Gotta Blow

Story by Varien Quill on SoFurry

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Commission for anonymous client. A quick story about peculiar encounter with Tigger and Eeyore and desires of our feline friend. While he, as always, try to cheer up the donkey a bit, he discovers a secret about him.

Still accepting commissions though Pay What You Want deal.

One Hundred Acre Forest was always a magnificent place, filled with curious, distinctly different creatures, living their daily adventures, or just lazing about and enjoying doing "nothing", one of best exercises taught by Christopher Robin himself. And as daily routine went, if they could call it like that, each of the forest residents were busy with their antics. Seeing how quirky those stuffed animals were, they were kind of predictable, in a way. Their characteristics remained mostly unchanged, so one could be sure how each of them would react to anything new.

The sun gave its lukewarm light, while already hanging up high in the sky, telling everyone that's it was past noon, perfect time for little something to eat, although any time could be found suitable, especially for rounded, yellow bear. Other were not obsessed with snacks, just like Tigger, who surprised no one, pranced carelessly past the trees, scattering leaves around.

Orange and black feline clearly enjoyed the bouncing, filled with adrenaline which kept him going for hours. His energy was truly remarkable to others, like he had massive batteries hidden somewhere in his body, which wouldn't be that surprising, considering what they were made of, after all things considered.

Bouncy tiger was so focused on his little adventure, he almost had no time to wave back at the other friends, like something else was keeping him busy. Nobody knew that he had a lot on his mind, the desires that no one knew about. He never fulfilled them, but anything could change any moment. And this opportunity could come any second.

At the well, he noticed a gray, sad creature sprawled on the ground next to the stones. It was Eeyore, as always, under the crushing weight of self loathing. Maybe this time will be different, and Tigger will finally cheer up his friend? Everyone in the forest would love to see that donkey smile, even the smallest one.

The floppy eared fellow raised his head, noticing an orange and black blur hopping between the trees, before letting out a loud sigh. He could never be even as half energetic as his feline friend. Did he consider him as one? Donkey thought about himself as a burden to everyone around, since he never smiled. But they remained close to him, all these long years. Why was that?

Plushy tiger suddenly landed on all fours, right next to him, before standing up and raising front paws high, like he wanted to hug him.

  • Hi, Eeyore! Great day, isn't it? - even when talking, he was full of enthusiasm.

  • Hi, Tigger... - he sighed - good to see you, I guess.

  • It is good! Why not raise your behind and give a nice, long trot through the plains? That would definitely cheer you up!

  • I don't think so. My legs would be sore. I prefer just lying here, next to cold stones of the well. Unbothered and remaining still. For eons...

His words were truly morbid for Tigger's ears. Seeing that Eeyore's tail dropped on the ground for probably the thousandth time, he quickly picked it up and stuck it back into its place. But while doing it, the aromatic scent overwhelmed his nostrils. Why didn't he notice it before? Probably after long days of lust filled thoughts, he finally snapped, now knowing what he wants.

No creature could produce that giant amount of musk, like this donkey. It filled the air around, hypnotising the feline friend. He looked below, seeing two massive orbs, just hanging there in a stretched out sack, like it was giving out under their weight inside it. His hand was now dangerously close to those spheres, before the donkey finally spoke out.

  • Uh, Tigger? You're staring. It makes me uncomfortable - he finally said. It was making him uneasy, not because his friend was spending an awfully long time behind him, but how he was strangely interested in what he probably found. Like he was suddenly attractive or something. It was a thought he just couldn't comprehend.

  • It's just... wow! Never thought you're packing down there, friend! No wonder you're always slouching so badly, with such weights between your legs, ha!

Deep blush suddenly covered his face, while trying to hide his balls with a reattached tail, but it was clearly smaller than those fine orbs. But Tigger wasn't there anymore.

Orange feline bounced in front of him, with a strange look on his fuzzy face. He was still smiling, but eyes were darker than usual, like something mischievous invaded his mind. Eeyore didn't like that one bit, slowly stepping backwards. DId he do something wrong? Of course he did, by simply existing. But why did he notice it just now?

Tigger wrapped his soft hands around the back of the donkey's head, pulling him close. The scared friend tried to stand his ground, while hooves scratched the dirt, making small piles while he was moved by the sudden strength of the plushy feline. He knew about his agility and speed, but this?

Finally, the tiger planted a deep kiss on his lips. Not the playful, silly one. Passionate, while sliding his tongue deep into mouth, while trying to tickle the throat too. He didn't even try to be gentle. His hands squeezed the donkey's neck hard, almost suffocating him. With panic in his eyes, donkey tried to pull away and escape, but all for naught. His assaulter was stronger, filled with dark desires. Tigger choked him from inside and outside, with both hands and tongue. Their muffled moans only made him more aroused, while continuing the passionate, uncontrolled kiss.

After a few long moments that felt like hours, Tigger finally broke their struggle. Both took deep breaths, leaving Eeyore speechless for a while.

  • I need you, Eeyore. I always wanted to. - those words flew over the donkey's head. It couldn't be possible that it was said towards him. Maybe there was another Eeyore, more handsome and plainly better than him?

Before he couldn't even react properly, Tigger jumped and kicked him with such powerful legs, knocking him to the ground, lying on his back. They left the donkey in pure shock, not understanding what was happening. Why did his friend act so strangely, like he was possessed by some dark matter?

Tigger stood there, also astonished by what he just did, assaulting his own dear friend. By lust again blinded his eyes, seeing Eeyore in his full, masculine glory. Fat cock stood there proudly, right next to a musky sack covered with sweat. While semi hard. It was still impressive, able to break any creature in this forest. And Tigger wanted it with his whole heart. His gaze followed along the veins, past the middle, wide ring, then at the soft tip with a glistening drop of liquid right on top.

He kneeled before the donkey, now paralyzed with fear and confusion, who only stared at the orange tiger, fulfilling his deep desires. Tigger took a strong whiff of that smell, burying his entire face between those hefty balls, while one of hands wrapped around the slowly hardening base of the fat cock. He extended long tongue, the same which assaulted the donkey's throat just moments ago, before giving his sweaty gonads a taste. Long moan escaped his lips, after feeling what he desired for so long, without even knowing the key to his heart.

Plush tiger sucked deeply each of the balls at one time, cleansing them, while vibrations caused by his constant moaning and purring only added to the pleasure that Eeyore never felt before. It was so shocking, he couldn't tell the difference if it was good for him or otherwise. He stopped trying to resist, only waiting for Tigger to finish. And he barely started yet.

Tiger pulled on the sack with his mouth, stretching the sack painfully, forcing the friend to moan, which ended up as symphony to his little ears. It was what he truly wanted to hear all this time.

While leaving those orbs alone for now, he saw the towering rod of flesh before him, while his eyes widened. So tall, it cast a shadow in a peculiar shape, but he didn't care about that silliness. Only him and that shaft, already dripping sweet fluids out of the cock hole.

While sitting on Eeyore's sprawled legs, he wrapped the soft hands around that girth, barely covering it. He could feel each throb under his palms, strangely close to Tigger's own pulse, finally noticing how pent up and full of energy, even more than usual. Not discouraged by the size, he started roughly rubbing the shaft up and down, from the middle ring to the sheath. Still not fully satisfied with its hardness, wanted to see this rod's full potential. Panting heavily, could only think about his own pleasure, forgetting about Eeyore briefly, focused on his gifted body.

Knowing that he would regret this, his head approached the flared tip of the massive cock, not thinking about potential consequences. Future Tigger will have this problem, not him after all. While dislocating the jaw, he finally took half of that fleshy club down the throat, not caring about gagging or even asphyxiation.

His tongue runs around the veins and flesh, taking his cock past the thick, peculiar ring, while roughly massaging his soft and sensitive orbs with free hand. Tigger loved a challenge, so he tried his best to take it completely, while his own dick already leaked heavy drops of pre-cum. Eeyore's eyes widened in pure shock, seeing that this madman did it, taking a full sweaty cock inside him, seeing a huge outline on his throat and chest. Did... did his seams bursted out a little?

Not able to say for sure, he couldn't stop Tigger from more pleasure. After pulling out that massive shaft and gasping for air, a strange glimpse appeared in his eyes. It wasn't over yet.

Using his impressively bouncy tail, he suddenly jumped on Eeyore's lower belly, using his agility to land directly on the tip, letting it enter his hole right under the striped tail. It stretched painfully, but still he moaned happily, ignoring all the discomfort. Here and now was what was important, even at the ultimate price.

Not even looking into his eyes, Tigger jumped up and down that rod, seeing for himself the swiftly growing outline destroying him from the inside. He covered Eeyore's belly with more fluids out of his less impressive, but rock hard cock, getting closer to his massive climax, which he imagined would be the biggest yet. And he had to achieve it.

Floppy-eared friend couldn't contain his moans, feeling something building up within him, like he was going to blow up from the inside, but none of his words could escape the wide open muzzle. Only strange noises that Tigger took as sounds of pleasure.

He didn't care that something strange started happening. While getting loose, it wasn't because of donkey's fluids or lube that they didn't use after all. Long, thin threads started sticking out of his seams while trying to get the hilt of that giant cock deep inside his ass. And he got more than he wished for.

Not able to hold these newfound feelings any longer, Eeyore released all that built up yizz, while his vision blurred, never having such massive and emotional orgasm before. The outline on Tigger's belly and chest grew, expanding to the throat and rest of his feeble body. While gagging for a longer while, he suddenly vomited out plentiful amounts of thick cum, right onto its righteous owner. His whole body trembled, while seam after seam started bursting more profoundly, with wet plush sticking out of the holes. Tigger didn't stop this blissful agone, still jumping up and down Eeyore's dick, who tried to pull it out and save his friend. With each immense throb of that meat, he continued shooting his precious semen, filling the tiger which bursted out of the holes along with plushy insides.

With a final shake, Tigger's now lifeless body bounced away from Eeyore's still trembling, orgasming body. Now surrounded with donkey's seed and soaked plush, the blissful emotion froze on his face. That was his last positive feeling.

Eeyore had no words for what just happened. He finally collapsed next to his friend, who got the ultimate gift of donkey's love.

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