Deerest Jane

Story by dragovwolvesbane on SoFurry

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Dale and Jane are trying for a family. Who knew it would be so difficult

My wife and I have been married to each other for around 12 years now. Her name is Jane and she is the best thing that could ever happen to a slob like me. It started out as something simple, like a quick date here and there. Then only a year in I proposed to her and we have been happily living together ever since. We moved into the more rural part of Tennessee acquiring a log cabin fit with a pool and sunroom. It was pretty expensive but worth it to see her smile.

We both worked separate jobs, I worked at a pharmaceutical plant helping with new types of medicine by testing and making sure the distribution of them is both safe and legal. Jane worked at the zoo down the street a ways helping take care of the animal inhabitants. It didn't make much money but that's why she has me for. Jane and I have started making plans for kids now. The whole thing was a real pain to set up..well except for the sex. After a few months of trying for a baby we wanted to see a specialist and hopefully resolve the issues.

It turned out that I was the problem. My seed wasn't producing enough so I couldn't get my own wife a baby. I had never felt such failure as a husband, but being the kind woman that Jane was we started looking for alternate options. Adoptions, artificial insemination, and I even considered letting her sleep with another man. She says as long as we are both comfortable with a decision then that would be the best option.

It was late on a Tuesday when I received a package from work at my house. It was fairly normal as we often got behind and they got lazy. Vitamins....fine..... male enhancement pills....fine....something something ...fertiltiy? I opened the white bag and examined the contents within. It was a highly experimental drug that boosted the female ovum to receive any type of seed even low amounts. This could be the answer I was looking for! It was experimental sure but it had a success rate of 80 percent which was just enough to make me smile.

"Hey babe, are ya coming to bed anytime soon?" Jane said laying down on our bed. She was so beautiful...long brown hair a slender to average frame, and nice pair of normal sized breasts. She was in her purple night gown laying with her arms behind her head. "You have been working all night hun. Leave it for tomorrow." I couldn't say no to her so I hopped into bed beside her taking my green shirt off tossing it to the side. I wasn't too much of a looker..brown hair, slightly chubby with a bit of hair on my chest, and a fairly large package if I do say so myself.

"Honey I was just examining the goods for the morning shift. I even found something that could help us with our baby problem." I lay down beside her pulling her into my arms resting my head along her shoulder gently caressing her neck in my lips. "Should we give it a try?" She giggled putting a hand over my arm and whispered "Anything for you". I sat up on the side of the bed reaching into the bag pulling out some blue and brown pill. I handed it to her and she gulped it down. She had such talent .

It was 7 am as my husband left for work. He was such a sweety, a little bit down some of the time because of the virility problem but hopefully the pill would do its magic. After eating some food and getting a few errands caught up I just wanted a nice relaxing shower. I love my Dale but sometimes he can get a little sweaty during the night. Disrobing myself I set the water to hot and let it rain down against the floor. Stepping in felt amazing. I'll always love the water coating my skin getting in between all the nooks. It was like a healthy massage but with soap. Grabbing the sponge I dumped some of the body lotion and scrubbed my body. My sopping breasts to my butt and all around my vagina. I only could imagine Dale being here with me. Fuck was I feeling horny today. Guess the pill is working.

Leaning up against the wall I did feel somewhat off. Like my legs and arms were trying to push something out. Soon however I could see what was happening. The hairs on my arms and legs were steadily growing out almost looking like patches of fur. "Damn I really should start shaving again." The fur slowly creeped over and I stepped out of the shower briefly. Getting a good look in the mirror I saw that the fur was also on my neck and face. "What the fuck is going on!" I quickly ran into the bedroom to call Dale.

"Yes honey how is your day going?" I didn't know whether to be angry at him or not so I took a deep breath. " Hun something was wrong with that pill you gave me come home immediately". I didn't want to alarm him at work so that would have to do. He agreed and would be home as soon as he could. In the meantime I had to put up with this fur on my body. The fur itself looked like it had small white dots in between the brown. "Is this a deer pelt?"

It took some convincing for me to be let home early. I drove as fast as I could but it would still be a few hours until I finally reached home. "Jane! Were are you!" I looked around the house and found her curled up in the bathroom with a towel around her. She was sleeping against the shower with the phone clutched to her chest. "Oh no..what happened to you. " My gorgeous wife I realized had no towel on it was all her. My wife was completely covered in brown fur with white dots on her back. Her long Lucius hair on her head had nearly fallen all out.

In a panic I dug through the white bag that housed the pill in hopes of finding out what was causing this. In the bottom text it gives a vague detail about being meant for cervines. The fuck! I am going to take legal action if I can cure my wife first! I went back and picked her off the floor gently laying her on the bed. She winced holding her belly before leaning up a bit. "Oh thank goodness your alright hun" I said hugging her. She hugged me back stroking over my back. "What took you so long".

Since the drug was experimental it was impossible to tell whether or not it was temporary or if it would go away in a few days. As the hours passed we did things like normal in high hopes that the situation would be resolved. I even called off work for her to make sure nothing would happen. Just a few more hours and Jane was vomiting in the bathroom and constantly shivering as if she was cold. "It will be ok". It was all I could say after all. I would love to march down to work and demand some info on this but it was very doubtful they even knew what it was. At the end of the day I tucked her into bed staying up a bit to reread the notes before falling asleep beside her on top of the sheets.

It was a rough night for her especially. She was constantly twisting and turning in the night but I managed. As the sunlight peered through the curtains I woke from my slumber. "Good morning honey. Are ya feeling any better?" I heard a soft grunt coming from under the sheets. Well she is alive thankfully. I was struck with fear as I pulled the sheets off of her. The transformation had worsened over night. She was still asleep but I was near horrified at her changing form. Her ears had pointed out and moved to the top of her head. Her skull pushed out a bit while her nose was blackening. Her breasts had moved down on her abdomen around her belly and her hand still had their digits but the fingernails were black. The same was said about her toes and I couldn't help but be scared for her.

Jane inevitably rose from her slumber wandering into the bathroom . After a few seconds I heard her scream...well it sounded more like a bleat. She ran back crying into my arms. "Its not going away Dale!" To which I could only hold her close to me petting on her back. I sat her down in the Livingroom on the sofa while I called my supervisor to find out anything I could about the drug if any existed.

This was becoming the worst weekend of my life. First I am slowly being turned into a deer creature and now I am slowly panicking the man I love. I just wanted things to go back to normal so we could start up our family. I don't care if I have to travel half way across the globe to find a cure I just don't want Dale to look at me like that again. While he was talking on the phone I went outside to get some air. Being cooped up in the house all day was just so exhausting. The woods weren't too far away and we were surrounded by a massive lake. They looked different from what they usually did. The trees seemed to give off a nice spring scent and looked like they were alive swaying back and forth in the wind. The colors themselves seemed more vibrant. I could see different hues of green and it was truly more gorgeous than I thought.

The breeze was so nice as it floated around my body. Clenching my thighs a bit I sat down on the patio. This was feeling very natural to me being out here in the nude. Glad we didn't have any neighbors or this would get weird. We did have some onlookers in the form of deer's and elk. I could hear Dale yelling inside so I knew this would be a bit. With a quick glance back I made sure he wasn't watching as I opened my thighs. Fuck this heat was killing me.

My loins were practically on fire moving my hands over my swollen looking vagina. With a slight touch I could feel myself in intense pleasure. Leaning back with one hand on the patio and the other on my nethers I rubbed over my clit pushing one finger in grinding my fur into my body. What a feeling this was. I would love to strip Dale down and fuck him right here and now yet I knew he was a bit pre occupied with the current situation.

As I massaged my needy loin I began to feel like my hands were growing numb. Lifting my hand up with a small string of pre attached to my pelvis I watched my hand beginning to merge. My index and middle pressed together giving me slight discomfort, and the same thing was happening to my pinky and ring fingers. As they meshed together the black nails began overtaking the tips of my "fingers". My wrist began extending until my whole hand resembled that of a cloven hoof.

It didn't hurt me at all but I was growing more and more concerned. I had faith that my husband was going to fix it. The yelling stopped and I could hear stomping. I decided to lay back in the sun. Having all this fur I thought it would just make me sweat, but I suppose I don't have any sweat glands anymore. The need in my loins was still very present, but as I reached down with my other hand it became numb just like my hoof. "Fuck..I really need you dale". I said getting too worked up to think.

I closed my eyes as the changes overtook my other hand. I just had to be calm and patient. As I took deep breaths, the air around me began to change suddenly. It was like a musky odor that served to excite me more. "That smells like Dale getting off work..." I always liked that smell coming from him. I began to fantasize about us in the bedroom, in the shower, and even outside with him fucking me on the lakeshore.

I was lost in thought until something brushed against my leg. I opened my eyes and looked down to see a large male elk. "Oh wow so pretty". I had never seen a elk outside of my work before and certainly not this close. The feral cervine was about as large as any other deer my husband and I have seen wandering the forest. He had a light brown with darker and thicker coat around the neck and chest. Strong forelegs and hindlegs and his antlers with fairly large and impressive if I do say so myself. I couldn't help but be impressed by the majestic beast before me, but also couldn't help but wonder what made him come out this far.

I pushed myself up nearly falling over. Hooking my hooves on a nearby chair I looked down at my feet, they had also been changed. My toes were completely gone replaced with hooves like my hands. I gritted my teeth as I walked to the back door basically on the balls of my feet. The elk was slowly following me from behind until I realized that I couldn't get back inside. "Shit no fingers!" I began knocking on the wood frame of the door with my hoof. "Honey let me in". As I pleaded to get inside the elk began sniffing and huffing along my back.

The elk perked his ears up trotting back to the edge of the forest watching me. Dale opened up the door looking straight at my hoofs. "Oh god Jane....come inside and sit we need to talk."

"After a long talk of yelling at my supervisors I finally managed to pull some decent info on the drug. They had not intended it for human use and apologized a lot and are now currently working on a sort of antidote. It is not guaranteed to make you fully human but its a start." I sat down beside Jane holding her close to me. The rest of the day we spent watching TV and playing games. Her face was also pushed out more and more. I told her to close her eyes and she rested her black nose and muzzle on my shoulder. I carefully laid her down on the couch when she fell asleep and sighed. I went into the bedroom to grab us some covers and snuggled up to my wife holding her tightly against my body.

It was another rough night for us. I could feel her shivering and grunting until the sun came up the next day. Sitting up I stroked over Jane's back hoping that she was still doing ok. I knew that she was putting on a brave face for me, that was just her way of being nice. Nervously I pulled back the sheet...the changes were completely done. Her legs had shifted and contorted during the night until they were both hind legs. My wife's once prefect ass was gone leaving a small tail, her rectum, and a puffy looking vagina not like what I was used to. Her breasts that I loved to fondle were in between her legs now. They were pink and slightly smaller.

After pulling the rest of the sheets off I stared at the doe on my couch wondering if her mind would go as well. I proceeded to pet her neck feeling her new muscles beneath her hide. Her shoulders would keep her locked into a four legged stance, but would make her so much stronger. I was gunna need a drink after this was all over. Even if the cure doesn't work the way I wanted it too, I still wanted to be with her. Our sexual relationship however is something I don't know if I can handle.

I went to the kitchen to fetch us some snacks. Jane a few minutes later came stumbling in on her four legs visibly growing agitated. "Honey are you ok?" I asked her as she sat down on her hind legs. I could see her nose flexing and she opened her mouth a few times but she was only able to say " f-f-f oood". I smiled to myself grateful that she still had some humanity left. I cooked up our usual meal, me some eggs and her some bacon and waffles. With one sniff on the food she gagged pulling her head away. She started shaking as if upset then stumbled out of the room and into the bathroom.

Fuck..fuck..fuck this can't be happening! Can't speak, can't eat, and I can't even walk right. This is all becoming too much for me! Am I really gunna have to eat fucking grass and berries the rest of my life. The only thing that I still have is Dale and even then I might not have him for long the way things are going. I curled myself up in the corner like a dog crying my eyes out.

"Jane? Honey don't worry this is only temporary. I'm here for you". Dale said coming in and sitting beside me. He put a hand on my flank rubbing it which did feel good. " I'll always love you darling. Just keep positive for me". I always kept positive for him even before we were dating. This was something else though. A sudden change in lifestyle would be extremely long as he is here though ....

I picked my head up and shoved my snout in his face. He smiled lovingly putting his hand on my cheek. I licked his face tasting the salty sweat from his cheek. God I was still fucking horny. I lowered my neck so my face was to his crotch and rubbed my nose over his bulge. "Whoa! Someone is very antsy this morning." He hesitantly rubbed my side as I stood up on my hooves. I turned myself around so my ass was to him and I waited for that bulge to grow in his pants like always. Except nothing happened and he just sat there slowly reaching his hand out to grab one of my udders. His hand was very cold and it made me wince but its as far as he went. "I-I can't its too soon for me. I know your needy and your still my wife, but you gotta see things from my perspective." Fuck...well I suppose this is pretty weird and I can't expect him to jump inside of me. I'll just have to warm him up to the idea then.

The day was extremely awkward with my wife. I managed to get her some food at least consisting of fruit and veggies. She always did want to go on a diet. We sat around planning out how I was going to take care of her. Food, bathing, and bathroom usage. Everything was fine until she had to go "relieve" herself for the first time. The toilet was useless and the only other option was outdoors. She didn't like the idea of being an animal but here we are.

A few hours in Jane left into the bedroom while I sat on the sofa watching the history channel. "Jane were did you-" my jaw dropped to the floor as she pranced into the livingroom with stockings on, purple and white stripes. She then presented her ass to me and spun around imitating a lap dance. She dragged her nose over my bulge setting her forelegs on both sides of me showing off her nipples on her belly. I pushed them into my hands as she licked my ear. They felt like her boobs alright and maybe if I close my eyes I could picture her like she was.

It didn't help cause when I opened them I would see a doe. "Yes your very attractive to me sweetheart, but let me get used to this first." She layed herself on me with all her weight huffing. I gently petted along her back then she walked over to the backdoor pushing it open and stepped outside. I know she was horny and all but its just too fast for me right now.

I consider that went well. I could feel the bulge in his pants getting hard. He just needs time and then that cock will be inside me before the week ends. I walked around the back for a time thinking of new ways I could get my hubby to plow me. I subconsciously started eating some of the grass around the house. Realizing this I pulled myself back banging my head on the wood.

Suddenly as I was trotting back a musky smell invaded my nostrils. The elk from yesterday was standing a couple yards away beside the patio. I huffed and backed up a bit as he walked towards me sniffing around for something. My butt backed against the air conditioning system and I stopped. The elk quickly moved to the side of me huffing and examining my body. This was an odd experience letting him get this close to me. In my line of work I just helped animals in rehabilitation and small injuries, but this was getting a bit too much.

I stood there shaking my head and as I was about to push past him I felt utter bliss. I moaned out as I felt the elks cool wet tongue licking against my nethers. His tongue pushed and slid over my aching vag somewhat cooling the intense heat I had been feeling throughout the days. Grunting I hung my neck down low as he worked giving me and exceptional view of the elk's "features".

He had a thick sack with two heavy looking balls, well more like giant ovals housing the cervine's seed. It was attached to his long brown sheath with a red tip poking out from the end. Holy fuck that's were that amazing scent is coming from? I felt so dirty and yet even hornier than before. No this can't be allowed what was I thinking! I shook my head around a bit before pushing on him to move.

I just had to head back inside and let this feeling cool down just like before. The elk however had other plans in mind. He nipped me in the butt causing me to yelp in pain. I angrily started bleating at him to fuck off but he didn't understand. The elk was done messing around and as soon as I lowered my guard he launched himself onto my back. The weight causing my legs to buckle under the pressure. I bucked my hips trying to remove him. Wait! No! I'm married! I knew what he was doing now. It wasn't some friendly gestures and shit! He was courting me this whole time and this feeling I've been having must be...

The elk gripped his forelegs around my waist the best he could keeping his weight balanced on top of me. His hooves painfully dug into my ribs as he adjusted himself. I did everything I could to push him off but he was far too experienced to let a doe escape. "D-D-Daaa..lle" I yelled out the best I could. I could feel him as I bleated. The spear headed tip of the elk poking and prodding around my flank. This was still just a dream right? I'm still asleep on the couch with my husband I must be.

I was quickly snapped back to reality though as the elks cock head pressed against my wet vag. Noo! Almost gently the cervine pushed his tip in. It agonizingly spread apart my tight pussy making its way in deeper. I couldn't help but moan as it slid in. My body had been wanting this for so long I clenched hard around the intruding phallus. The elk rested its head on my neck licking over my trembling face. He was so fucking large and I felt so full. I could feel his warm sheath rolled up against my pussy.

I huffed letting my breath catch up to me. The elk waited there on top of me until he felt me loosen up a bit. He quickly started thrusting his hips slamming them into mine, the skin of his cock barely out before he would cram it back in. He glided easily in and out. I can't believe this...he was so good...The elk would grunt as its balls bounced off my teats. As I stood there getting railed by the beast I knew in the back of my mind that this was wrong on so many levels.

Jane had been gone a while now and I was getting worried. Maybe I should apologize to her..she was trying her best to get me into this whole thing and make the most of it. Looking around the house I couldn't find her in the usual spots so I went outside to check around. That's were I saw wife was getting stuffed by a large elk. I didn't know what to think. I was in such shock that she would stoop so low to get laid.

The elk's grip around my waist tightened his thrusts becoming more erratic. The tip was pushing against my uterus over and over and I was in a cloudy state of mind. The pleasure was more intense than anything me and my husband had ever done. Fuck I wanted this building heat inside me to go away! The huffing elk was more than happy to scratch that itch plunging himself against me his pre leaking around my teats. That's when the thought hit me...could he make me pregnant? Dale and I had been trying for a while for a baby but by the looks of this guys sack could this even be possible. What would Dale think of me if I let this happen!

I began struggling again despite the pleasure he was giving me. Seeing this the elk bit down on my neck his thrusts getting more heavy. Fuck! He is gunna cum! The elk gave a heavy thrust forward stumbling on his back hooves as his tip held inside of my womb. With a loud grunt the cervine began pumping his seed into my belly. He kept his hooves tight filling my body with his thick virile seed. I could swear I could feel his spunk drowning my ovum with the very real possibility that one of them would be housing a fawn. Some of his cum leaked out but he kept it safely inside. It was so warm and the fire inside my belly seemed to die down.

The elk had claimed me as his own. My new body had served its purpose pleasuring the alpha cervine giving him the lineage that would make any leader proud. We could find a nice place in the woods to stay and he would provide me and my fawns with nutrients and keep us safe from predators.....wait ...stop ....that's not me...I am a human. I already have a mate and I can't leave him. The elk soon dismounted me his drooping cock sliding back into its sheath. I sat down on my hindquarters and layed on my side too exhausted to think much. The elk sat beside me waiting for me to recover.

The next couple of days were hard on both of us. The event with the elk putting a strain on our relationship and we both knew it. I don't blame her for what happened after all. I mostly blamed myself for not intervening. She is my wife after all. She didn't feel inclined to have sex with me as of late maybe because the heat had passed. Even I tried getting her started but she was never in the mood. She is still the same person I fell in love with just she has extra bodily functions that we have to work around and I get that.

I eventually started noticing the side effects of her sexing up a deer. Her teats had begun swelling and filling with milk and her abdomen had started stretching out. Well it looks like we were going to have a baby after all and that's what was important. I was going to be a dad to a fawn, I wish I could have been more angry about all this but how could I. I'll love her no matter what she does.

end....for now

Author: I hope you liked the story everyone. Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments. I will make a part 2 to this and that will be the end of the story. Have a great day everyone. ^^