There is a place within every colony where the decent and fair-minded people dare not speak of or go. It is a sequestered place far from view, hidden and shunned. There are those in every colony, who are shunned, hated and jeered. They are scum...
Once In A Lifetime
I figured this was a mistake.. I found myself in a different bed, which certainly seemed like a completely different part of the world to me. A tawny brown arm was loosely draped over my waist as the rising sun peeked over the buildings, light...
Always Me - Chapter 1
Always Me Chapter 1 - Happy Birthday to Me As far back as I can remember, my life has had this way of attracting odd situations. I never try, but stuff just ends up happening to me. I'm not necessarily complaining; it always makes for a...
His Only Happy Ending Part 2
**His Only Happy Ending** Part 2 "Always, the world pounds us down at our highest points, reminding us who is in control." Markus lay on the ground for several minutes before he even attempted to move. Tears still in his eyes, he pushed...
Unusual Love #10
Friday morning, the birds had been chirping so loudly that Lucy was awake before the sunrise. So much had happened to Sam, and in turn, her. Nothing was the same as it was a week ago. He went from cute loner to famous assassin in an instant. Nothing...
On a normal (if such a word applies to anything) Tuesday in Hell, the Devil was doing paperwork as usual. And bitching about it, as usual. However, his attention was soon diverted by the sudden apparation of someone in the room. "What in the...?"...
The Malefor Chronicles Chapter 6: The Grand Quest
Here is the 6th Installment of the Malefor Chronicles. Hope you enjoy and sorry for it being so late. Chapter 6: The Grand Quest Dragon Realms, Uncharted System October 23, 2204 Walkway between Shianna and Hianna Courtyards, Dragon City of...
Chapter 7 - Unexpected Company for a Discourage Heart
First off I do not own any char of the Digimon series, however I own Alphonse in this stories. I apologize first hand if there are spelling and grammar errors so far. Hope you enjoy the stories so far. Chapter 7 Al saw flashes right in...
Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 3
Wie immer freu ich mich über kommentare positiv und negativ alles ist erlaubt. Ich will keine flamer oder der art hier sehn. Ich hoffe alle sind begeistert von der Story. See you all on the Otherside. ...
Humor and a Hump
Almarde was a quiet town. There was sound there, but not too much. Enough to hear, anyway...without being annoyed by it. There wasn't any overly loud or unpleasant noises, if that makes it clearer. Well, no, there was by the blacksmith's and the...
Chapter 2 - Things To Discuss
FRIENDS TO MATES Chapter 2: Things to Discuss Pokemon Fan Fic By: Scy Storm **AUTHOR'S NOTES:** Thanks for the great feedback of the last chapter, and here's the next one for ya. I plan to do at least one more chapter...
Chapter 7: Lost and Found
" can't be...." Anfang watched in horror as Kieshou entered the encampment. She was somehow unafraid of the stranger that was sitting only a few yards away. He wanted to say something, tell her to stop, but he was aware that if he did, they...