Seth's Revenge - Chapter Two

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Seth's Revenge

Plans Unfolded

© Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain)

January, 2007.

All Rights Reserved

Lord Seth the Destroyer strode purposefully through the sandstone pillars that lined his own temple. Unlike Anubis, Seth's temple was a dark and foreboding place, ebony shadows pooling between the massive pillars, like the darkness of a moonless night. Servants and priests alike scurried out of Seth's way, but he ignored them all, a cruel smile playing across his donkey-like muzzle. Indeed, he had gotten to Anubis, and hurt him in ways that Anubis held dear to his heart. With the destruction of the town filled with loyal worshipers, Anubis' power had been lessened and he'd felt the sufferance of those souls deeply. For the first time in a thousand years, Seth threw back his head and brayed his evil, sardonic laughter - it ringing off the sandstone pillars and ebony ceiling far above, sending a chill through those who heard it.

Marching into his shadowy throne room, he rested a hand lightly on the throne that was made of bone - before he paused and idly caressed one armrest. From out of the shadows, stepped a huge dark skinned man - one of Seth's mute and deaf Nubian servants. Seth turned to him, and nodded once. With a deep bow, the Nubian bowed deeply before his dark master, then spun about and left the chambers. Seth slumped into his throne, fingering the Ankh that lay around his neck as he brayed laughter again. Leaping from his throne, Seth began pacing back and forth across the marble floor, rubbing his hands together in sadistic glee. He had enjoyed the murder of Anubis High Priest, but more - had been the destruction of Anubis' faithful. Their souls had been denied the last rights, by Egyptian custom, and as such, would be cast into the darkness - which Seth called home. Their agony would be unending, and this only gave power to Seth - much to his unholy delight.

"You were a fool to try and cross me Anubis," Seth cackled to himself. "Now, you shall witness the true power I shall bring to bear against your pitiful followers!"

As Seth laughed again, and paced his chambers, the Nubian servant returned, holding a rough leather rope and leading a young Jenny donkey. She brayed her fear, eyes wide and rolling, showing the whites, nostrils flared widely apart - and when she came within sight of Seth, she balked and locked her legs and froze, her terrified braying echoing off his throne room walls.

Seth approached, and then ran his cold fingers over the Jenny's neck, making her flinch and bray again.

"Is she - pure?" Seth asked his servant, as he looked directly at the Nubian.

With a slight nod, the Nubian answered in the affirmative. Seth smiled, the corners of his equine lips dimpling his cheeks as he rubbed his hands together, the dry skin rustling like two Asp's.

"Leave us!" Seth commanded.

With a deep, respectful bow, the Nubian turned and dropped the lead rope, then marched from Seth's throne room, closing the large doors behind him. Seth wasted no time, and his hand reached out, as he placed his palm on the young female donkey's forehead. She brayed in terror, but at a single word of command from Seth, he paralysed her vocal cords and froze her muscles in her legs. Her eyes rolling, the Jenny screamed her fear hoarsely, as her ears flattened and she fought against the control Seth had over her.

"Now, my sweet, young thing - " Seth whispered, as his malicious smile widened and his eyes closed as he caressed her again.

Stepping back, Seth reached up and unclasped his ornate headpiece, and threw it negligently to the side, as he shed the ornate robes he wore. Sliding his hands down his well muscled body, Seth reveled in his appearance, before he grinned and threw back his head and uttered words in a language that predated even the Egyptians themselves. His body began to buck and write, as Seth gasped and dropped onto his palms and knees. Bone crackled and ground, as a pale tan fur pressed up through the milk white human skin and his fingers began to fuse together.

Seth's body forced screams of agony from his lungs, yet his mind was in ecstasy at the excruciating pain. Seth lived for such - the suffering of others, their anguished screams and their pleas for mercy that would fall on deaf ears, as he sat on his throne and watched their final moments - then as death claimed them - he would steal their immortal soul and enslave them for eternity. With each snap of bone and the sickening twisting of organs within him, Seth savored this terrible transformation, as to him - it was better than fine wine. Seth lived for pain, destruction and chaos - and in this - he had found his sadistic pleasures.

Reveling in the terrible pain, pain such as would drive any mortal creature mad before it killed them through the horrific shock; Seth felt the transformation from his human form, into that of a beast. Wrist bones snapped and reshaped themselves, rippling beneath the still transforming skin and fur - forming ankles and hooves. His spine crackled and bucked as it stretched and elongated, his ribs crackling as his chest broadened into the larger form, and his legs twisted and bent grotesquely, as they too transformed into strong, powerful furred thighs, slender fetlocks and sharp black hooves. His groin likewise transformed - his shaved scrotum growing black and leathery, as the testicles swelled, his penis engorging and expanding, blood vessels running along its slender black length, as the sheath grew from just in front of his scrotum and his penis swelled even more, transforming itself into a hideously long length, that dropped nearly to the floor, the head forming the flared tip. He screamed again and again, the pain almost unbearable, as his body continued to convulse itself - until at last, he rose from the floor where he had fallen - standing on his shaking legs.

He rose, and then shook himself, his furred body rippling with the new musculature that slithered over his broad equine-like shoulders and rump. Slowly opening his eyes, Seth looked down at his forelegs, and then turned his long narrow head to look back over his body. Satisfied, a cruel smile touched his lips, before he sadistically bit the young Jenny on her tender left flank.

She tried to cry out, but Seth's will had silenced her - and she could not even twitch a single hair on her legs, even though her mind screamed its fear and demanded she run. Helpless, she could do nothing but flatten her ears and roll her eyes, as Seth bit into her flanks again - this time his blunt teeth tore away at her flank - ripping a long gash open, which instantly welled with crimson blood. Smiling to himself, Seth felt the blood rushing into his enormous member - and as it slapped sharply against his belly - he reared and his forelegs gripped the young filly Jenny about her hips. He danced from side to side; trying to guide himself against her virginal sex, but his member kept jumping and twitching, making the mounting difficult. Again he tried, and this time, he felt the tight leathery folds of this filly's sex tense as he rested the tip of his member against it. She tensed, but Seth merely nickered his laughter at her - before he gave a vicious thrust and he threw back his donkey head and his brays of lust pealed forth. Her virginity resisted him for a moment - then as Seth bucked his hips forwards, he broke her and began thrusting his member deeper and deeper into her tight, dark depths. If she could have whinnied her agony, she would have - as having never been mated before, the pain was immense - but this was no normal male who mated her. Seth grinned, then slumped onto her back and bit down on her furred nape and mane - his teeth grinding the flesh between them, as he began lunging harder and harder - forcing himself deeper.

"Yes..." Seth gasped through his gritted teeth, biting down harder and tasting her hot, coppery blood. "Oh, my young filly - how you do not know the honour I give you this day!"

With another sharp lunge, Seth plunged against her and his velvety scrotum slapped into her thighs as he squeezed down with his forelegs, crushing her ribs inwards with his unnatural strength. Pulling himself backwards, he felt her tight cervix walls squeezing along his length - before he viciously slammed back into her again and again. His hot breath thundered in her back-swept ears, as he humped faster and faster against her, feeling his scrotum tightening with each savage thrust. This filly's body began to respond, and as her tight muscles squeezed down on him, Seth threw back his head and uttered an ear piercing whinny - as he thrust again - then his ice-cold semen began flooding into the terrified filly. As if his cruel and savage mating had not been enough, the feel of this freezing sperm inside her sent adrenaline flooding her body. Her mind collapsed in on itself and her eyes rolled back in their sockets as Seth thrust again and again, each thrust pushing his pulsating length deeper into her ravaged body.

At last, he slumped onto her back, where he lay for several minutes, savouring the cruel delight in breaking this sweet, innocent young Jenny. After all, they did not call him Seth the Destroyer for nothing. As his member grew flaccid, he dismounted and felt his member coated with his unholy semen and blood. He watched with disinterest, as he withdrew his mental domination over the Filly, and then felt her mind collapse into utter and irrevocable madness. She slithered to the floor, where her hooves began beating in spasms, screeching on the marble. Indeed - the shock of his savage mating, and his mental domination has torn this young Jenny's mind apart, and now, as she lay convulsing and choking on the marble floor - he merely snorted and trotted away, his flaccid member swaying beneath his belly.

This filly had proved a pleasurable entertainment - and Seth sighed softly, as he watched her last moments - before she breathed in - then convulsed and died. He merely cocked a furred eyebrow up, and then snorted in disgust. Thousands of these young Jenny's had he taken and bred - yet not one had survived his mating in this form. He swore dark oaths, that one day, he would find one who would survive - and put her to foal with his dark seed. Yet as he stamped a hoof and a dozen of his Nubian servants poured into his throne room, he bit and kicked them cruelly as they flinched and tried to tie leather bindings to the dead filly's thighs and ankles.

"Get out of here - " Seth snarled at them, as he kicked one hard enough to break his pelvis.

Silently, the Nubian crumpled to the ground, tears welling in his eyes as he began convulsing, blood bubbling up from within him and staining his lips. Seth snorted, and then stood over the dying Nubian servant, staring with amusement into the dark skinned eunuch's eyes. Right at the moment of death, Seth lowered his lips to those of his servant - and as the man's soul escaped its mortal shell - Seth inhaled then threw back his head and laughed, as the soul's silent shriek pealed out in Seth's mind. A powerful surge of invigorating energy sent electrifying ripples through Seth's body, as he stood over the corpse and trembled.

Satiated, he stamped a hoof and his servants fled, dragging the corpse of the filly away then returning to claim the remains of their kindred brother. Seth sighed, glancing around his throne room, before he hung his head and reverted his form back into his usual appearance. Running his fingers along both tubular ears, he snorted and slumped into his throne, then rested his head on his chin, as he pondered new ways to seek his unassailable vengeance upon Anubis. Thoughts tumbled through his mind, and he discarded them one after another - as many were just unworthy, as Seth planned this to put the fear of Seth the Destroyer into the hearts and minds of all God's of both Upper and Lower Egypt. They would know fear Seth vowed to himself, as once again, his cruel smile touched his lips. Yes, they would know fear - as Seth himself would lead his unholy army against the upstart Anubis.

Seemingly summoned without Seth even raising an eyebrow, his own High Priest came before Seth and prostrated himself before his dark liege.

"Your bidding, Lord Seth!" Whispered the High Priest, trying valiantly to keep the fear from his voice.

"Send a message to Lord Osiris, I will wish to speak with him, at my earliest convenience." Seth snarled. "Now, be-gone!"

Bowing, the man backed out of the chamber, keeping his eyes downcast. As the doors closed before him, Seth chuckled and stroked his furred chin thoughtfully.

"Yes Anubis, I have only begun to inflict my vengeance upon you - " Seth hissed, as his eyes narrowed in hate. "I will teach you to cross me, and your demise will be inscribed on my new temple - that I shall build upon the shattered remnants of yours when you fall. I give you my word!"

To Be Continued....