Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 10

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#10 of Virtual Friendship

Virtual Friendship is the latest in the Future Orr stories, centering around Trevor Orr and some of his close friends within his Cocky Bastard Guild in the Lands of Farr.

Now that Trevor knows where Bobby is, he goes there to get answers, and what he finds out isn't good.

if you want to read ahead of everyone else, the complete story is available on my Patreon

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Salt City was a nice place to live, according to the information provided on it, but it hadn't said

anything about the windstorm that hit the city as Trevor landed. It surprised him. The weather for the islands and New Vegas was good all year long, the most extreme was an occasional rainstorm, but never something like this, with the visibility cut down to two meters. He received a warning once the hover was stationary to ensure his clothing was properly closed, to wear a face-covering with a breather capable of keeping out salt particulate of point two millimeters or smaller.

The whiteout outside reminded Trevor of the ski trip the family took at the Alaskan resort. They'd arranged to arrive a day before a storm and then enjoyed three days of skiing with only radar to guide them down the mountains. There had been a few accidents, But Eric and Clay had seen to them.

Trevor still believed Tucker had thrown himself off the cliff just to have the two of them look after him for half a day. His brother claimed it had been caused by the system glitching and him not knowing the cliff was there, but Trevor had checked; there were no reported glitches. Tucker had just wanted to get the two of them to himself, and being Tucker, figured that was how he'd go about it instead of just locking them in the house with him.

Trevor considered turning around, but Bobby was still at the Oasis and there was no telling where he would vanish to after this. It was only a two-block walk from the landing pad, and the storm didn't affect his connection to the satellite mapping network. He'd have a reliable overlay of both items and people.

He turned his shorts and shirt into a sealed suit, then altered it to look more like a business suit than a vacuum one. He gave it a hood, with a full face mask that could be hinged up. He didn't want to reveal who he was by having it melt away. Trevor Pakesh couldn't get his hand on an Orr belt.

The hover door raised, and another storm hit him. Adverts from the network bombarded his filters. They were so aggressive a few made their way through the algorithm and appeared before him.

"Mister Pakesh, when was the last time you had a truly satisfying sexual event? With the Orr Approve--"

He shut it down.

"Hey Trevor, you hungry? At Belzebul, we will satisfy any and all hungers you could ever--"

"How are they--" Trevor growled.

"We, at Peaceful Heights, understand your desire to get away from the chaos of net advertising, which is why we have constructed our houses with state-of-the-art information filtering system we guaranty will leave you at peace when you are home."

Trevor was too shocked by the dissonance of their aggressive ad for a place promising that wouldn't happen making its way through his excellent filters, he had to watch the video of rooms drifting in front of him before he shook himself and canceled it. He packaged the ads and sent them to the communication department. Those had to be breaking a few laws by being so aggressive.

He stepped outside and pushed against the wind.

The overlay indicated people walking about, hidden by the storm, drifts of salts he had to step around. A couple was having sex against a wall. Trevor didn't want to imagine having to wash all that salt out of his fur. And the occasional advertising intruded on all this. Peaceful Oasis was highlighted in the distance and he hurried to it. He understood its popularity now, New Vegas was nowhere near this aggressive with their ads.

The door opened and closed behind him, and the bombardment ended. Trevor breathed and could finally hear himself think, with only the background noise of the network as his soundtrack.

Before he took another stepped he was assaulted by sudden winds that removed the salt that had caked on his suit. When it ended, it was still a paler shade of the original brown, but it would be able to deal with that last layer.

"Welcome to the Peaceful Oasis." a gazelle appeared before him, an external projection. "Where you can take a much-needed break from the chaos of the network."

"Hasn't anyone complained about how aggressive the advertisers are here?" Trevor asked, raising the face mask.

The gazelle smiled. "I'm sorry, I don't have access to that information, do you have a reservation?"

"No, I'm here to meet with a friend." He scanned the large room and located the raccoon at a table covered with food. "I see him, thanks." Two bulls were seated with him, as was a lion and a hyena. He pinged the raccoon as he headed for his table.

Bobby looked up at him and frowned. He leaned over to say something to the bull, who stood and headed to the back.

"Hi, Trevor," the raccoon said. "I didn't expect to meet you here."

"You missed the last guild run and didn't answer any of your messages, did you think I'd just stay home when you finally registered on the network again?"

Bobby shrugged and shoveled food in his muzzle. "Sorry, been busy with a secret project, I couldn't afford to be bothered." He indicated the chair between the lion and hyena. "Sit, you want some of this? It's really good. You have no idea how long it's been since I tasted anything this good."

Trevor looked at the meats, the vegetables, the fruits. Dozens of prepared dishes. Enough to feed twice the people seated here. The lion and hyena looked at him expectantly, but Trevor didn't move. He didn't know Bobby all that well, less than he'd thought he did, but there was a roughness about the men with him that Trevor couldn't reconcile with the fun-loving guy he knew.

"Where have you been for these last weeks, Bobby?" Trevor asked, "why the silence after that large file?"

Bobby stopped his shoveling and looked at him. "You got that?" he asked, then finished chewing and swallowed. "Did you figure out my puzzle?"

Trevor sighed. "You can't call an incomplete file a puzzle, Bobby. It's like a caern without a control panel. It's nothing."

Bobby seemed surprised, suspicious, then all smiled. "Come on, Trevor. You don't need to be circumspect, my friends here are all in on it, and I'm the one who sent it to you. It couldn't have been that tough for you to figure it out. You work with information and those kinds of puzzles, right?"

"In on what?" Trevor looked the other men over. "What is going on, Bobby?"

"Look, just hand the file back if you couldn't solve it."

"You're serious, it's a puzzle?"

"Of course, what else would I send you?"

"Then you want to go over your encryptions, because I'm pretty sure they ruined it, if it could be solved, I'd have done it, I even had my uncle look at it."

"You showed it to someone else?"

"He's better at this stuff than I am. When I couldn't make sense of what you sent me, I asked for his help. He confirmed it's incomplete."

Bobby looked pensive. "Okay, that's interesting. I hadn't expected that." He looked at Trevor. "Come on sit. Enjoy some food, this is amazing stuff."

Trevor studied his friend. He sucked at people. Information was nice and predictable. People were nothing like that, but even then, he couldn't help thinking his friend wasn't acting like himself. "Bobby, how about we go somewhere else, talk in private?" The only thing he could think of was that somehow Bobby had gotten involved with the wrong kind of people, and this was his way of letting Trevor know things weren't right.

"Not in this storm," Bobby scoffed. "Sit, enjoy, and send me my file back." Bobby stood. "Yes, dessert's here." He rushed around the table for a nice looking ermine pushing a cart with cakes, pies, donuts, and more pastries he didn't recognize. Was Bobby planning on eating all that? He looked the table over, Bobby was the only one with a plate, the others were there to what, watch him eat?

Bobby returned to the table carrying a strawberry pie and chocolate cake, pushing the plate out of the way and digging in before the cart reached the table.

Trevor chuckled nervously. "What did you do, starve yourself during that secret project of yours?"

"Feels like it." He motioned to the chair. "Sit down, Trevor."

"I think I'm going to let you eat in peace," Trevor said, taking a step back. "You're clearly okay, and that's all I wanted to make sure of." He turned and found the bull and a rhino standing in his way. Where had they come from? He looked around for another door.

"My file," Bobby demanded.

Trevor didn't bother asking what Bobby had done with his copy and sent it to him. This was creeping him out. He stepped around the rhino, only for him to move and continue blocking his path.

"What is this?" Bobby asked.

"That's the file you sent me."

"It can't be. It doesn't contain anything usable."

Trevor turned to look at Bobby, who was walking around the table. "Look, you sent it, so you know what it is. Now, I am going to leave you and your friends."

"Not just yet." Bobby stopped and crossed his arms, a severe expression on his face. "Not until I figure out why you're screwing with me."

Trevor sighed. "I'm not--" then Bobby standing before him registered. He'd walk to him like a normal person. He'd rushed to the dessert card. Trevor accessed the heat sensors in the room and Bobby showed up in orange, reds, yellows, and blues, just like a normal person. Only Bobby wasn't normal. His medical records indicated he needed braces to walk, optical compensation to see properly. The man before Trevor had none of that.

A hand landed on Trevor's shoulder and he shrugged it off. "Don't touch me." He came back, and he rounded on the bull. "I said not to touch me. You want to be arrested for non-respect of consent?"

Bobby chuckled. "I don't think you're in a position to dictate anything, Trevor."

Trevor turned, he was done with this. He canceled the Pakesh ID. "I don't know who you are, and I don't give a fuck. I'm leaving. You can go back to eating."

"I'm afraid you aren't. I'd be happy to let you go, but my friends can't afford to have you running around with what could be information on our new arrangement. So until we're going to have to be a little more drastic in making sure you can't do anything."

Trevor snorted. "Do anything? Do you have any fucking idea who I am? I'm going to get you sent to Vanguard if you don't tell your oversized cum holders to get out of my way."

The false Bobby smiled. "Don't try to screw an expert, Trevor. You're nothing more than an information broker for law enforcement agencies."

"My name," Trevor said through gritted teeth, "Is Trevor Orr. I'm the fucking corporation. I want you out, you are out, so fucking tell them to move." Trevor felt the ping and the false Bobby's eyes went wide. Trevor grinned at him, which faltered when he saw speculation in the raccoon's eyes instead of fear. He'd just threatened to scrap the man's citizenship and shown he had the power to do it. He should be terrified.

"Well, now that's interesting," the raccoon said, a smile growing. "Grab him and make sure he doesn't go anywhere."

Trevor fought against the hold. He didn't bother with threats. "Uncle! I need assistance." Not only didn't he get a response, his call didn't go anywhere. Trevor looked around, studying the network. It seemed normal, but it only took him a few seconds to realize it was a series of superimposed loops that only gave the illusion of random communication.

The not-Bobby grinned as Trevor looked at him, unable to contain his fear. "Didn't you listen to the Oasis' advertising? They offer complete peace and quiet from the network. Didn't you wonder how they could do that?"

"Caged," Trevor replied reflexively. "The room's within an information cage, with a simulation of the network running in it."

"Well, Mister Orr, I guess those stories about you people only being good to fuck are not true."

Trevor glared at the raccoon. "We fucking are the corporation, you think we could do that if all we did was fuck?"

"I guess not." Bobby smiled. "Now I'm in something of a bind. I love this body, but man, what would yours be like?" He looked Trevor over. "What could I do in this corporation as you."

Trevor had no idea what the raccoon was talking about and decided he didn't care. He was getting out of here. He fought against the men holding him, but the hands just tightened to the point where the pain became too much. Then static exploded in his head.

* * * * *

The beeping sounded in the room, mixing with the moaning.

"Harder," the man under Nori pleaded. "Fuck me harder." The squirrel was happy to oblige, bending down to kiss the otter as he pounded his ass.

The beeping continued.

"Harder, I'm going to cum," the otter panted.

The beeping continued.

"Fuck," Nori rolled off the slammed the wall. "My day's done with, why aren't you respecting my privacy?"

"Have you watched the news?"

Nori sighed. "Sis, I swear, the fertility clinic screwed something up when they mixed you. Nothing can be going on right now on the news that warrants interrupting the sex I'm having."

"You can have sex whenever you want," his sister replied. "The Orrs are in an uproar right now."

"And I care why?" Nori rolled his eyes at the otter and mouthed 'sisters'. The otter chuckled and moved against the squirrel and stroked Nori's cock.

"Tucker Orr just ran out of an orgy."

"Sis, what is the big deal with you and the Orrs?"

"They're the Orrs, duh. Tucker never leaves an orgy before it's been going for at least sixteen hours. It wasn't even going on for six. A hover picked him up on the roof of a building. Do you know how strict they are about hover traffic?"

The otter climbed on Nori and sat on his cock, making the squirrel moan.

"Are you listening to me?" His sister asked.

"Not really," Nori replied, placing a hand on the otter's waist. "I have a guy sitting on my cock, so the Orrs can go do what they do best and I'm going to do that to this otter too. Bother me again today, sis, and I'm blocking you." He slapped the wall and his hand joined the other. He grinned at the otter. "Where were we?"

"You were going to fuck the cum out of me."

"Ah yes," Nori thrust hard, holding the otter in place. "Then let's get back to it."

* * * * *

Horace watched the hover take off and speed off faster than the news drones could keep up. A hand ran down his back then in his pants, the thick finger rubbing his hole. The bull looked at the naked man behind him and smiled. "You know it's traditional to ask permission before fingering a guy, right?"

The thick donkey smiled back. "It's a Tucker orgy. He's more the ask forgiveness later type, so I'm just getting in the mood. You want me to stop?" he pushed the finger in. Horace was already lubed, so it slipped in easily.

He reached behind and undid the tail strap. "I want you to fuck me." They were in the line up to enter the Allegorium, far, far in the lineup. But this was Orr Corp, so the party had spilled out all the way to them already.

The donkey took his finger out, wrapped his arms around the bull, and pushed his thick cock in Horace, who moaned.

Horace did love coming down to Orr Corp for business.