Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Seventeen

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#18 of Shadow Of The White Citadel (Completed)

Chapter Seventeen

"Things Go To Shit"


Furry Sith Lord

Leggo sat in the parking lot of the mall with a backpack next to him filled with a couple changes of clothes and a small box wrapped up like a present. It held the ring he was supposed to give to Sanic, the one that had a little camera built into it. He had shaved off his fur and once again looked like The White Fox.

The little hedgehog jumped out of the car he was riding in and a white equidae joined him as Leggo looked at it in awe. It was a zebra and you could see the stripes on its body but the stripes were a different shade of white than the rest of him. It made the illusion of being there but not being there at the same time.

"Hello Leggo," the little guy said and Leggo stopped looking at the equidae and smiled as he looked at his buddy still wearing his little black backpack.

"Sanic, little buddy, I missed you. How are you doing?"

"I've been better but I'm glad that you're now here. I thought I'd never see you again."

"I got a gift for you." Leggo replied as he took the present out of his backpack. His was an old brown leather backpack he used when he was in school and looked worn with age. He used to carry it by wearing it over his right shoulder only.

"Amazing because I have a gift for you also." Sanic replied and the Zebra took out a red collar he was holding behind his back and tossed it to Leggo. He looked at the thing as if a live snake had been thrown at him.

"What's the meaning of this?" Leggo asked as the collar sat on the ground next to him and he just stared at it.

"This is how you join the WC. You put that on and you're stripped away of your old life and we take you to Bear. Bear trains you to enter the fold, so to speak and once you're ready he will remove it and ask you again if you want to join us. If you agree you become part of our community. If you refuse, we return you here and you never hear from us again. Trust me Leggo, I won't let any harm come to you." Sanic instructed him, keep his voice soft and low. Leggo hesitated as he wondered what he should do. They had not expected this and since Lou had modified the hearing aids there was no way to receive a signal any longer.

"Alright, I'll trust you Sanic." Leggo replied and he put the collar on and closed it, locking it in place. Sanic leaped for him and pressed his thumb to the latch making himself Leggo's master. Although his stomach was turning he did feel better with Sanic being in charge because he did trust the little guy.

"You will obey me." Sanic stated and the collar bound him as Leggo's master.

"Now what, master." Leggo asked and his stomach turned even more as he forced the words out. Sanic opened the gift and gasped as he looked at the tiny ring. He quickly put it on and examined how it looked on his finger.

"Absolutely gorgeous, I will treasure this." Sanic replied then turned his gaze back on Leggo. "Now slave you will speak nothing but the truth and use no deception at all." Sanic ordered as he pressed his thumb again to the latch and Leggo's stomach now began to hurt because he had a bad feeling about what was coming.

"You will answer every question I ask you." Sanic again pressed his thumb to the latch as Leggo realized the little guy was going to take away all his free will.

"Let's begin," Sanic stated and the zebra went to the trunk and removed a towel and a loin cloth from it. "Strip down to your fur, please." Leggo obeyed Sanic's command and he tossed his clothes on the ground then stood there waiting for his next command. Sanic collected the clothing and folded them then handed them to the zebra. He handed the loin cloth to Leggo and put the clothes and the backpack in the trunk.

"Please sit on the towel," Sanic ordered and Leggo sat on the towel the zebra had placed on the seat in the back of the car. The door slammed closed but they sounded like doors to a cage slamming shut to him. Morris, the zebra, sat in the driver's seat and Sanic joined Leggo in the back. They sat in silence in the car and Leggo wondered why the zebra hadn't started it up yet.

"Aren't we going?" Leggo finally asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"In a minute but right now Morris and I have a few questions for you." Leggo's stomach felt like he had just jumped off a high cliff.

"What is your full name?" Sanic asked and Leggo immediately answered without thinking.

"Leggo Lupus-W." he replied and his eyes bulged as he realized he had just told the complete truth.

"Lupus-W? What species are you?" Sanic asked and Leggo answered, having no power whatsoever to pause or even think of an answer. He couldn't lie in any way, which was what his new master wanted.

"I'm a grey wolf."

"What?! You mean you're not a white fox?"

"No, I'm only pretending to be one in order to get into The White Citadel." Leggo replied as he began to sweat.

"Why would you do that?" Sanic asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Originally it was to protect my sons because we weren't sure how much of a threat you were but then we were forced to help C.I.Z.A. because they want to destroy you." Leggo replied and suddenly he wished he could cry. He was helpless and the one fur he thought he could trust had just betrayed him.

"Are you an agent of C.I.Z.A?" Sanic asked and he saw Morris turn around and stare at him. He looked expressionless but it made Leggo feel more uneasy.

"Yes and No, originally I wasn't but Merrik forced me to become one by blackmailing me." Leggo replied and he wondered what they were going to do to him or his family now that they knew the truth about what they were up to.

"This car blocks electronic signals so if any of your 'friends' are standing by they have no clue what we are talking about. Probably why no one has rushed in to rescue you because they're wondering what we are doing." Morris stated as he saw Leggo look out the window.

"Do you have any recording or tracking devices on you?" Sanic asked and Leggo wished he could tell his mouth to shut up.

"My hearing aid and the ring I'm wearing, one is a tracker and the other the camera."

"Why did you give me this ring?" Sanic asked as he fingered it.

"It's a camera to see and secrets you might uncover." Leggo was surprised at how calm Sanic seemed as he slipped off the ring and gave it to Morris. Morris opened the window slightly and dropped the ring out of it. Sanic removed the hearing aid and gave it to Morris and he did the same thing with it as with the ring.

"So your friendship with me was just a ploy to get in good with the WC?" Sanic asked as his cheeks were red. He seemed like the old Sanic when they first met.

"Absolutely not, I was ordered to not become your friend but I disobeyed that rule because I really do care about you. I think so highly of you that once the WC is brought down I made plans to give you a safe place to stay where we could always be friends." Leggo was surprised that he felt slightly better telling Sanic the truth. He doubted that the hedgehog cared but at least he would know how he really felt.

Sanic took off his backpack and took out the red panda toy Leggo had given him. Leggo watched in horror as Sanic puffed out his spikes and used them to stab the toy, ruining it. He heard himself gasp and tears dripped down his cheek then Sanic handed the toy to Morris to be disposed of.

"Were you the wolf I met at the mansion?"

"Yes," Leggo replied as the tears were falling onto the towel he sat on. He wondered if that was the reason for it in the first place.

"Why did you lie to me?" Sanic asked angrily.

"Because I needed to keep my cover for the operation."

"I bet you and your husband got a kick outta making fun of the dumb little hedgehog looking for his best friend!" Sanic shouted.

"Actually when my husband distracted you and I ran off I hid in the bathroom and cried like a little pup because I was so upset I had to lie to you."

"Why don't we take you to your sons... Morris if you would please." Sanic replied and the car was started as it took a minute for Sanic's comment to register with him.

"What...what do you mean?"

"Papa Bear heard that your children were robots and he wanted them more than ever. We found them and brought them to the WC. By now I bet he had them dissected to find out if they were really robots." The car drove off and Leggo saw the smug smile on Sanic's face as he mentioned his sons being mutilated. Leggo screamed but he knew the only two that could hear him didn't care at all.

"Please, please," he weakly begged.

"Just one last question, then Bear can have you. Why did you buy two white fur cubs? Were they supposed to be trophies or status symbols or something?" Sanic asked.

"It all started 6 months before we bought them. My husband was at work and I was bored so I went to the park to play frisbee with myself. While there a man owned a slave cub. It was a juvenile red fox, I forget what they're called, but he was beating him mercilessly. I stepped in and rescued the slave.

My husband was furious and had to use his legal team to keep me from getting in trouble. In the end we were able to prove that he was abusing the lad. He was taken and given to slavers to be resold as part of the deal even though I wanted to keep him. He was the cutest little thing and before he left us he was sitting next to me watching tv and he fell asleep. Well, I fell in love and was heartbroken when we had to give him up, but we had no other choice.

Anyway it took me 6 months to convince Lou to buy a slave that we could one day adopt as a child of our own. He pretended that he wasn't interested and he acted like he hated the slave I had rescued but when you know someone long enough you know the real them. I worked on him until he finally agreed that we could buy one.

I specifically want a slave we could adopt to save him from a lifetime of misery like what that little fox cub suffered. Lou took us out and I saw my two sons sitting in a cage. I knew, I just knew in my heart they were the ones for us because we could give them a home and make them feel wanted even though society makes them unwanted. I fell head over paws in love when they first held each other's paws and told us they were brothers and they refused to be separated from each other.

I saw the look on Lou's face and knew he wanted them more than I did and even though he'd never admit it. He wanted me to order him to buy them so he'd have an excuse to do it. We took our sons home and the rest is history.

Please, master, if you ever loved me then don't hurt my boys! I'll do anything you want. Tell you anything you want. Be your own personal slave for life if it means my sons will be OK." Leggo pleaded. Sanic looked away and remained silent the rest of the trip.

"Well?" Merrik shouted as he tapped his foot in frustration As his team scrambled around him.

"Team 1 confirms the target has left the parking lot, target has left the parking lot." An agent reported.

"Negative, the tracer shows the target is immobile and is still in the parking lot." Another agent responded as she monitored the tracer.

"Do we have eyes on the target?" Merrik ordered over the radio angrily.

"Copy, target is in visual, repeat target is in visual." An agent in a helicopter following the car it saw Leggo get into. Merrik let out a sigh of relief and had been worried when they put a slave collar on his partner and removed all his personal effects.

"Copter 8275 to base, Copter 8275 to base. We have lost sight of the target, repeat we have lost sight of the target."

"Copter 8275 how is that possible?" Merrik screamed into his radio.

"Vehicle entered an enclosed area and has not come out with the regular flow of traffic. Target may have taken a hidden underground route." They replied.

"This is the best C.I.Z.A. can do?" Lou replied calmly as he looked at Merrik with his eyes full of rage.

"Shut the fuck up!" Merrik said as he stepped up to Lou and their snouts were only a few inches apart. Lou remained calm and stared at Merrik and Merrik quickly looked away as the agitation of the situation was getting to him. He barked more orders over his radio as agents ran around him trying to reestablish control.

Lou pushed the worry out of his mind as he watched C.I.Z.A. running aimlessly around. It seemed to him that he didn't need to sabotage the attempt because they were doing a good job on their own. Of course Bear had expected a helicopter to try and follow his men and he figured out a plan on how to lose them.

He knew Leggo could handle himself and even without the special equipment they made him get rid of, he knew Leggo would find a way to contact them. It just infuriated him that his husband had been used as a failed test subject. This proved to Merrik how unreliable his men were and how he was going to have to get things better situated when and if he tried.

There would be tail to pay if they thought of abandoning his lover to those White Citadel bastards! He would mount a rescue attempt, one that would probably work better than anything C.I.Z.A. could come up with, if he had to.

He doubted Merrik would have the balls to try to go in now that he saw first hand how dangerous they really are. He had been warning these fools but they thought themselves to be so clever and look what it got them. Their former agent had beat them at their own game!

Lou decided to twist the knife even more to remind Merrik how pathetic he was.

"Guess you're too scared to go in now; now that you know what to expect." Lou commented casually as he walked up to Merrik as his back was to him. Merrik had been frantically barking orders to his associates when Lou caught him by the arm and leaned in close to deliver his statement. The shocked canine's eyes bulged as he contemplated what the deer had just stated to him.

"You calling me a coward? You grass eating pile of shit!" Merrik responded as he grabbed the lapels of Lou's suit and pulled him closer. Lou looked at him with defiance not showing the fear one typically felt. He had learned to master his emotions long ago and his looks could easily unsettle Predators, that's what made him a supreme Alpha! He could appear cool, calm, and collected while he was a bundle of emotions inside.

He didn't fear Merrik because Lou had learned what a push over he was a while back but hisd real fear was for his husband. He wanted to jump in his jeep and storm after them and rescue him before they arrived at what now seemed to be a prison camp. Bear would probably make Leggo tell him everything once he took control of the collar and became Leggo's master.

The indoctrination was now easy to understand because using the collars they could force the slave to believe anything they wanted. If they made the slave believe the delusions long enough they would become permanently embedded in the slave's mind so when the collar is removed they would still believe it. It was not indoctrination, it was completely brainwashing! Bear was also looking for likely candidates that would easily believe the brainwashing and not fight against it. He must have deemed Leggo as an easy target because of the way he acts but little did he know the true Leggo.

Lou's cell rang and he stepped away to answer the call. He saw it was from Will and wondered what he wanted.

"Hey Will, is this important because now's not a good time." Lou said.

"Actually I have bad news, your sons have been abducted. I was ordered to give you a message so I need to see you ASAP." Will replied and Lou heard his voice quiver. Lou told him where they could meet to explain what happened. The White Citadel was on the march and they now had his husband and his kids.

Lou met Will in the parking lot of the mall where they had picked up his husband because he wanted to fish around to see if he could find any clues. Will stood there touching his collar as if it chaffed him. Lou searched around until he found the hearing aid. rings, and a small red panda squeak toy that looked as if it had been impaled and ripped up slightly.

The rings were the friendship rings that Leggo was supposed to wear one and Sanic the other. He wondered if they had found out about the cameras in them and that's why they were discarded. The hearing aid was a tell-tale sign that they must have forced Leggo to reveal his secrets. They now knew he was not deaf in one ear otherwise his hearing aid wouldn't have been discarded. The toy was the only thing that puzzled him because what did destroying the toy mean?

He thought back on it and finally it came to him that the toy was one Leggo had given as a friendship gift to the hedgehog. He guessed that Sanic must feel betrayed and destroyed it, proving to Leggo that their friendship was over. This worried him because assuming the hedgehog now knew everything, how was Bear going to retaliate once the info had been told to him?

"What is the message?" Lou finally asked Will who just remained still and silent as the deer searched around ignoring him.

"I was told to tell you that your sons are fine and they will remain that way as long as you don't do anything stupid."

"I see.... Should I cut off your balls now or wait until later?" Lou replied calmly and he looked at Will as sweat dripped off him like water.

"In about a day this... thing will fall off," he said, indicating the collar he wore. "I have a mission to complete but once I finish that I'll come to your mansion and you can mutilate me in any fashion you deem fit. Just let me complete my mission first." Will pleaded.

"What is your mission?"

"I have to find all the parents of the cubs taken and tell them the same message I told you. You take care of Lyon and Tyger but the other white tiger I need to find his family."

"I am his family also! His own family wants nothing to do with him so I'm taking him under my hoof until such time that he and my son are old enough to get their paws tied. Then he will be my son-in-law officially." Lou replied.

"How do you know they'll get married?" Will asked skeptically.

"I've seen the way they look at each other and it's the same way I look at my husband. Some things you just know and there are some things that a father just knows to be true. Mark my words," Lou replied.

"Isn't this cozy," Merrik replied as he and a couple of agents approached. Lou shook his head as he saw them.

"Following me?" He asked as he stared Merrik right in the eye.

"Hardly, we came to search for evidence... I was wondering where you ran off to." Merrik remarked.

"Then here," Lou handed him the rings and the hearing aid. Merrik looked at them in surprise but when Lou showed him the red panda his confusion instantly cleared.

"Dammit," Merrik remarked.

"This was what I kept warning you about! I told you that your foolish agents were in over their heads, but did you listen?! Now the whole mission has been compromised." Lou yelled as he grabbed Merrik and pulled him so close that both their eyes were about an inch apart. A couple of the other agents drew their weapons but Merrik gestured for them to stop and stand down.

"We've been enemies for too long that we've lost sight of the mission," Merrik stated as he gently but firmly grabbed Lou and moved him away from himself. " You, me, and your son have always been the smartest species in the room and instead of coming together we've been at each other's throats. It's time to end all that. We need to come together to set things right and both save my partner and destroy The White Citadel."

"MY PARTNER" Lou shouted.

"Your partner and the wolf I hope to one day be my friend and coworker." Merrik replied.

"You remember Will? He was rescuing my sons when The White Citadel abducted them from him. They now have my sons and my lover!" Lou stated and Merrik looked over at the orange tiger wearing the red collar.

"You never freed him?" Merrik asked.

"He's a personal bodyguard to my sons now." Lou replied.

"HA, always hoped you might join us at C.I.Z.A. Will because you helped us out a lot before he enslaved you." Merrik said.

"Naw I do my own thing and would never listen to anyone order me around." Will remarked and Lou cleared his throat which startled the big cat.

"Sorry master," Will corrected himself and Lou turned his gaze to stare at him.

"So now what do we do?" Merrik asked.

"I have no fucking clue! The whole thing has gone to shit and it'd take a miracle to fix it. The one thing I'm certain of is that Bear is going to regret taking my son. He is vicious and ruthless in ways that you yourself have experienced. When he gets done I can guarantee that Bear will be begging us to take him back. Hopefully that will give us time to mount a counter attack.

Have your computers learned anything yet about their location?" Lou asked as he changed subjects to see how Merrik would respond.

"All our computers are locked because of another attack by the B.O.T.S. group froze every computer. They are demanding we give them access to all our records on the locations and intel on all known rare white furs that we know of. If we don't comply they will erase all our data." Merrik explained. Lou already knew about this because it was part of his plans for C.I.Z.A. He just wanted to make sure he had pulled it off correctly. At least one thing has gone right today.

To Be Continued...