Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 13

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#13 of Virtual Friendship

Virtual Friendship is the latest in the Future Orr stories, centering around Trevor Orr and some of his close friends within his Cocky Bastard Guild in the Lands of Farr.

Trevor goes tgo some extremes to find his friends, and Nori wakes up tied up with people asking him questions.

if you want to read ahead of everyone else, the complete story is available on my Patreon

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A hand ran down Trevor's back as a plate piled with steaming ham, eggs, pancakes and syrup is placed before him. "Eat up," Eric whispered, before nipping at his neck. Trevor leaned against his father. Moaning lightly. He didn't have to force it, even if moving to the table from the bed had required acting enthusiastic about it. All he'd wanted to do was slip into his lobby and look for Nori or for indications of what had happened to Horace.

Thomas' hand massaged Trever's balls, as he ate with his free hand. Trevor began eating, pausing when Tony sucked him off. Once Trevor's plate was empty, it was replaced with Tucker, who he sucked off, then Trevor was moved onto the table, when his father fucked him, then he sucked off Tyson, as Tucker fucked him. After that, his brothers and other relatives left to attend to their duties, finally leaving Trevor alone.

He didn't bother getting off the table, he entered his lobby and dove into the network.

"Don't you have a job to go to?" Uncle asked.

"I'm taking a day off, it should please everyone." He brought up an update for Nori, the storm was still disrupting communication, but it was passing.

"This is you Trevor, everyone's going to think you're sick."

"Everyone was in my house, they know I'm fine. What did you get?"

"Very little. I was able to punch through the interference long enough to warn your friend, and he ran, but they chased him. The few times I got into their local network I couldn't stay long enough to locate him or his pursuer. Things are getting better, so I'm hoping to make it in soon, but there's no telling what happened through the night. A lot of their wireless communications depend on local towers that might be down." Uncle growled. "They need to get their head out of their asses and join the twenty-seventh century, everyone of their interface should be directly connected to the planetary network."

"Good luck with that one. We're already lucky they recognize the need to stay in contact with the rest of us and have a few towers connecting to it." Trevor noticed a ping. "One of them is back online." He sent an update request. "It has a handful of implants within range. Not Nori's. Are you able to go deeper and see anything useful?"

"I can, but there's nothing there. Opposite side of the island from where I last saw your friend." More grumbling. "How loudly will Terry complain, do you think, if I borrow some of our excavating equipment and get a hard line setup from us to each and every independent island? I should use their own hard line communication to get into everything. I could probably find where the Anarchist are hiding these days doing that."

"Since when do you bother asking Terry?" Trevor queried the next three towers, with similar results, they were up and running, the storm now weak enough the signals were going through, but they were too far apart, so weren't a unified network yet.

"Because when one of the other corporations notices what I'm doing and they come complaining to him about how we're invading sovereign territories, and if we're going to do it they should too. If he doesn't know about it, he's going to erase me."

"Try to."

"Do you have any idea how annoying it is to send myself here from the Mercury? And then I have to go through my cashes to rebuild what happened since I sent an update?"

"Can't Caduceus hide a copy of yourself?"

"Probably, but we're not quite at that level of our friendship."

Something pinged in Trevor's sight. Nori's ID. He focused on it. A message received by some local authority. He didn't bother with it. He was backtracking it through the towers to the origin point, Uncle in tow. With the origin tower located he accessed the businesses, looking for anything that tracked IDs, unfortunately, Nori was part of the Independents who kept technology external. So no automated ID sensors on doors and advertising display.

Uncle was flying through the security feeds.

"Got them." He pulled up a feed of people exiting a vehicle. They were careful with someone they carried. Then had to fight with the door." Trevor didn't understand, until he realized they weren't independents, and had expected the door to open at a mental command.

Uncle took a still out of the feed, ran algorithm to clean it up, then pulled information on the five people around Nori. Criminal records, gang affiliation, known associates. Trevor skimmed through the information, noting commonalities between some of them, but nothing useful.

"Who do we have on the island?" he demanded.

"No one," Uncle replied. "I've dispatched someone, but it's going to be a few hours."

"Uncle, they could kill him in that time!"

"Trevor, if they wanted him dead, they'd already done it. I suspect that unlike what the false Bobby told you, he doesn't have every part of this puzzle he's looking to solve. So long as your friend withholds the information, he will be safe."

* * * * *

Nori's return to consciousness came with pains and aches. Whatever he'd fallen asleep on was uncomfortable, with bits poking in his back, arms and legs. His eyes didn't want to open and there was the annoying buzzing. Had he fallen asleep with a record playing? The buzzing almost sounded like voices.

Pain erupted in his face.

"Wake up, I don't have all day, you know," A woman said, and Nori was looking at dachshund, with knots in her fur. Something artisanal he decided more than a lack of hygiene.

"We do have all day," someone else commented. "Its not like anyone knows were here."

Nori turned to look and realized his arms were tied to the chair, as were his legs, and he was in one uncomfortable chair. He wriggled in it, trying to dislodge whatever was pushing in his back.

"The boss does want what he's got sooner rather than later," She said.

"The boss said to just inject him, and bring him back," the other, a bear by the little Nori made out at the edge of his vision, said. "You're the one looking to impress him by being proactive."

"Well, you think he'd rather wait two years to get what he wants, if he can have it right now?" She asked.

"So long as you don't kill the rat, I doubt he's going to care, so get on with it. I want to get back somewhere civilized."

Nori craned his neck and thought there were others at the back of the room, where the light came in. He heard falling rain, but no wind, so the storm was almost gone. He reflexively reached for his interface, but his arms were tied.

"You don't have your toys," the dachshund said, indicating a table where his visor and interface laid. "But don't worry about those. What you need to worry about is what I'm going to do to you if you don't tell me what I want to know." She took out a knife from a sheath at her hip, and the edge glowed white as she moved it close to Nori's head.

He pushed back as much as he could, feeling the heat radiating off it. "Are you fucking crazy, lady?"

"Now, that's not a nice thing to say," she said sounding offended

"You are holding a hotblade to his face for no reason," the bear commented.

"I'm impressing on him the importance that he does what I tell him."

"I'm impressed, I'm impressed!" Nori yelled. "Get that thing away from me."

"See." She moved the knife away. "Why do you always question my methods?"

"I'm not questioning anything," the bear answered.

She beamed. "Now, Your name is Nori Maeda, is that correct?"

"It is," he replied, eying the still glowing knive.

"And you were a friend of Bobby Powers."

"I'm still his friend."

"Oh dear, I guess no one told you. Bobby Power is no more."

Nori stared at her, the implication sinking in and he felt sick. "You killed him?"

"Oh no. I never even laid a finger on him. There was a," she trailed off. "Help me here Victor."

"A change in ownership," the bear answered.

"I like that. There was a change in ownership," she repeated.

"What does that even mean?" Nori was starting to question these people's sanity.

"It means the Bobby Powers you knew is no more, but the new Bobby Powers needs something the old one sent you."

Nori stared at her. "What are you talking about?"

"Please don't be difficult. While we don't know what he sent you. We know he sent you something from that game you play."

"The Lands of Farr," the bear added.

""The Lands isn't 'a game I play'," Nori said, offended. How dare they talk like that about the Lands. "It's the best game out--" The knife approaching silenced him.

"You're getting side tracked. I don't care about some game you like. I want the file the Bobby, your friend Bobby, sent you."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Okay, that isn't going to work," the bear said, approaching.

"Hold on, Victor," she said, raising a hand to stop him. "He's just playing hard to get. You know how these types are. They always needs some incentive." She focused on Nori, moving the knife closer. "Isn't that right?"

"Fuck lady, if I knew what you were talking about I'd tell you, okay? Just take the knife away." He craned his neck to look at the bear. "Get the crazy bitch away from me."

"I don't think he knows," the bear said.

"Of course he knows. He got the file, just like the others."

"Lady, I get hundreds of file a day, how do you expect me to keep track of one, even if it was send by a friend of mine? I have too many to--"

I do not consent.

Nori swallowed.

"I think you're remembering now."

It had sounded trite when he'd seen it, attached to the file, and Nori had forgotten about it. He'd even forgotten about the one David had sent him. Now, with this crazy bitch holding a knife close enough to singe his fur. It was sounding like something entirely different. Bobby was an Orr citizen, and they made a big deal of consent.

"I don't consent," he squeaked.

The surprise told him she understood, and he thought that maybe he was going to get out of this, but her expression hardened.

"Oh baby, I don't give a fuck if you consent or not. That there just told me you know what I want, and I'm going to get it out of you even if I have to carve it out piece by piece. So you should just tell me now and avoid yourself the pain."

Nori shook his head, lips closed tight. He thought he'd just pissed himself, but if Bobby had gone to that extreme not to tell them, he wouldn't dishonor his guild mate and friend by telling them.

The pain as the knife sliced into him ripped a scream out of him and left him panting and crying.

"Fuck I hate it when you do that," the bear said.

"Don't worry," she replied, "I know his type. All brave until they deal with some pain. Isn't that right, honey. Now, how about you tell me where the file is."

Nori swallowed as he eyed the knife, but managed to shake his head.

"Time for you to scream again then." The knife came at Nori's side.

"Stop! I'll tell you!" Nori yelled.

She beamed at the bear. "What did I say?"

The bear joined her. "Okay, fine, your method worked. Now, kid, where's the file."

Nori began speaking as the wall behind him exploded.

The bear cursed as fragments of glass and plaster rained down on them. "I told you we should have injected him and just left with him." He pressed an injector against Nori's neck, then ran to deal with whatever the commotion was.

What was the injection? Nori fought to get out of the chair, doing his best to ignore the pain, but the restraints wouldn't bulge. Even the chair didn't move. He needed to get out of it, because he didn't want to be around when the cause of the explosion was done dealing with the others.

What had Bobby gotten in the middle of? What had he gotten the guild into?

A shadow loomed over Nori and he stilled. The form that stepped around the chair was massive and utterly black. Nori shook. He'd heard stories of secret teams run by the corporations, his father loved to go on and on about them. All in black, no identifying marks or tags. They did all the dirty work the corporations didn't want the Independents to know about. And worse, in his father's eyes. They didn't respect Independent sovereignty.

Nori had always thought his father was paranoid.

"Nori Maeda?" the form asked, the voice distorted to hide the gender of the speaker.

He nodded. He hadn't meant to, but his fear was in control now and he suspected that if the form told him to cut his neck open, he'd obey.

"You don't have to be afraid anymore. I'm with the Orr Special Forces. I'm here to rescue you."

Of course this massive form was here to rescue him. That made complete sense after being chased through the city, attacked, drugged and stabbed.

"Oh," he said. "Okay." And promptly passed out.

* * * * *

"You are in so much trouble," Tucker said as he escorted Trevor through a section of the corporate tower he'd never been into before. His brother sounded far to happy with it. "I don't think even dad will be able to save you from Terry's wrath."

"Has he deleted Uncle?"

"Not yet, he's a little busy explaining to an Independent Island why it is we dropped a special force team without first asking their permission."

"Why are you so happy about this?"

"Because this is exactly what you deserve for doing this without me. I'm your brother, and you go and tell Morison to send someone? What happened? I'm no longer good enough to drop from orbit to enact a rescue?"

"Uncle was concerned you'd do exactly that on a populated island," Trevor answered.

"They have to have some section that doesn't have anyone living there, right? Some piece of their island in need of urban renewal? I wouldn't have destroyed too much."

"And now I'm doubly happy Uncle went with someone else."

"Joking aside," Tucker said, tone serious. "Are you sure you want to do this? Terry will torture you for this whole thing, there's no need for you to torture yourself"

"I can't leave him alone, wondering what's going on."

"I can have someone sent in to keep him company. Does your friend prefer men or women?"

"He doesn't care either way, but I'm not having strangers keep him company. I owe him some explanation."

Tucker glanced at Trevor. "Just remember how most of you reacted when you found out the truth about Theo."

"This isn't the same."

"Keep telling yourself that, Trev." Tucker stopped by a door, which opened to reveal a well appointed room with a bed, food preparation area and workspace With a rat getting up, a mix of worry and surprise on his face. Tucker handed Trevor the interface and visor then motioned for him to enter.

The door closed behind Trevor, and the rat looked at him cautiously.

"Hi, Nori, I'm Trevo--"

"Trev!" Nori was hugging him. "They got to you too? Are you okay?"

"I'm good." He returned the hug. "I'm glad you're okay Nori." He gave the rat the interface and visor. "I doubt you'll have access to a lot in here. But I figure you'll be more comfortable having those."

"Thanks." Nori put them on, but kept looking at Trevor. "Do you know what's going on? Why are special forces coming to our rescue? What did Bobby get involve in?"

"You should sit down." Trevor indicated the chair Nori had stood from.

"I'd rather know what's going on, Trev."

Trevor nodded. "You were rescued by Orr Special Forces because I sent them to rescue you."

Nori found the chair and dropped into it.

"You sent them?"

Trevor nodded again and took a breath. "My name isn't Trevor Packesh. It's Trevor Orr."