Running Late

Story by Isbjorn on SoFurry

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When he got the call Wyatt Coffey was balls deep in a young buck he met down at the Stills...

When he got the call Wyatt Coffey was balls deep in a young buck he met down at the Stills. His ass upturned and whimpering he was getting pounded by the stallion's impressive cock. Wyatt had wanted him for months, but didn't even know his name. He was candy, something to sink his cock into.

The horse didn't even have to answer the call to know it was bad. Only one person could reach him like that. Few people even had the money for a wireless. Still cock deep in the buck he reached for the bulky wireless and checked the screen. Damn! It was his boss, Mr. Ayers. Why would he need me tonight? Why Tonight? Flicking the small chromed switch he turned on the wireless.

"Yes Mr. Ayers." Wyatt answered giving an apologetic look to the now irritated deer.

"Wyatt, I will be arriving at the airdock in 30 min, I expect you will meet me in the office? We have a lot of work to do tonight."

"Of course sir!" Wyatt stammered trying not to sound too shocked. How could he have forgotten? His boss had been out of the Crosswise for days. Tonight was the night he had left open for his Mr. Ayers. His boss had always liked to meet first thing after a trip. He had just stopped by the Stills to relieve some stress and maybe a quick fling with one of the boys in the backroom.

"Is everything on the up and up Wyatt?" The arctic fox asked suspiciously.

"Yes, Mr. Ayers. I will see you at the office." Wyatt said stumbling as he flicked off the wireless.

"Fuck! I have to go." The stallion swore apologetically. The buck looked very upset. Wyatt had almost forgotten about his boss when this hard young boy had approached him at the molly bar. When the buck took him home with him it was all but forgotten. Three hours of licking and touching later, the appointment was lost in a haze.

Wyatt was about to pull out and get dressed but he changed his mind. If he didn't leave this buck with a good feeling he might never get the chance again. With a smirk he flipped the buck onto his side and lifted one of his legs. Sinking his long horse cock back into the buck's tender ass he snaked a hand around and started stroking his cock. Even irritated and hurt about their evening being cut short, the boy was still eager and it didn't take long for him to cum into the stallion's hand. Savoring the taste, Wyatt licked his hand clean and started getting dressed. Still hard and even more frustrated than when he went to the Stills.

Wyatt was late, very late. Mr. Ayers was going to be waiting for over an hour. His employer was not a patient man. Men of Thomas Ayers's power and influence are not normally accustomed to waiting for anything. Let alone a junior mechanic straight out of the university. That was why Wyatt was screwed. Unlike his uptown boss, his young companion lived in the Waters, if he hoofed it, sprinting all the way maybe catching a ride on a rail car along the way, the office was still almost two hours away. So run he did. Crosswise was busy, it always was. The city was full of people, every shape and size from all over the world. A thousand different scents of the Waters street food filled the air as he pushed his way out of the sailor's district.

He managed to catch a rail car at Monument Hill. His mind kept wandering to the boy left back at the Waters apartment as he silently rode with in the creaking rail car with people from a dozen different places.

When he reached the tower Mr. Ayers had built, Wyatt fumbled with his keys and working to unlock the doors. It was after hours and no one was on duty at the front desk. The horse moved quickly past the lobby and had to wait almost comically at the bank of elevators. On the ride up to the top he tried to straighten up his suit.

The young horse had caught Mr. Ayers's attention and it had earned him a grant and a job working directly under Ayers. Their trysts started a little over a month later.

Wyatt had been called into Mr. Ayer's for a progress update. During the entirety his presentation, the arctic fox, had stared almost lewdly at the increasingly intimidated horse. With a silent, unnerving, intensity Mr. Ayers had cleared the distance between them, and began to strip Wyatt. In ragged gasping breaths the young stallion had naively tried to finish his report while the fox, loosened his tie. Button by button, Wyatt was deprived of his shirt. Deft hands made short work of the horse's trousers and with a sharp yank; they were down around his ankles.

Ayer's groped and stroked Wyatt's chestnut sheath. He was shook with anxiety, as the foxes attention made the stallion's cock dropped obscenely. The fox teased his flare and thick shaft long enough to get it good and hard. Wyatt was then, roughly bent over his boss's desk, his whole body tensed when he heard a zipper drop. Mr. Ayers mounted Wyatt until, his then virgin hole, was knotted and leaking. The fox never said a word. When they were finished he was dismissed with quietly. Still in shock over what just happened, Wyatt dressed quickly without saying a thing.

A week later he was called back into Mr. Ayers's office, then again and again. Almost a year later, barely two days would pass before being called on. A quiet affection had grown between them but neither would have called it love. It was closer to devotion and obedience, Wyatt belonged Ayers totally and completely when he was in that office.

A pattern quickly emerged, most days the snow white fox would roughly bend over the stallion and fuck him until he emptied his balls into his ass. Usually Wyatt would be allowed to paw himself off until he shot thick ropes of cum onto that big oak desk. Some days when progress was slow or Mr. Ayers was in a foul mood, only Wyatt's muzzle would be required. He would recline in his chair and merely wait until the horse was on his knees sucking his cock. Days like that Wyatt always left still frustratingly hard. On rare occasions when the normally stoic Ayers would was feeling playful or benevolent the stallion would find him spread out on the desk with his tail raised and softly begging for his long horse cock.

Today was not going to be one of those days. Now Wyatt was going to be late and when Mr. Ayers would not be pleased at all. The rules of their engagements were not his to dictate. When Mr. Ayers called on him he came without question or hesitation. Those were the rules.

They had never been exclusive but if his boss finds out that he was late because he over slept after rutting that boy from the Stills there would be hell to pay.

By the time he made it to the top young mechanic was still a mess. His suit was disheveled and he was sweating through his new shirt and he was just over an hour late. He paused just long enough to straighten his tie.

Wyatt burst through the door; his crumpled blueprints tucked under one arm, and issuing a stream of apologies. Expecting the worse, the horse suddenly became aware that he was interrupting something. Three pair of eyes settled on him.

"Everett I would like to introduce you to my latest assistant, Wyatt Coffey." The acidic emphasis was on latest.

"Wyatt this is Everett Rhodes and his assistant Bernard Folliet." Mr. Ayers said with a nod to a wolf and ram seated together on a sofa to the right of Ayer's desk.

"Mr. Coffey was supposed to meet us some time ago. To help us with is meeting. I do know you both had been looking forward to meeting him." Thomas said with an added touch of Humor in his voice.

That was not a good sign Wyatt has learned that an amused fox is a fox that was up to something. What really scared the stallion was that Ayers has made it very clear before he left that he was to be naked and waiting when he arrived. Once or twice Thomas had shared Wyatt with another man, usually some other young intern, but he has always been told before hand.

"We certainly have." The wolf added with an unsettling leer. His paws were resting on his lap but Wyatt could have sworn that he was hiding a bulge. "Thomas has told us what a promising pupil you have become."

"Ah...yes Mr. Ayers is too generous." Wyatt blushed and turned to Ayers, desperately looking for some sort of assistance.

"Before we start, I think my assistant here might need a moment to freshen up first." Ayers said ushering the stallion into the small washroom. As they crossed the room Ayers whispered to him.

"You embarrassed me Wyatt, now it is your turn. Best behavior tonight or I may have to get truly cross." The unmistakable sent of another man's sex was on the fox's breath. Wyatt's mind reeled as he door clicked behind him, and he found himself looking at his own shocked reflection.

Wyatt stripped and washed up in the sink. Hoping he could wash any lingering evidence of his earlier encounter. The sink was hardly a shower though and Wyatt settled for getting the last traces of lube off of his shaft and sheath.

Looking around the washroom he wasn't too surprised to find one of his suits cleaned and pressed waiting for him. After their first few meetings, Ayers had kept a spare suit for the stallion in his washroom. Occasionally they made quite a mess, especially when the fox wished to indulge his fetishes. A note was pinned to the jacket clearly written in Thomas's hand.

It simply said. "Wear everything."

Taking the suit down he began to lay it out, His heart skipped a beat when he saw the fox's revenge tucked into the trousers. A leather harness instead of the boxers he expected to find. A steel plug was fixed to the rear and a large metal ring in the front. Clearly the harness only could go on one way.

Wyatt startled with a jump as Mr. Ayers called to him from the other side of the door. "Everett and I just returned together after he so kindly offered his home to me while we worked on a mutual project. I'll tell you more once you join us."

He knew his boss slept with other men but Thomas had never flaunted it. His visit to Rhodes estate must obviously for more than business.

What did that mean for him though? The horse wondered. Ayers already smelled of sex, that Wolf was staring at him almost obscenely, now with this "gift" left for him he didn't know what was about to happen.

His hands trembled as the stallion slipped on the harness. He applied a generous amount of the lube Ayers kept hidden in the washroom to his tailhole. The plug was cold as it slid into place. It has large but not so much that it was painful. He worked it in and out slowly adjusting to its size. A soft moan escaped his lips as the plug found his prostate. He hoped no one heard. Wyatt's cock was quickly stiffening. He had some trouble fitting his large equine balls and shaft through the steel cock ring. His manhood was fully dropped out of his sheath now and hard. He had to awkwardly shove his cock down one pant legs just to fit into the trousers.

Putting on the rest of the suit was rote memory for the horse and by the time he had finished his erection had started to soften. Putting on a clean suit usually filled Wyatt with confidence but the harness strapped tight around his loins was a sharp reminder he was a kept man. He crept out of the washroom slowly. Suddenly he was very intimidated by the whole situation.

"Wyatt come sit down." Mr. Ayers gestured to one of two padded chairs across from the sofa; Ayers was seated on the other.

Every step he took he could feel the plug shift and strain against his hole as he crossed the room. Gingerly he took a seat next to Thomas, trying to hide his reaction at the plug pressed in deep.

They talked briefly about Mr. Ayer's trip up north to the Rhodes estate. Wyatt learned that they were beginning construction on a new wireless tower similar to the one they were currently inside. Ayers had made his fortune with his invention and Rhodes was going to help him expand outside of Crosswise.

The small talk was beginning to grate on Wyatt. With the plug in and grinding into his ass as they sat, he was getting harder and harder. Something the light fabric of the trousers did little to hide. Both the wolf and the ram seemed to subtly take notice. Ayers his normally aloof self didn't ever look his way focused only on his guests.

The stallion almost missed it as the wolf began to massage his bulge he was still covering with his paws. Catching his eye, Wyatt blushed and moved his hands to cover the bulge of his cock snaking down his pant leg.

All the wolf needed and a slight scowl and a nod of his head that the message was clear. Wyatt's hands were now at his sides and he was harder than ever. Bernard had even more of a bulge than his boss, but he made no moves to hide his.

To the young horse it was all becoming very surreal. Here he was plugged and raging hard in a room with two other men who were just as arouse as he was, and they were talking about engineering and mechanic work. It didn't take long for them to totally abandon any sense of modesty and start openly groping themselves.

Shooting a glance over to his vulpine boss looking for some direction, Wyatt only got an enigmatic smile.

The conversation quickly took a sharp turn when Bernard, Rhode's ram assistant spoke up.

"What delayed you quite so long, Wyatt, if you don't mind my asking?" He said with devious intent.

" was..." The stallion began to stammer.

"Yes Mr. Coffey why were you late, normally I wouldn't ask this in front of guests but as you can see you did keep them waiting." Mr. Ayers said questioningly.

Wyatt has been crafting a lie the whole way across town. Just before it left his mouth though something clicked, he knew.He didn't know how Ayers knew, but he did.

"I-I was rutting with some molly I met at the stills when you called. I was into the hilt and hat totally forgotten about this evening." Wyatt said slowly gaining confidence.

The room was silent; the stallion closed his eyes and waited, instantly regretting his decision.

"Well Mr. Coffey very direct... get on your knees so we can discuss your punishment." Wyatt heard a zipper drop.