For You...Anything, I Do

Story by Takoda on SoFurry

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#4 of For You...Anything series

Here is the forth and final part in the "For You...Anything" series. I went back and did some revisions, and extended the yiff scene. Hope you enjoy it! ;)

Thank you all who have been reading my stories! Your input and comments do not go unnoticed, even if I may not respond right away.


This story contains sexually explicit acts of consenting members of the same family. If such things make you uncomfortable, please don't read. Otherwise, enjoy!

"For You...Anything,I Do" story and characters property of Takoda.


My stomach contorted into a tightly wound corkscrew, threatening to escape through my mouth, except that it was lodged tightly within my throat. At least that's what it felt like as I clung to the bathroom sink, trembling with my head hanging over the running faucet. I needed to puke, but no matter how many times I attempted, my twisting stomach allowed no such release. Realization that I'd hoped I wouldn't have to face caught up with me and threw itself upon me, pinning me down until I finally accepted it. Of course it wasn't a sudden truth that, prior to now, I'd had no awareness of, but it was a truth I desperately wished was a misunderstood lie.

Beth is pregnant. She's pregnant because I bred her when she was in heat and cummed inside her...

What had we been thinking?? What had I been thinking?! I knew she was in heat when we first mated - and continued mating, and did I expect this not to happen? Every time I ejaculated into her, what did I think would happen after that? My sperm would just sit there or fall out if she stood up? A barrage of questions consumed my thoughts; questions that had already been given their answer days ago. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!! You're so FUCKING STUPID! Now what are you gonna do smart guy? I splashed the cold water against my face, hoping it was some magic elixir that would awaken me from this nightmare. Instead, the liquid dripped from my fur and left the same, disheveled wolf staring back at me.

I could hear my parents in the living room - the murmured voices from the television reminding me of their daunting presence. Beth was in her room, like she had been a lot lately. Our parents finally figured something was wrong, and upon asking, she simply said that she's just got a stomach virus. They had offered to take her to a doctor, but upon her insistent plea that it wasn't necessary, they finally relented. Despite the fact that two of it's members were in an incestuous relationship... and now one of them was pregnant, our family carried on like it always had. Every night at the dinner table, our parents would ask about Beth's school day and how my job was going. We'd give them the same cliché responses while trying to act nonchalant.

Based upon the first time we mated, I figured Beth to be around five weeks pregnant. She wasn't showing it physically yet, but everything else about her was. She was tired a lot and more irritable, and craving weird food combinations that she previously disliked. There were a couple nights when, after our parents were asleep, she'd sneak into my room and sit with me on the bed. I'd embrace her in my arms and gently rock back and forth while she cried into my shoulder. Judging from the way things had felt for me, she must have been absolutely horrified. We'd rock back and forth in the darkness, until eventually her sobs would subside and she'd fall asleep in my arms. I would delicately pick her up and carry her back to her own bed and tuck her in, seeing her face matted in soaked fur.

There was that tiny voice inside which told me to pack up my stuff and leave town. After all, I did have a pretty good sum of money saved up. I could find an apartment and get another job somewhere else. That voice though was a mere whisper compared to the resonating truth booming in my heart with every beat. Beth was my heart. At least, I had given it to her. There was absolutely no way I could abandon her, or let her face this alone. I love her and I needed to face the consequences of my actions. I would be there for her - with the birth of our pup and in being the good father I know I should be. I would be by her side through everything she went through for the rest of her life. We'd go through it all together.

Decision firmly established, the next step was to break the news to our parents. They were usually very loving and understanding, sure, but nothing like this has ever happened and I'm pretty confident the love and sympathy would fly right out the window! I didn't know exactly how they would react, but I knew it would include a crossfire of profanity and harsh sentiment directed at both Beth and myself. I'm sure I would receive the brunt force of it though, since I was expected to be the more mature and responsible sibling who was supposed to watch out for his younger sister. In my mind, I was going to be the mature and responsible one - I was going to stay with Beth for the rest of my life and raise our family together. There was just one thing I had to do before I broke the news. I had to go talk to her. As collected and calmly as I could be in this situation, I walked down the hall to her closed bedroom door and knocked on it lightly.

"Who is it?" came the soft, muffled voice of my sister.

"Hey Beth, it's Koda." There was a lingering pause, before she responded

"Come in..."

Her room was dark and I could feel the weight of her anguish envelop me as I entered. She was laying on the bed face down, her head resting on a pillow and turned away from me. Even though I knew she heard me enter, she made no movement or recognition of my presence. She was like a zombie - lifeless and desperately clinging to whatever mental sense of security was still residing within the safety of her mattress. I delicately walked around the bed, trying my best not to disturb her in such a fragile state, and sat on the covers next to her. Tear streaks stained the fur of her cheeks and her eyes were staring blankly at the pillow beneath her. It tore me apart to see all the joy and happiness that usually constitutes her demeanor be replaced by the empty, demoralized look of defeat splayed across the face of the girl laying before me.

For a while, I didn't speak. I couldn't find the nerve to. I'd put her in this position and it was because of me that her life would be forever changed. Any chance of a normal teenage existence had been cut short by the life that was now growing inside her womb. The only thing I could muster was to place my hand on her shoulder in a comforting jester, which resulted in her openly sobbing. Tears leaked from my own eyes as I stared at the convulsing figure of my sister, her cheeks once again saturated in a constant stream of falling sorrow. She buried her face into the pillow in an attempt to silence her wailing, lest two inquisitive parents hear and come to investigate.

I rubbed her back and squeezed her shoulders while she cried - feeling so helpless and yet so guilty at the same time. I reassuringly whispered to her that things would be alright, knowing full well that "alright" was a stretch to say the least. After about half an hour of her crying into the soaked cotton, she finally began to quiet and somewhat contain the overflow of emotions. I stroked my fingers through the dark hair on her head and caressed her soaked cheek as she quieted, then uncovered her muzzle from the white mound and laid her head facing me. Her eyes finally looked up at me for the first time since I entered. Instead of seeing the loving, angelic glow that always captivated my soul, I saw two blue irises filled with despair and remorse that made me cringe.

"wha....what are we going to do?" she asked in a voice so full of uncertainty. I brushed a wayward strand of hair from her eye and tucked it behind her ear.

"I'm going to take care of you" placing my hand on her mid section "and our family." Her eyes darted about, searching for some sort of comfort in my words.

"I'm scared...." she said with tear brimmed eyes locked on mine.

"You don't need to be. I'm here now and will always be there for you and our pup. You will never be alone, Bethany. I swear it with all my heart." Her tail lightly thumped against the covers, but quickly fell still once again. Leaning down, I kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear

"Stay here. I'm going to tell mom and dad." which with she shot up into a sitting position.

"NO! You can't!!" A horrified look on her face. Once again, I placed my hand against her cheek and stroked it with my thumb.

"Beth, they're going to figure it out soon enough. I'll handle it, I promise. Do you trust me?" She hesitated before looking into my eyes and nodding her head

"Then stay here while I go and talk to them."

Absolutely horrified myself at what I was about to do, I pulled my hand from her cheek and stood up to leave her sitting on the bed and clinging to the bundled up sheets in her arms. I closed the door behind me and walked toward the living room where my parents were still watching some sappy sitcom. It felt like I was pulling a thousand pound weight behind me as I headed down the hall - each step was labored and difficult to make, especially the closer I got. Finally, I entered the large room and sat on a lazy-fur chair across from my oblivious parents. They sat side by side on the couch, my dad's arm draped loosely over my moms shoulder while they stared at the glowing rectangle hanging on the wall.

Finally noticing my entrance, they both looked over to me and saw the heavy expression hanging from my face. It was my dad who spoke first

"What's up sport? Having some girl trouble again?"

I sat silent with head hanging, then slowly looked toward them, saying "Well, kind of..."

"Listen son, don't let some bitch ruin your life-" my mom playfully slapped him on the chest

"Be nice, Don! He's probably heart broken!" Seeming to take the hint, my father kept silent while my mom continued "It's okay hun, I'm sure you'll meet someone else and the two of you will fall in love."

I looked at her and wanted to cry, but I forced myself to stay composed "Well... that's the thing. I am in love.... and, well" this is where everything changes "well, she's... pregnant."

Both parents sat silent - a blank look on their faces. My mother's face was the first to show sorrow, while my father's remained stoic. "So you got her pregnant..." he reiterated, making sure he'd heard me right.

"Y-yeah" I mumbled, flattening my ears and turning my head down so I wouldn't see their eyes drilling into me.

"And just what were the two of you thinking?" Although his voice was more elevated, he wasn't yelling at me. My mom sat in silence and let my father take the reigns.

"Well.... we... I love her, dad!" Like saying that would make them understand. In a forced state of self-confidence, I looked up again. "I love her."

It was strange. As I sat and had a visual showdown with my parents, their reactions surprised me. My mom still looked disappointed, yet like she was accepting of the news. Like she was almost coming to terms with it. My dad still had the same, emotionless look on his face - like he was digesting my words and mulling them over in his head. After what seemed like forever, he leaned forward, elbows on his knees, and said

"You know she's only seventeen, right?"

Wait... WHAT?! Of all the things to say- of all the words he could've scolded me with, he chose seventeen. Did they......

"What?! Who said anything about her being seventeen!?" I was starting to panic now. There's no way they knew! I got up from the couch and began pacing back and forth - my mind flooding with questions and disbelief. Through my confused and terrified state, I could still hear the words coming from my father's mouth

"Your mother and I expect you to take good care of her..." WHAT! What were they saying! Were they playing some sort of mind game with me??!

I stopped mid-pace and looked at them in confusion and fear. Seeing me standing there, silent and afraid, my mother chimed in

"We know..."

The words stung as they cut through to my heart. I still didn't believe they really knew who I was talking about, but then again, maybe they were being so calm because they were actually about to snap and rip my head off. This was the calm before the storm. Please get it over with! I stood with my hands pressed against my temple, awaiting for them to strike. But the strike never came. Nothing did. We stared at one another in complete silence - their expressions remained those of acknowledging the news I'd broken to them only moments ago. The tension was mounting. Suddenly, the world stopped spinning when I heard

"We know Bethany is pregnant. We know it's yours..."

How did they know?! And why the fuck are they being so calm about it! Why don't they just disown me now and get it over with!

"H-how did yo-" My words were a mere whisper. It was all that could escape from my tightly clenched throat. Any further words were cut short by my mother

"Look, Koda... we have to be honest with you. After we adopted Bethany, well... we kinda always had it in our minds that the two of you would marry one day."

I was dreaming. I knew I was! I was still fast asleep in my bed thinking about this conversation and how I wished it would go. I rubbed at my eyes and drug my hands down my cheeks, hoping to return to reality. My father told me to relax and sit down. Hesitantly and totally confused, I sat back on the chair. I was so conflicted and lost inside, I had no way of telling if this was a dream or really happening. I pinched myself. Definitely happening...

My father spoke this time "It's okay son. Honestly. And what your mother said is true... we adopted Beth with the idea of you two marrying." The words were slowly beginning to permeate through my brain, but I must have not been hearing them correctly.

"What are you saying? That you had someone already arranged for me to marry? Since I was six years old?!"

"Well, it wasn't ever arranged. If the two of you found other mates, we would've been perfectly happy with that. We thought the two of you looked so good together, and as you both grew older, we saw how much you loved one another and how you two were always there for each other."

The words coming from my mother's mouth sounded like some foreign language. Did they really mean what I was hearing? That they'd adopted Beth with the hopes of us... well, doing what we've already been doing? They really wanted us to marry and spend our lives together? They really weren't mad??! I cleared my throat and said

"S-so you're not mad at us?"

Again my mother spoke "No... we're just a bit sad to see this day finally arrive. After all, you're our kids and we still think of you as the little wolf cubs you once were. We knew this day would come... it just came so fast."

Now I was on the offensive side. They knew this whole time?! "So you knew that I would get her pregnant?!"

My father took a turn "Well, we didn't know it would happen yet... but.... why do you think we took a vacation when she was in heat and left the two of you here, alone?"

They had this planned right from the start! "And what if we didn't... you know"

"Like your mother said - if the two of you didn't end up together, we would be perfectly happy with that."

I sat back in silence, staring blankly at my lap and going over what they had just told me. My parents had this all planned from the day they brought her home. They left us alone so we would mate and she'd get pregnant. They let us go through all this distress without telling us!?

"And you guys let us worry and be scared shitless without even saying anything?!" I said in a raised voice. I was angry for them pretending to be ignorant of the whole thing. For letting us go through all these emotions when they simply could've said something. I mean, Beth is in her room completely horrified... for nothing!

"Now calm down son. We didn't know she was pregnant. If we did, we would have told her what we're telling you now. You guys are the ones who kept it hidden from us"

"Yeah, because we were afraid you'd kill us if you knew!"

"It was a decision we didn't want to influence the two of you in making. We wanted it to be your choice." My mother explained.

I huffed in a long, heavy breath of air and slowly let it out, thinking about everything they'd been saying and how it was the exact opposite of what I was expecting. My stomach turned inside, not from fear or panic, but because I didn't know how to react to this profound revelation. I mean, it was the last thing I was expecting to hear from them. I had impregnated my sister... and that had been their wanting all along! The biggest thing that stuck out in my mind from all of it was the fact that Beth and I would be together. Breathing a huge sigh of relief and regaining my composure, I asked "So what now?"

They looked at one another and then to me as my mother said "Well, now we bring your sister out here and tell her what we just told you." "Beth!" she called out "Beth, come here please!"

After several seconds, I heard a door handle click and footsteps grow louder as they neared. I turned and saw Beth standing in the entry way, matted cheeks and a horrified expression on her face as she scanned over the rooms' occupants. I'm sure she didn't know what to make of our emotions - she was probably expecting everyone to be in a heated fit of rage and yelling back and forth. Still, she held her mortified stare as she slowly entered and sat on the couch near my parents, her ears flat against her head and tail tucked between her legs. Both our mom and dad were looking at her, but she stared absently at her lap. With a simple word from my mother "Beth...." she lost it. Hurdling forward, she buried her face in her legs and began weeping.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" she repeated over and over into her legs while she cried.

My mother got up and went over to her, kneeling before her and embracing her as Beth wept. She rubbed her back, saying "shhhh Beth, it's alright! It's okay. We need to tell you something..."

While Beth held her face in her lap, sniffing and crying, my mother went on to explain what they'd just told me - About how they adopted her in the hopes that we'd one day get married. About how they planned the trip to give us alone time and make the decision to mate on our own. About how they weren't mad at our relationship, but hoped for it from the get go. Beth lifted her head and I could see the confused look on her face as she continually glanced back and forth between me and our parents. Her crying had stopped and she was now seated upright - my mother still kneeling before her and soothingly rubbing Beth's arm. She looked at both our parents and asked

"So y-you're not.... mad at me?"

"No Beth, we're not mad at either of you." Dad replied. Her ears perked up a little

"A-and you really mean Koda and I can be together? As a family?" She asked it with a hesitant anticipation, like they may change their minds.

"Yes Bethany, we're saying that we want you and Koda to be together."

She sniffled and wiped at her red eyes, then smiled wide and lunged forward to embrace our mother. "Oh thank you, mom! Thank you so much!" She started crying again, but this time it was from overjoyed excitement and enormous relief. She stood up and hugged our father in the same fashion, crying into his shoulder as she repeatedly thanked him. He rocked her back and forth and rubbed his hands along her back, saying "You're welcome, baby doll. I know you'll be an excellent mom." Through crying eyes, she smiled and laughed with joy before letting him go and running over to me, flying at me and squeezing me tight in our own display of affection.

I couldn't help but start crying as we held one another close. Not only was it a HUGE relief that we weren't in deep shit for what we did, but we were actually encouraged to do it! We would get to be together as we were destined. What we had both felt in our hearts the first time we mated was only confirmed within the past actions of our parents. We were supposed to be together. Our parents lovingly watched on as their dream was coming to fruition before their eyes - the two children they watched grow up together had made the choice to remain together.

We stood there for what seemed like an eternity - just hugging and letting the whole turn of events fully register in our minds. We wouldn't have to hide our love anymore. We didn't have to worry about being shamed or ridiculed for what we felt inside our hearts. We knew the life growing inside Beth's womb would have a loving father and mother. My heart fluttered in relieved happiness and unbridled excitement that we'd get to openly live out our love for the rest of our lives. No words were needed to be said while we embraced - our hearts were doing all the talking. Eventually we released our arms and stood with Beth in front of me, looking at the tear-brimmed eyes of our parents.

Seeming to know what we were about to ask, my father spoke up "Until you get married you guys can share a room... and a bed." We looked to one another as our eyes lit up and tails began wagging excitedly.

"But please don't be doing any... physical displays of love... while your mother and I are home. After all, you're still our children and there needs to be some boundaries. At least wait until we're out of the house before you 'entertain' yourselves."

Beth and I giggled at the inference and replied in unison "Yes dad!"

Within the course of an hour, something that we thought would be the horrific end of our relationship turned out to be a celebrated new beginning! Our parents had sensed something about us when we were young... something that Beth and I fully understood now. It was all destiny. It was in our design - woven throughout our hearts - that we would forever be together.

That night at the dinner table, things were completely different. Two couples sat side by side - an older, married couple who had been together nearly 25 years, and a young pair who, moments ago, were considered brother and sister. We laughed and talked about marriage, cubs, getting a house of our own while our parents shared their own stories of their early marriage. When dinner was over, the four of us sat in the living room watching The Notebook on tv. I'd never been one for chick flicks before, but watching it wrapped in a blanket with the girl I love made the movie come to life for me. I could connect with the two characters in the film, and it made me smile.

When the movie was over, I noticed our parents were fast asleep on the couch - wrapped up together in their own blanket. Beth noticed too as she looked up at me with a playful grin, and whispered "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

I nodded my head and we both stood and ran to my bedroom. With door locked and lights out, we stripped our clothes off and pressed our naked bodies together. This whole act of love had a new meaning now - it was no longer the taboo, incestuous act that we would've considered it. Tonight it was a physical display of fulfilling the destiny that had begun in our childhood. I could feel the steady beating of Beth's heart against my chest, which was quickening its pace in anticipation.

We moved to the foot of the bed, and I gently lowered Beth onto the soft mattress. Still standing on the floor, I admired every curve and crevice of her body, and asked

"So how would you like it, my love?" She smiled at my chivalry and got to her hands and knees facing away from me. My tail rapidly wagged in excitement as she turned her head and looked at me with that hungry smile

"Well, since we're both canines..." while swaying her tail, before flagging it to the side.

My pink tip was exposed in the cool air, and dripped precum over my sheath as I climbed on the bed and got in position behind her. With one hand I grasped her waist and with the other I lined up my emerging shaft between her begging folds.

"Be gentle though..." was her only request as I leaned forward and watched the smooth flesh disappear inside her body. Moving my hand out from between us to her waist, I began gently thrusting against her. My body begged to slam the crimson meat rapidly in and out of her moist warmth, but my love for her guided my actions and I did as she asked. Every time I slowly pushed myself deeper, I could feel her inner muscles pulse and relax as they accepted my swelling girth. With every outward pull, those same muscles gripped and sucked my length, begging me to stay.

Our rhythm worked to a steady pace while we mated in the same fashion as our feral ancestors. Her body was producing large amounts of lubricant now, and made my rock hard member glide through a vise of wet warmth. It was amazing how tight she remained - like every continued thrust inward was the very first. She began pushing against me every time our hips came together, like her body didn't want me to leave. I wasn't planning on it. That was evident with the swelling bulb of flesh forming at my base and lodging between her wet folds in every contact. She could feel it too and held her body still every time I pushed forward, providing me the chance to bury it within her warmth.

Tempted though I was to implant it within her gripping passage, I wanted her to reach an orgasm first. Leaning my chest over her back, I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought my hands to her stretched slit. She shuddered at the sudden intensity of my fingers rubbing and pinching her small nub, causing her passage to twitch and grip harder around me. Pre squirted out my tip every time her muscles constricted me, enticing me to further my exploits on her sensitive clit. I ground my palm against her fleshy button and spread my fingers over her lips - my pumping shaft grazing between my digits.

The extra stimulation of her clit did just what I intended. Her gasps short and frequent while her cries grew louder and higher pitched. She pushed back hard against me every time I thrust forward in an attempt to get her body over the final threshold of sexual release. I removed my hands from her crotch and straightened back up, placing them back on her waist and out of the way of my intruding knot. My balls swung and slapped at her slit and exposed clit, finally taking her body over that last hurdle into an orgasmic explosion!

Her inner walls greedily pulled and squeezed my throbbing flesh as copious amounts of her juices squished and sloshed around me. She lowered her chest and buried her head into the pillow as she cried out in utter ecstasy! The rhythmic milking of her pelvis was all I needed to reach my own orgasmic release. I shoved hard against her and held her hips tightly against mine as my knot *squeeeezed* between her folds and plopped inside, signaling a torrent of sticky cum shooting from my pulsing length and plastering her walls in the white goo. I grunted and growled with every ejaculated release, which continued over and over again.

After our bodies had quenched one another's sexual flame, I guided the both of us down on the bed. Her body was tucked in mine and I was spooning her from behind - the swollen bulb of flesh still securely buried within her. We really were at one. I felt like it every time I filled her with my seed, but now I felt that connection confirmed with what my parents had said. They had chosen us to be together, and we had unknowingly made that decision on our own. As we fell asleep with my knot embedded snugly behind her clenching entrance, locking us together, I poured all that I was into her... physically, emotionally, spiritually, endlessly.

I proposed to my sister a week later while we were out to dinner, and even though I figured she would agree to it, there was still that sigh of relief when she said yes. Most people were a little shocked when we first announced our love, but as we explained everything my parents had said, they thought it was very romantic. The marriage took place two months later, beneath a star blanketed sky our love was publicly consummated before friends and family. There was no need to change any names on the marriage certificate, we had already been married by destiny since we were kids. As we danced that night in the presence of those in attendance, both Beth and I felt as though we were the only two furs on the entire planet. We held one another so close while the music played. Of course neither of us heard it, we were simply dancing to the rhythm of our fluttering hearts.

She gave birth to our son on a warm, spring afternoon as I stood by and held her hand the entire time. When the doctor handed him to me wrapped in a blue blanket, I looked at the whimpering little wolf pup in my arms and felt overcome with loving pride. This was my son. This was our son. I held him up high, declaring him to the world. I smiled wide as I presented him, knowing the love Beth and I shared would continue to live on generation after generation. Even though our bodies would eventually fade away, our love would live on through all eternity.

The end.