Dr. Bruce Boehner M.D.

Story by Tbohn on SoFurry

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Dr. Bruce Boehner M.D.

The young fox heard the front desk page him and he rolled his eyes. It was to the point where he was actually straining himself to do so. His job was so humiliating that he was on the brink of physically hurting himself to express how moronic he found it.

"God, what a dead end job," he thought, "Okay, whatever. Here we go. Dr. Bruce Takes Some Sicko to a Jerk-Off Room: Take 3."

He straightened out his tie and cleaned his glasses before heading to the font desk. It makes things more proper that way. Most of the regulars to the sperm bank make Dr. Bruce wish he had some kind of superpower to make men insta-cum into a cup, but that wasn't the case with this one. A fine wolf, not much older than the vulpine doctor, greeted him. He had those deep yellow eyes that always look thoughtful, mysterious, or intense. It's a little known fact that thoughtful, mysterious, intense guys make poor little Dr. Bruce's heart pound in his chest.

Bruce instantly smiled and straightened up from his usual slump.

"If this guy becomes a regular," he pondered, "Then life wouldn't be so bad around here."

"Hi," said Dr. Bruce to the nervous wolf, "You seem tense, but I assure you that there is nothing to be worried about. It's really no big deal. Now, what's your name?"

"Dan," was the wolf's answer.

"Well, alright then Dan, your room is right this way," proudly said the doctor as he led the wolf to room number 7.

"Just relax, here's you're room, and heres your cup," said the fox as he smiled up at the slightly taller wolf, "There's some stuff in there for you, so just take your time, and be sure to put the lid on tight when you're done. That's never a fun problem."

With the new donor in his room, Bruce decided that it was time for him to take his ten minute break. It was only after his quick lunch that the doctor realized that he still hadn't heard from the wolf's room. It usually only takes a short time, but Dan was in there for half and hour. Worried that his new donor wasn't up to it, Bruce had to check in at the front desk.

"Hey, how long has that guy been in seven?" he asked.

The receptionist looked at her computer for a moment before she said, "I was just about to page you, he's been in for thirty minutes. I mean, we got that one guy... but, most everybody would be out by now."

Dr. Bruce nodded his head in recognition of knowing "That One Guy" aka "The Marathoner" aka "Slappy Cock" (the latter name never leaving the break room).

"I'll check on him," he said.

Bruce went down the hall in a quick manner to check on the new recruit, Dan. He gave a knock on the door to let him know he was entering so he'd be decent.

"Come in," sighed the wolf from the other side of the door.

Dr. Bruce was wishing he would find the wolf in his underwear, but instead found him fully clothed right where he left him. It didn't even look like he did anything or even made an attempt. Dan looked at him with his yellow wolf eyes looking morose instead of hotly mysterious.

"So... you okay? I mean, it shouldn't really be a chore. You can come in another day," he offered.

"It's not that," said Dan.

"So it's not a medical condition?" he asked "Because, I'm not really supposed to do this, but I got some pick-me-ups I can sell you."

"No, it's not that," sighed the wolf once more, "It's the material I guess."

Dr. Bruce glanced at the offerings. Not really his taste, but they were at least new and in good shape. They were varied too. All the new donors go to 7 because it's the nicest and cleanest room, so what could be the problem?

"What's wrong? Really, I'm a doctor. You can tell me anything and there wouldn't be much I could do with it."

But, the doctor's explanation of the Hippocratic Oath got washed away with laughter. Dr. Bruce noticed a slight twinge in his face as he rolled his eyes. He had just crossed the pain threshold. Dan obviously saw the name tag and he thought it was just as funny as everyone else.

"Yeah, I know," tersely said Dr. Bruce, "I wanted to go into sports science, but no. I ended up working here. Do not refer to me by my last name. Call me Bruce, please."

Dan was hiding his face with his big paws while he tried to stifle his giggles. Though he was glad to see the wolf unwind a little bit, but the joke was wearing really thin. Bruce wanted to quit the job and change his name as fast as possible.

"I'm sorry, but Dr. Boehner? I mean, are you for real? That's terrible!" exclaimed Dan.

"Trust me; I am quite aware that it is terrible," snapped Bruce "Every day, I wake up and try to eat my corn flakes without thinking about little cups of cum, or some of the creeps we get rolling their dice, or how to put on my stupid little ties without having to look it up!"

Dan's smile fell from his face once he was aware that Dr. Bruce Boehner had the potential to go postal. Dying in what was essentially a dressed up private viewing booth would not be a good way to go.

"It's not that bad," Dan assured him, "I think it's cute."

Dr. Bruce smiled at the wolf's complement. He thought that his yellow-eyed friend was cute too, but he didn't want to risk saying anything until he knew more about him.

"The problem is doc..." said Dan lowering his voice, "I'm gay, and well... this is all straight stuff. It's not really doing it for me."

Dr. Bruce put on a tremendous smile. Sometimes, life is more than fair to him. He boldly said, "If you want, I think I know how to fix this. I think you are by far the cutest guy to walk through the door here. If you want, I can manually collect a sample."

Dan was in shock at the doctor's idea. "But you don't even know me," he protested, "What if I had something?"

"You wouldn't be here if you did," informed the doctor.

"I just don't know about this. I know we wouldn't get caught. It's just that it's all coming at me at once. It's too much," whined Dan with a strained look on his face.

Dr. Bruce rested one of his black paws on the wall and looked down at the seated wolf. He was right that they wouldn't get caught, but he could see where he might be nervous.

"Are you in a relationship?" asked Bruce.

"Well, no" said the wolf.

"Let's trade numbers because I want to see you again. As in, a date, Dan," offered Bruce.

"God you are malicious," said Dan, "You're going to take me out on a date so I won't feel so bad about this. We'll just be getting the whole sex thing out of the way sooner than normal I guess."

"I'm not doing this just because I want a quickie at work, I'm doing this because I think you're hot and I want to get to know you," said Bruce, "Now do you want some guilt free sex or what?"

Dan gave a defeated sigh, "Alright, let's do this."

Bruce grinned again. He got on his knees and started to unbuckle Dan's belt when he didn't do it himself. Bruce was worried that maybe Dan wasn't that into him, but once he pulled his pants down, he could tell that the feeling was mutual.

"This would usually be the other way around for me," admitted Dan.

"Everybody should get a turn," said Dr. Bruce.

Knowing that they only had a few minutes before someone else would be sent to check on both of them, Bruce set to work fast. Only a few, brief licks wandered over Dan's member before the good doctor engulfed the whole thing in his warm mouth. Of course, Bruce was very mindful of his teeth.

Dan turned his head to the ceiling as if to howl, but he only whispered, "Oh, that's nice."

Bruce rolled his tongue around and slid Dan's now slick dick in and out of his mouth slowly. Bruce focuses more on the massaging motion of his tongue and mouth to pleasure his partner, rather than some kind of wild and crazy bathroom stall blowjob.

Dr. Bruce could tell that Dan was beginning to greatly appreciate this particular trait. The wolf ran his hand down the back of the vulpine doctor's head, stopping to cup one of his ears and tenderly stroke it. Bruce could feel Dan start to slightly shake and hear him let out some quiet moans.

Dan's hold on the doctor's ear tightened as he hissed through his teeth when an orgasm wracked his body. Bruce could feel the lupine cock twitch in his mouth, a sign of a job well done for him. Fully ready to swallow Dan's soon-to-be-frozen contribution, Bruce managed to stop himself short. He shot out a paw and frantically searched for the donor's cup.

Dan saw Bruce's hilarious predicament and handed the fox the necessary receptacle. Bruce felt it pushed into his hand and let Dan's wolfhood flop out of his mouth. Using his tongue as a sort of ramp, Bruce let the wolf's seed slide down into the cup before sealing it with the lid. This unfortunate delay meant that Bruce accidentally tasted Dan's sample.

To him, seamen always had a "musclely" taste, though he had no idea how to describe "musclely" since he had never tasted something like it before. Short of going on a quest to find the one foodstuff that tastes like cum, Dan's particular brand would remain indescribable though not completely unpalatable. Regardless, it still left a bad taste in Bruce's mouth, though he managed to hide it well.

"Well there you go," said Bruce, "Was that so bad, Dan?"

"Not at all," assured the wolf, "though I would have preferred if it had lasted a little longer."

"Time constraints," admitted Bruce.

Dan smiled and asked, "Do you do this for a lot of your patients?"

"Ha," laughed Bruce, "No, just you. I work here for money, not to fulfill some kind of personal fantasy of mine. Though you have to admit, that was pretty hot. Hey, do you have a piece of gum or something?"

"Sure. Why? Did it taste bad?" he asked while zipping up his pants.

"No," said Bruce as he accepted a piece of gum from Dan's pocket, "It's just that our receptionist is a whore and I bet she could smell it on my breath."

"That's terrible!" scandalously exclaimed Dan.

"I'm a bad person, obviously," said Bruce with a smirk on his muzzle, "Now how about that number?"

"Next time," assured Dan as he left the room.

"NEXT TIME!?" shrieked Dr. Bruce.

"Shh" playfully chided Dan, "You're on the job remember? What if someone got suspicious that I was fulfilling some kind of fantasy in here?"

And with that, the wolf walked down the hall and out of sight leaving Dr. Bruce to mutter, "godamnsonofabitch" under his breath on his way to the freezer. Though he felt like he was preying on poor Dan, the tables got turned on him. However, this didn't make Bruce want Dan to never come back. It just made him more determined to see him return.

Bruce abruptly stopped in the hallway to the freezer as a wintergreen haze hit his senses.

"This gum is fucking delicious."