Ricky & Lola

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#1 of Ricky & Lola

I used to have a dog. He was a Golden Retriever; we got him when he was barely old enough to be taken from his mom, I was barely 6 weeks old. I loved him very much, I had an attachment to the dog that no one else in the family had. We shared a close bond with each other and he watched over me every day. He was my protector and I was his. I walked him every day, played fetch with him walked with him every single day. He knew when I was talking to him, and when I was sad. Instead of playing with others I played with him, rather than other children.

When he died I was heartbroken. I didnt lose a dog; I lost a part of my life that had been there for years. I had him ever since I could remember and nothing ever changed the fact that he was my dog. At first I didn't know how to handle it I mean I was only thirteen. I didn't cry, I was sad for a while, and my parents thought it was odd that I had suddenly quit talking. They tried to get me a new one but it wasnt the same; that dog hadn't been there my entire life. My family took me to a therapist she said I was unresponsive. She had me take an IQ test and all it showed was that I was an average kid. They tried getting me to play with other kids my age and I just ended up playing by myself.

It continued for a while, eventually I had to talk to someone. It was to my mother Theresa. I remember walking into the kitchen and the smell of oatmeal cookies. It reminded me of all of the years that id walked in with my dog and I said, "Mommy, I miss Teddy." I had tears streaming down my muzzle but I wasnt sniffling. She looked at me as if I had just come out of a coma for the first time in ten years. I still didn't socialize with other kids, I tried but I never liked them that much. Then things took a turn for the worst.

My dad, our sole provider, killed himself. I remember coming home and seeing police outside. I came in and saw his limp body hanging from the ceiling. I cried that time, because I had lost another family member in my life. I never thought I'd be happy again; meanwhile my mom tried her best to make me happy. My dad had a life insurance policy that gave us three hundred thousand dollars. The house was paid off and we didn't have high utility bills. Then life seemed to normalize, well as much as it usually did.

A few years later when I was sixteen my therapist said I needed a dog, because I was more sociable then. Without one I wouldn't say more than a few things here and there. So I received a trained dog who was supposed to be able to pick up on my emotions, and be there for me. Spot, the trained dog, wasnt what I looked for in a dog. I felt that deep down I needed him more than he needed me. I myself am a canine, a dingo to be more exact. A rare one at that I happen to have a cream colored pelt, not a normal colored pelt.

So now I'm sitting in my therapist's office four years later because Spot died. My mom being concerned called Mr. Thorne, and he called me in and set up an appointment. I have no idea why he wanted to get me here. It sounded really important over the phone but I couldnt get more than that.

"Mr. Woolcok he's ready to see you now," the hot receptionist said.

I just nodded getting up and headed to the door. I walked into his office and motioned for me to sit down. I'd known him for years so he was used to my quietness. He knew I worked at the local library in the quiet part separated from the others. At my own request of course.

"Now Ricky I called you here because I heard Spot died," he started, I nodded my head.

"Well I would prefer it if you had a feral companion. Now the reason I called you here is because I have recently come across something interesting. There has been genetic experimentation, to make feral dogs much more aware to the needs of us and also expanded lifestyles. They now should live as you do and age much more slowly when they are fully grown. There are a few side effects that are hardly worth mentioning. So I am giving you an ultimatum, take a dog or go to a psychiatric ward. Those are your options," he said calmly.

"I'll take the dog," I said quietly.

"As I thought you would. Now her name is Lola. She matches what you need the best. She's a Labrador retriever and she's here right now," I thought they were going to bring out a grown dog but they brought a puppy out. She immediately came up to me and hopped up in my lap. They assured me that even though she was still a puppy she knew what her job was. They left and Dr. Thorne said that she was supposed too go with me everywhere I went. Everything seemed normal, till I got her home.

Now I had got all of the necessary items, a food dish, dog collar, puppy chow, a dog bed and every other thing a new puppy needs. I kept talking to her in there but I was mostly doing it for myself. When I got home I was setting everything up then I heard, "So, who are you?" I didn't get it at first but then I looked at Lola she was looking at me inquisitively. Saying aloud feeling silly, "I'm your new master." "Duh, I mean what's your name," a voice replied in my head. "Well, my names Rick. Am I getting what's going on right now," I asked looking at Lola. "Yes, it's me, I can talk," she said.

"Well, not in a normal sense of the word, your lips aren't moving," I said.

"Yes, well, I suppose that is a little different," she said.

"Do they know that you can do this," I asked.

"The people who made me, yeah they do," she said.

"A guy like Dr. Thorne does he know," I asked

"He knows, he just can't reveal it," she responded.

I turned away getting back to what I was doing, I think I ate something bad. I continued to do what I was doing. Then I was feeling hurt, but it wasnt me it was something else, something different. I finished and I motioned for Lola to hop up on the couch. As soon as I did that the emotion of hurt was gone. I started petting her on the head and scratching her back while she sat in my lap. She looked like she was enjoying it a lot, she was still a puppy but she couldnt be more than a couple of months old. My paw accidently slipped behind her tail when I was paying attention to something else.

"Ooh, that feels good, keep doing that," she said.

"Dogs can't talk," I said and stopped realizing I was pawing her off.

"Aww, dont stop, please. It felt so good," she said.

I put her on the couch beside me and got up and walked away. I was in my room with my computer and went on to my favorite porn sites. It was a favored site of mine. I started to flick my sheath trying to get it to come out, once I had succeeded in that I began to slowly paw off. What I didn't notice however was that Lola had followed me and was watching me. It took about five minutes before I came and thats when I noticed she was there. She was just staring at me, her deep blue eyes looking into mine.

"Having fun," she asked.

"Why must you keep talking? I think I'm having hallucinations I'm calling my doctor," I yelled.

I dialed my therapist's number and his secretary picked up, "Hello. May I ask who is calling?"

"It's Ricky Woolcok. I need to speak with Dr. Thorne right now," I said urgently.

I heard music then someone picked up, "Hello?"

"Jack, it's me Ricky," I said, "I think something's wrong with me."

"Why," he asked.

"I think I'm hearing my dog talking in my head," I said.

"Look Ricky, these new developments have created that. She is talking to you and she understands you, thats all there is to it," he said.

"Why didn't you tell me that you asshole," I said.

"If they truly choose you then they will communicate it to you by talking to you. If thats it I've got to go I can't be late for dinner again my wife's going to kill me. Talk to you next week and bring Lola," he said.

"So," I said talking to her, "you can talk."

"Yes, what is so hard to understand," she demanded.

It was nine p.m. I decided to say, "Look I can't handle this right now so let's just get some food and go to bed."

"Yay, I'm so hungry, what are we having," she asked.

"Well I am having leftover's YOU are having kibble," I said, heading into the kitchen. I could sense some sort of dissatisfaction but I just couldnt handle this right now. I filled her bowl with hand full of kibble and placed a small bowl of water next to it. I went to the fridge and got out a big plastic bowl of spaghetti, it had a dash of oregano, a pinch of chives and other minor spices. It was warmed up in about a minute. I sat there at the table while Lola sat in front of her bowl but she wasn't eating. I could tell something was wrong.

"Problem," I asked.

"No, it's nothing," she said.

"Please don't lie to me," I said.

"I want to eat what you are eating," she said.

"No, you need that to make you strong if you finish that you can have a little bit of mine," I said, she still didn't start eating.

"What else is wrong," I asked.

"I want to eat with you," she whined.

"Fine," I said picking her up and her bowl as well.

As soon as I set her bowl down on the table, she started eating. And she seemed really happy she finished all of her food and I slipped a couple pieces of meatball and spaghetti into her bowl. She happy ate it her tail wagging the entire time. After that I finished and so did she so I decided I'd go back to my room and watch the news.

By the time I turned the TV off it was eleven but I was off work for the weekends so it was fine. I turned the light out and said good night to Lola in the corner of the room curled up in her dog bed. Then she started to whine, this time instead of words I saw an image of my bed in the daylight the green comforter and me laying in it. The next one was one of her alone in a room. I got the hint and picked her up carried her over to my bed and put her in my bed. As soon as I lay back down she lay right up against me.

I woke up with her sitting on my chest and trying to get me up. I didn't hear anything then she said, "I need to go out!"

"Fuck," I thought aloud, it didnt work I just woke up and this can't be a dream because I even pinched myself. So I went to open the back door to a full acre. It was my families' older home out in the city so I decided to move out here and get away from everyone. I moved here because it was easier to take care of dogs.

She ran outside and came back a few minutes later saying, "I'm hungry!"

So I filled her bowl with kibble again and put her on top of the table so she could eat. I sat down thinking it was going to be quiet for a bit. I was wrong of course; she kept talking to me about what we were going to do today, and how much fun we were going to have. I just nodded my head, I mean I'm barely awake and she's going on and on.

"So, what are you wanting to do first," she asked excitedly after finishing her food.

"Huh, oh, um I like to watch the news in the morning then I was thinking about going to get a bagel," I said.

'Oh," she said, her tail drooping and her ears flattened.

"Well, we could go and play fetch at the park, I tend to walk there, and I also like to do something with my hands while I watch TV," I said.

"Really," she said excitedly bounding up to me.

"Yes," I said rubbing a little white patch on her head.

I picked her up and tuned on the TV and sat in an old green couch, one of the sides was broken in and leaning to the right. I liked to sit on the left side and lean my legs in that direction. It was a comfortable couch. I was watching CNN, it wasn't anything I really cared about I just liked to look at the deer with huge tits.

"You're disgusting," she said as her paw hit the up on the remote.

It flipped to another channel this one was the weather channel I said, "Thank you Lola, I wanted to know what the weather was going to be like."

She started to say something but I was scratching behind her ear and she was enjoying it so all that came out was, "Fu Aww yes right there."

Well we continued to watch the news for a few minutes and then I turned it off and slipped he collar with her dog license. I then put the leash on her and we headed out the door. On the way there we came across several hot joggers with huge tits and nice asses. Every time I looked Lola got mad at me. I just ignored it, when we got to the bagel shop I walked on in. I saw a girl I had the biggest crush on in the history of my life but I could never ask her out, I always froze up.

"Hey Ricky, the usual," Valina asked.

"Yeah, um look I don't usually do this but," I hesitated, "w-would you go out with me next Saturday?

"I'll think about it," she said.

I just nodded paid and grabbed my bagel I walked out the door. We walked over to the park I sat down and ate my bagel and I grabbed a tennis ball. I let Lola off of her leash and I threw the ball. She ran off excitedly to get it. We did this for about half an hour, around that time a bigger dog came along and bit her aggressively and took the tennis ball. As soon as that happened I followed that dog to its owner.

When I got there the owner of the dog then didn't even seem to act like they saw it, "Hey, aren't you watching your damn dog!"

"Excuse me you little asshole," the owner said.

"Your dog attacked my dog," I said.

"He did," the owner asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Well maybe you should keep your nose in your own business," the owner said and punched me in the face.

In the minutes that followed I had no idea what happened. I blacked out. I jumped on top of him I started wailing on him. When I came I was being pulled off of him by police furs they were restraining me. I got the guy pretty good it looked like most of the fur was missing from his face and broke his nose. I explained to the officers about the whole thing, they called my therapist confirmed what I said. They then let me go, and I went to Lola and put her leash on and walked her home.

I took her leash off and went into my room closing the door most of the way behind me. I wasn't exactly in the fucking mood to deal with a talking dog right now I don't even care if she was supposed to help me. I just needed to be alone. That fucking guy just got to me; I have to get over it. I waited about an hour and she jumped up onto the bed by hopping up on my computer chair and leaping across two feet to get on the bed.

"I'm concerned," she said.

"About what," I said.

" What you did wasn't exactly smart," she said.

"I wasn't about to let you be picked on by that guy and his dog," I said.

"That doesn't matter I am here for you and you aren't letting me do my job," she said.

"You're just a little squirt, you couldnt possibly understand anything about anything," I yelled.

"That's not true," she yelled indignantly.

"Then what is? Tell me what is," I yelled.

"I lo-," she suddenly cut out.

"You what," I asked suddenly much calmer.

"I can't say. It will affect us both, and you barely know me," she said.

"How will something affect us both," I asked.

"Drop it," she said weakly.

"No, what is it," I asked again.

"Drop it," she said in probably the firmest tone I'd ever heard.

"Fine," I said.

"So why did you decide to fight him," she asked.

"I didn't intend to do it. The guy started it," I said.

"I saw exactly what happened and heard you yelling first. He got defensive and he punched you," she said.

"Exactly, and I blacked out, I was being pulled off of him," I said.

"Yes, but you were losing the anger battle way before that," she said.

"How," I asked.

"You were mad at the owner before you even saw him. You didn't practice any kind of calming technique, you just went over there, and then confronted him," she said.

"You're right, I'm sorry," I said, reaching behind her ears and scratching ever so softly.

"Ooh, that feels good," she said.

I continued petting her for several hours. She just lay there, I swear if she were a cat shed be purring like mad. Then I decided to go and get something to eat. I was stopped by a phone call. It was an unknown number. So I picked up.

"Hello," I said.

"Hi, is this Ricky," a voice came over the other end.

"This is he," I said.

"It's me, Valina," she said.

"Oh, really I just thought you were going to do what every other girl I asked out did," I said genuinely shocked.

"What, just say I'll think about it and not call you. Well anyway I've decided," she announced.

"Ok, what is it," I asked.

"Meet me tonight at The Platinum Dragon say around eight," she said.

"Sounds great," I said.

"See you tonight Ricky," she said happily and hung up.

I could hardly believe I had a date. "My luck is finally changing," I thought to myself. I looked down at Lola who was heading into the kitchen. I couldn't help but notice some was different in her demeanor. I just shrugged it off as nothing and continued into the kitchen. I filled her bowl with kibble and I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich. It was surprisingly a quiet meal. I didn't think I'd be able to have one considering she was a puppy.

"What's wrong," I asked.

"Nothing," she lied.

"Please tell me what's wrong," I said.

"I dont like her," she said.

"Who," I asked.

"Valina, she smells bad," she said.

"Oh, you're just being silly, she's perfectly fine," I sad.

"Yeah, you only think she is because you're infatuated with her," she said disgustedly.

That was the end of the conversation. I didn't listen to her many objections about Valina. I haven't ever been with someone who actually wanted to go out with me. Most of what I had were pity dates, and they ended with them skipping out on me. She's barely old enough to understand anything, especially loneliness.


He is so insensitive but still I love him. I can't believe that he wants to out on a date with that ugly-slutty-bitch. I mean sure he hasn't had a real relationship, but why is he looking for someone else when he has me? Sure maybe I am clingy but I love him and what's not to love about him? I just wish one day he'd come to appreciate what he has with me or I'll never be happy.

Well I have to move on. So we went about our day as usual. He gave me a bath, and it was so invigorating, he was washing my fur in small semi circles, I wish he would have gone further between my legs. He didn't, but it was still great. It was things like that, that made me love him. And then he gently dried my fur, and combed my fur, ever so gently.

The time the date was supposed to be at came too soon. I was sitting next to him under the table to prevent both of them from messing around under the table. I didn't like her I don't know why something seemed off about her. I could smell something about her, a sweet and sour scent something I never smelled before then. I think it was the smell I didn't like. I was listening to their conversation, it was modest enough.

"So you work at the library, that must be a quiet place to work," Ugly-slutty-bitch said.

"Yeah it's pretty quiet there, not much to do just kinda sit there after I place the books back on the shelf. So you work at Marta's Bakery, what's that like," my mate asked.

"Oh it has its ups and downs, you know how it is. It isn't a glamorous job," the Ugly-slutty-bitch replied.

The rest of the meal was like that, occasionally I'd get some scraps. I loved them, the spicy chicken was great. Then we walked home it was more of their needless flirting. I could tell she was planning to do something with him tonight. Needless to say I didn't think it would be appropriate for a first date. This whole thing didn't smell right.

When got back to our home and they were locking lips in what I had to assume was French kissing. I followed them as far as my mate's bedroom door. He closed his bedroom door and I knew what was going through is mind. It was the same thing he felt when he was pulling on his shaft. I cried a little on the inside because it hurt, both emotionally and literally. My Mate mating with someone else wasnt exactly something that felt good.

I sat in front of the door most of the night feeling sorry for myself. I ended up imagining myself in her position, having his shaft inside of me until I felt a burning sensation between my hind legs. I felt the sudden urge to lick right there. So I gave into possibly my more animalistic urges and dug in it felt so good I couldn't stop.

After a few minutes I tasted something sweet. I felt tired and soon drifted off to sleep. I had great dreams it was amazing. My mate and I were doing it doggy style he was passionately kissing me and biting the scruff of my neck and dominating me like I would dreamed of last night. Then I woke up she was leaving and he was filling up a cup and filling it with coffee. I wasn't exactly warm to him at all; I just acted like a dog should.