Forest Desire Part 3

Story by dragovwolvesbane on SoFurry

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Another chapter in Aron and David's legacy.

After getting home from camping, the week would always be the same. Get up and take care of all my needs then go to work. After the long day of hell, I drive my ass back home and research more on Aron's condition. The process would repeat itself until the weekend. Sometimes I just wanted to sit around and do nothing, but Aron was counting on me to show up every weekend and I couldn't let him...her down.

I decided this time to pack lighter. I stuffed a blowup mattress and some food inside my car and began driving back to my favorite campsite for the weekend. As soon as I got there I looked around for any traces of Aron and her mate. I had to be careful around the male wolf especially now that my friend was full of pups. It took only a few minutes to get the tent up and before I could start pumping the air mattress I could feel hot breath on the back of my neck.

Turning around I came face to face with Aron who was happily wagging her tail. "Good morning David! Is that a air mat? That's cheating ya know." I smiled to myself reaching an arm behind her grey fur petting her back. "Hehe cut it out ya jackass.'s so nice to have you back." She sat down beside me as I pumped air into the inflatable. I glanced down at her belly hesitantly. She was obviously pregnant with her swollen abdomen and her teats beginning to poke out a bit more. I so wanted to reach down and feel over it, feel the life that was growing inside my once human friend.

Aron saw me staring and folded her ears looking away. I almost felt embarrassed for her. " have you been doing". I asked unplugging the air pump and sitting down on the edge of my mattress. She hopped up beside me and settled herself leaving her legs up in the air. "Well if you must know me and the wolf set up a nicer den way off into the forest. It's a little bit cramped but it works for me....I-I am a little scared though..." I know what she was talking about and it was a perfectly reasonable fear. Birthing a litter and taking care of that litter was not an easy pill to swallow.

I layed back and we watched some TV and ate some of the snacks I had brought over. She always looked so happy eating normal human food. The crumbs and sauce would get all in her fur making Aron look more like a raccoon than a wolf. "So would you care to tell me what is it that made you fall in love with a wolf? I mean I know a lot more about male and female relationships now, they mate for life, yet it seems like its bigger for you."

She put down the bag of treats on her forelegs and looked up at me. "I thought I already told you about how he takes care of me?" That's true she did, but normally human beings don't just start loving feral woodland creatures. She sighed. "Fine I'll tell you all the details but don't ever repeat it to anyone ever...


A few weeks earlier....

I can't believe David just left me here all alone with this mutt! What am I suppose to do fore an entire week? I stumbled back and forth between the trees attempting to get use to my new four legged stance. I was so angry but I could understand why I had been left behind. The stupid guards at the fucking gate. If they saw us leaving they would probably arrest David and I would be alone forever...

The wolf was sitting by a tree watching me pace back and forth. I was wondering why he was still here. "You've had your "fun" now fuck off". Shame he didn't understand English. Not only was I turned into a girl wolf but I was also raped as a girl wolf. I can't believe this is happening to me. I just wanted to go home and play some video games. I sat down and almost immediately the male wolf walked over and plopped down beside me. I wanted to feel annoyed but he was the only companion I got.

The wolf soon started nudging me with his snout. "What the fuck do you want." After standing up he still pushed on me. "Okay okay geez. " Slowly I walked in the direction he wanted. Soon we came upon a dugout hole at the base of a large tree. Was this his home? Cautiously I put my front two feet inside ducking my head in to the darkness. My eyes adjusted seeing just enough space for him and me. "Yes very fancy hideout ya got here. Sure there is practically nothing but its a place to sleep."

The depression soon hit me hard. Everything in my life was taken away in an instant and I just wanted to lay here forever. I didn't want to start over, I had everything the way I liked it heck even David started to hang out with me more. Amidst my heartache the wolf had brought over what looked like some meat from an unknown mammal. I jerked my head up in surprise, the wolf licking over his meal. "Fucking disgusting dude". Everything in my human mind was telling me to reject this. My more feral wolf body however was starving to death.

Mustering up the courage I took a nibble from the meat. It tasted horrible. It was like pushing your tongue over skin in the shower while still soaped up. My bunk buddy seemed happy enough that I was eating. His tail was going sonic fast and soon he joined in the meal with me. The bones ripped and bent, blood coated our fur. As I ate he licked over my cheek showing me affection for the second time. What was with this guy? Is this normal for wolves?

The first few days were like this. He would hunt food for us during the morning and we would sleep in the cramped hole in the night. The wolf was trying to make me feel safe and comfortable with him. One day I found myself laying against him while we ate a deer. I couldn't tell if my mind was being overrun with instincts or even if someday I would lose my sense of self. There was one thing in all the time we spent together that really pushed me over the edge for him though.

It was cold outside, not that it mattered much to me. My fur was like wearing a winter coat all year round. The wolf and I were walking around the forest near a pretty sweet waterfall. The mud and dirt in between my paw pads was moist and the air smelt of fresh pine. It was all romantic in a way. We stopped along a log that had fallen over creating a nice bridge over the river. The water gently misting against our fur and all the squirrels and birds living in harmony around this amazing place.

"Umm nice place I guess". That was pretty much all I could say. In my heart I knew why he brought me here. Being comfortable wasn't enough for me apparently. He wanted me to know that we were mates in body and mind. He didn't have to say anything to me, it was like a mutual understanding. The more I thought however the more angry I wanted to be. The wolf didn't know anything about me. How could he? Doesn't know my name and I use to be a guy before this never once thinking I was gay. This was so wrong....

Amidst my thoughts the wolf stepped infront of me, his nose touching mine. His deep yellow eyes piercing into my own as he licked over my dried up nostril. I began to tear up as his soft tongue ran over my snout. With all my frustration and my doubts I knew the wolf was going to be with me until we both were gone. It wasn't a human kind of love he had for me, but the love of a wolf. I settle my head against his shoulder as he groomed me. No one has ever cared this much about me in my life. David was the closest thing to family I ever got but now I feel.....special in a way.

I pulled my head up and licked over his upper lip, then pushed my head underneath his neck. He held me so close I could hear his heart beating almost in tune with mine. Soon I found myself lying down on my side and the wolf sniffing over my hind legs. He then stepped over me giving me the best view of his large sack and sheath. They smelt so tantalizing and they reminded me just how much of an alpha he was.

I slowly opened my maw around his sheath, my tongue lashing out against the soft fur against his loins. He returned the favor in spades, his tongue pressing against my pussy driving my canine needs into overdrive. I moaned softly as his red tip ran across the roof of my maw. I could actually taste his salty pre dripping against my tongue and I loved it. This intense desire to pleasure my mate was so intoxicating.

_ The male soon grew tired of messing with his bitch. She had plenty of room left in her womb for his seed and was eager to see her full and round. There was something about this female that really got him going. The wolf planned on making her feel as though they knew each other since birth and loved her with every ounce of his being. As the female wolf planted her legs and raise her tail he knew that she was the one. _

As his weight slammed down on my back I immediatly began having second thoughts. He was still a dog in my mind and sexing it up with animals was taboo, but if they are both dogs should it be alright? The wolf's forelegs brushed past along my hips gripping them tightly. "I-Im nervous.." I weakly said my body shaking like a leaf. He gently licked along the back of my head grinding his cock along my fluffy ass. With a few good pokes around, his tip finally found my sopping wet spade.

"AHHH! Shit shit shit......" That was all I could say as the girthy canine cock tunneled down my tight cunny. As his hips came pressed up against mine, I could feel every inch of him throbbing inside my body. The pain eventually dulled down giving me a euphoric feeling. He thrusted and thrusted forcing me to moan out barely keeping my balance on the wooden log. "Its...amazing..take me my alpha.." Take me he did, pounding himself against my rear making lewd popping sounds.

I could feel him building up inside me just like the last time. The thick knott he had was sealing him inside of me. It grew and grew forcing me to bite down on my foreleg. His pounding increased in speed so I could only think of the cock inside me and the male responsible. My mind was in a haze as he pumped his cum deep into my fertile body, coating the inside of my uterus. His ball sack tightened squeezing every bit of his thick sperm into me.

There was this light that encompassed my belly. It was like I could feel his sperm and my ovum merging so they could create new life. It was a feeling like I had never experienced before in my life. The wolf soon turned around still tied to my ass watching me proudly. We layed there in bliss for what felt like eternity. The following few days were like this as well. Whenever one of us was in the mood we would fuck. It wasn't too often to were I would feel like a total slut, but boy did I enjoy it.


"And thats pretty much it for the most part.....but believe me when I say they when you find a cure I am totally willing to change back..." Aron said going back to her food. I had gotten my answer and it was a pretty good one. I petted her as she ate hoping that one day I could change her back...she would very likely be gay after all this though.

She flinched wincing in pain. "Shit.....sorry that wasn't you. These monsters inside me are kicking up a movie night?" I nodded and set up the TV for a night I'm sure to remember....


Author: Sorry if it seemed cut short. Rest assured that there will be a part 4 maybe a part 5 if this series is still interesting by then. Thank you so much for reading and leave some comments down below please