Rat Rebellion 8: Being a Monster

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#8 of Rat Rebellion

To get in to see the king, they need something to sell the story. That is, broken foxes...

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Rat Rebellion

Chapter 8: Being a Monster

By Draconicon

Lidochka's plan was, on the surface, deceptively simple. They would use the damaged Cassia as proof of what the 'rebellious rats' were doing, bringing her with them and Lord Florus to the governor's mansion. They would present her to the king, and then play that they knew who the culprits were, and could bring them forth to the king so that the rebellion could be squashed. With that access, they could gradually bring the different soldiers in the mansion under their control, turning it from a stronghold to a death trap for the king.

Anastus...almost liked the idea. It was filled with danger, more of that than he wanted, but there was much less bloodshed than he would have otherwise faced. The only thing that he wished was different was a lack of...well, rape.

"Is there no other way?" he muttered as Lidochka finished her speech.

"I doubt it."

"But to do...that..."

"Trust me. They would do the same to us if they had half a chance."

"You say that..."

"I've lived that."

Again with the fury. He knew that she was right, in some cases. He knew that Florus had used her as a whore more than once, and that she had been pushed to her limits with all that the fox had done to her, and what the clients that he brought to the manor had done to her. Just glancing at her out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the scars along her hips that endless ruts from uncaring partners had left behind.

She had every reason to be angry, but he didn't want to turn into that. He didn't want to be that...monster.

And yet...a monster survives...

The rat sighed, leaning back in his chair. The shape of it didn't fit him; it was made for lean foxes with wide asses, and he could feel the difference in construction pressing down on his spine, reminding him that this wasn't his place. Even the furniture of the manor seemed bound and determined to try and remind them to stay down, to allow the foxes to stay high.

He grumbled under his breath as he kept shifting around. He knew he was trying to avoid responding to her, and he knew that it wouldn't work. She had more patience than him, and could easily outlast his squirms.



"We'll do it. We'll get Cassia and -"


"What now, then? What other horrible things are you going to say we do?"

"Have her call her servants here."

"What - no. No. No, that's - we can't do that."

"The king won't believe that she's safe if he doesn't see how much worse it can be."

"But they're not -"

"They're foxes. They didn't stop this from happening, and they know what she's like. If they were willing to keep serving that female, then they know what she's like...and they don't disagree with her."


"You know I'm right."

And the horrible thing was, he did. Anastus sighed, rubbing his face.

"Fine. Take her paper and ink. Have her write them..."

"I will." The albino female stood up, and was on the verge of leaving when she turned around. "This is the right decision."

"I hope so..." She walked out, and he sighed. "Gods, I hope so..."

The servants that came at their mistress's call numbered four, two males, two females. They were all dressed in fairly opulent garb, particularly for servants. They wore silk, though not embroidered, and they didn't have so much as a speck on their clothes.

"They're servants in name only, compared to us," Lidochka muttered as she watched them from the window.

"They're still not nobles. They're not powerful."

"Everyone is, compared to us. They took everything, and that puts too big a gap to ever be bridged."

He shook his head, stepping away from the window that overlooked the grounds. The servants were being kept waiting, doubtlessly believing that their mistress would be meeting them for a walk around the manor. Foxes seemed to enjoy that, to spend time outside and get their fresh air among the pretty things. He doubted that they had any idea of what was coming.

Anastus gritted his teeth, leaning against the wall as he tried not to imagine what they were going to do. With Cassia and the other nobles, they had drugged their food, first, and then worked on giving them a dose of potion-laced seed and fluids. That had allowed them to retain their mind, for the most part, though binding it under a need to obey the rats. That...

That wasn't going to be an option this time. Cassia had been willing enough once they started, her body pushing her once he got his cock into her. Her body had been drugged to the gills, able to resist until he started, and then giving in. That...that wasn't going to happen this time.

If they're going to look worse, then they have to be taken without any help, Lidochka had said, and she was unfortunately right. If they were fucked, if they were raped, then they would break in more ways. Their minds would be shattered. They'd look more fragile than Cassia did, which would make the vixen's lies on their behalf that much more believable, because it would look like she got away.

He didn't like it...but he saw the logic of it.

"Come on," Lidochka muttered.

"We're going to do this now?"

"Why wait?"

"We could wait until they're asleep. Take them in their sleep."

"It's too risky. The longer we wait, the more chance that they might cause a ruckus. Now, come on."

The more that she made sense, the less that he liked it. The more that she managed to find good reasons for what they were doing, the more that he hated it.

Doing the right thing shouldn't be the less logical choice, he thought as he followed her. It shouldn't be like this. It shouldn't.

They led the foxes out from the front of the manor to the back. Lidochka took one pair, and he took the other, each of them with the lie that they were taking their pair of vulpine servants for a private meeting with their lady. He glanced over his shoulder as Lidochka took one male and female behind a bush, taking them into a hedge maze.

He, on the other hand, had his pair just behind the mansion. They looked at him in a condescending fashion, the male going so far as to tilt his head back and look down his muzzle.

"Well, rat? Take us to Mistress Cassia."

"...Yes. Of course. This...this way."

As they followed, he could feel the bubbling away that was going on below his cock. He knew that it was part of the drug that was coursing through him still, the results of Florus's experiments. The rat wasn't actually aroused, but his body made him feel it, made him want it. It would be the only thing that allowed him to follow through on this plan. He just...he really hoped that he could do it quickly.

Just once. Slam in, finish fast, and then do the other. Do it with minimal pain...

He'd have to do something to keep the other one from running, too. The foxes followed, sniffing behind him as he walked along.

"Filthy creatures."

"Yes, but industrious enough."

"I suppose, but we should find a way to do without them."

"What, and do what they do ourselves? That's slave work."

"I suppose. It's still just...they're always there. And so dirty."

Anastus gritted his teeth. Just a little further. He led them to the edge of the fountain in the back of the grounds, and then -


He shoved the female off her feet, into the water. She stumbled, fell, hit the water and struggled to get out. Her dress stopped her from easily moving, and as she splashed around, the male turned to face him.

It was in that moment, Anastus realized, that the male probably realized the size difference between the two of them. The rat was much taller, much stronger, and much more muscular than the fox was. He stood two feet taller than the diminutive male, and he was almost twice as broad across the shoulders.

The fox's decision to run came too late. Anastus grabbed him by the tail, pulling him over and pinning him against the side of the fountain. A slash of his claws ripped through the servant's pants, exposing his ass cheeks.

"What - what is the meaning of this?! Rape! Help! Rape!" the male shouted, the fox throwing his head from side to side. "Guards! Useless - where are the guards?!"

"Taken, already."

"You - you're one of the rebels!"

"Unfortunately for you, yes."

The vixen had almost reached the side of the fountain, and she was just starting to drag herself forward when he used his tail to grab her around the wrist. She wouldn't be getting free anytime soon.

Anastus looked down at the male beneath him, and he felt more than slightly sickened as his cock throbbed beneath his loincloth. The potion that had changed him begged for the satisfaction of burying his cock somewhere, and the exposed rump of the fox under him was just perfect for that. The fact that he would be doing something that someone else didn't want didn't matter.

He'd thought that this would be easier. It had been so simple with Florus, but then again, that man had changed him, drugged him, tortured him time and time again. He'd had one master that used him, one fox that hurt him. The others were strangers to him, unkind, but -

"Unhand me! I'll have you executed for this!" the male under him growled.

It was so simple, he realized. So simple to take control. He was stronger, made stronger for the express purpose of being better at his duties, to be a better slave than he had been. There was no other reason for him to have these muscles.

But they allowed him to take control. He only needed one hand to keep the fox male in place, and the vixen was helpless against his long, bald tail. They were his, soon to be literally his.

His stomach threatened to empty itself as he lowered his cock against the fox's ass. The male jumped, screaming at the top of his lungs, but the bubbling water of the fountain muffled his voice, kept it from spreading. He couldn't pull away, couldn't do anything but stay right where he was as Anastus lined up, and the rat had to fight himself to keep moving forward.

Part of the plan. Do it quick. Fill him up. Move on.

The warmth against the head of his cock gave him a feeling of need, and that in turn made him hate himself. More than a little bit. It didn't matter the abuse that had been shouted at him. It was just -

The fox flailed, swinging something behind him, and Anastus was caught by surprise as a loose rock slammed against his elbow. He lost his grip for a half-second, the fox squirming forward, but it was enough to shatter the hesitation. He grabbed the fox by the shoulder, yanked back -


And then he was inside. As the vulpine servant gasped, wheezing out all the air in his lungs, the vixen stared with shock and fear in her eyes. Anastus saw the way that she looked at him, and how much terror she must have felt for what would happen to her, next.

He couldn't blame her. In that moment, some anger had come back, and it was much easier to thrust away.

The soft smack of flesh on flesh was muffled by the fountain, and the fox had too little air to complain. Anastus rammed in again and again, each thrust breaking down a little bit more of the fox's resistance, a little more of the tightness that he had to keep the rat from slamming all the way up to the hilt. In, out, in, out, a too-big cock opening a too-small hole that was not meant for this.


The fox groaned, wheezing, a few whimpers escaping him. Unlike the other victims, there was nothing to ease this for him. No sudden arousal, no great pleasure that came from rat cock. No, all there was for him was the knowledge that he was getting fucked by a slave, and a dirty slave, at that.

In, out, in, out, the hole no longer so tight. Bleeding? Maybe, it was warm enough, but the falling water kept it from sticking. Anastus retreated inside his head, trying not to think about what he was doing, but that only made him feel the 'pleasure' part of fucking the fox that much more. He felt his stomach clenching, and barely forced the bile in his throat back down.

Thankfully, his body didn't last long. He rammed inside, cumming hard, and he felt the spasms of 'pleasure' running through his cock at the same time. Shaking his head, he pulled out fast, throwing the male onto the grass. The fox stared up at the sky, all but dead to the world, but...

But his cock throbbed, and he moaned as he mindlessly reached for it, grabbing at it and stroking it. He had been broken, alright, the seed of a rat pulsing through him.

As he lifted the vixen out, he saw her shaking her head, begging despite her cruel words. She said so many things, said that she would never tell, that she'd do whatever he wanted if he just didn't do this.

He heard them, and knew them for lies. Yet, he still hated himself for what he did.

With all four servants completely broken, Anastus, Lidochka, Cassia, and Lord Florus all took to his carriage and departed the manor with the broken servants in tow. The whole thing depended on them selling the danger of the rebellion, as well as the rat's hidden knowledge, to the guards at the governor's mansion. Anastus had already started planning how they were going to do that, considering that he was the more verbose of the two of them, but wondered why they needed to bring Lord Florus.

Probably for the fact that I must present as owned, still, and he can back up the information...

He forced himself to think of the future rather than the present. The broken foxes were pulled along in a carriage just behind them, so he didn't have to see them, but he could still see the faces of the two servants that he had raped. They were burned in his mind, a reminder of what he had done, and what he was willing to do for the sake of his people. He had become a monster.

Lidochka, on the other hand, didn't seem to feel any such grief. She sat beside him with her eyes intent on the outside world, narrowing and glaring at any fox that she saw on the street. Eventually, he reached out and drew the curtain closed, just to keep her from giving them away.

The king will want information. We'll have to out certain people as suspects unless we can give him a good reason to not strike immediately.

That would be simple enough. They just needed to make the conspiracy here in Cornu to be that much more dangerous than it actually was. Or at least, sound more dangerous. If they could make it seem like the whole thing would break the kingdom if they didn't round up all the criminals at once, then they had a good chance of keeping the king patient, willing.

There was a chance, at least, and that was better than nothing.

The carriage stopped. Cassia looked at him, and he sighed.

"Stay quiet for now. Let Florus and I do the talking," Anastus said.

"What do you want me to say, then?" Florus asked.

"Nothing," Lidochka interrupted. "Me and Anastus can handle this."

"They won't listen to us," Anastus said. "They're not going to believe two rats when there's two foxes right behind us."

"There's something to be said. If it doesn't work..."

He didn't know what she was planning, but he knew that it wouldn't be simple. Regardless, she had been right so far, so he went with it.

They left the carriage, the rats stepping down first in nothing but their loincloths, and the foxes followed after. Cassia walked with the damaged gait of a fearful woman, while Florus looked cocky, confident. There was no reason for him to, and Anastus wondered what else might have happened while he had been sicking up after the whole event.

They walked to the front gate of the governor's mansion, and the new guards glared down at him and Lidochka. One narrowed her eyes at the rats, shaking her head.

"What brings slaves to the mansion?" she asked.

"Conspiracy," Lidochka said.

"Conspi - what are you talking about?"

"We have one of the ringleaders of the rebellion."


He realized what was going to happen a scant second before it did, and he knew that this was the real reason that Florus had been brought along. The albino had never given up on her hopes for revenge, and now? Now she could have it.

"Lord Florus is the source of the rebellion's power. His potions have changed the rats, making them rebellious. We've seen him apply the potions, gifting the rats with strength most unnatural."

"What - impossible. Vixen, is this true?"

"It is," Cassia said before Anastus could silence her.

"...Lord Florus, with a charge this serious, I place you under arrest. You will be questioned by His Majesty's inquisitors for this."

The fox lord could not say anything. He had been forbidden to give the game away. As he was seized by the guards and dragged forward, the lord whipped around, glaring at the two rats, almost like someone that had been ratted out by a colleague might have done. Anastus said nothing.


This was not part of the plan. While it might have wrapped up a loose end in someone that was only half-broken compared to the others, it still put someone that they no longer had control of in the grip of the royal guards. Who knew what Florus might divulge under torture, all for the sake of revenge?

As the fox was led away, the guardswoman narrowed her eyes at him. She was still shorter than him, as were all the other foxes, but she had a thickness to her arms that made her look more capable, not to mention a stunted tail that spoke to some experience in the field.

"Wait here. I must tell the king that we have...informants."

"Yes, Mistress," he muttered.

"At least one of you has manners," the vixen said before darting through the gate, shutting it behind her.

They were left outside. He pulled back to stand with Cassia, and Lidochka followed. Shooting the albino a glare that could hardly substitute for the sheer rage that he felt at what she had done, he glanced back at the palace.

The king is in there. The king of all Gaermus...

If they could reach him, then the whole game could be turned on its head. They could stop being monsters. They could go back to being people.

They could live again, free, happy...

But only if they got it right, and only if he could trust the other conspirators. Lidochka might have been right about the process of getting here, of needing to be more forceful than they had been, but he didn't know if he could trust her to stay focused. She was too angry, too eager to see the foxes hurt.

I don't need more surprises now...I really don't...

The End

Summary: To get in to see the king, they need something to sell the story. That is, broken foxes...

Tags: M/M, Offscreen M/F, Fox, Rat, Mind-Break, Anal, Fuck, Cum, Orgasm, Rape, Non-Con, Series, Fantasy, Revenge, Vixen,