Risk Reward

Story by JaffaBakers on SoFurry

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A red dragon comes home to roost and ends up creating a dynasty with one of his kobold servants.

Imrodet's claws found purchase among his hoard, his wings billowing and whipping up a gale in the confines of the cavern. Coins clinked and glinted, tumbling down off of the pile and towards the ground as he inhaled. Ahhhh. The metallic scent always carried a certain calm to it, an air that he'd be hard-pressed to put words to. It was HIS. That was enough for his scaly mind.

And speaking of his, the sound of his drumming wings had summoned those little creatures once again. A few kobolds bowed and scraped as they made their way towards the pile but they never dared touch a single glinting coin in their hurry to mince across the floor. They knew what would happen if they did. The one that they'd deemed leader was at the forefront, keeping her head low but still less whining than the other three in her cadre.

"Great wyrm, welcome back! What news of your territory?"

Imrodet sneered, almost having to will his eyes to keep looking forward as he furrowed a divot of sorts with his claws before languidly lazing atop the pile of his coin. Smoke drifted in curling roils from his nostrils as he contemplated torching them right there but... no. Not today. They had their uses.

"Miles of mountain still mine, and a home kept free of intruders thanks to some intrepid little bastards. That's all that matters." The drake's head bobbed with assuredness at the last sentence. "What favor have you come scraping your way into my domain for this time, I wonder?" He mused quietly, fixing them with a great yellow eye and taking no small amount of pleasure from how the back three flinched away and became enamored with the floor again.

"Ah, but such a simple task..." The female mused quietly, stopping just shy of a small pile of coins that'd drifted off from the dragon's landing. She barely met his vision for a moment before pressing her claws together. "The clan has had a mighty clutch, your eminence, and we wish to hear your blessings upon it?"

Brow lofted, the dragon found himself... amused? What use did they have of pretty words about their spawn? His lips pursed as he mulled the words over in his mind, but something subtle pulled at his senses. What was that? He shifted his legs down, feeling something firm pressing up against his undercarriage as the pile of coins subtly shifted and moved their way around beneath him. It hit him again, this time a bit stronger as his tail behind him. Something was unmistakable, that much was certain.

"You're not asking for that for the eggs already there, are you?" His voice edged just a bare note higher as strain touched his vocal cords. This kobold had doused herself in the stuff, that much was certain, but it didn't mask that she had her own filtering scent rolling up through the air.

She barely smiled, the toothy crag of her muzzle splitting as she took a bold step forward. Claws dug into coins beneath her as she mounted slowly further up the pile of treasure until she was close to his snout to where he could barely get away from the scent boiling around her.

"Draconic blood brings power to our clan, power to you. I will be the first, but assuredly there will be more... sorcerers bearing your blood, great warriors, all gifted with your essence if you but let humble Irivi be the first..." Her simple robe dropped onto the coins, leaving her nude before him. The smell seemed to linger more-so on her clothes but she'd oiled herself well in the stuff.

"Hmrrr... and no small amount of this 'gift' will be yours to enjoy as well, hm? Perhaps you think to be queen of the tribe just by laying my clutch?" His body lifted slightly, grunting as coins drifted off of him and out of the way of his shaft, hardening as it was against his lower belly. Perhaps he'd put off something like this for too long, or maybe it was just the smell of a dragon in heat roping off of her and burning into his nostrils.

He breathed a great gout of flame towards the other three of her retinue and roared in command as they danced madly away from the singing flames. "Leave us! Speak nothing of this to the rest of your kind, I alone will deem if it's worth of their attention." He spit another lick of flame towards them and had a pleased smirk on his face as they complied with his wishes, yowling all the way out of the cave.

Irivi hadn't even flinched, and she moved forward after his show, slipping beneath him and towards his loins where she began peppering him with kisses all up and down that fat rod. Her hands slipped around it with a shiver mounting through her, barely able to close her two hands together around the tip and becoming impossible to do so by his mid point. Her muzzle opened around him, only nursing on his tip as she started pumping around his shaft in even, easy strokes of her scaled hands.

Imrodet drifted onto his side, keeping his leg raised and out of her way so she could work. His upper body wrapped around her, hiding her from his cave's entrance as his tongue hissed out, curling between her legs. Her thighs clenched slightly as his sinuous tongue curled up against her vent, and her gasp breathed around his cock as it penetrated into those folds.

His tongue winded its way inside of her, his muzzle pressing firm against the underside of her tail to keep her legs open with the bridge of his snout. For her part, she was determined to give as she received but she didn't quite have the depth of muzzle to even come close to it. Instead her hands wandered further down, her body bowing forward as she reached for his emerging knot and squeezed around the glands of it. His lower body jolted forward, precum spurting out in thick, stringy ropes across her chest as he growled his appreciation. The vibration roiled through his tongue up into her, his tongue pumping in and out of that warm channel with no thought for how it was making her legs shake.

His body panged as he relished in the way her body responded to his, feeling the warmth of her scales against his loins as she entreated him with those firm, needy strokes of his shaft. He could feel the pressure in his loins already, barely any touching required as the pheremones dug into his mind. Imrodet's head pulled away from the queen of his kobolds and bumped her onto her back with his snout, letting her land in his coins with a smirk down at her. She simply nodded and parted her legs to either side as his shaft came to light against her pelvis, the tip dragging and leaving a hot smear of precum on its path down to her.

The tip jabbed in and they both grunted draconic noises of bliss at the intrusion. Irivi's insides clasped around him, bidding him to come forward and leave his seed inside of her as she arched up. One of his foreclaws pressed down onto her shoulders, holding her in place so she didn't slide away as his shaft dug deeper and deeper into her vent, his dick flexing almost strong enough to lift the slight kobold off of the ground with turgidity alone. In, inch by inch, feeling her walls attempt to stave him off and welcome him at the same time, but unable to stop his advance either way. He barely had half of his shaft inside of her before she simply ran out of space to accommodate him.

"Hhrrrrrrff... a tight fit. But this will be enough, I think..." His upper body bowed, bending his large head down and growling against her ear. "Bear for me a great clutch and you will want for nothing again." His teeth nipped at one of her large ears before he pulled out but an inch of himself. "Bear for me nothing but rotten eggs and I'll have you for my next supper and torch this whole clan of yours."

"S-uhh... small price to pay..." She answered, jaws locked together but it wasn't enough to stop the drool from collecting as she hissed through her teeth. The intrusion was bigger than she'd anticipated and her body was doing its best to numb her but she was going to walk bowlegged for the next fortnight she was sure. Her head tossed back as she gasped when he pushed back into her yet again, only for starbursts to pop in front of her eyes as he adopted a quick, jolting rhythm inside of her.

How could she contend with it? Everything about what was going on was flaring up as impossible and so her body didn't know how to react to it. Her claws clutched at coins beneath her for that was all she could clutch at, her tail pinned beneath her as her back kept arching with each dull impact of his cockhead inside of her and bottoming out within. Precum and her own fluids pooled down between her legs into the mountain of treasure, the dragon's great head just an inch above hers as rolling, heaving pants burst out from the large lizard's lips.

The time was frightfully short before the dragon suddenly reared forward one last time, grinding his tip as close to the entrance as possible before the first fat splurt of cum washed inside of her. Already her stomach bulged with that first wave, thick ribbons and gobs of it pushing back out around his shaft and collecting in messy spurts down onto the pile of gold and gems under her. Wave after wave after wave after... she lost count in her head, her eyes simply drifting back in her skull as the dragon lord bred her. Oh, she was no doubt bred by so much, she wouldn't even need one of the clan's shaman to tell her that!

It only took a few more moments before the dragon realized he wasn't going to get any more of his seed inside of her, so he simply did the only logical thing to mind and pulled out, letting the rest of it wash over her in great, oozing strands of pearly white. His chest heaved out as he took his time in letting the last of his orgasm taper off between her legs before he rolled onto his side with a great thud and clash of coins... and but a second later he was fast asleep on his hoard once again, his shaft already retreating back into its vent.

There was a great celebration in but a few weeks as the first egg started to move about in the fire pits, the glinting red surface of it flaking off as cracks worked across its gem-like surface. And, in honor of the events of his conception, he was given a name while still fresh hatched:

Risk of the Zenith's Spire Tribe was born that day, and the Irivi's pride was palpable to all that could see, even as she already yet favored herself from walking as another egg was growing inside.