Claude's Lion Daddy 2

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#112 of Claude gay stories

Claude and his Dad settling in as a couple encounter Claude's younger brother who is upset at them being a couple but most of their friends and family are accepting of them

Rory and Dad come out. "Claude, I did the dishes for you" Rory says kissing me. "Thanks Bro" I say softly. "Jeb's gonna get a big surprise when he writes his next check" Dad growls softly. "Dad, what did you do?" I ask. "I withdrew my standing permission on his accounts" Dad says grinning. "He now has to have me countersign any transaction except his bank card, and I put a limit on that as well" Dad says happily. "How much?" I ask

"$5,000 a day" Dad says. "That'd be enough for anyone" Harry says. "Not Jeb, he'll spend that on junk food and electronics, DVDs, and video games easily" I say laughing.

Rory and I look at each other. "I ain't taking his calls now" Rory says laughing. "Me, neither, Big Bro" I say laughing. "I wonder sometimes" Dad muses. "Sometimes, I think you're more my son than Marcus'"Dad says. "Jeb is like my Daddy, Claude's like his Momma more than me, but he has some of me in him too" Dad says. "And my son that I love so much, yet didn't sire, is the one of my boys the most like me" Dad says proudly. Rory tears up a bit. "Dad's right, you are almost more his son, than I am, Rory" I say. "You look more like him than I do " I tease him. Dad and Rory both look at me oddly. Harry cracks up.

"Seriously, Rory, you're a lot like Dad, one hell of a good top, and a great lover, big hearted, and you'd do anything for those of us you love, strong willed yet understanding, and kind hearted." I say smiling. Dad smiles at me, "You think I'm like that, Boy" Dad says proudly. "Yeah, you are, but I know I am biased, because I love my Daddy so much" I tease him.

"Was I too hard on my boys while you were growing up?" Dad asks. "No, I don't think so, Dad, you were firm, and once or twice pretty rageful, but with me you were good" I say. "Me too, Dad, you were so loving and you made sure I knew I was just as much your son as Claude, and Jeb, and you were always so kind to this little lost Polar Bear when you took me from my abusive Dad, you even made sure I got to see my Mom whenever I wanted to" Rory says with a tear in his eye. "Rory, the one real regret of my life, other than losing Martha, was that you weren't sired by me" Dad says fighting tears. "Jeb on the other hand" I moan. "He was always difficult, Claude" Dad says shaking his mane. "Too much like Grandpa Kitman" I say surly toned. "Son, you hated your Grandpa and he loved you so, you'd be ornery right back at him when he'd go off on you, and he'd fuss but he was always so proud of the fierce little Lion cub who wouldn't put up with his shit" Dad says laughing. "He was proud you carried his name, and how you'd back him down always" Dad says smiling.

"Dad, would it have killed him, to just once tell me he loved me?" I ask painfully. "Probably, Son" Dad says. "I can't think of how hard it must have been for you and Marcus to have been raised by him, I can only think Grandma Kitman made up for it" Rory says. "She was something, Rory" I say softly smiling, remembering Grandma. "She was so loving and caring, and she adored you Dad" I say smiling. "She did, and she loved my Claude" Dad says grinning. "I'm just sorry she died before you got to meet her, Rory" Dad says. "Marcus was such an ass, he wouldn't let any of you kids meet her" Dad says.

"Dad, I have never thought about this, but why didn't we ever know anything about Momma's folks?" I ask softly. "Claude, that is a story for another day, for sure, you have a right to hear it, and I swear I will tell you soon, but it's a long and sad story, and I don't have it in me right now to tell you" Dad says sadly. I kiss him. "I'm sorry, Dad" I say gently. "Damn, right it is sad, I will never forgive Mr K for how he treated Martha's parents" Beau says harshly. "Beau, not now, I'll tell Claude one day" Dad says. "OK, Jim" Beau says sitting on a chair. Nigel is a few steps behind him. Rory and I look at each other, we know Beau's gonna tell me first chance he gets. He is pretty open. And it's obvious Beau thinks we ought to know about Momma's folks and what happened.

The house lights come on and the yard is so beautiful now.

I sit in Dad's lap as Harry sits in Rory's, and Beau pulls Nigel onto his lap. "I like this Badger being small enough to pick up, he's a good size for me" Beau says grinning. "Nige, are you really bonded to this clown?" I ask. "Yeah, I am" Nigel says. "Too bad, he's cute, but it ain't like you can clean him up and take him anywhere" I say laughing. Beau cracks up, as do the others except Nigel. Nigel looks puzzled. Rory explains the joke to Nigel.

Dad holds me tightly. And he whispers to me how much he loves me, and how glad we're together now the way we want to be. "No Dad, we're together as we're meant to be" I say smiling. Dad kisses me. And we sit and feel the love of those closest to us surrounding us. "Wanna go sleep with your Daddy, Claude" he whispers in my ear. I nod, and we get up. "Goodnight guys" I say "Claude, it's only 8:30" Rory says. '"I got a TV in that room all of the bedrooms do," I say smiling. "You got your horndog of a Dad in the room with you too" Harry says laughing. "He ain't gonna even have a chance to turn the TV on" Beau says laughing. "Jim ain't gonna let him no more than I would" Beau says smiling. Dad grins. "Just don't wear Claude's ass out, he ain't given me no tail yet since I've been here" Beau says smiling.

Dad pulls me by the arm. And I follow him into our bedroom. I stand in the doorway. "What, Claude?" Dad asks. "I was struck by thinking of this as our bedroom" I say smiling. "It is, isn't it, it's our room, where we'll be together and happy" Dad says pulling me to him, and kissing me.

"Dad, you have always been the most beautiful male I have ever seen, from the time I was little" I say. And I sit on the bed, and I tell him about the night I had my nightmare. "I couldn't find Alfred, and I went looking for you, and you were in your study doing paperwork" I say softly. "I was about 12, I think, and you had your sleeves rolled up, and your shirt open, and you had a cigar in your mouth and a glass of Scotch in front of you, and you were the most beautiful, and masculine, and sexy male I had ever seen, Dad" I say misty eyed. "I remember that night, I came and picked you up, and I cuddled you on the couch" Dad says. "And I was so happy, and I felt things it took me years to understand" I say. "I think I fell in love with you that night, Dad" I say thinking back. And I purr. Dad's grinning now. But then his face turns serious.

"Claude, I am glad you love me, I know I should not feel this..."Dad says and stops. "Do you regret taking me to you, Dad?" I ask a bit worried. "No, I feel a bit of guilt, you should find someone your own age, not someone my age" he says sadly.

"I hope in time you know that I am with you because I want to be, I didn't have to take you, and we bonded, absolutely by the book for how Lions bond, Dad" I say smiling. "I know, Claude, I'm just, well, I kind of can't believe how lucky I was that you wanted me as badly as I wanted you" Dad says. "Dad, we need to move forward here" I say kissing him softly. "I love you, and our future is to let the love we feel for one another free, and to let it grow stronger as we are together longer." I tell him. "I'd rather have you, for as long as I can, than to have anyone else. Harry had the same concerns for Rory, but he knows Rory and I will be there for each other, and we love each other enough to get by" I say happily. "Harry's right, Claude, you and Rory are as close as you can be, and you do lean on each other as it is" he says thoughtfully. "You won't hate me for abandoning you when I die?" he asks. "No, never, I know my Daddy wants to be with me, and he'd only leave me by being taken against his will" I say. Dad smiles and he looks reassured now.

"Dad, enough talk about problems or potential problems" I say firmly. "Just know I love you more than enough to get past any obstacle that comes up, Dad" I say firmly.

"Claude, I have to say this last one, and then I agree we should focus on the happier parts of our life together but this one is too important not to get out of the way" Dad says. I nod.

"Claude, I know we, or at least I always figured you'd come into CMK to run it when you're older" he says. "But you can't now, as you know how we react to one another, and I don't want to sit in a Board meeting fighting off the urge to throw you on the floor and fuck you in front of everyone, or having you under me so much that I can't get any work done" Dad says. "Nor do we want to be around each other and very obviously in love and have others see it" Dad says sadly. "Rory will come to work for us, it's why he's taking a Business Degree" Dad says.

"I understand, Dad, I can see the problem" I say laughing and pointing to his crotch. "We've been having a serious discussion, and being this close to me has got you rock hard" I say laughing. Dad looks down and grins. "Son, you're not disappointed are you?" he asks. "A bit, Dad, but CMK is still in our family, I have my stock and I only trust you more than I trust Rory" I say softly. "And I'd only worry when I stop having that effect on you" I say laughing. "Come m'ere, you" Dad says grinning.

"You got me this way, and you're gonna take care of it for me" Dad says laughing. I throw my clothes on the floor, and when I turn back to him, Dad's naked. And sticking out. I sigh. "My Daddy is so beautiful naked " I say gently. Dad actually blushes. "My boy is so beautiful and he thinks I am too" Dad says and he walks to me slowly. And he grabs me and he deep kisses me.

"Son, let me take you, just let me show you how hot my boy makes me" Dad says pushing us both back onto the bed. He's on top of me, and he's petting my body, and kissing me repeatedly. And he licks my neck, and he nibbles on it. And I'm twitching and moaning. Dad nuzzles my chest, and he's got his thick, clawed finger gently pushing into my ass. And I'm growling softly. Dad is now nuzzling my mane and the side of my face, and I am lost his his tenderness. "I love you, Claude, sometimes I will just want to take you hard, but at times I want to show you how loving and tender I can be." Dad says kissing me. "I get it, Dad, sometimes you get caught up in the passion we have for one another, and other times you want to make love with me" I say. "You do know your old horndog of a Dad" he says kissing me deeply. "I love you either way, the hot Daddy Lion or the loving, tender Dad of mine" I say panting as he nuzzles my neck. He's moving his finger in me gently and it's making me crazy hot.

"Will my love take me now?" Dad asks sweetly. "Please make love with me Daddy" I beg him. "For future reference, Son, calling me Daddy gets my blood hot and it may get you hard fucked" Dad says moving over me and lining his dick up against my ass. "Which way does my son want me?" Dad asks. "However my loving Dad wants to take me is what I want" I say anxiously waiting to have him inside of me. "I want to make love with my loving son" Dad says slipping gently and slowly into me. His barbs rake my tail hole a bit as they slide into me, not as bad as earlier today. I know I was just out of practice.

And he's so soft and gentle with his lovemaking, I flash back to when he took me for my first time, and I tear up. "Are you OK, Claude?" Dad asks me very concerned. "Dad, I was thinking of when you took my cherry, you were so soft and loving like you are now, and I felt so much for my Daddy" I moan. "Reminding me of how you gave me your virginity will get you hard fucked too, Claude" Dad says smiling He kisses me softly. "I love you, Boy, I always will" he whispers in my ear.

Dad continues moving softly and gently inside of me. And I buck and move under him. And I growl softly. My blood is hot now, and I love looking up into my Dad's face, he's as expressive as I am now. And his eyes shine with his love for me, his first born Lion son. I buck and twist on his fat dick and I am rubbing him all over. I paw his back and I kick my foot paws behind his back frantically. "I love you, Boy' he says kissing me deeply. And he sticks his tongue down my throat, and he growls and he's speeding up a bit. I hold him tightly against me, and I start to rhythmically squeeze his big dick with my ass. And I growl and I shoot on his belly. And he gently bites my neck, and his face contorts in pleasure. "Son, I'm gonna cum" he growls. And he roars and convulses and I feel him fill my ass with the sperm that made me. And I cum hard again on him thinking of that. He is panting hard now. "My baby" he moans, and he kisses me hard. "You love having your Daddy's dick in you" he says smiling. And he pulls out of me. And I whine at feeling his barbs rake my assring on their way out. And as he rolls on his back. I move down, and I take his softening dick in my paw.

I hold him gently. I look at it carefully. Dad's not the biggest dick I've had, that'd be Beau. But he's got a good 19 inches to Beau's 22 inch dick. But Dad's a bit thicker. And his barbs are firm and sharp. We Felines are kind of resilient to them, he couldn't hurt me like he would say fucking a non Feline. But I know they drive me nuts because of how much my Daddy Lion loves me.. Male or not, I'm his bond mate, and subconsciously he's driven to try to breed his mate. "You seem fascinated by your Daddy's dick, Boy" Dad says smiling. "I love it Dad, it's so big and beautiful" I say softly. And he's stiffening again. "See, your love for me makes me so hot, you love me, and my body turns you on so much, just as yours makes me burn inside for you" Dad says. Dad's playing with my cum slickened asshole now, and he's turning me on with that clawed finger.

"Up on your knees, Boy" Dad says gruffly. I get up on my knees. And Dad moves behind me, and he shoves his fat Leonine dick in me all of the way. And I yowl loudly and I hump myself on his dick. "Hot, tight little Lion" he growls loudly. I'm used to him again, and his barbs don't hurt, they drive me crazy as they rake me now. He grabs my hips hard and he's pumping hard in me. "Wanna just go for it" Dad growls. And I hold still and let him take over, and he's fucking me brutally hard and fast now. My legs shake and I shoot on the bed. "Fucking squeezing me" he roars and he sinks his teeth into my neck and he cusses and I can feel him squirting in me. And he lays on me panting hard. I lay down flat on my belly and I hold onto him tightly. "I love feeling you on top of me like this, Dad" I grunt happily. "My hot and loving little cub" Dad says lovingly into my ear. I'm covered in his sweat and mine mingled. And I love it. Dad rolls off of me and he pulls me to him. He puts my head on his sweaty chest. And we lay talking for a bit. Dad laughs when I tell him about my cramping up a little bit when he came in me. "My boy, he does love his Daddy, you were trying" Dad says proudly. "Trying what?" I ask. "Your body was trying to ovulate, you unconsciously wanted me to breed you, leave you heavy with my cub" Dad says proudly. "I can't, can I?" I ask softly. "No, but would you want to?" he asks. "I would, even though I'd be giving birth to my own half brother" I say softly. I look into Dad's eyes and he's proud. (Ironic because I will eventually. In a little while, Dad will breed me accidentally, but Dad will tell me I was an accident too. They did eventually want cubs. But had not decided to start trying yet. I was the result of a busted condom from Dad's barbs during a drunken, vigorous fuck, but they loved their 'little surprise cub' so much. I never would have known but for Dad's telling me. I was bothered a bit at first, and Dad was worried. But I got over it quickly. It makes me feel closer to our first cub though. Something we have in common, accidental cubs much loved by their parents.)

"Claude, I love you, Boy" Dad says. "You're so perfect for me sexually, you do what you know makes me hot, and you love anything I do to you" Dad says looking very lovingly at me. "I happen to love you very much, Dad, you've always been my favorite top" I say nuzzling his chest. "Really, Claude?" He asks me. "Yeah, since the first time, I kind of mentally compare everyone to you, and only Rory or Beau come close to my Daddy's fucking" I say smiling. Dad pulls me to him and he kisses me. "I've spoiled my baby cub" he says proudly. "Rory's just as much mine as if I had sired him" Dad says proudly. "And Beau's a wild Tiger in bed" Dad says laughing.

"Who's in there taking my name in vain" I hear Beau shout from the kitchen. "Jim, can you stop fucking Claude long enough to let him come out here and fix me something to eat" Beau hollers. "You want to go fix something, babe, I'm kind of hungry too" Dad says. I kiss him. "Happy to oblige my favorite males" I say and I get up and go to the kitchen. Beau's sitting at the kitchen table playing with his dick a bit. "Don't you ever get enough?" I ask him. "Food or sex, Boy?" Beau asks laughing. "I heard what you told Jim, and I am happy you think so much of this raggedy old Saber Tooth's fuckin'" Beau says pulling me to him. "Food first then fucking" Dad says walking in to the kitchen.

"Can I have him after we eat, I've been here for hours and Claude ain't given me any of his tight tail, and it makes me think he don't love me no more" Beau moans. I kiss him. "I do love you Beau, a lot, I probably only love my Daddy and Rory more than I love you, Beau" I say smiling. Beau smiles at me. "Ya gonna let him give me some tail?" Beau asks Dad. "Of course, Beau, you love my boy too, and he just told you how much he loves you" Dad says laughing.

"I done wore out that poor Badger, he's sound asleep now" Beau says. "Fucked him unconscious, did ya Beau" Dad says laughing. "No, he's tired, he is as hot and active of a bottom as Claude is, and he's not quite as good at it as Claude though, but I'll give him all of the practice he needs to get better than you, Boy" Beau says.

"I hear voices in the kitchen so I hope someone's cooking" Rory says strolling into the kitchen with Harry. I take the brisket out of the oven and it is done. I put it to cool. Dad's standing over it sniffing. "Do you like your Brisket hot, Dad?" I ask him. '"It's better cold in sandwiches, but your Mom used to serve it with potatoes hot." Dad says. I get a knife and slice off a few small pieces and hand them to Dad, and he's happy.

I walk over and I look into the fridge. And I make note of what's there and how long it'd take me to cook it. "We could have the Brisket and I could do potatoes. Or I could do fried shrimp po boys and fried potatoes" I muse. "Oh Dear God, please Claude, shrimp po boys" Rory says getting on his knees and begging me. I look at Dad. Dad's laughing. I keep looking at Dad, and he gets it. He knows I'm wanting him to make our decisions, and I see his big dick twitching a bit. "Claude, make your brother happy, and do the po boys" Dad says smiling. Rory walks over to Dad on his knees, and hugs his legs, and profusely thanks him. I have to laugh. Dad loves his boys a lot. He leans down and ruffles Rory's hair a bit.

"Beau, since I'm gonna cook, go wake Nigel up, and bring him down" I say smiling. Beau kisses me. "I still want some tail from you, boy" he says smiling. "No problem if Dad says it's OK" I say smiling. "Jim won't keep me from that tight ass of yours, Boy" Beau says grinning, and he slaps my ass. And he sticks his finger in me. "Tight and wet with your Daddy's cum, just how I like you" Beau grunts in my ear, and he nibbles my ear. "I know ya like me, ya are always so hot for me" Beau says. "I'll let Jim have Nigel, he ain't fucked him yet, and Nigel wants your Dad to fuck him" Beau growls. And he pulls his finger out of me and gets up to go get Nigel.

I get out the shrimp and clean and peel it, and I fill the fryer with oil, and turn it to 350 degrees. I bread the shrimp, and let it sit to dry. I chop up some lettuce and slice some tomatoes. Rory gets out the French bread rolls and he cuts them into foot long lengths, and slices it horizontally for me.

"Thanks, Bro, you're better at that than I am." I say kissing him. "Hell, no problem if you're gonna cook my favorite thing" Rory says nuzzling my neck. "I love you, Rory" I say softly. "I know, Claude, and I love you too" Rory says. "My baby brother loves to make me happy like he does with our Dad" Rory says grinning.

"You seem as happy as I am now, Dad's good for you, like Harry is for me" Rory says grinning. I walk over and kiss Harry. "Thanks for loving Rory so much and making him so happy" I say. "Thanks, Claude, I love how happy you and Jim seem together now" Harry says grinning. Rory's spread Mayo on the bread he cut and is putting lettuce and tomato on the bread too. "Anxious ain't you, Son" Dad says nuzzling Rory from behind. "I love Claude's cooking , and I love it when he makes these, Dad" Rory says happily. I slice up and fry some potatoes. I add chopped onions, and I put the lid on the pan to let them steam a bit. When they're almost done I'll start the shrimp frying.

Dad's cell phone rings. And he walks off to talk to whoever it is.

I check the potatoes, and I start the shrimp frying in batches. And I pull them up since they don't take long, and I start the second batch. I love this fryer insert for the gas stove. The potatoes are done and I take them off the heat. And I dish them up. I take the shrimp out, and I turn off the fryer.

Dad comes back cussing. "Claude, Alfred says Jeb took some of his stuff and ran away" Dad says furiously. "He probably went to Jesse's house" I say sharply. Dad walks off again. "Damn him, he just has to ruin everything" I say angrily. "Claude, he's gone too far this time" Harry says. "Wot's up?" Nigel says sleepily. "Food, and Alfred called Dad, Jeb ran away from home, Nige" I snarl. "Bloody Hell, he's such a sodding git" Nigel says annoyed. "I couldn't have said it better, Nige" I say nuzzling him. Beau goes to talk to Dad. Rory is pissed off. "Sit and eat, babe" I say putting my paw on his shoulder. "Don't let our asshole brother ruin our day" I say kissing him. "Claude, he's such an ass" Rory says angrily. "We know, and he always has been" I say softly. "I know" Rory says.

Dad's so mad he's red faced. "Claude you were right, he went to Jesse's place, I just talked to Jesse's Dad, and apparently he told him about us" Dad says. "Did you think he wouldn't try to cause trouble somehow?" I ask Dad. "Papa Jim, some animals just are born that way" Nigel says. "Me Mum says some are that way no matter how well they're raised, they just live to cause trouble" Nigel adds kissing Dad. "Thanks Nigel, I was starting to wonder where I went wrong with Jeb, and now I know it's him and not me" Dad says softly. "I can see why he's your best friend, Claude" Harry says softly. Nigel grins. "My Badger" I say nuzzling the top of his head.

Dad walks off again. Beau's back out. I fix him and Harry and Nigel a plate. And I fix one for me, and I make one for Dad but he's so mad he's not going to eat I know.

I get up and I run to the bar, and I fix Dad the Scotch and soda I know he'll want and I take it to him. "Thanks, Claude" he says and he downs it. "Want another, Dad?" I ask. "No, I needed that, but I don't need more, baby" Dad says and he kisses me.

"Baby, I don't want you to hear this, so go back to the kitchen" Dad says. Must be bad if he doesn't want to say it in front of me. Dad grabs my arm as I leave. "Thank God for you and Rory, my two good sons" Dad says. And he walks off to the study. I know Alfred furnished it pretty much to suit Dad, so I know he'll be comfortable.

I walk back to the kitchen and I'm less than happy. I sit down. Rory asks me what's going on. "Jeb went to Jesse's house to stay, and he told Jesse and his family about me and Dad" I say. "Bloody Git" I hear Nigel say angrily. "Where's Jim?" Harry asks. "In the study, door on the other side of our bedroom" I tell Harry. And he goes off.

"I'm worried for Dad, Rory, he's angry and he's hurt, and he's pulling the 'I'm your Daddy do what you're told' routine on me" I say sadly. "Claude, you had to know he would, you two haven't been together long, and he'll fall back on that because he knows it'll work on you" Rory says softly. "You have to figure out how to deal" he adds. "I am not sure" I say. "What would Aunt Martha have done, Claude?" Rory asks. I sit and I think a bit. "Mom would have been at his side, reminding him how much he was loved, and giving him support" I say. And I get up and I run to the study.

Dad's arguing heatedly with someone. I move behind him, and I put my arms around his neck, like I'd seen Mom do thousands of times before and I nuzzle the back of his mane. Dad visibly relaxes, and he looks up and smiles at me. And his tone is calmer now with whoever is on the phone. It's Jesse's Dad.

Dad tells him he's going to disown Jeb, and he'll release Jeb's money and assets to Jack Montgomery and let him adopt Jeb if he still wants to. "Jeb said he didn't want to be my son, and he's been a handful all along, willfully disobedient, and a hell raiser, but if you think you can handle him, then when he gets the paperwork from me dissolving my parental rights, I'll have you assigned as his guardian til he's of age, Jack" Dad says.

"I trust you, Jesse's the only reason he was not sent to reform school, Jesse was a good influence on him, and maybe he'll be less of a handful now that he's on his own." Dad says. "I still want to adopt him Jim" Jesse's Bison Dad says. "I'll sign those papers if you need me to" Dad says. "He was mad, Jim, he'll calm down, he thinks you've abandoned him for Claude" Jesse's Dad says. "He would never let himself treat Claude or Rory like they really were his brothers, they tried their damnedest to reach out to him but he wouldn't let them close, Jim, it's not their fault, but he is angry now at all of you" Jesse's Dad says. "Well, adopt him, maybe being a Montgomery will make him happier than being a Kitman did" Dad says sadly. "I'll have Joe Iverson fax you the paperwork when it gets done, but I trust you, to look after Jeb, and to manage Jeb's money til he's of age" Dad says sadly. He grabs my paw, and he kisses it. I hug his neck tighter. Dad hangs up and he calls Joe Iverson. Our long time family lawyer.

And they talk for a while. Dad goes through the whole story with him. "I'm not surprised at this Jim" He says. "You and Claude have always been so close, it makes sense" he says. "Jim, I am sorry about Jeb, though, not like we couldn't see it coming" Joe adds. And Dad tells him what he wants to do. And Joe tells him what to do, and he'll fax the paperwork..

"Jim, I'm not happy now, business is down, and I'm not able to keep up with these younger lawyers who advertise" Joe says sadly. "Would you come and run our Legal department, Joe, I'm moving the offices out here, and our current head of Legal doesn't want to go" Dad says. "I could do that, it'd be nice to be closer to you guys again" Joe says. "Then I'll have Ms M send you the job description and if you like it then we'll get you hired, and you can come out, you can stay with Claude and I til you get settled, or for good if you want" Dad says.

Dad's smiling now. "I am glad, Joe is a good lawyer and a great panther, he was so broken up by his last boyfriend's desertion." Dad says.

Dad kisses my paw, and he pulls me around and sits me on his lap. "You're so like Martha at times, Claude, you remembered how she'd comfort me when I was feeling overwhelmed and still had things to do " Dad says kissing me. "I love you, Dad, and Rory and I had to struggle to think of how to help you, and he helped me remember what Mom did for you" I say softly. "My good boys wanted to help me handle their errant brother" Dad says smiling.

Rory knocks and walks in. "Dad, are you OK?" He asks quietly. "Thanks to my two good boys, I am, I'm gonna disown Jeb, and let Jack Montgomery adopt him, and handle his money til he's old enough to do it himself" Dad says. "He told me he was ashamed to be my son, and I figure he's done with us for good, boys" Dad says. "So be it" I mutter.

"He told Jack Montgomery he never could feel like you two really were his brothers, but he knew how hard you'd tried to be" Dad says. "He never loved Rory and Claude, anywhere as much as they loved him. Jim" Harry says softly.

"Dad, lets finish eating and go to bed, so I can comfort you" I say softly. "Claude, you'll almost never hear me say this, but I"m not in the mood for sex" Dad says. "I just want to hold you, and see if I can help you let some of your pains out, Dad" I say gently.

"He's so much like Martha was, Jim" Harry says. "Son, I just want to have a few drinks and sit and talk to Harry, and Beau for a while" Dad says kissing me. "Dad" I say softly. "Claude, I'm not running from the pain, and I so want to be comforted by you after I've talked to them, and I'm not crawling back into the Scotch bottle" Dad says stroking my mane gently. "Do what you have to Dad, but it's a beautiful night, let me show you the grotto where I go to think, and you guys can sit and talk amid the beautiful plants and the night sky" I say kissing him. Dad nods. Rory takes Dad and Harry out to the grotto.

I get up and I get busy unpacking Dad's stuff. He comes in and he's rummaging through his suitcase. "Damn, I forgot my cigars" he moans. "Go talk to Rory, Dad, he's got some good ones, and he loves you enough to share, and tomorrow, I'll go to Tinder Box and get you some nice ones til you can order some of yours" I say smiling. "Do you still smoke your pipe, Claude?" Dad asks. "I do, not as much as before but some." I say smiling. Dad kisses me. "I'll go ask Rory for some" Dad says and he leaves. I know when Alfred gets here he won't allow smoking in the house, it's just his way. But that grotto will make a perfect smoking area, as it's partially sheltered and comfortable.

Dad goes off to smoke, and talk to Harry, and Beau. And I decide I need to call Dr. Suzakawa. Takeru's been like my Bear father to me, and he's a good Spectacle Bear, and he loves me. And given he's the head of Funari Corp, one of Japan's biggest companies, he's probably up by now and at his office.

I call and he answers. "It is first thing here, I am busy, my Lion son, might I call you back when I am caught up." he says gently. "If you need to Oto-Sama" I say happily. "You only call me Oto-Sama when you are very happy, Claude, what has happened" Takeru asks. "I got bonded, Oto-Sama" I say happily. "I hope he's worthy of my Lion son" He says darkly. "I think even my beloved Oto-Sama will approve heartily" I say. "Who?" he asks.

"Well, I hope you will be happy for us" I say softly. "Claude, who, I have little time to give my beloved Lion son, and I would know" he says. "Dad" I say laughing. "Jim-Chan?" he asks. "The only other animal I think of as my father is you,Takeru, and I'm not with you" I say laughing. "Claude, I am not surprised, you have loved Jim for a long time, as he has loved you". Takeru says happily. "I knew one day one of you would realize it and you'd bond" Takeru says.

"Which?" he asks. "Dad, he came to me in California and told me he loved me as he loved my momma, and I realized I loved him that much, and we bonded" I say joyously. "Jim-Chan must be very, very happy, Claude" he says. "He is, but he's upset too, Jeb didn't take it well, and he told Dad he was ashamed of being his son, so Dad has disowned him, and let a friend of ours adopt him" I say sadly. "Poor Jim" Takeru says.

"Real quickly, I'll tell you, Rory bonded Harry" I say. "Good" he says. "And my friend Nigel bonded Beau" I say. "Ha, that horny old Saber Tooth will keep him happy, and busy" Takeru says. "I hope they open bonded, I love taking that huge dick of Beau's "Takeru says. "Oto-Sama, call me when you can, and I'll stay up until I hear from you, and I'll happily give you all of the details." I say happily. "Claude, tell Jim I am very happy for both of you" he says. "Thank you Oto-Sama, and I'm glad you're happy for us, I always used to worry when I found my mate that my Japanese Daddy wouldn't approve of them" I say laughing. "I do, my Lion Son" he says. "I must go" he says. And he hangs up.

I go to the living room and Rory's watching an old movie. The look on his face tells me he wants to be alone. I love him, and I know Rory loves me, but he's upset and he's needing solitude now. I kiss him on the top of his head and I walk off. Rory's smiling at me. He knows I understand. And I go find Nigel, and I ask him to come keep me company. I know Beau wants some tail from me, and Dad'll happily fuck Nigel at the same time, and I need my best friend now. Nigel agrees, and we go to my bedroom and we curl up and watch TV for a while.

We talk, and I am happy that Nigel knows what Beau wants. "He's hot for your ass, Claude, but I'm as hot to feel your Dad in me" Nigel says. "My best friend" I say kissing him. "Beau is something else, Claude, and he's a horny one, but he loves so much, he shows it mostly through sex, but he has already made me pretty happy." Nigel says. "He loves this place, and I'll let him manage the grounds as he did back home, and he'll be even happier" I say smiling. "He's pretty happy with you, Nige, and I want him to be happy, he's a great guy" I say smiling.

"Your Dad is pretty awesome, and he loves you so much, it's so sweet to see, he'll be his dominant self, and then turn sweet and loving the next minute because of you" Nigel says. "He wants me to come work for the company, either when they move here, or when I graduate, Claude" he says. "I got told I can't work for CMK, as Dad's such a horndog, he's afraid he can't control himself, and that how much we love each other will be obvious to everyone" I say grinning. "So what will you do?" Nigel asks me. "I might stay home and run the house with Alfred's help, or I might go for a MLS after I get the BS in Physics, I'm not sure" I say softly. "Claude, I can't see you as a Librarian somehow" Nigel says laughing. "I think I"d like that, it sounds like it'd be fun" I say smiling. "You'd better ask your Dad first" Nigel says. I nod, "I was planning to when things settle down" I say smiling.

We nuzzle one another. "Claude, I'm so glad you befriended me, I was so lonely, and life with you is never dull" Nigel says. "I know, I've been so happy to have my furball hanging around, and the way you got to Dad about Jeb, he was upset, and not listening to me or Rory or Harry, but you he listened to" I say grinning. "Your dad is pretty cool, and I could see how he was hurting and blaming himself" Nigel says. "Nigel, I love you so much" I say nuzzling him. "I know, and I love you" he says smiling. "But we're not in love with each other" he adds. "I know and it's so odd, I'm not in love with you, yet I wouldn't want to live without you around" I say laughing. "Heh, you've loved your Daddy for too long, you couldn't be in love with anyone else" Nigel says laughing.

"Do you love Beau?" I ask. "More than I thought I could love anybody, he's eccentric, and horny, and he's so much fun, but he is more loving than I have ever experienced before" Nigel says. "I thought he was just horny?" I ask. "Well, he told me he expresses his love through sex, but he's been very tender and loving, and he's a great kisser, and he's good at telling me he loves me frequently so far" Nigel says. "It's that big dick "I tease him. "Well it is hot, and he's a great fuck, but Claude, I'd love him even if he wasn't massively hung" Nigel says softly.

I kiss him. "I know, Nige, I was teasing you" I say. "He teases me about talking funny, but sometimes I don't completely understand how he talks either, Claude" he says. "Beau is from a tiny little town in rural Alabama, and he did finish High School, but he is definitely a true Southerner in how he talks" I say smiling. "It's kind of cute, in a way, he's certainly colorful" Nigel says. "Our Beau is that, but he loves you, he fell for you when he first saw you he told me, and he was worried a guy like you wouldn't like him, and he caught you looking at him, when you didn't think he noticed" I tell Nigel. "I thought I was being discreet" Nigel says. "I noticed you looking at him when he first stripped" I tease him. "Well, I had to look, that thing was impressive soft, more when it's hard" he muses. "Beau's not only hung, he's good with it, he is the one who taught me to suck dick by having me suck him, and instructing me" I say smiling at the memory. "Your first oral sex was with him?" Nigel asks. "Yeah"I say. "Did he do a tonsillectomy on you?" he asks shaking his head. I laugh. "No, he was actually so good, and gentle, and he was so happy I took to it." I say smiling.

"Claude, you know he's hot to fuck you tonight?" Nigel says. "The way he was playing with my asshole in the kitchen before I sent him to wake you up kind of told me that, Nige" I tease him. "He told Dad if he'd let me fuck him, he wanted Dad to fuck you" I tease him. "I want your Dad badly, Claude, he's the hottest Lion I've ever seen, and when I told Beau I wanted to fuck him, it got Beau pretty hot" Nigel says. "I can hardly say anything about anyone wanting to fuck my Dad, God knows, I have done it when I can over the years" I say smiling.

"Claude, do you have any worries about bonding your Dad?" Nigel asks me. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Jeb's reaction, and you know other animals are going to give you grief over being in an incestuous bonding with him" Nigel says. "Do you think I was wrong to bond Dad, Nige?" I ask worried all of a sudden. "No, you've always talked about your Dad in a way that made me realize you loved him more than just as your father, Claude" Nigel says. "I just know that others might be disapproving and acting in a way to make you both less than happy" Nigel says. "I am not going to worry, I love my Dad, and I know he loves me, and we can get past any obstacles" I say softly. "I know Jeb is an ass, and Dad and I both have talked about it, and we are thinking about how to handle it, but as long as those who mean the most to me are OK with it, I'll be fine" I say gently. "Claude, you love him so much, and the love in his eyes when he looks at you is something else" Nigel says.

"Claude, is there a problem like that with Rory and Harry?" Nigel asks. "You and Rory called him 'Uncle' Harry, is he really related to you and Rory?" Nigel asks. "No, Harry's not blood kin, Harry's been Dad's best friend as long as I can remember." I say softly.

"A few years after Mom died, Harry got divorced," I add. "And when I came out to Dad at age 14, he told me Harry had just come out to him" I say. "Harry was so supportive, and he helped me come to terms with being gay, he was so loving to me since I was a cub." I say smiling. "When did your Dad come out?" Nigel asks. "I had just gone to the U of A, and though we lived in Auburn, I moved into the dorm, and halfway into the semester he asked me home for the weekend, and he came out to us all, Rory was home on leave from Iraq, and Dad told us all" I say softly. "And of course, Jeb was an ass about it too" I say getting angry. "Poor Dad, was so broken up about it, he'd already taken my cherry though, I'd begged him to, it was about 2 years before Dad came out, but he loved me then, and I know he did it because he loved me" I say softly.

"So Rory isn't being incestuous with Harry?" Nigel asks. "No, only in that Harry's been like a Dad to us all along, he's been there to comfort us, and love us, and he got us through after Mom died, as Dad was trying so hard to run the business, he'd just been given control of CMK as Grandpa was sick, and he had no help. Uncle Marcus was such an ass Grandpa had banned him from CMK." I say trying not to be angry. "Your Dad really must have had it rough then" Nigel says. "He did, and Rory and I tried hard to reign in Jeb, and keep things at home as calm as possible" I say gently. "Jeb acted like he didn't care that Mom had died, and he got worse in terms of his behavior" I say getting mad again. "Nige, I don't want to talk about this now" I say trying to calm down.

"I'm sorry, Claude'" he says softly. "Not your fault, anything that makes me think about Jeb makes me mad" I say as calmly as I can.

My cell rings. Takeru is calling me back. I answer. "Claude, I don't have much time, I don't want you waiting up for me to call when I can talk, I will call you in a day or so, my Lion son, take care of Jim-Chan as I know you will" he says. "Takeru, are things alright with you?" I ask. "Claude, no they are not, but I will discuss it later" he says. "Oto-Sama, if I can help let me know" I say softly. "My Lion son, I know you love me but I do not think you can, I have met someone and Yoshi does not approve, and he is being difficult to my poor Lion love for being a mere Security Guard" Takeru says.

"I could talk to Yoshi for you, Oto-Sama, he usually listens to me" I say. "He does, and he is happy for you and Jim-Chan" Takeru says. "He's so much like me, does he love you like I love my Dad?" I ask Takeru. He's silent for a moment. "He has not dated for a couple of years now, nor have I, and he got enraged when I told him of my Lion, Claude" he says musing softly. "Claude, you might have the answer, I must go, I have to clear things up here, and then I will go home and confront my son" he says. "I love my Lion son greatly, and I will let you know" Takeru says brightening up.

He hangs up, and I fill Nigel in. "I wonder what he'll do?" Nigel asks. "Knowing Takeru if Yoshi tells him he does love him he'll try to bond Yoshi." I say laughing. Nigel shakes his head. "You really think so?" he asks. "Nige, you've never seen how Yoshi would look at Takeru sometimes, like I look at Dad, but I didn't ever think of it til now" I say laughing.

"What's so funny, Claude?" Dad asks walking into the room. And I tell Dad about talking to Takeru. He laughs. "Well, his son could love him as much as my son loves me" Dad says laughing. Dad sits by Nigel. "He's cute, Claude, I hadn't had a chance to notice his looks for all that's gone on," Dad says smiling. "No wonder he fascinated our Beau so much that he had to take him to him "Dad says. "Where's my piece o Badger ass?" Beau hollers. "In here, Big Guy" I holler. Beau comes in. "I see, Jim, our bottoms were keeping each other company waiting for their tops to come back" he says laughing. "Nigel's my best friend ,you sorry assed Redneck" I holler. "We hang around with each other a lot, you tired assed old Tiger" I growl. Beau's cracking up as is Dad.

"Good, that means we ain't got to be picky, just grab the closest bottom and mount em" Beau says. And he grabs my ankle and pulls me to him. "Only if I can have Nigel" Dad says. "Hell yeah, Jim, he wants ya don't ya Badger of my heart" Beau says. "I do" Nigel says softly. "You do love him, Beau" I say surprised. "Damn straight" he says. "I'm gonna love him until I die like I said Claude, I can be ornery, but like you I don't lie" Beau says smiling. Dad strips, and he strips Nigel, and they kiss.

Beau lays on top of me. And he kisses me gently. And as always it sets my body on fire. "Ya are always hot for your Beau" he growls gently biting my neck. He licks my face, and he's moving around me gently biting, licking, and nuzzling my body. And he's got me growling and panting already.

"You think I'm just a rough fucking Redneck, and I'm gonna show ya the tender side of this grizzled ole Redneck, that your hot English buddy brought out in me" Beau says . I look over and Nigel's grinning, he heard what Beau said, even though Dad is being loving and gentle in his lovemaking.

"Claude, nobody but your Daddy has been better to me than you have, and you've kept me happy in the sack, now it's my turn to show you how I love you" Beau says licking and biting my neck. I growl and moan. "Are you ready for this ole Saber Tooth to be in ya?" he asks softly. I nod. And he slides his massive dick into me. And I can't speak . I buck on his huge dick. Beau smiles at me. "I take your ass lovingly, and you're purring your ass off, boy" he says laughing. I am purring. Dad's laughing hard. Beau keeps moving slowly and gently inside of me. And I keep purring and I can't think now. I squeeze Beau's dick, and he growls softly. "You're gonna get me now boy" he says gently biting my neck, and I shoot on his pot belly. "Son of a Bitch, he clamps hard now" Beau hollers, And he's convulsing and he's cumming hard in me. Dad roars and he's cumming too."You're even hotter for me now, Boy" Beau pants. "And your still purring" Dad says laughing. I blush. Beau holds me still and he moves me around to my side still lodged inside of me. And he holds me tightly. "You got yourself one hell of a boy here, Jim" Beau says. "But he always was" Beau says nuzzling the back of my neck.

Dad's got Nigel on his side, cuddling him. "Claude, your Dad is a magnificent lover" Nigel says panting. "I know, and we know how wonderful Beau is" I say leaning back and kissing him. "It's been a long day, lets go to sleep" Dad says and he leans over and turns off the light. So we fall asleep by the light of the TV, Beau lodged in me and holding me tightly, and Dad still inside of Nigel cuddling him .

I wake up about 8AM, and Beau's snoring loudly in my ear. I've fucked him a lot but I've never slept with him. I pull off his big dick and he pulls me back onto it, and he fucks me gently licking my ear and my neck. "I'll get up wit cha but I wanna cum in ya first, my beautiful Claude" Beau says kissing me. And he slow fucks me, and I moan softly. He's setting my body on fire. "I love ya boy, and I'm glad you took Jim, he loves ya so much, and he's the only one I think will be better to ya, and for ya, than I would" he says nuzzling my neck. "I love my Nigel more than I could tell ya, but I'll try always ta tell him, boy" he says grinning his big ole grin. "I know he's a lucky Badger, I always knew if you ever settled down and bonded someone you'd be a wonderful mate to them" I say softly. "Thank ya, Claude, I know you've seen into my heart and ya know there's more to me than I let on" he says kissing me. Beau bites my neck, and his growl tells me he's shooting in me. "Thanks for letting me pop in ya, great way to start the morning" he says kissing me again. I grab his paw, and I kiss it. "Beau, I love you, I think you know it, but I had to tell you" I say softly. "I know boy, I've always known how much ya loved this ole Saber Tooth" he says grinning. He backs his huge dick out of me. "Now git up and go fix us breakfast, I'm starving" he says slapping my ass. I get out of bed, and as I'm standing at the side of the bed. Beau grabs me and pulls me to him and kisses me hard. I look into his eyes, and I know he's telling me how much he loves me. Unspoken by either of us is that we'd of bonded each other if we weren't meant for others. I would happily have been Beau's permanent little fuck toy and wife.

And I walk into the kitchen and I make a pot of coffee. I decide to fix a big breakfast like Alfred taught me. So I fix bacon in the oven, and I slice some Ham and fry it, and I make biscuits, and grits and hash browns and sausage links. I put a pitcher of orange juice on the table, and I start the electric kettle for Nigel's tea. I make a big skillet of scrambled eggs. and I can fry some if anyone wants them. Rory's in the kitchen when the smell of breakfast hits the air.

I put the food out on platters on the table. Dad pads into the kitchen when the coffee is done. He kisses me. "You sure seemed to enjoy Beau last night. Claude" he says. "I haven't had him in a long time, Dad, and I've only gotten rough Redneck fucks from him, never the gentle loving Saber Tooth" I say "He is something when he's like that" Dad says. "Nigel is a hot piece of tail" Dad says smiling. "Dad?" I ask. '"Yes, love?" he asks. "Will you sleep with me like you did Nigel, I'd love to have you inside of me cuddling me overnight?" I ask gently. "I'd planned on it Claude" Dad says holding me in his arms. "I want to sleep inside of my baby" he says gently.

Beau wanders out, yawning. "He's nice and snug, and comforting to sleep in, Jim" Beau says smiling. "I hope your big Redneck monster dick didn't stretch my boy out" Dad says teasing him. "He was something" Beau says ruffling my mane. "Boy, you know you purred off and on all night long" Beau says. "How could you hear over that rumbling, roaring snore of yours, Beau" Dad says laughing. "I could feel our boy purring Jim" Beau says laughing.

Beau kisses me. "You're a good boy, Claude, a great fuck, and you got up and cooked for us" he says. "I'm gonna go get my Badger" Beau says, and he kisses Dad ."Jim, thanks for letting me sleep with Claude, especially on your first night as a couple" Beau says kissing Dad again.

"The four of you slept together?" Rory asks. "Yeah, we did" Dad says. "You should have come and got me and Harry, Dad" Rory says. Dad walks over and kisses Rory. "I'm sorry, Rory, we didn't think of it. we didn't know Nigel and Claude were curled up in our bedroom. I went in and Beau came looking for Nigel, and it just kind of went from there" Dad says. "Harry's a deep sleeper, you'd better run up and wake him" Dad says. "He'll hate to miss breakfast" Dad says. Rory goes up and comes back a few minutes later with a very sleepy Harry.

I sit down and fix a plate for Dad, I know what he likes, and I put butter and honey on a few biscuits I split for him. And he sits down happily with his coffee, and he leans over and kisses me. Nigel fixes his tea, and then a plate for him and one for Beau. Beau smiles deeply, and he kisses Nigel gently, and it's easy to see how our gruff Redneck does love his Badger. Rory is his usual happy morning self. And Harry's slow to wake up. "At least I didn't have to worry about getting dressed" Harry says trying to smile.

My cell phone rings and I answer hoping it's good news. I shouldn't have worried. Its an ecstatic Takeru. "Claude, you were right, Yoshi was jealous of him, he is in love with me, he realized it when he found out you had bonded Jim" Takeru says happily. "Did you bond him Take-Chan?" I ask. "I did, and we are as happy as I hope you and Jim-Chan are." he says joyously.

Yoshi takes the phone. "Onii-Chan," I say happily. "I knew you and I were alike but I had no idea we were this much alike" I tease him. "Onii-Chan, I had an idea, when Dad told me you thought you were in love with him, I was upset, but you are the one I could not have any objections to, but I was upset" Yoshi says. "Dad told me that you had finally bonded your own Dad, and it made me start thinking, Dad's Lion was a good guy, but the thought of him with Dad made me furious" Yoshi says.

"When you asked Dad if I might be in love with him, he came to me, and I had realized I was, but had no courage to go to him and tell him" Yoshi says. "Thank you, Claude, you have always been good to help me when I needed it" Yoshi says. "Are you as happy as Takeru is?" I ask. "There are no words to express how happy I am to have him now, Claude" he says. "You are the only one I know understands" he says. "You love my Dad, and you are in love and bonded to your own Dad, so you of all animals can understand our joy" Yoshi says. "I do, and I am so happy for you two, I know how much you will love and be good to Takeru, and how much he loves you and he'll keep you happy" I say.

"Claude, what's going on?" Dad says coming into the living room.

"I talked to Takeru last night, he'd met a guy and Yoshi was not happy over it, so I made the suggestion that maybe Yoshi loved him like I love you" I say excitedly. "Takeru went to Yoshi, and they discovered that they did love one another and they bonded this morning" I say smiling. Dad takes the phone, and he talks to Yoshi a minute or two, and Takeru takes the phone back.

And they talk happily. I go back into the dining room smiling.

I tell everyone what has happened, and that Yoshi and Takeru are very happy together now. Rory's laughing now. "Too bad, maybe I should have gone for Dad" he says. "Nah, you're a top like he is it wouldn't work" I say laughing. "And you and I tried to bond and couldn't, Claude" Rory says wistfully.

Dad wanders back into the room and he's smiling. "They love each other like you and I do" Dad says kissing me. "Takeru is an impressive male, Dad, he has the same masculine presence you have, you know I fell for him once for a bit" I say smiling. "He's one of the few males I would have given you to freely and openly on the spot" Dad says grinning. "Beau's the other" Dad whispers in my ear. I grin. "He loves you already boy, but he's fine with his life as it is now, we talked while you were on the phone, Claude" Dad whispers. "I know, I would have been happy, but I doubt anyone would have made me as happy as you do" I say laughing.