Power To The Third Eyes. (Parts one and two.)

Story by Deer Spelunky on SoFurry

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Taking up a job in an underground laboratory, a well built lion finds himself the subject of experiments involving the mind and it's effects under pressure.

Author's note; I'm sorry for the length of this upload.This would be two or three times longer if all parts were complied but at current only these two are finished. I'm putting these out now because.. well, it's his birthday and I want to give him something special.

I give these two chapters to my good friend @NerdcatSupreme on twitter for his birthday. His character is the delightful lynx and mine is the ever brutish lion. Stay tuned if you enjoy this story, I sure did making it.

"And why do you want this job?" Said the three eyed cat that sat before the lion, his fingers crossed over neatly as he stared them straight in the eyes. An impressive feat for anyone facing a seven foot lion indeed, but what made it noteworthy was the utter gall of the lion that sat before them. A white furred, proud looking, jacked up with pure muscle and barely stuffed into a fine, business suit; a cocky grin plastered on his face as he leaned back in the chair, a red Christmas hat barely balanced on his head while he thought on the issue with the grace of a gym bro talking politics.

"Because security is more than important, it's a necessity. And I believe that a new lab such as yours deserves a proper start with that." He shifted around in their chair, his supporting leg switching to the other so his boot could rest on the cusp of the table. "You do realize you aren't just performing guard duty, this is a multi-purpose job. You'll be helping move equipment, participating in tests, and-"

"Yeah, yeah.." said the lion, waving his hand. "Let's get to the point."

The cat frowned, his third eye briefly squinting at the larger man before opening wide as he went in for a shake. "Great, you can start today then!" They stood up, the grey lynx's tummy lightly poking out from the labcoat. A smile met his face, a slight expression of promise to meet the less than respectful smile of the beast. "I'll get you set up with a schedule and gear. We'll see about getting you a clearance pass as well." He stated, the lion's eyes blinking in surprise as he reached forward and took their hand in a shake.

"Oh, alright. Urm, aren't we technically the only ones here boss?" Asked the lion, taking a look around to empathize their point and returning to.. well, was that flash of yellow? No, couldn't have been. Nero was sure of it, and by golly he felt more on it than even. All that thinking almost distracted him from the words that came out of their mouth, but oddly enough it pierced though his thoughts in an instant.

"Need to unlock the doors and whatnot. Lots of locked doors, bulkheads. Being so far underneath the ground is a chore, but it keeps my work safe from prying eyes."

"And what is that work exactly? I know it's not in the contract for me to know but I understand this is some sort of military job." The cat raised an eye, finally surprised by the lion in any capacity. "And how'd you figure that out?"

"Worked as a contractor before overseas. Noted on my application, I know the sort of writing that comes with the contract." He glanced down at the stack of contract papers, the lynx looking down as well at the paper for the briefest of moments with a slight tinge of alarm. "So, you read that whole thing before you came in?" They asked, pushing their body forward. ??

"Not really, just the first page with the NDA." Said the lion, flipping the paper up to the last page to show he already signed it. The lynx's shoulders relaxed as he heard the news, the news that anyone possessing such a contract would hate to let them onto. He hadn't read the fine print like everyone else who came in that door. And that's what sealed his fate.

Thirty days of very little rest and constant running would make a lesser man tired. Not Nero, not if he had anything to say about it. Up at six, ten minutes of breakfast, run to check every entrance to see if they're locked. Then, after that it's check every single room of the twenty floors he was allowed access to. Then, repeat all that before moving things around for his boss. Hardly a moment went by without another thing for him to do. It was good money sure, but he had zero days off since he started the job. Barely a minute went by without another task or problem that needed fixing.

Even during his breaks Wyatt seemed to spill or leave a mess for him to clean up as soon as possible. Barely enough time was given to sleep for him even if he finished early. A four hour sleep was the usual, sometimes none at all. Even if he had a seemingly simple job like moving boxes delivered to the quarantined bay down four floors. Always something came up, even if it was a last minute order change that had nothing to do with the job, like going down to grab a box of papers from the filing cabinet.

It was particularly hard at the end of a two day stretch without sleep, one that made him ask how serious it was that he couldn't have any other people working in here with him that he got a call on the monitors that broadcasted to every corner of the facility. "Nero, I just realized I never actually inspected you to see if you were fit for the job."

"Fucking seriously?" He said, staring at the screen with disbelief at the Lynx, who was in the middle of working on some sort of black helmet.

"Really, no need to use that language with me." They said, the screen flashing orange every so often- a common glitch in the software it seemed, the calming tone of their voice wanting to put the lion to sleep. Gods was he boring.

"Get over here if you will, then you can have tonight off for once. All good?"

"Fine." Replied the lion, wiping the sweat from his brow and into his fur as he proceeded to the 21st floor. He typed in the code to the door and came into their lab without missing a beat. Not taking in any note to how he got there, or the numbers that were contained within the "glitches" due to his tired state.

"Finally, took you long enough." Said Wyatt, focused on welding his project together, but stopping to flip his goggles up and turn around to reveal his somewhat causal look. Sandals, labcoat, and fluffy pants all coming together with an orange undershirt that made his midsection pop.

"Yeah, yeah.. let's just get this one over with so I can actually get to freakin' sleep." Mumbled the lion as he clapped his hands and hung his head in the air. Not paying attention to the Lynx's tape measure coming out, or wrapping around his waist as he dared to doze off, his tail hanging low as he more or less begs to sleep. Almost missing a slight feeling of them messing with his belt!

"Hey," he cries out, grabbing his waist and pulling back, Wyatt looking calmly back up at him. "Dude! Why!"

"I need measurements of everything Nero, not just your body." Said the feline as the lion opened his mouth to argue, being abruptly stopped as that third eye peered directly into their mind. It stopped him, for the moment anyway. A light swirl barely visible within the iris of their glowing eye as the lion stared like a deer in the headlight while their belt came off and his massive sheath popped out of their pants. Compressed it was, and big enough that the Lynx's caressing hand couldn't wrap all the way around the sweat soaked flap.

"My.. you certainly are big." they mused, sticking a finger in their sheath's entrance and pulling the musk soaked hole down with a slight tug, exposing that tip to the first bit of fresh air it had in about a month as he stuck both his fingers in and spread it open. "Big in every way?" He asked, sliding their pants down to reveal the two watermelon sized orbs swaying as the fabric brushed past them, the musk filling the room quickly as the feline took hold of those orbs. His measuring tape following as he wallowed in the moment, his eye still holding the lion in their place as he reached around to grab at their cheeks. A drip of drool began to drip from the lion's mouth as he gave a squeeze to those muscular pads, running his hands along their sides for the brief amount of time they had left..

He was careful not to break eye contact, no his mind wasn't weak enough yet to take some sort of link. Instead, he lifted his hands up and backed off to that sheath once more, daring to plunge his entire hand in to feel that tip. To grab and feel at it.. and to make the lion unbelievably horny in conjunction with an uttered a silent /request/ of them. A swirling pool was all the lion saw, a calming ditch deep beneath the sea that pulled and warmed him. He couldn't make out the words, but the meaning stuck in his mind like a knife. It really didn't matter what it was, it could have been anything and he would have taken it to heart. And that's what he did on the deepest level, the message ingrained in his mind as the clouds faded away and he found himself in his room with the bluest balls one could imagine. "Fucking hell.." he stood up, bonking his head on the roof of his room as he stood up. "Hnnguh!" He'd grunt, glancing down at his midsection- and the throbbing cock that poked out of it past his belly button. Frowning, the lion took a look around the small room as he took his knotted cock in his hand, squeezing it tight as if it was an instinct.

Pumping it vigorously, the lion started to huff. Usually he neglected himself on job, but how much harm could it be to do it once?
