mating. I stroked and fondled his furry sheath - playing with the strange organ that sprung from within, whilst his muzzle engulfed my rampant maleness. I moaned as my seed graced his tongue, and as I was catching breath he slipped between my thighs and pressed that tapered shape into me. Rutting like two farm animals we took pleasure from each other and as he locked himself to me I felt his heated seed spurting inside of me and forcing another climax from my body.

Panting he held me till his body could release me from it's capture "Thank you for this night.. I don't think we will ever meet again - but one day - I will send word, and you can do what you will with what I have told you. Till then - please keep this memory of me in your heart. I.. need to know that someone thinks well of me".

In the morning he was gone.

Two days later news came of the Charkan's Kings death. Their government in disarray - cooler tempers prevailed and they sought peace.. and war was avoided. There were other wars in time but I always kept in mind Aramund and his words.

And now I can finally tell his tale.

The Fursuit's Lament

What happens to a fursuit when it's wearer dies. Does it understand what has happened, why are all the character's friends are so sad. This was brought up on Furaffinity re should a deceased furry's fursuit ever been worn. For myself I hope my suits...



The grey wolf sat on the park bench overlooking the river. The brilliant sunset with all of it's rainbow hues were lost on him, if a passer by were to look at the handsome muscular frame, tall ears and strong muzzle they would have also seen a...

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Oh yes.. He's licking my neck.. my throat, and my chest.. No.. No.. not the Nipples. Oh no Not the.. Arrrrrrr... He's going lower.. will he.. Is he.. Yes.. Ohhhh that tongue is so talented... Close.. So close and Ah.. AHH Yes... ......... He pulls...

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