the names max. . .

Story by max the vampric umbreon on SoFurry

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heres my side of the story

i fucking hate you yo two timing bastard!!!!"the all blood red female wolf said the blue and black wolf sighed is name was max a blue and black wolf sonic blue eyes and a ripped body standing at 5'1"will you calm dwn and let me explain what happend"no you fucker i want you out the house now"i didnt do anything have you lost your damn mind you wont even let me explain what the hell happend!"i don't give a fuck i want you gone and outta this house!!!"the red wolf said her name was samantha she had yellow eyes and some other fetaurs that would make any wolf hell anyboday go wow the wolf sighed"fine im done you wont let me explain

you wont let me talk fine. . ."the wolf went to his and her room and packed what ever he could into a brown suitcase samantha soon calmed dwn and sighed and went upstirs"maxxy?..i-im sorry i shouldve-"just then the phone ringed"i got it one sec"he picked it up"hello?"hello?"a male voice siad"is samantha there?"um who's asking"dude you dnt need to know just put her on"well um dude..before i can put her on i need to know who the hell it is"the all black wolf sighed over the phone he had red eyes and was a bit buff his name andrew"fine..tell her it's andrew from the bar last night tell her i wanna see her tomorrow for a bit more fun"WHAT!? listen you fucker i dont know who you think you are

but this is her man"oh shi-"he hung up and max looked at samantha"m-max i can-"save it now im really am leaving you talk about me cheating when your cheating on me!!"max he was no one he meant nothign to me l-like you d-"save it im done with you i wash my hands of you. . . you lie, stay out all night, while i wait for you well lets see how the fuck you like it when you have no one waitng for you when you get home from fucking every dude in the club or bar!"max said and continued packing his stuff he packed what he could"i hope he was woth it you fucking skank"he left and slammed the door smamantha broke out in tears crying over him feeling horrid after the way she screamed at him and got on him for cheating when in fact he helped the girl he was with he had helped her out after a bunch of tigers and wolfs tried to pick her up max fighting each one and helping her he had a bruise on his arm and a cut on his leg a a few other things. He soon

went to his friends jason's house and knocked"hmm..who is it?"jason was a black and red tiger it was 3 in the morning he looked out the peep hole and yawned and opened the door"d-dude max whats going on?..."i broke up wit sam.."oh damn come on what happend?"i stayed over at some girls house"and you got caught creeping insde her forest.."dude shut up i didnt do anything she was getting rdy to get raped and i stepped in and helped her"oh and sam thought you boned her"yep but get this shit jas"jason got him a soda"what happen"get this after she's done

screaming at me phone rings i pick up and a fucking guy on the other end askng for sam and saying:tell her it andrew and tell her i wanna have some more fun like last night"oh shit thats fucked dude...."your tellign me so i packed and got the fuck outt a there before i went balistic on her ass"just then max's phone rang"hello"m-max plz come home i wanna talk this out you know i love you babe"yea i dont think "having a dick inside me at all times"is a good way to say i love you to your boyfriend sam im done leave me alone"with that he hung up and sighed"dude

can i stay here for tonight"yea no problem man i got a upstairs guest room for friends"thanks man i can allways coutn on you:man you know we go back all the way to kindergarten when i found your ass eating sand"what! was hugnry after nap time and the cookies and milk weret out yet!"they laughed and smiles"sleep well max"he sighed"i'll try... -3 months later - thanks jason man i couldn't of did this without you. . ."max and smantha sitll apart max's friend jason gave him a home that was fully furnished and everything he had bought it a while ago but nvr used it so gave it to max"no problem max thats what friends are for now u need someone to share it with"thats true"a horn honked and max looked at jason"well old friend this is goodbye"not goodbye man this is see you later i'll drop in every now and again to see how you doing and i'll call"max smiled and hugged his friend and thanked him for getitng him back on his feet"thanks man dnt know what i'd do without a friend like you

"still be eating bugs and sand"oh plz!"the horn honked again and max rushed off into a airport shuttle that would come if you called and hopped in he drove off max smiled and waved bye to his friend and sniffled and cried a bit on the shuttle"where u going"max looked up and wiped his face and answered "oh um im'a be moving to a house in new york sir"oh got famiy in new york"oh thats nice sir"the wolf said and smiles and thought about the house not seeing it he wondered how big it would be but knew not that big"cant wait to see it..."the driver had gotten there and the wolf walked into the metal detectors passing clean and walked to the desk while waiting in line he saw a very handsome/cute wolf with light gray and white color with golden amber eyes he looked about 5'3 and looked a bit ripped and saw him rushin and hurrying and moving and moving fast"hmm hope he dosnt miss his flight.."max said he was at the front of the desk"hi sir may i help you"he couldnt help but still look that the cute wolf"um sir? sir?? SIR!?"he snapped outta it"oh huh oh um so sorry ma'am oh can you tell me what flight im suppose to be on this is my first time riding the airplane"yes sir i can"she took his ticket and looked"your at gate 5 sir flight to new york"ok thank you ma'am"no problem enjoy the flight"thanks"he smiled and rushed off and went to the gate and got into the plane hmm "a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 here we go yes window seat awesome"he smiled and sat dwn and looked around the 1st class"damn i gotta thank you jason for this.."he smiled and looked back and his eyes widened a huge blush across his face immediately.The wolf that he had saw the cute wolf he saw was getting on"omg omg omg omg um umm..."the wolf turned to the window and acted like he didnt see him"d1 e2 here we go"the white wolf said sat dwn and saw the black and blue wolf the white wolf strapped in and kept looking at the wolf the wolf didnt notice the first time but turned to see him stareing at him the second time"h-hello im feno"max smiles"the names max"he said that was 3 months ago that fateful day max didnt know his live would get turned around for the better. . .

*three months later*

'hey hun"max said and smiled an sat dwn with his mate you guessed it the wolf from the airport.Turns out he was going to ny too"hey max"he smiled and snuggled into eachother max sighed softly and snuggled up to his wolfy and watched tv"i love you feno before you my life was hell. . . but its been heaven with you now"aww my wolfy"he kissed him and layed his head on his shoulder murring and smiled his life in order once again.

check out my loving mates side of the story and stick around theres lots more to come see you soon...