My Slave Family- Chapter 23

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#23 of My Slave Family (Completed)

Chapter Twenty Three

"Attack on C.I.Z.A.- pt. 2"


Furry Sith Lord

Lou sat in his jeep waiting for Will and Leggo to come running out of the C.I.Z.A. maximum security detention cells. He had calculated the times to best execute the plan and everything had so far been on schedule except they had not reached the surface yet. The agents were probably on their way here and it was getting dangerously close. His cell phone chimed he received a priority text message.


11:23 AM


building is in lockdown

& we can't use elevator

2 surface


virus should have stopped that!

It didn't work

Need new COA


Check with her

2 override system


He was surprised the virus failed; it should have worked with no problem. His hacker friend must be losing his touch. He hoped the female wasn't trying to ruin his plans to free Leggo. She knew the lives of her husband and children were at stake, so it seemed impossible. Maybe the doberman had recognized him even with the eye patch and he sent advanced warning to block their attempt.

He needed a way to close down the surrounding streets in order to buy more time for them to escape. He hoped there was still enough time because he had a contingency in case of a delay and he hoped he wouldn't need to do this. He dialed the number for the police department and got through to dispatch. He was glad he was using his special cell phone because what he was about to do was a federal crime.

"This is dispatch, how may I help you?" The officer asked him sternly and he attempted to disguise his voice to make himself sound like a terrorist.

"This is Omar Hejek Saloob Nafar Jakar, I have planted a bomb and am going to blow up you Capitalist Pigs at..." He recited the address and hoped they would quickly block the streets leading here to buy what little time it could.

"Leggo, I need you to stay here and hide because I gotta get a hold of my accomplish and hope she can unlock this place." Will said and Leggo nodded then hid under the desk. He felt it better to follow Will's directions since Lou was in direct contact with him. He hated that he had to follow directions but having been a prisoner here he knew these guys do not mess around and he couldn't just charge blindly and expect to not get recaptured.

He had been dreaming of Lou and his arms were aching to hold him. Lou could beat his hide until it was black and blue and it wouldn't matter what his husband did to him. As long as they were together again with their sons. He wanted to bury his face in the red deer's chest and sob like a cub because he missed them so much and was dying to know how they were doing.

Will ran and avoided being stopped by agents trying to round up the escaped prisoners. It took him longer than it should have but he made his way to Gele's office and poked his head inside.

"We have a problem," he said and she flinched as she looked at him wondering why he had not escaped yet.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She shouted.

"The entire building is in lockdown, we can't get out." He retorted.

"Shit, I thought that fool had us covered?" she said, referring to Lou and Will was in no mood to argue about it.

"Is there a way we can get out or not?" he asked impatiently.

"Not without resetting the system. You get back to the elevator and I'll restart the system so you can take the elevator up then once you get there text me to let me know and I'll shut everything down with the virus again." she replied.

"Copy," he replied and she impatiently looked at him.

"What are you waiting for? GO! There are agents on their way here and if you're not out before they arrive, it's game over!" she screamed and Will started running trying to make his way back to the elevator.

"Oh my paws, what are you doing here?" The tiny wolf stopped him and his larger boyfriend observed the tiger suspiciously.

"Sorry, but I had to check on Gele to make sure she was safe." he lied.

"She's fine now, get your little tush back to the elevator or so help me, both of us will give you a spank." The tiny wolf replied and the larger wolf smiled evilly at Will. Will ran off at full speed not wanting to test if the tiny wolf was joking or not. He was not worried about the tiny wolf but his boyfriend scared the fur off of Will.

The agents sped in their cars on the way towards the parking garage when a police officer held out a stop sign and the car came to a complete stop with their wheels squeaking.

"We're federal agents! Why are you stopping us?" the agent in the first car yelled at the officer.

"Wow that was fast, didn't think you boys would arrive until a little bit later." The officer replied. He was a bull dog and his cheeks looked as if they were drooping off his maw.

"One of our offices is under attack. Why are you obstructing us?" The agent said and gave a cold hard look at the officer.

"Wait, you're not here about the bomb threat?"

"Bomb threat? What are you talking about?!!"

"A bomb threat was called in by a known terrorist claiming he was going to blow up a school, killing hundreds of innocent cubs. We're in the process of evacuating them to safety. We were informed the 'Furries' were arriving to take charge. Guess that's not you guys." The officer said. The term 'Furries' was a nickname given to Furry Department of Investigation agents or FDI.

"Close, but we're different agents. If you'll kindly wave us through."

"Hold it right there!" A Furries agent replied and held up his badge as he approached. The agent in the car groaned and he took his C.I.Z.A. badge out of his pocket.

"Why are you here C.I.Z.A.?" the furries asked after giving him back his badge.

"As I was trying to explain to the officer here, we received a report that one of our local branch offices is under attack and we need to get through to provide back up." A couple of other C.I.Z.A. agents jumped out their vehicles and approached flashing their badges to find out what the delay was.

"Patch me through to your boss because we have a bomb threat by a known terrorist and the attack on your base may be a smokescreen to keep agents away from here so the bombing can go through." The Furries replied.

"That's absolutely stupid, agent. No disrespect but our department has nothing to do with local threats. We deal with foreign affairs and barring our path only puts our own agents in jeopardy." one of the agents that ran up said to the FDI agent.

"I can appreciate that, however these matters may be connected and cooperation between our organizations may be key to solving this mess." The furries replied calmly.

"Enough of this! We're going through and if you want to file charges go ahead, but we'll also be filing charges that you're out here obstructing us on our way to an emergency with one of our offices." The agent in the car replied and started up his car and drove off. The other agents sneered and returned to their cars and drove off after the first one.

"Hope the deer appreciates what I did for him. If I knew being an actor pretending to be a FDI agent was going to be this annoying I'd have never agreed." He sent a quick text to Lou explaining he held them as long as he could and they were on their way again.

"Leggo, Leggo," Will shouted as he returned to the elevator. The wolf climbed out of his hiding place as Will's cell phone was beeping that he was receiving text messages. Will was trying to send a text to Gele to tell her they were in place while Lou was warning that the agents would be arriving in a few minutes.

Gele sat at her computer and once her phone texted her of Will's arrival she quickly turned off the virus and released the lock down. The interior lights up instantly and the agents running around trying to catch the prisoners, took a minute to adjust their vision when the power being fully restored.

Will and Leggo got inside the elevator and made their way towards the surface. Will sent a quick reply to Lou telling him they were on their way out. The ride felt like it was taking forever but finally they got out and Will texted Gele that they had escaped. She started the visus back up and the chaos broke out again as the rounded up prisoners again escaped the cells and the agents had to round them up a second time.

"Guys, over here!!!" Lou shouted as he jumped out of his jeep and Will and Leggo ran over.

"Oh my paws, I thought we'd never get outta there." Will complained but Lou had grabbed hold of Leggo and they kissed passionately. Will turned and saw them then immediately stopped talking. He was quickly losing patience as the kiss was dragging on and he was thinking about how Lou kept warning of the agents arriving.

"Guys, guys, we're short on time, can you save it for later?!" Will urged and they forced themselves to separate.

"I brought you clothes, you can change on the way." Lou replied then he turned to Will. "I set coordinates on the GPS. follow it so we can get our sons." Lou ordered as they climbed into the Jeep. Will climbed into the front seat while the other two took to the back.

"Drive carefully because we don't want to look suspicious." Lou said but Will rolled his eyes as Leggo began to undress and put on the clothes Lou had brought.

"Then you two better not be making love back there because it'll be a dead giveaway." Will retorted.

"I've missed looking at you and I can't get enough." Lou told Leggo and he started wagging his tail.

"Wait until we get home, I got a lot of lovin' to give you." Leggo replied and Lou grabbed his head and had it lay on his lap and he carefully petted his head. If Leggo was a house cat he'd be purring.

The jeep carefully drove off as the agent arrived and prepared their firearms to enter the building. They waited for the UFur with the doberman and the agents that had their cars sabotaged to arrive and then the doberman used an override code to end the lock down and the agents stormed in to help contain the situation.

The doberman barked orders at the agents as he restored order to the base. He had a couple of the agents begin a security count to find out if any prisoners had escaped. Unknown to him the virus Lou had downloaded into his phone was downloading the files that infected his cell phone to any computer that he stood next to long enough for it to fully download. The virus then began to infect the network they were on and sent alerts to FDI.

"Gele? What are you doing here?" he asked her when he found her hiding under her desk. She knew about the virus the doberman was uploading and she quickly canceled it from her computer. The last thing she wanted was 'that' to be uploaded to her, implicating her in the deer's revenge tactics. All things considered the deer was a sharp one and he would have made a good agent.

"Thank my paws, it's you!" She said, taking a deep breath. "All hell broke loose when I tried searching my emails... What's this about an email being sent out that I wasn't made privy to?!" She said angrily then stepped close to hug the doberman. He was a little awkward but gave her a slight hug back then pushed her delicately away.

"What are you talking about?" he asked

"That tiger couldn't find his outfit for the newscast, it somehow went missing and we came back here only to hear that it was sent somewhere due to an email everyone, except me, received. Then everything shuts down and prisoners start escaping... and I hid to get out of the crossfire." She said, making sure her voice was panicking.

"Who told you an email was sent out?" the doberman asked, looking at her confused.

"The husky that was in charge. He told me about an email when he questioned why I was here." Gele replied.

"Damn it! How'd he get inside!" The doberman screamed and she looked at him blankly.

"What are you talking about?" she asked

"There are no huskies stationed to work here. So how did one get inside?" he barked. Gele tried not to smile because she suddenly realized the deer had been playing with them. She vaguely remembered that when she was looking at the pictures on the Arabian wolf's phone an agent had come down and checked in without saying a word. The little wolf was so busy he probably wasn't really paying attention but she guessed the deer sent him in to run a distraction for her. He had a couple of actors on standby he hired in case he needed to delay the agents from the motel showing up at the parking garage.

He had managed to keep his word and make sure no one pointed any fingers at her when she helped free his husband. She really wanted to laugh but she knew she had to keep her expression to one of seriousness. She just agreed with her earlier assumption regarding the deer and he would have indeed made an excellent agent when it came to planning things out.

A German Shepherd agent approached holding a small notebook as he approached.

"Excuse me sir, all inmates have been accounted for except for the White Fox." he told the doberman but the doberman didn't seem surprised.

"Any staff unaccounted for? Maybe a strange Siberian Husky was found inside." Gele asked and the doberman nodded to her.

"I'll check immediately." he responded and went off leaving Gele and the doberman to finish their conversation.

"So let me see if I got this straight. Somehow Mr. Cervus- D, the husband of our White Fox and the father of the 2 white cubs, we've been after, learns about two of our bases. He sets up a distraction to keep us from getting inside the motel while he calls in a bomb threat, knowing the roads to here will be blocked, so he can send in someone to pretends to be the agent in charge and gets an email, infected with malware and a virus, to be read by the agents here. This virus breaches our system and he escapes with his husband." The doberman recited.

"I must admit that is pretty impressive for a civilian." Gele replied. The doberman's cell phone beeped that he had received a text message. He opened it and his phone began to talk with a generic female voice.

"Knight Takes Queen." The voice repeated over and over again and the image on the text was a White Queen chess piece that had a red circle and a line going through it that at 1 second intervals was there and then disappeared and returned again to restart the cycle.

The doberman dropped his phone and walked away yelling and screaming his frustration. Gele picked up his phone to look at it as it continued to repeat the phrase 'Knight Takes Queen."

She chuckled to herself because the deer really knew how to rub it in. Then she noticed something else. The wording was 'knight takes queen' but not check or checkmate! It seemed the deer had some other plans in motion and he was not finished with C.I.Z.A.... yet.

A few hours later Lou removed the last red collar from Gele kid's necks then he turned to face her.

"As insurance in case you might try to apprehend me I put in a fail safe. Your husband's collar will short circuit in two hours and fall out becoming unusable. No hard will come to him, however if you do try and apprehend me now the orders I gave will make things 'fatal' for him." Lou said.

"I figured you had a trick or two up your sleeve." She replied calmly.

"Are you sure you don't want the job I offered?" he asked

"No, my job is everything to me. However I do want to thank you for setting up the husky to be the fall guy so no one suspects I was involved." she replied.

"I think it's clear that we both value our families and would do anything to keep them safe. Hopefully we shall not meet again." Lou said as he made his way towards the door.

"Or that we meet under better circumstances." she retorted. They made their way outside and her kids were playing but when they Lou they backed away in fear and he tried to not let it bother him but Gele could tell it was eating him up inside.

She saw Will sitting in the driver seat of a jeep and she talked over to him and squeezed his paw and he looked shocked at her. A white lion cub sat next to Will in the passenger seat while Leggo held a sleeping white tiger with the wolf's arms and legs wrapped around him protectively. Lou climbed in the back seat next to his lover.

"Will's really a nice guy, I hope you can find it in your heart to release him and maybe help him the way you did me." Gele replied softly to Lou he looked at her with a brief look of confusion then he smiled at her as Will started the jeep up and they drove off.

"Where to now?" Leggo asked.

"We drop off Will then head to one of my vacation resorts. We'll need to lie low for a few days because I'm sure C.I.Z.A. will be looking for us once they get themselves together."

"You drive like an old woman!" Lyon argued with Will. When they picked up the cubs Lyon had called shotgun and the whole ride to Gele's house Lyon was picking on Will. For the most part Will took it in stride and argued back at him as if they were playmates. Lou only vaguely listened now as he focused on Leggo. He observed him hungrily like a species that was starving or one that had been lost in a desert and wanted water badly.

When they first picked up the cubs, Lyon took it upon himself to question Will. He was trying to find out if Will was the one that had sold his older brother. Will tried to convince him that although he was a tiger they were not related. Lyon didn't seem convinced so he argued with him the whole way. Lou couldn't tell if Will enjoyed it or was just trying to not let a cub outdo him.

Tyger was still sick and when Leggo held him he instantly fell asleep in his arms. Leggo was even keeping Lou away as if he felt it was his duty to protect his son. It made Lou love his husband more but he did feel left out in a way.

"My grandpa fell in love with them. I can't believe you got him to watch them." Leggo said.

"He wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. It seems like you may have been wrong about him." Lou replied.

"Well he made his feelings pretty clear when I first told him about us."

"About that, we had a long talk and some of the stuff you told me he denies." Lou replied calmly.

"Then he's lying!" Leggo snapped.

"Was he? Or did you over react as he was asking questions you were not comfortable answering.?"

"So what are you saying?" Leggo asked and Lou put his hoof on Leggo's knee and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"That he loves his grandson and his great grandsons and he wants to get to know me. He wants us in his life and although I told him you and I would discuss it, what I'm telling you is that he deserves that. We owe it to Lyon and Tyger to have someone like your grandfather in their lives. Punish me all you want but I'm not budging on this. I'm merely telling you all this so you can be a part and we can all start over.

I wish my father was alive so he could meet my sons and I'm not sure how he'd feel about them but I know he loved me, in his own way, and maybe he'd love them too. Everyday I miss my father and I'd give anything if I could spend one more day with him. Sadly that's not possible and I can only hope that if there is an afterlife then he's watching me and he's proud of the deer I've become." Lou said and he began to wipe tears from his eyes.

"He was really good with the boys and since he gave them a chance, then I can give him a chance too." Leggo said softly and Lou grabbed his hands and gave it another squeeze. He had always suspected that Leggo's grandfather hadn't said the things that Leggo told him.

He knew that coming out to others was one of the hardest things he had ever had to do. There was no personal shame in being a boy who liked other boys yet for some reason Leggo had been ashamed. He must have felt out of place because all the boys around him like girls. It might explain why he was always by himself and had the whole lone wolf mystic about him.

As far as Lou remembered it was he that made the first move and opened up to Leggo. That was the catalyst he needed in order to finally admit the truth and moved their relationship forward.

To Be Continued...