Kat's Recruitment - Gryphon TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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Patreon commission for :ryuvainicon: of his Psycho Kat character turning me into my gryphon characterCharacters (C) Their owners

Posted using PostyBirb

"Man... it's been way too long since I got to enjoy a night out!" Peter said to himself, stretching as he walked away from the restaurant. Most food places were still only serving outdoors, but it felt good to finally be able to get out of the house for an extended period of time, regardless of if he was sitting inside or outside. Even then, there weren't too many other options available, and he was still exercising caution for the most part. "I guess now I've got to figure out what I'm doing next..."

Peter stopped against the front of a shop, taking a look at his phone, checking the time and looking to see if there was anything nearby he could check out. As he did this, he didn't notice that someone was watching him, keeping a close eye on him from atop one of the buildings opposite the store.

"Hrmm... you look like you'd be a promising candidate..." The creature smirked, eyes following him as he walked down the street. They just needed him to go out of sight of others...

Peter made his way towards the park, the mysterious creature tailing him. Every so often, he took a look behind him, unable to shake the feeling that he was being watched, the creature chuckling to themself as he did. Eventually he stopped by one of the restrooms in the park, which for now was closed. No-one else seemed to be around, and the creature had grown tired of waiting, so they decided to strike whilst the iron was hot, so to speak, leaping down from the trees. "I was starting to think that you were never going to stop~"

"Huh?" Peter spun around, staring in shock at the tall, busty, anthropomorphic lynx that stood before him. "W-what the?"

"Call me Psycho Kat~" She purred, stepping closer to him. "Don't let the name fool you, I'm quite friendly if you get to know me!"

"Uh-huh..." Peter responded, not quite sure what to make of this - the name alone was setting off several red flags.

"I wouldn't be too worried, trust me." She looked into his eyes. "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so without ever alerting you to my presence!" She placed a clawed hand on his shoulder.

"Right... so what exactly are you?" He asked.

"I'm a lynx, obviously - though if I was to delve in deeper, I guess it'd be easier to call me a walking, talking blood virus~" She told him, only to be met with a look of worry from the human. "Not THAT virus..." She sighed - the amount of people who ran away screaming after hearing that was a minor annoyance, but thankfully for her, Peter seemed to stay put.

"Sorry, just been a bit on edge with that this past year - if you're sentient blood, I'm surprised you're not all liquid!"

"If I were, it'd be hard to get around considering I'd be leaving a bloody mess behind me." She had to chuckle, not intending to make a pun out of it. "I find it easier to get around in a more solid form, as it makes it easier for me to track down and confront humans, and that brings me to why I'm here with you right now!"

"It does? What is it you want with me?"

"I want to offer you the chance to be something stronger, something ferocious... something that's above humanity."

"Above humanity?" He asked, confused.

"Yes - I'm seeking some fun tonight, and humans just don't do it for me, so I'm giving you the chance for fun and ascension at the same time!"

"Fun?" He had to blush a little. "Just what would I need to do to accept this offer?"

"That's easy..." She extended her hand, trailing a claw across her palm, drawing blood. "Just take of my blood, and the rest will come naturally~"

"I've got to drink your blood?" He sounded naturally repulsed by the idea. He would have asked if there were other options, but given she was a sentient blood virus, this method seemed the most natural to her. "Do... do I at least get to decide what I'll ascend into?"

"I would recommend having a good picture in your head as you do so, otherwise the effects could be quite random." She warned him. "You could end up as something you won't like, and the effects are permanent."

"Right, right..." He looked at her bleeding palm, trying to get an image of what he'd consider to be something he'd like. This all sounded too good to be true, in all honesty, but given the entity dealing with him wasn't human, what did he have to lose? Worst case scenario, he'd end up sick from ingesting blood like that.

"Whenever you're ready, human." She told him.

"OK - and can ya call me Peter, the whole human thing sounds a bit... well, rude."

"As you wish, although I'm sure before long you'll want to call yourself something else!" She grinned, watching Peter lean in towards her palm, the human keeping a clear picture of what he wanted in his mind. He placed his mouth against her palm, licked up the blood, and nearly gagged straight afterwards.

"Ick, ptth, that was horrible!" He gasped, wishing he had a drink close by to help get the taste out of his mouth.

"Oh don't worry, I always get that reaction from people." She smirked. "What follows will make up for it, anyway!"

"Somehow, I'm starting to doubt th-hrrrrgghhh!" He doubled over, a growl leaving his mouth as a sudden wave of lust washed through him. His jeans started to strain at the front, his erection pushing against the zipper. "F...fuuuuuuck!"

"You will soon, my friend~" She giggled, watching Peter's muscles pulse and throb. The skin along his hands and wrists dried up and peeled away, revealing deep-red scales underneath, a pins-and-needles sensation going through his arms and upper body, followed up by a multitude of feathers emerging from the affected areas, as black as the night itself.

"I should have mentioned that I'm quite potent - it only takes a little of my blood to start the transformation, making your own blood and fluids just as infectious!" She brought her hands around Peter's shirt, digging the claws into it as she tore it aside, a pair of bulges visible against his shoulder blades.

"Hhrhr...hrrrwwwrrrkk!" His scaly hands twitched, the fingers becoming thicker, the nails on each digit shattering, revealing sharp, deadly curving talons, gleaming in the moonlight. He looked at his now-avian hands, the look on his face being one of confusion, initially.

"Not bad, huh? I do prefer things that are sharp and to the point, especially when scratches in some cases can be just as effective!" She commented.

"Rrwrkk.. You could have just...." He looked at her, the muscles in his arms bulging, growing broader and thicker, his chest barrelling ever-so-slightly. From the waist downwards, the feathers transitioned into fine, coarse fur, travelling down his legs, a bump forming at the base of his spine.

"I COULD have, but it's more fun this way~" She teased, his pants tighter still as the button of his jeans pinged off, his dick bursting through the zipper. The colour was now a deep red, a furry sheath covering its base, pre running down its growing length, soon surpassing a foot long. The head reshaped into a barb-covered point, the base gaining a large, semi-canine knot. His balls inflated to the size of oranges, hanging down between his furry thighs.

"Skrkrrawwrrr!" He moaned, the need to mate assaulting his senses, his eyes gazing over the lynx. A long, furred tail grew out from his spine, wagging behind him, pure black with the exception of the tip, sporting red fluff. It swayed to and fro as he walked closer to her, placing a taloned hand on her shoulders, the changing male now having to look down slightly to meet her gaze. "Fuuuuuuuuck..." He growled, his cock throbbing, sliding against her leg whilst he raised her up against the side of the restroom's outer wall.

"Heh, I can tell that you really need to breed... by all me~" She couldn't finish the sentence, A feral smirk crossing Peter's mouth as he thrusted his shaft deep into her soft, furred folds. "Oooooohhh!" She huffed, her hands resting on Peter's shoulders.

"Hhr..hrwwkwrrrkkk!" Peter's jeans shredded around his legs, the muscles expanding further, a sense of raw power filling him. His feet cramped up in his shoes, all pressure moving to his tiptoes, the digits merging together into a trio of toes, feline in appearance, the big toe shrinking back to form a dewclaw. The soles of his feet grew rougher, puffing out into pads, the heels rising upwards to better aid his new walking stance.

"Mmffhh... god, that thing's huge... rrgghh..." She moaned, feeling Peter's gryphonhood penetrating her, spreading her wide. The knot slowly slid in, further and further with each thrust, his pendulous balls slapping against her ass.

"Rrrwwrrrfffuuuckk... sooo goood..." He growled and panted, leaning forward, the pressure in his back building. With a loud cry, a pair of wings erupted from his back, covered in dark feathers, scattering several of them with each flap. The changes rushed up his head, neck stretching longer and thicker whilst his hair fell away in clumps.

"Keep... keep it up... mrrghh..." Kat bit down on her lip, stroking his chest with her claws. His ears reshaped into feathery points, his skull reforging itself. His jaws went numb, his teeth merging together into two solid masses, tinged a deep red as they pushed outwards past his mouth, the lips spread apart as he gained a wicked, jagged beak, a set of sharp, serrated fangs growing within his new bill. To end the changes, his eyes moved to the sides of his head, the irises taking on a glowing purple hue, pupils pulling into thin slits.

"Skrkrawwrkk... I... I'm gonna... gonna cum..." Peter hissed, nipping at Kat's neck with his beak. His knot lodged itself deep inside her vagina, inflating to hold her in place. "Hrh..rrkrh...SSSSSSSSSSSKKKKKKKKKKKKKRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" He threw his head back, letting loose a monstrous screech as he came, balls churning audibly as he unloaded every last ounce of seed deep into Kat's womb, causing her to cry out in pleasure as she came herself. The new gryphon wrapped his arms around her, keeping her in place as their combined orgasm slowly died down.

"Hhr...mrhrhaah.... Wow... that actually went better than I was expecting...!" Kat puffed, sighing in bliss as she felt Peter withdraw, being lowered carefully to her feet. "Heh... look at the big, beastly gryphon - those wings of yours will come in handy to spread my cause even further~"

"Rrwwrrkk... I can bet they will!" He gave them a flap, admiring the powerful creature he had become. "As long as I'm not expected to offer them my blood every time, I think I'd prefer the fun route~" He grinned.

"Whatever works for you, hun." She winked. "As for now, the night's still young, and whilst I wouldn't mind a good fuck like that again, we should try and bring out some more beasts before it gets too bright out!"

"Wanna hitch a ride, then?" He offered, Kat wasting no time in accepting. He flapped his wings, hovering off the ground before sliding his arms under Kat's arms and around her waist. "Hold on tight!" He grinned, keeping a firm grip on her as they took off into the night.