For You...Anything, Forever

Story by Takoda on SoFurry

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#3 of For You...Anything series

Third part in this series. The forth and final chapter should be posted within the next month. Thanks to everyone who has read and commented, rated and faved my other stories! As always, please comment, critique, vote, and fave! I may have rushed the ending a little bit and may go back and extend it. Hope you enjoy!


This story contains sexually explicit acts of consenting members of the same family. If such things make you uncomfortable, please don't read. Otherwise, enjoy!

"For You...Anything, Forever" story and characters property of Takoda.


Don't you absolutely hate it when sleeping so peacefully, you're forced awake by a burning bladder? As much as I entertained the idea of just releasing right where I lay, I reminded myself I wasn't 3 years old... and I wasn't alone. I peeled my eyes open to a room painted with the warm colors of a promising sunrise and the sound of a quietly snoring sister cradled in my arms. My nose was pressed to the back of her head and the lavender smell of her hair made me wonder at actually what age a fur is to old to wet the bed. Wishful thinking aside, I pulled my arm from under her cheek and sat up to stretch. She still curled in a loose fetal position and wearing yesterdays clothing she'd fallen asleep in. I carefully scooted off the bed and out of the room to the bathroom down the hall. The cold tile floor made me shiver at the sudden temperature change, and at the same time ruining any chance I had at falling back to sleep.

My semi-hardened morning wood proved to make aiming a little difficult as I stood over the porcelain throne. I had to stick my butt out behind me and lean forward for my trajectory to make its target. Letting loose, I shuddered at the welcomed relief and finished up with a few quick shakes. After lowering the seat and flushing, I washed my hands in the sink and splashed some of the cool water over my face. I couldn't help but smile at my reflection in the mirror. Not that I was smiling at my appearance, but at the fact that it was Beth who was sleeping soundly in my room. I wiped off my face with a hanging towel and walked back to where I'd come from, stopping at the open door and leaning against the frame.

Her back was to me and she almost appeared lifeless, except for the subtle rising and falling of her side and the soft snoring noises that continued in a steady rhythm. It was so tempting to get back on that bed and spoon against her, to feel her warmth and wrap her tightly in my arms, but I had other plans. I was still fully dressed in my own clothes from the day before and found no need to change them quite yet. They would be fine for what I had in mind.

The neighborhood roads were still lifeless and quiet, residents either sleeping or just beginning to awake, as I drove to my destination several miles away. Thankfully, the Panera bakery had just turned on its "open" sign as I pulled up in a parking spot right in front. It took no longer than 15 minutes for me to get my bounty and return home, where I noticed Beth remained fast asleep. In the Kitchen I opened the small paper bag and pulled out the cinnamon bagel and strawberry cream cheese. They'd already sliced and toasted the bagel at the store, and still being warm, the thick cream spread easily enough over the porous bread. I set the bagel on a plate and grabbed a bed tray from underneath the counter. I placed the bagel and napkins, along with a glass of orange juice and cup of Panera coffee on the tray before leaving the kitchen. Just as I stepped into the hall I quickly turned around and reentered the kitchen to the object of my focus, just above the sink. Soon enough, I was walking back down the hall with the tray in hand, now complete with vase and a single yellow flower.

The golden sunlight filtering through the window blinds cast the room in a heavenly sort of light - a proper compliment to the angel that was still sound asleep. Smiling, I walked to Beth's side of the bed and placed the tray on the floor before removing the glass of juice and setting it on the ground beside the tray. I stood back up and sat on the mattress and turned toward my sleeping sister. I lightly brushed a strand of dark hair across her brow and tucked it behind her ear, whispering "Beth... Beth, wake up." She stirred and moaned, sticking out her tongue as she yawned before struggling to open her eyes and focus on her brother. As consciousness returned, she stretched her arms and smiled, wishing me a "mmmm... good morning" and lifted herself up against the bed board.

Every time I gaze in her eyes, my soul finds its home behind those glowing blue irises. I've felt there's always been a hidden signal to bring my soul to that home with nothing else but a kiss. Placing one hand below her chin, I leaned over and delicately placed my pursed lips against hers. Morning breath ruined any reputation it held by reeking of stale saliva, cause hers sparkled of watermelon lip gloss! Reluctantly pulling way, I licked my lips of the fruity taste and said "mmm... tasty!" causing her to giggle and give me that trademark look that told me I was being a goof.

"I wanted to bring you some breakfast..." and bent down to pick up the tray. When I produced it before her, she squeaked in happiness and lovingly cooed "Awwwww, Koda!" as I placed the tray over her lap and saw her smile at the contents.

"Mmmmm, cinnamon bagel with strawberry cream cheese?! MY FAVE!" I laughed at her excitement, and snickered to myself when she saw the coffee. Despite her wanting to be grateful for my loving jester, her distaste for the black liquid showed through. Still staring at the styrofoam cup, she said "uuh... thanks for the coffee, too." I laughed at my deviousness and bent down again to retrieve the glass of juice. When she saw it, an air of relief washed over her face and she playfully pouted "You're such a tease!" I handed her the glass and she guzzled half of it before turning to the bagel. I sat and sipped on the coffee while she ate, neither of us saying a word, simply smiling at one another.

After she finished, I took the tray and carried it back into the kitchen while Beth got out of bed and used the restroom. Just when I finished rinsing off the plate and glass, the kitchen phone rang. It was a little strange for someone to be calling this early on a Sunday, but I answered nonetheless.


"Hey Koda..." It was my father. "Sorry for calling so early, but I wanted you to know that your mom and I won't be getting home until late." Score! "We should be back this evening around ten or so."

"That's fine. Nothing much going on here."

"How's Beth doing?" He was referring to her being in heat. I quickly replayed our incestuous copulating and smiled to myself

"Oh she's doing.... better. She's been pretty emotional, but other than that it's been great."

"That's good. Just make sure she's taking her suppressants. I don't want some little spit-fuck knocking up my daughter..." Oh don't worry dad, I'm taking care of that myself

"Sure thing dad, don't worry. I'll see you guys tonight! Uh huh.... okay. Ok, bye!"

It was a little exhilarating talking to my dad about making sure his daughter doesn't get bred when I've been the one thoroughly breeding her since Friday! Deciding it was finally time to change clothes, I headed back to my room but stopped dead in the hall. The bathroom door was wide open and Beth was leaning against the frame, wearing only a seductive smile. The familiar strain in my boxers grew even more uncomfortable as I stared dumbfounded at my naked sister.

She beckoned me over with a graceful flick of the finger, her tail steadily swaying back and forth like she was using it to hypnotize me. I didn't need any hypnosis though, she'd already done that by losing her clothes! She could've lured me over with her scent alone, which was once again radiating throughout the hall with the spicy, sweet, and enticing smell of her fertile sex. I dared not take my eyes off her, even if I could've relied solely on my nose, as I walked over to the doorway. I was mere inches away when she stepped forward and wrapped her hands around my neck, rubbing her naked form against me and grinding her pelvis over my crotch. The swelling shaft within my shorts that ached for release only stiffened harder at the pressure of Beth pressing against it. She nipped at my bottom lip and whispered in her sexy voice

"I wanted to thank you for breakfast in bed... how about giving me brunch in the bathroom?"

I chuckled at her sexual pun "It'd be my pleasure." She release her embrace and turned to go in, taking my hand and leading me in behind her. Once inside, she went and shut the door, pushing in the button on the handle until it *clicked*, signifying it was now locked. As she turned toward me, I removed my shirt and threw it on the ground, then went for my shorts when she stopped me, saying "let me take care of those..." I let her do as she wished and watched her purposefully undo the button and slide down the zipper. She pulled them down slowly to my ankles, where I stepped out of them and she cast them aside.

Instead of immediately pulling down my tent-pegged boxers, saturated with a growing stain of precum, she started kissing my stomach. The sensation was a little ticklish, but it was also very sensual and was really turning me on, especially as she kissed her way lower. She kissed down my stomach to my waist, and didn't stop when she got to my boxers. Instead, she continued kissing over the fabric, right up to the wet cum stain and finally to the pointed tip. She looked up at me, mouth grazing my tip, and grinned wide as she softly nipped at it. I yipped! at the first feeling of teeth, but she was doing it so delicately there was no pain. She nipped a few more times and closed her lips over the end, sucking at it through the fabric.

"mmmm.... tasty..." she moaned, winking up at me.

Squelching noises emanated from her lips, which were tightly suckling on the clothed end of my now throbbing member. She switched back and forth between lightly nipping me and flicking her tongue over my dripping tip. I closed my eyes and murred when suddenly, I felt her lips let go and a quick downward tug left my exposed cock springing free in the cool air. It wasn't exposed for long though as Beth quickly surrounded the slick flesh in her maw, taking me all the way to my swelling knot. I gasped at the sudden pleasure and grabbed behind her ears, holding on to her bobbing head as she consumed me in her hot muzzle.

I groaned and shuddered with my sister's mouth latched onto me, sucking me with a voracious hunger that only my wolf meat could satisfy. Her mouth was so hot and wet with saliva, which would make audible slurps every time her tongue caressed my shaft and her lips pulled against my length. For being as inexperienced as she was, she sure knew how to use that tongue! She fed and nursed off of me without abandon, never loosing in her intensity or slowing her massaging tongue. I was amazed at how her mouth could be stuffed so full with my cock, but she could still breathe through her nose at the same time. As good as this was and as much as I wanted to fill her awaiting maw with my sticky cream, I really wanted her to finish up in the place we first consummated our love.

"Beth... I... huuh!" She gave me a strong sluurp, pulling back with her muzzle "This f-feels awesome, but... can you suck on me in the sh...shower instead?" Her lips slowly grazed the length of my shaft before engulfing just my tip, where she gave a series of quick little sucks before finally pulling off my cock entirely.

"Anything you want, my love!" She stood and sauntered over to the shower, then turned on the water. Opening the sliding glass door and getting ready to step in, she glanced back at me. "You commin'?"

"I haven't yet, but you'll know when I do!" I quipped back before following her into the shower and sliding the door closed. The water was already fairly hot as it poured from the overhead spigot, filling the ceramic cubicle in a moist cloud of steam. These kinds of showers were what I enjoyed the most - nice, hot water and a thick layer of steam to surround you in a warm blanket of peace. We embraced beneath the flowing water, holding onto one another as the steam enveloped our naked bodies. My stiff member pressed against her stomach as we hugged, occasionally throbbing in the anticipation of its oral massage. Beth seemed to get the message it was telling her, as she let go of her embrace and lowered to her knees before me, saying

"Now, where was I..."

Even though she just had it in her mouth only moments ago, I still tensed and gasped when my crimson flesh disappeared inside her muzzle. Damn, she's like a cock vacuum! I felt her lips close behind my forming knot as she continued where she'd left off - sucking me so hard, I swear she'd dislodge it right at the base! The intensity was so extreme, I had to reach out and support myself against the wall while my sister's face remained buried in my crotch. Even above the constant applause of falling water, I could hear - and feel! - the smacking and slurping of her nursing mouth *shloch....shloch....shloch* . Her head bobbed back and forth; sometimes stopping at my tip in another series of quick, tense little sucks.

I shifted my stance from supporting myself on the wall above Beth, to leaning against the wall behind me, just below the shower head. In my readjustment, her mouth never once slowed in the intense vacuum seal she held on me. It was like she was determined not to stop or let up until she got what she wanted. And I was on the verge of giving it to her. Through the steam, I could just see her face and the flashes of pink flesh gliding in and out of her dark lips. Her eyes were closed - both in concentration and to shield them from the falling water. I stroked her cheek, causing her to look up at me through squinting eyes. The sight of my sister kneeling before me with my shaft bobbing in and out of her mouth, and blue eyes looking up at me as if asking "am I doing it good?" caused me to blow instantly.

Grabbing the back of her head, I shoved my rod into her mouth over and over in hard thrusts as she did her best to keep up. One...two...three...four times I pounded into her maw until in one final lunge I pulled her head onto my crotch and held it there as I filled her throat with warm wolf spunk. My eyes remained closed as I kept her against me, and I could feel her gag at the sudden amount of cum spilling down her throat. She drank it all though, never once trying to pull back or bite down on my throbbing flesh. Her tongue danced around my pulsing length, eliciting more cum to pump from my draining balls and into her awaiting maw.

When Beth finished milking the sticky cream from my eight inch teat, she withdrew the saliva covered flesh from her mouth and stood. She wrapped her arms around me and gave another love-bit to my lip as she cooed "such a loving big brother... always feeding his sister!" I kissed her then, twirling my tongue inside her mouth and dancing it alongside hers. I could taste myself, that indistinguishable saltiness of sexual fluid I'd tried once before as a curious pup. We kissed and embraced beneath the cascading water, a curtain of steam surrounding us in moist warmth added to the heated passion of our sexual lust. I kissed and nipped at her lips, then drew her head against me while I nibbled on her ear and down her neck. She moaned and suddenly burst out giggling when I kissed at the base of her neck. "H-hey... I'm ticklish there!" In response, I gave a few more kisses to her sensitive spot, making her squirm in another fit of laughter, then said

"Now how about being a good sis and give your brother a taste..."

She gave one more kiss before turning and resting her hands on the tile wall, glancing back with a grin as her tail flagged to the side. The warm water streaked her fur in dark rivulets as it traced down her back, around her tail, and between her cheeks where it finally dripped off soaked pussy lips. Even amidst the steam, I could smell her spicy sex begging for male satiation. I got on my knees and spread her cheeks apart to expose her tight little pucker, startling her and making her meep! when I poked at her ass with my tongue. I'd never given a rim job before (after all, I'm not gay or anything), and really didn't know what to expect. It was kinda strange, but not in a disgusting way. There really wasn't much taste to it, just the saltiness of sweat and scent of wet fur and her fertile pussy, which was only inches away. I licked around the orifice, trying to stick my tongue into the small hole as much as I could. Damn was it tight! I could barely get just inside without hurting my tongue in pushing so hard.

Beth seemed to be enjoying it as I heard moans echoing off the ceramic walls and her tail swish and sway above my head. She would push back against me too, not that it helped to sink any deeper, but it gave me the satisfaction of knowing she was enjoying this. I couldn't stay at it for very long... I needed more! With one final lap of tongue up her crack, I grabbed her hips and shifted her so she was standing more above me. The change in position caused her to spread her legs, which in turn brought her hips lower and gave me better access to what I sought.

The falling water coated her fur in a sleek sheen as it fell from her body and onto my face. With the way we were situated, I couldn't dive my muzzle as deeply as I wished, but I did the best in this position. Holding onto her thighs, I pressed my nose at the base of her butt crack and lapped my tongue between her dripping folds. Instantly, she murred and pressed back against me as I rapidly licked her tender slit and she moaned when I dove into her teenage passage. It didn't seem to matter that I'd fucked her three times already and knotted her in all of them - her pussy was as tight as if she'd never even sunken an exploring finger in her depths! I absolutely loved the way her inner walls seemed to grab and pull, like they were demanding I be taken in right to her womb.

All sounds of raining water faded away and the only thing my mind heard was Beth's cries and gasps while I orally impregnated her. With my hands, I pulled at her inner thighs, trying to pry them apart to allow me deeper access. With my mouth, I flicked and sucked at her quivering passage and blushing lips, delicately nibbling on them like they were the most luscious fruit. With my heart, I continually swore myself to the girl above me to never abandon or hurt her, come whatever may. I felt at one with her - like the joy and pleasure she was enjoying from me was mirroring the same feelings within myself.

I slurped up the musky liquid that was now freely flowing from within her depths, which I swore was an aphrodisiac - it only drove me to plunge deeper and lick harder. She was beginning to shake. I could feel it as I pulled at her inner thighs, her body was shuddering at a loss of how to cope with the overflow of pleasurable intensity. In a short while, it found the answer. In a final push against my face, Beth held her lips stretched around my nose as her body exploded in sexual release! Her inner muscles kissed at my nose and squeezed my buried tongue while a rush of her ejaculation poured from within and flooded around my probing tongue, where it found refuge in my open mouth.

If Heaven is the Land of milk and honey, God must have given man a glimpse of it within the orgasm of a female. The sweet nectar dripping from my sister satisfied something deep inside me that no amount of water could ever do. It was like I was consuming her essence - like she was physically pouring herself into me, so that we'd become one. I did feel at one with her. It was more than just the sexual pleasure we shared, it was the eternal bond that was felt whenever we were so physically close.

Finally her passage eased on its squeezing and her ejaculation subsided to sporadic releases of fem-cum. I hesitantly pulled away from between her legs and sat back just as she turned and slumped down in orgasmic bliss. I watched her sitting there, leaning against the wall and taking long, drawn out breaths as her body worked to contain itself. She looked at me through the funnel of rain and smiled in a contented and thankful way. I couldn't help but smile back, taking pride in the amount of pleasure I could bring to her. My tail thumped behind me and making it physically known the dignity I felt inside. She rubbed at her folds, occasionally sticking a finger between them and dipping it inside herself. Sighing, she groaned "ooooh... that was soo... goood!"

Since previously reaching my own orally induced orgasm, my swollen cock had shrunk back into its sheath, and was now once again making itself known. Beth saw the protruding pink tip and sat forward, the water now drenching over her body and making her squint as she said "Well it looks like somebody still has some work to do!" She leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before winking and turning around on all fours, her soaked ass facing me and tail flicking streaks of water through the air. The feral display of invitation and desire caused my rod to swell even further, throbbing as blood rushed to keep up with the growing size. I knew we weren't the wild wolves our ancestors were, but when it came to doggy style, feral or not... any canine couldn't resist!

I tucked in my legs and got onto my knees, moving in to position between Beth's legs and nestled up to her rump. I decided to treat the position like the canines it originated from, and without even guiding myself, I began thrusting at her backside in feral lust. The first jab hit her cheek, the second was too high and I slipped above her backside, the third finally hit home and I began sinking in to hot flesh. Damn... she's sooo tight! I though just as I felt her body wince and she growled "OOOW! Damnit you're in my ass!" Brief panic gripped at me, but not long enough to take hold. I briefly hesitated my thrusting, wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, and began shoving in hard jabs! Her ass flexed and tightened as I rammed myself into her over and over again.

With every thrust, she groaned and growled, sucking in quick breaths of air and crying out "ahhh....hhhhuh.... aah!...aaaaah..." as her virgin hole stretched to accommodate the intruding flesh. It wasn't as slick and soft as her pussy, but damn was it tight! I'm sure having an already wet cock helped with the lubrication, but I strained in forcing my shaft into her narrow depth. Soon things were a little easier as the copious amounts of precum seeping out greatly aided in plowing my sister's ass. Although I didn't want to hurt her, I gave no gentle thrusts or time to let her adjust to the unfamiliar intrusion. This was going to be raw and hard. Gripping tighter on my embrace, I pounded my hips against hers and shoved forward, making her arms give out and butt stick up while I continued my assault.

I really don't know what came over me. Maybe it was her heat that was driving me crazy. Maybe it was seeing her on her hands and knees, ass wriggling in an open invitation to fuck her silly. Maybe it was feral instincts winning through and guiding my actions. Whatever it was, it was fucking great! I felt like the alpha wolf I should be - breeding my bitch with reckless abandon in the sole purpose of satisfying my sexual appetite. She would submit before me and present herself whenever I so wished. After all, I was her alpha and she was my omega. That was once the way of our species, and that's how it was inside this shower.

Growling with every forceful thrust of my hips, I buried my plunging flesh deep into her tailhole. Her own growls had subsided and her cries were turning into whimpers of pleasure as she began enjoying the strange sensation. She even pushed back, her tight hole gripping my rod with every forward pull of her hips. Deciding to help heighten her enjoyment, I brought one hand to her pussy while still holding on to her waist with the other. Without even teasing or giving notice, I dipped two digits between her folds into her hot passage. The extra stimulation of having both holes filled brought on an instant orgasm for Beth. She cried out and howled to the ceiling as her pelvic muscles began squeezing my buried fingers and at the same time, clenched hard around my thrusting meat. Despite her climatic release, I didn't slow in my assault on both her holes. My fingers continued fucking her saturated cunt and my rod plunged harder into her furred pucker.

It must have been too much for her as she was instantly thrown into yet another powerful explosion of orgasmic release! Her muscles barely had time to calm before both her holes once again gripped and clutched at their respective assailants. She cried out in utter ecstasy with every violent contraction of her impregnated holes.

"huuuh... hha!... oooooo GAAAWD!... it's soo...... FUUUUUCK!"

As both her passages violently milked their intruders, my bowels were beginning to burn with an impending explosion of my own. I removed my cum-coated fingers from her spasming folds and once again wrapped both arms around her while I fucked into her ass like there was no tomorrow. The feeling inside me grew and radiated throughout my lap, tingling and homing in on my swinging balls as they slapped the base of her dripping slit. The burning grew stronger, making my muscles tighten and balls squeeze against my sheath... until they twitched and began spewing forth wolf cum into the awaiting tailhole.

In one final thrust, I clamped the nap of Beth's neck within my teeth and threw my hips forward in a powerful burst of strength, forcibly stretching her anal rim around my swollen bulb as it burst inside. Right as she clenched her orifice closed behind my knot, I released her neck and howled aloud while my shaft rhythmically pulsed and globs of my spunk filled her backside in radiating heat. The intensity of how tight her hole was, and how hard it was continually squeezing my cock was so strong my body shook uncontrollably! I could do nothing but collapse onto her and force us both to the shower floor, my knot securely locking us together. We sat there - her sitting in my lap and bent forward with me hunched over her back, while my trembling member continued happily filling her ass.

With how we were positioned, my face was next to hers and I could hear the steady panting coming from her opened maw. Realization finally came to mind with how brutally I butt-fucked her, and I felt a bit of remorse. Attempting to regain some equanimity, I said "I-I'm sorry Beth.... I just don't know what came over me! I hope I didn't hurt you..." I knew that the nap of a canine's neck is thick-skinned and tough, but that wasn't the only thing I felt badly about. I treated her less than what she deserved. I treated her like a feral bitch instead of my loving sister.

She was silent for a bit - still panting as her body relaxed, both from the orgasmic intensity and a stretched tailhole, still filling with her brother's seed. Not getting a response, I focused on the continual sensations of her warmth surrounding my buried member, with the occasional twitch of her muscles. Finally, she whispered in a labored voice "that....was.... fucking AWESOME!" My ears perked and tail began wagging when I heard what she said - that she actually enjoyed what I'd done! "Y-you really did?" I asked, still unbelieving that she really did enjoy the harsh pounding I'd given her rear end. She turned her head as best she could to look at me

"Yeeeeah! It was raaaw! Like we were two feral wolves screwing each other's brains out! I felt like I was your bitch - like you were my master and had your way with me. I loved it!!"

So my sister had a kinky animalistic fetish! "Wow Beth, I didn't know that stuff turns you on!"

"Me neither! But you screwing me in the ass the way you were - so hard and, well... animal!"

"Well I guess we'll have to do it again sometime... the proper way!"

"Yes please!" We were both smiling now and even laughing at our shared fetish. This was going to add some spice to our blossoming sex life! It was a strange thought... that my sister and I had a sex life... but of course it wasn't just about the sex. Sure, this whole thing started after our first mating, but that really wasn't what was about. I love her. She wasn't just some girl to blow a load into whenever I felt like it, no. She was my sister. More than that, she was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life alongside. I kissed her cheek tenderly and whispered "I love you" as she reached up, placed a hand against my own cheek, and pulled me toward her, saying "I love you too" before pressing her lips against mine.

We sat beneath the drenching rain tied together, both physically and spiritually. Eventually I pulled her up and onto my lap as we savored in the warm pleasure still prominent from our union. The water shrouded us in a liquid curtain of serenity, making it the perfect compliment to our loving embrace. Both of us felt it when her grip on me grew looser and my shrinking knot plopped out of her rear. She stood up - the rest of my shaft easily slid from her confines, causing a rush of cum to pour out and coat my lap in the sticky cream. I got up and grabbed the bottle of soap, pouring some in my hand before handing it to Beth. We cleaned off one another, especially around the areas saturated in our ejaculated fluid.

After we were all clean, the water was turned off and we grabbed our respective hanging towels to dry our fur. The bathroom was clouded in steam, making it hard to completely dry off. Since no one else was home I opened the door allowing the steam to escape into the cool hall. Now that the air was fee of clinging water particles, we were able to finish drying ourselves... save for the small amount of cum still seeping from Beth's backside. After several passes at her tailhole, she finally decided it would eventually dry into her fur and she'd clean it up later. We grabbed our piles of clothes and both went to our separate rooms to get dressed. As much as I wanted the entire day to be filled with nothing but animalistic breeding, I had to remember to look past just having sex and enjoy her company in other ways.

Once we were both dressed for the day, we decided to take a stroll through the park and walk around downtown before getting some lunch. The weather was perfect as we lazily meandered beneath the trees and scattered picnicking families. We had to watch ourselves and how we acted around each other, which meant no lingering body contact or flirtatious displays of affection. It was alright though, even if we couldn't express it outwardly, we both felt it inwardly. We sat on a bench under a towering sycamore and stared across the tranquil water of the pond before us. Ducks and geese glided across the water with ease, while others waddled the banks, greedily nibbling at pieces of tossed bread.

Lunch was at a small italian place just a couple of blocks from where I worked. Beth ordered some ravioli and I got their lasagna. We ate while talking about anything and everything that came to mind, periodically giving each other a loving smile. The perfume she wore to help mask her heat filled my nose with a fruity, rose-scented delicacy that was almost as intoxicating as the fertility scent itself! When lunch was over, we headed back home to make sure the place was clean and orderly for our parents' arrival. Beth was still cleaning up the kitchen by the time I finished loading our dirty laundry into the washer, so I decided to lend her a hand... or a cock.

I entered to see her standing over the sink, washing off dishes in a sudsy mound of white bubbles. She didn't hear me over the running water as I quietly snuck up behind her - a mischievous grin splayed across my face. I got as close as I deemed possible without being discovered, and reached for her denim covered rear end. In one quick movement, I grabbed her firm cheek and squeezed it in my palm, making her yelp! and jump at the sudden grasp on her ass. She quickly turned, hands covered with dish soap, and flicked her wrists toward me making the suds spatter my face and chest.

"AH! Don't sneak up on me like that you jerk!" she pouted

"But you looked so cute! I had to get me a piece!" I said as I pulled her waist against me and she draped her arms over my shoulders, bringing her face toward mine and kissing me.

"Why not take the whole thing..." She whispered in a suggestive tone, and turned back to the sink, leaning over the counter and sticking out her rump while swaying her tail "... right here"

I needed no more invitation than that! I wrapped my arms around her waist and unbuttoned her pants, sliding them down to just below her knees and joining them with pink panties. I did the same with my shorts - my rapidly swelling pink flesh already leaking precum in anticipation. I moved up behind her as she flagged her tail aside and grabbed onto her hips before ramming myself forward. Unlike earlier in the shower, my shaft found its target on the first thrust, this time in the hole it properly belonged. She let out a cry of pleasure as I shoved her against the counter, nodding her head at the force of my pounding.

My cock quickly grew and stiffened within her clutching passage, which was already wet with her juices. I repeatedly slammed into her relenting folds of hot slippery flesh, driving myself deeper with every shove. Beth moaned and whimpered above the sink, her breath catching every time I thrust against her rear. Although it wasn't the drawn-out, loving display of affection, this style of sex was something I really enjoyed. It was raw, hard, and to the point. We both craved the sensations our bodies gave one another, and it was exhilarating to do it in such a place where anyone could see us through the window.

Audible squelching noises arose from between us and grew more vulgar as our combined sexual fluids squished around my plunging meat. Her saturated tunnel sucked and squeezed at my shaft, attempting to coax the cum from my balls and satisfy her begging womb. As much as I wanted to bury my entire member into the molten tunnel of gripping flesh, I didn't want to tie with her for the slightest chance of our parents returning home early. Instead, whenever I felt her lips start to stretch round the swelling bulb, I'd stop and pull back out. Her body itched and begged to be knotted and mated properly, but we knew it wasn't worth the risk of getting caught.

I hugged her waist and jack hammered into her, pulling back out whenever I felt my knot press between her folds. We were both quickly building to our impending release - her moans rose in pitch and intensity and her pussy gripped tighter. I started thrusting faster as my climax neared, until in one final plunge I pressed my swollen bulb against her outer lips and exploded inside her. The liquid heat filling her was all she needed to send her into an explosion of her own! She moaned in a squealed cry and pushed back against me as her walls began rhythmically clutching and squeezing my oozing shaft.

Our bodies fed off one another's orgasm - her pelvis massaged my rod in repeated contractions as it milked the hot seed from my pulsing tip. Although we wished we could live in that moment forever, our orgasms slowly dwindled as our bodies were temporarily satiated. I released my embrace and pulled out of her as our combined fluids poured out onto her clothes and the floor. She didn't move as I reached for the dish towel and knelt behind her to blot up as much as the cum as I could. When I cleaned up what I was able, she pulled up her pants and headed down the hall to change while I grabbed some cleaner and sprayed it on the cum-soaked floor.

My erection was slowly deflating as I worked to clean up any evidence of our incestuous mating, which was difficult with my tip still dribbling spurts of cum on the floor. Finally I got everything cleaned and my shaft was flaccid enough to tuck back into my shorts. I walked down to my room to change my own clothes when I passed by a closed bathroom door and heard the shower running. It would've been nice to join its occupant in there one more time, but our parents would be returning soon and we couldn't risk it. We had to return to acting like brother and sister, not brother and lover. It was going to be hard not to openly express our love, but as long as we got to be together, even just as brother and sister, it was well worth it.

Our parents ended up getting home an hour and a half early to a spotless home and two smiling, well behaved children. Beth and I slept in our own beds for the first time since Thursday, and even though we'd only shared a bed for two nights, it felt spiritually empty to be sleeping alone. The weeks went on and we continued acting like brother and sister, except for when our parents were at work or out to dinner and we could properly display our affection. We were always careful and never got caught, although sometimes we were pretty bold with our actions and had a few close calls. Beth's heat ended a week after it started and she returned to school and her normal social life. I returned to work on Monday and my daily routine of reports and reviews, my mind filled with thoughts of Beth and our sexual exploits.

It happened about a week ago that Beth began changing. At first it was a few sporadic bouts of stomach sickness and feeling tired, but as the days went on, it became more constant. She did her best to hide it from our parents and act like everything was fine. I did my best to stay calm and not panic like I really wanted to. She never asked to go to the doctor, even though her symptoms grew more intense. We both knew what it was. In a matter of months everyone would.