A Girl's Right of Passage

Story by ArchRose on SoFurry

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( You know the drill if your not 18 you need to high tail it out of here and not proceed any farther. Any and all law suits can not be pinned on me now for I have warned you thus every thing you do is of your own accord.) I sat down my book that I just had finished reading. It was about a girl over in India, a couple hundred years back, who had been blessed with puberty, but for her it was more a curse then a blessing. See in India, once girl's hit their puberty and can bear children, they are married off, and have to pay the husband with a dowery. I sighed thinking that in other counties girls were just something to create sons, if they had a daughter the wife was considered a failure. So was hitting puberty when people stop calling us girls and start treating us as women, or was it when you were married? Now here in the 21st century, things were different. So when would I be able to consider myself as a woman? Would I have to wait until I left the house for college, get a good job, would it be when I lose my virginity, or when I get married? These questions filled my head every night when I went to bed, or every time I saw a movie with a huge love plot in it. Even after I lost my virginity, I still don't feel like a woman. When I get out of the shower I stand in front of the mirror naked and run my hands over my body, its been six years since my puberty started, and now here I stood, a girl, sixteen years of age. My body has gone from being as flat as a 2X4 to this nice hour glass figure, my ass has grown round and firm and my breasts have filled out, and are still slowly getting bigger. My fingers run over my nipples as they stand erect from the sudden change of the hot shower water to the cool air of my room, then trail down my body, tracing the lines of my figure stopping just short of my clit. I didn't look different from the girl I saw in the mirror a couple months ago before I had sex, so am I a woman or am I still a girl. The alarm clock went off. I rolled over and smacked it to put the snooze on, ever since I could remember, I have always taken off my pajamas before I went to bed. Mother doesn't like it when she comes in my room on the weekends to wake me up, she says it's not lady like and that if there was a fire that I would be in a pinch. Ten minutes later the alarm goes off again, and this time I turn it off. Sitting up and stretching, I look to see what time it is as I grab the bra and booty shorts that I have sitting on my computer chair, along with the rest of my cloths that I will wear for the day. Pulling on my blouse and skirt, I walk over to my bureau, sitting in its chair and pick up my brush. My cat ears and tail pure white were as my long hair that when a little over half way down my back was a metallic silvery color, and both shined in the street lights as I walked out the door. It was 6:45 in the morning, still dark out as I walked out to the bus stop. I didn't ride a regular bus, it came to school to late for my tastes, I ride the local bus and get to school a little early so I can talk to friends. The bus came to the stop and I walked in, " High School please." The driver nods and I walked back. "Hey Angel! Over here, I saved you a seat." It was Sono and Tyka. I laughed and shook my head, both boys had been my friends ever since I moved here. "So Sono did you ever go to bed last night? You were still online when I was lying down to get some sleep. Don't tell me you added another one to your list?" He only smiled and blushed nodding. Tyka on the other hand was completely clueless about what I had said. He opened his mouth to ask but Sono and I both shook our heads, this was our little secret and if our other friends knew they would think that we were perverts. Sono and I had joined this online sight for furs, since Sono and myself were both neko's we thought it would be fun, but we've kept all our friends in the dark about it, except Aki, another neko. Aki and Sono are my best friends, but here lately they have been feeling like more then friends to me. Every morning on the bus I will sit in between Sono and Tyka, and Sono will rub my ears and tell me that if I'm still not fully away that I can rest my head on his shoulders, and every time Tyka looks jealous as I do. Tyka was one to hide his feelings about people and crushes, I usually pry it out of him when were alone though. Sono on the other hand will talk about anything with me when we are alone, same goes for Aki, both boys are really open with me and love to talk. Aki being the one who wants to have an intriguing conversation were as Sono is the one who will talk about movies, and porn. The bus came to a halt on the opposite side of the road the school was on and we got out, by this time we are all complaining about how the day is going to go, but we do it in a half hearted way, always cracking jokes about the professors and schools staff. I shivered and both boys would move in closer to me so that some of their body heat could keep me warm, because the school uniform did not, short skirt, long sleeved blouse and a scarf, all in school colors, blue and black. I envied the boys, they had pants, a shirt, and a button up jacket. The last stretch to the school we raced to the school, the boys of course winning but it was all in good fun, especially since we got their the same time Aki was dropped off by his parents who were on their way to work. I hugged Aki, and Sono getting jealous came and gave me a hug squishing me in between them. " Ok ok, come on we're at school now, this isn't the time or the place boys!" I giggled and they released me. Sono looked down at me with a grin, and Aki, who was only slightly taller then me smirked. Shaking my head I turned and walked in school, all three boys in toll. Aki, Sono, and myself sat at a table in the classroom away from the others discussing the nights events and homework. None of us had gone to bed until at least one in the morning talking to each other on our chat sight. " So we'll meet in the Y.C. tonight agree, now what time shall we be there?" Sono implied looking over at Aki and me. "Well I can't get on until six, because I'm working tonight." Aki said not looking to enthusiastic about it. "I have work and swim practice after school today, so why don't we met at about eightish, ok?" I looked between the two and they both put a hand on my shoulders. " You're going to work yourself to death Angel..." They said in unison, making me giggle and put my hands on hands. "Naw... In fact, why don't you two watch me practice tonight after school and then we walk together to work?" Grinning, I looked between the two of them, they had started to blush, since I just literally asked them to come stare at me in a swim suit. Not to mention since we all worked in the same building that they would be watching me in the bakery when ever they got a spare moment, but that didn't bother me much. We all nodded and the boys went back to their seats, Tyka looking at us strangely opening his mouth again to say something but stopping short as the teacher walked in and class started. The rest of the morning was filled with taking notes and doing worksheets. At lunch I decided to break the news to Aki and Sono. "What?! Are you serious?! Oh wow that's so great!" Sometimes I swear they were twins for they always said the same thing at the same time. "Yeah, my parent's are out of town for a week and they will let me have a couple friends stay with me during the time so I don't get 'lonely'. " I giggled imitating my mother. " And it wont hurt if they don't know that two guys instead of girls are staying over, I mean what they don't know wont kill them, right?" "Defiantly!" "I totally agree Angel." "So it's settled, since tomorrow we don't have school anyways, we will all walk over to my place after work together. My parents have left by now too, so we can also go to the store with our allowances and buy some soda and junk food." I smiled, this was going to be fun, and after lunch the rest of the day flew by. Well it slowed down a little during swim practice, because I could feel the boys staring at me as I swam. This made me laugh more then anything, though it also made me blush a bit too. An hour later, the boys were waiting out by the locker room doors when I walked out. We made our way to work, myself donning an apron, and the boys going to work on checking the computer system for flaws, bugs, and viruses. When it came to computers, Aki and Sono were the best in the school, and were fairly high ranked in the city too. I jumped almost crushing an egg in my hand as a pair of arms slipped around my waist and Sono's voice whispered in my ear, saying that he was due for a hug, I laughed and nuzzled his cheek a little then told him to get back to work so I could too. He chuckled and pretended to be upset as he walked out. I swear it wasn't more then twenty-five minutes later that Aki came in doing the same thing while I wasn't paying much attention to the noises around me as I was watching the batter in the mixer. I scowled him playfully give him a hug and ordering him out of my kitchen. He laughed and walked out whistling innocently. Two hours and one four layer cake, twelve dozen cookies, and two batches of brownies later, I clocked my hours with the boys behind me waiting their turn then went and grabbed my stuff. I waited outside for them to get their sheets signed and take their bags. We all talked excitedly about the upcoming week we were going to spend together, when both the boys suddenly stopped me and still holding my arms faced me. I looked at them slightly frightened as they both leaned in. Aki went and licked my cheek and Sono licked my nose, when they were done I was about to hit them when they said that I had a couple patches of chocolate batter still on my face. I laughed and punched them softly on the arms, they grinned and we continued on our way to my house. My house was a white three story home with a porch in the back. I took out my key and unlocked the door then let the boys in before me so that they could take off their shoes and then take the drinks and food from me so I could do the same. Once the door was closed and locked again, and Aki and Sono had put their bags in the guest rooms, we grabbed the food and head upstairs to my bed room. My room was the entire top floor, including its own bathroom, and walk in closet. I also had a mini fridge, a few boxes under my bed full of candy, a king size bed, a desk with a computer on top of it, two dressers, one with a stereo on top of it and one with my TV, VCR, DVD player, and video game console on it, a beuro, a queen size futon, and a book case. The boys whistled as they walked up into my room, this being their first time in it. We set the food on the floor and sat around it, dividing it into equal parts, and pulling out a deck of cards. "So what game shall we place first?" Sono asked with a smile. "Slapjack" I grinned. "War" Aki and I looked at each other defiantly. "How about we play speed, we are all evenly matched in it.." Sono spoke up before Aki or I could say anything else, and we nodded. He shuffled and dealt the cards for Aki and I, winner would play him. The sound of cards being slapped or thrown on to the piles was rapid and within minutes it was almost over. Aki and I staring at each other refusing to lose. " SPEED!" Aki yelled throwing his last card down. "Awww damn it, I was so close too, one card away....Oh well, I'll deal for you two." I said cheerfully and leaned over grabbing the cards, shuffling them out and dealing them out. "Ready....Go!" I started them off and watched as their hands flew, drawing and throwing cards down at a rapid speed. "SPEED!" Aki yelled again, " Hah! In your face Sono! I won so I get to pick the next game." He grinned and rubbed his hands together trying to scare us, we all laughed at this. "Ok the next game iiiiiissssssss....." He paused for a moment to make a dramatic effect." Truth or Dare..heheh" Sono and I looked to each other, and shrugged hiding our evil grins. " Ok, but first, why don't we go and change out of our uniforms and into our pj's so we'll be more comfortable?" The boys nodded and headed out of the room, I shut the door behind them. Undressing I hung my uniform up and put on a silk, blue, night gown that was spaghetti strapped and went half way down my thighs and brushed my hair again. I grabbed the pillows from my bed and threw them on the floor where we were sitting too so that we could relax a little more. There was a knock and I Aki and Sono that I was dressed. The door opened and both of them walked in, shirtless, wearing just some pj pants as far as I could tell. I playfully whistled at them and they started to flex. We laughed and sat back down, each of us grabbing a soda and opening it. "Ok Aki, it was your game so why don't you go first." I said. " Ok. Hmmm Angel truth or dare?" "Ummm, truth." " What do you think of our bodies?" I laughed and made a face like I was thinking. "Well you, Sono, are really tall and slim, I think it's a nice body, were as you, Aki, aren't as tall and have a little bit of a gut, but that's what makes you what you are, and I think that's hot." I giggled as I finished. Both of them blinked and blushed a bit. "Ok Sono, truth or dare?" "Hmm truth." "Alright, are you a virgin?" He blushed and shook his head. "Ok, your turn." He turned looked at Aki. " Truth or dare my friend." " Oh hell truth since you both said it" We laughed. "Same question as I was asked." He blinked and blushing too, shaking his head. "It's my turn again...Sono truth or dare?" "Dare" he grinned. "Hehe, ok, I dare you to kiss Angel." "What?!" I looked at Aki who was smiling mischievously. "Haha, no problem." Sono crawled over to me hugging me first then leaning his head down as he softly pressed his lips against mine. A few moments later withdrawing them and went back to were he was sitting, leaving me blushing. Sono and Aki snickered. "Angel Truth or Dare?" Sono said after a minute, still looking at me blush. "Ummm truth.." "Ok, are you a virgin still?" They both looked over at me curiously. "No..." I hung my head and shivered. "What?! What lucky bastard got you?!" They said together, both shocked." " I don't know" I whispered. Sono and Aki looked at each other worried and crawled over to me, wrapping their arms protectively around me. " Will you tell us what happened?" I nodded and told the story of my first time. * * *

Six months ago

  • * * "Ok I'm done now!" I called down the hall to my boss as I washed the days work off my hands and face. "Alright. Thank you Angel! You got a lot done today. I'll sign your card now so that all you have to do is clock your hours and then leave." He called to me. I dried my skin off and hung my apron up, turning off the kitchen lights as I left. I wrote down my hours and left, it was about nine at night and there was no moon out tonight. I adjusted my bag as I started down the path to my house. After about five minutes of walking I noticed that I had two or three people following me, my heart started to pound and I took off at a dead run, hoping to lose them. Instead I lost my whereabouts and ending up at a dead end of an alley. It was dark, and I couldn't see a thing, but that didn't hamper the sound of foot steps coming towards me. These silhouette in the darkness that inched closer to me and then suddenly attacked. Tackling me to the ground, one grabbing my mouth and gagging me, two more each grabbing one of my arms, then working together to tie them together with the scarf of my school uniform behind my back. They let go of me and I lied there, squirming, trying to get to my feet, tears streaming down my cheeks, and my body trembling with fright. I could hear them whispering and laughing at me as a hand grabbed a bunch of my hair and pulled me to my feet, my screams of fear and pain muffled by the gag when they shoved me against the alley wall. My eyes widen then I turn my head to look away as one rips my blouse open along with my bra and other pulls my underwear off. Their snickers ring in my ears as they start to grab and fondle my breast, long sharp claws drawing blood from the soft skin. Fingers reaching down to assault my pussy and tail hole. I stiffen as the sound of zippers and pants being opened come from behind me before I'm pushed down to the ground landing on my stomach. One unties my hands, whispering in my ear that if I try anything they would kill me, I nodded, and as soon as they were free they ordered me to my hands and knees. As soon as I was up, some one grabbed my tail and slammed their cock into my tail hole, my screams and cries were muffled and the sound of my own blood being used to lubricate my ass for him to pound was sickening. Another one moved underneath me and thrusted himself into my pussy, taking my virginity and ripping the tight unused walls around it. My body shuddered and trembled as it was abused, tears flowing freely down my face still when the last one walked up to me and grabbing a hand full of my hair lifted my face up. "Scream or bite me and I will break your neck bitch." He growled as he removed the gag then tried to put his cock in my mouth, though I kept it tightly close. He back handed me across the face, roughly taking my hair again forcefully shoved his cock in my mouth, holding my head as he pushed it so hard that it hit the back of my throat. Minutes went by like hours before they all finally pulled out of me and sprayed their cum over my ass, breasts, and face. They dropped my limp trembling body, put their pants on and ran out of the alley. I lied there, my eyes blank, my body defiled, and blood trickling down my thighs from my ass and my pussy. It was over an hour before I could muster up the strength to stand again, grab my bag, and try and find my way home, which was that far. When I got there, the lights were off, meaning my parents had gone out for dinner. I unlocked the door and took off my shoes, and went up to my room, drawing a hot bath, and then crying for hours in it until the water had gone cold. * * *

Back to the Present Time

  • * * Sono and Aki looked at me in total disbelieve then both hugged me more, saying that I should of told the cops or at least them. I shook my head and told them that I was too scared to, and that I was afraid that if I told them, they would tell my parents. They shook their heads. " We would of comforted you Angel, and if you had told us not to tell, we wouldn't right Aki?" Sono looked down at me and nuzzled my cheek. "Of course. We would of respected your wishes and would of helped you through this." Aki started to nuzzle my other cheek. "Thanks you guys..." my voice was a little more then a whisper, and they looked at each other, then nodded. "Hey Angel, could we show you how your first time is supposed to be done? Taking it really easy and slow? Maybe it will help you a little..." Sono said, Aki nodding in agreement. I looked between the two of them, starting to get a little nervous, but despite my fear, I trusted my friends and nodded. "Good, we'll show you that you are not just something to place our dicks in, but rather that you, a female, should be treated as a god and worshiped." Aki finished looking down at me with a loving smile then handing me over to Sono, who picked me up and carried me to my bed. Aki following him and propping me up with pillows when Sono set me down. I looked at both of them as they sat on either side of me. "May we?" Sono looked at me as his hand fingered the bottom hem of my night gown and slowly inched in up. I looked at the two of them and nodded. Sono pulled my gown past my hips, were Aki took it from him and gently pulled it off the rest of the way. Out of habit my arms went across my bare breasts and my legs crossed, my eyes were closed and I was blushing too. Aki leaned down. " Just lay back and relax Angel. We promise that anything we do will only bring you pleasure, not pain." He whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He nodded to Sono, and placed one hand against my cheek kissing me softly, his other hand slowly reaching down and moving my arms so he could cup and caress my breasts. Sono had slowly ran his hands down my stomach, over my hips, stopping at the thighs, were he bent down and planted little kisses over them, his hands slowly opening my legs to spread them wide. His little chain of kiss went up both of my inner thighs stopping at my pussy, he ran his tongue softly over the material of my underwear. My lips parted from Aki's as I gasped softly, both of them smiled. Aki licked and nibbled on my ears sending a shiver through my body. He then slowly kissed his way down my neck, and shoulders, were he stopped, hovering above my breasts for a second, before bending down and licking a nipple. My arm went behind my head to grab the pillow, while my other hand went to my face, my lips pressing against it as I moaned softly. Sono and Aki looked at each other and nodded again, Aki going back to licking and sucking on my nipples and caressing my breasts. While Sono's fingers slid under the material of my underwear and slowly began to pull them down, over my feet and setting them on top of my night gown that they had already taken off. He lied between my legs and then pressed his tongue against my folds, licking up my sweet juices before pressing his mouth against my pussy and letting his tongue explore the depths of my passage. My toes curled and my legs draped themselves over his shoulders and held him there. Aki's tongue swirled around my nipples, and both of my arms were down grabbing the blankets underneath me as I moaned. Sono withdrew his tongue and licked my clit softly, making my hips jolt slightly as a soft wave of pleasure hit me. He grinned and did it again, then sucked on it softly, his fingers gently going into my pussy to replace his tongue. Aki stopped and tapped Sono's shoulder, he looked up still licking and fingering me. They nodded and Sono moved out from between my legs. Aki and Sono pulled off their pj pants and set them on the clothing pile and rubbed their cocks, a little as a couple drops of precum lubricate them up. Sono moved up next to me and Aki moved between my legs. Aki started to caress my thighs and he inched closer, until the head of his cock was touching the entrance of my pussy. I started to tense up, and Sono whispered to me to relax and to trust them, I nodded and did as I was told, taking a deep breath. Sono leaned down and started to fondle and lick my breasts to help distract me. Slowly Aki pushed himself, until he was all in, then Sono stopped and helped sit me up so I was sitting on Aki's lap, then moved behind me. Aki kissed me softly as he took the first thrust, starting slow then working a little fast. I moaned softly into his ear and pressed my fingers into the skin on his back. Each of this thrusts made me bounce a little on his lap, my breasts bouncing as well but were at the same time being caressed again by Sono. With another nod from Aki, they both slowed to a stop and Aki lifted my light body up a little so he could pull out his cock that was now covered in my juices. They switched places and Sono slowly lowered me onto his cock, once he was in Aki gently moved my tail and softly pushed his cock into my tail hole. I groaned a little and as Aki finally got his entire cock into my ass. Sono grabbed my hips while Aki held onto my breasts and they started to thrust into me together. As their thrusts began to grain speed, my moans started to get a little louder, my body now dotted in little droplets of sweat, and my breaths coming out as pants in between each moan. Aki and Sono added in with their grunts and moans of pleasure as our climaxes were starting to build. Their thrusts becoming faster and harder, my arms wrapped around Sono's neck as his head rested on my shoulder, and Aki's head pressed up against my back. With each up coming thrust becoming more powerful and rapid all of us were moaning loudly, our bodies hot against each other and covered in drops of sweat. Aki and Sono now gripping my breasts and hips rather hard as I bounced between them. Simultaneously, we all cried out as we climaxed, the boys shoving themselves in me as far as they possible could and pressing their heads against my body as their hips jerked with each spasm. I on the other hand had leaned my head back and dug my fingers into Sono's back as my back arched and came hard with them. As one they collapsed against me, myself only being held up by the weight of being in between the two. We sat there for a while, listening to each other catch our breath, and the boys also listening to my heart beat as it slowed down. When they had enough strength between the two of them they carefully lifted me up and off them, laying me down on the bed where they could both cuddle up against either side of me and fall asleep. Blinking I looked between the two of them and gave them both a kiss on the forehead as they drifted into slumber, thanking them for helping me become a woman that now wanted to live after that horrible encounter six months ago. With the last of my strength, I pulled a blanket over them, and lied back down, feeling for the first time, at peace. My question was now answered, in order to become a woman you must give yourself to the ones you love, body, mind, and soul. And as I slept I realized that Aki and Sono, were my friends that I loved and cherished, who felt the same way about be as I did them, who now will look out for me more then before. I am a woman because of them, because they loved me enough to help me put the painful rape behind me and let me live again, looking towards the future.