JOABWB Reboot: News and Nudes

Story by BunnyBriefs on SoFurry

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#5 of Journal of a Brief Wearing Bunny REBOOT!

In this special entry of "Journals of a Brief Wearing Bunny", we will be looking at the humiliating, yet hilarious, events of not just Dylan, but also his two friends, Toby and Dana! How do they all react to current events around campus, as well as the fact that they all become targets of some shenanigans?

So yeah, like I said before, not dead! Hope you all enjoy, and hope this makes up for my sudden hiatus. I hope to upload more at some point, but until then, leave a like and a comment if you enjoyed what you read. Later!

Journal of a Brief Wearing Bunny

News and Nudes

(aka Three Humiliating Stories)

Chapter 1: Toby

"Heh, that class was super easy today!" The squirrel boy laughed to himself as he exited his last class for the day, which happened to be "Intro to Programming". A few other students who filed out after the boy would nod in agreement, while a couple others reserved a slightly irritated side glance to Toby, not sharing his enthusiasm. Like usual, however, any interaction with the squirrel boy was limited to only a few seconds, as everyone else usually had another class to attend to, or perhaps other plans. There was also the fact that Toby was not very popular with other people. Thankfully, he would have the fortune of having a few friends, but he knew that they took classes in a different building.

For the time being, Toby was by himself, making his way over to his locker to exchange books and lighten his load, as well as reaffirm himself with various homework assignments to be done, as well as any tests or quizzes that were almost due. Thankfully for the squirrel, he had nothing except for a couple of minor assignments. "I can do these right now, honestly," Toby stated to himself as he closed his locker, leaving his pile of books inside, taking only his work laptop. As he closed the door he smiled and looked around for an empty seat. Usually, there were a few chairs and couches lined up around the hallways for any friend groups to hang out and talk. In Toby's case, he was looking for an empty seat to do homework.

Much to his luck, he found a single empty chair located just right at the end of the computer lab's hallway, close to his own locker. Beaming with pride, the boy hurried over and occupied the seat, quickly situating the laptop accordingly and opening it up. The chubby squirrel in question was wearing a pair of khaki shorts, as well as a large t-shirt, printed with a bowl of ramen on the front. As usual, he wore his thick glasses, which he quickly adjusted as he pulled up the website on which to do his assignments.

"Glad today's going by so smoothly," The squirrel said to himself as he began to fly through his homework as if it were nothing. "Maybe I can go get a sandwich with the guys later! With today being Friday, I think they're doing brisket today," He continued, smiling eagerly, his tail twitching happily behind him. "Yeah! Since tomorrow's the start of the weekend, maybe we can even spend some time and hang out! I hear there's a pretty cool band coming by soon."

He slowed up a little, putting his hand on his chin as he frowned, trying to remember what it was called. "Hm... can't recall the name of 'em, though..." He mused, returning to his work as he continued to mutter to himself. Fortunately, no one around seemed to mind or take notice, going about their own daily lives. Soon, there weren't very many students in the hall. Toby probably heard only a couple of voices close by, but they didn't bother him. "From what I can remember, though, there were quite a few cuties on that poster..." The squirrel giggled, feeling his cheeks blush a bit. "Punk's not my style of music, but those girls sure were somethin' else," He said, a pervy grin growing on his face.

With the thought of the group of girls in his mind, Toby soon finished up his assignment, stretching and looking at the time on the bottom of the screen. "Heh, just as easy as the class it belongs to, and with quite some time to spare!" He'd say, closing out of his current tab and opening another one. With a few taps of his fingers, the boy opened the school's webpage, navigating towards the news section. After a bit of scrolling and clicking, the squirrel beamed as he found the poster of the four punk girls, pointing at it. "There we go! Huh, weird... the site heavily censored most of their name out. Plus, they call them the... 'Alley Girls?'," He'd say, scratching the short hair on his head a bit. "Ah well, probably for the best. Doesn't sound as badass as, uh, 'Alley Bitches', but the school probably wouldn't allow swears on their site," He'd snicker, looking over the group eagerly.

Naturally, he'd see the tall, blue haired rabbit girl, holding a guitar. Next up, right in the center was a fox girl with wild red hair, sticking her tongue out and giving double 'rock and roll' signs with her hands. To the right was another tall, rather muscular looking shark girl, with long, dark brunette hair. She had a bass, held casually over her shoulder, giving an over-the-shoulder look to the camera. In the back was a large, buff polar bear girl, with short platinum blonde hair. She'd be giving a double peace sign with a neutral look, holding drum sticks in either hand. All of them were wearing black and red clothing, naturally, showing off their shoulders, knees, and mid-sections with various torn denims and fabrics.

"Phew, that bear girl, though..." He muttered to himself, biting his lip a bit as he shifted his legs around. He could feel his 'little friend' in his pants start to stir up at the thought of the girls, particularly the polar bear. A chubby boy like him was certainly into a curvy woman like her. Of course, that curvy fox was something else too... not to mention the bunny and the shark! Of course, reality began to sink in a little bit as he began to click away onto a different website. "They'd all probably kick my ass if I dared ask em out, though," Toby said to himself, shaking his head. Despite the minor disappointment that his fantasies were highly unrealistic, he continued to scour his own social media feeds for other interesting articles. Soon enough, he straightened up, his eyes widening with interest as he scooted his glasses closer up his nose. "Oooh, now this is something..!"

Even though what he was looking at could be considered quite... steamy, Toby continued to admire the pictures that graced his computer screen. Apparently, one of the most popular lingerie retail stores, called 'Madam Mimi's", had announced a new line of models, in celebration of a new designer working with them! The squirrel was very thankful that the halls were mostly empty, save for a few people, as he'd be embarrassed to death if he was caught looking! For one, all four of the new models were extremely curvy women, each one of them sporting an impressive bust size, some large hips, and some very fat asses. He also noticed that all of them were somewhat older, which the squirrel would best describe as 'cougarish' or 'MILF-y'. Toby felt his heart rate pick up as he admired various pictures of the new models.

One was a short, brunette mouse woman with white fur, who was wearing dark purple lingerie. She was giving a wink to the viewer while cheekily tugging her bra down just enough to tease. Another woman was a busty dragon woman, with light blue scales and dark, bobbed hair. Her lingerie was solid black, yet showed off her form wonderfully. She was also looking at the camera seductively, licking her snout. Strangely enough, Toby almost recognized her... was she a teacher at the school? He wasn't too sure, and didn't want to jump to conclusions, so he scrolled on.

The third model was a brown furred cow woman, with long red hair and, unsurprisingly, very generous boobs, as well as a pair of black glasses. Despite how comically predictable it was, the cow was wearing standard white and black cow print lingerie. She seemed to be having trouble keeping her top on, however, as she was merely holding it over her large chest, with the straps hanging loosely behind her. It seems she was given a top that was too small on purpose. Needless to say, she sported a rather cute, embarrassed smile, as she looked at the camera with a nice deep blush. Toby shifted around, trying to ignore his sudden craving for milk...

The final model was a rabbit woman with tanned fur and long brown hair, also wearing some glasses. She was a bit chubbier than the others, but just as attractive, wearing some white lacy lingerie, patterned in cute little carrots. She was giving a cute, innocent smile to the camera as she posed simply. She also seemed familiar to Toby, but this time he had no clue as to why he got a sense of familiarity from her... has he met her before? The face looked vaguely familiar, as well as her fur color. The squirrel couldn't put his finger on it, but regardless, he was still very interested in looking at the various shoots the models did. Not to mention that his own erection was throbbing excitedly, obviously loving how each of these women looked!

Even though the various pictures were for a store, Toby couldn't help but admire just how lewd the images got! One of them had the mouse and rabbit woman hugging each other, obviously trying to show off their large chests! Another one had the dragon woman groping and holding the cow lady's butt, who looked very coy about the action. There was even a line up of the girls from behind, with the intention to show off their large rears in thongs. The squirrel knew that if he was in his dorm, he'd be using his mouse with one hand.

As the squirrel started to close his laptop, ready to head to his room to... 'enjoy' more pictures of the lingerie models, he began to feel the presence of two figures on either side of him. His paranoia would peak into a small yelp as two heavy feeling hands clapped down on both of his shoulders. Of course, his anxiety would only escalate as the two figures began to talk to him, their voices lowered enough to where only he could hear. "Damn, those are some hot women, huh?" A rather high pitched, yet dominant, voice uttered, a tone of mocking amusement dripping from his voice before turning into a devious snicker. A second voice soon followed along, finally making Toby snap his vision away from the laptop, quickly looking between the two anthros who had just surrounded him.

To the squirrel's right was a lemur boy, who sported a black buzz-cut and was just barely taller than him. It was clear that, even through his loose fitting t-shirt and cargo shorts, that he was in very good shape, and had a very fit body. To his left was a wolf boy, who was definitely taller and sported long, white hair, yet was not as fit as his companion. It was clear, though, that even with his lithe build, he had the frame of someone who did track and field. Unlike the lemur's casual clothing, however, the wolf had a tank top, which looked like the sleeves were shredded off, with torn black jeans to help match his 'rebellious' attitude. Needless to say, Toby was quite frightened by their sudden appearance, unable to find his words for a few seconds. This gave the lemur some time to snicker and nudge the squirrel boy, waggling an eyebrow in a suggestive manner. "Oh yeah, I bet that hot bunny lady would love to get her hands on a dorky, chubby guy like you, eh?" He said, laughing along with his wolf friend.

Toby found himself instinctively laughing along, though it was clear that it was not due to humor, but due to nervousness of the two imposing guys. "Uh...hehe... I-I guess so. I mean, a guy can dream, right..?" Fortunately for the nerdy squirrel, the two merely laughed along, seemingly agreeing with his statement.

The wolf soon nudged Toby as well, peering at his laptop as he spoke up as well, his voice quite gruff and deep. "Yeah, those were some hot undies on em, huh? I bet it'd be really hot if they were wearing nothing at all, huh?"

Gulping at this statement and feeling his face burn a little hotter, the squirrel let out another nervous giggle, idly fidgeting with the hem of his shirt, nodding once more. "Uh... eheh... I mean... yeah..! These ladies have some awesome curves!" Toby replied, slowly growing more comfortable with the two. Of course, this wouldn't last long, as the two boys instantly stopped laughing, instead giving a very serious, almost disappointed look at the chubby nerd.

"God, you're such a fuckin' pervert," Uttered the lemur, dropping any attempt at being warm or friendly, with the wolf tutting his tongue and shaking his head in response.

"Jeez, these women are people too, y'know. Instead you just see them as little underwear ladies, here to make your little dick hard. Is that it?" The wolf accused, both his and his friend's grips tightening on the squirrel's shoulders.

Toby's natural response was to freeze up, finding himself embarrassed at being accused of being a pervert. Not just that, but he didn't quite appreciate the fact that the wolf called his dick 'little'. Five inches was average length, thank you very much! "W-what?! N-no, I know that th-they're people too! B-but they're just..!" He stammered, only earning more devious giggling as the two other males lowered themselves closer to his face.

"Don't try to hide it, fuzz-muffin," The lemur mocked, his fingers curling into his shirt. "We've been watching you for the past few minutes, get off to various nudie girls."

"Yeah, that's right," the wolf boy continued on, flashing a wide, toothy smile to his friend. Toby was even observant enough to notice a wink, one which he didn't like.

"W-what?! I-I know they're actual people!" Toby defended, quickly looking between both the lemur and the wolf. "I mean, th-they are posing suggestively... how can someone not look at them in that kind of way?" He quickly explained, sweating as the two males glowered over him in a dominant manner. A few seconds passed as the two boys considered his statement... before the two gripped his shirt and quickly pulled it over his head. Because the action was so sudden, the squirrel offered no resistance, allowing them to yank his t-shirt off and toss it away as if it were a piece of paper. Naturally, Toby squealed out and quickly flung his hands over his chest, hiding his nipples as the two boys laughing mockingly at him.

"Ha ha! Suuuuure, fuzzy," Laughed the wolf, who had taken to ruffling Toby's hair, an action which he was quite familiar with, as well as one he absolutely hated. Nevertheless, he was powerless to stop this, as the lemur was soon to follow, rubbing up and down his chest in a neutral manner. Of course, Toby was quick to decipher that this would lead to nothing good, despite the fact that the action caused him to shiver and gasp. His already half hard dick began to twitch in his shorts as well, regardless of how embarrassed he felt.

"Mm... this must be how Dylan felt..." The unlucky squirrel boy thought to himself. At first, he had no idea how the bunny could get so aroused at being so embarrassed. Now that he was at the hands of two bullies himself, however, he was aware of just how flustered he could get.

Of course, this wouldn't be the end of the boy's torment, as Toby soon felt two hands roughly and quickly reach back into his shorts, gripping the waistband of his tighty whities, and yank upwards as roughly as they could. Naturally, the squirrel squealed out, feeling his whole body get pulled up by the sheer force of their tugging. His fluffy tail twitched madly as the boy instinctively reached for his strained groin, yelping out. " YEEEEK! L-let go, please!" He whined out, his eyes shutting tightly behind his glasses. Even Toby was unware of the fact that his laptop was sliding from his lap.

It didn't take long for the wolf to slap Toby's computer shut, picking it up with one hand and carrying it under one arm. "Ooooh, sorry squirrely. We gotta make sure to punish pervert little nerdlings like you, y'see. Ain't that right, Mikey?"

The lemur, apparently named Mikey, nodded in agreement, letting out a loud laugh as he kept tugging menacingly at the poor squirrel's underpants. "That's right. How else will we let the other girls on campus know that you're just a little porn obsessed dork, huh?" Mikey giggled, using a free hand to grip at Toby's shorts and instantly yank them down to his ankles. The poor squirrel barely had enough time to squeak out, blushing a deep red and squirming as the wolf boy using one of his free hands to pull them off of his feet, flinging them away in the same manner that they did his shirt. Soon, he was in nothing but his tight little white briefs, which were harboring a cute, little hard-on.

"Ah! G-guys p-please! I-I-I'll never act like a dumb little nerdy pervert again!" He whined out, unable to keep his eyes open as he felt his underwhelming body become exposed. Even though he knew there was no one around, he knew that a teacher or another student could easily see his body, therefore leading to a situation where he would be laughed at even more! Poor Toby felt as if the two other males' laughter was more than enough to make him feel utterly humiliated, which did nothing to help his five inch boner, which was throbbing and twitching crazily in his cottony undies.

"Oh suuuure you will," Laughed the wolf, who decided to use his hand to slap at his bulge, making the squirrel shriek in a very high pitched tone. Neither of the two seemed to let go of his underwear, finding intense amusement in how the boy reacted to their wedgie.

"We can't take that chance, fuzzy," Mikey replied, shaking his head as he kept staring at the half nude boy. "Maybe we oughta leave you in your, snrk, boy panties! That way the girls know just how much of a perverted freak you are!" The lemur threatened, using his and the wolf's collective strength to lift him up into the air, making his feet dangle humorously.

"Say, Mikey," The wolf started up, moving his attention away from Toby and raising an eyebrow at his friend.

Before the squirrel could respond, the fit lemur boy let out a single laugh, nodding along. "Oh, you say it, Derek!" Because Toby was still in utter shock that two students had gone so far as to strip him down to his undies and wedgie him, he was unable to react with more than a squealing gasp and a squeaking moan. His cock, which was now a rock solid five inches, was oozing and dripping with his slick precum, showing that even though he felt incredibly humiliated, he was still especially aroused by being manhandled by two larger college students.

It wasn't long before both Mikey and Derek carried him to a locker, with the lemur quickly putting in the needed combination before opening the metal door. In a swift action, the two older students hooked the waistband of Toby's briefs against the hook, letting go of him to let him hang like an ornament. If there was one thing the squirrel was thankful for, it was the fact that Derek was grateful enough to put his laptop in the locker with him. Unfortunately, the wolf soon gave a couple of harsh slaps to the squirrel's bulge.

"Gyaah! Q-quit it! L-let me down, please..!" Toby begged, his furry, fluffy tail twitching crazily behind his fat butt, his curling and his underwear tent throbbing eagerly. It didn't take long before the two boys laughed loudly at him, enjoying the sight of the squirrel getting a painful, humiliating wedgie.

"Oh man, haha! This is rich," The wolf howled, using a hand to cover his eyes, as they were tearing up from laughing too hard.

"How shall we continue, my friend?" Mikey asked, reaching into his bag and pulling out two small bottles. One contained bright yellow liquid, and the other contained bright green liquid. As the lemur shook them around, teasing the wedgied squirrel, he began to offer a decision to the wolf boy. "We can either make him wet himself, or we can make him cream ."

Poor Toby gulped as he heard his two options, letting his hands cling over his groin instinctively. It was bad enough that he felt his briefs pull into his booty, not to mention his bulge, making him wince in pain (and minor pleasure), and he surely didn't want to add the possibility of making a sloppy, wet mess in them! Even though he liked his bunny friend quite a bit, he couldn't help but squeal out desperately, "Please don't force me to make a mess! W-who am I, Dylan?!" He gasped.

Strangely enough, saying the bunny's name was enough to make Derek freeze up, his eyes lightening up suddenly. "Oh, hang on a sec, man! Our chubby, tighty-whitie dweeb just reminded me, " The wolf prompted, ignoring the confused looked from the lemur as he dug his phone out. "Earlier, I got a message from 'The Boss', and he told me about the biggest loser on campus! I mean, it's just _unreal_just how much of a perverted sissy boy he is!"

Mikey couldn't help but crack a smile, snorting a bit in disbelief. "Pfft, damn, really? Well what're we torturing him for," The lemur said, giving a subtle point to Toby before shoving the bottles back into his bag. "We gotta catch up with the Boss... and our 'new friend'!"

Without thinking twice, the wolf slammed the door shut, laughing as he began to walk away with Mikey. "Haha, hell yeah! Poor little Dylan's gonna be taught who the Alphas are of Maple Ridge!" He laughed, fist bumping the shorter lemur.

Inside of the locker, Toby gasped out, starting to squirm harder. Not just because he realized he was officially locked into the cramped space, wedgied in nothing but his white briefs, but because he was now worried about his rabbit friend! "Oh no! Dylan's in trouble!" He gasped out, remembering the last time a group of strong bullies got their hands on the boy. His face flushed and his tip throbbed and dripped lewdly as he reminisced about Dylan wetting and cumming in his little kiddie underwear. He shook his head quickly, shaking himself harder and grunting at the same time. "I...I have to get down and warn him! Mmmf!"

After a few fruitless minutes, the boy stopped to catch his breath, panting heavily as he hung by his underwear pathetically. "Uhhh... h-help..? Someone? I'm s-stuck in the locker!" He called out. "Crud, the next class change isn't for another hour... nngh... this wedgie is killing me!" Toby whined, wincing his eyes. "I-I just hope someone gets me down soon... I gotta pee..."

Chapter 2: Dana

"Oh... my... GOD! No way..!" Squealed the excited voice of a rather tall, curvy giraffe girl named Dana, who was standing directly in front of a poster, which was hanging on a bulletin board inside of the Humanities Building. Her fox friend, Pauline, was hanging around, giggling in slight bemusement as other students stared at the sight. Regardless of how she tried to shush her, the giraffe continued to gush about what she was seeing, unable to keep from bouncing excitedly. "There's no way the Alley Bitches are coming _ here _!"

Her excited exclamations got so loud, that a rather strict, older teacher popped her head out of a classroom and harshly shushed Dana. It was at this point that the hint was taken to quiet down, as the now embarrassed giraffe babe covered her muzzle with her mouth. Thankfully, this was enough to satisfy the teacher, as well as any other bystanders, as everyone soon went about their business. Pauline gave a little smile to her friend as they continued to hang around in the building, lowering their voices as to not disturb anyone again. "I take it you're a fan," The fox said knowingly, with the giraffe nodding eagerly.

"For sure! I've been listening to them ever since they were formed," Dana explained, pulling her phone out and showing off her digital collection of their music. "They're a punk rock group, and they've been touring for quite some time. I have all their songs, but I've always wanted to actually see them live. Now that that they're coming here, not only can I see them, but I might even meet them!" The giraffe prattled on excitedly as Pauline looked at the various album covers her friend was showing to her.

Regardless of the fact that she herself wasn't into that kind of music as Dana, the brunette fox still smiled, finding her friend's enthusiasm adorable. The brunette fox couldn't help but find the other punk fox really cool, if a bit crazy looking. She had no clue if she was as wild as she appeared, but one could only imagine, if her crazed, toothy smile had anything to say about it. "Well, hey, that would be a great time for ya then!" Pauline replied, looking back up at her taller friend.

"For both of us, actually," Dana replied with a cute smile, rubbing the back of her head before fixing her undercut. "I, uh, got us both tickets to the show, so if you're not busy... we can hang out that day!" The giraffe asked, her face flushing the tiniest bit. Her tail waggled slightly, though it didn't compare to the fox's own, which was now waggling happily behind her perky bottom.

"Aw, Dana!" Pauline cooed, hugging the curvy girl tightly, which she eagerly return. "Sure thing, it's been awhile since we did anything fun!" She continued. Regardless of whether or not she actually enjoyed how the band sounded, the fox was still excited about being able to hang out with her friend.

"Great! The concerts in about a week. In the meantime, I can send you some links to their best songs," The giraffe offered as the two slowly left the humanities. As the two continued to converse with each other, there was another duo not far behind, watching the giraffe and fox intently.

Trudy and Tiffany, the two calico twins, were currently eavesdropping on the two. Mainly due to curiosity, but also to see how they could have some fun with the giraffe girl. The two of them were well aware of Dana's crush on a certain bunny boy, one which the two of them had already claimed! They almost felt insulted by this, as Tiffany had her hands on her hips, letting her tail swish behind her irritably. Trudy was far more patient and not as huffy about it, but was still keeping a focused gaze on the taller student. The two girls were currently keeping a somewhat quiet conversation going between themselves as they spied on the two other students.

"Hmm... a concert, huh?" Trudy mused aloud, scratching her cheek with a claw. "Wonder if she's thinking about bringing Dylly along as well?"

"If she's smart enough, she'd better not!" Tiffany interjected, huffing as she crossed her arms. "We already gave her a free show by hanging our bunny boy-toy by his undies! What else is there to prove?"

The other twin gently patted her easily flustered sister's shoulder, trying to calm her down. "Now now, Tiff, just chill. She most likely isn't thinking about that," Trudy replied, looking away as she began to form a small little grin. "However, it certainly wouldn't hurt to send another message... y'know, just to be safe!" This was enough to get Tiffany to smile as well, beginning to giggle in a mischievous way.

"Ooooh! Shall we go looking for our Dylly Willy?" She purred, licking her lips a bit as she began to think about the many different things they could do the bunny. A shake from Trudy's head snapped her out of her daydreams, however.

"While that sounds like fun, I actually had something different in mind," The calico girl replied, pointing a finger in the direction of the other two girls. At this point, it looked as if the giraffe and the fox were waving each other off, before the fox walked away. The giraffe girl stayed behind, lingering around the wall of the school as she put in two wireless ear buds. From how she was smiling and bouncing a little to the beat, it was clear that she was most likely listening to the 'Alley Bitches' on her phone.

Tiffany's eyes lit up as she began to snicker devilishly, nodding again as she peered over to her sister. "Ooooh, I see! Ehehe! How should we start?" The brown eyed cat asked, now thinking aloud. "Should we just ambush her now, or should we act like we're besties?"

"Hmm... while it'd be fun to be sneaky and trick her by being friends, I think she knows too much about our... 'shenanigans'," Trudy responded, her tail waggling thoughtfully behind her perky rear. "But we can't just jump her so suddenly... we have to wait until there's a good window for us to go up!" Fortunately for the twins, Dana was now looking back at her phone, tapping on the screen. Soon, it wouldn't be hard to see that she was trying to take a selfie. Despite her bashful, awkward smile, she still snapped a picture before looking it over. The girl shook her head, however, frowning a bit as she tapped away. Apparently she wasn't very happy with that one.

As the giraffe obliviously tried to get better angles, the two calicos looked to each other wordlessly, flashing each other dirty grins, giving a singular nod. Soon, the two girls lowered themselves, just enough so that they wouldn't be noticed by the giraffe and her camera. As they kept sneaking up, they also pulled out their own phones, preparing them for their newest 'prank'.

Poor Dana was completely unaware that there was anyone sneaking behind her until she had lifted her phone up once more, trying once more to get the perfect selfie. Seconds before taking the shot, she felt two pairs of hands suddenly grap hold of her black tube top. Since she was obviously much taller than the two calico girls, they had to jump up to be able to curl their claws into the top, yanking it down her body towards her waist as they returned to the ground. Doing so also managed to pull down Dana's plain black, strapless bra. The giraffe froze up, only able to let out a shocked gasp as her fat, jiggly DD-cup boobs bounce free, exposed to everyone around them. It didn't help her embarrassment as the two girls suddenly yelled out, "SURPRISE!"

Unfortunately for the, now exposed, giraffe, there were still quite a few other students walking around, and the calico twins weren't exactly trying to hide what they had done. A few snickers were prevalent, not to mention a lot of stares. After all, her tits were wonderfully large and bouncy, how could they not! To make matters worse, due to being startled so suddenly, Dana's finger slipped and accidentally took a picture of herself. The shot taken was of the giraffe standing with a shocked, blushing, and embarrassed face, her eyes wide with surprise as her boobs jiggled freely. The troublesome twins were on either side of her, looking over her deviously as they gripped her tube top, which was now hanging around her waist.

As Trudy and Tiffany giggled at the poor embarrassed girl, Dana finally reacted to her exposure, yelping out and flinging her arms over her large bust, closing her eyes tightly as she curled her long neck downwards shyly. "Aaaah! H-hey, what was that for?!" She stammered, her voice raising a few octaves due to embarrassment. This only made the girls laugh harder as she tried to hide her boobs with her hands. She didn't seem to be doing too well of a job, however, as her nipples were still somewhat visible, even with her tits squished together.

"Like, sooooorry!" Tiffany giggled loudly, not sounding apologetic in the slightest. "You just looked _soooo_constricted, so we thought we'd help out! Even if the calico wasn't really trying to hide her intention, Dana couldn't help but snort and roll her eyes in an offended manner, not finding her lie at all amusing or convincing. The sound of Trudy's phone snapping pictures of the embarrassed giraffe did nothing to help make her feel any better. As she tried to hide herself, Dana also tried to pull her top back up.

"T-that was uncalled for, you two!" She huffed, recognizing them from her previous classes. Not just that, but the scene of them laughing and making fun of Dylan was still fresh in her mind. Now she knew how he felt, at least a little bit. Of course, this wouldn't be the end of their 'fun', as Trudy shook her head and shrugged.

"Nah, that's just us trying to help!" She answered, winking at her sister, who returned it. In an instant, their hands flung towards her hips gripping not just her tube top, but also her shorts. "This, on the other hand..." She trailed off, yanking down the rest of the giraffe's outfit, letting the articles fall to her ankles.

" AAAGH! N-no, quit!" She shrieked out, looking over her now half nude body, the giggles of the two girls increasing in volume, their tone sounding a lot more mocking and mean at this point. The girls', as well as any potential bystanders, amusement would only grow as the giraffe girl tried to shuffle one hand to her crotch, in an attempt to cover up her rather cute, pink stripped panties. Certainly a stark contrast to her taste in music and outerwear. With how sudden she did the movement, she accidentally dropped her phone to the ground. It remained intact, thankfully, though Dana did not even realize that she had dropped it in the first place. The poor curvy giraffe merely shuddered in embarrassment as her face burned a dark deep red, unable to drown out the sounds of laughter.

"Now_that_ was uncalled for," Trudy sassed, crossing her arms as she gleefully watched Dana squirm and stew in her embarrassment.

"Hahahaha!_So _pink!" Tiffany laughed, using her own phone to snap as many pictures of the girl as possible. "I didn't know stripped anime-styled panties were 'punk rock'!" Tiffany's sister spotted Dana's phone on the ground, smirking as she instantly darted to it, scooping it up and starting to hastily tap away at the screen. From how she was grinning like a madwoman, Dana could only assume that she was sending her accidental pictures to whoever was in her contacts. She couldn't help but freeze up, remembering that Dylan was one of them! The giraffe was powerless to stop Trudy, however, as she was far too slow to react, and was much too flustered to even uncover herself.

"H-hey..! Give that back!" Dana whined, trying to shift one hand out for just a moment, exposing her crotch momentarily. This gave the two calicos enough time to snap more pictures, not just of Dana's tight panties and visible cameltoe, but also of her fat booty, which jiggled around as the giraffe moved around and tried to hide herself. It was almost as if the two calico twins were paparazzi and that poor Dana was a celebrity locked out of her house in nothing but her undies.

"Ehehe, no way!" Tiffany giggled loudly, feeling quite pleased with the fact that the three of them were causing a big enough scene to draw in a small crowd. True, it only consisted of around three male students, but they were heavily entertained. They hooted and whistled, which mixed into laughter of their own.

"Woah dude, check it! That girls totally naked!"

"Did she really get overpowered by those two? Jeez, why doesn't she just stop them?"

"Hah! Maybe she _likes_putting on a public show!"

"Hell yeah! Keep shaking that ass, girl!"

"Send me the pictures!"

As the boys kept cat calling the giraffe, she felt her ears fold back in utter humiliation, her knees shaking as her thighs shivered. She curled her fingers against her crotch slightly, gasping lightly. How, and why, was she wet?! Did she actually find this arousing?! Dana was just thankful that neither Trudy nor Tiffany noticed, though what happened next didn't help matters in the slightest.

Before the curvy giraffe knew what was going on, she felt the back of her panties get pulled open by a giggling Tiffany, making her yelp out once more. Soon, something rather heavily and metallic was dropped into the bottom of her underwear before the waistband was snapped, making her tush jiggle once more, her phone buzzing repeatedly in her underwear. The sensation was weird, for sure, and only added to Dana's shame. "Hehe! Sounds like you've become quite popular!" Tiffany giggled as Trudy joined along, giving a nice, firm slap to Dana's butt. Naturally, it jiggled and let out a loud, satisfying ' THWAP!' While the giraffe screamed out in pain, the small crowd laughed harder, some even pointing at her!

"Whew, what a fat ass! I'd wanna spank it too!"

"Hey, baby, you need help getting your phone outta your panties? I can help!"

This is awesome!"

As Dana whimpered and whined, squirming in place as she fell to her knees pathetically, the two calico girls towered over her dominantly. "We went easy on you this time, but keep a healthy distance away from our bunny, or we'll make it worse!" She threatened, confusing the giraffe as she peeked up, sniffling as she tried to hide herself still.

"Whuh- huh? B-but..!" She began, only to be cut off by Trudy.

"Yeah, next time, we're gonna take all your clothes! Remember: Dylan is ours!"

The two girls high fived each other and walked off, letting the crowd of three boys tag along, leaving the poor humiliated girl all alone. After gulping down her tears, the giraffe slowly stood up on her shaky legs and began to pull her clothes back up her body. Even though she felt ridiculous doing so, she also fished her buzzing phone from her stripped underwear. Dana was far too embarrassed to even look at the screen however, and quickly shuffled on her clothes before pocketing her phone and hurrying off to her dorm. Her face was still a deep crimson, her whole body trembling as she looked downwards at her feet, making her long neck curl a bit. "Mmf... oh my god, what just happened..?" She whispered to herself, biting her lip a bit as she heard the subtle sounds of her thighs squishing. Yup, she was still aroused by the event.

"W-well... at least I still have my tickets for the concert," Dana murmured to herself, sighing as she walked into the dorm building. "I better keep an eye out for those two, though. I don't want them to do anything worse than that!" The giraffe brushed some hair away from her eyes, feeling her heartrate pick up once more, remembering that Trudy had grabbed her phone and, most likely, sent those pictures to plenty of her contacts. "Mmf... I-I hope Dylan doesn't judge me... n-no, of course he wouldn't..!" She reassured herself. "I'd better watch my step around the twins, though... if they even see me and Dylan talking..!" She said, shuddering as she gulped.

" least they never said I couldn't fantasize_about him..." Dana thought, smirking a bit at this. After all, how could she not? Even though it would've made her die of utter humiliation, she was still curious as to how the bunny would've reacted if he saw her with very little clothing. Heck... what if he saw her... _naked?! The giraffe went up to her room, thankful that Pauline still had a few more classes for the time being.

That just meant that she'd have enough time to herself to... 'take care of business'~

Chapter 3: Dylan

Sam was patting the back of his freshman friend, Dylan, who was currently pushing his palms against his face. Under any other circumstance, the otter would have taken the bunny's mood seriously and helped him through it. However, he couldn't help but harbor a little grin, looking back at Dylan's phone, which was resting in his lap. On the screen was an advertisment for the lingerie store, Madam Mimi's, who were showing off their four new models, all of whom were buxom, older women. While he recognized some of the models vaguely (though he couldn't put his finger on it), what had made the bunny so embarrassed was the fact that he instantly recognized the busty rabbit woman in carrot underwear as his own mother!

"Hey, look on the bright side," Sam began, trying to comfort his rabbit friend. "At least she's getting her, uh... 'brand' out there!"

"I never figured she'd model like that, though," Dylan responded, lifting his head up just enough to peek over at the otter. "Now everyone's gonna see my mom half naked, dude! That... makes me feel weird!" He complained, slumping against the bench. Almost as if he could read the otter's mind, Dylan glared at Sam just as he opened his mouth. "No, not in that way. That's my mom, man..."

Sam merely shrugged, seemingly satisfied with his answer as he relaxed against the bench himself. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Just sayin', I've heard of weirder," He replied. As the bunny let out a small groan, Sam continued on. "I mean, it looks like she's going to get a good amount of exposure! I mean, more so than she is now, heh," He joked, looking at the lineup of ladies once more. "I can see where you get your taste in silly underwear, at least."

Upon hearing his friend say this, the bunny shot up, his ears pointed upwards as his face flushed. "Oh crap, I just thought of something!" He exclaimed, the otter tilting his head and raising an eyebrow in confusion. "What if my mom makes me model in skimpy underwear?!" The bunny gulped, feeling his face grow flushed as he began to imagine such a situation where he would be an underwear model...

"Mom, please!" The bunny begged, biting his lip as he felt his doting mother tug up a small g-string. His ears were folded backwards as he heard the sounds of three other women giggling, knowing that he wasn't given any privacy to change.

"Oh, shush, Dylly! The ladies and I don't mind sharing a room together! Just don't peep at them!" Sharie Bunbury cooed, ignoring the fact that his son was on full display for her three other friends. Dylan's fat erection did little to help hide his shame, as this merely caused the other ladies to giggle louder, even going so far as to point at him and make fun of him!

"Oh my! Who knew such a cute boy carried so much!" Giggled the mouse lady, unable to keep herself from drooling a little.

"H-how does it get so big without him passing out?" The cow lady asked.

"It's probably because he's a big perverted bunny~" Cooed the dragon lady, hiding her smiling face with a hand.

Dylan was soon snapped out of his daydream by the sudden sensation of the otter blowing harshly into one of his long ears. This made him squeak out, squinting and folding his ears a little. "Gah! H-hey!" The bunny started up, using a finger to dig into his ear and fix his eardrum.

Sam merely winked, sticking his tongue out teasingly. "Heh, sorry about that, Dyl. I figured I had to snap you out of whatever you were thinking about, though," He explained, pointing towards his lap, giving a sneaky smile. "You're sporting a mighty fat bulge there, friend." Sure enough, once he looked down at his own groin, he let out a gasp, realizing that his shorts were indeed bulging outwards in an obscene manner. He was lucky enough that it hadn't gotten as bad as to start tearing, though Dylan did quickly cross his legs, picking his phone up before closing the picture.

"O-oh thanks..!" He quickly sputtered to the otter. Sighing, Dylan began to scroll around his phone, resting a hand on his cheek. "Well, good for Mom, at least," He'd say. "Here's hoping that she doesn't look for male models anytime soon..."

"If they do, though, lemme know," Sam added in, elbowing his side in a friendly manner. "I'd love to model, personally!" Dylan snickered a bit, finally cracking a smile as he rolled his eyes.

"I'll be sure to mention you, if it ever comes up," He answered, half-jokingly. The other half of him was quite willing to do so, if it meant that he wouldn't be put on display in a less than dignified way. The two laughed together a bit as Sam glanced at his phone as well.

"Hey, this'll cheer ya up!" He began, turning the screen towards Dylan. "There's a cool punk-rock group coming to Maple Ridge sometime soon. We should all check em out!" The bunny's reaction was fully unexpected to the otter, as the bunny tensed up, gulping as he stared with wide, fearful eyes. "Eh? Look, if punk's not your thing, that's fine, but they don't look that scary. I mean, c'mon, that bunny girl with the guitar is a hottie! Maybe you two could hook up and-"

"That's.. my... sister!" Dylan gasped out, making Sam wince and look away awkwardly.

"Oooooh, really? Wow... uh, well ignore me, then... oops." The otter muttered, rubbing the back of his head as the bunny felt his long hair through his fingers. "So uh... you're sister's in a band, huh?" He tried to say, pretending like he didn't just make things weird.

"Yeah, she and her three friends... who hate me!" The bunny sighed, thinking about Melissa and her three bandmates. "All of my siblings liked to tease me, but none more so than Melissa! It wasn't a surprise to anyone when she made friends with the others. It didn't help that he got to meet all of them in the rougest way possible! He could still feel the stinging pain of his butt and nuts, knowing how relentless the shark girl, Rebel, loved to be. The laughter of Felicia and Melissa still rang in his ears, knowing that Martha was silently judging him.

"Yeesh, do they all really hate you?" Sam asked, perking an eyebrow in curiosity.

"More or less!" The bunny replied as he pointed out the various members. "That polar bear is Martha. She's quiet and cool... but I know that with the way she stares at me, she's thinking about pounding me to a pulp!" Sam couldn't help but imagine the chubby bear woman pounding the bunny... although in a 'different' way. Ignoring his friend's growing smirk on the otter's face, Dylan continued, pointing to the crazy looking fox. "This girl is Felicia... and she's _insane!_I don't know what it is about her, but she's obsessed with me! She would always stalk me and look for ways to get close to me, just so she could tease and bully me!"

Sam's daydream moved on to a scene involving the crazy punk-rock fox, giggling as she jerked off a completely naked Dylan, who was powerless to stop her advances. "Sounds like she had a crush on you!" He snickered.

"More like a bounty on my head!" Dylan gulped. "She always threatened to eat me!" He whined. Sam couldn't help but laugh a bit, rolling his eyes. His mind went elsewhere as he imagined the fox licking and nipping along the length of his oversized cock in a dominant, teasing way.

"Pfft, how terrifying," The otter snarked, pointing to the shark girl. "What about her? Something tells me she's not exactly the, er, soft spoken type."

The poor bunny shuddered and shook, looking around in a frightened demeanor. "Hell no!_She was the strongest, scariest, and _meanest!" Dylan shuddered, the vision of Rebel towering over him replaying in his mind. "I, er... _accidentally_pissed her off once, and now I'm constantly on her radar!"

"Jeez, what'd you even do?" Sam asked. Dylan gulped, sweating and blushing deeply as he tugged on the collar of his shirt.

"I... don't wanna talk about it," He replied simply. After all, how was he supposed to know that Rebel was in Melissa's room, changing outfits? It wasn't his fault that the towel she was wearing just _happened_to slip off of her body... after the bunny tripped... and grabbed it by accident. Thankfully, the otter shook his head and sighed, stretching a little as he did.

"Well, at best, they'll hopefully forget, or at least forgive. At worst, well... you'd better be careful about attending that concert."

"I wanna avoid it altogether! But I know my sis would want me to watch..." The bunny sighed, taking his phone and starting to get up off of the bench. "I'm gonna go for a little walk and clear my head," He said, idly using a hand to adjust his pants, being thankful that his bulge had died down moderately. Of course, Sam took the opportunity to tease his friend one last time before he headed off.

"Well, take care, Dyl. Try not to get into anymore 'accidents', kay?" He teased. Dylan responded with a roll of his eyes, not dignifying the otter with a response.

At first, Dylan's walk was uneventful, as he walked around campus with no real destination in mind. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't but have simultaneous thoughts about his mother being an underwear model and his sister's band coming to his campus. Not just because of previous reasons, but also because he felt like he was... far behind. Sure, he was still finding his footing in college, but he didn't feel like he was accomplishing any significant like the rest of his family.

Letting out a sigh, the boy opened his phone once more, staring at the screen for a few moments. He felt his face burn as the phone instantly re-opened to the tab he had open of his mother and her fellow lingerie models, all of whom were showing off their thong-covered butts to the camera. "This is odd to say, but..." He began, muttering mostly to himself. " mom knows how to make some undies. Plus, I had no idea she had such... _large_assets..!"

Soon, however, the bunny's thought process would be interrupted, as he soon felt two, large, strong hands feel under his shirt, across his tummy, and over his chest before resting on his nipples! Naturally, the bunny yelped out and jumped as he was suddenly groped, also feeling something rather round and bulbous against his own tush. It wasn't until he heard a familiar guffaw that he knew he was in trouble. "I'll say, Dylly! Whatcha doin' walking around lookin' at hot half naked girlies, huh?" Laughed the mocking voice of Billy, a large orca from a fraternity called 'Quad Alpha'. Dylan fumbled his phone around a little bit, squirming against the orca's larger build.

"Gaah! H-hey, let go!" He grunted, hearing the cackle of another familiar voice, Sal the raccoon. As he seemingly came out from behind the trees, the raccoon was eyeing over Dylan with a rather hungry look, teeth glinting a bit as he walked around him in a predatory manner. While unsurprising to the rabbit boy, he was still quite anxious with what the two guys had planned for him.

"Not until we get to know ya a bit better, bunnykins," Sal responded, watching as his friend fondled and groped Dylan's chest. "Firstly, why dontcha answer Bill's question, huh? Are you really _that_big of a perv that you have to look at chicks out in public?"

The bunny huffed and bit his lip, feeling his face grow pink from being so flustered. "Ugh, no, that's not it at all! I was just... uh..." He trailed off, not exactly knowing how he could actually explain _why_he was looking in the first place. Unfortunately, this did not satisfy either of the larger men.

Sal let out an obnoxious buzzing noise, indicating that Dylan was 'incorrect'. It took no time before Billy punished the bunny by letting go of his chest and using his hands to flip up Dylan's shirt, making it go over his head. Not only did this momentarily blind the poor bunny, but it also exposed his cute, furry chest to the to boys, who laughed at the sight of him stumbling around. "Augh! Can't see!" He exclaimed, trying to reach up to fix his top. Unfortunately, in moving his hands, this gave the muscular raccoon a window to hurry forwards and pants him!

It wasn't long before Billy and Sal started to howl with laughter, unable to control themselves as they stared at Dylan's unfortunate, yet incredibly adorable, yellow briefs, which were patterned with the faces of various characters from Winnie the Pooh. As the bunny stumbled around, squealing out as he felt himself become more exposed, the two Alphas laughed harder, entertained with the bunny's shame. "Hahaha! Dude, Dylly, you've gotta find something more mature!" Sal laughed gleefully.

"Yeah, my baby brother wore undies like that... and stopped after he got out of the third grade!" Billy giggled, pointing at his fat bubbly butt as Dylan stumbled awkwardly. It wasn't long before the boy tripped and fell onto his front. While this hid his slow-growing boner, his tush jiggled around slightly, further entertaining the small crowd of dominant boys. It didn't help that the print of Tigger was stretched out, trying to fit over Dylan's large bottom. "Bwahaha! What's wrong, Dylly Willy? Are your clothes in the way or something?"

"Let's help our little brief wearing bunny out, then!" Sal said, nodding with the orca as they got on either side of him. Sal gripped his shirt and Billy gripped his shorts. Before the two could yank them off, however, two new voices reached Dylan's ears, ones which he was unfamiliar with.

"Yo, Sal, what's goin' on?" Called the voice of Mikey, raising an eyebrow. "Is this the bunny you were talking about?"

"Dude, you're not picking on a 10 year old, are ya?" The wolf, Derek said, tutting his tongue. "C'mon man, that's too far. He's not even wearing big-boy undies yet!" Regardless of the fact that Dylan felt insulted as he was essentially called a child, Sal casually looked to the rest of his frat, grinning and waving.

"Oh, sup guys!" He greeted, snickering a bit as he pointed at the incapacitated rabbit. "Check this out! He's a freshman!" Upon hearing this, the other two started to laugh, almost in disbelief.

"Get outta town, ain't no way!" The wolf chuckled.

"Ain't no way a freshman still wears underwear meant for kids!" Mikey snickered, eyeing over the hindered rabbit with a raised eyebrow.

"That's not even the best part!" Replied the voice of Billy, who motioned the two closer with a jolt of his head. "Get over here and help us out, and you'll get to see somethin' really hilarious!" It wasn't long before the two newcomers looked to each other and shrugged, curious about what was so special about this bunny, aside from the fact that he had a really fat butt, not to mention the fact that he wore such ridiculous underpants. Soon, the rabbit felt two pairs of hands on each article, feeling his chest thump away as his boner continued to throb and grow.

"N-no, please! Don't strip me, I'll do anything!" The bunny whined. His pleas fell on deaf ears, for the most part, as the group of dominant Alphas soon counted down from three, yanking his shorts and his shirt off effortlessly. The bunny dropped down on his front again, almost in a daze. Before this point, Dylan had also kept a firm grip on his phone. Once he was stripped, however, his hand accidentally loosened up, letting it slide a good few feet away from him, landing directly in front of Sal and Mikey.

Soon, the bunny's ears folded back as the four boys howled with laughter, unable to keep themselves from doubling over on their knees or pointing their finger in his direction. As Dylan scrambled up, still feeling a bit discombobulated, their laughter merely increased.

"Holy shit, no way he's actually sporting that big of a cock!" Derek gasped out in between laughs.

"Yo, bunny, whatcha smuggling in there, an oversized bologna?" Mikey laughed, slapping his knee.

Billy, who was now holding onto Dylan's shorts with both hands, danced them around mockingly. "Oh, it's real alright! Poor Dylly here almost wet himself the first time we saw him!" He stated, which made the other two boys nearly die laughing. The poor, unlucky rabbit bashfully tried to hide his shame, feeling his cottony tail twitch uncontrollably. As his weenie throbbed, the boy squirmed, unable to keep himself from growing more and more aroused. Heck, his tip was starting to ooze pre-cum, something which the boys certainly noticed. "Look, he's about to squirt now!" The orca guffawed.

"N-no I'm not!" The bunny denied, trying to hide the wet spot in his underwear. This only lead to him smearing his fluids in some more, staining his silly undies even further. Poor Dylan knew that if he had less self control, he certainly would have gone to the bathroom in his underwear. Since the bunny was quite distracted with trying to cover himself in front of the boys, Sal took the time to pick up Dylan's phone, which had buzzed an alert to him. Apparently, someone had sent him a text, which the raccoon was more than happy to snoop at.

Letting out a single laugh and shaking his head, Sal walked to Dylan, shoving the screen into his face. "Hey, bunnykins, lookie! Some hot girl just sent ya a sexy pic!" He said, with he and the others looking. The bunny's face burned a hot red as he realized it was Dana! Sure enough, she was standing there with her top pulled down, exposing, in Dylan's opinion, a very sexy pair of boobs! He imagined that if she were actually in front of her while she took the picture, they would be bouncing quite heavily!

Of course, the sound of Sal tutting his tongue was enough to snap him back to reality, the raccoon almost snarling cockily down at the bunny. "Man, you really are a pervert, huh? I bet you had to beg for that tall hottie to send you her tits!"

"Whuh-huh?!" The bunny responded, the other boys laughing at his situation. He knew for a fact that he did no such thing, and was definitely sent that out of nowhere! Of course, before he could explain himself, the other boys butted in to mock him further.

"Wow, how pathetic can you get?" Mikey added on, slapping Dylan on the rear, making him yelp out.

"Yeah, I bet she doesn't even know you wear dumb little undies!" Derek laughed, joining his friend and also smacking the bunny's bubbly, brief-bound booty. Dylan said nothing, of course, not wanting to reveal that she in fact did know!

"I think we outghta show her, right fellas?" Billy chuckled, pushing both palms against the rabbit's shoulders. As Dylan gulped and tensed up, feeling his pupils grow small, the others cheered at the idea!

"Hey, not a bad idea, Bill!" Sal laughed, swiping at Dylan's phone as he prepared his camera. The boys began to back up from the bunny, with the raccoon looking at their target with a wink. "Now stay put bunny!"

"If ya try to run, I'll rip ya shorts clean in half!" The orca threatened, tightening his grip on his shorts.

"Not just that, but if you don't behave, we'll be the ones snapping pictures... and sending them to the whole campus!" Mikey added on, high-fiving his wolf friend. With a dejected sigh, the bunny merely nodded, shuddering and shaking as he felt his boner throb and stiffen in his underwear. He was looking downwards, closing his eyes and biting his lip as he prepared for Sal to take the picture.

"...hey, Dylly, lookit the camera. Now!" Sal commanded, with Dylan instantly snapping his attention up. The eye contact Sal was making made him uncomfortable, though that wasn't the end of his jeers. "Good bunny! Now, hands off yer fat willy. Make a double peace sign. And smile!"

Trying his best to not groan or roll his eye at his demands, the bunny slowly and shakily moved his hands up, letting his stiffie bounce outwards in his Winnie the Pooh briefs, a small, bashful grin forming on his face. "C'mon, I said _ smile !" Sal yelled out. "If you're not gonna cooperate, then we're gonna have to rip those _panties off of ya!" Dylan's ears perked up upon hearing the threat, which quickly caused the bunny to smile widely, showing off his teeth as he stood in place, humorously showing himself off in such a ridiculous manner.

Thankfully, Sal took quite a few pictures, with the other boys laughing and watching in amusement. It wasn't long before the raccoon looked back at the bunny, grinning wickedly. "Good bunny. Now... take off your undies and hold em up! Let your fat willy breathe a little, eh?"

"Huh? B-but..!" Dylan started up. The moment he tried to defend his humility, though, he felt the wolf walk over and grip the waistband of his underwear, tugging at them in a threatening way.

"Do ya want us to do it for ya?" He snarled, which Dylan answered by shaking his head rapidly.

"N-n-no please! I'll take em off..!" He promised, which satisfied the wolf, who stepped back, crossed his arms, and watched eagerly. Knowing there was no other way to go, the bunny started to tug his underwear off, his fat hog slowly coming into view. It took a bit of time, as Dylan was still incredibly hard. Once he let his briefs fall to his ankles, his fat hot bounced free, dripping and splattering the ground with his slick precum. Soon, Dylan stepped out of his undies, and held them up, trying to hold another forced smile.

"Good! Now say 'boner'!" Sal teased, snapping some more pictures of the bunny. Dylan's cock kept twitching and throbbing, oozing and dripping with his slick pre, which the raccoon obviously made sure to get into the shot. Soon, he was done, and tossed the phone towards the bunny. After watching him fumble around with it, dropping his briefs in the process, Sal crossed his arms. "Now, send at least one picture of both sets to that giraffe girl."

"I'll make sure ya do it, too!" Billy said, looming over the bunny from behind. The nude bunny gulped and nodded, sweating and blushing brightly as he unlocked his phone and started up his messages. He couldn't help but stare at Dana a little bit longer, his cock deciding it loved what it saw and shooting out a small gob of pre!

"Eww, gross man!" Laughed Mikey as he saw Dylan's boner react so lewdly. The boy jumped a little, shaking out of his daydreaming tendencies once more.

Wanting his humiliation to finally cease, the poor boy steeled his nerve and selected two pictures, one of him in his underwear, and the other of him without. Thankfully, this seemed to please the group, as Sal reached out and slapped at his rear, just enough to make his rear jiggle. "Looks like those fat nuts aren't just for show after all! I'm sure she'll looooove looking at these!" the raccoon laughed, tossing Dylan's shirt back to him. After doing so, he gave another rather rough slap to the rabbit's fat balls, making him squeal out and cover his groin in pain. "C'mon guys, let's get outta here. I think our bunny's learned his lesson... for now."

Dylan watched as the four snickered amongst the group, turning around as he held his clothes over his body, as if it would help hide his nude body. "W-wait, what about my shorts?" He called back, his voice a couple of pitches higher, due to the previous slap of his nuts. The raccoon barely slowed down, not even turning his head around the fully way.

"What about em, bunny?" He asked, not caring whether or not the rabbit got all of his clothing back.

"Consider this a little warning on our end, Dylly Willy!" Billy called back, shaking the shorts in his direction, but quickly pocketing them. "Next time we catch ya actin' like a perv, we're gonna take more!"

"So behave, Dylly!" Derek added on with a laugh.

"Now hurry along before someone catches you in the nude!" Mikey called back as he waved to the bunny. In no time, Dylan was all alone, holding onto his phone, shirt, and briefs.

After quickly looking around to make sure no one else was staring, the boy hurriedly got himself dressed, doing his best to stretch his briefs over his fat erection, which was quite difficult, even with his mother's expert sewing skills. It didn't help that he was still sensitive, and any attempt to try and even touch his oversized bunny meat sent shivers down his girth, making him gasp and groan out, spurting pre all over himself. "Guh..! S-shit..! Too hard..!" He whimpered quietly, his face still blushing a deep crimson hue.

Knowing that he'd never be able to fit his underwear over his fat weenie, at least not without jerking off first (and heavens know he wasn't doing that out in the open!), the bunny opted to just hurry his shirt over his body, tucking his fat willy into it. He gripped the hem and tugged downwards, wanting to hide any indication that he was without shorts. Dylan also made sure to grip his phone tightly, feeling thankful that Dana had not texted him back... yet. Figuring he'd cross that particular bridge when he arrived to it, the aroused bunny hurried towards the dorms, ducking behind trees and bushes as to not get caught.

It wasn't easy, however, as his tip kept pumping and oozing out pre, now starting to stain his shirt! The poor bunny panted and groaned, feeling his warm, fat meat throb against his chest, his shirt resisting against him a little. "Fuh-fuck..!" He gasped out quietly, checking his surroundings before hurrying forwards a little more. "H-here I am, stuck out here... in my little dorky undies that barely fit..! Hngh... at-at least the dorms aren't too far from here," He told himself, running a little faster, his cock and balls bouncing a little as he did.

"L-look on the bright side, Dyl," He began, his brain trying to come up with any sort of bright side to such an embarrassing situation. "Uh... at least they left you your phone.. and shirt! P-plus, at least you duh-didn't wet yourself... or cuh... cuh..." He gulped, groaning a bit as his cock reacted heavily to him almost saying the word 'cum'. In fact, with a hard throb, his cock spurted out a thick glob of pre, right through his shirt, dribbling and oozing down the whole length! Shaking his head and gasping out, the bunny shut his eyes tightly and bit his lip. "F-focus, Dylan..! Don't talk about that now!" He chided at himself, peering around once more before dashing into the dorm building.

"W-we'll take care of this problem inside..!" The pent-up bunny gulped, knowing that he had a big masturbation session ahead of him.

JOABWB Reboot: Sketching and Stretching

Journal of a Brief Wearing Bunny Sketching and Stretching Many students were out and about campus today. The weather was nice and clear, and the air was very fresh. The sun gently spread it's warmth to everyone, giving students and faculty...

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JOABWB Reboot: Double Trouble

# Journal of a Brief Wearing Bunny ## Double Trouble The bunny was laying in his bed, snoring gently as he stirred lightly. Despite the fact that he wasn't awake, his enormous, over-sized dick was experiencing morning wood, making his blanket tent...

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JOABWB Reboot: A Big, Warm Welcome

**Journal of a Brief Wearing Bunny** **A Big, Warm Welcome** After having spent enough time on the highway, Dylan was very happy to see his exit coming up, which only meant a couple more miles until he finally reached the campus of his new school....

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