Boy Who Cried Wolf - Chapter Two - Discoveries

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Boy Who Cried Wolf

Chapter Two - Discoveries

(c) Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain)

January, 2007.

All Rights Reserved.

Arpellian gasped, as he felt Kessica's lips brush against his own, her long, slender fingers untying the rough weave shirt and pressing it back over his shoulders, as she looked at his thin chest, a sprinkling of gossamer like hairs scattered across it. She smiled, her deep turquoise eyes sparkling with mischief, as she nibbled tenderly at his jaw line, throat and down onto his chest. He groaned and arched himself against her, but she merely smiled and slowly pressed him back onto the rough cot. Her tongue ran across a nipple and Arpellian cried out in lust, before she pressed a hand to his lips and silenced him. His mind roiled with emotions he'd never felt before, as she worked him like a finely tuned instrument. Tender kisses here, a soft lick of a tongue there, it was almost enough to send him skyrocketing on a wave of unimagined pleasure.

"No...please - " Arpellian moaned, as he tried to sit up, but her gentle hands pushed him back down.

With a smile that dimpled her cheeks, she ran long fingernails over his ribs, then began kissing his chest, her fingers interlacing with his rough trousers - and with a rustle of cloth, they were stripped to his ankles. Freed from its confines, his penis throbbed with longing and the ache from his tortured scrotum mixed with the unmistakable pleasures this enigmatic woman was bestowing upon him. As her fingers reached down, caressing the dark pubic hair, he gasped and arched his hips upwards at her. She looked into his eyes, then smiled as her fingers traced patterns over his trembling penis - and ringed the flared hood that poked through the foreskin.

"Ohhhhhhh - " Arpellian gurgled, his eyes rolling back in their sockets as he humped against her again.

Her fingers were like the gentle touch of a cool breeze along his penis, and Arpellian thought he'd surely lose what little self-control he had, before her fingers wrapped themselves around his engorged length and began stroking. Her thumb rubbed the foreskin head slowly up and down over the head of his penis, and the pleasure that Arpellian felt sent his mind spiralling into new realms of pleasure that he'd never imagined. She lay beside him, her firm nipples poking at her shirt, as she resumed tenderly licking and kissing his throat and chest, her fingers continuing their gentle strokes.

Gasping, Arpellian bucked again and again, then with a shuddering squeal, he gave one short, sudden lunge and his semen exploded from his aching scrotum, the powerful spurts spattering over his stomach and chest, whilst Kessica watched on, then ran her finger through one of the hot, slippery traces � and delicately licked it off her finger as Arpellian collapsed groaning back onto the bed. Kessica rose, and then walked backwards, before her hands reached up to unclasp her own shirt, and Arpellian moaned deliriously and reached out for her...


He felt himself falling, and then landed with a sudden jolt. His eyes snapped open and he found himself lying on the floor of the inn room to which Kessica had led him, but he was alone. Only the sticky, uncomfortable stain that was spreading across his groin drew his attention, and he realised he'd been dreaming.

Yet it had felt so real - he felt himself all over, feeling the cold clammy sweat sticking to his slender body, and the fading orgasm that had jolted him from this beautiful dream. Rubbing his eyes, he picked himself up off the floor, and then his gaze snapped to the thick tallow candle, whose flame guttered and wavered in the puddle of wax. Fear replaced pleasure, as Arpellian realised he'd slept the night away, and that dawn was almost breaking over the distant hills. Unmindful of the wet stain on his pants, he ran downstairs, then nearly tripped over some of the inn patrons, who snored drunkenly on the floor. Knowing his master would wake soon, Arpellian fled out the door and ran as fast as he could towards the pen where the flock waited.


Slinking through the pre-dawn twilight, the wolf's ears were pricked forwards and its golden eyes sucked in any and all light, then reflected it back. It was hungry - and the smell of a young kid goat tethered behind a cottage was to good a target to resist. Yet this wolf was no fool, it moved through patches of shadow like a skulking rogue, every nerve and sense it had was heightened to full alert. It had been playing this deadly game for many years, and had honed it to a fine art. Stealth was the key, and as it crept forwards in a deep crouch, its belly brushing the grass - it paused and flicked its ears too and fro, listening for any early morning risers.

Again, the young kid pulled backwards against the leather collar around its neck, as it stretched its young neck out - trying to break free of this collar that bound it to the thick ropes. Again it tried, digging its cloven hooves into the ground and pulling with all its might, but it was useless. The collar would not break, but the young goat did not have the level of intelligence to consider this, so it tried again. Only too late, did it feel the hot, steamy breath right behind it...

Bleaaaaaagh - then a crunch on bones, and silence.

Displeased its kill had managed to cry out, the wolf held the convulsing kid's throat in its teeth, as its last moments send spasms through its body. Hunger drove the wolf to kill, but a bestial cunning taught it how to defeat these foolish humans. Once the goat had stopped kicking, the wolf released it, and then turned its golden gaze to the collar and rope. Pausing, it looked first at the collar, then the rope, then back at the collar. Grabbing the collar at the back of the young goat's neck, the wolf dug its clawed paws into the ground and gave a sharp tug backwards, then a quick flick of its head. With a snap, the collar's buckle pulled loose and the wolf spat it out, before it snatched up its prize and began slinking away with it.


Arpellian felt the burning need to urinate, so he slipped around the back of the blacksmith and untied his pants. As the stream arched out and he groaned, the wolf came around the opposite corner - not a dozen paces away and it's froze like a statue - the limp goat kid hanging from its jaws. Arpellian stared in horror - and the urine stream faded to a bare trickle as his eyes bulged. Staring at him, the wolf locked its golden gaze upon him, and they two sworn enemies, human and wolf, stared each other down. Gurgling, Arpellian took a step backwards, his throat constricting in fear, then the Wolf stared for a second longer, before it spun about and streaked into the shadows and was gone.

"Wuul..." Arpellian moaned, and then his voice came back into full cry. "Wolf - WOLF!"

He ran screaming up the dirt road, shrieking at the top of his lungs, rousing even the drunken sots in the inn. Sleepily, people stumbled from their cottages and hovels, to see what all the screaming was about. It didn't take long, for some brave souls to investigate, and the owner of the missing goat swore and spat on the ground as he knelt and picked up the collar.

"It...I saw it - it was a wolf I tell you - " Arpellian moaned, his body shaking with terror.

"Aye lad," Sighed the man who had owned the goat. "You speak truth; for I can see the beasts paw prints here in the ground."

Apellian's master came up to him, then roughly grabbed him and slammed him against the wall of a nearby cottage hard enough to rattle the windows.

"What the hells do you think you're doing boy - where were you all night? Well - answer me before I thrash the daylights out of you!"

"Go easy on the kid Gregory," Sighed the man as he dropped the collar. "Where he was is of no concern. This � this is more pressing."

"Watch your tongue Alex; unless my fist takes a liking to that monkeys arse you call a face!" Snarled Apellian's master.

Just as it seemed the two men were to come to blows, the brawny blacksmith stepped between them. He was a hulking bear of a man, standing seven feet if he was an inch, and muscled hardened by working the forge for decades, rippled over his half-dressed body.

"Settle the pair of you; less I beat sense into both of you. Now, it's obvious this wolf has been getting braver every year. It's cunning, I'll grant it that. First it was young animals in the outlying farms that it took, then just last winter," His voice broke and he wiped at his moistening eyes, before his fists began to clench.

"It killed my daughter as she went to fetch water from the stream. I vowed, I would hunt this wolf down, and make it suffer for what it did to me. Yet, it has never been so brave, as to come this close. I say we lay a trap for it and if it's half as smart as I think it is, it better be a good one." He ground out, slowly unclenching his fists.

"I say the boy did it - " Snarled Gregory, as he shook Arpellian roughly. "I say the devils in him and he took that kid for some satanic ritual!"

Without warning, the Blacksmith spun and his club like fist smashed into Gregory's chin and drove him flying backwards. Gregory landed with a crash on the ground, blood streaming from his mouth.

"You speak like that again," Growled the blacksmith. "I'll stake you out for the wolf."

His face flushed with rage, Gregory climbed to his feet and took a half step towards the Blacksmith, who merely sized the smaller man up, then spat contemptuously onto the ground.

"This isn't over - not by a long shot." Gregory hissed, as he turned and stalked off.

Arpellian had never seen anyone do that to his cruel master before, and his spirit lifted as if he'd found someone who would stand up for him. With rough hands, the Blacksmith lifted Arpellian up, and then set him on his feet.

"Go on boy, your flock is waiting for you." Smiled the Blacksmith, as he tenderly tousled Apellian's hair.

Arpellian stammered his thanks, then turn and ran off towards the waiting sheep flock.

Looking down at the collar and rope, the Blacksmith knelt and pressed his fingers against the paw print on the ground - measuring its dimensions. His brow furrowed as the rest of the villagers lost interest and returned home, but the Blacksmith picked up the collar and felt the ridges the wolf's teeth had made in the supple leather.

"You're not young - I can see that," Whispered the Blacksmith. "Definitely no pup you are - you're cunning, intelligent and wise. It won't be easy to trap you, but you're no match for a human, wolf - I grant you that!"


Arpellian led his flock up to their grazing place, and he kept a watchful eye over them, as he closed his eyes and trembled. Looking into those golden eyes of the wolf - something had seemed to spark between them, before it had turned and fled. What it was, he did not know, but he knew fear - and knew that wolf was probably capable of bringing down a full grown Buck in his prime, those powerful teeth shearing through muscle and veins, then...

His eyes snapped open, and a cold shudder ran through his body as it erupted into sweat. Gasping and shivering, the hugged his arms around himself, then rested his elbows on his knees and watched the flock grazing. Stifling a yawn, he counted them, to make sure none had straggled off, then called out to the young ewe whose pleasures he'd been enjoying just yesterday. She bleated and came running, then he pulled her down beside him and began stroking her between the ears, as she coughed, and then began chewing her cud contentedly. Soon, he leant his head against her, and stared up at the clouds as they drifted lazily past - and he slept.


A low growl made his eyelids fly open, and then he blinked and rubbed his eyes, squinting as the late afternoon sunlight dazzled him. Again, there was that quiet, but menacing growl - and his head lifted to see the wolf crouched before him - barely four feet from his own dirty, shoeless feet.

"Oh dear Goddess Athena - " Arpellian gasped, as his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.

Fear seized him and turned his blood to ice, as he stared transfixed into the gleaming golden eyes of the wolf - who stared back intently, its ears pricked forwards.

"Please wolf - I...don't kill me - I beg you!" Arpellian whimpered, as tears welled in his eyes and began trickling down his cheeks. "I - I don't mean you any harm, I swear it!"

Fear compelled him to kick out at the wolf, but he knew this would be foolish at the least. It was too far back, and he saw its muscles twitching - knowing it was poised and ready to spring. Frozen in place, he could only watch, as the wolf's tense muscles relaxed and it lay down, keeping its eyes locked on his, as if studying him. Arpellian wept with fear, his entire body shaking as if ravaged by some violent fever. It rose, and then he moaned as it took a shy step closer, before crouching again and cocking its head to the side.

"Please..." Arpellian whimpered.

Again, the wolf crept closer, and then his throat locked as its hot breath washed over his ankles. It kept its intense gaze locked on him, as its shearing canines punched effortlessly through his right trouser leg � then began tugging it with short, sharp shakes of its head.

"No...please!" Arpellian begged. "I...don't kill me!"

As the wolf tugged again and again, his trouser slipped down his thighs, calves and pooled at his ankles. Growling, the wolf kept pulling and his pants were torn off his feet and the wolf threw its head to the side, and then stared at the half-naked young human before it. It crept closer, its nose barely an inch away from his exposed feet - before its tongue lolled out the corner of its mouth - as if it were trying to smile at him.

"What - do you want?" Arpellian moaned, as he shivered and whimpered.

Rising languidly, the wolf peered down at him, then began slowly wagging its tail back and forth, as it lowered its head and licked his toes - the long, rough tongue probing over, under and around them, before it lifted is head and the tongue lolled again - this time, it was an unmistakable smile. It cocked its head to the side then whined comfortingly at him, before it licked his dirty feet again and paused before slowly running its long, wet tongue up his trembling calf.

"What...what are you - doing?" Arpellian moaned, as his eyes widened even further, fear wrestling with the tickling pleasure from the wolf's tongue.

Sensing the boy-child was coming around; the wolf grinned at him again, then rose and straddled his feet without fear. Its long tongue slurped slowly up over his knee before it paused again and yipped quietly, cocking its head to the side and giving him another strange smile-like grin. Arpellian was scared speechless, feeling the warmth of the wolf over his feet - knowing at any second, the wolf could go from being friendly and playful like a puppy - to a vicious, bloodthirsty killer. As its tongue slid along his thigh, he gasped and tried to pull away. He moaned then froze, as the wolf stared at him, the furred eyes narrowing as a gentle growl rumbled in its chest. Arpellian moaned and stared horrified, knowing if he screamed or tried to fight it off, the gentleness would vanish and he'd not have a chance to draw a breath, let alone scream before those jaws closed about his throat.

"Please - " He begged again, fresh tears sliding down his cheeks. "Please don't hurt me - I'll - be good - I'll do anything you want, please!"

Cocking it head to the side, the wolf grinned as its ears pricked forwards, then flicked back again, before it seemed to smile and that long, rough tongue resumed licking slowly up his thigh. Arpellian felt the wolf's hot breath against the saliva dampened skin, and as his mind roiled with fear and pleasure - his penis flinched and began to swell with blood. Blinking its golden eyes, the wolf stared, then it nosed his flaccid member with its ice cold wet nose.

"Ohhhhhhh" Arpellian grated, through clenched teeth as the pleasure lanced through him.

Flipping his half-erect penis with its nose, the wolf seemed to play with it - before it cocked its head back the other way - and its tongue slurped from the sparse pubic hair - to the tip of the foreskin. With a low moan, Arpellian gave himself willingly to the wolf and its tongue, his body squirming helplessly as the wolf licked again and again, watching with interest as the head of the penis poked through the tightening foreskin. Eagerly, the wolf watched, tongue lolling and tail wagging faster and faster. As Arpellian moaned, it lowered its head and ran that incredibly flexible tongue over the head of his penis - then around the flared ridge.

"Oh...goddess, kill me now!" Arpellian squealed, before his throat clamped close and his heightened breathing came in short, whistling gasps.

Feeling the boy relaxing under it, and his horribly scent of fear dissipating, the wolf growled playfully, then began enthusiastically licking his penis - drawing it quicker and quicker to erection. Arpellian had never known such pleasure could exist as he groaned, and then lifted a shaking hand. Freezing, the wolf growled dangerous at him, but he ignored its warning growl - and lightly touched its furred neck with his fingers. Its eyes widened as it felt his gentle touch, then it leaned itself into the touch with a soft whine of pleasure itself. He gained confidence and faith, that this wolf wouldn't hurt him - as he tongue began lapping eagerly at his penis - and he carefully scratched the side of its neck.

As its hot breath washed over his trembling penis - he felt the tightening in his scrotum and he began to twitch and shiver. Smelling his arousal, the wolf grinned and licked a long, slow swatch along his length - then watched as his hand grasped his penis and gave two short strokes - before his hips bucked against the wolf's chest and he ejaculated in powerful spurts. Semen flew in all directions - spattering his belly, chest and even the wolf's muzzle - but it merely blinked its golden eyes, and then wagged its tail happily, watching as another explosive pulse sent a jet of his semen flying. As he went limp from the orgasm, the wolf seized the opportunity and began licking away the salty semen - the rough tough easily licking it off him, and leaving a fine sheen of saliva in its wake.

"Ohhhhhhh..." Arpellian moaned - all thoughts of his flock, even of rational thought, fled his mind.

Following its heightening sense of smell, the wolf found and licked off every trace of his semen, then crept a little further up his body and crouched over him - before its wet tongue flicked out and licked his chin. Weakly, forgetting this was a wild wolf, and not some domesticated dog, Arpellian laid his palm against its neck and stroking adoringly. It whined softly at him, then licked his cheek again as its heavy tail began swishing back and forth across his toes.

"You...I - urk!" Arpellian gagged.

As he spoke, the wolf arched its head forwards - and the long tongue slipped into his mouth and mingled with his own. It tasted him, and he tasted it - before he pulled his head back and roughly pushed its head away.

"Ack...yuck!" He rasped, rubbing the back of his hand across his mouth. "Why..."

Feeling a little frustrated, the wolf cocked its head to the side and whined, almost questioningly at him. Had it not just given him the most pleasure he'd ever had - and shown him trust, affection and adoration - yet it gave him a lick like that, and he recoiled? It rose, and then looked down at him, before it leapt off him and shook itself, the heavy fur coat swishing.

"Wait...please!" Arpellian moaned.

As the wolf turned away, a sad, mournful look on its face, its ears drooped and it hung its head.

"Please - don't...go!" Arpellian sobbed - as he held out his hands placating.

Pausing, the wolf seemed to sigh, then turned back to him and gazed up at him, before its tongue licked his cheeks lovingly and he carefully laid his hand against its neck.

"You...I know you can not understand me - " Arpellian sniffled, then smiled weakly as the wolf licked the salty tears off his cheeks. "I...I don't know what to say - you - you gentle and I - I could have given you return for your kindness!"

It leaned into his stroking then their eyes met. Arpellian shivered - feeling that he was so close to sensing...something...between them. It was almost as if there was a genuine rapport between human and wolf, yet they were just far enough different for the message not to come through.

"You...they will come for you," Arpellian sniffled, then burst into tears and grabbed the wolf around the throat, burying his head into its thick mane. "You killed that goat - the blacksmiths daughter - and other animals..."

Flinching, the wolf's ears flattened, and then it trembled before it cruelly pulled away and began backing away, snarling. Arpellian blinked, and then stared at the angry wolf.

"Wait - I - " He begged.

"Stay where you are boy!" Snarled a voice. "Don't move - I've...damn it!"

Arpellian shrieked and rolled over, to see some of the village men armed with weapons, approaching. Turning his head back around, he barely caught the wolf's tail as it vanished like smoke into the forest.

"Don't hurt it - please!" Arpellian screamed. "It's not what you think - "

Some looked at the half-naked boy, then they snorted in disgust, before the fanned out and headed for the forest. Arpellian crawled to his knees, then began to cry helplessly.


To Be Continued.