Claude's Panda Bear 1

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#81 of Claude gay stories

Claude gets drunk and gets picked up by a big Panda, and after a rough start, thhey bond and are happy

I'm a Lion who's become a total slut for Bears, and other big males, but mostly Bears.. I'm 24 years old and 6'4", and 225 pounds. I'm in good shape, but not gym buff, just toned a bit. I have Sapphire Blue eyes, and Golden Tan fur with a Red Blond mane. I have forepaws and big foot paws. I've been told I am a very sexy and attractive Lion by a lot of guys. I'm pretty active sexually. I'm one of the rarer bottom Lions. Most gay Lions are tops. And when guys find a bottom Lion like me, we tend to be very popular. I'm not only popular, I'm a damned good bottom too. But I'm a real slut for the 'musclegut' types. And I'm really hot for them.

I'm the youngest son of industrialist/CEO J.T. Kitman. My name is Dr Claude Marcus Kitman II. I was named after my paternal Grandfather. And I have an older half brother. Rory Kitman, he's a Polar Bear who's two years older than me. We grew up together, and we're very close. Rory was 5 when he came to us. His mom was dying and he was so scared. And I ran to him and hugged him. And he cried and held me so tightly. "Brother" I hollered, not knowing how or why I knew he was my brother. We've been really tight ever since then. I never cared his Mom wasn't mine. He was my brother and always would be. Dad was so proud of how much his sons loved one another. And he has always been as proud of Rory as he is of me. Even when Rory was in Iraq with the Marines he managed to be there for me when I needed him. As I did for him. I knew why he went. It seemed like there was something he needed to prove to himself. He came back happier and more content with himself. And he loved me still. I was so grateful he came back to us whole and uninjured. I kind of embarrassed him when he came home for good. I hugged him tightly and cried at the airport from my joy that he came back to us unhurt. He's always teased me about being 'the family crier'.

Rory's a great Bear. And he loves me a lot. When my love life went down the toilet, not once but twice, he was right there for me. He always has been. I love my best friend Nigel, but no one's closer to me than my Rory. No one knows me as well and loves me as much as my big Polar Bear brother.

My first love was a big Grizzly Football Coach. He was married and I didn't know. His wife found out and she blackmailed him into coming back to her with the threat of outing him. She not only took him away from me. She had me beaten up by her brothers. I was crushed, and damn near broke down emotionally. He begged me to forgive him for not being strong enough to stay with me. But I know he'd of lost his career and his prestige, so I had to let go and forgive him. I can understand that he loved me, but he couldn't face having to walk away from all he had or was because he loved me. I sometimes see his picture in the papers and he always looks so sad. I kind of think he's miserable now. And I wouldn't have wanted that. No matter how it ended up. I know his wife is probably making his life difficult too. His life was just as damaged as mine was. As much as I wanted to, not even all of my money could help him out in any way. I hope one day he finds peace with himself. (I can understand how he felt, I don't know that I could have walked away from everything I had or was for anyone either)

I ended up transferring to Sacramento State University out in Sacramento, California to finish Medical School and my Residency. The entire family moved here eventually since our family company had a big facility here. Dad moved the head office out here so he could be with his sons, after Rory came here to be with me when he got out of the Marines. Dad bonded his best friend right before he left Alabama, and they're so happy. I finished Medical School and got my MD by the time I was 21. I've been an Internist since then. I always wanted to be a Doctor, and though it's challenging, I'm very happy now. Though our family name is rather famous due to CMK, most of my patients don't think I'm 'one of those Kitmans', they don't think a young, rich Lion would work as hard as I do. I'm fine with that as I don't want folks coming to me because I'm rich and from a famous family.

I have a good practice going. My partner is Dr Emil Brunner. He was one of my Medical School professors, who was kind of a mentor to me. He was outed a year after I graduated, and I asked him to come practice with me. He had been close to me, and he came happily. He's a great Doctor, he's brilliant and we get along so well. We also work well together. He's warm and funny and great with patients. He's a Munich born Walrus. And he's a great guy. I had a crush on him for a while, though he couldn't see me as anything but a friend and a protege, but I set him up with a great guy, and they bonded. He loves his big ole Mountain Goat. Jeb will love his Walrus forever. Jeb is a handyman who works for the University and he's a pretty happy soul. They are opposite types. An intellectual and a jock, but they are tighter than any couple I know.

My brother, Rory, works for Dad, he's Dad's COO, and he's basically second in command. He's happy there, and he's great at business. Dad's a bit sad I had no business aptitude, but he's proud of his Doctor son. My best friend, Nigel Davenport works for Rory as an Executive Vice President. Nigel is a bright English Badger. He's been my best friend since I came out here. I set him up with his bond mate. Sergei Rachalov is a big Siberian Donkey and he adores his Nigel. They've been happy together for five years now.

My second lover was a big Brown Bear. We were together for a year, and he dumped me from out of nowhere. Matt was a good Bear, but he really was in love with someone else. He took up with me because he didn't think he'd get the guy he was really in love with. When the guy broke up with his then lover, he went after Matt. And Matt left me for his Wolf rather suddenly with just a note to tell me why. It really hurt me for a while.

Rory and his Grizzly bond mate were so good to me. They spent a lot of time with me. And kept me with them in bed so I wouldn't be lonely. It took time for me to get over it. It's been two years and I'm over it finally. I know now I was just to keep him from being lonely. I think he wanted to be with me, but only because he couldn't get his Mike. I felt betrayed and used at the time though. And though we made up, sort of, I don't like to be around them. Dad rages to even hear Matt's name. He'll never forgive him. I had to stop Dad from going after him with the intent of ruining him, career wise. It was a bit extreme of a reaction, but then again Dad's known to be very protective of me and Rory. I had to keep him from outing Marty too. I had inadvertently hurt Marty more than enough already. I convinced Dad Marty wouldn't come back to me even if he was outed. Dad backed off, but he hates him now. And is amazed that I don't. Life was against us, Marty hadn't been able to accept himself. I can't hate him, he hurt worse than I did. I only want him to find peace with himself somehow.

Rory's Teddy Mitchell is a big Beautiful Grizzly who owns a little gay bar we love to go to. I spend a few nights a week there, and I'm rather popular with the more masculine clientele there. There are a lot of hot masculine guys, and some Leather guys too, that hang out at the Bear Den Tavern. I tend to like Bears mostly though. I have slept with a fair amount of Bulls and Boars and Horses too. Mostly the species that produce bigger males. I like big, masculine guys. I kind of got broken in by one and he set my tastes in that direction.

I lost my virginity to my Gym Coach my Sophomore year of High School. Coach Jake Michaels is a huge Boar. Coach Jake is 6' 10" and easily 335 pounds, with thick Copper colored fur, Red hair and beard, and bright Green eyes. He was muscular and stockily built, but with a big pot belly. Which I have to admit I find hot. He'd look at me in the shower when he thought no one was watching him. And he was so cautious around me. But I'd caught him giving me the once over the week before. It took me a while to figure out what to do about it though, I knew I was gay, but he was my Coach. Lot to think about first. But I soon decided I'd go as far as he'd let me, and if he said no, I'd back off too.

I stayed late one hot Friday afternoon. Determined to see if I could get him to do something with me. I thought I might get to suck his big dick at the very least. I didn't yet know how badly I wanted him to fuck me and pop my cherry. He had waited to shower when he thought we all were gone for the day. I crept into the shower silently.(My wild Lion ancestors were stealth hunters)

He was aggressively masturbating with his eyes closed. He wouldn't have noticed me if I pulled up next to him in a Semi Truck. His dick was huge. 18" and thick. It was a darker Copper color than his fur and was hot. He was too lost in what he was doing to notice me creeping up on him, and he moaned my name several times as he jacked that massive Boar dick. He wanted me! I listened a bit as he moaned about what he was doing to me in his mind as he jacked off. He was hot to get up my ass apparently. And he was so into me, and it made me hotter for him. Can't deny that I loved how he described me. How hot I was and how gorgeous my ass was.

So I decided to just go for it. I walked up and took his dick in my paw. Coach Jake was freaked and he looked scared. I told him I had hoped he'd wanted me, as I wanted him. And he gave me a big grin. He rinsed off and he took me to his office. His hand was stroking my ass gently all the way to his office. His index finger was gently caressing my ass hole too. And I knew he wanted in my ass. After I thought about it minute or two, I wanted him to have my ass. I was more than ready to have my cherry busted by this big Boar. Ready, Hell, my ass ring was twitching wildly at the thought of it happening.

We lay on top of his desk and kissed a lot. I told Coach I was still a virgin. "I'm too big to break you in" he said sadly. "Please Coach, I can take you, if you go into me easily, but I want you Coach" I begged him. "I want you to be my first, you're the sexiest and most masculine male I know" I say quietly. He blushes and grins. "Do you have any idea how much I've wanted you, I'd watch your ass when you'd walk around or when you were naked in the locker room and have to go jack off" he says kissing me. "I saw you were watching me one day last week, and I have thought about this, you're as hot for me as I am for you" I tell him. Jake grins and kisses me again. He grabs my ass and fondles my ass cheeks. "I've wanted in it so badly for a while now, Claude" he says softly. I smile. "You wanted it as badly as I want you in it, Coach" I say grinning. Coach's really happy now. "Naked, just call me Jake, Baby Lion" he says kissing me. "Yes, Jake" I say softly. "I won't hurt you, I swear I won't, Claude" he says sticking his tongue in my mouth. And we deep kiss for a while longer. His big tusks feel so hot pressing against my lips. "I want you so hot for me, that you'll take me easily" he murrs in my ear. Not gonna be hard to do, just his kisses and feeling those tusks press up against my lips makes me hot as Hell.

He leans over and pulls a bottle out of his desk drawer. It's lube and he puts some on his finger, and spends a lot of time greasing me up, and trying to loosen up my ass ring. "It's such a beautiful ass, and I'd never hurt it or you" Jake says softly. "You're only 14, Claude, I could get into a lot of trouble for this" he says sadly. "I'll never tell, Jake, I swear, I could never do that to you." I say quietly. "I want you very badly, and I'd like to keep fucking you if we enjoy each other" I tell him. "You'd wanna be my regular piece of Lion ass" he says brightly. "Hell yeah" I say smiling. Jake's grinning deeply now.

"You have no idea how precious what you're about to give this fat old Boar is, it means a lot to me to see how badly you want me as your first" he moans in my ear. The look in his eyes is both lustful and loving. And he's putting a lot of lube on that monster dick of his. It's hot to see it sticking out proudly, shiny from the thick layer of lube he put on it. But he's serious about not hurting me. He's used half a bottle of the stuff, so he can get into me as easily as possible. I can see that he does care about me. He wants this to be as good for me as for him. He's going to be a caring, and considerate lover for sure. "I want you to enjoy this, so you'll always want me as much as you do now" he says softly. "I think I will, I'm pretty hot for you now, Jake" I say softly, looking up into his eyes. He's grinning deeply now.

He picks up my legs. And he leans down and kisses me. "I want to look at you a minute" he says softly. "I'll always remember this, Claude, such a beautiful young Lion so hot for me to take him for his first ride." Jake murrs in my ear. "I won't hurt you, I swear" he moans pushing gently into me. My ass ring doesn't fight him at all, he just slips up me. I did want him badly. I'm surprised, as big as he is there is no pain. I feel full, and it feels so damned hot as it spreads my ass ring wide. He slowly pushes up me til he's in up to his big balls. His soft pot belly is rubbing on my stomach and it's hot too. It's something I'll take away from this, I'll be hot for big, well hung macho guys with pot guts. I growl softly feeling his belly rub against mine and his fat dick spreading me wide. I know now this is what I want sexually. To be a big, pot bellied, masculine guy's bottom slut.

He's grunting softly. "So Fucking Tight" he mutters and he's so tender and gentle as he moves that huge Boar dick in me. We kiss and his jutting tusks against my lips feels amazing. He's really hot, but he gives me a gentle thirty minute fuck before he bellows and spurts his warm, thick Pig seed in me. "I've just left my Piglets where no one has been before" he says proudly, as he kisses me repeatedly Coach keeps spurting up me for a good 10 minutes. "Part of sex with a Boar, Claude, we cum by the gallons" Coach says blushing .

"Claude, you'll always be part mine, you let me breed you for your first time, I'm proud that you wanted me so" Jake says softly. "I loved it, Jake" I pant. He fucks me twice more before he kisses me and sends me off to shower. I walk to the shower drooling his thick, viscous, and gooey Pig sperm out of my ass. He was tender and gentle and considerate. I couldn't have asked for a better first time. I go home and beat off furiously several times revisiting our afternoon fuck in my mind. I wish he'd of bred his Piglets into me.

After that we'd get together three or four times a week and fuck. And when I graduated High School, he'd come by the house and we'd play. He'd spend the weekend with me at times. He was a hot Boar lover and taught me a lot about sex, while we explored our sexuality together. But when I entered Medical School, Jake bonded a fellow student of mine who he'd met when I took him out to eat. His Mike is a sweet natured Jaguar. They're happy as hell now. He was great sex, and I'm so glad he's happy now. He deserves to be. Not only did Coach Jake break me in well, he taught me a lot about sex. And he kind of set my tastes for big, stocky, pot bellied masculine guys. It was all I could have wanted from my first time. I still can't think of Coach Jake without breaking out into a big smile. That Big Boar is a special one, and I know I'm happier and a more loving Lion, and a great bottom because of how my Coach Jake cared for me, and broke me in. In my mind, he's the standard against who all other lovers are measured by.

Rory used to tease me about how many gallons of Boar sperm Coach must have left in me over the years. He liked Coach. He knew I'd gone to him and got him to be my first and he liked how lovingly Jake treated me. We tried to bond when I hit 16 but we didn't. We both were sad, but we kept getting together and rutting each other. I miss him, I kind of lost touch with him when we moved out here. I just hope he's as happy with Mike as he deserves to be. At least as happy as I'd of tried to make him.

Speaking of happy, Dad's been pretty happy of late. Work is going well and he's glad Rory and Teddy are looking after me. Sam and Oscar are too. I'm lucky, my family, especially my Russians, have been looking after me. Yuri and his brother Dmitri especially. Dmitri's bonded a nice Russian Clydesdale and they're happy. Yuri's got his Snow Leopard, Nate and they're extremely happy. But they spend time making sure I'm not lonely. And I'm well fucked by them and the guys I pick up at the Bear Den.

On one particular Friday night, I go to the Bear Den. I'm a bit depressed. It's exactly two years to the day Matt walked out on me. And we've had the week from Hell at the office. I'm not missing Matt, I just despair over being alone and mate less. Teddy seems to know I'm upset, and he's trying to help cheer me up. He knows I don't tend to drink alcohol. But he mixes a drink for me. A vodka martini. (Even I didn't know I have no tolerance for it) And I take it, more to not hurt his feelings than really wanting it, but I do drink it. I kind of like it, so he fixes me one more. And I'm pretty snockered rather quickly. I haven't passed out but I'm not thinking very clearly, and I vaguely remember coming on very heavily to a big masculine guy.. I remember talking to a lot of guys but at some point I do black out. Or did I just go to sleep? I'm not really clear about that night even now. Typically me, I did remember the hot sex I had. Even if I didn't remember the guy himself til I woke up and saw him.

And when I wake I'm in a strange bedroom. Not too surprising, as I've gone home with guys before. There's a huge Panda Bear sound asleep next to me. And my ass is wet, with a lot of thick Bear cum seeping out of it. OK, he brought me home and we'd fucked a lot. No big deal. I do remember the sex now. And it was great, he was so hot for my ass, and he was an awesome lover. He's got the remains of a few of my cum loads dried on his big gut. I did enjoy him. But I do vaguely remember that he never kissed me, nor did I kiss him. But my ass is still tingling from his magnificent fucking. I look over at this gently snoring big Panda Bear. He's just my type. Big built and a musclegut type.

He's big, he's as tall as Rory (6'10") and he's got a big gut. He's got to weight 280 pounds easily. But his whole body is thick set and stocky. The rest of him isn't fat, it's just that belly. He's massively muscled, without that gut he'd be just a big football lineman type of guy. He's got the air of a jock gone to seed about him. But he's not bad looking. He's just my type though. No big surprise I ended up in bed with him.

Nate calls the kind of guys I'm attracted to 'muscle gut' types. Well built, stocky, and pot bellied. I love the feeling of a plump belly rubbing my abdomen and sheath while they fuck me. Or feeling a soft belly resting on my back when they fuck me on my knees. And as I remember his fucking, I purr softly. He was so good, and his thick dick made me crazy. (If a guy's out sized in any way, I prefer them to be thick rather than just long)

His face is round, and broad. His head is White, but he has two Black Half Crescents starting at his eyes and running down on either side of his muzzle. Both ears are Black too. He's got a wide muzzle too with a broad nose. The fur on the underside of his chin seems a bit rough and unkempt. He's got short Black hair on his head. And a Black chinstrap beard. Not too usual for a Panda. His neck is Black as is his upper chest to below his big nipples. His arms and paws are Black, but the palm sides are White with Black paw pads. His midsection is White, front and back to a V at his crotch. His fat dick sheath is White too, as are his huge, low hanging balls. His hips and legs are Black down to above his feet, but his feet are White with Black paw pads. When he turns in his sleep I can see his big, firm butt is Black furred with a White circle around his tail. But his little stubby tail is Black too. He's wide and stocky all over. He's an interesting looking Panda. I lay and watch him sleep for a while. He's really hot.

What I mostly remember about the sex is that huge Panda dick, and how good of a lover he was. His dick was easily 21" long, but it was really thick, 6" in circumference. I'd never taken a dick that thick. And it felt so good. A lot of well hung guys think they just have to thrust up you, and their size will make you go crazy. But this Panda was seriously talented, he worked that huge dick in me in a way that made me go absolutely nuts. He had size and talent on his side and he was amazing.

I don't remember having seen him at the Bear Den before. I'd of remembered an unusually hot Panda like him. I decide to just wait it out, and I curl up to him. He holds me tightly to him and I drift off back to sleep in those huge Black furred arms.

He's shaking me awake after a while. "I thought you'd go when you woke up" he says gruffly. He's got a deep voice and his eyes are a very Dark Brown. "I did wake up but I wanted to just curl up with you and go back to sleep" I say quietly. A big grin flashes across his face for a brief moment. And then he looks gruff again. "A cute young guy like you doesn't want to be with a guy like me" he growls. "I'm here aren't I?" I ask trying not to get annoyed.

"You were drunk last night, and you were all over me, you couldn't keep your paws off of me, and I wasn't about to pass up that opportunity" he says in an odd mixture of sad and gruff. "But I knew you'd not want me when you woke up sober" he says looking away from me. "I'm still here, Damn it" I say softly. "Why? I'm fat and ugly" he growls. "Big, yeah, but not ugly, very masculine" I say softly. He looks at me oddly. "So you're a polite little Kitty, now git" he growls. I'm getting angry. "I may have gotten drunk last night, but I'm perfectly sober now, and I'd still want you to fuck me" I say with a touch of annoyance in my voice. He looks shocked. And then his face darkens again.

"What sort of a game are you playing with me?" he snarls. "No game, but I drink so rarely, if I was drunk I was still showing my usual taste, I'd fuck you now like I did last night" I growl back. "So you like my fucking, ain't like you'd like this fat old Panda for real" he snorts. I glare at him. "Well, aren't you just Mr Charm and Personality" I snark at him. He looks at me and he laughs. "OK, but still, you know you'd not wanna date me or nothing" he says sounding sad, as he looks at the floor. "I would, and my name is Claude Kitman, by the way" I say softly. "I knew who you were last night, it's why I couldn't resist bringing you home when you were all over me like you were." he says softly. "To have you, even if it was only because you were drunk, it was pretty special." he says softly. "Damn it, I'm still here, must mean I like you, though right now I don't really know why" I snort. He's laughing again. "And if I was all over you at the bar, must mean I wasn't ashamed to be seen to be hot for you" I snap. He smiles shyly. And damned if it doesn't make him look hotter to me.

"OK, lets start this over again" he says grinning. "My name is Bill Watson" he says smiling. "I know you're Dr. Claude Kitman II" he says softly. "My sister goes to you, and I had to take her once, I saw you as you came out with her, and you were talking to her." Bill says quietly. "You were so beautiful" he says softly. I blush. "I'm not that much" I say softly. "You are very masculine and sexy" I say smiling. "I am not" he growls. "I think you are, I'm still here" I say quietly. "You are, most guys would have left before I woke up" he says thoughtfully. "So you must at least not be ashamed of sleeping with me" he says softly. "Why would I be ashamed of sleeping with you?" I ask. 'I'm fat and ugly and I'm just a Panda who runs a used book store" he says sadly. 'Why would I care what you do for a living?" I ask. "I don't know, but a lot of guys do" he says looking away from me. "You're older?" I ask. "I'm 34" he says sadly "I'm 24 and I don't care that your 10 years older" I say softly. "You're a polite Kitty" he snaps.

"OK, I get it, Bill, you've got a really bad case of low self esteem" I say quietly. He glares at me. "What would you know about that being as you're so young, and attractive?" he snarls. "You'd be surprised" I snap back. "I've loved and lost twice, dumped once, and left by a guy who went back to his wife, who had me beaten up" I snark. "The guy who dumped me loved someone else and took me cause he didn't think he'd ever get the guy he really wanted, and when he got him, dumped me like a dropped safe" I snap. "I'm sorry, but I didn't know" Bill says quietly. "I had one relationship and it ended when he went and married some girl so he could have kids" Bill says softly. "Guys don't want me except to ride my fat dick and they won't kiss me or date me" he says sadly. I can understand the riding the fat dick part. I loved it. But there is something very fascinating about him. Gruff as he is. I think he's being very protective of his own feelings. He's been hurt a lot. I feel a pull to him somehow. Something I can't quite explain yet. He is sexy, and exactly my type though. I have to try to get through to him, he needs to know I'd love to date him, at the very least.

"I'm getting hungry, would you let me take you out to breakfast?" I ask him smiling deeply.. "Wait, you're serious, you wouldn't be upset being seen with me in public?" he asks sounding stunned. "Obviously not" I say softly. I do like him, he's been hurt obviously, and he's too scared to believe I might actually like him. I have a feeling he's protecting a big and very loving heart. He fascinates me more and more as time passes.

My cell rings. Teddy. I answer. "Claude, are you OK, I saw that you didn't come home last night?" he asks. "Yeah I'm fine" I say softly. "Where are you?" he asks. "I went home with a hot big Panda last night." I say softly. Teddy's laughing. "I asked Bill to keep an eye on you, you were too drunk to drive and I took your keys and I asked him to keep an eye on you til I closed and could bring you home" Teddy says laughing. "Everytime I looked over at you two, you were either wrapped around him, or running your paws all over him" Teddy says laughing. "You do like us big Bears, Claude" Teddy says happily. "When I was ready to go home, he took your keys" Teddy says. "He must have taken you home, not surprising as you wouldn't let go of him at all" Teddy says laughing.

"Claude, I'm glad you did, he needs a guy like you to want him, he's been torn down a lot by guys, and to know he's wanted would be good for him" Teddy says. "He's not reacting that way, he's not believing that I really did want him" I say quietly. "He's a great guy, but he's been hurt a lot, Claude." Teddy says. "Who?" Bill asks. "Teddy" I say smiling. "Why'd he call you?" Bill asks. "He's my Older Brother's bond mate and he cares about me, apparently he asked you to look after me, hoping I'd go after you" I say quietly. Bill snatches the phone from me.

And he gets up and walks off talking to Teddy. He comes back a bit later. And he's grinning. "Claude, I'm sorry, I've been pretty obnoxious to you" he says quietly. "Teddy told me he had me keep an eye on you because he thought you'd go for me, as I'm your type of guy" he says shyly. "I tried to tell you" I say quietly. "You really like guys as fat as me?" he asks. I hold up his arm. "You are muscular and well built, that and a gut makes me hot" I say softly. Bill smiles. "I'd kind of like to fuck you again if you'd let me" Bill says quietly. "I'd like that, I do remember how much I enjoyed you making love to me." I say smiling. "Claude, you were so into me, you moaned and yowled and clung to me like you'd never let go of me" Bill says shyly. "It was so wonderful" he says almost awed. "I thought it was because you were drunk, but you really did like me" he says blushing. "I have a request?" I ask."What?" he asks sounding scared. "Kiss me first this time?" I ask. "I thought you would let me fuck you , but you wouldn't let me kiss you, most guys won't let me kiss them." he says looking at the floor. "I'm asking, I'll beg you to if I have to" I say firmly. He looks at me. And he looks so grateful now.

I lay on my back and put my legs up. "You're such a beautiful Lion" he says softly. He gets on top of me. "I know you can take my weight, you did last night, and you had no trouble with my fat dick either" he says softly. "It kind of made me crazy" I say smiling. I put my arms around his thick neck and I lean up to his face. "Kiss me?" I beg him. Bill smiles and he kisses me softly and passionately. I kiss him back hard and I faint. When I wake he's holding me to his chest and crying. "You meant it, you liked me, hell, you were in love with me after we fucked weren't you?" he asks weeping. "I was so mean about it, you weren't playing me, you really cared for me" he says continuing to weep. "Not a time for tears, Bill, you're meant for me, and I swear I'll keep you happy" I say softly. "Claude, I'm a bit gruff and sarcastic, and I wanna be your husband, will you obey me and cater to your Panda?" he asks. "I will, I'm a bit submissive at heart." I say softly. "Claude, will you really be happy, a Doctor mated to a poor book seller?" he asks. "I'm not a snob nor is my family" I say smiling. "I wanna live at home, will you move in with me?" I ask him. "I will" he says. "I live with my family around me, my Dad and my brother Rory and his Teddy, and several other guys who are close to me" I say softly. Bill nods.

He looks panic stricken all of a sudden. "You're Teddy's mate's brother?" he asks. "I am" I say. "Rory's one of those really rich Kitmans, so I guess you are too" he moans. "I am, I didn't go into the family business because I wanted to be a Doctor" I say smiling. Bill's looking a bit pale now. "Do you still love me?" I ask. "I do, I've just got a lot to adjust to now, and I'll have to deal with folks thinking I wanted you for your money" Bill says. "I am sure you didn't want me for that, you didn't even know I had money til a minute ago, and it was after we bonded." I tell him. And I lean up and kiss him again. Bill laughs. "I'll have the notoriety of being a Kitman mate too" he says softly. "I'm considered a lesser Kitman since I'm not working at CMK, but yeah at times we'll be known" I say softly. "It's a pain but not too hard to ignore" I say smiling.

"Claude, you won't ever be ashamed of this fat, old Panda?" he asks. "Never, I love you, and you may not see it but you are beautiful to me' I say quietly. He smiles at me. "I'm beautiful in your eyes?" he asks shyly. "You are" I say softly. "It's why I didn't leave, I wanted to get to know such a hot Panda" I say smiling. He blushes again. He kisses me hard and he pushes that thick dick into me. I moan and growl as it spreads my ass wide. He's moving slowly in me at first. I cuss as he hits bottom in me. "Not hurting you?" he asks. "No, Babe, not at all, it feels great" I moan. I wrap my arms and legs and tail around his thick body. And I pull him to me. "You act like you don't want me out of you" he murrs in my ear. "I don't" I moan. He looks so happy and grateful. He speeds up and I cuss and yowl. And I can't keep quiet. "Such a vocal little Lion" he murrs in my ear. "I make you hot" he says proudly. "You do" I moan. And I feel his dick moving in me. I can feel his thick skin moving on his dick as I squeeze it with my ass. He's growling and gently nipping my neck. I grab his back and I start moving counter to his deep thrusts. He's growling and cussing now. "Gonna squirt my Lion again" he growls and he convulses on top of me and I can feel his Panda cubs gushing into my ass.

I feel so much now for my big Panda. We Lions have our bonds sealed with the exchange of semen with our mate. And as I look up into his eyes. I can see that he loves me too now. I know now, this Panda is the one to love me forever.

"Claude, I know you love me, but will your friends and family accept a poor, fat and ugly Panda like me as your mate?" Bill asks quietly. "I know you think I'm beautiful, but most don't" he adds. "My Dad will accept you once he sees how much you do love me, and how I love you" I say softly. '"Rory too, and my family wants me loved" I say. "Claude, I never expected this, I wanted you, you were so hot for me, and I felt a bit bad for taking advantage of you being so drunk, but Teddy said you'd have gone for me even sober" Bill says softly. "I would have" I say kissing him. I'm still wrapped around him. "I love that, you cling to me so tightly" he says kissing me back.

"Again?" he asks as I feel his dick hardening in me again. "Please?" I beg. He grins and he starts moving that thick dick in me slowly. "I'm a horny Panda" he says softly. "Good" I say kissing him. He's moving a bit faster, he'll speed up a bit gradually. "I'll jack off four or five times a day" he says shyly. "Not anymore, you'll fuck me as often as you want" I tell him. "Really?" he asks. "Yeah, I love how you fuck, lights me up a lot" I grunt. His fucking is getting to me. "So if I just ask?' he asks shyly. "I'll roll on my back or get on my knees or bend over where I am, whatever my Panda wants" I say kissing him. Bill kisses me. "I don't know how I got so lucky" he says kissing me. I start yowling and cussing. "Kitty can't keep quiet when his Panda fucks him" he says licking my neck. I cuss and buck under him and I squeeze his fat dick with my ass. "Fuck" he growls. "I love that" he murrs in my ear. "Kitty clamps and squeezes on me" he murrs. He roars and he's gushing into me again. "I love how you cling so tightly to me" he pants hard.

I can't let go of him. He's smiling and those Dark Brown eyes look so lovingly into my Sapphire Blue eyes. And he starts in to fuck me again. And he's hotter, he's really fucking me aggressively. He's nipping my neck and he's pounding me, putting his entire weight into his fast and hard thrusts. I cuss and I growl and yowl and moan. "My Kitty, always my Kitty' he growls and he's moving even faster in me. He roars loudly and he's convulsing on top of me and I feel his cum spray into me harder than it has before. He holds me panting, and I'm soaked with his sweat and it's turning me on more. I've cum on his big belly. "You like me rough too" he pants. "I did" I say quietly. "Claude, I've cum inside of you eight times now since midnight" he says grinning. "Sounds good to me" I say kissing him. He lays on me kissing me repeatedly. I'm still wrapped tightly around his big Black and White body. And he looks ecstatic.

We lay and talk with him on top of me. "I'm not too heavy for my little Kitty?" he asks. "No, I love feeling you on me like this" I say smiling. "You were made for this lucky ole Panda" he says happily. He opens up a bit to me as I do him. He's been lonely but he never thought he'd be lucky enough to find a mate. And he's awed to have gotten me. And he's blushing madly when I tell him how happy I am to have gotten him. I kiss him. And he blushes harder. And he sadly tells me about being played by some males and how they'd hurt him by making him think they loved him. And the look in his eyes breaks my heart, no wonder he couldn't trust me at first. I'm really grateful now that we Lions bond our mates as clearly as we do. He has no room to doubt I bonded him. We always faint when bonding. No faking is possible. He knows I'm his totally. And he looks so happy I'm his now.

"Bill, lets go eat, I'm getting hungry" I say softly. "I don't really want you off of me, but I'm hungry, babe" I say smiling. "Can we fuck again later?" he asks. "I told you, you just had to ask" I say smiling. "Claude, I'm a bit of a big eater" he says shyly. "Don't care, I've got more than enough money to feed you properly" I tease him. "I know I'm going to regret asking you, but how much do you have?" Bill asks softly. "$857 Million as of now" I say softly. Bill blanches. "You do know I don't want you for your money?" he asks anxiously. "You didn't even know I had it when we bonded, so I do believe you" I say softly. "You need to know though, I'll use it to make us happy and comfortable, and I'd give you anything you wanted" I say softly. "I'd love a car" he says very quietly. "Anything you want" I say softly. He kisses me.

"I loved driving you home, you've got a nice car" he says smiling. "It's a Mercedes S560 4Matic sedan" I say softly. "All wheel drive and it's comfortable" I say smiling. "My book shop is losing money, I'd like to sink a bit of money into it?" he asks very quietly. "Tell me what you need" I say kissing him. "Really?" he asks. I nod. I grin. "I'm happy that you will let me do for you, it's important to me to make you happy" I say. He murrs in my ear and he kisses me. "I could tell by the look on your face, and as long as you know I didn't go after you for your money" He says quietly. "I know, Babe" I say. He pulls my head up to his chest. "This is all like a dream, and if it is I never want to wake up" he murrs to me. "A beautiful Lion who adores me and can't get enough of my fucking, who wants to spoil me, and can more than afford to" he says kissing me. I laugh. I am happy he's OK with me using my money for us. A lot of guys would be too proud. He is all I have ever wanted in a mate, and his love for me is deep and strong. I know it is already. He's so happy and awed to have me he'll do anything he has to to keep me as his. For once in my life, I feel loved and secure in that love.

"Lets go eat, and we'll come back and fuck and I'll pack some things and you can take me to our new home" Bill says nuzzling my neck. "What about your store?" I ask. "I'm not going to open today, usually open until five on Saturdays, but I don't usually have much business then." he says smiling. "I don't want to be away from my Lion's side right now" he says gently. "Afraid I'll get away from you?" I ask teasingly. "A bit, I do trust you, but I'd die if I lost you after I just got you" he says sadly. "I am not going anywhere, Big Panda" I say kissing him. "I hope not, I don't want to ever lose you, and I could never leave you" he says and he's starting to weep. I pull him tighter to me. "I'm not going anywhere, Baby, I love my Panda too much" I say stroking his face. "Swear you'll never leave me?" he begs weeping harder. "I won't, I can't I can't live without my heart , and I've given it to you already, Bill" I say softly. "Claude, I never thought I'd get anyone at all to love me, and you love me so much, and you're so beautiful and all I ever could have wanted, it'd kill me to lose you" Bill says softly. "I won't ever leave you, Bill, I swear, time will help ease your mind" I say smiling. He nods. And he's quiet for a minute or two.

Bill grips my neck in his jaws. And he begins to silently fuck me hard and fast. I cuss and growl and clamp down on his dick. He's grunting around my neck. His eyes are glazed and he's obviously going for it. I growl and cuss as he's banging me hard. He moves up and leans my shoulders onto the bed so they're all of me that is touching the bed. He's fucking me hard, and leaning his full weight into his thrusts. I'm cussing and moaning and I'm cumming hard on his belly. He's growling and he's nipping me again. He's pounding me pretty hard now, and his eyes are rolled back. And he roars louder than before, and I feel his cum gushing hard into me. He's holding me up to him now. Completely off of the bed and he's weeping into my mane. "Claude, I love you so much" he says pants softly. "I love you, Bill" I say quietly. He's stroking my mane gently and he lays me down and he's on top of me. "You hung on to me still, you wouldn't let go of me" he murrs in my ear. I didn't let go I'm still wrapped around him. He's panting now. "You won't let go of me at all." he mutters softly. And he smiles.

He gets up off of me. "Baby, I have to go pee" he says softly. And he lumbers off to his bathroom. I lay and think a bit. My life certainly gets interesting at times. I got drunk for the first time in my life and got a Panda for my own. He's a bit insecure, and I can understand that, he thinks he's ugly and fat, and now that he has me, he'll try hard to keep me. And he is dominant, but gently so. He's a great fuck and he's horny. I think I'll be very happy now. He's a bit gruff and sarcastic, but hell, so am I.

My cell rings. Rory. "Claude, where are you?" he asks. "I'm with Bill," I say softly. "Teddy told me, did you bond him?" he asks. "I did, Babe" I say softly. Rory laughs. "Teddy knew you would, he said you couldn't keep your paws off of him last night" Rory says smiling. "Will he keep you happy, and will he love you, Claude?" Rory asks. "He loves me, he's begged me never to leave him so I'm pretty sure he'll never leave me, Bro" I say softly. "He's fucked me nine times since we got to his place" I say. "Well, that'll keep you happy" Rory says laughing. "I've only seen him once, but Teddy knows him fairly well, and Teddy thinks he'll be great for you, and to you, he said he kind of set up your drunk ass" Rory says laughing. "What was that about, you never drink" Rory says laughing. "It was two years to the day since Matt left me" I say softly. "You were sad and depressed about it" Rory muses. "Teddy said you had two martinis and got really plowed" Rory says softly. "I did, I don't remember much that happened at the bar, but I do remember being under Bill" I say softly. "He's pretty impressive in bed" I say happily. Rory's laughing at me. "My horny little brother" he teases me.

Bill's standing in the door way. "Who?" he asks. "My brother Rory" I say. "Did you tell him?" he asks. "I did" I answer. "Is he OK with it?" Bill asks nervously. "He was" I say."Is it Bill?" Rory asks. "Yes" I answer. "Let me talk to him, Claude" Rory says. I hand Bill my phone. Bill's nervous but he starts smiling quickly. And he's grinning. "He's talked to Teddy, and he's met me once, he's happy you got me" Bill says grinning. "He wants me loved, he's my brother and he's helped me heal, and he's wanting me loved so he won't have to see me suffer and then have to put me back together again." I say smiling. Bill's grinning. "He wants to meet us for breakfast, Claude, he and Teddy" Bill says happily. "The diner on South Street?" he asks me. "I know where it is, though I'm not sure where we are" I tease Bill. He laughs. "I drove us home last night, you kept pulling my shirt and jeans open on the drive home" Bill says smiling. "That sounds like Claude" Rory says laughing. "I'll go, when?" I ask taking my phone back. "Forty minutes, Claude?" Rory asks. "We will be there" I say smiling.

"You love your big guys, Claude, Teddy says he's as big as me" Rory says smiling. "He's a bit heavier than you" I say softly. "You and you muscle gut types" Rory says laughing. "Rory, he's a beautiful big Panda" I say softly. Bill smiles at me. "You think I'm beautiful" he says very quietly. Rory laughs. "Just like Teddy said, he'll be so happy that you love him and think he's beautiful, he'll fight to keep you, and keep you happy, Good" Rory says. "See you soon, Bro" I say.

"Claude, Teddy told Dad, he didn't seem angry but you know him, he'll put you both through the third degree" Rory says quietly. "Like I didn't figure that" I say softly. Bill seems a bit nervous to hear that. "He won't even roar at you, but he'll give us an uncomfortable half hour or so" I say kissing him. "He wants to be sure you'll love me forever and never hurt me, and we both know you will love me that long" I say hugging him.

He smiles at me. "We either get dressed now or I'll fuck you again" he says kissing me back. I bend over in front of his dresser, and grab the edge, and flick my tail at him. He's grinning. He lifts my tail and he pushes into me. He grabs my hips and he's pounding me. "You like me rough, baby?' he asks. "I do, and I love you gentle too, I'll take my Daddy Panda however he wants me" I purr. He's really grinning now. "Hang on Baby" he murrs to me. And he speeds up. I'm cussing and mrrrowling and he's grunting hard. His eyes are glazed. "Gonna cum again in my Baby Lion" he growls gruffly. He leans forward and nips my neck. And then he throws his head back and he roars loud enough to shake the walls. His knees are shaking as he's unloading for the tenth time into me. I've cum on the carpet. He pulls me back and he's kissing me repeatedly. "My baby wanted his Panda to fuck him an even ten times" he murrs in my ear. I kiss him and I laugh. My Bill makes me so happy to be with him.

"I'd say we'll shower, but if I get in with you, we'll never get there" Bill says smiling. He pulls out of me and he hugs me to him. His scent is making me hot again. I lick his pits. "No, Baby Lion, we have to go" he says kissing me. "Keep that up and I'll lay you on the floor and keep fucking you until I just can't anymore" he says as he wraps his big sweaty body around mine. "I love how much you want me, Claude" he murrs in my ear. "You want me as often as I can take you" he murrs happily. "I do, I love how you fuck, and how loving you are" I say putting my arms around his big chest. He nuzzles me. "Get dressed, or we'll just keep fucking" he says happily. I kiss him. "There are worse problems to have" I say laughing. "My Baby Lion" he murrs at me. He's so happy, he's as happy as he's made me. We're gonna have a good life together, once we're together long enough to get past our mutual insecure tendencies. I feel more secure since he's so awed but I know it won't last. I know how I get at times, especially as badly as my previous love life has gone.

"Bill, I want to get with you where we can just lay curled up together and fuck all day" I say softly. His grin gets deeper. "Made for me" he says proudly. "We'll see about it tomorrow" he says smiling. "We'll go have breakfast and come back and pack you, Daddy Panda" I say smiling. "Anxious to have me moved in with you" he says proudly. "You keep getting better and better, Baby Lion" he murrs in my ear. "I just get scared, it's been so good so far" he says sounding nervous. "What if it goes away?" he says anxiously. "It won't, I'm not going anywhere, Daddy Panda, I swore to you I wouldn't" I say softly. He holds me so tightly I'm afraid I'll break. "I'll be a bit sensitive for a while, Claude" he says holding me still. "I'll get better, but I'm almost scared to let you out of my sight, it has nothing to do with you, but..." He says. "I'll stay with you, I'll be with you forever, the more I'm with you the more I want to be with you, Bill" I say hugging him. "I'm starting to see that" Bill says. And he kisses me and lets me go. I pick up my clothes off of the floor and dress. As he gets dressed.

We start to leave and he's touching me almost constantly. "Claude, I hope you're OK with it, but I'll probably always be touching or stroking you if we're close" he says quietly. 'I love it, Bill, I love your strong yet soft touch."I say softly. "Made for me" he murrs in my ear. "You know where we are?" he asks. I nod. I open the car and when I turn the engine on, I activate the nav system. Its GPS sensors tell me where I am, and I program the diner's address into it. We drive off and I follow the directions. "I kind of like this car, it's comfortable for a big guy like me" Bill says smiling. "Dad's bond mate has the dealership, we can get you one later if you want" I say smiling. "You'd just up and buy me any car I wanted" Bill says softly. "Of course, I want my Daddy Panda happy" I say softly. "Daddy Panda, I like the sound of that" Bill says softly. "You did say you wanted to be my husband" I say smiling. "I did" he says smiling now. He's so happy now. He's softly stroking my arm as I drive. And I can't help but purr as he does so. And he's grinning.

Claude's Panda Bear 2

We drive on quietly. Bill's thinking a lot. I can tell by his expression. We pull into the diner lot. He's a bit nervous. "Claude, you think they'll like me? he asks. "Teddy set us up" I remind him. "What about your brother?" he asks. "Rory said he was...

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Jim and Claude 2

I'm in luck. Alf comes strolling out. He loves the hot tub too. "Just the Badger I wanted to see" I say. He's stiffening up. "You want some more of me dick?" he asks hotly. He gets in the tub with me. Before I can tell him what's up he's running his...

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Jim and Claude 1

I'm the only son of Industrialist J.T. Kitman. CEO and owner of CMK Industries. A huge conglomerate. You probably have something we made in your house right now. Everything from food products, to appliances, to electronics, to car parts. You'd know Dad...

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