A Lord and His Maid Part One

Story by Zygarde22 on SoFurry

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#1 of A Lord and His Maid

So this is probably one of the oldest stories I've worked on that wasn't fan fiction related. This is a remake of that old story now in my current writing style and I think it's pretty good. I hope people like it and if you want a commission PM me I still got 14 slots open, and the window is closing before I close them for the month of August then I'll be off the entire month to prevent burnout.

The sound of water splashing against stone hollowly through the large bathroom. At its center, a large basin was being filled with water, one bucket at a time. Humming to themselves was a kobold who was pouring the buckets into the basin, filling it nearly to the top. She then touched a small glyph under the basin and a small flame rose from it, heating the bath up to a temperature suitable for bathing in the cold climates of Chalaco. Waiting for the flames to die down, the kobold then grabbed an assortment of oils, perfumes, and soaps for her master to use when bathing. And it seemed she finished just in time as her master walked into the bathing room. She watched intently as he walked inside. She could smell the sweat from his time on the training field today wafting in the air, a musky order that made her feel lightheaded, in a good way.

"I hope Master Skjaldulfsson finds the bath agreeable." Goka said happily, as she bowed to the ulv. He looked at her with an appreciative smirk as he walked towards the bath. He dipped his clawed hand into the water to test the temperature, and a satisfied grin appeared on his face.

"You did indeed, my dear maid," the wolf said as he discarded his clothing. Goka turned away. If her body allowed her to, she'd probably blush. Her master, Lord Skjaldulfsson, was a very attractive man. At eight feet tall he was on the taller end of most ulv's, he had the build of a well-trained warrior and it showed. She was about to leave when Skjaldulfsson spoke up again, "My dear Goka, would you mind staying and helping me bath." Skjaldulfsson said, his deep voice echoing in the confines of the bathroom. Goka felt her heart skip a beat as he said this.

"O-Of course master Skjaldulfsson." The kobold said as she turned. Luckily he was already submerged in the warm water so she didn't have to see him naked, not that she would mind it's just... she was not sure if she could contain herself if that happened.

"And Goka, remember in private I'd like you to call me Øysten." Øysten said happily as he waited for her to make her way to the bath. Goka hurriedly trotted to the basin in the middle of the room, and she grabbed one of the oils and poured it into the water. She massaged some of it into her master's back, arms, and shoulders; she could hear the wolf let out a sigh of relief as the kinks, knots, and scars of that day's training sessions seemed to melt and ebb away.

"How was your training today, my lord?" Goka asked. Trying to ignore how hot she was getting. Despite being cold-blooded, she could still feel the heat of her own arousal. She had been attracted to Øysten for a long time, probably just as long as they'd known each other.

"Good, I'm not sure why my father insists on training me in rapier combat, but it has been a stimulating exercise." Øysten said happily as Goka continued to wash his fur, she soon added some perfumes to the mix to get rid of the smell of sweat from training, loth as she might to get rid of that wonderful odor it would be unbecoming of the son of a Thegn to smell like the training grounds all day.

"Good to hear, master," Goka said. She then felt Øysten's clawed hand reach up the base of her arm. Her breath hitched a bit as she felt it trace her forearm, stopping near the cuff of her maid's dress, "M-Master?" Goka asked wondering what Øysten was doing, he moved, so that he was facing her, he looked his maid up and down, she was wearing the maids' uniform of the estate, but to Øysten it looked especially lovely on Goka, the way it hugged her body and showed off her subtle curves. Though that may be his own admiration for the kobold coloring his perception of her body. To Øysten, she was the epitome of femininity.

"You know Goka... Of all the woman I've met and befriended in my life," Øysten said as he trailed his hands up her arm and towards her face, cupping her face, her emerald scales felt cold against his fur, but he didn't mind, "You're the most beautiful."

"M-Master...." Goka said as she felt Øysten's lips near hers only a few inches separated their lips from touching, from him kissing her and doing something she'd been wanting for years now, she could feel his hot breath against her cool scales, it sent shivers down her spine.

"Call me Øysten." Øysten said as he kissed her. Goka was surprised at first, but soon leaned into the kiss, deepening it as their eyes closed in. Goka wrapped her arms around the broad chest of the ulv. He pulled her closer to her, his wet fur getting her outfit wet as well. She then felt his hands snake its way up her thigh and towards her wet panties. She gasped into the wolf's mouth as she felt his clawed finger rubbed at the lips of her pussy through the cloth of her panties.

"Øysten!" Goka moaned out in ecstasy as he continued to tease her outer lips, he then whispered in her ear holes, his voice was as soft, yet strong voice echoed in her ears.

"I can smell it," He whispered softly. He pushed his clawed fingers into her snatch, drawing another moan from the kobold as he played with her. "Your arousal. Your want." Øysten said hungrily as he kissed her neck. Goka let out another moan as he sunk his canines into her emerald scales. She clung to his white chest fur. She was probably wetter than her master at this point. His fingers plunged in and out of her snatch, faster and faster. She was surprised at how far he could finger her through her panties.

"Do you know how I've longed to have you Goka?" Øysten growled into her ears, this sent another shiver down her spine like before as he got up, she looked down and saw his now erect canine cock, the way it twitched and throbbed with a want, "How I've longed to make you mine." Øysten said as he pinned her against a nearby wall, her breath leaving her.

"M-Master! We-Not here!" Goka shouted. Øysten took a moment to breathe and looked Goka in the eyes, shame in his face as he did.

"I-I'm sorry Goka I...." He couldn't find the words, he'd nearly done something he might not have been able to take back. He dropped her and the kobold gave him a look.

"Leave me for the time being I need to... I need to calm down." Øysten said. Goka nodded as she left the soft clacks of her feet against the stone floor of the bathing room. When he heard the door open and then close again, he punched at the ground in frustration. On the other side of the door, Goka was clutching at her chest. Her heart was beating a million miles a minute. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She and Ma- Øysten had almost made love in the bathroom, of all places. Part of her wished she didn't stop him, but she knew that someone would come to check on him if he took too long. She then looked at her uniform and saw it was dripping wet, she'd need to change and then finish the rest of the chores she had assigned to her as head maid.

The hours would pass and Goka had changed and did the rest of her work until she was about to retire to her quarters when another one servant, a human by the name of Myron, had approached her with a letter from Øysten.

"Master Skjaldulfsson wished for me to deliver this to you Miss Goka." Myron said as he left. It was a letter with the official house seal of House Skjaldulfsson adorning it. She carefully broke the wax seal and read the letter, and her heart had nearly skipped a beat as she did. Øysten was inviting her to a private dinner tomorrow, to discuss what had transpired that day. She swallowed, she didn't have many clothes that were worthy of a private dinner with a future Thegn but she would try to scrounge something up, in the meantime she was not to let the other servants know of this meeting, lest some unsavory rumors fly about the two of them. That night when she went to bed, her dreams were filled with images of Øysten, of them together in intimate ways.

The next day Øysten had asked Goka to accompany him to the training grounds to take car of his needs as he trained with Swordmistress Frigga, she'd done this a few times before it mostly comprised keeping a towel ready to help if he sweated, a few bandages and other items in case they got injured and to keep the barrel of water they used to drink refreshed. What she didn't expect was for Øysten to do the entire session shirtless.

"Come now Frigga! Is that all you've got!" Øysten said as he swirled his rapier around a few times, an obvious show to impress Goka if she'd ever seen one, He'd just scored a point against the Swordmistress in their duel a moment ago, which annoyed the older she-wolf a great deal.

"Remember young Lord, 'Pride commeth before the fall.'' She reiterated an old human proverb that had proved quite popular among the Ulv. Frigga readied her sword, and the two clashed again, Goka always loved watching Øysten dual, the way his body seemed to move like water against opponents, despite his large size he could be surprisingly graceful on his feet, dodging deftly away from attacks, parrying with great speed, and showing just why he was such an accomplished sword fighter. He dodged out of the way of Frigga's blade. He then parried another strike from her, keeping his composure as he did. Then he saw Goka and he paused for a moment and was tagged by Frigga, much to his embarrassment.

"I believe that is my point, young Lord." Frigga said satisfied for having taken down Øysten down a peg. He rolled his eyes a bit, and she could see a slight red tinge in his fur when he saw Goka laughing at the situation. The training went off without much incident afterwards, with Øysten managing to keep himself from getting too distracted by the kobold maid that he'd grown quite fond of. The rest of the day went by with little incident, with Goka and Øysten continuing much of their duties, but in the back of their minds the liaison they had planned for later that night weighed heavily in their minds, especially Goka's. She had found a dress that was somewhat fancy and sequestered it away and prepared for the evening. When the time for their meeting near close, Goka made sure none of the other servants saw her in her dress and headed towards Øysten's room where the two of them would be meeting.

She knocked on his door and was greeted by the ulv standing in his fanciest clothing. He looked down and smiled at her.

"I'm glad you could make it, Goka," Øysten said as he welcomed Goka inside to his bedchamber. Øysten's bedroom was one of the largest in the manor. He kept it cleaner than most young lords did, with him mostly using it to sleep and train, as such the decorations for the room were rather spartan, still he had a table set up in the middle with a glass of wine and two plates of food ready. He pulled out a seat, and she took it sitting across from Øysten who poured her a glass of wine, "You look lovely tonight." Øysten said happily. Goka, if she could blush, probably would.

"T-Thank you Øysten." Goka said as she took a sip of the wine, it was a red wine that she remembered tasting once when she was at a party for the servants that Øysten had been too, she was surprised he remembered it so long after these years.

"I... I wanted to apologize for yesterday in the bath," Øysten said she could see the embarrassment, and slight hurt on his eyes the thought that he might have done something wrong to her weighed heavily on him it seems, "I shouldn't have done that but I...." Øysten couldn't find the words. Goka reached across the table as best she could, taking Øysten's hands in hers. He looked at her and his heart nearly melted when he saw her smile.

"It's okay, I kinda wanted it to go further, but I didn't want you to get in trouble." Goka explained, Øysten smiled at this he was glad he didn't overstep a boundary or offend Goka the last thing he would want to do is make her angry or scared or really anything with him, he loved her too much to want to ever see her in a bad mood.

"T-Thank you!" Øysten said as the two started at each other, "Oh Goka, I've been wanting to talk to you about... well us." Øysten said she could see the nervousness in his eyes, and in the way his body moved, Øysten was rarely nervous, so this must have been something that he'd been mulling over for quite some time.

"I-I know it's unbecoming for a lord to be with his servant but," Øysten said as he squeezed Goka's hand tightly, not tight enough to hurt but she could tell he was trying to spoke about what he wanted to say, "But, I can't imagine my live without you, I've loved you for too long and I-" Goka shushed him and spoke up.

"I love you too Øysten, I've probably loved you since we met when we were just kids. I'd be honored to be with you, my lord." Goka said. Øysten's face lit up and grabbed Goka from across the table, making the kobold yip in surprise as he brought her into a tight hug.

"Goka, I promise I'll make you the happiest woman in all of Elhim." Øysten said as he kissed her deeply. The Goka held onto Øysten as he brought her to his bed, their meal completely forgotten as he kissed her neck and chest. Goka gasped and moaned as he peeled off her dress, bit by bit.

"Øy-Øystein!" Goka moaned out as Øysten bit into her neck again like before, her moans grew louder as she felt Øysten's hands roamed up her body, he moved from her thighs up to her ass and stopping where her snatch was, he pulled her panties to the side and slid his fingers into her snatch. Her moans reached a higher octave as he plunged his claws in and out of her, gently, so as not to hurt her.

"I can smell that lust on you again," Øysten growled again, making Goka's body shiver in anticipation. "The same lust I smelled when we first almost made love. The heady aroma of my beloved's arousal." The wolf said happily as he took his fingers out of Goka's snatch. It was slicked and covered in her lust. He licked his claws clean savoring her taste, and he wanted more. He lowered his face down to her crotch, the smell of her lust was intense. Kobolds didn't go in heat like his kin did, but when they were aroused the smell was just as heady and just as mind altering in its own ways to the smell of estrus. He gave it a cursory lick of her sopping wet pussy and Goka let out a moan of pleasure as his long canine tongue entered her cunt. Goka clawed at the bedsheets of the bed, her moans were getting higher and higher in pitch. She wondered if anyone else in the manor could hear her moaning like this.

Øysten plunged his tongue deeper and deeper into her snatch, and Goka could feel herself getting closer to her orgasm, her scales were on fire, she could feel the warmth of her lover's body against her cold emerald scales as he played with her insides with his tongue. Her back arched, and she writhed in absolute pleasure. Then, with a long whine of pleasure, Goka came hard. Øysten lapped up the juices that flowed from Goka's snatch.

"Such a sweet taste." Øysten said as he licked his lips. This sight made Goka shiver in anticipation at what he'd do next. She then watched him remove his slacks and his underwear was tented by his massive canine cock. He then removed his underwear, and she could see his cock like before. It was twitching and throbbing, Goka opened her legs wide as she prepared to be fucked by Øysten. He pinned his hands as close to her head as he could, angling his hips with hers.

"Are you ready, Goka?" Øysten asked. Goka nodded, and he lined up his cock with her snatch. He then slowly plunged into Goka's cunt. Steady at first, so as not to hurt his lover. Øysten's cock hilted inside of Goka. He then moved his hips back just as slow as when he entered her, then slammed them back inside her. He did this dance for a few moments, getting a feel for what Goka liked, anytime she moaned in pleasure he would continue as he was and anytime he looked like he might have hurt her he would stop and readjust. He fucked her faster and deeper, but still making sure that he was doing in a way that didn't harm his beloved. All the while, Goka was moaning in ecstasy. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to her second orgasm. Her walls soon clamped upon the ulv's cock. Feeling the sensation of her orgasm, Øysten grunted as he knotted Goka.

"Y-Yes!" Goka moaned out as she felt rope after rope of her wolf's seed flooded into her, coating her womb. She could feel herself become full of his cum, each spurt adding more and more into her. She was going to have a clutch of eggs for sure and it would all be for her beloved Øysten. Soon the wolf stopped cumming, and he held her close to him, waiting for his knot to deflate.

"Such a beautiful woman." Øysten said happily as he rubbed Goka's head. The kobold clung to her lover and wished she could kiss him. But their heights were a bit of an obstacle for that. Goka felt herself getting wrapped up in the embrace of sleep, and soon the gentle snoring of a sleeping kobold filled Øysten's ears. He smiled as he laid on his side, stroking her gently, looking at her in her sleeping form. Admiring how cute she was, "I'll marry you soon enough my dear."