Claude's Jebediah Part 2

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#42 of Claude gay stories

Claude and a drunk Jeb get together when Jeb's mate dumps him. Claude lets Jeb try to sleep it iff but the Lion goes after him and they bond and fuck, which leads to a Foursome with Claude's best friends.

And I sit and wait for my Roo to come. It's been about a half hour. And the door bell rings. But I'm stunned when I answer it. It's not Paulie. It's Jeb and he's crying hard. I'm deathly curious as to why he's here, and why he's crying. He's got a death grip on my left paw. And he's just crying, he hasn't said a single word yet. And he won't let go of my paw at all.

My cell rings. Paulie. "I can't come after all, baby, I got to redo this experiment, so I'll not make it, I'm sorry" he says. "It's OK, call me when you get some free time" I say quietly. "I will, Baby" he says and he hangs up. Well Damn! I guess I'm not going to get laid tonight. (So wrong it's not even funny)(Deep inside of me, I'm thrilled Jeb came to me. No matter why he did return .)

I help Jeb in and he's drunk on his ass. I can smell the beer on his breath and in his sweat. And his Azure Blue eyes show so much pain. He stumbles when he tries to walk to the couch and I take his arm and help him to get to my couch. "Jebediah, what's wrong?"I ask. "He left me, fucking ass hat Wolf, demanded a closed bond, and he's been fucking around on me anyway, and he dumped me tonight when I got home" he growls angrily. "He's got a new boyfriend and told me he was tired o my dumb Redneck ass, and to get out." he growls. "I'm so sorry, Jeb" I say softly. He still hasn't let go of my Left paw.

"Where's John?" he asks. "John who?" I ask. He looks around. "Shit, where am I?" he slurs. "At my house, the condo you're gonna renovate soon" I say softly. "Shit Fuck, Dr Suzakawa's house" he slurs. "Umm..yeah that's me" I say. "I'm a worthless piece of shit, the last male I wanna have think anything bad about me and I come straight here drunk on my sorry ass, and crying." he growls and he cries harder. (We'll both realize later that he was pulled to me. His love for me was pushed down by his wanting to be loyal to his Wolf. And when he got dumped, he went and got totally plastered to work up his nerve to come try to bond me. He was angry at his ex but he still came to me. He was in love with me, and knew it subconsciously.)

I might add here how much I hate dealing with drunks. I have no tolerance for alcohol myself, and I don't drink. I don't mind if someone has a bit to drink. Vlad gets a bit toasted on beer or wine and he gets horny. He's gone through both Nigel and I and worn us out when he's had a beer or two. But he never gets anywhere near as drunk as Jeb is now. But it isn't bothering me at all right now. I'm just happy to have Jeb here with me. I'm not thinking of taking him, or even hoping he'll fuck me. I do think maybe, possibly when he sobers up, and he knows he's here with me and single again, that we'd fuck, but not expecting it at all. (Yeah, right. Might as well wish for a Pony while I'm at it.)

Vlad and Nigel come in. "Who other Lion?" Vlad asks. I explain what happened in Russian to Vlad. Vlad laughs. Nigel is laughing too. I forgot he took Russian lessons when he got Vladimir. "Vlad put Lion in bed, let him sleep it off" Vlad says smiling. "Put him in my bed and I'll look after him" I say. "I'll bet you'll look after him" Nigel says laughing. I roll my eyes at Nigel. But he's right, I won't molest him, but if I'm lucky and careful enough, I'll get to see him naked at the very least. Part of me is praying he came here because he loves me, even if he doesn't realize that was why.

Vlad picks him up. "I can walk" he says and he passes out on Vlad's shoulder. Vlad carries him to my room and lays him out on my bed. "Nate's here now" I tell Nigel. "His family is getting on his nerves" Nigel says smiling. They're friends too, and he's glad to have Nate here.

"Rory called, he and his Dad had it out over him being close to me still, so he's moving out here to finish school" I say. "It'll be nice to have Rory here" Nigel says. "It will" I say. "He's happy Nate's here, and he's talking about wanting to settle down soon" I say smiling. "Think he'll try to bond Nate?" Nigel asks. "I do" I say grinning. "Nate would be a fool not to try to take him, if Rory tries to bond him." Nigel says. I nod. Nigel and Vlad kiss me and go to their room. Vlad had that look in his beautiful Brown eyes. Nigel's gonna get a lot of Grizzly dick tonight. (He's not the only one. Vlad will be up me a lot too.)

I sit on the bed. Jeb's out cold. I start undressing him. And he's snoring loudly now. When I pull his jeans off of him I have to gasp. He's massively hung. Bigger than Rory even. Balls the size of oranges. Soft he's way bigger than me hard. His Feline dick is popping out of his sheath. And getting hard. He's gotten fully hard quickly. I realize I'm purring now.

Typical Feline dick. Tapered, pointed tip, barbs, and he has more backwards facing Feline barbs than most Big Cats. We usually have 3 to 6 rows of them. I have 4 rows. Jeb has 10 rows of barbs. I touch them and they're sharp as Hell. And he grunts when I touch him. I take a tape measure out of my drawer and I measure him. 24" and profusely leaking precum. I figure I'd better let him sleep it off or I'll be too tempted. A bit too late to think of that, I hadn't noticed his soft moaning as I stroked his barbs and handled him to measure that massive piece of Lion meat. He's not totally 'out' anymore. He may not know where he is and what's happened, but he knows my scent, and he knows I'm here. And he knows he's naked and I've been handling his stiff Feline dick. He also knows he's gonna go after me hard. It's why he came here but as drunk as he was it kind of slipped his mind. Now that he remembers he's not going to stop til I belong to him.

I back up a bit towards the side of the bed, and he grabs my arm. And he's got too tight a grip on it for me to break free. "Want mah Kitty, mah hot little Japanese piece o Lion tail, wanted him bad, came here to get mah baby, just forgot when I got here" he mutters. "Fell fer ya, fought it to stay loyal, and went home to my mate and he dumped me" he slurs. "Know why I came right ta ya, want ya, want ya fer good, ya gonna be my Kitty now" he slurs. I feel my tears start to form. I want him bad, just don't want him to take me while he's drunk and may not remember.

"Sleep it off, Jeb and we'll talk" I say softly. "NO, take my Japanese Pussy now, ya ain't getting away from me" he growls and he picks me up bodily with one arm, and he kisses me hard. And I faint on top of him. He's holding me so tightly when I come to. I look at the clock and I was out for a good 30 minutes. I know what it means. He's bonded me very tightly. I know I'm not getting out of his arms, but I manage to reach the TV remote and I turn it on.. And I lay in his arms and watch TV. He's purring in his sleep, and it's a low deep rumbling purr.

He's sound asleep and snoring loudly. But it's calming somehow. I know I'll be happy to sleep next to him for the rest of my life, listening to his deep snore. He's got a tight grip on me. I kind of think he'll sleep wrapped around me if I'll let him. I will. I feel a tremendous amount of comfort from knowing he'll be at my side for the rest of my life. This honest, open Redneck Lion will love me as long as we both live. I know it in my heart. We Big Cats form very tight pair bonds. Only death can break them. And he was loyal enough to fight the pull to me. We were so worked up for each other, he had to know we'd probably bond. But he held off, to not hurt his Wolf. But he came right to me when his Wolf broke up with him. And Jeb is now my mate.

He's drunk, but he had his heart broken. And yet he came directly to me, he was drawn back to me, and he bonded me. Like we Lions have for Centuries. He's out, yet he's still petting my mane. And he's purring loudly again. He holds me against the side of his huge body. And he puts my head on his massively muscled chest. "My Kitty now, always my Kitty" he moans. And that huge dick is rock hard and twitching now. And he pushes me onto my back and though he's still pretty damned drunk, he rolls on top of me. I struggle to get out from under him, but he's too strong and too heavy.

I don't want him to take me now, I want him awake and sober. He might not remember what we've done. And I'd hate to have to explain to him how he bonded me when he was totally snockered. He's not having any of that. He's going to bond me whether I try to fight him off or not. He's really determined and drunk or not, he knows how to go for it. He's gonna fuck me no matter what, he's sober enough for that.

He's grabbed my arms and he's holding them down against the bed. And I can't get enough leverage to use my legs to push him off of me. My legs are up from trying to push him off of me, and he takes advantage of that, and he pushes that massive dick up me. I yowl in pain, he's huge and it's up me all of the way lubed only by his copious amount of pre-cum. I yowl loudly and try to pull off of that huge Feline prick. But any way I move just pushes him into me deeper. "Hush ya tight little Japanese pussy, ya mine now fer good, just lie still and take ya Daddy Lion's big ole dick" he purrs. And he's got my ankles in his paws. He keeps pushing up me until I feel those big, heavy balls of his against my ass cheeks. And the deeper he goes the less pain I feel. I do want him, I wanted to wait til we'd talked, til he was sober. I pray he meant this, I don't want to be bonded to someone who doesn't want to be bonded to me. But I know in my heart, I want him badly, I want to be his forever. I'm waiting for him to cum inside of me, and seal us together for always. Lions seal their bonds with the exchange of semen. Male/male or male/female it's the same. He'll cum inside me and my body will absorb it and we'll be biologically locked together. A Lion top will bond to his bottom just by cumming up him even if his bottom isn't a Lion.

But as he works that massive Feline dick in me, I realize he couldn't bond me if he didn't love me. Has he been in love with me since he left here? I know now I fell for him when I first saw him. And I love this big Redneck Lion. And soon I can't make words, I can barely think for how he's making me feel. His massive dick is turning me inside out as his numerous, sharp barbs rake my guts as he thrusts aggressively into my ass. And he's getting close, I can feel him starting to tense up. And he rolls us to our sides and he moves his head to the back of mine and he clamps his jaws down on the back of my neck scruff. He's damned serious about taking me for good. He's put a mating bite on me. I'll be his forever now, it's in our joint Leonine biology. A Lion/Lion bonding, backed up with a mating bite can't break apart. And I wonder if his intent is to close our bond. (It isn't. He wants to fuck anyone he wants, and he loves watching me get fucked too) He just meant what he said. He wasn't going to let me get away from him at all, he means for this bond to last as long as we both live .

Roaring loudly and fiercely, he cums hard inside of me. And I can feel his Lion semen flooding into me. It feels warm and it starts a warmth flowing through my entire body. There's a lot of his thick Lion sperm flowing up me, it feels like his huge balls are pumping a bucket of cum up me. And I flash on being knocked up by him. With the mating bite I can't help it. In my mind I see myself with a hugely swollen belly full of Jeb's cubs, and I'm serenely waiting to push them out. I snap to and I know I belong to him now. He's my big Redneck Lion and will be for life. If he did close our bond I can't change it. I want him as mine, and if it means I have to give up fucking others I know it'll be worth it to be his mate. He's purring, and that deep rumbling purr makes me happy.

He's awake at least now. Looking at me rather intently. And I can't speak. I feel so much from my Jebediah.. He releases the mating bite. "Ya mine, ya my Kitty forever" he says proudly. "You know what we did?" I ask. "Hell yeah, I'm drunk, not stupid" Jeb says sourly. "I took ya to me, ya belong to me now" he says smiling. "Ya wanted me bad" he says. " I could smell it afore I left ya, I knew I couldn't take ya then and my heart broke when Jeffery dumped me" he says.

"Didn't hurt too bad like I'd of thought" he says."I hurt, but I knew I had to get ya, ya wanted me, I could smell it, ya wanted this ole Redneck something fierce." Jeb purrs. "I did, Jeb" I say softly. "I knew it" he says grinning. "Ya wanted me, so I just had to be sure ya wanted me fer good" he says softly. "Obviously I did" I say smiling. "Ya did, ya wanted to bond this ole Redneck Lion" he says proudly. "Ya wanted me as much as I wanted ya" he says grinning. "Ya my Japanese pussy in more ways than one" he says nuzzling me. I smile at him. We have to talk, get to know each other a bit. But he's taken charge of the situation already, like he'll take charge of our lives together. And I know I wouldn't want it any other way. He's a lot smarter than I'd of guessed and he's determined to be my husband for sure.

"I know ya rich, I didn't want ya for ya money, Boy" he snaps. "I know that, we bonded like our ancestors did, you had to love me already and I know I did, I knew it when you left, Jeb, I started thinking it was time to settle down now" I say softly. "I wanted it to be you to settle down with, Jeb, I know that now" I say quietly. He grins.

"I'm older, I'm 30" Jeb says firmly. "I'm 23" I say softly. "I only get drunk when I'm upset, but I got ya now, other than some beer now and then I ain't gonna get drunk like this no more" he says softly. "It took two cases of beer to get me this way" he says softly. He kisses me. His eyes are shining with his love for me.

"I ain't making the same mistake again, we're gonna be open bonded" Jeb says firmly. "I wanna fuck other guys, I'll give ya all this big Redneck dick of mine ya could want, but I wanna fuck others" Jeb says looking into my eyes. "I will want others too, Jeb" I say softly. "Ya tell me as soon as ya can, and if ya can ya ask me first, I'll always tell my little Lion when I fuck someone else" Jeb says stroking my mane. "And I swear ya gonna get all of this big piece of mine ya want" he purrs. "I want up ya a lot," he says and he's moving in me again. "Can ya's Lion move in witcha?" he begs. "Of course, I want you with me, Jeb." I say softly. He fucks me harder and that huge dick is making me see stars.

"I just sniff ya, ya make me rock hard, and desperate to dump a load up ya" he purrs in my ear. "Ya smell so hot, ya mine now" he purrs. And he keeps moving his fat Feline dick in me. I can barely think from how it feels. We Lions are very sensitive to scents. My scent registers to him as 'my mate' and it'll always make him hot for me. Plus I have his semen in me now which gives me a bit of his scent too now. Jeb's cum has marked me as his Lion mate now.

I moan and cuss and growl and I can't keep quiet as he bangs me harder. "Vocal little pussy, ain't ya?" he mutters. I yowl and I cum on his firm belly. I can feel my ass squeezing his dick and he roars and I feel him cumming up me. "I'm drunk and I'm horny, I ain't had sex in a month" he says gruffly. "Ya get to help me catch up" Jeb says with a wicked grin. "I'm not going to complain when a gorgeous Redneck Lion wants to spend the night pounding my ass" I say leaning up to kiss him. "Yeee Haw" he hollers..."I got me a tight assed, and horny Little Lion fer a mate, ya like the way I fuck ya" he says grinning. "I love how you fuck, Jeb" I moan.

I hear laughter from the door. Nigel's got his head in the door. And he's laughing his ass off. "I thought Vlad was a loud cummer" Nigel says.. "I didn't just cum in him, though I did twice, I bonded his tight little ass, my Japanese pussy is mine for good now" Jeb hollers. "Claude, you took him?" Nigel says laughing. "I did, he bonded me, sealed the bond and I've wanted him since I first saw him, Nige" I say smiling. "Ya did?" Jeb asks. "Jeb, I fell for you when I saw you that first time, you were sitting back, bare foot paws propped up on my desk watching TV sports, and I knew then I wanted you, and when we were going over that blueprint, I knew I wanted you for good" I say quietly. Jeb whoops loudly. Nigel's laughing even harder. "He's an East Texas Redneck" I say smiling. Jeb laughs. "Like that is supposed to explain it all?" Nigel asks sharply. "It does, pretty Badger" Jeb says pulling out of me and rolling onto his back.

"He's huge, he's bigger than Vlad or Rory even" Nigel moans. I nod. Jeb's still rock hard, and it's glistening with his cum and my ass juices. His Feline dick is gorgeous. Nigel looks almost hypnotized by it.

"Katya OK?" Vladimir asks sticking his head in the door. "Misha" I holler. Vlad grins. "I got me a Lion, I bonded this big ole cuss" I say laughing. "Katya get big Lion for self?" he asks. "I did, Misha" I say smiling. Vladimir sits on the bed and he hugs me. Jeb smiles. "He's a big ole Bear" Jeb says smiling. "Da, Vlad big, Lion bigger" he says looking at Jeb's crotch. Nigel's still staring at Jeb's dick. "I think my Badger best friend wants a Lion ride, Big Cat Daddy" I say smiling. Jeb grins. (He loves it when I call him that.) "He yours, Big Bear?" Jeb asks Vlad. "Da, he my Badger, Lion can have him if I take Katya" Vladimir says. "You mind, Little Kitty?" Jeb asks me. "Not at all" I say. "So don't ask me" Nigel says snarkily. "Like you'd say no?" I ask. "No I wouldn't" Nigel says. He's practically hypnotized by Jeb's huge Feline dick. He's practically drooling to feel it in him. My Badger is as much of a bottom as I am and as good of one too. He'll give my Jeb a good ride too.

Jeb leans over and kisses me. "I knew ya'd be a good one" he says happily. "I want you happy, Jeb, you can have who you want, we'll follow your ground rules, tell me as soon as you can, and like you said we'll ask first if we can" I say. Jeb pulls me to him. "I love my Little Kitty, ya want ya big Stud Lion ta be happy" He says joyously. "I think Nigel would be really happy too" I say smiling. Jeb kisses me hard.

"C'mere little Badger" Jeb grunts. Nigel lays on the bed. And Jeb mounts him. And Nigel's cussing and moaning as Jeb works his ass. "Katya want his Bear?" Vladimir asks. I put my arms out to Vlad. "Please fuck me, Misha" I beg. Vladimir growls softly. Jeb's banging Nigel hard but watching us as well."Katya so beautiful, want his Misha so" Vlad says softly.

Vladimir gets on top of me and we kiss deeply. He pushes his fat Grizzly dick up me. He's not as big as Jeb, but he's as thick. Our Vladimir is 19". I moan as he works my ass with that big dick. "No have Katya in while, want more" Vlad murrs in my ear. "I'll take you when you want me, Misha, just ask me" I purr in his ear. "Want Katya more" he moans as he starts long dicking me. I wrap myself around Vladimir's big Grizzly body and I yowl and I cum on him. "Katya squeeze good" he murrs. He leans down and kisses me again. Jeb's cussing and growling and Nigel's eyes are rolling back. Jeb's belly is awash in cum. I have to smile at how much Nigel's enjoying Jeb's fucking.

"Vlad, fuck me anyway you want, I love how you fuck and you know I can take you rough if that's how you want me" I purr into my Big Grizzly's ear. "Katya take me hard?" he begs. "Give me your all, Misha" I moan. And Vladimir begins to speed up and bang me hard. My ass is bouncing off of the bed on his back strokes. I yowl and I deep kiss Vlad. I wrap my arms and legs tighter around his big Grizzly Bear body. Vladimir is cussing loudly in Russian. I look over and it really seems to be heating Jeb up. All of the noise we're making. Jeb starts cussing and growling loudly. And in turn that sets Vladimir off even more. He's grunting in time with his thrusts and it makes me hot. I yowl and cum on Vlad's pot belly. Vlad's giving my neck little nips as he moves in me. He's deep dicking me hard and I can't keep quiet. Jeb's growling and cussing and I can feel him shaking the bed as he fucks Nigel harder.

I can see Vlad's close by the look in his eyes. "Knock me up, you big Beautiful Grizzly" I moan. "Breed my Katya now" he roars and he's convulsing on top of me and I feel his thick Bear cum gushing up me. He kisses me hard. I'm soaked in his sweat. "Katya love his Misha's fucking" Vlad says proudly. I kiss him. "I do, big Bear" I say softly. "Again?" he begs. "Please, Misha?" I beg him. And he resumes his hard fucking.

Jeb roars loud enough to shake the walls and I know he's cumming in Nigel. They're both watching Vladimir and I rut each other. "Damn, Kitty likes his Bear a lot" Jeb says grinning.

"Vlad proud of how his Katya love his fucking" Vlad says grinning. And I can feel the bed moving as Jeb resumes fucking Nigel. I can't stop vocalizing my passion for my Misha. Vlad looks so proud. "Katya hot for his Misha" Vlad murrs in my ear. "Please, don't ever stop wanting me, Misha" I whisper. "Vlad no not want Katya, love his Badger but hot for his Lion" he murrs in my ear.

"Vlad cum" he roars and I feel him gushing into me again. He kisses my face repeatedly. "Vlad have Katya when he want?" he asks Jeb. Jeb laughs. "He loves it, if I can have your tight little Badger you can have Claude" Jeb says smiling. Nigel's been softly moaning while he's under Jeb but we've been making so much noise we couldn't hear him.

Jeb's really long dicking Nigel and Nigel cums on his belly again. Jeb roars and he's cumming hard into Nigel. Jeb leans down and kisses Nigel. "He squeezes like you do, little Kitty" Jeb says grinning. Vlad rolls off of me. "Vlad take his Badger back" he says and he mounts Nigel. Jeb mounts me and he gives me a royal deep dicking. I'm cussing and growling and I can't keep quiet. I've wrapped myself around Jeb's bigger Lion body. "Ya like ya Lion's fucking too" Jeb purrs in my ear. There's something I desperately want from my Big Lion mate now, even if I have to beg Jeb to do it. It's why Feline/Feline couples are more common. I need to feel those firm, sharp backwards facing barbs of his raking my asshole. And only we Feline bottoms can take them.

"Barb fuck me, please Jeb?" I beg him. "Well damn, little Kitty, just twist my arm" he says grinning. "What barb fuck?" Vlad asks. Jeb pulls out of me. And he points to his 10 rows of barbs. And he pushes back up me but only to his first ring of barbs that are right underneath his pointed cock head. And he works only the barbed part of his huge Feline cock in and out of my ass ring. I yowl and cuss and kick and thrash under my big Redneck Lion. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" Jeb growls. "So hot, I'd o not asked ya to do that" Jeb purrs in my ear. "I wanted to feel them, you got so many and they're so wonderfully sharp and firm" I moan. "It feels so damned hot, Kitty, I ain't done it before, most Feline bottoms are scared of my size and how many I got" he purrs in my ear. "I'll let you when you want, Daddy Lion" I moan. "Hot Damn" he hollers. He moves his barbs in and out of me faster now. And I can't stop yowling, and I've already cum on him three times. "At's my Lion Bitch" he growls. Vlad and Nigel are watching us, and are obviously fascinated.

"Gonna breed my Bitch" Jeb growls. And he's moving even faster now. "Fuck, gonna give ya my cubs" he roars and he's spurting a huge volume of semen up me and convulsing on top of me. He kisses me repeatedly. I'm still kind of out there, not fully coherent yet. I've done that before and it always makes me nuts and I've lost count of how many times I've cum on Jeb. Jeb's panting and he's got so much love in his eyes for his little Lion Bitch. "Ya do love me, ya let me barb fuck ya, and ya'd do anything ta keep me happy" he purrs. "I can see it in ya eyes, Boy, ya want so much to please ya Lion Daddy" Jeb says grinning.

"Claude, didn't that hurt, those things look sharp as Hell?" Nigel asks. "Naw, he's built fer it, he's a Lion bottom, he's thicker there, he's made fer me" Jeb says proudly. "He has nerve endings connected to those barbs, I do too, but a barb fucking for the top really gives him a lot of stimulation" I say smiling. "Claude, ya know ya ass ring has em too, ya get extra feeling from my raking ya" Jeb says kissing me. "Ya sure came all over me like ya enjoyed it" he says nuzzling my neck.

And he's quiet all of a sudden. "Ya'd take this ole Redneck's litter?" he asks. "I would Jeb, if I had the right parts I'd pop out as many cubs as you wanted" I say softly. "Ya love me, I knew it" he says proudly. Nigel's laughing. "You'd be happy if he kept you bare foot pawed and pregnant" Nigel says laughing. Jeb's grinning proudly. "Badger no give his Bear cubs if he can?" Vladimir asks Nigel sadly. "I would, Daddy Bear, you've never asked me about it" Nigel says. "Want know Badger carry for his Bear, like Katya carry for his Lion" Vladimir says. Jeb smiles. He reaches over and ruffles Vlad's hair. "Honest and open, and straightforward Big Bear" Jeb says. "He is, he's got a big heart and he's as honest as I am" I tell Jeb. "Get used to it, Big Lion, Claude can't lie to save his own life" Nigel says laughing. "Good, cause being lied to makes me kinda crazy" Jeb says seriously. "Ya can tell me anything, and I'll eventually forgive ya, I love ya too much ta stay mad at my Little Lion" Jeb says stroking my mane. I smile at him. He's honest, genuine and open and he's mine now.

"Claude, I love ya so much, I was in love witcha, and when Jeffery told me we were through, all I could think of is, now I can get my Baby Lion" Jeb says. "But it did hurt and I went out and got drunk" Jeb says. "I had to ease the pain and work up my nerve to come to ya" he says softly. "I could tell ya wanted me, but as far as I knew ya might just wanted me to sport fuck ya" Jeb says looking into my eyes. "I knew I loved you, Jeb, I spent time sorting it out" I tell him. "I felt a drive to settle down, to find my mate, I think seeing you put that in my head" I say smiling.

"I couldn't get the scent of your Lion musk out of my head, Jeb, I'd keep smelling it and it would comfort me, I didn't want to just fuck you" I say smiling. "I knew I wanted you, you put your paw on my back and I could hear you sniffing me, and I couldn't stop my tail from thrashing" I say. "I know'd it, boy, I wanted ya so bad, but I had my mate, I wanted ta throw ya down and bond ya right then and there" Jeb says grinning. "Would ya?" Jeb ask. "I'd of taken you then, just as fast as I did tonight" I say looking into those beautiful Blue eyes of his. Jeb laughs. "Ya wanted this ole Redneck something fierce" he says joyously.

Vlad kisses me. "Katya look happy with his Big Lion" Vlad murrs. "I am, Big Bear, and by the way, I know you remember my brother Rory" I say. "Da" Vlad says. "He's coming out here to live, he'll be here tomorrow" I say smiling. "Vlad happy, Polar Bear good Bear, he be good to have around" Vlad says smiling. Vlad likes Rory a lot too. Sometimes folks treat Vladimir as if he's stupid because his English isn't really good. And Vlad's fucking brilliant. And he resents being treated as stupid because he hasn't mastered English totally. And Rory, like me, doesn't treat him any differently.

"Why's he coming out?" Jeb asks. "His Dad, well, his Dad used to be my Dad too, til we found out he didn't father me after all" I say softly. "He hates me now, and he is mad that Rory and I stayed close to each other" I say. Jeb laughs. I glare at him. "I'm a Bastard too, Baby Kitten, never even knew who my Daddy was" Jeb says. I sigh. And he tells me his story. Just when you think you have it bad, then you hear someone else's story that's much worse.

His Mom had gone to a party and had passed out drunk, and she woke up naked in someone's bed. She had vague memories of a lot of males on top of her over the course of the night.. Though no one was there with her she knew she'd been fucked, since there was semen all over her female parts, and belly and thighs. Even worse, she'd been a virgin before, and three months later, she found she was pregnant, and when Jeb was born, she had an idea of who might have fathered him. But she couldn't prove it and she loved her little Lion cub so much. That she had him now was more than enough for her. Though it was a struggle for her as a single mom, she raised him, and raised him well.

Jeb grew up not knowing who his father was. And yet, his Mom loved him so much he didn't really care. She raised him on her own and did a good job, judging from how Jeb is. (We'll go to Texas soon, and she's happy for us. And I pay to have her house fixed up and air conditioned , she's going to live a lot more comfortable life now. I like her a lot. It's easy to see how Jeb is the good Lion he is because of his Siberian Tiger Mom. She tells me who his father is, she's figured it out. But Jeb doesn't want to know, having his Mom is all he wants. But he's happy when Takeru treats him like a son.)(We go down at least twice a year to see her, and I make sure she has all she needs to be happy. Without her I wouldn't be so happy, she didn't have to choose to keep and raise Jeb as a single mom, and I know how hard it had to have been, but she did, and I'm so happy as a result. I have the resources to make up for how tough their lives were, and I am going to make sure Mother and Son have good lives. Jeb loves being spoiled, he didn't want me for my money, but he'll let me use it for the things he wants to make him happy. And his Mom does love me, and she knows I'll do for her because I love her too and I love her Jeb so much)

I smile, it's almost fitting, he has to understand a lot of how I feel.. "Do ya know who did father ya, Claude?" Jeb asks. I nod. I take my wallet and I show him a picture of my Takeru. "Katya half Bear?" Vlad asks me as he's looking over my shoulder at Takeru's picture. "I am" I say. "Half Japanese Bear" Nigel says smiling. "I am the biological son of Dr Takeru Suzakawa, and when Jim Kitman disowned me, Papa Bear adopted me, which is why I have his name" I say proudly. "Katya proud of his Bear Daddy, he like Bears much" Vlad says proudly. I lean over and kiss Vlad. "Always liked you a lot, Big Bear" I say. Vlad blushes.

"Shit Fuck" Jeb moans. "Kitman, Suzakawa" he moans. "CMK and Funari, ya must be a really rich little Fuck" Jeb moans. "I am, as far as I know $700 Million plus investments" I say smiling. "I didn't want ya fer ya money, I didn't know" Jeb says. I kiss him. "I know, babe, but you have to know I have it and I'll do anything for my Big Redneck Lion" I say smiling. "You ought to call Oto-Sama" Nigel says. "He's right I should, and Rory and Yoshi" I say. "Who?" Jeb asks. "My Polar Bear half Brother, Rory Kitman, and my other half Brother, he's an Asian Black Bear like our Dad, his name is Yoshi Suzakawa" I say happily.

I roll over and get my cell. And I call my beloved Black Bear father. I get his voice mail. Only me, Yoshi, Rory, and Nigel have his cell number. I leave him a voice mail telling him I got mated and to please call me when he can. I hang up and I call Yoshi.

He's home and very happy for some reason. "Onii-Chan, I was about to call you" he says joyously. "Something big happen?" I ask. "I got mated" Yoshi says happily. "So did I, it's why I called, I called Dad first and left a voicemail" I say. "He's been in meetings all day" Yoshi says. "I haven't told him either" Yoshi says softly. "You know Dad said we're so much alike, and this kind of proves it" I tease him.

I snap a couple of pictures of Jeb with my cell phone, and I upload them to Yoshi. "Shit, he's a big assed Lion" Yoshi says laughing. And I tell him about Jeb. "He's a hard working male" Yoshi says. "Dad will approve of him, but he'll want to come meet him as soon as possible" Yoshi says. "I'd hope you'd come too, Onii-Chan, and let me meet your new mate" I say. "Claude, I got a Lion too, mine is not as big as yours" Yoshi says. I crack up. "He is a Psychiatrist and my Dr Hikari Makoto is a few years my senior" Yoshi says and he emails me a picture of his Lion. His Hikari is stocky and about 6'3". And he has amazing Amber eyes. Yoshi is only 6' and like me he prefers his guys a bit bigger than him. And he tells me how they met and we're both really happy for one another. His Dr Makoto is a gorgeous Lion too. Papa-San will get a kick out of this. His sons both went for Lions. He's always been proud of how much Yoshi and I are alike. Hell, he's as proud of his Lion son as he is his Bear son.

"I will come with Dad and bring my Dr Lion" Yoshi says. "Rory's finally had enough of Jim's attitude, he's coming tomorrow to live with me and go to school out here" I tell him. "Oto-San will be happy, he won't have to go to Alabama to see his Polar Bear son" Yoshi says. Takeru thinks of Rory and Nigel and Vladimir as if they were his sons too. And he's a great father figure to them and to me. (He will be to Jeb too.)

When he hangs up. I call Rory. "Claude, I'm busy packing" Rory says and he sounds stressed. "Big Bro, I'm sorry, I guess I could wait until I pick you up tomorrow, but I wanted to tell you about your new brother in law" I say softly. "You got mated?" he asks "I did, a big ole Texas Redneck Lion, Rory" I say laughing. "You love us big guys, lucky for me" Rory says. "We're open bonded, I can still let you fuck me, Big Guy" I say smiling. I upload Jeb's pics to Rory. "Shit he's big, he's bigger than me" Rory moans. He is, not by a lot. Rory is 7' tall and 345 pounds.

"He has to be like you, Nigel and I figured out that I modeled all of the criteria I had for a mate on you, and we couldn't bond" I say softly. Rory murrs. "I love you anyway, Claude" Rory says. "I love my Big Polar Bear" I say happily. "I always will" I say softly. "I know, Baby Kitten, but we'll always be close" Rory says happily. "Nigel wanted to know if you were thinking about taking Nate?" I ask. Rory laughs. "That little Badger of yours is too smart for his own damned good" Rory says laughing. "Claude, I'm gonna try, more reason now, my little brother beat me to it" he says laughing. "Nate's a great guy, he'll be all to you I'd want, I want my Polar Bear happy" I say softly. Rory murrs. "Don't tell him Claude, I know how you are" Rory says. "Yes, Bro" I say softly. Jeb's been watching me carefully.

Jeb takes the phone. "So ya his brother?" he asks Rory. "I am, and you sound like a Texas Redneck" Rory says laughing. "Cause I am, but ya brother took me anyway, made me really happy, Big Bear" he says laughing. "Claude says we got a lot in common" Rory says happily. "I don't know bout that, but he sure loves me, he fell fer me when he first saw me" Jeb says sounding humble. "You gonna be good to him?" Rory asks. "I will, I'll treat him like the prize he is" Jeb says. "I won't leave him, I done put a mating bite on him when we bonded" Jeb says proudly. "Shit" Rory moans. "Dad said that means forever for a Big Cat couple, he did that to Mom" Rory says. "She's been dead a while now and he won't look at anyone else" Rory says. "I got to finish packing but I look forward to meeting you tomorrow" Rory says. And he hangs up. I know him, he'll call in the morning with his flight info. He might even call Edward with it, and knowing him he'll ask either Alfred or Edward if Nate will take him. I should have asked Edward about Jeb but I'm kind of glad I didn't.

"I'll move in tomorrow, Baby Kitten" Jeb says nuzzling me. "So what's new, why's everyone gathered in here and who's the big, hot Lion?" Nate says wandering in. Nigel and I crack up. "Nate Porter, this is my new bond mate, Jebediah Wallace" I say smiling. "He's big and he's gorgeous" Nate purrs. "I ain't never had Snow Leopard ass" Jeb growls. "I ain't never had Badger ass afore either but your little friend here took care of that fer me" Jeb says grinning. Jeb ruffles Nigel's hair. "Was amazing ass too, ya a lucky Bear, Vlad" Jeb says happily. Vlad grins. "Love my Badger much, he really hot piece" Vlad says. Nigel blushes. "You seemed pretty hot for Claude too" Jeb says grinning. Vlad nods. "Love fuck my Katya" he murrs. I kiss Vladimir. "Your Katya loves how you fuck him too, beautiful Grizzly" I say smiling. Vlad's hard again. "Take me" he begs Nigel and Nigel rolls on his back and he and Vlad fuck.

"I thought you'd still be with Edward, Nate?" I ask. "Naw, he fucked me and came five times, and I let him knot me and he came a bunch more, kept me tied for an hour and pulled out and fell asleep" Nate says smiling. I laugh. "Horny little shit ain't ya?" Jeb asks looking into Nate's eyes. I crack up."That was just enough to get Nate warmed up, Big Cat Daddy" I say laughing harder. Jeb's grinning. "He's as durable of a bottom as I am and he's a great guy too" I say smiling. Nate's looking Jeb over carefully. And Jeb's big Feline dick is stiffening up again.

"Daddy Lion, go ahead and ride our Snow Meow, he's as good as Nigel and I" I say. Nigel nods his agreement. "Under me now" Jeb growls. Nate gets on his back. "Shit, that thing is huge" Nate moans and Jeb pushes right up him. Nate yowls. "I ain't hurting ya, Boy?" Jeb asks. "No, it was getting used to that massive thing" Nate pants. "Fuck me" he hollers. And Jeb does. He bangs Nate hard and fast.

Vlad is really spurred on by how Jeb fucks. And he's really giving it to Nigel. Nigel's cussing and kicking and he's cum twice on Vlad's pot belly. Jeb's working Nate hard and fast and Nate's moaning and cussing and he's cum too. Jeb looks at me. "I love ya, baby Lion" he mouths to me. Banging someone else and he tells me how much he loves me. Brings a tear to my eye.

I hear Vlad's orgasmic growl. And Nigel looks done in. He's panting hard. Vlad rolls off of him and pulls me under him. "Take the Bear who love his Katya" he murrs softly in my ear. "Always, Vlad" I moan in Russian . And Vlad pushes his fat Grizzly dick up me and we rut for each other. Nigel's fallen asleep. And I can hear Nate's moans and grunts as Jeb bangs him hard. Jeb roars and he's cumming, but he's not stopping, he keeps fucking Nate. Vlad's giving me his all. and his all is a lot. I kick and cuss under him and I can't keep quiet. "Katya good fuck" Vlad murrs in my ear. "I love how you fuck me" I growl. Vlad smiles and he deep kisses me. I can see Jeb roll off of Nate. Nate's panting hard and he looks done in.

Vlad nips my neck and he's cumming hard. I can see how much he cares for me in his eyes. I'm a lucky Lion, I had dated Vlad before he met Nigel and he fell for Nigel right off. I'd never tell Nigel, but I had high hopes I might bond Vladimir myself. Vlad knows it, he knew it when he took Nigel, and he and I talked about it. He was sorry as he thought he had hurt me, and was happy when I told him I was disappointed yet not hurt. But we still have great sex together. I know I'm in his heart too, and our Russian Grizzly has such a big heart. He knows I'm happy he keeps Nigel so happy. Nigel knows we care a lot for each other, but he knows Vlad loves him more. And would not ever leave him.

"I take Badger and Leopard, put them to bed, Vlad come back if Lions want him" Vladimir says happily. Jeb grabs Vlad's paw. "Of course ya can, ya a Hell of a Bear" Jeb says. Vlad smiles. And he gets up and puts Nate over one shoulder and Nigel over the other and he leaves. "He is a Hell of a Bear, ya know he loves ya don't ya?" Jeb asks. "I do, we dated and then he bonded Nigel, but he cares about me as I do him, but I love you, I can love only you, Jeb" I say quietly. Jeb grins. "Ya know it, ya good Lion, ya know ya belong ta me fer all of ya life" Jeb says kissing me.

"I care a lot about Vladimir, and when Rory comes you'll see us fuck a lot too, I've been known to fuck my Daddy too" I say softly. "And I'm hoping a few of the guys I've played with might still want me" I say softly. Jeb laughs. "My horny little Lion" Jeb says. "We gonna take ya in turns, your Grizzly and I, we'll keep you under us all night, Boy" Jeb growls gruffly. I grin. "I knew I loved you for some reason" I say laughing. "I told ya, been a month and ya'd help me catch up" Jeb says smiling. "Watching that Grizzly fuck you gets me hot, he's as good a fucker as I am, almost." Jeb says grinning. Vlad comes in.

"We'll take him in turns, makes me hot to watch you fuck him, Big Bear" Jeb says smiling. "Vlad have Katya as much as he want?" Vlad asks hopefully. "Fer tonight fer sure, and anytime he wants ya Big Bear" Jeb says. Vlad leans down and kisses Jeb. "Vlad grateful, know Big Lion love Katya much" Vlad murrs. "What's that mean, Katya?" Jeb asks. "Is dear little kitty in Russian, Vlad always call Claude his Katya" Vlad says happily. I nod. Jeb smiles. 'It fits, Big Bear" Jeb says. They seem to really like each other a lot. Vlad, and Rory and Jeb will hang out a lot together. Jeb's a hard guy not to like and he makes friends easily. Rory likes him and approves of him for me very quickly.

Jeb mounts me and he's fucking me hard and fast. I pull Vlad to me and I suck his dick while Jeb bangs me. And true to their words they take turns in me all night. At 7AM, Vlad tells me in Russian he's done for the night. And to our surprise he rolls onto his back and begs Jeb to fuck him. Jeb pushes up him. "Why?" I ask Vlad. "To thank you Big Lion, he let Vlad have his Katya when he want, he good Lion, love Katya much and for always" Vlad says smiling. Jeb kisses him. "I'm glad ya happy fer us" he purrs in Vlad's ears. He's being much gentler with Vlad than he has been with me. He is not wanting to hurt our Russian Grizzly. Vlad's looking into Jeb's eyes and I know what he is trying to tell Jeb. He does care for him too. And Jeb's aware. Vlad will tell me later that Jeb's what he'd hoped I'd get. Honest, open, loving and loyal, and he'll not keep us apart.

And I go into the bathroom. Both to dump the massive amounts of Lion and Grizzly cum I've got in me and to give them some privacy. I slip into the shower, and I scrub the dried cum off of me. mine and theirs too. Jeb makes me cum all over him when he fucks me. Vlad too.

I walk out and I kiss my guys and I go get coffee. Edward's really happy this morning. He's smiling and he's walking around a bit lighter in step. And after a few sips of coffee I realize he's naked. "Must have really enjoyed yourself last night, Edward?" I ask him smiling. "He's quite a hot little bottom, Master Claude" Edward says. And he leans down and kisses me on the cheek. I laugh.

"Claude, Master Rory called and here is his flight information" Edward says handing me a piece of paper. I look at Edward. He kissed me and he called me Claude, and he's naked and not seeming to care. Edward grins. "Claude, today is the day I will meet my life mate, I hope you'll still let me keep him here with me?" Edward asks. "I will, I want you happy, Edward, I love my Fox Retainer" I say smiling. "I know how you know, so we won't discuss it, but is there anything I can do to help you get him, my beloved Fox retainer?" I ask. "I knew I would not find my mate until right after you got yours, Claude" Edward says happily. I smile. "I'd of looked harder for him if I'd of known that, I want you happy and loved, Edward" I say quietly. "You'll still help" Edward says. I nod. I'm impressed, I've never seen Edward in such a good mood. But I can relate. Just knowing I have my Jeb now makes me so happy.

Claude's Jebediah Part 3

"You'll bring him home" Edward says. "Not Rory?" I ask. "No, your brother is a top like me, Claude" he says. "I can't tell you more than that" Edward says nuzzling the back of my mane. "I love seeing you so happy, Edward" I say smiling. "Claude, he'll...

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Claude's Jebediah Part 1

I'm a pretty happy Lion, despite how my life has gone so far. I've been working as a Physician for three years now and I'm only 23. I graduated Medical training at age 20. (I'm considered a Genius, like my biological father) I'm an Internist and I...

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Henry and Bull Daddy's Lion Part 4

We go buy Bull Daddy his car. I call and have it insured. Clay sits by Mike and holds his paw when he can. Bull Daddy looks so happy. The Service manager comes out and shows Bull Daddy the controls. "Boy, go home, go home and see how ya can help our...

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