Returning the Favor :part 1
"I only have one mile left to go." Bunny thought to himself as he jogged down the street. He had his Dr. Dre head phones on and he was listening to Benny Benassi. He quickened his pace after running around a corner. Bunny noticed someone sitting on the...
Professor Krent in the cloak cupboard with a lead pipe
I've always hated these events, these benefit balls. The people attending are one of three people. Old money out to give the appearance of caring while not actually doing so, young money out to impress and be seen and people moved by the cause and who...
Amelie's Stallion
The horse whinnied and neighed, and then suddenly he froze and immediately she dived back onto him, letting his huge cock slide into her mouth and down into its rightful position in her throat.
Another Way of Revenge
The giant penis. "ooooh...." k. lumsy moved to it slowly, not sure if it was just a magic trick or the real deal. but once he poked it and it twitched, he murred at his discovery.
Big Buff Bandicoots
It was a clear sunny day on the tropical island that Crash Bandicoot called his home. It was a quiet moment of peace, with an entire day ahead of him. Maybe some crates to smash. But aside from that, the day was his to do what he wanted. And right now,...
Corruption Story: Bedeviled? Bedemoned? Does it Matter?
Bedeviled? Bedemoned? Does It Matter? for Taiko by Draconicon Some days, Nor thought that the world had something against him. Sure, it never quite got him killed, but there were so many days when he just lost his memory, or got knocked out, or...
4 Scarlett Waters Care
Carrying a decent meal's worth you work your way through the darkness to Scarlett's chamber. As you have, you call out her name before entering. You get no reply and peer in. She is laying where you left her last and a pang of worry runs through you....
Just the tip
The raccoon knocked on the door for the third time, this time hard enough that he could feel the cheap second story veranda underneath him shake a little at the force he was putting into the blows. It was late, it was windy and this was the last...
The Legend of Jenny and Renamon : A Photo Finish Follow-UP
**The Legend of Jenny and Renamon** **A Photo Finish Follow up** **Written by Klesk Vadrigaar** Yellow swirled heavily around a brush, two thick blue fingers tapping restlessly around a thin black handle as they stirred the vibrant mixture. A tense...
The Goof Troop: Peg's Revenge 2
-the goof residence- max huffed as he grabbed his huge dick, stroking it off, his father was deeply asleep having taken sleeping pills to ward off the weeklong insomnia he had suffered.
Breeding Edge- Chapter 1- A Heavy Package
Her body was screaming at her in need of that huge cock being presented to her. "tatanka..." "shhhh... i know you need it."
Returning the favor
Returning the favor this was written by RedWarHusky [link to original story]( "I only have one mile left to go." Bunny thought to himself as he jogged down the street. He has his Dr. Dre head phones...