Story by OceanCatsEye on SoFurry

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Hunk was once again patrolling the streets of another city that had been hit by the dreaded T- virus, the uniformed man glancing from left to right as he walked quietly as he could given his heavy boots clacking on the pavement.

Hunk had been made aware of this particular city being infested with Lickers, the man felt a surge of arousal run through him as he kept moving, his breathing becoming more and more muffled by his mask as his arousal grew.

Hunk had come to a four way street, and paused to think about which way to go, only to be jolted by a loud hissing screech that was followed by a sharp crack of some kind and headed in the direction of the noise.

Had Hunk not been wearing his mask, his mouth would've been hanging open at what he was seeing.

Nemesis of all people, assuming you could still call him a person, was fending off a large pack of Lickers with a whip, and the humanoid thing seemed to be quite skilled with it as the beasts were kept at bay with well timed flicks of his wrist.

Hunk's cock was rock hard in a matter of moments as Nemesis wielded the whip much like indiana jones, the other man wasn't sure what turned him on more, the frightened screeches of the Lickers as they tried to attack the mutated undead or near dead man or the fact that Nemesis was dressed like a leather daddy.

Either way, he was horny as fuck and needed relief as fast as possible.

As Hunk kept his eyes on the scene before him, he slid a hand down to his crotch and began palming it like he was in a trance, a muffled moan escaped his mask as he felt a sudden need for a piss.

Hunk quickly looked around for a bathroom, before backing away from the scene, hoping to take care of business before one of the Lickers located him.

Hunk was grateful for his mask as the putrid stench of rotting flesh fill the air, when he entered the building and struggled to keep from wetting himself, after wander for about ten minutes or so the uniformed man found the men's room and kicked the door open before entering.

Hunk went into one of the stalls that unfortunately had its door ripped off at some point by something, before whipping his trousers down and began pissing, while a couple of Lickers had followed him in to the building after they picked up the officer's scent.

The telltale sound of claws on the floor had caused Hunk to go rigid and quiet from inside one of the stalls. Hunk had hoped that the creatures would leave so that he could finish pissing, but they began hissing and growling in a mixture of hunting instinct and something else.

Hunk had a good view outside the window from his stall, and saw that Nemesis was still cracking his whip at the remaining Lickers, a soft moan escaped him and he quickly stilled himself and hoped that the pair of Lickers hadn't heard him.

Not only did the Lickers hear him, they hissed in predatory glee as the two of them followed the smell of urine and fear, before finally finding their prey and slowly stalked towards the scared and very aroused Hunk as he sat on the toilet and closed his eyes and hoped for a quick death.

But death never came, instead he felt something moist and slimy graze his rock hard erection, Hunk's eyes shot open as one of the Lickers was lapping away at his cock with the very same tongue that it had used to impale people with.

Hunk moaned steadily as his cock was bathed by the monster's long tongue. Up and down, across, and sideways, it licked or rather whipped its tongue all over the officer's large cock and for a brief moment thought that he was going to explode from sheer pleasure.

Hunk could little more than occasionally shift on the toilet as the torture continued, the large uniformed man was barely able to take a tongue lasing form one of these things, but as soon as the other one joined in, all bets were off.

Hunk was sure that his tortured screams could be heard all the way outside by Nemesis, and sure enough the hulking monster turned towards the sound of the screams and stomped towards the the building the whip coiled in his hand as the other Lickers followed him like skinless puppies.

Hunk had never felt pleasure like this in his entire life, each merciless lash of their tongues had caused the man to grunt and pant like a cheap whore, even if Hunk had begged them for mercy he doubted that any would be given.

Outside the building, Nemesis had pulled his pants down and once again cracked the whip and pointed to the massive cock jutting out from his crotch.

"LICK!" commanded Nemesis with a raspy inhuman snarl.

One of the Lickers approached him as its mouth opened and a long tongue shot out and slapped against his balls. Another soon joined in, after Nemesis gave a firm crack of the whip, the hulking former experiment stood still with his legs spread apart as his pets serviced him.

Hunk was bellowing away like a damn animal, unable to keep still as his cock throbbed as the Lickers brought him closer and closer to a powerful climax, momentary relief spread through him when one of them pulled away and leapt on to the wall behind him.

Hunk squirmed on the toilet as the lapping tongue eased up a little, giving him a chance to breathe, a flash of something between the creature's hind legs had caught his eye, before reptilian sounding hiss came from above.

Hunk had little time to think as the other Licker was crawling towards him on the wall like some sort of mutant gecko. Like the one licking him, the other Licker had sprouted something form between its hind legs as well.

And Hunk had only one thought, the Lickers were evolving into a sexual reproducing species like regular animals and people.

A loud guttural yell coming from outside had snapped Hunk from his thoughts, as an arc of cum shot sailed threw the air and splattered against the window, followed by a loud smack and a Lickers pained screech.

The lickers that were with Hunk had allowed their captive to stand, the large man went to pull his pants back up, but a firm hiss caused him to stop, then with a shake of his head shuffled out of the bathroom flanked by his captors.

As soon as Hunk exited the building with his uniform trousers pooled around his ankles, one of the other Lickers hissed and made a beeline towards the startled man. before it was snatched by Nemesis's whip.

"Bad Licker, Nemesis punish!" said the former experiment.

Since when could Nemesis talk and what did he mean by punish? thought Hunk as his cock began to soften.

Nemesis gave a tug on the whip and yanked the Licker back over to him, before removing the whip from its neck before grabbing it by the head and squishing it in his massive hand, then let the body drop to the ground as a warning to the others.

While Hunk was trying to process what just happened, Nemesis pulled up his pants and walked over to the other man and simply scooped him up and carried him under his arm over to what looked like a makeshift metal bench.

Nemesis couldn't be planning on doing what Hunk thought he was doing, Hunk went wide eyed as the grotesque experiment sat down and manuvered Hunk over his knees in one fluid motion.

Rage and humiliation surged through Hunk as Nemesis smacked his meaty rump with a massive scabby decaying flesh covered hand, grunting from the force of the smack, before he swatted him again.

Hunk was sure that his friends were all sharing a laugh over this, the officer felt tears beginning to prick the corners of his eyes as Nemesis spanked him, once again feeling thankful for his mask.

Hunk had hoped that nobody saw him like this, bent over the knees of a T-virus experiment, getting a spanking like a naughty child.

Try as he might, Hunk was simply no match for the larger zombie like being, while no humans came around due to all the noise, but what did come around were more and more Lickers and Hunk felt the last of his will and his pride slip away as his cock hardened from getting spanked.

Hunk's screams were muffled a little by his mask, and if he had to guess, his ass was a deep shade of pink or even red by now.

By the time that Nemesis stopped walloping the poor man, Hunk sobbed quietly over his knees, figuring that he had been spanked for over an hour, when only tenminutes had actually passed.

Hunk gave a pained moan as a Licker came over to him and gave his stinging ass a couple of soothing licks, had the man's head been looking forward, he would've seen that all the Lickers now had erections of their own.

Nemesis shoved the aroused and fully humiliated Hunk off his lap, the officer groaned as he got to his feet, before a massive Licker that was attracted by all the noise came over and sniffed at Hunk's fully hard penis and then swiped its enormous tongue over it.

If having his cock serviced by a normal Licker was hard for him to take, then the alpha licker's tongue was downright torture, the massive monster was at least six feet high and its tongue was twice as long as a normal licker.

Hunk was rendered breathless as the alpha licker gave him a merciless tongue lashing, the likes of which he had never experienced before, to keep the officer from falling, two Lickers wrapped their tongues around him to hold him in place.

Hunk's knees buckled with each lash from the alpha Licker's tongue, while his cock was tormented, his ass and balls were bathed by two of the smaller ones, the alpha licker brought Hunk to orgasm by lashing the tip of his penis with a series of lightning fast swipes of its tongue.

Muffled bellows erupted out of Hunk as he blew his entire load skyward, before sinking to his knees, panting hard as the tongues retracted, before the alpha licker gently picked him up in its jaws and carried him off like a a mother cat.

Hunk had no idea of what awaited him as he was carried off by the alpha Licker, while being followed by a large black van, which was being followed by Nemesis and his growng army of Lickers.

Three years later...

Hunk was patrolling the streets with a dozen Lickers, picking off any zombies that were unfortunate enough to cross paths with them, when a cry echoed in the night, the uniformed man pulled out his whip and cracked it once and the Lickers took off in search of the noise.

To say that he was surprised was a understatement, dangling from the rapidly approaching Lickers jaws, was a basket of some kind that contained something that Hunk never expected to ever see again.

Petting the Lickers head like he would a dog, Hunk bent down to get a better look at whatever was moving around in the basket, thinking that it was a thing of some kind, only to see a small fuzz covered head.

Hunk quickly took the basket from the Licker, and with a wave of his hand headed back to the compound that served as their home, Hunk bit back a laugh as the Lickers rushed up and greeted him like they were dogs.

As if finding a living breathing baby wasn't surprising enough, the fact that he giggled when the alpha Licker licked his face was just as shocking.

The baby giggled in absolute glee as the massive creature licked him, Hunk watched with a mix of fear and awe as the baby let out a cute little hiss and sprouted sharp little claws and swiped at the massive Licker.

The alpha Licker cocked his head before emitting a soft hissing purr and nuzzled the the infant, as it gave a tiny predatory shriek and morphed into a small bipedal Licker, "D-daddyyyy" squealed the infant before reverting back to his human form.

"What in the entire fuck was that?" said Hunk with a muffled yell, sounding a lot like Kenny from south park.

Hunk knew that something about this whole thing seemed fishy, not only were the Lickers breeding sexually, but they were breeding with humans.

Hunk had gone to his room for a much needed wank, leaving behind a very confused alpha Licker, going from vicious predator to tender loving father was almost to much for him, just knowing that the others would laugh their skinless asses off once the found out.

Hunk bit back a laugh during the middle of the night, when a loud shriek pierced echoed throughout the compound, he almost felt pity for the fearsome creature as he gave a loud defeated hiss.

Getting food for his infant son would be no challenge for the massive Licker, but Hunk laughed evilly at the thought of the massive Licker having to deal with diaper changing.

There was no way that Hunk was going to miss that.