Natures Gift

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Natures Gift

(c) Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain)

January, 2007.

All Rights Reserved.

(Authors Notes: Initially, this story contains violence of a cruel nature against a female. I wish it known, I do not tolerate violence towards women, males or even animals. Further, this story contains harsh language, so if you're offended by this, or violence, please do not read this story - but if you do, rest assured, Cass ends up much happier)

Cass sat slumped in the seat, her thick, heavy tail laying uncomfortably between her furred legs as she rested her head on a black paw and her dark, soulful brown eyes, rimmed with long black lashes, gazed mournfully out at the rain that slashed the window of the car. Her tubular ears slicked lay against the back off her skull, and she sniffled and dabbed a tissue to her wet, cold nose. Even thought the tight seatbelt lap sash cut into her sensitive pouch, Cass didn't move, fearing Geoff's anger. He was furious, his knuckles that gripped the steering wheel were white and his glaring gaze remained riveted on the road that washed in and out of view in time with the windscreen wipers. Every so often, a blinding flash of lightning streaked across the sky and Cass flinched as she heard the deafening claps that rolled off into the distance.

Cass knew Geoff was angry - beyond angry - and it had been a miracle that he had not beaten her, as he had in the past, when after a few drinks at a work party - she had let her dark secret slip...that she carried his child growing within her womb. Closing her eyes against the salty tears that welled behind the lids, Cass remembered the gasps and muttered whisperings of others, as the news spread. Only as her dark secret was uttered - from her own furred lips, had her brain clicked over and shouted silently for her to be quiet - but it was too late. They all knew now - that Cass was with child - a child conceived from an anthro grey kangaroo and a human.

"Geoff - " Cass whispered, as she opened her eyes then slightly turned her head to glance at him.

"Just...shut the fuck up." He snarled through gritted teeth - his hands tightening on the wheel.

Sobbing, Cass glanced out through the windscreen, before her paws flew to her muzzle and she screamed...


In the headlights, barely seen through the slashing rain, a young kangaroo stood blinded by the headlights. Its ears were pricked forwards, yet it could not move a muscle, as fear gripped it as this shrieking beast with blinding eyes roared towards it...


"Fuck!" Geoff shrieked himself, as his foot slammed onto the brake, but it's was too little, too late.

With a sickening crunch, the kangaroo was struck and flung to the side, the sound of breaking glass and twisting, tortured steel reverberating into the interior as the car skidded and fishtailed on the road, coming to a rest a short distance away - brake lights flaring.

"Oh god no - " Cass wailed hysterically.

Geoff sat staring out the windscreen in shock and horror, before he came back to his senses and with shaking hands, pressed them to his face.

"It...could still be alive - " Cass cried, tears coursing down her furred cheeks. "You got to go see - we can't just leave it lying there...if it's..."

Geoff breathed out, and then stared at the hysterical Cass, before he slammed the gearstick back into reverse and twisted himself about and backed the car up. Stopping just a few feet from the limp, unmoving body that steamed softly in the rain, he stopped the car and looked at Cass, who bit a furred knuckle and tried to stop sobbing.

"" He grunted, as he reached for the door handle.

"No..." Cass whispered.

He paused, and then turned to look at her. "What did you say?"

"I said no!" Cass snapped, and then cringed back against her door.

Cass regretted her outburst, knowing from past experience, how quick to temper Geoff was...and how of all the things he despised; he hated having a female speak back to him.

"You just wait until we get home - " He growled, his eyes flashing anger.

Without another word, he climbed from the car and slammed the door hard enough to rattle the glass windows. As he disappeared from view down the side, Cass unclasped her seatbelt, then threw open her own door. Rain blew in, spattering against her blouse and skirt, and as she stepped out, she regretted it. Blinding rain stung her sensitive eyes as she hurriedly raised a paw to shield them, feeling the rain soaking her clothing and fur. Barely, in the rear lights, he could see Geoff approach the limp form of the Kangaroo, then to her horror, he snarled and kicked it savagely in the head.

"Geoff...stop it...stop it!" Cass wailed, as she ran towards the limp kangaroo.

"You fucking stupid animal!" He snarled and kicked it again. "Do you have any idea what it'll cost to repair my car?"

"Geoff...please!" Cass screamed at him, and then glanced at the lifeless corpse.

Something moved, and as Geoff went to kick it again, Cass threw herself over the kangaroo's body and his foot slammed into her ribs with sickening force. Cass felt the air crushed from her lungs, and she screamed breathlessly.

"Now see what you made me do?" Geoff raged at her, then for good measure, kicked Cass again - this time, in the tender kidneys.

Shrieking, Cass rolled away, then lay in the foetal position on the roadside, agony beyond anything she had experienced surging through her body, as the rain pelted her mercilessly.

"Get up you fucking slut of a Joey - " Geoff snarled at her, his lips curling back from his gums, the water running down his face.

Cass lay where she had fallen, coughing and writhing in agony. Again, something moved in the lifeless corpse, and dragging herself across the cold, wet bitumen, she reached out with a shaking paw and rolled the kangaroo over - to see it was a female, pouch heavy with Joey that kicked and struggled.

"Great - so this fucking bitch has a Joey...give it to me, and I'll beat its fucking brains out against the road - and end its miserable life."

"No..." Cass gurgled and dragged herself over it, shielding the Joey with her body.

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do you slut - " Geoff raged, as his fingers tightened into fists.

"Do what you want to me - " Cass wailed, her voice breaking into sobs. "I won't let you kill this defenceless Joey! It deserves a chance to live and I'll do my utmost to do just that!"

"Hah!" Geoff spat on the roadway, then crossed his arms and stared at her. "What will you feed it with huh? How will you care for it, when you can't even look after yourself?"

Ignoring his cruel taunts, Cass pulled open the dead Doe's pouch - before she scooped up the barely furred Joey and held it tightly against her belly. He stared at her, and then stormed back to the car, leaving Cass lying on the roadway, seized with agonising pains in her belly, and the shivering, frightened Joey clutched in her arms. Weakly, she made her way back to the car, then crawled into the back where she curled up, wrapping a travelling blanket over herself and trying to keep the orphaned Joey dry and warm.


When they got home, Geoff slammed the car door and stormed inside, leaving Cass laying in the back seat and shaking. Pain in her lower stomach burned like fire, and the nausea that washed over her made her stomach roll over. Never had she experienced such feelings, even in the height of one of Geoff's regular beatings of her - and she feared that something terrible had happened.

When she finally dragged herself from the car, keeping the Joey who slept fitfully in the blanket, she made her way into the house and heard Geoff swearing and cursing - knowing from past, painful experience - he would be drinking heavily, and if she was lucky, he'd pass out - if not...he'd beat her senseless. Fashioning a crude pouch from an old pillowcase and woollen jumper, she tenderly shook the Joey until it woke, its eyelids cracking open slightly, before she tipped it towards the artificial pouch. It somersaulted into the new pouch, then kicked and wriggled until it was comfortable, then went straight back to sleep.

Geoff come storming in like the thunderstorm that ravaged the landscape, the reek of the scotch in his glass reaching Cass's nose well before he come within range. He set the glass down, then glared at her and unbuckled his belt.

"You've been a naughty Joey - " He growled dangerously, as his eyes narrowed and he stared at her.

Cass, knowing what was coming, began backing away - holding her paws before her placating.

"No...please - " Cass begged, her tears spilling form her eyes as he advanced.

Looping the belt around his fist, so the buckle hung low, he smirked cruelly at her, and then pointed at the ground before him. Cass kept backing away, and then she wailed as she bumped her heavy tail against the sharp edge of the coffee table and nearly fell. This was all the provocation he needed, and as she raised her paws to defend herself - he brought the belt and its heavy metal buckle whistling over his head - aimed at her defenceless body...


Hours later, her body bleeding from the buckle, Cass lay gasping and sobbing. He had beaten her mercilessly, and then when his arms grew tired, he had begun kicking her about the ribs, stomach and thighs. Eventually, as she felt he would surely kill her, he just spat at her, then turned and walked into his den, slamming the door behind him - leaving Cass shrieking and convulsing in agony on the floor. Clawing her way across the carpet - every bone in her body screaming with pain, Cass struggled to the bathroom and using a bleeding foot - pushed the door closed. She barely had time to lift the ring of the toilet, before her stomach flopped once more - then she vomited helplessly. It was whilst her stomach purged itself - a sharp, agonising pain lanced through her lower stomach - and with horror, Cass realised what was happening - she was going to miscarry his child....


After she cleaned the bathroom floor, Cass curled up into a ball on the cold tiles and sobbed heartbrokenly. She hated Geoff when he drank, as it fuelled his anger and rage - which he often directed against her, but if he was not drinking, he could be a charming, loving and gentle partner - and a fantastic lover in bed.


Cass had fallen in love with him, way back in high school. He'd been a senior, and taken this shy, nervous and timid young Kangaroo under his arm and helped her settle in to the new school. Their love grew over the years, even when he moved away to attend a prestigious college with a scholarship, he visited her every holiday break, and corresponded with her on a weekly basis. Cass had lost her parents at a young age, in a car accident, and Geoff's parents had at first abhorred the idea of their prodigal son even talking with her, but Geoff had won them over, after many years of violence and apathy from his father. On the day of their wedding, his father had taken her aside, when she was preparing for the wedding, and had pulled out his cheque book and fountain pen.

"What will it take," He'd asked her. "For you, right here and right now, to just walk away. Abandon this...travesty you call a wedding! your price beast - and I'll write you a personal cheque right now. I don't like you - you're...a freak. An abomination against God and Man..."

Cass had been horrified, her paws gloved in white silk, they had flown to her cheeks as she stared in disbelief at him, tears welling in her eyes.

"You can't - " Cass had gasped, her voice a husky whisper.

"I can...and will. Just...tell me how much, and it'll be yours. Right here, right now - I'll cut the cheque right before your eyes and sign it, if you'll walk away."

" him and he loves me!"

He'd turned away, his face wrinkling with revulsion and hate. "Love? What does an abomination like you know of love? Just...tell me one thing - have you mated my son?"

Sickened by his anger and his cruel, blunt words, Cass had lashed out with her silk gloved paw and slapped him savagely across the cheek. If she had on been bare pawed, her sharp claws would have gouged furrows across his cheek. He had raised a hand as if to strike her - then unclenched his fists and stormed out without another word.


On shaking legs, Cass retrieved the orphaned Joey and carried it the spare room, where she locked herself in, then crawled into bed, cradling the pouch with the sleeping Joey tight. Here, she began to tremble, then as the tears slid down her furred cheeks, she gave herself to them - and it would be many, many hours before she cried herself to sleep....


Next day, Geoff acted as if nothing had happened, yet when he reached over and stroked her furred cheek during breakfast, Cass had involuntarily flinched away from his gentle caress. He paused, then lowered his hand and looked down at the table.

"Cassie - " He stammered, using her full name, which she hated anyone using. "I - I wanted to say..."

Tears welled in her eyes, but she bravely blinked them away and kept her eyes downcast, pushing the scrambled eggs around on her plate with her fork.

"I know - that sorry won't make up for what I done to you last night - I know I shouldn't drink, as it just..."

Cass remained silent, but inside, she was sobbing like a scolded Joey.

" beautiful doe - can you forgive me for...for what happened?"

This time, Cass felt the stinging tears come, and her fork fell from her nerveless fingers. "Forgive you? After don't have any idea...what you done, do you?"

He flinched as her words struck home, his own anger rising like bile within his throat, but with a supreme effort, he bit them back.

"I hope you're happy - " Cass wailed, as she pushed back from the table and rose. "I lost our baby because of you you hear me? I miscarried - because of your beating! Hows that for news of the day!"

His eyes widened and he rose, but she turned and fled, crying hysterically before he could move to try and comfort her. Cass fled the kitchen, racing though the house with tears blinding her eyes, as she slammed into the spare bedroom door and then kicked it savagely closed with one long, slender foot. Throwing the latch, she threw herself onto the bed and clutched a pillow tightly in her arms, burying her muzzle against it as she wailed heart-brokenly. She heard Geoff knock gently on the door, and she lifted her tear lathered muzzle to scream at him.

"Go away!"

"Cassie...please - I..."

"Just...fuck off!" She shrieked, then snatched the glass up from the beside table and heaved it at the door, where it exploded into fragments that tinkled on the floor.

She sensed him fighting his anger, but eventually, she heard his soft sigh, as he turned and walked away. Soon, he heard the car start, then with a screeching of tires, it pulled out and drove away. Cass threw the pillow away, then cuddled the artificial pouch and its restless Joey against her breasts and wept without shame.


Some hours later, the phone began to ring, waking Cass from a light doze. Sleepily, she rolled off the bed and stumbled out to the lounge room, where her paws fumbled awkwardly with the phone.

"Hello?" Cass yawned, and then rubbed a black furred paw over her eyes.

"Cass? Its Jessica - " Come the voice from the receiver.


"Cass...what's wrong - is..."

"'s..." Cass' voice caught in her throat, and she squeezed her eyes tight, before she began sobbing uncontrollably, her words incoherent.

"Cass? I'm coming over sweety - we...we'll talk - okay?"

Cass sniffled and nodded, muttered a strangled thanks, then dropped the phone back into its cradle. She walked to the bathroom, and then began splashing water with her paws, onto her cheeks and brow. Within ten minutes, there was the soft knock on the front door, and Cass walked carefully down to the door and unlocked it. As it opened, Cass saw a slender feminine hand appear, followed by the forearm, upper arm, then the human Jess poked her head around the door. She took one look at Cass, then slipped inside and shut the door- before wrapping the crying kangaroo in a gentle embrace.

Even this light touch on Cass made her cry out and flinch, and Jess leapt backwards as if stung, then looked at Cass, who hung her head and turned away.

"That fucking bastard - " Jess swore. "He beat you again, didn't he?"

"I...slipped getting out of the bath - " Cass lied, her ears flattening.

"Girl? Please - I love you like a sister...don't lie to me okay? He beat you...with what...his fists? No...his - "

Cass broke down completely, then spun around and ignoring the agonising pain, she buried her muzzle against Jess' shoulder and told her the entire story of last night. Jess listened, her body tensing with the anger she felt burning within her, but remained quiet until Cass finished her story. Leading the sobbing kangaroo lightly by the paw, Jess sat her down in the kitchen and cleared away the breakfast dishes, before she made a bowl of coffee for Cass and a cup for herself.

"That fucking asshole - " Jess snarled, and slammed her hand on the table. "I swear, we got to talk to the authorities about - "

A loud knock came from the door, and Cass jumped, uttering a high pitched squeal of alarm. Even Jess flinched.

"I better - go answer it." Cass sniffled, as she dried her eyes with a tissue, then stood up.

As she walked to the door, then paused before opening it, she called out.

"Whose there?"

"Cedarton Grove Police ma'am!" Came a human male's voice.

Fear gripped Cass' heart and squeezed it tight. Fumbling with the door latch, she had to use both paws to open it, and then she stared at the two human males in their uniforms, who stood on the doorstep.

"Mrs. Blackwood?" One inquired, as he and his partner swept their caps off and held them.

"Y...yes?" Cass croaked.

"Madam - I'm afraid I - " Spoke the first officer.

Cass's head reeled, then her eyes rolled back in her head and she crumpled to the floor, as the two officers looked at each other, then one radioed for an ambulance, the second kneeling and laying his hand on her shoulder.


Jess sat beside Cass' hospital bed, then as Cass cried out and her eyes snapped open, Jess lay a comforting hand on Cass' trembling paw.

"Hey...easy sweety - it's alright - you're safe." Jess whispered soothingly.

"What...what happened?" Cass asked, as she glanced around, her bleary eyes adjusting to the dim hospital room. "Where am I?"

"Small steps've had a horrible shock...that, and coupled with the miscarriage and need to rest."

"What happened?" Cass screamed.

"Geoff...died in a terrible crash. He was drinking, and lost control. They was quick."

Cass' world spun around her head again, before she gurgled and unconsciousness washed back over her. Jess smacked the emergency button and sat holding Cass's paws as she heard the Nurses come running down the hallway. As the burst into the room, they pulled jess away, and hurriedly stripped the hospital robe from Cass and began checking her blood pressure, neural responses and other things, whilst Jess sat outside, then buried her head in her hands and wept for her sweet, innocent friend.


Cass was released from hospital a few days later, and Jess moved her in with her.

"Hey kanga-girl!" Jess smiled. "I got something here that wants to see you!"

Cass sprawled gingerly on the couch, and then looked at Jess. Her eyes widened in surprise, as Jess handed her the pouch and the young Joey who gazed up at Cass with eyes like liquid pools of deepest ebony. It cried out with a short, sharp bark like sound, and Jess smiled, and then gave Cass a small bottle with a narrow latex teat.

"Cover his eyes when you put the teat near his mouth, or he won't drink" Jess told her. "He's still young, and newly orphaned - he needs comforting, love and above all, to feel he's safe. Covering his eyes, will feel to him like he's in his mothers pouch and suckling. Oh...and it's a boy, a sweet, gentle, little buck!"

Cass did as instructed, and the young Joey fussed for a few minutes, but Cass guided his slender muzzle towards the teat and brushed it against the Joey's pale lips. At first, she thought he wouldn't suckle - then he placed his paws on the teat and began hesitantly sucking. Cass giggled softly, watching his tiny paws grasping the teat as thirst overcame fear and he suckled stronger and stronger. He didn't drink all the warm milk that was offered to him. Cass blinked; then looked up at Jess, who smiled and nodded.

"Yes, he's young - and as he gets older, he'll drink about five times what you've offered him here - but now, I got to teach you how to toilet him - after all, he's your responsibility my dear, so you got much to learn!"

Cass smiled, tenderly stroking the gossamer like fur of the Joey's cheeks, as he blinked his dark, black eyes up at her and clasped its tiny paws onto her fingers. Cass felt happy - although she would grieve for Geoff, for the first time in years, she felt true happiness.


Two Years Later


Cass lay on her bed; the now fully grown grey kangaroo buck snuggled up beside her, as she cuddled him and stroked his powerful forearms. He growled playfully at her, grasping at her paws as she giggled and cuddled him again.

"Come on Greytail!" Cass giggled, as she climbed from the bed and stretched.

Obediently, he hopped down from the bed and stretched, leaning back on his muscular tail and scratching his sides. As Cass watched, he crouched, and then nuzzled her blouse. Cass giggled and squirmed, then knowing only she and he were home, unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off. He growled at her tenderly, and then nuzzled the tight slit of her pouch - where, when he was younger and frightened, Cass had relaxed the pouch muscles and allowed him to climb in, where after several twists and turns, he laid comfortably, toes and tail curled up beside his muzzle.

"Now Greytail, you're a big buck now - and too old to climb into my pouch, even if we both enjoyed it." Cass admonished him, tapping his muzzle with a claw tip.

He looked up at her, then shook his head from side to side, and licked playfully at her pouch. Cass groaned in pleasure, and then sat on the edge of the bed - her tail comfortably resting behind her. Greytail took her submissive posture as reassurance he was making his adoptive mother happy, and he carefully placed his paws on the pouch opening. Cass shivered and relaxed the tight muscles, allowing him to slide his head into her pouch, where he began licking the tender, furless skin.

"Oooh..." Cass squealed, as she arched her hips up against him. "You know - how I love it when you lick there!"

Not understanding a word, Greytail kept licking and nuzzling, eventually losing interest and pulling his head out of her now saliva coated pouch. He sat back on his tail, gazing adoring into her eyes, as Cass reached out and placed her paws around his neck and pulled him close. At first, he resisted, and then acquiesced as Cass leaned forwards and licked his forehead. He shivered and went cross eyed, ears flattening, before he grunted and licked her back, his long tongue sliding over her cheeks.

"I love you, my beautiful buck - " Cass murred, as she stroked his cheek.

He playfully pulled his head out of her grasp, then grunted and pawed at her long skirt. Cass frowned, and then tapped his nose gently.

"No - leave that alone." She spoke gently, but firmly.

Again, he pawed at her skirt, and Cass relent, rising and pulling it down, revealing her tight panties. He grunted at her, then his nose rubbed against her tight thighs and Cass gasped as she felt his tongue lick along the trembling muscle of her left thigh.

" it!" Cass growled quietly.

He ignored her, and then began pawing at her panties. Before she could stop him - his claws caught on them and pulled them down slightly - and she squealed in alarm as his nose pressed into the thatch of pubic hair - and his tongue began licking her warm folds. Mixed feelings exploded within her body; shame, fear, disgust - and as his eyes closed and he licked her again and again, Cass felt her cheeks flush as his tongue began to pleasure her in ways that Geoff never had.

"No...bad buck!" Cass gurgled, but her hips responded to this curious young buck's nuzzles - and the tight elastic of the panties bit into her thighs.

With a struggle, she pushed Greytail away, and then slipped them down and off, before tenderly taking his head in her paws and shyly guiding it back down to her sex. He blinked and grunted at her, as if confused, but her comforting stroking of his nape assured him she was happy with him. As he obediently lowered his head, pausing just as her pubic hairs tickled his sensitive nose, Cass spread her legs apart and wriggled forwards. Soon, she was gasping in delight, as the eager young Buck's tongue lashed the warmth within her tight folds. He grunted and suddenly, grasped her hips and lunged against her shin - and Cass felt his long, S shaped penis rubbing against her furred shin.

"NO!" She snapped, and then pushed him backwards. "No Greytail - I won't..."

At her harsh voice, he looked at her, with those deep, soulful eyes then hung his head and made a series of soft grunts and clicks, as if he were trying to convince this reluctant young doe.

" how can I explain? You're an animal - a buck, I raised from a tiny Joey, and I...I do love you, but I...I think of me as a kangaroo Doe! I - I can not let you mate me Greytail...I'm sorry." Cass sighed, as she stroked his cheek with her furred fingers.

He licked her forearms, and then made those soft, sibilant grunts again - pawing at her thighs.

"Greytail...stop it!" Cass whispered, as she slapped his chest gently.

Normally, this would discourage him, and show him she was upset with him, but he ignored her gently admonishing slap. He looked up into her eyes, then nuzzled her throat and warmly licked her cheek, then growled softly - almost as if he were begging her. His soft growls and deep, soulful eyes melted her icy heart, and she sighed then squeezed his paws with her own.

"Please, I beg of you - even thought you don't - gentle, okay?" Cass whispered, as she stroked his paws.

He blinked his dark eyes, and then nuzzled her again. Cass gently pushed him away, then remembering the stories and pictures Jess had taught her, Cass turned about and knelt down, her upper body resting on the bed, as she shuddered and waited. Greytail took the submissive gesture of Cass as willingness, and he began clutching at her tail, grunting with low, coughing like growls. Soon, he carefully edged his way forwards and Cass gritted her teeth, wondering what it was going to be like - to feel this powerful buck take her...and mate with her.

To her surprise, Cass felt his nose probe under her tail as he licked her sex again, before he shuddered and then quickly slipped his powerful paws and forearms around her hips. With instinct taking over, he began humping his hips up towards her - then as his probing penis parted the darkness of her folds - he squeezed in with his forearms and paws, taking a strong grip. Cass gasped as she felt him mount with a short, quick thrust - but its unlike anything she had ever felt...even making love with her late husband, who had been quite endowed, this young buck was nothing like that at all. He thrust against her hips, pushing his slender member as deep as he could, before he crouched over her and began thrusting his penis in and out of her body.

Cass barely felt him within her, but his sharp claws dug into her soft furred thighs as he grunted and licked the back of her head - before he squeezed tightly and Cass felt him orgasm inside her. Pulse after pulse of his hot, sticky semen spurted into her body, then just as she trembled with a perverse pleasure, he released her and dismounted, then crouched behind her and shuddered - his still half-erect length flicking and dribbling the last of his seed onto the carpet. Turning herself back onto her back, Cass sat up and shuddered, then took his paws in hers and squeezed them. He nuzzled her forearms, licking them until they dripped with saliva, as if begging for her forgiveness. Cass smiled at him, then pulled him close and wrapped her arms about his neck and cuddled him, feeling him tense up nervously.

"Greytail - that was...wrong - I know that, and I don't blame you my lovely buck, but..." Cass sighed, as she stroked his long ears. "I thought - it would have hurt, but you're Geoff was."

Flicking his ears to and fro, he licked her cheeks and Cass cuddled him again, before she scratched his sides. He leant into the scratching, a look of unmistakable pleasure on his furred muzzle, before Cass wriggled herself forwards and looked into his dark, brown eyes.

"I know...I shouldn' this." Cass whispered, and then flushed beneath her muzzle fur.

Her paw reached down and lightly rubbed his half-erect penis, and he snorted and shied away nervously. Cass soothed him, and then wriggled herself towards him again - reaching down to her groin with a paw and lightly rubbing it, smearing the smell and taste onto her paw, before she held it to his nose. He blinked, and then inhaled the scent and instantly, his penis swelled back into erection and he tried to mount her.

"Hey - Greytail - whoa...easy!" Cass gasped, as his sharp claws grasped her roughly.

He settled, and then watched as Cass lay back - before she took his paws and pulled him forwards. He hesitated, the confusion showing in his eyes, before he slipped his paws and forearms around her hips and thrust against her - this time she guided him with a paw and as he thrust himself into her, Cass moaned and nodded, stroking his forearms with her paws. It was with her laying on her back, that Greytail mounted her five times in two hours, each time his ejaculations were strong and powerful - and their mating was quick and over just as Cass began to enjoy his strong paws around her hips.

At last, he pulled away from her and coughed, then crouched and nuzzled her folds - licking at it and slicking his ears back. He seemed unmindful that the sweet taste of her was mingled with his salty, viscous semen as he licked her inner thighs, pubic mound, then as deep as his tongue could go, then settled himself back and looked at her. Cass lay quivering; more from the incredible pleasure of his tongue, than anything else, and she struggled to sit up before she cuddled him adoringly and licked his forehead. He squirmed in her cuddle, confused, but seemingly happy that this strange doe was happy, and then he broke away from her and coughed. Cass frowned, trying to figure out this strange cry of his, and when he began licking his forearms in agitation, she realised he was thirsty.

"Come on my lovely buck," Cass smiled, and ruffled his ears with her paw. "You'll get a special treat for...what you've done for me."

Crawling on his paws and long, slender feet, he obediently followed Cass out to the kitchen. Here, she gave him a slice of bread, which he gratefully grabbed from her and began chewing on - clutching it between his paws, whilst she mixed up some of the special marsupial milk she now kept a supply of in the cupboard. As she mixed it with nice warm water, then filled the large bottle and found a latex teat to pull over the bottle's opening, he stopped chewing on the bread and watched her intently. Cass walked out into the living room, then sprawled on the couch and patted it. He leapt up onto it, then lay down with his head in her lap, and gazed up at her.

Cass smiled at him, then rolled him onto his back and offered the teat to him. At first, he refused, but as she squeezed a little of the warm milk onto his lips, he licked it off and she could almost see the recognition in his eyes. Happily, he began suckling the bottle, gulping down the warm milk as he rested his paws on hers and closed his eyes. Cass giggled softly, stroking his chest just like she had when he was a Joey, and still dependant on her - and the milk she offered him.


A month later...


Cass and Greytail mated regularly, but only in the quiet and safety of Cass' bedroom, and every time he mated with her, he was gentle and loving - slowly, his stamina increased over the weeks and he could now mate with her for an hour, before he come within her tight, hot depths. Cass taught him a few simple tricks, and as they lay together after their matings, their bodies close together, he would tenderly lick her nipples - then suckle on one of her warm, furred breasts. Even thought his long, sharp front teeth pricked her sensitive breast, Cass began to trust her sweet, young virile buck and no longer lightly held his ears, tugging them gently if she wanted him to stop. He would nurse for hours, even thought he could get no sustenance from it, but the pleasure he brought Cassie was incredible, and every time he pleased her, she would give him either a bottle of the lovely milk he liked - or some other treat to show him she was happy.

One morning, Cass woke and Greytail licked her chin and coughed at her, his dark eyes blinking slowly as he nuzzled her throat and licked. Cass clutched her stomach and gagged, before she leapt from the bed and bolted to the toilet and was violently sick. Greytail hopped through the house, his frightened grunts calling out to her, and she rinsed out her muzzle and came to the bathroom, then called him. He bounded over to her, then clasped her with his forearms and began licking her adoringly. If anything, he had become too domesticated to ever be released, and if he was separated by Cass for more than a few moments, he would start that frightened coughing cry.

"Sweety...hey - come on, it's alright - I'm...I'm here." Cass whispered, as she stroked him soothingly.

Cass suddenly doubled over, as shooting pains lanced through her lower belly, and she cried out in pain and gasped. Greytail nuzzled her, sensing something was not wrong with his beloved doe. Hurriedly, she climbed to her feet and made him go into the backyard, as the nausea and pain rushed through her again, making her lean against the back door.

"Greytail...please - I...I need to go see a vet...a doctor I mean. I...I won't be long, I promise!" Cass gasped, as more pains gripped her.

He spun about, and then gave a coughing cry of dismay, but she shut the door and staggered to the phone where she dialled the emergency number, as the pain grew teeth and sank them into her lower belly. Barely able to think straight, Cass gasped out her address, before the phone fell from her paws and she collapsed to the ground, crying in pain as her lower belly cramped agonisingly.


An hour later, lightly sedated, she lay half sitting in the hospital bed, as the doctor came to her bedside, then sat on a chair beside her and comfortingly patted her trembling paw.

"Mrs. Blackwood?" He asked, as he consulted her chart.

"What...what's wrong with me doctor?" Cass gasped, and then flinched as she felt a twinge of pain in her belly.

"Well, other than being a little underweight - and your blood count are a little messed up, we think you've contracted some sort of virus. Oh, don't worry - it's not life threatening for you...or your...child."

Cass' eyes widened in disbelief, forgetting in her shock, to inform the doctor that her name was Ms. Blackwood, since she was widowed. "I'm...pregnant?"

He looked down at her chart, then turned it around and tapped the line that when Cass looked at it, made no sense.

"You certainly are pregnant - congratulations!" He smiled at her, then rose and walked out.

Cass shuddered, and then rested her paws on her pouch, as she stared up at the ceiling above her. Could it Her mind fled from the thought that she was with Joey, to Greytail. It couldn't be true...could it?


Nine months later, Cass gave birth to a healthy baby anthropomorphic Joey, a baby girl, who weighed 3 pounds, nine ounces at birth. She explained the pregnancy to her friends, and others - as a one night stand' with a male she'd met...little did they know, that the male was a grey kangaroo buck, named Greytail, who enjoyed Cass' loving attentions, in the privacy of her bedroom, for many, many years to come.