Best in Show

Story by Squirrel on SoFurry

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"Field and Adelaide, mouse and bat mates, attend the State Fair with their friends ... but romance ends up being the night's main attraction."

A very slice-of-lifey, rom-commy story. Fairly short and sweet!

"Hey, there, big buck! Saayyyyy ... you look like a baller."

Kody's tall, black-tipped ears flicked. He stopped amidst the strobing lights and bountiful bags of colorful cotton candy. The hunky Himalayan rabbit blinked and looked to the carnival barker. "Who, me?" he asked, pointing at himself.

"Hah!" The puma laughed, a fanged grin spreading across his tawny muzzle as he tipped his fedora hat. "Tell you what! A prize for a bucket, mm? Just three shots to glory!"

The puma gestured at the rig set up behind him. A recessed row of basketball hoops with a sloping surface beneath it, down to a rack of (probably) over-inflated basketballs. "Only two dollars a shot, and you can have any prize you want. Choose a basket, whichever suits your fancy. Heh, but we both know you'd swish it through any of them, am I right?"

Kody looked past the big cat to a selection of jumbo-sized plush creatures, oversized bananas, hula hoops, and assorted trinkets.

"You'd make it on the first try, sure. That's a given. But if you make all three shots?" The puma shook his head with amazement. "You'd go into our Hall of Fame!"

Kody was interrupted by a rapid tugging at his t-shirt.

"Those things are rigged!" Ketchy insisted in a stage whisper. The animated fox squirrel, Kody's mate, loved a good conspiracy, but she was sure this one was true. Also, "You can get all those prizes at the dollar store. Not that anyone would want to ... "

After considering, Kody told the feline, "I think I'm good, man!" The rabbit jovially showed off a neon-green inflatable hat he'd gotten playing skeet ball. "I won this!"

The puma scowled. "Congratulations."

"Thanks!" Kody moved off.

Giving a low, barely audible growl, a smile returned to the puma's tawny muzzle as someone else approached.

"Feel like I'm implicit in a con when I linger on the midway," Adelaide said, once they were clear of the basketball 'game.' The pink-furred bat added, "I thought we were gonna enter the cricket-spitting contest? Starts in half an hour."

"That's all the way on the other side of the Fairgrounds," Ketchy said.

"We?" Field echoed. He had no intention of putting bugs in his mouth, much less spitting them out with people watching.

"You said you were gonna try something new at the Fair this year," Adelaide told the mouse.

"No, I didn't. And if I did, it'd be, like ... some food or something."

"Bugs are food."

"A dessert food," he stressed.

"Chocolate-covered crickets," the bat amended.

"I don't like crunchy things in my chocolate."

"You eat chocolate with nuts in it."

"Nuts don't have exoskeletons."

"Excuses, excuses."

The friendly foursome passed a whack-a-mole stand, as well as an 'age guessing' booth and some mini-coaster rides. The noise of the fairgoers mixed in with all the bells and whistles to make a musical cacophony.

"Sometimes, I wanna play all the games, cause they're silly and have that cheap homemade look," Ketchy mentioned, her cinnamon-silver tail buffering in the hot, humid breeze. At least the sun was setting. It would get cooler. Marginally. "But if I did, I'd have to tell the guy, sometimes a girl but probably a guy, 'Hey, I know you're trying to scam me, but you haven't gotten away with anything yet, just let me have fun'!"

"I could've won something from him if I really wanted," Kody insisted. "I'm on a roll tonight."


"I won this, didn't I?" The rabbit showed the squirrel his balloon hat. It was lime green. Glowed in the dark, too.

"And, for the tenth time, we're really proud of you," Ketchy said, humoring him.

"They're certainly sorry they ever heard of me!"

"You realize that thing probably cost ten cents. It was five dollars for your ticket. Who made out better?"

Kody, ignoring that, put on the hat. His ears stuck out of the 'top.' "How do I look?"

"Cute," Adelaide chimed in. "Right, Field?"

The mouse's ears blushed as he said, "Brings ... brings out the color of your eyes." The mouse's longtime crush on the easygoing rabbit had been consummated back in the spring. Nothing had changed between them, though. The rabbit was still clueless and carefree and Field still anxiously over-thought most things. And Adelaide and Ketchy were still amused by it all.

"Someone gets it," Kody told Ketchy, of Field's compliment.

The golden harvest mouse, walking a few paces back from the other couple, looked to Adelaide, and asked, "Was the basketball game really rigged?"

"Oh, Field, you're so innocent," Ketchy said, overhearing him.

The pink-furred bat explained, "Of course it's rigged. How do you think they make their money?"

"It's like gambling," Ketchy added. "House always wins. I read a book on it once! Carnival games, I mean." She'd 'read a book' on everything. A side effect of being a librarian. Adelaide was one, too, which is how the four friends had met. "It wasn't a regulation-sized hoop, right? Oval-shaped, not round. Hard to tell from the angle and distance they have you standing at, but the only way to make it would be if the ball fell from above in precisely the right spot."

"So, you're saying there's a chance?" Kody asked, interest re-piqued. He stopped in his tracks, a paw going to his chin.

"We're not going back there," the squirrel deadpanned, pushing him into moving again.

"I'd like to win one of those games," Field lamented. His whiskers twitched.

"Seriously?" Adelaide replied, nodding at the packet in Field's paw. "Haven't you won enough?" The thick, folder-sized envelope contained all the ribbons he'd won in the Arts building.

"I was entered in ten categories," the harvest mouse insisted. "Only placed in three ... "

"You got _five_ribbons total," Adelaide corrected.

"Honorable Mentions hardly even count."

"Two blue ribbons for first. A red for second. You should be proud. That's better than 99.9 percent of attendees got."

Field, undeterred from not feeling good enough, replied, "Anyone can win applesauce ... "

"Field, dude, you're like the Apple King," Kody emphasized helpfully.

"Yeah?" Field rubbed his neck, trying to hide a bashful smile. "Really?"

Adelaide snorted and rolled her eyes.

Field saw the motion. He blinked. "What?"

"Hey, we gotta stop for deep-fried cream cakes," Kody said, looking around the stand that sold them. "I have a coupon. Buy two, get one."

"How can you eat those?" Adelaide asked, sticking out her lengthy tongue. "They go down like bricks."

"They're really good!"

"I'm sure they take days off your life. Maybe weeks."

"Not if you stop at two or three."


Kody, Adelaide, and Field all shifted their focus left. Toward Ketchy. Who snapped a group photo with her phone.

"Gotcha!" she declared.

"Damn it, Ketchy," Adelaide huffed. "No more surprise photos tonight. That's the fifth one! I had my tongue out." And bat tongues were exceptionally long. Which meant she was sure to look goofy.

"We can pretend you were catching a bug," Ketchy said, looking at the result, already playing with the photo filters.

"Lemme see," Kody said, looking over his mate's shoulder.

"You look great," Ketchy assured. "As always." To Adelaide and Field, the squirrel confided, "He can't take a bad picture. Even if you catch him totally unaware."

"It's a curse," Kody said.

"Yeah, and who has to live with it? Me," the squirrel emphasized. "It's a lot of pressure being with someone so gorgeous!"

"Hardships always happen to you," Adelaide told the squirrel 'sympathetically.'

"Hey, Field, what won the photo contest anyway?" Kody asked. "Weren't you in that one?"

He had been. Second place. "Picture of a sunset got first," the mouse replied, monotone. Whiskers twitched. "Very original."

Kody, looking at Ketchy's photo again, said, "Hey, what the--" His ears twiddled. "You cut off the top of my hat!"

"It's not a hat," the squirrel insisted. "It's balloons in the shape of a hat."

"Yeah, and I won it. Come on, take a pic," he pleaded. "Full hat this time."

"Just take a selfie."

"I can't get my paw far enough away. That's how epic the hat is."


"Kody?" said Field.

The rabbit looked in the mouse's direction.


"Heh, props, mouse man," Kody said.

"But did you get the hat?" Ketchy asked sarcastically.

Field showed his phone to Kody as the rabbit approached.

"Niiice," Kody drawled, putting a paw on Field's shoulder. "Text it to me. Hah! Bet this would've won first place. Maybe enter it next year!"

"I'll, uh ... I'll do that," the mouse replied shyly. He then showed the pic to Adelaide and Ketchy.

"He does photograph well," Adelaide said.

"Mm-hmm," Ketchy went, bouncing up and down on her foot-paws. Her tail fluffed about. She might be getting a tad worked up.

"Am I going to have to hose you down?" Adelaide asked her friend.

"I'd settle for a lemon shakeup?"

"Hey, babe, there's the cream cakes," Kody pointed out, tugging on Ketchy's arm.

The squirrel shook her head. "Take Field. He wanted to try 'something new'."

"I never actually said that," Field injected. "This is how rumors get started ... "

"Addie and I are gonna get some cold drinks."

"Sweet!" The rabbit began hopping to the cream cake vendor, forcing Field to scurry after him while the girls giggled and went elsewhere.

There was a line at the stand. A brightly-lit Ferris wheel rotated in the background.

Field squinted at the menu.

This vendor didn't just have plain cream cakes. Oh, no. Chocolate, orange, strawberry, red velvet, vanilla, lemon. All sorts. And you could get them dipped in frosting and doused with toppings. Sprinkles, chocolate chips, dried fruit, crushed candy bars. All of it fried, of course.

Not just fried but _deep_fried ... whatever that meant.

A trolley went 'ding-a-ling!' behind them. Loaded with people, it slowly drove to the other side of the Fairgrounds.

"I'm getting a vanilla _and_a chocolate. Loaded with Butterfinger bits," Kody declared. His bobtail flicked. "Oh, dang, they have carrot cake cream cakes! With cream cheese frosting. Dude. Make that three." Turning to Field, the rabbit asked, "What are you getting? It's on me."

Field got all self-conscious. "You don't have to pay for mine." This wasn't a date ... was it? His ears flushed with heat. A date? With Kody? How would that even go?

He looked around for Adelaide, hoping she would rescue him from this life experience, but she was out of sight.

"Gotta celebrate your wins, man!"

"What? Oh." Field nodded shyly, clutching at his envelope. "Yeah, I guess."

"You don't sound too stoked."

"I could've done better ... "

"Better? How? You scored in half the categories you entered!"

"Well ... "

"Think you could them all? Like the Indiana Hoosiers '76 undefeated title team?" He chuckled at the ridiculousness. "That's a high bar, dude."

The mouse shrugged in a mopey fashion. "Just had too long to think about it." The fair had been cancelled last year because of the pandemic. "Two years to plan, and I kept entering more and more categories. A lot of time and energy. Maybe I spread myself too thin? I get carried away." For better and for worse. "Next year, I'll have to be more strategic about what I enter ... "

"Next year? You gotta enjoy the fruits of this one, mouse man. It's not even over yet. You just got two gold medals in the Great freaking 2021 Indiana," Kody emphasized, "State Fair."

"Blue ribbons," Field corrected.

"It's like an Olympic achievement! Maybe not swimming or track and field. Like, it's one of those sports that they only show in the mornings on the channels no one gets. Badminton or something. But that still counts!"

Field tried not to smile. Failing, he looked away, then back to the rabbit.

"Saucing them apples? Saucing them better than the rest?" Kody continued, trying to pump Field up. "With judges' subjective taste buds? And still coming out on top? That takes skill. What's the other category you won?"


"Muffin mouse? Heh. Well, I'm not surprised about that one." The rabbit gave a cheeky wink.

"Blueberry muffins," Field insisted.

"Sure, sure ... point in, you took some L's but you got some W's, too. That's sports."

"It's not sports, though," Field said, furrowing his brow.

"Everything can be sports," the rabbit insisted with a casual wave of the paw. "Anything you do, you succeed? That's a win. You don't, you lose, but it's a learning experience to better your gameplan for next time."

"Mm ... "

"Like the year the Colts won the Super Bowl? They were 12-4 and a wild card team. Lost 4 of their last 6 games heading into the playoffs. Made the run even sweeter."

The mouse considered. "So, what's the difference between a game and a sport?"

"I don't think we'll ever know," Kody opined with a deep look.

Field giggled.

"Hey, wanna wear my hat for a bit? You've earned it."

"That's not necessary," Field quickly replied, holding up his pink, furless paws in protest. Silly balloon hats were where he drew the line.

"You'll change your mind once we get some cream into you."

"Next!" a voice shouted from the serving window.

"I'll take three cakes please! And a fourth for my buddy," Kody said.

"Are you organizing again?" Adelaide asked, shuffling into the living room. They'd been home for an hour, and it was after 10-o'clock. The TV was on in the background, sound muted. The track and field portion of the Summer Games was showing.

"I'm not organizing," Field said. Pausing, he stressed, "I'm arranging."

"Oh. Well ... my mistake," the bat said lightly, joining the mouse on the couch. Lit by incandescent lamplight, he was putting his new State Fair ribbons together into one frame. "You gonna hang them on the wall? So you can see them every day as motivation to win even more?"


Field had, indeed, already started planning for next year.

He'd probably give applesauce another go. Maybe canned pears? He'd won for muffins, but he was convinced that was a fortunate fluke. Wasn't going to top himself there. So, the mouse was going to go out a winner and move over to coffee cakes. He'd probably also get suckered into entering the photo contest again, too.

The bat smiled, stretching out a wing-arm and wrapping it around him. "Feeling better about your accomplishments?"


"Good. You're too hard on yourself."

Finished arranging the ribbons, Field put the backing into the frame and secured it. He then held it in front of him. Two blue ribbons. A red ribbon. Two honorable mention. A nice array of colors. He smiled brightly.

"Soon, ribbons won't be enough for you. Gotta feed that appetite. You'll be after plaques and medals. Trophies," Adelaide teased.

"I'd rather have you than any award there is," Field assured, putting the frame down on the coffee table. He looked into his mate's plum-purple eyes.

"Isn't that sweet," the pink bat murmured, leaning in, muzzle brushing his. "That can be arranged, you know ... "

"It can?"



"How about now ... "

The mouse sighed through the nose as they kissed. Their heads tilted in opposite directions, her tongue working its way into his maw, overpowering his own.


When the kiss broke, Adelaide leaned her whole body into his, forcing the harvest mouse onto his back.

Field moved his legs and foot-paws from the floor to the couch cushions so that he could more comfortably lay beneath her.

With a fanged grin, Adelaide sat up, spread her thighs, and straddled him.

Field knew what was coming next. Oh, just the thought of it made his pants feel tight! He reached down to remedy this, quickly undoing his belt, unfastening the button, pulling the zipper. Why were there so many steps? Why did this have to take so long? Frustrated, he finally pulled both his shorts and underwear off his hips.

Out sprung his stiff cock.

He huffed with relief.

Adelaide's face lit up with lust. "Mmm ... there's a good boy."

The bat then performed a similar awkward dance to get her own pants and panties off. Field helped out, pulling, grabbing. As soon as her hips were bare, she pushed them downward, rubbing her loins to his.

The mouse's shaft pulsed with excitement, dribbling from the tip. He bumped back up against her.

"Let's ... mm, let's properly 'reward' you," the bat murmured, now that they were both naked from the hips down, "for your achievements."

"Y-yes, please," Field squeaked, stammering with submissive eagerness.

"Help me out, mousey," she cooed, raising her hips up.

He obliged, reaching down to grab his erection, pointing it upward, aligning it with her wet, hot opening.

Adelaide lowered back down.

Field held himself until he felt his tip spread her flower, his shaft pushing inside her. He then let go, the paw traveling to Adelaide's body, up and down her back, ultimately gripping her stubby-tailed, cotton candy ass. She sunk all the way down, leaving him hilted, balls-deep, in her silken, steamy passage.

"Ah, yess," Adelaide exclaimed.

Field could only nod in agreement.

Wasting no time, Adelaide rose up and immediately dropped back down. She did it again and again. Bouncing, bouncing. Again! More, more! Until she was vigorously riding him, her sex squelching lewdly around his.

Field, dazed and delighted, moved his paws under her shirt and grabbed at her hidden breasts.

"Hah, ah," the bat panted, approving of this. As she bounced, she randomly stopped, rotating her hips in a slow, grinding circle, steering his sensitive member around.


The bat resumed her bouncing. With abandon. This time, she wasn't going to stop until ... well, until.

"Oh, ohh," Field moaned, slack-jawed, buckteeth jutting. Everything was light and buzzing. The room seemed to spin! His cock tingled with a sparking, surging pleasure. It got stronger and more urgent by the second. Her pussy was perfection, wet, sliding walls clinging to his essence.

Seeing his ropy, prehensile tail snaking through the air in her peripheral vision, Adelaide's long, versatile tongue whipped out and caught it, reeling it in, drawing it into her mouth. The bat suckled on the tip, a wing reaching down to furiously rub at her clit. "Mm, mmm ... hmm!" she moaned.

Field couldn't take it anymore.

It was too much.

She was too good!

He cried out, gasping, grasping at his mate's hips, shuddering as he came. His cock jumped and jolted, and he gave her everything he had.

Adelaide, letting his tail spill from her maw, tilted her head back and let forth a chittering series of echo-bursts.

The very high-pitched sounds bounced off every surface of the room and back to them, though Field's brain didn't decipher them as clearly as hers. The bat received a mental picture of them making love on the couch, as if taken by a third person.

Her sex was wracked by spasms, clenching around the mouse.

Field shuddered hotly as she milked at him.

Finally clearing the peak, drifting into afterglow, the bat licked her fangs in lazy satisfaction. Panting, breasts heaving beneath her shirt, she looked down and traced her wingtips across her mate's creamy belly. His shirt and ridden halfway up his chest from all the writhing he'd done. "How ... how was that?"

"I don't think there's ... that's ... " The addled mouse swallowed and cleared his throat, golden arms looping around her body in a hug. He pulled at her.

Adelaide went, sprawling atop his body, nosing his cheek. "Mm?"

"Blue ribbon's not enough for that," Field finally managed. "That was purple ribbon material. Best in show." He skipped a beat and breathed, "Just like your eyes ... "

"Aw." Adelaide, plum eyes glinting, pulling her head back so that their noses touched. "My sweet mousey. I love you."

"I love you, too," he murmured.

They shared a final passionate kiss.

Soon after, Field succumbed to a wide, gaping yawn. "Mm ... "

"We better shower and call it a night," Adelaide suggested, dismounting. She was feeling pretty spent, herself.

Field nodded in sleepy agreement, turning off the TV. And the lamp. He also removed his shirt to get fully naked.

Adelaide stripped off the rest of her clothes, too, and they left the room, ending the day as co-winners.

Champions of the mating game.