your loving embrace pt.2 : New Begining's

Story by damienwolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Your loving embrace.

Your love embrace part 2

This story and characters are copy written to damien wolf 2003 . This story contains sexual acts between two males if you are offended by this type of thing or your not of legal age to view this material please find something else to do. Please send any constructive criticism or complaints to [email protected] please enjoy the story.

This is part two of my story and I hope it turned out better that the last one and please write me your idea's are fuel for the soul and it helps me to write so mail me to your hearts content ?, oh and sorry if there's a lot of typo's ^^


I woke up the next morning earlier than I thought I would looking around seeing that I was still in ferrals tight loving grasp. I snuggled in closer and thought about what happened the night before we didn't get to sleep till about three and I was glad that it was Sunday and I didn't half to work today but I didn't know if ferral had to work. So with that I decided to make him some breakfast whether he had to go to work I wanted to do something nice for him, slowly and carefully I slipped from my lovers arms and got up from bed. As I was putting my pants on I noticed a bandage on my shoulder I turned to look at my shirt and saw blood on it "I guess in all the commotion I didn't notice my shoulder ". Turning back to look at ferral I saw blood stains on the bed "now look what I went and did ill half to remind myself to pay him back for the sheets" putting my hand on my shoulder again I leaned down and lightly kissed him on the cheek getting a smile from him as I did so, I smiled then put on my pants and left to go cook. "Good thing I saw it when I left last night "I chuckled to myself as I walk.

When I got there I noticed something and mentally kicked myself for it "damn this is all the latest tech stuff I don't know how to use it". I stood in the door way and thought about my little problem when a sudden tap came to my side I jumped forward then turn ready to face the ready to attack when I was greeted with a smile for a familiar little robot sighing in relief " its only you "

"Good morning ray did I startled you.....I apologize". "Its ok delta "hey can you do me a favor"

I smiled a bit as I asked and he tilted his head "I want to make breakfast for ferral but I don't know how to work the appliances could you show me?" "Sure no problem ray "another smile came on his screen "thank you so much delta "

Delts walked past me and went toward a small control panel "you see hear ray all the appliances power come from the generator and you can turn them all on from here like this "."Oh I see but how do you work the stove?" he looks at me then walks to the stove "oh that you just press the temperature you want hear and I automatically heats ". "ok thank delta " "so were do you keep the food at" I looked confused because I saw no refrigerator "n the wall over there and the pans are above it "he walked over to show me "thanks delta you're a big help " "no problem ray".

With that I garbed the stuff I thought we be good for breakfast and delta garbed the pans for me and we went to the stove "thank you delta "I'm happy to assist you ray". I then set the temperature and put the pan on and cracked a few eggs "so delta does ferral like coffee?"

"Yes he does" "would you mind putting some on for me "sure ray". I chuckled a bit you know delta you don't half to say my name every time you talk to me "I spoke in a slight giggle."Ok ray if that is what you prefer "I laughed more openly "no no delta it's what you prefer to call me "


Soon the eggs were cooking and I thought I should get the bacon started " delta could you hand me the bacon and some spices " "sure" "here you are " "thank you " "so delta did you sleep well last night ?" he turned to look at me then a smile came up on his screen " yes I did thank you for asking even though technically I don't sleep " "oh that's right" "anyway I did rest well but at around 2:00 last night I heard some noises and I awoke to see you leaving " "then soon after ferrl left as well this concerted me as to why you two left ?". I sighed loudly and looked at delta " well delta....sometimes people don't realize they have someone that loves them or a home until its not there but ferral came and showed me that I had a home here with him " delta turned his head and looked a bit sad " and how could I leave a friend as good as you delta" I said as I smiled he then turned up and smiled at me " thank you ray but I wasn't sad I was just happy that ferral and you found each other " he smiled at me .

During my talk with delta I made some pancakes and I didn't notice a half hour had past "damn looks like ill half to pick us up some eggs for us today huh delta?" "Do not worry ray I am going shopping today and I will pick them up " "thank you delta " I patted him on the head "you're a big help " "no problem ray " "RAY.....RAY WERE ARE YOU!" ferrals voices came booming threw the house and I head him run down the hall to the kitchen door " "hi ferral good morning " " yes good morning feral " .feral sighed deeply in relief " oh ray I thought you had left me again " he said as he walked me to and hugged me tight I hugged him back " ill never leave you again feral " I nuzzled his neck as I spoke then stood on my toes to whisper in his ear "and thank you for patching me up " he looked down at me then kissed me " your welcome honny sorry I went a little over board last night " "its ok baby it didn't hurt at all I actually liked it, oh and ill pay you back for the ...." he put his finger over my lips " shh its ok its just some sheets no big deal " he leaned in and kissed me again .

"So what are you and delta up to?" "oh we were just talking and making breakfast " I moved away to turn off the burner a get ready to serve the food "please sit down it and ill be done in a minute " smiling I asked delta to hand me some plates and cups he sat then on the table and served the coffee and orange juice while I served the food " breakfast is served sir " I said trying to be funny and got a laugh for him and delta then sat down to eat . Feral took a bite of his food then looked at me with a smile "mum this is really good ray why didn't you tell me you could cook?" "Imp not a gray chef or any thing my aunt and Maya jested taught me a few things "

"Well they must be great cooks this is better that any thing I could make "he looked at me with another smile. "So feral do you work today?" "Of course not we got a busy day today "what did you have in mind?" I said as I took a bite of my food. "Well I thought we go and enroll you in a collage then do a little shopping is that ok?" "yeah that would be great to go out with you today" "oh by the why ray did you want to move in here fully or do you want to keep your apartment ?" he looked at me waiting for me to make a decision " id love to move in here with you but I don't want to be any trouble to " "shah" he spoke in a low caring tone " I thought I told you that this is your home now and you can come and go as you please we can go get your stuff while were out today " " thank you feral I love you so much thank you for every thing "

I started to tear up a little then feral got up and walked over to help hug me " its ok ray please don't cry I cant stand to see you sad " " thank you feral I love you so much " "I love you to ray now come on lets finish breakfast and get ready to go " "and please don't cry any more ill always be here for you not mater what" I stop crying and feral moved to sit back down to finish his food as did I .

"you know feral " he looked up at me " I don't remember much about my parents but what you said reminded me of something they always told me " "whets that ray " "that when you find something you love you half to protect it with all your heart and soul " " so now that I found some one I love with all my heart imp going to do every thing I can to protect you " "and ill do the same for you ray I promise you " "I promise you to feral "we smiled at each other and finished eating .

"So ray how about you take a shower and ill do the dishes ok" I shook my head to disagree " nope I made the mess feral so ill do the dishes and clean up " " no I insist you made breakfast so ill clean up while you shower up If you like " . I thought about it ".......ok you sure you don't want me to clean up? " "Positive "he said with that big toothy grin I love "ok ill be quick "

I smiled back " take your time hinny " "don't rush on my account " " ok " with that I stood up form the table and went to take my shower .

"Hey delta?" "Yes feral ?" "Will you go see if ray got in the shower yet?" "Sure" with that delta got off the counter and went to go check for me. I hope he's in I don't want him to find out what I'm doing delta whipped around the comer and state led me. "He in the shower now feral "

" thank you delta ...oh would you hand me the phone please " I smiled at him " sure no problem feral " a smile on his screen " he quickly walked down the hall and came back with the phone " here you go feral " " thank you delta " I dialed my friends work number and waited some one to answer . ".....Hello Amber Crafts Toni speaking how my I help you?" "Oh yes is Mister Kelly in to day?" "Yes would you to speak to him "yes please ".........Hello Clark Kelly speaking"

"Hello Clark it's feral how you doing?" "Oh feral fine and you?" "Great actually I actually called for a favor " "hmmmm?" "would you make me to rings ill send the spec's?" "Sure no problem just send me the spec's and ill personally make them to day " "thank u clark how much will it be?" " nothing of coures " "but what I'm asking will cost a lot I want to pay you " " nope I wont let u I own you a lot feral this is the least I can do" " thank u so much Clark but are u sure" "yes you can pick them up today at 6:00 " " ok thank you Clark ill be there on time ok " "ok see you then feral " ok later Clark " I hung up the phone and turned to see ray standing behind me.

"OH ray you scared me ..... How long were you there? "I just got here who was that? "

"Hmmm? That was my friend Clark he called for a quick chat "I smiled at ray "ok" just then I noticed something. "Oh! ray you don't have any cloths do you "nope thought I'd go naked "he winked as he spoke "here although I would love that some people might not agree" I laughed a little "well im done with the kitchen so ill get you some cloths then hope in the shower and were off "ok" feral went to get hope in the shower while I waited in the kitchen in only a towel and talked with delta.

Feral was done fast and we both got dressed and left he put on red t shirt and some blue jeans not to mention some really sexy silk boxer's here. I on the other hand I put on some boxer's with a white t shirt that said Jamaica in small print on the left front and some tan slackes. we got dressed and then we left . We droped delta off at the store he said he wanted to do the grocheriy shoping then me and ferral headed of to the best collage in all the colonies and earth, Ark university . the university was started by the colonies best scientists and professers to help the colonies grow and florish it work out great the collage became the biggest in the collonies producing many scholers and scientists not to mention doctors who went on to cure dieasese and develop technology that helped restore earth and save many countless arthros from illness and war . Ferral was one of the greatess people to ever graduate from ark he created the first mech and now his company devlopes mechs for millitary ,construction any thing you can think of he has made a mech for it to make arthro's lives better ." I hope I can be as good of person as u ferral " I said while smiling at him "you are ray" he said smiling back " but I have'nt done anything like u have ferr...." "shhh don't say that you can be whatever you want I just want to help you get there and make u happy " " me to ferral I want to stay by your side forever" we smiled at each other then he held my hand as we park at the university " you ready ray ?"

" as long as I your by me I' m always ready " I smiled and we got out the car and walked up the stairs.

As we walk threw the door my eyes widened the place was absoluty gigantic and it had to be t least 5 stories tall and there were so many different rooms and offices " ferral this is one of the biggest schools ive ever seen " "what school silly this is the administration building " WHAT! This is just administration ?" yup, remember all the large buildings we passed about a block down that's the main campus of the school the entire school put together is about 9 city blocks ark is the largest school ever built ." " wow that's amazing " we walk for about ten minutes all the way ferral explaind all he could about the school and its class "here we are "we stop in front of a door labeled headmasters office "hope he still works here " ferral smiled as he opened the door and as we started to walk threw some one caught my eye he was a black wolf wearing white slacks with a white shirt and a equally white blazer he was stunning as he walked by and I saw his pure crystal blue eyes ,as he walked pass he grined and waved at me . although he was handson I wasn't attracted to him there was just somthin about him that made me want to be his friend (must have one of those magnetic personallitys I guess ) I thought to myself . We walked up to the secretary and in the big of she looked to be busy but not enough to not notice us " hello how can I help u ?" " ah yes is headmaster Gyver in ? " "way yes he is let me page him mr ,? " strife , ferral strife " she smiled as she pressed the button on the intercom "mr.Gyver sir a mr. strife to see u ?" a click then a response " oh yes please send him in " " yes sir " "please go in mr .strife

"thank you " we walk threw another door into a gigantic office were feral was greeted by a huge from a really big bear " ferral how have u been, its been awhile ?" " huh great mr gyver and u ?"

he let ferral free from his tight grip and stood in front of me with a big smile " fine and who is your friend here ?" umm....I 'm .... a....." I was a bit nervus about the hole situation but I got my bearings back " im a raynard heartly sir pleased to meet you" " the pleasure is all mine (he graped my hand and shook it) im Jacob gyver headmaster of ark " he released my hand and walk to go sit in his chair "so whut brings u to here to day?" he hand a hand jester for us to sit " well I came to ask u a favor " he looked at ferral and smiled again " sure what can I do ya for ?" " I would like ray to attend classes here at ark " "hmmmm well normaly there is a long process as u know for aceptence and all and for class place meant " "but u came at a good time the next quarter is about to start and scince it is feral asking I can't really say no " "but I still half to go threw normal procedures " of course were not asking for speacail treatment " I said not wanting him to think we would acspect him to make an acspetion for me " "ok then let me check your school records and s.a.t scores " he began typing on his computer not really even looking like he was paying attention " ummmm very nice you were an ecseptional student almost straight A's participated in many school events and you score " his eyes widened in surprise " you scored 1467 on your s.a.t that's amazing " "not to many off our students score that high on the test " I blushed a bit feeling embarrassed because I didn't think I did that well " well mr heartly " "call me ray " I said smiling and he smiled back " well ray u more then qualify to come to ark " he reached his hand out ann shook mine " welcome to ark university " "ill take care of all the enrollment stuff today and you can come and choose your classes anytime next week is that all right ?" yes that's great thank u so much mr gyver " "its no trouble at all " "we can discuss payment options later " " there no need for that all be paying for all his collage expencies " ferral turned and look at me with love in his eyes mr gyver obviously knew what the situation was now "I see well then ill see both of you next week then "he said while giving a devious knowing smile " of couse well be here mr gyver " with that we all stood up and shook hands and walked toward the door mr gyver escourted us out both door and as we walked down the hall he yelled out to us "nice to see you again ferral see u both next week " "we both yelled back bye mr gyver see you next week " and with that week walked out the administrtions building and headed toward the car .

The minute we got in the car I practically threw myself at ferral , the happiness I felt then was so great I wanted to cry he loved me enough to be willing to do anything for me without hesitation and I would do the same for him. " thank you so much ferral for every thing " I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes " your welcome feral but u don't half to thank me long as your happy that's all that matter's to me" he smiled and embraced me tightly and we sat there for a few minute's . "so were to now ?" I said as I pulled away a bit to look at him " well I wanted to put my money to use and get u alittle something at the store is that ok " he pulled away and licked my muzzle as he sat back in his seat "hehe only if u get something for yourself to its your money not mine so I want u do use it for something that makes u happy " "ok ill use it on you then " a big toothy smile came a cross his face knowing he had completely used my own words against me " ha ha clever smart guy so were do u want to go " " I know a place I think you'll like " we smiled a drove out of the parking lot .

I't was a silent but quick dive to this store he was talking about but as we drove I saw the place he was talking about it was a pretty big store and it looked like it only sold cloth's the store sign read Pero's garment's and tailoring . "his is pero's place I got almost all my clothes here I'm not the type to go to a really expiencive store and send a lot of money for something I'll never wear "

" me neither " I smiled and steped out of the car with feral . we walked in and the place was filled up with people it was a really popular place there were a lot of fur's walkin around looking at all the nice clothes on the racks and walls ." well? " "well what ? " " don't just stand there hun go find what ever you like " ferral said smiling at me the whole time " "k come with me " I smiled big and wide and then grabed ferrals hand and started to walk dragging him behind me . we looked at a lot of different things ferral found a nice black shirt he like and some equally black jeans I on the other hand found a blue button up shirt and some tan slacks,we walk over to the changing room and we both tried on our choise's when I step out from changing out of my selection I was met with a sudden a abrut kiss which I immediately fell in to it had to have lasted for at least a minute when I heard something behind us " tisk tisk tisk I leave you alone for a few days and this is what I find u doing " we broke our kiss relectanly and I immediately turned red . ferral turned red to till he saw who it was " oh its only u marlene " there befor us was a small and very fit white tiger she had very beautiful blue eyes and her stripes were a light blue color to making her appear to glow.

" You naughty boy keeping your friend hear a secret from me " " I wasn't keeping any secrets we just met yesterday " see raised an eye brow and smiled " I see " she reach a hand out and kissed me on the cheek " hello im Marlene Kelly " a smile grew on her face quickly " Raynard heartly nice to meet you marlene " I also smiled back "so your ferrals new boyfriend huh lucky devil"

I blushed a bit a scratched the back of my head " oh ferral clark wanted me to tell you that...." Ferral ran up and stoped her from finishing her sentence then he spoke to her in a whisper and they walked away for a minute . Even though it had only been a few days I trusted ferral completely and I really didn't care whut they were talking about cause I knew he would tell me if I ask any way . He walked back up to me marlene close behind "well I have to go it was nice meeting to ray we should have dinner sometime and get to know one another " she smiled a nd turned around while waving good bye " good bye marlene and we can do dinner when ever u want " I said while waving back to her . I then turned and saw ferral smiling at me I smiled back " so what were u to talking about hmmm? " he giggled then smiled a devilish smile as he licked me on the nose " your just gonna have to wait to find out " "ok" I was cheer and full of curiousity like a little kid " so shall we pay for these thing " I nodded and we walked to the counter.

We decide to get my things from my apartment tomorrow because it was already getting late and I wanted to cook dinner for ferral it was the least I could do to repay him for all he had done for me , ferral also said he had something to pick up so he drop me of at home . Delta was already home and he gave me my own key card and the pass code for the house when I got in , Ferral drove off and not knowing when he was going to get back I immediately started on dinner choosing to make make pasta I was done farly quickly and befor I knew it I had set the table and I heard ferral come in the door . " hi hunny " I looked at him threw the door way smiling then I noticed a small bag in his hand " whats that dear " "oh this it's a surpires come with me into the living room please " I followed him with out hesitation and we soon came into the living room.

I walked up to him as he was putting some music on his player the room began to fill with music as he walked up and kissed me " I wanted you to hear this song thinking of you on my way home reminded me off it " " the song is kind of old but I still like it " he smiled then we began to slowly move with the music then as the lyrics started he sang along with then .

"I love it when you smile "

"when your with me hunny it happens all the while "

" oh how it kills me when you cry"

" and you know in my heart its know were down the line"

"every day you show me somthin new about you"

"honestly I could never really live with out you"

"think of me as a soul living with out you"

"and I will be foever by your side "

" I love it when you oh!" I tackled ferral on to the coutch and kissed him deeply and he returned it and we embraced each other then I pulled away. " hey I was'nt finished you know " he spoke sarcastically " you didn't half to finish ferral I knew what you were gonna say and I feel the same way about you" "I love you ferral " "I love you to ray and " he sat up siting me on his lap " I have something hear that will be a symbol of my love for you " he then put his hand in the bag and pulled out a small jewelery box then opened it . inside there was a pair of beautiful gold rings they both had to stones in then one red one white and they were intertwind by gold ." this one is for you and this one is for me " he handed me the ring and my heart sank with love and devotion for him as I read the engavment around the band To parts of the same heart were one goes the other will always follow . I sliped the ring on my finger then raped my arms around ferrals neck and kissed him deeply our touges exploring the others maw " ferral I belive whut this ring says and I will never take it off I love you with all my heart " I smiled as ferral huge me close " you are my life now ray and mine is yours I will always love you no matter what ".

After he spoke ferral laid me down and kissed me his hands slowly taking my cloths of and I took his of to . we laid there on the floor now nude ferral kissing up and down my whole body being very slow and caring . our muzzles met again and we kissed long and deep my hands massaging and caressing his body the whole time getting cute moans from him every time I squeezed harder . he broke the kiss and look at me and I stared into his beautiful green eyes again and he stared into mine " ferral will you make love to me ?" he smiled then licked my muzzle " as u wish my dear " .he slowly moved his hips lower and I felt his throbbing tip at tail hole as he put my legs on his shoulders and slowly began to push in . Inch by inch he entered me until his hips met my butt , he then leaned down and began a slow rhythmic movements and began to make love to me . I nuzzeled his neck as he thrusted into me I was in pure ectasy no one had ever made love to me befor and it was the best feeling I ever had being so close to the man I love knowing how we felt about each other all mixed togther to create a felling that I cant descbie . he then can and bit my neck very lightly a very nurturing mating bite his movments getting a little faster I could feel his knot hitting against my tail hole . He then I a swift but cautious movment he pushed his knot in and, his movements then became a little more short and and rapid . I could feel my orgazum building and soon his love making pushed me over the edge and I came hard all over our stomachs . my hard orgazum made me clinch my ass around his member hard and he blew his load into me the warm felling over came my body and the feeling of being tied to him made us both moan and howling in pleasure and I wanted the feeling to last foever but it ended eventually . we lay there on the floor tied together panting in the after glow of our love and we slowly fel asleep in each others arms.

To be continued

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