
Story by Der Doberman on SoFurry

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The dawn rose gray over the sleeping city, the sun's rays beginning their daily battle against the bleakness of the receding night. Although the presence of the warm body in the crisp morning air cut through the cloud cover, it failed to raise the temperature above freezing. Naked trees lining the streets below the skyscraping high rises cracked and groaned as their frozen branches struggled to sway with the light breeze that blew off the bay.

Reggie Clinton woke to these ominous conditions, the window of his eighth-story flat open to allow the night air to refresh the stuffy interior, an idea that he instantly regretted upon climbing out of bed. The sensation of the ice-cold floor boards on his paws sent a shiver up his spine, but the tiger ignored the throbbing of his blood struggling to circulate in his feet and padded across to his dresser, quickly draping a sweater over his half-naked form.

Shivering, the orange and black cat made his way to the window, taking in the early morning view from outside; he marveled at the fact that people even tried to drive as he stared down at the throng of unmoving cars on the street below. A sudden breeze forced him back inside, and he decidedly shut the window behind him. Still half-asleep, he journeyed to his kitchenette, hitting the "Start" button on the miniature coffee maker upon arrival.

Before long, the flashing red light on his answering machine caught Reggie's attention, and, after pressing the "Play" button, he returned to his kitchen to rummage through the fridge for breakfast.

A beep. "Reggie!" came a masculine voice, deep and clear like thunder at midnight, "I got your sketches today. Love them! We're thinking we might try to push the Scheinhardt deal through before the weekend, so we'll need some finalized outlines by Thursday if you want to make this happen. Get back to me on this by Wednesday to let me into the loop. Thanks."

The tiger rolled his eyes. For too long now, Russell Jacobs had relied on him to put together the missing pieces. Good friends since high school, the rhino and tiger had been roommates their first year in college, learning entirely too much about each other in the process, but Russ had come to lean on Reggie more and more. The cat equated this to the businessman's sense of urgency and lack of time, and his own desire to be punctual. Reggie had never missed a deadline. Not for a paper, a preliminary sketch, or even a personal agenda. The tiger set goals and achieved them, or he didn't sleep.

The current project worried him at the moment. Designing a state-of-the-art building with rooftop garden and spa was new for him, and he wasn't sure which direction to go in. It was for this reason that the next call startled him.

"This message is for Mr. Clinton. This is Raidy Takashi. Mr. Jacobs faxed me your preliminaries, and to be honest, there're a few things I want to discuss with the two of you. If possible, I'd like to meet later this afternoon in Mr. Jacobs' office face to face. It's actually rather urgent, so if the two of you could get back to me by ten, I'd greatly appreciate it."

His paws shaking slightly, Reggie poured himself a bowl of cereal before grabbing a cup and filling it to the brim with coffee. Sipping at it, he sat down at the folding table that acted as his dining room and began contemplating his options aloud.

"Well," his voice rough and dry, an after effect of sleeping with his window open, "I can reinvent the whole thing and show up with some new sketches, or I can go in blind and hope that the items we're discussing are just some aesthetic changes to my sketches."

The cat finished his cereal with a slurp before traipsing over to his closet and donning his best business suit and tie. As he was buttoning his pants, his phone began to ring. He rushed over to it, nearly tripping over himself as he did.

"Hello?" he gasped as he picked up the receiver.

"Reggie? You sound awful"

"Oh, hey Russ. Did Takashi call you?"

The voice on the other end seemed concerned, "Yeah, that's actually why I'm calling now. I need to set up an emergency meeting, say, ten-thirty, my office?"

Reggie looked at the clock, gulping, "You're giving me forty-five minutes to get to mid-town? That's a tall order, but I'll go ahead and leave now, and, if Takashi gets there before me, just wait, okay?"

"Fine," the rhino on the other line sighed, "Just be here soon."

When Russ hung up, Reggie was already halfway out the door.

Thirty-nine minutes and three trains later, the tiger emerged in mid-town, his leather attaché case clutched tightly in his right hand. Standing for a minute curbside, he took in a deep breath and began towards the tall building across the street.

Russell's office was on the eighteenth floor of the high-rise, and Reggie was greeted the moment he stepped off of the elevator by the sight of the rhino's younger sister, who also acted as his secretary.

"He's just waiting for you. Mr. Takashi arrived about ten minutes ago, so as of now, you're right on time."

"Thanks, Mindy," the tiger responded before pushing open the double oak doors and making his entrance.

Russell stood up from his desk, his chiseled form covered well by his thousand-dollar suit. Reggie noted the other figure, a well-crafted panda in a white trouser and coat combination, who simply turned as the tiger entered and smiled.

"So," the rhino began, "I hate to skip the formalities, but Mr. Takashi-"

"Raidy, please," the panda interjected.

"Okay, Raidy here has recently found out about another bid that Scheinhardt is entertaining. It seems that the Galke brothers got wind that Mr. S is looking to expand. My source at Galke Industries tells me that they've scrambled and found one of the leading architects--no offense, Reggie--in the city."

"Darwin?" the tiger enquired, surprised.

"Yeah, rumor has it he fetched half a mill for it. Again, sorry Reggie."

The big cat shook his head, "If I had as good a track record as him, I'd run about the same."

"Give yourself some credit," Raidy interrupted, "The sketches I got from you were excellent."

"Were?" the tiger's directly reflected his confusion.

"Unfortunately, yes. And I'm assuming, like all of my other drafters of late, you did them without aid of a computer, meaning there're no back-up copies. During my divorce proceedings last night, my attaché case was stolen from under my seat. I hate to say it, but I seriously suspect that the Galke brothers were behind it. You know what that means."

"Fuck," Russell sighed, "We're back on page one, and they're miles ahead of us."

Reggie hung his head, running his hand through the white tuft of fur on his forehead. He bent forward in his chair, reaching to the ground with his other. Bringing something into the lines of sight of the other two occupants of the room, he spoke, "Well, I guess it's back to the drawing board for me then. You don't have to worry too much about those Galke rats, though."

The rhino cocked his head, before Raidy read the tiger's thoughts.

"I get it," he winked, "So you'll get some new sketches ready for Thursday?"

"Yeah," the tiger replied, "It'll be a quick turnaround, but I can do it if I don't sleep. Coffee in my budget, Russ?"

Finally catching on, the rhino stood, stretching, "Okay gentlemen, it's settled then. If it's alright with you two, we can head over to my suite to discuss the logistics of the deal."

Standing, Reggie replaced the tiny recording device, which he had coyly removed from the bottom of the desk, "That sounds great."

The trio exited, Russell calling his car as they did. By the time they reached the street, the black town car had arrived, and the driver, a tall, muscular beige stallion, was waiting for them with the passenger doors open.

"Gentlemen," he greeted them.

"Thank you, Percy," Russell responded, "Quick, as always."

"Just doing what I'm paid to do, sir," the horse replied as he closed the doors behind them. He circled around, entering the driver side door gracefully, "Where to?"

"Fifth and Hawthorne. The Bachelor," Russell said the name with pride.

"The Bachelor?" Raidy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, for those of us who are free from those money grubbing reproducers," the rhino jested, leaning back to nudge the panda's shoulder.

A sad look crossed Raidy's face, "I still can't believe that she left."

Reggie cocked his head quizzically, rubbing the panda's forearm for support, "Your wife? I read about that in the Times. Why'd she leave?"

The panda shook his head, "I don't really know. One morning I awoke and she wasn't in bed, and the next day I received a summons to a divorce court."

"You know exactly why she left, Takashi," Russell's bluntness cut like a knife, "If you can't even be honest with a hired employee, how can you ever expect to be honest with yourself?"

The panda shot him an icy glance.

Reggie raised his hands in protest, "It's okay, really. Forget I asked."

"No," Raidy began, "Russell's right. I- I'm the reason she left."

"What do you mean?" Reggie did his best to take interest as the panda, who, up until now had been a complete stranger, began to spill his soul.

"I was unfaithful. Well, to put it lightly, anyways. Our marriage was more or less a sham from day one. I- I never even tried to consummate it. That's how bad it was."

The town car was filled with silence as Raidy let the tiger comprehend what he had said.

"So, it was just a cover, or something? Just to make the investors like you?"

"Let's just say, investors tend to put their money into people who are similar to them. I was lying to myself, just like half the businessmen out there; although the lie may have been a little different," the bear explained, "Everyone you see in a suit these days has skeletons in their closet. Mine... well, let's say it wasn't skeletons in my closet."

"Isn't skeletons in your closet," Russell interrupted.

"I guess I don't follow," Reggie announced, a quizzical look plastered on his face.

"Raidy here, he's the one in his closet."

The daggers returned to Raidy's eyes as he glared at Russell. Turning to the tiger, whose face expressed an emotion of slow realization, he chuckled, "It's fine, I guess. I'm probably one of the richest homosexuals in the world, outside of the fab five, I suppose."

"Oh," Reggie responded, "Well, that's cool. I don't really see what the big deal is; it's not like you're running around with a different... gentleman caller every night. I mean, I can totally see why your lady's ditching you--especially if she wasn't in on it. So you cheated with another dude, and you got caught. At least you can live in the open now, right?"

"That's not so easy, though," the panda sighed, "Part of the divorce agreement is that she remain silent about my... issue. In return, she can continue to live off of my income. Because she knows, she can essentially free-ride off me the rest of my life."

Russell shook his head, pursing his lips at the panda's statement, "This is the guy who can really go for it in bed, I mean, he's a real man between the sheets, but he can't keep a woman in line."

Reggie was taken aback, "You mean-?"

"Yeah," Raidy cut in, blushing, "You're looking at my gentleman caller."

"Huh," the tiger exclaimed, "I'd always wondered why the two of you continuously collaborated despite your beginnings as competing firms. Well, I guess I don't see why you need to hide in the closet anymore. It's a different world out there, isn't it? I mean, you could even get married if you wanted. What's there to be afraid of?"

"Unfortunately, our backers might not see it that way," Raidy explained, "And, coincidentally, their pocketbooks aren't ruled by the laws of the state."

"Man," Reggie exclaimed, "I never realized big business was that bad. Y'all really have your balls in a vice, don'cha?"

"You could say that," Russell spoke in the embarrassed panda's stead, "You've barely gotten your feet wet in this world, Redge, just you wait until you have something to hide. Clients, the media, everyone wants the dirt on you, and if you even give them an inch, they'll take it."

"Speaking of which..." the panda eyed the rhino.

"We're taking this as an opportunity, Reggie. Now, you can either be in or out, either way, it doesn't matter. We'll have a meeting tomorrow afternoon to discuss specs on the new deal."

"I told you not to worry about it. I put a poor-man's copyright on the prints. Mailed 'em to myself last week. The moment the Galkes sell that, we win in court," Reggie's confidence seemed to fill the car, and the rhino and panda both relaxed in their seats.

"Well then," Russell began, "Raidy and I are off to my suite to... celebrate."

Reggie's face projected his befuddlement.

The panda leaned closer, resting his paw on the tiger's knee, "I realize this is rather forward, but you are certainly invited to join us."

The tiger gulped. He was unsure of the implications either a yes or no answer might have on his career. At the same time, he was unable to decipher his own personal feelings. These were two of his colleagues, but, at the same time, he'd known the rhino nearly his whole life, and there had been once or twice when he'd felt curious about the idea, even without the knowledge he'd gained tonight.

A guttural "um" was all he could muster.

"We'll continue to my place, then. If you want, you can join us for some fun and debauchery, we promise, no strings attached. You can watch if you want. I love an audience," Russell smiled charmingly.

Reggie nodded, slowly.

"If, at any point, you should feel uncomfortable, just let us know. We can stop whenever," Raidy's eyes sparkled with the sense of adventure that Reggie was suddenly feeling.

The tiger nestled back in his seat, trying his best to take command of the adrenaline that had started to run through his veins. His stomach knotted and he found himself staring at his paws, which gripped the cloth at his knees, white-knuckled. Russell and Raidy had leaned back into their seats, settling themselves for the duration of the remaining drive.

It wasn't long before he let his eyes wander away from his paws, along the soft contours of the town car's interior, and to the white slacks that the panda was wearing. The tiger's heart thumped as he stole glances along Raidy's frame, admiring his thick legs, broad chest, and powerful arms. As his gaze rose to the bear's face, he settled with himself, I can just watch, I don't even have to do anything. Hell, I don't even have to watch if it isn't interesting. But maybe--

"Here we are."

Russell's thundercloud voice cut through the tiger's thoughts, leaving him dumbfounded. He watched as Raidy climbed out next to him, leaving the curbside door open for him to follow, which he did obediently. The rhino assumed the lead, and, after thanking their driver with a kind handshake, the trio set off into the enormous apartment building, the tiger a few steps behind.

Russell's suite was on the eighth floor and furnished extravagantly. The couches and chairs were quickly forced from Reggie's mind, however, as the rhino began shedding his clothing the moment the door clicked shut behind them. The panda did likewise, leaving his suit and coat in a pile on the floor. The pair, stripped naked to the bone, then turned and looked longingly at the tiger.

With a gulp and shaky paws, Reggie undid the first button on his shirt. Pulling his tie forward, he slipped it over his head, becoming increasingly aware of the eyes tracing his body like it was a savory steak. His fingers worked on their own, undoing the rest of the buttons and opening his shirt to reveal the soft white fur of his chest. After slipping out of the sleeves and letting the dressing fall to the floor he hesitated, one paw grasping his belt buckle while the other fished its way into his pocket nervously.

Without missing a step, the naked rhino moved towards Reggie, raising his thick arms to allow himself a feel of the tiger's silky chestfur. He worked his hands down the length of the other man's stomach, moving the tiger's paw away from the buckle before skillfully undoing it and releasing the seal it formed on Reggie's pants, which pooled around his ankles. The rhino's fingers fit themselves into the waistband of the cat's boxer shorts, moving the black and green striped cloth downward to reveal the growing length beneath them.

Not wanting to miss out, the panda moved forward, venturing his own paw to the tiger's length and grasping it firmly. Hearing the gasp that escaped from Reggie's lips was invigorating to him, and he gripped the cat's hip firmly with his other paw, moving him away from the pile of his clothes on the floor. He worked instinctively with the rhino, leading Reggie towards the bedroom door.

Russell's room didn't vary much from the rest of his apartment. Reggie noted the luxurious furnishings momentarily before he found himself tossed playfully on the bed, landing on his stomach. Fearing for his own comfort, his tail instinctively hugged his body, but he soon felt the warm presence of the rhino's hands on his hips, turning him expertly onto his back. He looked at the other two naked forms, really studying them for the first time.

The one thing that stood out on the both of them was their midsections. Both figures were toned, with chiseled shoulders, arms, and legs, but their stomachs poked out, slightly pudgy, juxtaposing themselves against the tiger's tight abdomen. Reggie leaned up, supporting himself with his elbows, as the two climbed next to him on the bed.

Russell caressed the tiger's face with his paw, crawling in to meet it nose to nose. He couldn't control a small grin as the tiger closed his eyes to the kiss, before moving his paw to feel the rhino's body. Turning his eyes to Raidy and breaking the kiss, the rhino nodded. As the panda moved to get between the tiger's legs, bringing his muzzle to nuzzle the white orbs nestled between them, Russell looked back to Reggie, "You ready for this?"

The tiger gulped, but couldn't hide the fact that he was excited, "As I'll ever be."

With a soft sound the panda engulfed the tiger's balls with his tongue, sending the cat into a euphoria he'd never felt. His body collapsed onto the bed and his tongue lolled out to one side as the panda took on of his orbs fully into his muzzle, suckling gently on it. His eyes closed, and he couldn't fight the moans bubbling up from his throat.

Russell moved subtly, but soon had his own member dangling over Reggie's slightly gaping maw. He brought a paw down to pull the tiger's face up, placing the cat's nose at the base of his shaft.

Reggie's eyes snapped open, revealing the thick head of the rhino's cock less than an inch from his face. As the panda moved from his balls to the tip of his member, the tiger took control of his tongue, hesitantly tasting the underside of Russell's shaft. The taste and aroma of the rhino's nether region was indescribable, but it stirred the tiger's loins to have his face pressed into another man's underbelly. As he moved up the rhino's length, his own cock throbbed, and his hips began to fight to find a rhythm in and out of the panda's mouth.

Raidy had, in fact, began to work his muzzle up and down the length of the tiger's meat, lapping at the tip teasingly before burying his nose into the soft white fur that grew just below Reggie's belly. His tongue tickled the underside of the tiger's engorged member as he worked it, challenging Reggie to hold back his thrusts. He knew intuitively that the cat was nearing orgasm and pulled off, leaving the black and orange feline just on the brink of release. Finally raising his eyes, he marveled at the sight that befell him.

Reggie had begun to suck at Russell's cock as if it was a Popsicle, although he was barely able to fit the massive length into his maw. He enjoyed the warm salty and bitter taste on his tongue, and he pressed it incessantly against the underside of his penis, reversing his movement as he neared the rhino's tip.

Russell was having trouble holding himself up as he neared his orgasm. Gripping the tiger's head with one paw, he pulled his length free of the cat's greedy muzzle before moving off of him. His voice was raspy as he gripped the tip of his cock tightly, fighting back the spasms that threatened to cover Reggie's nose and cheeks in sticky white, but he managed to say, "Enough with this foreplay bullshit. Reggie, if you're up for it after that introduction, I think it's time to fuck."

Sitting up, the tiger surveyed the room, glancing at the other two creatures sharing the bed. He gulped, "Let's do it."

Shifting himself, the panda rolled onto his back on the bed, spreading his legs invitingly. Lifting them at his knees with his paws, he smiled at the tiger, "Alright, Reggie, let's see what you've got."

Moving into position, the tiger gripped his slickened member, shifting around until he felt the panda's puckered entranced. Pushing forward slowly, he forced an audible gasp from the bear's lips. Biting his lip, he continued forward, placing his paws at the back of Raidy's knees, holding his legs up to facilitate his motions.

Raidy's knuckles whitened as his gripped the bed sheets, moaning every time the tiger thrust in, feeling his balls slap the base of his tail. He did his best to hump back into the cat's lap, rubbing his own member against the tiger's velvety stomach. At the peak of every prod, the panda could feel his cock throb warningly, and he felt that soon he'd be covered in sticky seed.

Watching the two beings grind together was too much for the rhino, who had begun to stroke his cock greedily, using the tiger's leftover saliva to facilitate this motion. He crawled forward, gripping the tiger's hips and positioning the tip of his member between the cat's rear cheeks.

Reggie froze when he felt the other man grab his sides. He inadvertently pressed back, trying to escape the Chinese-style trap that the panda had become. He felt the tip of the rhino's slickness press firmly against his hole, and gulped.

Russell moved his hands up the tiger's form, whispering gently, "Don't worry, just look at Raidy, you'll love it."

Glancing back down, the tiger glimpsed the ecstasy imprinted on the panda's face, and felt the bear working his cock with his anal muscles. Taking a deep breath he relaxed, bracing his knees against the panda's rear end and pushing his member further into the bear before saying softly, "Okay, Russ, I think I'm ready."

As the rhino pressed into him, the cat gritted his teeth. At first he felt nothing but searing pain, but that subsided quickly and was replaced by a feeling of thickness in his backside, one that he was incapable of describing to himself. It felt good, and the tiger soon found himself struggling to hump the panda beneath him in time with the slow thrusts of the rhino behind him.

Russell felt the tiger begin to find a rhythm and moved his paws from the cat's waist to his shoulders, pulling him backwards as he thrust forward. The cat had found a good tempo, and pushed back as the large mammal behind him pushed in, then drove hard into the bear's tail below, before beginning the cycle over. Russell was soon unable to control himself, and began to thrust fervently into the tiger's backside.

The pressure began to build up in Reggie's loins as his was pounded from behind, and he leaned forward, doing his best to pay the feeling forward. The panda worked his cock expertly, milking him as he pulled out and allowing him leeway to drive home. He grunted, feeling the sweat drip from his nose onto the panda's belly, which only helped to lube his own stomach to aid Raidy's rubbing.

The panda was the first to reach climax, his length throbbing against the tiger's washboard abs as his thighs tightened around the cat's waist. He pulled himself down, driving Reggie's entire length into his body as he began to pump his warm, sticky cum onto his and the cat's stomachs.

Feeling the panda's muscles clench around his cock was too much for the tiger, and his muscles began contracting likewise, working Russell's thick manhood inside his own tail as he began to fill the bear's. His paws tightened around Raidy's legs and he roared as his shaft pulsated inside the bear's ass, shooting rope after rope of seed into him.

Russell's was the finale, as the other two animals below him finishing forced him into a frenzy. The rhino grabbed the tiger's shoulders firmly, driving his member balls deep into the cat's virgin tail. He felt a stream of cum flow from his member, and, after sufficiently filling Reggie's rear he pulled out, depositing the rest of his seed on the tiger's presented butt.

The three collapsed, gasping, on the bed, and Reggie pulled out of Raidy's backside, at first leaving a string of sticky goo from the panda's abused hole to the tip of his member. He lay on his back, breathing heavily, watching the others' chests rise and fall in time with his own. He raised his arms to rest his head on his paws, grinning.

The panda was the first to sit up, gazing over the other two forms in the bed. He felt the sticky liquid oozing from his tail and couldn't help the growing smile on his own face. He leaned forward, licking some of the cum from Reggie's member before announcing, "Well, fellows, I think that's all the fucking I can handle. What do you say we grab a beer or something?"

The other two sat up, and it was evident that Russell enjoyed it just as much as the others. He sighed with relief, before nodding agreeably, "I'd be up for it after that. I'm ready to relax."

Reggie led them in standing, faltering at first as he adjusted to the feeling of his rear, "I'm all for it, but first, I vote to shower so I don't smell like, well, this. We wouldn't want someone hitting on me while I smell like fuck, do we?"

His two companions chuckled, and the trio began the process of cleaning up as the waning sun began to disappear over the western seaboard, projecting its last rays through the windows of the eighth floor suite before finally disappearing over the top of the skyline. It left behind the cold night air, which couldn't phase the tiger, who was now surrounded by two friends, who'd come closer to him than he'd ever expected possible.