Marty Collins 2

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#101 of Claude gay stories

Claude and Marty bond and end up going out to a bar on their first night together

He leans over and kisses me. He's grinning deeply. "I love you, Marty, I'm so happy to have gotten you as mine again" I say quietly. "Claude, I love you too, and I have no words for how it feels to have you back, we're together again, I'd of never have dreamed I could get you back" he says happily. We curl up together. And we kiss at intervals. And we talk a lot. We're trying to update each other on how our lives have gone while we were apart. He's proud of me getting through Med School and Residency so quickly. And I'm amazed at how rough his life was at times, before he turned things around. (It's really hard for me to hear some of it, he was never living out on the streets. But he worked so hard to get his life back and to build his rep again.) He kisses me. "It's all good now, Beau was right, I fought and persevered and you're my reward," he says. "God put you back into my life, the one thing I most wanted and needed, my Baby Lion still loved me and took me back right off" Marty says.

We kiss a while. My cell rings. I pick it up. Nigel? I answer. "Where are you, Claude?" he asks. "I'm in a motel, just finished taking my Marty back to me for good" I say. Nigel laughs. I tell him how it happened. "You were set up, wonder why Dr Micheals did it?" Nigel asks. "He hired Marty to be the Head Football Coach and he thought if we were back together there'd be less talk" I say. "Papa Jim's not going to be happy, he'd bristle at the mere mention of Marty's name" Nigel says. "What about you?" I ask. "He makes you happy, and you think he'll stay?" He asks. "I do, he was so happy to know I wasn't upset, and that I still loved him" I say. "Than I am happy, and I'll tell Horst too" he says happily. "We should be home later, Nigel, I'll come find you as soon as I get home, Beau knows and he's gonna talk to Dad for me" I say. "Have you told Rory yet?" Nigel asks me. "Not yet, I think I'll call Jonas first" I say. "Call Jonas and then call Rory, he's in a good mood, Teddy got someone to cover the bar and he's staying home tonight" Nigel says. That will put Rory in a good mood. He'll go down to the Bear Den to be with Teddy when he can but he's not always able to go and he misses Teddy when he's working the bar.

I hang up with Nigel and I call Jonas. I tell him what happened. And we talk a while. Marty's curled up with me, and is nuzzling me a lot. He's just happy to be wrapped around me I think. Jonas thinks I might have rushed in too quickly, but he knows I still loved Marty. He wants us both to come see him next week. Marty agrees. Jonas thinks we need to talk out our feelings about being yanked away from one another and also that we were apart for a long time. I think he's being a bit too cautious. But we'll go.

He tells me Dad has called him already about this. "He didn't seem angry but he wanted to know if I thought you were wrong or rushing too fast to have taken Marty back" Jonas says. "I think you might should have dated a while first, but you obviously missed each other too much" Jonas says. I start to snap at him. He bonded his Cougar on their first date and didn't know him at all. But I'm not wanting to start anything. I ask him about telling Rory. "Claude, he knows, Jim told him" Jonas says softly. "He'll be mad that I didn't tell him myself" I moan. "He's going to call you, you know how your Brother gets, he's easy going but when he's upset or mad he is as bad as you are" Jonas says. "I'm going to call him now" I say and hang up.

I call Rory. He's not answering my call. When it goes to voice mail I leave a message telling him what happened and how we ended up together and that I called him as soon as I could. I hang up. I put my head on Marty's massive chest. He strokes my mane. "Are you upset, Baby?' he asks. "No, if they object then the Hell with them" I say softly. "I've wanted you back since the day we were pulled apart, Marty, I'll do all I can to keep us together, and if they can't see that then I don't need them" I say quietly.

My cell rings. Oscar? I answer. "Claude, we heard, Sam's a bit worried, and I told him I'd call, you know how he gets, he's wanting to make sure this Horse won't hurt you again" Oscar says softly. "Oscar, it wasn't Marty's fault, I do get why he felt he had to leave, but he lost everything and he's built his life and career back up, and he wanted me back when he saw I loved him still and wasn't angry at him" I say. "You know Sam, if he hurts you Sam's sworn to break him in half" Oscar says laughing. I laugh. "I knew he'd say that, but he won't have to Oscar, he loves me like Sam loves you, Sam will see that quick enough" I say softly. "Sam's just wanting to protect his Baby Lion" I say proudly. Oscar laughs.

Sam snatches the phone from Oscar. "He better not keep you away from me, Claude" Sam snarls. "We're going to be open bonded, Sam, you know I can't resist going down on my back for my big Cuban Bull" I say quietly. "Good, can I talk to him?" Sam asks. "I'll be good, I promise" he says, laughing hard.. I hand the phone to Marty. And they chat. Sounds like it's going good. After ten minutes Marty hands me my phone back. "I think you were right here, Claude, he will love you like I love Oscar, he's so happy to have you back, he'd fight anyone or anything to keep you" Sam says. "I said he'd love me like you love Oscar, you'd take on anything to keep him, or just to make him happy" I say softly. "Mi amo understands his Bull so much" Sam says happily. And he hangs up.

"He's quite a Bull, and he loves you a lot, and wants to see you happy, and he thinks I'm the one to keep you happy" Marty says softly. "He does, and we rut a lot" I say. "I wanna watch though" Marty says. "You always loved watching me fuck others, like I love to see you on top of someone else at times" I say smiling. "I've seen him and Oscar on TV at competitions, they're beautiful masculine Bulls" Marty says smiling. "They are, Oscar's easy going, cute and smart, and Sam's sharp and macho as Hell" I say. Marty laughs.

My cell rings again. Dad? "Time to face the music, Baby" Marty says. "No, Dad would be here if he was really angry, he knows how to track me down, he could call the Lo Jack folks and have my Mercedes traced" I say. "He'd never give up the pleasure of cornering us personally if he was really mad" I say. I answer the phone. And then there is a knock at the door. "Dad, I ..." I say. And he's laughing over the phone. "I'm not the one blowing a fuse over this, Boy, Beau talked to me, and he'd know, my Saber Tooth and Edward put you back together when it happened, and Beau's happy you two got back together." Dad says. "He told me he was, Dad, he knew how much we still loved one another" I say quietly. "Rory's blowing his top over this, I know he called and had your car traced" Dad says. I look up and he's at the door glaring at Marty. "He's here, Dad" I say quietly. "Claude, talk to him, and call me, I'm ready to welcome Marty back, if he loves you and won't leave you like Beau thinks" Dad says. "Thank you , Daddy, for being so understanding and wonderful about this" I say. He purrs. My calling him Daddy always gets him happy. "Thank Beau, that Tiger loves his sons" Dad says. "He fought with Rory over how 'pigheaded he was being' is what he said" Dad says. He hangs up.

I get up and I walk over to Rory. "How, How the fuck could you take his ass back after what he did to you?" Rory snarls at me. "I still love him, Rory, and he loves me, and it wasn't his fault either" I say standing between him and Marty. "I'm not afraid of him, Claude" Marty says pulling me aside. "I'm not either, Rory can't hit me even if he tries and he knows it" I say sourly. Rory nods. Marty looks puzzled. "He's a Hell of a lot bigger and stronger of a Lion than I am, but he can't touch me, no one can unless I let them" I say calming down. "I don't wanna fight you, big Brother, but I'm not giving Marty up again" I snarl.

Rory's still angry. "Sit" I snap pointing to the bed. "So is that we were yanked apart and both hurt your only objection, Rory?" I ask. "He left you, pure and simple, Claude" Rory snorts. "I left him, I admit it, I was weak and I couldn't fight for him, I went back to my wife, lost my job and my self respect and Claude too, and still she ruined my life" Marty says softly. "I won't ever give him up again, any more than he would let me go" Marty says pulling me into his arms. "He's been through Hell, Rory, he hit bottom and pulled himself up, and he wanted to be sure I'd not object to him being around if I was still upset at him, but when he saw I'd forgiven him and still loved him, we bonded" I say softly. "You two bonded?" Rory asks.

"Like Lions have for Centuries" I say angrily. "Claude, why?" he asks. "I love him, he loves me, and we're meant to be together, Rory" I say firmly. "Claude, what if he leaves you again?" Rory asks. "Edward said he wouldn't, and you know how he knows" I say softly. Rory nods. "He told me" I say. I lean forward and I whisper in Rory's ear. "Edward said Marty would pass on holding my paw and telling me I was the love of his life" I whisper.

"Claude, you are the love of my life, I married her as I wanted to be straight and have colts, but it wasn't to be, I fell for you and I haven't stopped loving you, just thought I'd never get you back" he says softly.. I face palm. I forgot Marty has good hearing too. Rory and I got extra sharp senses from Mom, like I got her family's enhanced reflexes, speed and agility. I'm also strong not as strong as Rory is though. Rory didn't get the reflexes and such, but he's so ungodly strong. If he could get one shot in I'd be toast, but I'm so much faster and more agile, never want to test that out though.

"How would your Butler know that?" Marty asks. "Edward is psychic, he sees thing and if he can he'll tell us, he told me to answer Dr Micheals' call, and he never told me I'd meet you, but when I called him en route to here he told me you'd stay with me until you passed on" I say softly.

Rory's not too happy still. "Claude, I hope you won't live to regret taking him back" Rory says. "I won't, I know I won't" I say. "I'd just ask you to give me a chance, Rory" Marty says solemnly. "I love Claude, I'll not leave him, I will have to be away at times, I'm going to be the new Sacramento State Head Football Coach and I'll have to go to away games and some Football conferences" Marty says softly. Rory smiles. Something has occurred to him. It's either good or very bad. Rory for all his other differences, is a slightly devious minded Lion, he's a lot more sneaky and covert minded than I am. God only knows what he's about to bring up.

"Did you really want to make sure we weren't upset about you being here, or were you just wanting to see Claude again?" Rory asks. Marty blushes. "I wanted to be sure that he and you and your father wouldn't be upset, J.T. Kitman donates a lot of money to Sacramento State as does CMK" Marty says. "But yeah, I wanted to see him, even if he cursed me and wanted nothing to do with me, I wanted to see him one more time, and I'd of avoided him after that, if he was angry at me" Marty says sounding embarrassed. I smile. Marty is as honest as I am. He was tripped up by his wanting to have a family. And I know on some level how hard he had to work to reconcile that with his love for me. He's had it a lot harder than I did. But I'm going to make up for that. I'll spend my life with him giving him the best life I can.

"He walked in the room and when he saw me his eyes lit up, he was still in love with me, he had trouble speaking at first." Marty says. "What was it you said, like no time at all had passed?" Marty asks. I nod. "Claude, did you know you still loved him when you saw him?" Rory asks. "I did, I saw him and I knew I was still in love with him" I say quietly. Marty grins. "I didn't know if he wanted me back and I couldn't admit to how badly I wanted him still" I say. "I had to fight the urge to throw myself into his arms" I say. "Claude, when I saw how hard you fought with yourself, and then that one single tear broke through, I knew you still loved me and wanted me back" Marty says quietly.

"Claude, I don't know what to think here" Rory says quietly. "Have faith in me and Edward, and give Marty the chance he wants, you know I trust you, if you come to me with concerns I'll listen, you know I will" I say gently. "Claude, I guess I have to, if you two did bond, I have no choice" he says quietly. "Rory, why do you object?" I ask. Rory looks at me. "He hurt you once, Claude, you were so devastated" Rory says. "He was hurt too, he cried and begged me to forgive him in the Dean's office, it was the last time I saw him before I saw him in Dr Micheal's office" I say.

Marty tells him about his drinking spells and having seen me graduate Med School and how it made him quit drinking and go to A.A. in the hopes of being worthy of me one day. Rory looks at me. "I never saw him that night" I say. "I thought I did, I was sure it was him, but Dad said I had to be wrong, but I wasn't obviously" Rory says. "Claude, he cried so much" Rory says and he hugs Marty. "I did, I felt so broken inside, and I wanted to run to you but I didn't deserve you, I had a lot more to do yet" Marty says. "You must have hurt for a long time, Marty, Claude did but he pulled himself together by throwing himself into Medical School and Residency" Rory says. "I got my heart handed to me several times since then and Rory knows I forgave them too" I say quietly. Rory smiles. "He doesn't hold grudges" Rory says softly. "Well I didn't forgive Bruno, since he just ran in the middle of the night leaving me a note, Goodbye is all it said and I'll never know why he left me." I say sourly. "Marty, Jorge and Dmitri were Bull enough sit down and talk it out with me" I say softly. "Dmitri was so wrecked, Claude, he hated himself for it, but he fell for Dr Petrovitch, and would have hurt either way" Rory says softly. "Jorge hurt too, he was hurt, but had to make the pain stop and make his choice" I say softly. "No more, Claude, you won't hurt anymore, you're mine again, as you were meant to be" Marty says stroking my mane.

"Marty, I'll give you the chance you asked for, knowing Claude will listen to me if I have concerns" Rory says smiling. "I will, I always have, Rory" I say. He nods. He kisses me. "I'm sorry to have been so angry, Guys" Rory says. "Dad's fine with it after he talked to Beau, I think I need to go home, talk to Beau and Edward and curl up with Teddy a while" Rory says. I kiss him. "I'm sorry this pulled you away from your loving Grizzly, Rory" I say quietly. He smiles. "He had to go do a few things at the Bear Den, he'll be waiting for me to pick him up" Rory says grinning. Rory leaves.

"I'll pack if you give me a few minutes, Claude" he says. I lay on the bed and watch TV while he repacks his stuff. I've been laying on my stomach while watching. Marty gets on top of me and slips his fat Horse Cock up me. "I love this, you never have any trouble taking me, your ass always just sucks this big Horse Cock right up it" he murrs in my ear. He's moving slowly at first but he picks up speed a bit. He's kissing me and nuzzling me as well. I love that he's taller and heavier than I am. His fat Horse Cock is making me crazy and his weight on me is making it impossible for me to move or buck on it. I whimper and cum on the bed. Marty's pushing his hooves into my legs to hold them down as he holds my paws to the bed with his hands. He knows I love that when he fucks me sometimes. He's gently nibbling at the back of my neck while he's fucking me. He whinnies and fills my ass full again. He lays on top of me and we kiss for a while. "Let's go, Baby Lion" he murrs and pulls out. We get dressed.

We take his things and load the trunk of my car. He kisses me and we go check him out. "We'll get you a car in a few days, Big Stud Horse" I say. "You don't mind?" he asks. "You can use mine at times, but I want you to have one of your own, I want my Horse to have everything he wants or needs." I say kissing his hand.

I activate the Bluetooth link and I call Nigel. He answers but by the noise I know he and Horst are fucking. "I didn't mean to interrupt" I say. "You didn't" I hear Horst say. "I'm still fucking my Badger, and if your Horse will let me I'll take you too" Horst grunts. I laugh. I tell Marty. He's cracking up. "We'll be home in about 15 minutes" I say laughing. "We'll be done and waiting for you, Claude" Horst says still grunting. He hangs up.

I explain to Marty who Nigel and Horst are and who they are to me. He laughs. "You always did make friends quickly" he says nuzzling me. "Nigel's very close to me, Horst was my mentor in Medical School and he bonded Nigel right off, the first night they met, Horst pulled Nigel to him and kissed him and they bonded" I say smiling. "I wonder why we didn't bond that first time, Claude" Marty muses. "I was underage, I couldn't have bonded you until I was at least 18, Marty" I say quietly. He's looking out the window now. "Fancy neighborhood" He says. "It is kind of, my house is kind of big, got several folks living with us" I say softly.

And I tell him who's living with me. He's relaxed a bit. Knowing he'll not have to fight with Dad or Rory has made him calmer. He's looking at me with so much love now.

"Marty, like before, you know I have money, I know you don't, you didn't want me for it, but I'll use it, like I did before, more so now though, you're my mate" I say. "Claude, I'll be well paid here, I'll make almost $250,000 a year as Head Coach" Marty says smiling. "But out of curiosity, how much are you worth now?" He asks. "$765 Million right now, not sure about my investments, since Dad tends to them I don't pay them a lot of attention." I say calmly. He blanches. "You were always worth a lot, but that's, well, that's amazing" he says. "You're young, beautiful and rich, why do you want to bother with this old Jock Horse?" he asks sadly. "Because I love him, I have loved you since that first day" I say quietly. "I'm sorry, I know you love me, Baby Kitten, I'll have an occasional moment of insecurity" he says. "We need to be together, we've proven it, I love you, Marty, and I'll never leave you, just as I know you'll never leave me" I tell him earnestly. "I know" he says quietly. And he's quiet for a bit.

"Do you remember how we met?" Marty asks. I nod. I couldn't forget. The only Football game I ever went to. I was with a bunch of friends who wanted to see the game so we went. I was bored shit less, until I saw Marty on the bench. I was struck by him. How beautiful he was, how butch and self assured he was.. And I know I was staring at him. He saw me watching him. And he smiled back at me. He'd never been with a male before. But he tracked me down just to find out who I was. He knew from one of his players that I was a student. A lot of students knew me. The young Lion genius. Set to graduate Pre Med by age 16. One thing puzzled me then and still does now.

"Marty, why me?" I ask. "You had never been with a guy you told me, why me?"I ask again. "Claude, I'd never seen anyone as beautiful as you." Marty says. "I spent that night wondering why a young male Lion had gotten to me so strongly, I had no idea I was gay" Marty says quietly. "I was married and we were getting frustrated that she hadn't gotten pregnant after several years of trying" he says. "I was 25 and I had never touched another male sexually, I was stunned by it, but I knew I wanted to get you in bed at least, I'd think of how you'd look naked and I'd get so hard" he says. "Still do" he says putting my paw on his hard Horse Cock. "Claude it's why I took so much time before I came to you to try, I knew then I loved you, and I wasn't sure it was a step I was ready or willing to take" he says shaking his head. I remember Dad telling me once about how he struggled to move on from missing Mom, to accepting how he'd always loved Beau. And I know better than to ask Marty any more about it. I really don't think I wanna know anyway. It's enough to me to know he accepted his love for me. (I think it was a case of love at first sight for both of us.)

"We first met face to face at the cafeteria" I remind him. "I almost couldn't speak, you looked at me, smiled at me, and I was dumbfounded" Marty says. I know, I was flushed and sweating up a storm too. I knew I was gay, but I'd never seen such a gorgeous male. He'd come in for a cup of coffee. It was unusual, usually they used the faculty cafeteria. He'd been walking he said. And this one was closer.

We didn't connect then. We'd seen each other. And spoke a bit. And he was being so nonchalant. Just exchanging pleasantries. But I knew he wanted me. And I knew if I could I'd give my cherry to him. Big Horse Cock or not. No one would take it but him if I had my way. And I did. He showed up that Saturday evening at the dorm looking for me. He was brought up to my room by the DA. It wasn't unusual. Teachers and Faculty coming to see a student. No one thought anything about it.

And that night, we fell in love and I lost my virginity to Marty. He spent the night and most of that Sunday with me. He took me at least a dozen times. "Claude, I was so nervous, but I knew I had to have you, and when I came in you, I knew I loved you" he says quietly. "I never realized it, Marty, but if you'd never been with a guy before, I got your cherry with male sex as much as you got mine" I say softly. He nods. "It's not that different with Horses, women aren't any easier to get into than guys" Marty says. "I got into you quicker and easier than I did first time I took my wife" he says blushing. "You wanted me in you so much, you weren't afraid and you trusted me so much" Marty says smiling.

We had sex for the first time that night. He took my virginity slowly and gently. An hour and a whole bottle of Horse Slick lube on his dick and up my ass to get him in me. He was so gentle and tender and when he worked that fat, blunt cock head in me, I came all over him. I must have shot on him five times that first time. He was so happy, and so proud that I wanted him so much.

And we fucked several times more that night. And he slept curled up to me. I loved having his big Clydesdale body wrapped around me like he was. He's looking at me now. His eyes full of love. "I know, Claude, I feel that way now as well" he says. "I have never loved anyone else, Claude" he says taking my paw. "I loved a few guys, but it wasn't the same, Marty, I'm sorry though" I say quietly. He grins. "I know, Boy, you were young and wanting to be loved, and I did have my wife" Marty says kissing my paw. "You've belonged to me since I came up you back then, and you didn't know, nor did I, I should have gone after you, better you told me to fuck off than to have gone so long without you" he says sadly. "No, we can't do this, Marty, we can't second guess life, I wouldn't treasure you as I do if I had not have been so hurt, we had to find our way back together" I say smiling. Marty nods at me.

We pull up into my driveway. He's staring at the house. "It's huge" he moans. "I told you there are a lot of animals living here' I say quietly. "I have a big landscaped back yard with gardens, a pool, and a hot tub" I say smiling. Marty grins. "I love a hot tub" he says happily.

Edward and Manuel come out. And they carry Marty's things in. "I'll have the rest of them sent from Texas, Master Marty" Edward says smiling. "I'll put these away, but welcome home, Master Marty" Edward says smiling. Marty nods.

"Claude, I would like to tell Jorge if you would let me, he will be thrilled to know that you are happy and loved now" Manuel says softly. I kiss him. "You can, Manuel, I'm happy for him and I know he'll be happy for me too" I say softly. "He's a good Bull, like you are, Manuel, he had the integrity to sit with me and talk it out, and I could see how much it hurt him too, but he loves someone else, as I love my Horse" I say quietly. "I only want him to be happy, Manuel, it's all I ever wanted for Jorge." I say softly. Manuel kisses me. "You did love him and you still do, but you know he is meant for another" Manuel says quietly. I nod. And to my amazement it doesn't hurt anymore. I do only want him happy. Dmitri too. In fact, I kind of miss my Bulls' friendship. "Manuel, tell him he's always welcome here, that I kind of miss him as a friend, maybe he'll feel freer to come see you and come meet my Horse and hang out here" I say grinning. Manuel smiles. He knows how much Jorge and I loved hanging out with him.

I take Marty's hand and we walk out to the living room. Nigel comes flying down the stairs and hugs me. "Marty Collins, this little furball is Dr Nigel Davenport, my best friend" I say smiling. Marty smiles at him and puts his hand out to shake Nigel's paw. Nigel pulls him into a hug. I laugh. "Had to feel him up, eh, Nige?" I tease him. Nigel smiles. "He knows?" Marty asks. I nod. "He's talked to me about you a lot, Marty" Nigel says. "Nige, here is the one who told me if I ever ran across you again, that I should just throw myself into your arms and beg you to take me back" I say happily. "You were right, he saw me and I could see the love in his eyes, we talked it out and I begged him to take me back" Marty says gently stroking Nigel's hair. "Nige, he's here for good, he's the new Head Football Coach for Sacramento State" I say. "You Coach Soccer?" Nigel asks. I laugh. "He's English, Marty, no he Coaches American style Football" I say. Nigel nods.

"He's really sexy, you always told me he was, but he's a lot hotter than I thought" Nigel says smiling. Marty smiles at him. "I would meet your Horse, Liebchen" I hear from the stairs. "Marty, this gorgeous big Grizzly Bear is Dr Horst Grumer, my Med School mentor, our partner in practice and Nigel's mate" I say smiling. Horst walks down the stairs. "He's a big Horse for sure, Mein Claude" Horst says smiling. He and Marty shake hands. "Does he know?" Marty asks. "He does know, Mein Horse" Horst says grinning. "You got him back, you worked hard, fixed your life and got your Lion to come back to you" Horst says. "He talked to Beau a bit ago" Nigel says smiling. "Ja, I did, he told me of how broken up you were, you had to love him so much, Liebchen, and now that he is back as yours, you will never let him go" Horst says smiling at me. Marty smiles. "I will never leave him, Dr Grumer" Marty says. Horst smiles. "I know, I can see it in your eyes, Mein Horse" he says happily.

"Ya my Boys" I hear and Beau charges up hugging us both. I hug him tightly. "I can't thank you enough for smoothing things out with Claude's Dad" Marty says, beginning to tear up. "Nah, don't cry boy, Jim's not that bad, he was happy to know Claude wouldn't be hurt again" Beau says. "He's right, Marty" Dad says walking up. He hugs Marty tightly. "I had you investigated after Beau told me Claude took you back, Marty, you went through Hell, with what you've endured between being yanked away from Claude and getting him back, you've more than earned the right to take him back, Boy" Dad says softly. Marty breaks down into tears. "I was so afraid after what happened, and I didn't think you liked me anyway" Marty says. "I admit I wasn't happy with you, you loved Claude, but you were still married, you didn't know how to deal with your own sexually, and when the shit hit the fan, you went back to her."Dad says. "You paid for it though, you paid more than you should have, Marty, and you bore it and rebuilt your life" Dad says softly. "And you endured and grew, and in my mind you've more than earned the right to be with my Boy now" Dad says softly. And he's stroking Marty's mane gently.

"Son, I understand what it's like to have to accept your own homosexuality after being the straight married guy for so long, I loved my Martha and my boys so much, but I knew I loved my Beau as well" Dad says looking lovingly at our Saber Tooth. Marty weeps softly. "Thank you, Mr Kitman" Marty says. "No, you're my son too, you're mine and Beau's son now" Dad says softly. Dad takes Marty off to his study. Beau's grinning. "He came right after me when he worked it out" Beau says proudly. I smile. I do remember that moment. Mom had been dead for a little over a year. And I knew when Dad went to Beau. He knew Beau had loved him, and kept silent. Beau wept when Dad begged him to be his. Dad worried how we'd accept them not knowing Rory and I had seen them in the garden from our Bedroom windows. Rory and I got together and talked. We were happy for Dad. We loved Beau already and we knew he'd be good to Dad.

Dad was so charmingly romantic. Like Marty did, Dad got on one knee and told Beau how much he'd always loved him, and taking his paw, begged Beau to take him as his mate. Beau was so shocked and recovering quickly took Dad. And I'm suddenly struck by all of the ways Marty is like Dad. I know why Dad accepted Marty as mine again, he did think Marty had paid for his mistakes, but Dad sees in Marty now that after a lot of pain and hardship that he accepted himself and openly declared his love for me. I think it made Dad understand my Horse a lot more.

"Beau, when you talk Dad into something he goes all the way" I say smiling. "He loves me Boy, ya know he does" Beau says hugging me. I kiss Beau. "Good thing, cause I love you too" I say happily. "Ya my Boy too, ya always been, ya used to come sit and talk ta me while I worked, ya always liked me" he says softly. "Beau, I was sad to lose Momma, but it made me really happy when Rory and I saw Dad beg you to take him, and how quickly you took him, you loved Dad so, and you still do" I say. "Ya saw us" he says grinning. "No wonder ya both was all fer us" he says happily.

Nate and Yuri are out now too. Yuri is hugging me. "Katya get Horse back, make Katya happy, tell Brother Katya loved now, he happy too" Yuri says. I hug him. "Dmitri would know, he's got a loving Horse of his own" I say quietly. Yuri smiles. "Want come see Katya soon, Dmitri and Grigori want be friends again with Katya" Yuri says. "I'd love to have them, we'll invite them to dinner as soon as they can come, will you ask them for me, Yuri?" I ask. "Da, Yuri tell Brother to come visit and bring his Horse to meet Katya's Horse" Yuri says. "I want him to, I miss him, Yuri, I want to be friends too, I miss how much fun it was to have him around" I say happily. Yuri kisses me. "Yuri tell, brother be happy, he miss hanging out with Katya too" Yuri says smiling. I'm glad, Dmitri is a bright Bull, and we'd sit and talk for hours, he's so much fun to have around. And he's happy with his Grigori. I just wanted him happy. Grigori is as special of a Horse as Marty is. Bright, charming, sexy and warm. And he loves his Bull so much. (It takes a while, but I manage to talk them into moving in with us. Dmitri did miss hanging with me, and he loves being here with Yuri. Our Russian Bull brothers are so close. Grigori is happy here too, his office is by ours and he rides in with us. And he loves our big house, and the pool. Edward speaks Russian as I do, and he'll cook Russian food. Makes our house Russians happy when he does. Marty and I sleep with them a lot. Dmitri's still hot for my ass, and Marty's hot for Grigori's. It's hot watching them fuck. Two big beautiful Clydesdales in heat for each other.)

"So where is he?" Nate asks. "He's talking to Dad" I say. "Is that Bad?" Nate asks. "No, Dad's fine with us being back together, when he told Marty, Marty got overwhelmed, he thought Dad would fight this" I say quietly. "Rory was pretty pissed when he left" Nigel says. "He hasn't come back?" I ask. "No, Liebchen, he hasn't yet" Horst says. I wonder, he was so looking forward to being home tonight with his Grizzly.

I call Rory. "Claude, I'm kind of stuck here, Teddy's relief never showed and he's stuck here and so am I" Rory says. "Can we help?" I ask. "No, babe, it's your first night back with Marty" he says sadly. Nigel's smiling. "We'll all go" he mouths to me. I nod.

Rory and I talk. He's calmed down a lot now. Marty comes back out with Dad. I hang up. "Marty, Teddy's stuck at his bar, so is Rory, can we all go, it'll help him accept us and we'll still be together and we'll fuck like we always do when we get home" I say softly. Dad grins. "So a family party at the Bear Den?" he asks me. I nod. Everyone nods. I go tell Edward. He's laughing. "I get to spend the time with my Bull, after I feed Sam and Oscar when they come home" Edward says. "I'll call them" I say. And I call Sam. He's happy for me. My Cuban Bull does love me and wants me happy.

I tell him what happened and that we're all heading out to the Bear Den to keep Rory company. "We'll come too" Sam says. "I wanna meet this Horse of yours" he says firmly. "I'll call and order pizza when we get there cause I know my Bull will be hungry" I say softly. Sam laughs. "He's still gonna let you tend me" he says happily. "No one could stop me from doing it, Sam, and I'll cater to him the same way" I say softly. Sam laughs. "We'll see you there in a bit" he says. "Him and Oscar are coming too, go spend time with Manuel, Edward, you've earned it" I tell him. He kisses me. And he goes off. Marty walks in. "We'll go get dressed, Baby Kitty" he says kissing me. "We have time, if my Horse wants a quicky before we get dressed" I say softly. "I love my Lion" he says taking me into his arms. He carries me to our room.

We strip and kiss and he runs his hands all over me. He knows it gets me hot. I lay on my back and Marty gets on top of me. He shoves his big ole Horse Cock up me. "I love how easily you take me" he murrs. We kiss and he's moving quickly and deeply in me. I know he's going for it. I wrap my body around his, and he grins at me. "I always loved that, you cling to me like you'll never let me go" he says. "I won't let you go, ever again, I..." I say and I weep. "No, Baby, don't cry, we're together for good now" Marty says. He's still moving in me. He kisses me repeatedly. I'm happy again. "I love you, Claude, we'll be together for always" he says quietly. I moan as I get back into feeling him fuck me.

I yowl and cum on him. And he tongue kisses me. And I feel his body tensing on top of me. I can feel his Horse Cock throbbing in me, and I feel the head flare and him dumping a bucketload of foals up me. He's biting his hand so he doesn't whinny. "Don't have to do that, these rooms are fairly soundproof and we all make a lot of noise fucking" I say. He grins. "I kind of got used to that in the Dorm" he says smiling at me. I lean up and kiss him. He slips out of me and I gush his cum out onto the bed and the carpet. He grins.

"Go shower" he says "I'll shower after you, cause if we go in together, we'll fuck all night" he says happily. I kiss him and I run shower quickly. I come out and dress while he goes in to shower. He's so happy now. He dresses. He's wearing tight jeans and a tight t shirt and hoof sandals. I'm wearing pretty much the same. "You look hot, Big Stud Horse"I say softly. He grins. "I hadn't thought to go out on our first night, but I understand why, Baby Kitten" he says taking me into his arms and kissing me. "I'm sorry, Marty" I say quietly "No, Baby Kitten, it's not a problem, you're mine forever now, we'll spend the night fucking when we get home" he says kissing me.

We go out to the living room. Nigel and Horst ride with us. Yuri and Nate ride with Dad and Beau. Sam and Oscar will meet us there. I drive us to the Bear Den. Horst is talking with Marty and Nigel's just relaxing. We park and go in. Dad's car is right behind us, so we wait for them. And we all go in together. I run up and hug Rory. "You didn't have to come" he says happily. "Yes we did" Marty says quietly. Rory hugs him. "You're family" Marty says quietly. They hug tighter. Marty knows me and he knew I'd do it to calm Rory down. We all get a table and we sit. Marty gets a beer and I get my usual Diet Coke. "Still can't drink, Baby?" he asks me laughing. "No he can't" Nigel says. "Claude took his first drink with me, he was one sick little Kitten" Marty says stroking my mane. I blush. (Sometimes it's hard to believe we only had 8 months together, we did so much in that time.)

"I would ask if it would not be intrusive?" Horst asks. I look at Horst cautiously. My mentor is so blunt and straightforward. It's his German soul coming out. So God only knows what he's about to ask us. "Was he your first, Claude, did he take your virginity?" Horst asks. Nigel grins. He knows Marty did, and he's got an idea of what's coming. "I did, he was completely unafraid, he wanted me badly and was not scared of my big Horse Cock at all" Marty says proudly. Nigel grins again. Horst looks pensive. "How large is he?" Horst asks me. Beau's grinning now too. Beau's a versatile, and he's obviously wanting to try my Horse out too. "My Big Stud Horse is 24" and it's the usual Horse Cock shape" I say. "Mein Gott" Horst moans. "No wonder you take me so well, Liebchen." he murrs. "How big are you?" Marty asks looking Horst in the eyes. "Horst is 18" and Yuri's only a bit behind him, 17"I say. Yuri's grinning proudly. "Sam's bigger than Yuri, Sam's 20", and its as fat as Marty's" I say. "OK is this a proper conversation to have here in public" Dad says. Nigel laughs. And he goes around the table listing our various dick sizes.

"Beau's not the longest but he's the fattest" I say. He is, our Saber Tooth is fatter than Marty. Beau's Feline dick is 14"long and 6" in circumference. Beau grins proudly. "My loyal little cub" he says stroking my arm. Sam walks up. Oscar's at the bar getting drinks for them. "Comparing sizes" I say. Sam grins, he's very proud of that big Bull dick of his. "Horst started it by asking how big a Horse Cock Marty had" I say smiling. I look at Sam. I remember my promise to him so I call and order ten pizzas. It's easy as we all like the loaded, kitchen sink kind of pizzas.

I go tell Teddy I have them coming. He kisses me. "One big beautiful Horse you got there, I hope you'll share" he says. I kiss him. "I will, I love you, Brother in law, I wanna see you wriggling around while impaled on that big, fat Horse Cock of Marty's. " I tease him. "Claude, I'm sorry I was such a bastard, I didn't want to see him hurt you again" Rory says putting his paw on my shoulder. "I can understand, Rory, I'd be just as harsh if I thought Teddy might hurt you, but Marty won't anymore than Teddy could" I say. Teddy grins.

"You were always in my corner, Big Kitty, you were so happy and accepting and you went with us to talk to your Dad" Teddy says. Rory smiles. "I just didn't want to see you hurt, but he obviously wanted to see you, and I think he wanted you back, and it happened, just be happy and be good to him too" Rory says. "I saw the report Dad got on him, he has been through Hell, Claude, and he's happy now" Rory says. "You, of all animals know me, Bro, you know I'll spoil him as much as he'll let me" I say quietly. "I know, he's proud though, he's happy to be the Head Coach and he'll make decent money now" Rory says softly. "I know, Rory, I had it hard and he had it worse, I'll do anything to make him happy now" I say quietly. "I know you will, Bro, he deserves it too" Rory says softly. I hug him.

"I just never want to see that look on your face anymore, Claude, you look so shattered when they leave you, I know you and Jorge and Dmitri made up and you do care for them, but I can't watch you get your heart broken anymore" Rory says. "I'd rather not see that either" I say softly. He hugs me tightly. "I love you, Claude, I do hope you'll never be hurt again" he says. "I love you, Rory, I'm sorry, I know you hurt for me, it was so hard on you, and you were always so loving to me when it did" I tell him.

I walk back to the table. Marty pulls me into his lap. I love how much bigger than me he is. I love to be held like this. My Horse loves his Lion so. We kiss a bit. And I hear my name called. I look over. Dr Micheals and a cute younger Fox. I wave them over. I hug him. "Dr Micheals, I can't thank you enough" I say softly. "Now, Claude, you can call me Morris, and this beautiful little Fox is my Jamie" he says smiling. "Won't you join us?" Dad asks. They pull chairs up to the table. Marty hugs him. "I knew you wanted us together, I think I know why now" I say grinning at him. He nods. "I did, I'd heard the story, and I saw he still loved you Claude, I had to do it, and he was so insistent on finding a way to see if you and your family would be upset, it kind of fell right into place" Morris says grinning. I can see it in his eyes, he's happy that we got back together. Jamie and Nigel are talking. Seems that Jamie is English too.

Teddy waves to me. The pizzas are here and I go pay for them. I leave two with him and Rory and I bring the others to our table. "Please eat with us Dr Micheals?" Dad asks. Jamie leans over and whispers a question. I grin. "Dad, Jamie wanted to know if you're a top and if you like Foxes" I say happily. Jamie blushes and nods. Dad laughs. "Yes to both, little Jamie" Dad says happily. Beau grins. "I'll get ya Goat if ya take my Lion" Beau says. "I'd like that" Morris says. (We all hit it off, they won't move in but they spend a lot of time at our house, and Jamie stays with us when Morris has to go out of town. He goes to some games and some conventions as well. Jamie and I keep each other company when our mates are gone. But Jamie's got a decided preference for being under Dad. I'll usually sleep with Beau or Horst at those times. But he and I and Nigel and Nate hang out a lot together. Jamie's a good Fox and he really loves his Morris. I'm glad to see them so much in love. Morris is quite a Goat and he's gotten close to Marty too.)

We have a great time. Rory comes over in a bit. And sits with us. He and Marty talk quite a bit. So does Horst. He's interested in getting to know my Horse. We're having a lot of fun tonight. Even Teddy is happy. He loves his bar and to have us all here makes him happy too. He knows Rory wants to be with him as much as possible and it makes Rory happier when we're here with him. Teddy loves having his family around him too.

Jamie is sitting in Dad's lap now and they're necking. Beau and Morris are kissing too. I smile. Nigel and Horst are talking to a big Timber Wolf. I know him, he's a versatile and he's a great fuck. He's the last guy I fucked., well by that I mean shoved my Feline dick up him. He's great on the top and the bottom. And I remember telling Nigel about how good Paul is.

Nate is talking to a friend of his. And I can hear them. His friend is a Bobcat, a cute one. And he's wanting to play with Yuri. His friend's mate I know. He waves me over. I go talk to him. He's a hot big St Bernard top. He's an amazing Canine lover. He wants to know if his Jimmy plays with Yuri if Nate might take him too. I smile. I go whisper to Nate. "Seriously?" he asks. "He's great, ask Jimmy" I say. "I think he is, but I'm kind of biased, he's my mate" Jimmy says laughing. "I had him, and I'm not mated to him, but he's hot for Felines, and he's a great lover, Jimmy's very lucky" I say. "I'm gonna go see if I can get lucky, I know Yuri wants you Jimmy, just ask him" Nate says laughing. And he goes to talk to Matt. "Looks like there's gonna a be a lot of fucking going on at our house tonight" Marty says nuzzling me. "We would be anyway, and you won't have to worry about making too much noise" I say kissing him.

Teddy's standing next to us. "Claude?" he asks. And he whispers in my ear. I smile. "Ask him, I don't mind" I say. "Cover for me" he asks. I nod. Teddy whispers in Marty's ear. "You don't mind?" Marty asks. "I know my Big Stud Horse will have more than enough for me later, and he is your Brother in law" I say. "I love my Baby Lion" Marty says kissing me. And he stands up and walks off with Teddy. Rory's talking to a friend as I walk behind the bar. I lean against the bar and watch my family. Marty was right, there will be a lot of fucking tonight. A lot of sharing of partners too. And I smile when I see Sam and Oscar talking to Dusty Rhodes. He's a big Black coated Texas Long Horn Bull. we dated til he bonded his White Bengal. And they're talking to Sam and Oscar and I can see they'll bring them home. Mason, Dusty's mate loves big Bulls as much as I do. Lucky White Bengal is going to get seriously 'Bulled' tonight.

I see several guys here I know, and have had. But I really do only want my Marty tonight. I know he's off fucking Teddy. But I don't care, he's mine for good, and I make him so hot, he's always wanting me. Rory sits across the bar from me. "Where's Teddy?" he asks. "He wanted Marty so they went off to the back room, and I told Teddy I'd watch the bar" I say. Rory laughs. "He loves that, he can trust you, you don't drink, and you know how to mix drinks" Rory says. I smile. "I love him and want him happy, Rory, he makes you so happy and he's a good Grizzly" I say. "I'm going to go watch them" Rory says and he walks off.

I am surprised to feel a pair of hands on my butt. I turn quickly. Morris is rubbing his hands on my ass cheeks. "We're going home with your Dad and his Saber Tooth soon, but I wanted you first, I know Marty's off with that Grizzly" Morris says."He won't care" I say softly. "I know, he told me I could have you" Morris says softly. I smile. "He wants to thank me for getting you two back together" Morris murrs. "I"d be glad to, I'd let you fuck me even if you hadn't of done that" I say smiling. "You're a hot Goat, Morris" I say softly. "All you'd ever had to do is ask me and I'd let you fuck me" I say smiling. He grins at me.

Morris is a hot Goat. My height and a bit softer and stockier than me. His fur is Deep Gray, and his curved horns are Charcoal Gray. And they curl over his head in a kind of a V shape and then curve back in front his ears. His eyes are Green, and sexy. His little goatee has a bit of light Gray in it. And he's got a nice body. Stocky, and well muscled with a bit of a pot belly. A jock softening a bit as he got older. A soft, gentle, and sexy voice. He's stroking my ass, and doing it soft and gentle like. I purr. "I'd let you fuck me anytime" I say quietly. He's pulling at the back of my jeans. "How about right here, Baby" he murrs in my ear. "Like fucking in public?" I ask. "Never done it before, have you?" he asks. 'Yeah, and it usually starts 'a party' around here" I say. "I just want you, and I want you now" he murrs. I lift my tail and he slips my jeans down. I've learned from Teddy to lean on the corner of the bar as I can still see if anyone comes up and they can't see me very well. I spread my legs a bit more, and brace myself on the bar.

And I'm surprised and fighting the urge to yowl. Morris has a really fat Goat dick. He's thicker than Beau even. Average length but Damn it's fat. And just moving slowly in me, he's really lighting me up. "I've wanted you for a while now, I saw you here one night, and I've been hot for you ever since" he murrs in my ear. He's a good fuck, he's slow and gentle but that dick, feels like it's pulling my guts out on his back strokes. "You're very tight, Claude, and you take that huge Horse Cock" Morris says quietly. I lean back and kiss him. He kisses me back, full tongue and hotly. "You seem to want me" Morris moans. "I do, I wouldn't let you if I didn't want it" I say softly. "Jamie's a lucky Fox, you're really good" I purr. Morris blushes. He's nuzzling the back of my neck now. "I wanna cum, can I, will you take it?" he asks. "I will, fill me Morris, I'd love to take you again when we can lay down and take our time" I say softly. He's grunting now. He bites down on my shoulder and I feel his cum gushing up me. He cums just as much as Marty does. He's panting hard now. I feel his thick cum running out around that fat dick. He's happy now.

He's still rock hard and he hasn't pulled out. "Take me again?" I ask. He grins. And he starts up again, but he's fucking me just a little bit harder this time. "It's amazing, you're so hot and tight and snug" Morris moans. "I'd want you again" I say. He grins. "I'm an old Goat, and I'm happy with my Jamie, but I'd fuck you anywhere at anytime, Claude" Morris pants. He's throbbing and I can feel him swelling in me. "Gonna cum, Claude" he moans. He nips my shoulder again. And I feel him filling me up again. He's panting harder now. I kiss him. "Claude, thanks, I've wanted you, and I have wanted to fuck someone in public, it's why I came so quickly" he pants. I nuzzle him. "I owe you so much, Morris, and you're a great Goat anyway, and an amazing lover" I tell him. He grins. "I had to help you two get together" he says. "Ah, a romantic Goat I see" I say. He kisses me. "You two were torn apart, and you belong together, anyone seeing the two of you together would know that" Morris says grinning. "I"m glad for one other thing, Morris" I say. "What, Claude?" he asks. "In bringing us back together I got to meet you" I say nuzzling him. He grins deeply. He pulls out and I gush a huge puddle of Goat sperm onto the floor. He turns me around and he deep kisses me.

"Beau's got a lot to look forward to tonight" I say smiling."He's a hot big, Saber Tooth" Morris says. "Felines like you two make me hot, Claude" he says. "I'll take you, just ask me" I say kissing him. Morris grins. He pulls his pants up, kisses me again, and walks off. I pull my jeans back up. Teddy walks back out. He kisses me. "He's an amazing Horse, Claude" Teddy says smiling. "I know, and I'm glad he showed you a good time" I say.

Teddy looks down. He's noted the puddle of cum. "Who fucked you?" he asks. I point at Morris who's just sat down by Beau with his back to us. "I've seen him here a lot of late, he's been hot for you?" Teddy asks. I nod. "Was he good?" Teddy asks me. "Morris is amazing, a big, and really fat Goat dick, a slow and gentle fuck but a good one" I say. "He's a hot older Goat" Teddy says smiling. "He is, and he's the one who got us back together, he knew if he brought me to Marty, we'd rekindle our love for each other" I say Teddy laughs. "He sure loves you, he was talking to Rory while fucking me, and he was hot for me, but he kept telling Rory how much he'd missed you and how hard he'd try to keep you happy" Teddy says smiling.

"Claude, is Rory right, did Marty take your cherry?" Teddy asks. "He did, Teddy, slowly, gently, and with a lot of lube and time and patience" I say softly. "That is one big Horse Cock, no wonder you're such a good bottom now" Teddy says smiling. "I wonder where they are?" I ask. "Marty is giving his ass to Rory, he wants to thank Rory for accepting him" Teddy says. I smile. "I was the first to take Marty's ass and he'd never fucked a guy before me, only had his wife before me" I say. "So you took each other's cherries?" Teddy asks. "We did, he was meant for me, as I was meant for him, he was the first ass I took" I say shyly. Teddy kisses me. "You're a lucky Lion, he adores you, and you were meant to be together, you both endured the 8 years separation" Teddy says. "Teddy, you know my history, I'll talk it out with Jonas, but I think I took the guys I did knowing they weren't meant for me, I didn't have my heart to give them, it was Marty's always" I say quietly.

"Claude, he was crying and he told Rory, he had liked his wife, but that he knew he had really only loved you" Teddy says softly. "I think those two are going to become good friends, Claude, Marty opens up to him and I'm surprised at how Rory does too" Teddy says. "He's a lot like Dad, as is Rory" I say softly. Teddy nods. "He's quite a Horse, he loves you as much as my Rory loves me, he'll keep you happy now, Claude" Teddy says. "I'm so glad Rory had the good sense to fall in love with you, Teddy" I say kissing him. He grins. "You just like it when I fuck you" he says laughing. "I think I'll have to make sure I get ahold of Morris soon, I"m kind of stuck in bottom mode" Teddy says. "He's an amazing Goat" I say smiling. "He put a happy look on your face" Teddy says. "That was two loads, he got hot fucking me in public" I say smiling. "Hmm....gonna see if I can get him to fuck me here too" Teddy says. I kiss him and I go get the mop and I clean up the Goat cum on the floor. Teddy laughs. "Sure can tell you were raised by Edward" he says laughing. I grin. I was, I can't help myself.

Marty trots out from the back room. He kisses me. "I had Morris, had to thank him for getting us together" I say kissing my Horse. "He's an amazing Goat" I say smiling. Marty smiles. "You're always so quick to tell your Horse Daddy when you play" he says nuzzling me. "I don't want to keep you from playing, and you always said you just wanted to know when and who" I say blushing a bit. He grins. "My honest little Lion, he's my Lion again" he says happily. He whispers to me. "I know, Teddy told me, Baby" I say happily. He blushes. He's always been a bit shy about letting others know he's let someone fuck him. He's done it only a few times, mostly with me. He told me so early. "I care about Rory, he calmed down and he thinks I'll make you happy, I think he's a good Lion, and I think we'll become good friends too" Marty says. Teddy grins at me.

"You were so gentle with that massive Horse Cock, though it's amazing that Claude took you as his first" Teddy says. "Why does everyone have so much trouble with that idea?" I snort as I stomp my right foot paw. Marty laughs. "Claude, some experienced bottoms haven't been able to take me at all, Teddy was great though, he took me right off" Marty says proudly. Teddy grins. "Rory says he's as good as I am" I say smiling. "I'd say he's damned close, but I just got my Lion back and I'm too much in love to be fair to Teddy" Marty says smiling. Teddy laughs.

"Teddy, I don't mind if you ride my Horse when he wants you" I say quietly. Marty pulls me off. "Rory said he fucks you too, and you fuck Jim as well" he says in an inquisitive tone. "I do, Rory was great to me when you were yanked away, he kept me with him at night, he and Beau, they'd comfort me and keep me from being horny" I say quietly. "I see, no wonder he was so critical of me at first" Marty says. "No, he only didn't want me to be hurt, Horse Daddy, he loves me" I say. Marty looks at me carefully.

"Do you love him, more than me?" he asks point blank. "I love Sam and Dad and Beau and Rory and Horst, none of them anywhere near how much I love you, Marty" I say firmly. "My honest little Lion, that much hasn't changed, just ask you point blank and you tell me the truth, I've always loved that about you, Claude" Marty says nuzzling me. "I loved fucking Teddy, he's a hot and tight Grizzly, and Rory was a great top, but I love only you, Claude." Marty says. "I know, I'm not ever going to lose you, and this time I'll fight for you if it even remotely looks like I might" I snort. Marty pulls me tightly to him.

"I can't lose you again, Claude, it'd kill me this time" he says quietly. "Your Lion isn't going anywhere, Marty, I need you, I can't live without you either" I tell him as earnestly as I can. "Claude, I'm glad we can just talk about it" Marty says softly. I nod. "I always loved that about you Marty, you were just as honest as I am" I say. "I only lied to myself, Claude, I loved you so much, but I thought I still wanted to be a straight married family Horse" Marty says softly. "I think you might need to talk to Jonas too" I say quietly. He nods. "I'll call him tomorrow and we can get you set up, I can see the pain in your eyes when you talk about that, and I can't bear to see my Marty hurt so much" I say kissing him.. "You do love me so much" he says smiling.

"Marty, I look at you, and I have no words for how much I love you, and how grateful I am to have gotten you back as mine" I say softly. Marty grins at me. "I know, I could never dream I could be this happy now." he says. "I got you back, and I think you love me even more now than you did then," he says. "I probably do, I had to live without you for so long, and I know now, I can't anymore, I'd die if you weren't with me" I say softly. Marty nuzzles me.

Nigel walks over to me. "They'll take us home in a bit, Claude, Horst thought I should come tell you so you could go home and spend the night with your Marty" Nigel says. "I love that Bear, I'm so glad he loves you and you love him so much" I say kissing Nigel. "He wanted you to go home. Rory's happy and he and Teddy have a guy wanting to come home with them when Teddy closes the bar, so looks like we'll all be busy" he says smiling. Marty kisses Nigel. I run and kiss Horst. "Mein Claude, he loves you, it's so obvious to watch you two together" he says kissing me. "Thank you, Meister Horst, I love you,' I say. "Go take him home, Liebchen, get a start on the night". Horst says. I kiss him again. I go kiss Dad and Beau. And Sam and Oscar.

I run back to my Horse. Marty hugs me and deep kisses me. He puts his arm around my waist and we walk out. He has my other set of keys. "Drive us if you want to, Daddy Horse" I say. He grins. He opens the car and we get in. I show him the controls quickly. I put our home address into the nav system. He starts the car and we drive off. "I do need a car, Baby Kitten" Marty says quietly. "Whatever my Horse wants" I tell him. "I kind of like this one" he says. I smile. "I have a second car but it's an Audi R8 spyder" I say. "A two seater and very conspicuous I usually only use it when it's nice out and I won't have to put the top up. " I say. "Claude, it was hard for me to ask" he says sadly. "I hope you'll get used to it" I say. "I know what to do, would you take this one and I'll get another car?" I ask. Marty smiles at me. "You do know how to make me feel better about this' he says. "I'd love this, a big Black Mercedes sedan" he says grinning. "It's only six months old" I say. "We'll go tomorrow" I say. He nods.

"Tonight, I'm going to leave you so full of Horse sperm you'll be lucky if I don't leave you with a herd of colts" Marty says hotly. Marty is laughing. "Marty, I'm so very sorry" I say sadly. "What, Baby Kitten?" he asks. "I know you wanted colts and your wife couldn't give them to you, and I can't either" I say softly. "I would, I'd drop as many Colts for my Marty as I could if I had the right parts" I say tearing up. Marty stops the car in a parking lot. "You would, you'd really give me colts if you could, I can see it in your eyes, you're sad because you can't give your Marty what he most wants" he says kissing me. "What your Marty most wants is you, and he knows now he's got you forever" Marty says quietly.

"I love my Daddy Horse more than I can tell him" I say sniffling a bit. Marty smiles at me. "Baby, I know, and I love you so much, but we've got each other now for good" he says smiling. "I'm happy, Marty" I say softly. "Claude, it means the world to me that you'd said you'd give me as many Colts as you could, if you could" Marty says kissing my paw. "Your eyes show me that you meant it, and you never lie, so I know you did, but if you're the only Baby I have, I can be happy" he says. He hugs me tightly and kisses me.

Marty talks to me about how happy he is about his new job. Sacramento State isn't a big Football school but he's fought his way up. It'll be the biggest he's Coached since U of A. "And they know, hell, my boss got us back together and no one will care that I'm a gay Coach with a younger Lion mate" Marty says. "You're so beautiful Claude, I know folks will look at me differently now, this old Horse Jock caught a younger, prettier mate" he says nuzzling me. I smile. "I figure the reverse, they'll look at us, and they say how lucky this Lion is to get such a big, beautiful Jock Horse to love him so much" I say. Marty grins. And he's quiet for a bit.

"Claude, I was so proud of you back then, it hurt knowing what would happen if they knew we were together, and I couldn't tell anyone, and then when she started all of that trouble, I felt shame, not for me but how I had damaged you" he says. I smile. "I fretted over how your life had been ruined just for loving me, I was so guilty, Marty, it was what Jonas worked on with me for the first year I was in therapy" I say quietly. "I can be proud now, everyone will know we're together" he says softly. "I know the feeling" I say quietly.

I put my paw on his shoulder for the rest of the drive home. And we're silent. He parks and we go in. He pulls me to him and deep kisses me. We go into our room.

And he strips me quickly, and pulls off his own clothes. He pushes me to my knees on the floor and gets behind me. He shoves his fat Horse Cock up me to his balls. And he leans down and lays on my back. I moan as he fucks me so slowly, pulling out all of the way and shoving back in. But so slowly I'm about to lose my mind. He'd do that. He knew it'd make me hotter for him to really bang me hard. He's moving deep but slow.

He'll slow fuck me for an hour and then he speeds up. "Gonna pound you now" he growls and he's thrusting hard and fast. My ass is actually bouncing off of the bed. He nuzzles my neck. And He's pulling out all of the way and shoving it back in hard and fast. I yowl and cuss and vocalize as he bangs me hard. He throws his head back and whinnies loudly. I feel his cock head flaring and his balls pump his usual gallon of Horse sperm up me. Panting hard he kisses me and starts to fuck me again.

"Gonna keep going until I can't anymore" he moans. And he does.

Six more orgasms and he's sloshing inside of me still. He's moving slowly now. I have cum so much on his belly. And between that and the cum leaking out of me around his huge Horse Cock we're quite a mess.

We fall asleep with him on top of me. We're kind of a sticky mess when we wake up.

Marty carries me to the shower and we shower each other and scrub our cum off.

All told a great way to start my life with the Horse of my dreams. My predestined life mate.

And he is. Edward was right. After 40 years together, my Marty passes on, holding my paw, and reminding me that I was the only one he'd ever loved. I was sad and I missed him so much. But the love he gave me was enough to sustain me until it was time to go join my Clydesdale in the afterlife. It was hard to wait. But it wasn't the first time I had to wait until I could be reunited with my Marty, and I could cope. One Winter night, I just went to sleep and never woke up. Peacefully passing on in my sleep. 5 years after his death separated us, we were together again. And this time it is forever. Marty was waiting to welcome me on the other side. He was so happy to have me back again.. And I was too as I know it's forever for real. . And we'll be happy forever and we'll never be apart again.

Marty Collins 1

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Bull 'Dozer'

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Terry and the Bear Orgy

My name is Dr Terry Grayson and I am a Hybrid Bear, the son of a Polar Bear dad and a Grizzly Bear mom. My brothers and sister are all either Polar Bears or Grizzly Bears. I am what's called a Grolar Bear. Although that is not the only way I am an...

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